The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)


r. OIL 1 HEROES ABE MAPS -MOT BORM T.t.7Vo. "I'd sure like to meet your president some 9-Cemetery Lots ROSE HILL BURIAL PARK Choice of monument lots, memo rial lots, mausoleum. Ferpet ualcare. HE-4-S316.

EAST AKRON CEMETERY Many lota ant single grave spares available Reasonable trices. Perpetual care. 1135 E. Market ST-4-7238 BEAUTIFUL Glendale. single graves and choice lots avail- awe.

Akron oldest and lane est. Endowed care. BL-3-2317. IQ-Specio Bulletins CRYSTAL BATHSfRM70f Massage Whirlpool Therapy Kellef-muscular aches, pains, backaches, licensed masseuse. 788 X.

Howard LIQUID GLASS TE-6-3893. 4 to 9 p. m. CALL FR-6-6129 for printing plates for your product for newspaper, magazines, etc ZINC ENGRAVERS 48 S. Summit sU Akron FREE GIFTS for Laurene Toy Parties.

Book your party now. Call 644-9505 or SH 5-7017. Hospital and Private Calls MR. SAMUEL HAIRDRESSER 784-4481 STAR DRIVER TRAINING NTNE-hour preparation state test. 46.90.

100 results. Private. Licensed. Call JE-5-2320. REVIVAL SERVICES.

7:30 P.M. At Pilgrim Mission, Beloit, Ohio, on Rt. 165, Rev. C. L.

Wlraman, Evangelist, August 28 -Sept. 8. Call 535-8598 for Information. 7 -Amusem*nt ARE YOU WORRIED? Madame Amelia gifted life reader and advisor. She has the second sight to foresee and advise you on all affairs of life.

Answers all and any questions. Hours 9 to 9 dailv and Sunday. 265 W. Exchange. $1 SPECIAL READINGS $1 I advise you on all affairs of life.

Guarantee satisfaction. 587 X. Main st. PO-2-4363. 12-Trove Information World's Fair Accommodations Information.

Call 928-8465 ROY E. NEWMAN. 746 Eva Walk You will receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 13-Dogs, Birds, and Pets DOG TRAINING CLASSES Register Now For Aug. 28 FRED SCHUTTE, PA-4-2537 FOUR beautiful Siamese Seal point kittens.

Thoroughbred, housebroken, 6 weeks, 120. 773-6436. COLLIE PUPS Registered OR-3-1846 PETLAND PET SHOPPE PUPPIES! 25 little beauties to choose from. Kittens, hamsters, etc. Tropical fish.

10 off on aquarium set-ups. Pet boarding at 1843 S. Main. co*ckER puppies, with papers, six weeks old. Call 724-9849 THREE beagles, excellent hunters, must sacrifice, have to go.

One female Pekingese, reasonable. Call any time. 334-3202. MINI-TOY poodle puppies. Six weeks old.

WA-3-9332 CHIHUAHUA and terrier mix pups: also pigeons. 886 E. Arcnwooa v. AKC German Shepherds, 5 to 8 weeks old. Choice of 19 black and tans.

Champion and Imported lines. Guaranteed healthy. Come anytime to 6149 Manchester rd. PUPPIES, $3 EACH Call 644-4793. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD Male, 1 Year Old 724-3024 co*ckER SPANIEL, male.

6 month, AKC registered. Call H2B-H870. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY Female Call OR-3-1147 DARLING fawn Chihuahua, aki; registered, months old, du. SMALL white mixed collie, 10 months old, all shots and licensed, housebroken. silent whistle trained.

Free to good home, preferably with chil- nren. in-sux after 5 p. AKC WIRE haired terrier pup-. pies. Call OV-8-5182 FREE TO GOOD HOME Short haired, all black 3-month-old female pup.

Has all shots. VA-5-4514. PAUL E. SCHREINER, 3009 Hudson Cuyahoga Falls You will receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 15-Wanted to Buy CASH for scrap Jewelry, rings, watches, gold teeth, etc antiques.

Ohio Gold Store, 34 S. Howard. 782-7163, 376-2701. GUNS mooern and antique, singles or collections. BUCKEYE SPORTS CENTER 4610 Rt.

8. Cuyahoga Falls OLD DISHES, antiques, frames, furniture, post cards, coins, lamps, attic accumulations, estates or household. PO-2-5422. GUNS. ANY CONDITION Modern or antique.

1 or 100. Not a dealer, will pay what It's worth. 688-3981. KENNETH L. ROWLES, 1056 LaCrolx av.

You will receive a letter entitling vou to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 16-Edutation TOTPAY IN ELECTRONICS. Step Into a well paid lob or be vour own boss. Expert evening training. Easy Free placement.

Write, phone. Free book. Our 38th year. McKIM TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Dept. N-l 41 S.


You will receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. WI- 13S lL WOMEN WANTED AGE 17-55 TO LEARN IBM KEYPUNCH Limited space now available for fiist, thorough training in morning, afternoon, evening. Classes Pay As You Learn Free Graduate Placement Service Opportunities Galore Just Read The Help Wanted Ads! AMERICAN ACADEMIES OF AUTOMATION 25 E. Exchange Akron Telephone 762-6435 Or Send Coupon Below For Free Brochure And Information Name Address City Phone Age GET A MAN'S JOB Operating bulldozers, graders, drag lines, barkhoes. scrapers.

EARN TOP WAGES We train on our equipment. VA AH'KUVEU CALL 253-6171 Or Write ASSOCIATED Heavy Equipment Schools 39 S. Main st Akron 8. O. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Free Booklet Tells How.

Write American School Dlst. AB8, 22 S. Young. Columbus. O.

PREPARE NOW FOR CIVIL SERVICE JOBS MEN AND WOMEN, 18 TO 55 Keep present Job while train ing, start as high as 4490 first year. U. citizens only. Grammar school education usually sufficient. For all Information, including list of positions and salaries, send name and address and phone number to P.

0. Box 323. Akron 9. Ohio. SALARIES TO $7200 For high school graduates or men wnn some college in the Industrial engineering profession.

Many companies Interview and hire In our offices. No experience necessary. Day or evening Hncsaa A.mrtrith nrnffram Full time Job Placement Service Industrial Time Study Institute fccnoois in Barberton and Canton 478 W. BARBERTON Phone 745-6470 LEARN AUTO MECHANICS Automatic transmission. Day or evenings, ree placement.

Kruse Auto Mechanic School 645 Mi N. Howard (rear) 535-1561 LEARN FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING Practical training. Jobs waiting tor graduates, uav or evening classes. Budget terms. 535-1561.

Kruse Upholstering School. 6451 N. Howard st. (Rear). 19-Stamps and Coins GOLD COINS 100 premium.

All denominations 832 Coburn MICHAEL A. TRIFERO. 916 Roosevelt Cuya host Falls You will receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 21 -Help, Male or Female DELIVERY SERVICE-SALES WE ARE HIRING PART-TIME FULL-TIME 923-6924 CALL 5 TO 7 WANTED: For a religious institution In Canton, a middle-aged couple, both with exper ience in amies. Apartment quarters provided in Dunning, uooa pay.

Hepry to Box Z-77, Akron Beacon Journal. 22A-Factory Male MACHINIST for all around work. Day shift only, variety of work, fringe benefits. Apply in person only at 283 Waterloo rd. CLIFFORD C.

MATHENY, 519 Taft Barberton, O. You will receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 22B-Salary Hourly Rate- Male TRUCK DRIVERS Experienced, furniture, appli ance, pacxages. per hour. Many benefits.

Apply 175 Annadale, Akron. AUTO BODY MAN, A-1 Knowledge of glass helpful. Living quarters If needed. Call Cleveland collect, MM-0439. HANDY MAN For painting, repair roofing, ngni concrete diock plastering and carpentry.

Part-time. HE-4-9625 from 1:30 to 4 p. m. only. SKIPPY ice cream drivers.

Full or part time. Over 21. Apply 227 Benver st. after 10 a. m.

LEADING California recapping equipment manufacturer needs a man, with varied experience in equipment design, development and repair, to be the Akron representative. Field work will Include troubleshooting and selling. Travel-Ing required. Salary open. Write Box Z-71 Akron Beacon Journal.

IF YOU ARE WORKING NOW And can't make end! meet. give me 4 hours per evening 5 days a week and Til make ends meet. We have part-time men making S64 for these 20 hours. Call RE-3-6260. WANTED.

Furnace installer and helper, year round work, apply 131 Cuyahoga Akron 4. BONDABLE MEN, with cars. for light delivery in area, full or part-time, good pay. Call 762-2537. EXPERIENCED meat cutter and counter man, full time.

Apply 1117 Brown st. from 8 a. to 6 p. m. HARRY J.

VINCENT. 426 Madi son av. rou win receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. I9Z 'ZIJZLi Ads. Each night the Bei selected from the city dirtctaty various dauificahoni and head' Yd Man YOUNG WOMEN TO ASSIST M4NAGFR 1M OI T.

OHDHt I'H I'AHTMLNT QUALIFICATIONS 1 High School graduate. 2 Age 18 to 3 Sent appearance. 4 Must lie ahle to slart lm- ineel lately. If you meet these qualifies-Hons ee Miss Augello, 513 Metropolitan 3fl Maln. p.

m. only. TOY ikMOVSTHATOHS Sell tova at illncount prices. Toy pjriieH now being booked. Call 644JIVI5 GIRL WITH CAR to demon-trate plaster craft on party plan.

Good wages. Contact Miss Molly Bee. 26-Jobs Wanted -Femaio LIVING ROOM furniture and carpet cleaned. Interior painting and walls washed. Verv reasonable.

HH-S-4350 RELIABLE Cal Friday, wants any kind of typing, will pick, up, deliver $1.25 hour. ST 4 8672 WOULD like to care for pre-school age children In my home. North Hill. 029-1729 IRONING Pickup, Delivery. PA-4-4387 MERRY DAY NURSERY Excellent care and training for your little ones, transportation available, licensed.

A-a-n6WB, WA-9-14H. WILL DO babysitting in my home. Eighth street area Falls. 929-3558. MATURE experienced woman will care for child In my home.

References. OR-3 9270. WOMAN WISHES 3 days worF steady, experienced In clean-Ing and laundry. JK-8-9893. CHILD CARE, Monday through Friday, days.

Reasonable rales. RE-3-4910. LADY wants steady or day work. 762 6846 GIRL DESIRES day work or restaurant work. Call after a p.

gj-iMiV. WILL CARE for children In my home, large yard. Woos-ter Hawkins area. References. 836-1592.

COLLEGE graduate, 28, with physlcnl education, health, hi-olnglcal science and social science background deslrea position. Experienced teacher, medical receptionist, typist, recreat lonal leader. WA-3-8819 REMODELING, new addition, new kitchen or bath, we do complete Job, permits to fi-nanclng. 535-7057. DESIRES day work or wash-Ing and ironing.

ST-4-77DO MIDDLE-AGE lady desires baby-sitting or assist elderly cou. pie in light house work. Ref-erence, PO-2-3387, 27-Bureaus Female BAIRD EMPLOYMENT IN OUR NINETEENTH YEAR SALES SECRETARY TO $400 ACCOUNTING SECRETARY Northfleld Area KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Evening Hours, $1.03 Hour SEE SARAH FAULKNER 1006 Akron Savings Loan Bldg. Tenth Floor PO-2-7641 aps akron personnel 224 OHIO BLDG. PO-2452U 191 S.

MAIN ST. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main 535-6193 Nelson Personnel 600 1st Natl Tower, FR-6-6861 AKRON'S ONLY AGENCY "JUST FOR GIRLS" judi girls 762 1st Nat'l Tower, 376-5146 OFFICE PERSONNEL SERVICE 55 W. STATE ST, 535-2671 New Opportunity STERLING "Akron's Largest" EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 55 W. STATE ST.

376-7151 Personal Employment Service E. BUCHTEL AV. 762-0801 McClure Employment E. Buchtet av. BL-3-9183 One Block South of Polsky'i SNELLING SNELLING 137 S.


H. ASH SERVICE Cellar Clean-Ups PA-4-5040 Basem*nt Work BAsem*nTS WATERPROOFED Cement Work, Downspouts Jobs Guaranteed. NICOLA, ST-4-9913 or ST-4-0611 Brick, Block Work BRICK, block, stone, footers, stoops, carpentry. Small additions. BRICK, BLOCK, STONE All type masonry Free estimates 688-6544 BRICK, block, stone and ce-ment.

Basem*nt, fireplace, etc. tiererences. BRICK, stone, steps, planters, repairing, 40 years' expert enre. Do own workl 928-6459, BRICK, block, stone and cement. Basem*nt, fireplace, etc.

References. JE-5-2726. BRICK, block, chimneys, fireplaces, brlrk steps, experienc- ed. J731710, BRICK and block work. Experl-enced.

References. Cain, 745-1504, MO-fl-0105, Bulldozing BACKHOE WORK Bulldozing, septic system, sewers, etc. Insured. Wasson, ME-3-4108. DIGGING, ditching, septic tank, and hauling.

Richfield, Ol.lver,, t.HAlll.-NU Back filling, small Jobs wel- HI-LIFT service, grading of driveways, sidewalks, lots. CALL .1 0 A -3-2038 BULLDOZING RACKHOE Also HILIft Service Reliable and Reasonable Immediate Service HFNDREN SIMMONS RE-3 3729 5T4-1695 BACKHOE and doier. asphalt and concrete paving, brick and block work. Free esti mates. Hd-sllVO.

BACKHOE and loader service, bulldozing and backfilling. Topsoll and dirt removal V1J-4IH7 or BL-3-9660. Carpenter Work CARPENTER, 20 years' expert in-, repair, remodel, aiumi-num siding, roofing, spouting. replies. ru-a-tMno.

CARPENTER Experienced fin. i "emooeiing or an kinds. Bam Tlacl. HE-4-8044. A Bl NETS, Formica, "inuws, Doors, portn Repair.

Small Jnha nir wA.n-qj&t CARPENTRY, repalr.Temodel or irw. l.arge or small Jobs. BILL COOPER, BT-4-4876. CARPENTRY-Remodeilng. new iwun-B, unman cauinti.

formica. Tom 828 3386. A IT V-ef a rt Remodel, rough and finiih. Frtf vanilla irv.

int' rtlVTA a a at annm ANY TYPE OF HOME REPAIR PROMOTIONS In the Food Industry come from within this rapidly growing sales minded national organization. We offer to the right man a permanent, successful career in selling and sales management. Position open is for a sales representative calling on potential accounts in the Akron area. High income, profit sharing and liberal company benefits. Require experienced sales-minded man with proven sales record and strong desire to work and succeed.

If you meet these requirements, phone 762-9096 for interview appointment. SUN OIL COMPANY Hai Openings For SALESMEN Motor Producti Department Our training program prepares you for a career where there are excellent opportuni ties tor advancement. Requirements: degree. Military service completed. Some sales or related experi ence.

Please submit resume to Mr. H. E. Martin. SUN OIL COMPANY P.

0. BOX 999, AKRON, OHIO TRUCK EQUIPMENT SALES Prime territory with exclusive protected fales earnings. High volume, and repeat sales In- Bure steady Income gross. Job open only to men willing to acctpt high commission rate, no salary, no draw, no age limit. An excellent Income potential.

Call 644-2660 between 6 and a p. m. only for appointment. OHIO INSURANCE COUNSELOR Three men needed to travel Northern Ohio. Life and A experience preferred but not necessary.

Complete training program. Salary, expenses, commissions and bonuses available when qualified. Call for personal Interview. 762-9235. PERMANENT SATURDAY WORK Employed man, work Saturdays, 9 to 7.

Car necessary. For Interview, call 666-8455 OPPORTUNITY to enter the hospitalization or life Insurance field on someone else's money. I'll provide pre-arranged appointment dally and training. Must, be over 25 and able to start by September 1st. Salary and expenses provided as qualified.

Call 762-9234 for Interview. INSURANCE AGENT Have available openings for 2 men on insurance debits. We are a combination company and sell ordinary in addition to our weekly business. Ap- Lly manager, Commonwealth Ife Accident Insurance Company, 230 W. Market Akron.

MEDINA-WAYNE COUNTY I need 2 workers not salesmen. Earn $120 per week. Prefer married, late model car. High school graduate. One part time also.

Call or write Jim Nofslnger, 1332 Broadview Copley, O. Telephone MO-6-8455. INDUSTRIAL SALES TRAINEE This fine company will com pletely train you in this fascinating field. Degree plus knowledge of chemistry required. Salary open.

Call Mr. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main St. 535-6193 SALES $10,000 PLUS LaSalle Extension University, a correspondence institution. has a sales opportunity for a sincere individual who is desirous of earning over annually.

Compensation is based on liberal advance against earned commission plus accruals and fringe benefits. Experience In Intangible sales preferred, how ever, win train rignt party with impressive sales background. Only high caliber man need This Is low firessure sales work as the eads furnished are from Individuals and firms who want and need our training. rui- interview arrangements, klndlv call ind for Mr. Joseph McCarthy or ni oox k-iu, Beacon journal.

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY cu men loomng tor a chance to better themselves. You may be driving a truck, working in an office, running a machine In a factory or 101 other things a person will do to make a living, vet you are dissatisfied with your job, your low Income, the people you work with. You still think there la a Job somewhere that will offer you security and opportunity. WE CAN OFFER 10 MEN such a Job with our firm. If you are neat, ambitious, and able to manage $100 per week for the first 3 or 4 weeks, don't pass this up.

See Mr. Campbell at Mldtown Motel between 5 and 7 p. m. YOUNG MEN 18-28 To assist manager In outside order department, only qualifications, high school graduate, neat in appearance, able to converse intelligently. $90 A WEEK SALARY CALL MR.

REIGER, 376-0045, 9 TO 1 P. M. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW. METER READERS Survey Men, Census Takers Ten men needed to conduct door-to-door survey, for product research. Must have car, willing to drive within 50 mile radius of Akron, Car expense paid.

$90 PER WEEK SALARY CALL MR. BURNS. FR.6-0743 9 TO 1 P. M. TWO WORKERS I ran place 3 men who art not afraid of hard work and good money to work 50 hours per week.

$125 written guarantee to start. Car necessary. Write full particulars to P.O. Box 53. Mogadore.

Ohio. MEN To assist manager on food route. Age no handicap. Transportation furnished Av-erage $1.75 per hour, Applv 8 to 10 a. m.

only. 884 Brown st. TELEPHONE SALES (MEN WOMEN) Experienced. $100 commission per Job. Will pay you honrlv or weekly.

Aluminum, lumber, and construction sales. All Summit Lumber S2S S. Arlington st. A KOFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE The ultimate In Industrial sales. High income and training first year.

Wa close your first year's an lei. Financial re- spontiblllty required. Bot 94, Beacon Journal. Offerings -Female BARMAID a week, aiH'lv In person afier 2 p. in.

bl74 Manchester rd. KITCHEN PERSONNEL NEEDED Prior fiver experience neces-arv I'leiine upply III person. H.mie llesuumu. 55 W. Wa- CURB GIRLS Full and Part Time Applv In Persnn THE BIN DRIVE-IN 518 K.

SOUTH ST. GIRLS 16 10 30, full or pjrt-time, high school diploma not necearv. No experience. Salary. Apply 572 W.

Market tELES0NEl0CIT0RS Good voice necessary. Salary, plus bonus. Call 7624)334 for appointment HIGH SCHOOL or graduate of high scholastic sianuing tor office or sales. Write fully. Mrs.

Brown, Box 25, Barber. HELP! HELP! We need curb waitresses! Dining room waitresses! For night and days. Must be 18 years old. Openings at our 7 locations. Uniforms furnished.

Hospitalization, automatic pay raises. No phone calls. Apply LUJAN'S MAIN OFFICE 1403 Main Cuyahoga Falls WAITRESSES full or part time, transportation essential. Please come in person between 1 and 4. Brown Derby Inn, 170B Slate Fulls.

Outside Car Sales Hostesses Needed In one of Akron's most successful Drive-In restaurants. Must be graduate, over 18. personable. Intelligent, and willing to work to our specifications. Personal Interviews only 423 E.

Waterloo rd. WATERLOO DRIVE-IN WAITRESSES and drug clerks, 18 or over. Apply 2 to 4 except Sundav. Cyphert Drug, 680 E. Market st.

No phone calls. WAITRESSES Must have co*cktail experience. Hours 5 p. m. to midnight.

Apply In person 12 noon and 2 p. m. or 5 p. in. to 11 p.

m. YANKEE CLIPPER MOTEL SEVEN SEAS RESTAURANT 1760 State Cuyahoga Falls WANTED: Girl for desk work and cleaning. Apply at Star Hotel, 658 S. Main st LADIES, GIRLS Part time phone work; no experience. Apply 9 a.

m. sharp, 39 S. Main, Room 321. WAITRESS Grill and curb girls. 984 8.

Arlln gton. Bun-Boy, BARMAID AND waitress for nights. Barmaid and waitress for days. 21 to 30. Applv In person.

"72" Bar. No experience necessary, 72 W. Exchange st, MORT'S STUDIO needs attractive girls over 18 to learn night club photography. Interview at Yanko's Supper Club, 848 W. Market between 5 to 7 p.

m. Ask for Morty. WAITRESSES Excellent salary and working conditions. Service and merit wage raises. Paid vacation.

Full and part-time openings. Apply 3 to 8 p. m. Mrs. De-Hart.

KIPPY'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 2097 FRONT ST. FALLS BEAUTICIAN High styling. Firestone Park area. Full time. 724-8008.

A RM AID wanted, day shift. Apply In person. Light House Inn, Portage Lakes dr. WAITRESS AND BARMAID Apply after 7 p. m.

at Tony's 1256 Canton rd. EXPERIENCED SILK PRESSER Steady employment. Firestone i.ieuners, 301 E. Cuyahoga Falls av. WA-8-5218.

BARMAID Attractive, steady worker; good salary. Apply Frank's Sky Bar, 568 S. Arlington. 2 FRY COOKS One night shift; one day shift. run time.

Must have ex-. perlence. Apply In person. SPERRY'S RESTAURANT 67 WEST TALLMADGE 25C-0ffke and Management Female TEMPORARY KEYPUNCH OPERATOR DOWNTOWN Immediate opening for experi enced gin. HIGH RATE NO FF.F INTERVIEWS 9 TO 11.

1 TO 4 KELLY GIRL SERVICE 1008 Akron Saving! And Loan Rldir. Tenth Floor PO-2-0223 SALES SECRETARY Small friendly office busy In teresting jou, good ruture and top benefits. Call Mrs. Foley, Snelling Snelling, PO-2-0084. KEYPUNCH-TO $325 Fine area firm has an Imme diate position available for an experienced girl.

Must be in-telllgent. Call Miss Scott. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main it. 635-6103 REGISTERED NURSE Recent graduate for doctor's ofnee includes 2 evenings a week.

Off Wednesdays. Am. bltloui and willing to learn office procedure. Reference from School of Nursing required. Write Box R-84, Beacon Journal.

SECRETARY Top local firm has terrific spot iui 11 ii ranner rignt nnnd gal Friday. To $400. Call Mary Wortman, Snelling Snelling, PO-2-0084. DOCTOR'S SECRETARY Must be an attractive girl with truing skills. Many varied duties.

Work In beautl-Jul office. East location. Call Miss Scott. SUfRiniv r-v, 130 S. Main St.

535-6193 YOUNG LADY 28 or over with neat appearance, wanted as private secretary to Insurance executive. No experience need- en. i.H-ujnf. SVTRVTiDV rl vol? Shorthand, willing to learn specialized business, well established local firm. Must be fast, dedicated to Job.

Prefer age 22 to 35. Give full details In typed letter. Write Box JSAkron Bencon Journal. BEAUTY SHOP MANAGER Must be well-experienced. 25 or over ana wining to work In the Ravenna area, Salary to $.100.

Call Miss Scott. SHERIDAN F.MPI.nVMFNT 130 S. Main St. 635.6193 25D-Sales Work-Female $50 TO YOURS! Taking rniy mnsimas earn orders from friends, relatives for loveliest name-Imprinted designs; many gorgeous moneymakers. Write for FREE an-nlveriary offer sample outfit on approval.

Southern Greet-Ings, 47S N. Hollywood, Dept 120, Memphis 12, Tenn YOU CAN HELP THE FAMILY BUDGET. 4 or 8 hours a day will bring you a profitable Income. Call Avon Products. FR-6-7538.

EARN $50 AND MORE IN FAMOUS BRAND ITEMS NO INVESTMENT. Help friends shop from home. Send for QUtlTPPORTjiiTY National organisation expanding. Has opening for ambitious wnmn Kal juui own nours, Top earnings: Phone 253-8136. SHARP young lady under 30 iirurr women a ap parel.

Mutt have transportation. Call OR-3 5094 or FR 8 98641, If YOUR Interested In the latest rasniona, would Ilka a new wardrobe twice a year, as wall aa a regular paycheck. Call $25-9114. 22D-Sales Work-Male SELL REAL ESTATE FREE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 10 REASONS TO JOIN US 1 Progressive and respected realtor. 2 Commercial, residential, and new home program.

3 We cover all areas in 3 counties. 4 A modern building designed for real estate. 5 Part time or full time. 6 We've given classes conducted by an attorney for 10 years. 7 Our commission and bonus plan is tops.

8 Our sales training is tops. 9 if you're over 21 you're the right age. 10 You spend time In real estate here and your earnings are unlimited. Call Mr. Heckman.

JE-5-1551 Heckman Realty Co. REALTORS JE-5-1551 DRIVER-SALESMEN For established Mr. Softee route. See Mr. King, 437 ('rouse st.

TELEPHONE CONTACT WORK No outside contact. Nation's number one news magazine has position with salary, plus bonus. Alr-condltloned office, year around employment. Full training program. Highly specialized position with full advancement opportunities.

If you have a good speaking voice and are willing to learn call 762-0334 for appointment. FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Would you like to be in business for yourself? We will finance you. We pay office rent, secretary and office furnishings, plus $300 to $500 monthly in advertising. We have the money and the know-how, you must have- 1. Good reputation 2.

Potential sales ability 3. Age 22 to 50 4. Willingness to wo-K long hours to make our Investment pay off for yourself and the company. Three openings available In Akron and surrounding counties. Tremendous proven potential.

Personal interview at Akron Tower Motor Inn between hours 1 to 5 and 8 to 8. Wednesday and Thursday. No phone calls. Ask for Mr. Sharp.

START NOW FULL OR PART TIME Does a business of your own with potential earnings of $1000 a month or more PLUS Possible early retirement and lifetime Income Interest vou? This is real Let us show you how. For interview call OV-8-3338. JEWEL TEA CO. ROUTE OPPORTUNITY We have openings on our established home service routes for qualified salesmen. Vehicle and a 1 1 operating expenses paid.

Full hospital benefits and excellent retirement plan. Operators now average over $7000 per year. $100 per week guarantee. For interview, if you are 25 to 40, married, and have a good work record, please call Hudson, 9 to 5, 653-5606. After 6, Akron NEED MAN at once for established life Insurance debit.

No experience necessary. Thorough training program with salary to start. Call 434-0044 for Interview. 22f-Tecfnca Positions Male DRAFTSMAN To detail fabrication of heavy gauite sheet meinl. ImmaHi.i.

opening permanent for right uiuivmuai. rreier man with at least 2 years' board work and a technical background. Excellent fringes, salary open deDendins an nhltltv anA v. perlence. Sla-Warm Electric lumpany, ZHB-B4B1, DRAFTING TRAINEE URGENT SEVERAL NEEDED High school graduate with drafting and mathematics plus 2 or 3 years of college engineering.

Will train for general drafting. Opportunity. Balrd Employment, PO-2-7641 SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR Growing concern needs a man with an MBA or MS degree to manage a fine Installation and work in buslnesa and scientific systems. Challenging position which starts at $12,000. Call Mr.

Sheridan. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main st. 535-6193 LAB TECHNICIAN URGENT SEVERAL NEEDED High school graduate with chemistry and mathematics, Plus 2 years of college chemistry. Some organic chemistry helpful.

Opportunity. Balrd Emiilovmpnt. Pn.2.7j1 PROGRAMMER TRAINEE Must have math degree plus IBM experience. Company will train in all phases. Some programming helpful.

Start! to $7o0. Call Mr. Sheridan. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main st.

535-6193 DRAFTSMAN SEVERAL NEEDED JUNIORS AND SENIORS $400 TO $700 Opportunities for rapid advancement. Don't pass these open- 764i Bl'rd Employment ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN Solid firm Is In need of a man with 1 or 2 years' board experience. Starts, to $550 plus excellent conditions. Call Mr. Sheridan.

SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main st, 535-6193 Wanted Male WOULD like 3 days a week, as handyman or Janitor. Call gii--jij aiier a p. m. GOOD MAN available for day Wf.r wo 1- -I I etc.

Hourly rate. HE-4-1928. FAMILY MAN. 26. needs work tiaaiv.

nervice station or light irucn uriver. ojj-op a RESPONSIBLE extra effort man. experienced In sales purchasing housing design and construction, desires to associate as working partner with progressive area home builder. Write Beacon Journal, Box Z-73. 24-Bureaus Male McClure Employment 8 E.

Hiichtel av. HL-35I83 One Block South of Polskv's DEPENDA1T- EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 5 E. Buchtel av. Room 206 PO-J-0781 SNELLING I SNELLING 137 8. MAIN PO-2-0084 1540 W.

MARKET TE-6-0201 Great Falls Employment Agency 2107 rVont, Falls 929-3001 I 24-Bureaus Male sra (Career Center For Salesmen) A NEW CONCEPT IN SCIENTIFIC SALES MANPOWER RECRUITMENT. SALARIES TO $25,000 OVER 1000 SALES OPPORTUNITIES NOW OPEN. SALES Business Machines $7200 Industrial $6000 Instruments $8400 Paper Supplies $7000 Refractories $12,000 Chemicals $9000 Aerospace Manager $20,000 SALES TRAINEES Packaging $6000 Petroleum $0000 Pneumatic Tools $7200 Lubricating Devices $6500 Chemicals $7200 Soap and Detergents $4000 Machinery $5400 Retail $3600 Cosmetics $4800 Sanford Rose Associates (Division of "Akron 234 OHIO BLDfl. PO-2-6211 191 S. MAIN ST.



Main at. 535-8193 Nelson Personnel 600 1st Nat'l Tower, FR-6-6861 Personal Employment Service 5 E. BUCHTEL AV. 7620801 New Opportunity STERLING "Akron's Largest" EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 376-7151 55 W. STATE ST.

Magic City Employment 201 E. EXCHANGE ST. 434-5188 25A-Domestie Female CHILD CARE and house work, own transportation'. UN-4-4984. ur.rr.i imour, lauy, do 10 au, babysitting and light housekeeping in motherless home.

wiun live in. pit-zjtfa. EXPERIENCED cook and nuunvseeucr, nve in. io neavy work or laundry. Four adults.

West Hill area. $75 week. References. Write Box Z-70, peacon journal. IWANTED Baby sitter to live in, good wages, needed lm- meoiateiy.

923-7501 WOMAN FOR light housework, must live In. A -8-5068 LADY OVER 30 for babysitting nu ngni nousework; $20 week. SH-5-5216. I.ADV ITfTn" TT7. week; Balch st, area: refer- ences.

3-w77 after 8 p. m. NEEDED Day worker for child care. 253-5409 BABY SITTER Days, Inaulre 125 Locust, Apt, 7 MEMORIAL School District Babysitter for one hour in the morning to get a 6-year-old boy off to school. 557 Otter-beln av.

753-2819 after 4:30 p. m. BABK SITTER In our Greensburg area. Own transportation. Call after 8:30 V.

m. BWB-Z47B. LIGHT housekeeping, 3 school-age children. 7:30 to 5 days Lincoln School district. Cuyahoga Falls.

Own transportation. Older woman preferred. WA8-28U after 5 BABY SITTER wanted. Falls area, 3 to davs a week Inquire 1937 Fourth, after p. LADY BETWEEN 40 and 62 that wants a clean permanent home and good wages.

Two children: 1 In ichool. No drinking. Write Box 2-76 Beacon Journal. BABY SITTER, 8 to 5 p. middle age woman, own trans-rotation, Sand Run area.

BABY SITTER needed days, 7:18 till 3:15. Prefer older wom" 0wn transportation. Light housework. RE-3-5277 aner p. m.

WOMAN TO babysit. Live In. Room, board, wages. Call after p. 773-7715.

RESPONSIBLE school girl for baby sitting, four evenings a week, vicinity of Nome av. and Thurston, 836-8319. BABYSITTER Eastgate-Ellet area, 8 to 5. older woman. Must have references.

ST-4-6550. HOUSEKEEPER for employed adults, own transportation, or live In, 5 day week, 928-963I. CUYAHOGA FALLSarea Sitter to care for 4 small children. Live in. $15 a week.

923-2063. WOMAN needed. 18 to 35, for light housework, care of children, live in, room and hoard plus $100 month. 434-1739 25B-General Job Offerings 'Female CURB GIRLS Apply In person only. Corral Sandwich Shop.

1008 S. Ar. llngton st. BARMAID WAITRESS Apply 7 to I p. m.

Laconl'i, 847 rn rails. TWO YOUNG ladles wanted full or pari time to assist man. ager In our order department. Must have neat appearance and pleasant telephone voice. KllnRT nuhrn r-nVw Experienced.

Dandrea's Restau- runi, nit WANTED beauty operator with louowing in Barberton area, (all after 4:30 p. m. MANAGERS WANTED Must be ablt to past aptitude lest and have references. Starting wages $1 75 an hour and raises every month for months. Hoapltalliation and life Insurance paid.

Applv In Sweedons. 1779 T.rJpL'lt hlri Sweneona, E. Cuyahoga Falls a v. 22B-Saary Hourly Rate -Male Chrysler Corporation Must be journeyman and experienced in mainte- nance of stamping plant equipment. Apply Employment Office, Twinsburg, Ohio An Equal Opportunity Employer NEEDED 11 MEN 11 No experience necessary.

To work with Akron representative of large electrical manufacturing company. We will train those selected by an unbiased scientific aptitude test. Those hired must be available to start work Immediately. Profit sharing and bonus plan with $400 guaranteed monthly while training If you qualify. Call 836-4993, Wednesday 9 to 12 noon ONLY.

DISPATCHER Experienced Individual age 25 to 40 to take over extensive Interstate operation. Knowledge of equipment. loading, permits, desirable. Send rekume to P. O.

Box 668. Hudson. Ohio. EXCLUSIVE INDUSTRY APPROVED TRAINING IN DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT For mechanically Inclined men. All principal makes covered.

Special on heavy trucks and CUMMINS diesel. FACTORY TRAINING Nationwide Employer Contacts. Advisory placement service when qualified. Write resume today. I.

T. S. Diesel Box S-l Beacon Journal. ASPHALT PAVING MAN Experienced only need apply. TU-2-3829 after 5:30.

TREE CLIMBER, minimum 5 years' experience, steady work. Weslg Tree DRIVER under 35, experienced mooile nome driving, set up and service. Able to manage crew. Good starting salary. Chance for advancement for right man.

Send resume last 5 year's experience to P.O. Box 569, Rootstown, Ohio. All replies confidential. HIGH SCHOOL student of high scholastic standing for full or gart time. Write fully, Mr.

rown, Box 25. Barberton. HELP WANTED Apprentice trainee. $400 guarantee monthly while training, if you qualify. Car necessary.

TE-6-5545, Wednesday, 9 to 12 noon ONLY. GRILL MAN 18 to 35 years. Pleasant working conditions. Standard fringe benefits. Experience helpful.

Apply In person. Perkins Pan-rake House. 18S6 State Falls. Tuesday. Thursday ana Friday.

928-2277. PRIVATE Country Club Steak-and-chop type operation, live in, open all year. Phone: Gen-der, 296-3861, Ravenna. MANAGERS Due to expansion, 1964 may be your year to become a manager In Ohio's fastest-growing drive-In coffee shop chain. Must be at least a high school graduate with excellent school and work records.

390 monthly with eventual earnings as manager exceeding (9000 annually. Hospitalization and retirement benefits. Apply weekdays 9 to 5, 1403 Main Cuyahoga Falls. BARBER WANTED. Werner's Barber Shop, 929-2376, ve-nlngs UN-4-4840.

CURB BOYS. 18 years or older, day and night shift. Neat. Apply In person only. POGO DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT 1324 Canton rd.

BODY MAN Experienced In collision work. CAVALIER DODGE. 1707 Front st. Cuyahoga Falls. NEEDED Ten neat appearing high school boys to work two houri every other day.

Apply 1428 Copley road, Wednesday, 11 a. m. sharp. PART-TIME WORK Insurance Investigators needed. Minimum age 22, no maximum.

Must type 35 wpm, flexible working hours. Particularly suited for civil service employes with fluctuating hours. Send resume to Employment Manager, P. O. Box 5259.

Akron, O. MACHINISTS Steady worker with lob experience. Overtime, paid vacations, hospitalization. See Mr. Miller.

Cuyahoga Machine A Welding Co. 1663 Water Cuyahoga Falls. MEN WANTED to work In Sunoco service station. If Interested, report to 999 Home Akron, between 4 and 6 p. m.

CHEF-EAST Unusual opportunity for an ex perieneed man. Excellent working conditions. $425 to start plus living quarters. tall Mr. west.

SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main St. 535-6193 CANDID wedding photographer to wore witn weu-known local studio. Must be able to han die black and white and col or photography with own equipment. Our employees know of this ad.

Write Box Akron Beacon Journal. YOUNG MAN with meat cutting experience wanted for full- time work with excellent fu ture in the meat field. Call Akron, 923-3621. Bnthn's hreezer Meats, west Richfield, Ohio. WANTED, operators with tractors and trailers.

Wanted, tractors to pull 40-ft. trailers, operators with 40-ft. meat raliers, call Sidney, Ohio, col- leci, tt-pigl JOSEPH Jt SCHREINER. 612 Holllbaua-n av. You will receive a letter entitling vou to two free admissions to the Strand Theater.

Machine Repairmen 22B.Salary Hourly Rate -Male FACTORY OUTLET NEEDS MEN $2.50 TO S3 AN HOUR 3 MEN INSTALLATION, 12.50 PER HOUR 8 MEN DISPLAY. $3 PER HOUR Call 733-6269 For Appointment FENDER UNBENOER Loral company needs an expe rienced married man. Fine conditions plus $2.65 an hour to start. Call Mr. West.

SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main st. 535-6193 MECHANIC Very fine busy shop offers excellent working conditions, paid fringes and to $2.87 Vs. Call Bill Robbins. Snelling Snelling, PO-2-0084.

UPHOLSTERER Akron area company urgently needs an experienced man. Will pay excellent salary to right man. Call Mr. West. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S.

Main st. 535-6193 MACHINIST Solid job with busy shop offering all machines, all shifts, many fine benefits and 12.60. Call Bill Robbins, Snelling Snelling, PO-2-0084. 22C-OMce and Management Male OPPORTUNlfT Aggressive married man, 21 to 40, for credit and collection business. Experience helpful but not necessary.

Write In detail P.O. Box 788. Akron, Ohio. FINANCIAL MANAGER Man, age 35 to 50. to manage a local savings and loan association.

Experience necessary in taking applications for mortgage loans, in closing real estate loans, new construction and appraising real estate. Call 535-4175. for p-polntmem. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Dial Finance Company, has opening in local branch for aggressive young man from 21 to 27 to learn our business. Our rapid expansion program means most men advance to position of Branch Manager within 3 to 4 years.

Dial requires man with pleasing personality, mature appearance, and some experience meeting public. Must be high school graduate and have military completed. Dial Mr. Miller, 733-7523, for appointment. SHOE REPRESENTATIVE Fee paid.

Must know shoe manufacturing equipment. Will work In product development. Starts to 1 10.000. Cab Mr. Card.

SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main rt. 535-6193 COLLEGE GRADUATE Prestige firm offers career slot on management staff. Unlimited future growth plus $5400. Call Rick Shaw, Snelling A Snelling, TE-6-0201.

BOOKKEni! Must be experienced. Business school helpful. Established firm. Age and salary open. Call Mr.

Card. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main st. 535-6193 IBM PROGRAMMER Prominent firm offers rapid advances to energetic man. Key slot, liberal benefits and $6000.

Call Rick Shaw. Snelling Snelling, TE-6-O201. ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE College grad with little or no experience. Expanding firm has an attractive opening. Salnrv to $550.

Call Mr. Card. SHERIDAN EMPLOYMENT 130 S. Main St. 535-6193 JOSEPH TRIFERO.

486 Day- ton you win receive a letter entitling you to two free admissions to the Strand Theater. 22D-Sales Work-Male NEED 2 SALESMEN Work for brand-new RAMBLER DEALER! Ideal working conditions. Must be able to listen and learn. We don't need experts or men who have nothing to learn! At present we have I two-man sales force. We need two more.

Plenty of floor time. No dealer to our knowledge has a better pay plan. No wild, fantastic promises. We can't give you the moon, but we can teach you the selling of automobiles and treat you as gentlemen. If you are selected, and have a valid driver's license, you will be furnished a demonstrator.

SEE MDY miS CASTEEL RAMBLER 1839 Front St. Cuyihoja Fills RYAN HOMES The Akron area's largest home builder Is seeking a young, aggressive sales representative to assist In the planning, advertising and development of salea In his own allotment. Call 688-6865 for confidential appointment. SALES CAREER Life Insurance sales and service on established territory available for high school graduate, age 21 to 60. Guaranteed salary plus commission.

Call 724-3611. :30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.

ATTENTION Truck drivers, bread men and route workers, $125 guarantee to qualified Individual to start. Phone 6734050 for appointment for Interview. MAN WANTED. 18 to 50. Must be neat In appearance and have car.

Can make $3 an hour to start. Writ Box 2-75, Beacon Journal. DUE TO PUBLIC demand, we are forced to Increase our staff. If you own a car. possess a sincere desire to make good in the finest position of its kind.

I want to talk to you between 9 am. and 12 noon. Call 434-0787 for appointment. Men accepted will be trained at com- pany expense. 4 KEN Harried, mechanically Inclined.

tor interesting position. Salea experience helpful. May mean double your present Income if you qualify. Call WA $-651S Employment manager. "fitt TICKETS" WaMh for your name in the Want Journal will publish ten names These names will appear under kigs.

Watch for your name) tickets to the Strand Theater When will your name appears, two WEDNESDAY 1 O'CLOCK SHOW SOLD OUT! TICKETS OH SALE FOR THE 2:45, 4:35, 6:20. 8:10 AND 9:50 SHOWS he mailed to vou 5 Ml UNITED AiTltTI ALL 2 fottrflr5ttMlrli.h;larkNim! virvrvr TICKETS ilietMl tlim Lilian num uur oueriHiir Reatonabla Katei TE-6-087S a A A.

The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.