You Think I'm Psycho, You Think I'm Gone. - Chapter 2 - Zio (TheirEngeneZio) (2024)

Chapter Text

Jake woke up the next morning to the blaring sound of his alarm clock, loud enough to wake Layla out of her sleep too. He groaned and lazily reached over to his bedside table to turn it off.

This day seemed really weird and he's unsure whether or not it was because of last night or somethings bound to happen today. He pushed the thought out of his head for now and pushed himself out of bed. Layla whined and watched Jake as he walked to the closet and took out some clothes.

"I'm sorry, girl. I have work almost everyday. One of these days I'll take the day off and we can go to the park. Okay?" He said with a soft smile. Layla's tail thumped against the bed at the idea and Jake laughed. "You're so cute." He said to himself as he pulled his PJs off, putting on the clothes he picked out.

He yawned and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open as he began brushing his teeth, hoping today would go by faster. It already felt like it was gonna be slow and painful. Stepping out of the bathroom after he was done, the first thing he saw was the blood stained flowers on his TV stand.

There's this sick part of Jake that found this sort of romantic and sweet, blood and all. He's unsure why but he does hope to get more of these flowers. He wonders if they were picked out of a garden or sold at the flower shop nearby.

He walked over to them and snipped the ribbon off, reading the letter once more. one really calls him that much anymore. It happened in Australia with his roommates but that was it. Jake sighed and set the flowers back down, opened the door to let Layla run out just in time for Sunghoon to walk through the door.

"Hi Hoon! See you were late too." Jake said, joining the taller at the door. "Unfortunately. There's a lot going on outside right now so please be careful, Jake." Sunghoon said, walking to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"What do you mean?" Jake put on his shoes and took his keys from the hanger. "There's police, paramedics, and news channels outside. I think something happened last night." Sunghoon said as Jake grabbed his taser.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. I gotta get going though. Bye Hoon! Bye Layla!" He waved as he walked out the door. The smell of something burning wasn't as bad as it was yesterday but it was still there.

Jake was already late to the Library, so he decided to take a trip and visit the problem places. The first thing he heard was police sirens, following the sounds of those to a house that seemed awfully familiar despite how burned down it was.

"Sir?? What happened here??" Jake asked as he walked up to the sheriff. "We cant give out any details of what happen but I can tell you it was a shoot out." He said and looked at Jake. "This house looks really familiar to me though...who was shot at??" Jake said, worry overtaking him. It better not be who he thought it was.

The officer, seeing the worry sighed and looked at his notepad. "It seemed to be between an old lady and her caregiver. Does that ring a bell??" He said and put his notepad away. Meanwhile, Jake's mouth was open just slightly. " can't be. Is she...was she just hurt or did she pass??" Jake asked and the officer frowned.

"She was in critical condition, but unfortunately she passed away on her way to the hospital. The caregiver is still in the ICU." the officer said and Jake nodded slowly, swallowing thickly. "I see...thank you, officer." Jake mumbled as he bowed and walked away.

His chest felt heavy knowing someone who he thought of as his family was now gone. Now all he had was Sunghoon and God, if something happened to him Jake might actually go insane. He took a trip around the first four blocks, looking in horror at all the caution tape and blood.

He stopped at the flower shop, he couldnt see much inside but he did see a little bit of blood splattered on the wall and his heart kind of skipped a beat. "God.." he whispered quietly, that's when someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked up to see Evan.

"Oh, hi Evan." Jake said and looked at the flower shop, "I'm sorry I'm late to work. Just all of this took me by surprise. First a granny that was like family to me passed away and now all of this???" Jake said quietly. "I'm sorry to hear about the passing. That must feel horrible, are you sure you're okay to work?" Evan said softly.

"I have no choice. I mean, the Library is like a safe place to me if I'm not near home so if anything the Library is better." Jake said and smiled a bit, "are you wanting to go in the library? Or are you just passing by?" He said softly, walking across the street with Evan following behind him.

"I was just passing by but if you don't mind, I can come and chat with you?" Evan suggested and Jake looked up at him with a smile as he unlocked the doors. "I would love that, thank you." He said softly and opened the doors, flicking the lights on and changed the temperature again.

Evan walked inside, looking around, "can I pull a chair up?" He said as he walked over to one of the tables. "You don't have to ask, I don't mind company at my desk." Jake said, sitting on the bar stool behind his desk and flipped to a new page on the sign-in sheet once again.

Even came over with a chair, sitting beside Jake. "What do you wanna chat about?" Jake said softly, looking at Evan with a small smiled. "I don't know, tell me about you?"

Jake looked at Evan for a bit and smiled, "Alright, well.. I was born here in South Korea before my family moved back to Australia when i was young. I was there for a while until I graduated college and moved back here to be with my childhood friend" Jake said with a smile.

"I wanted to be a teacher at first but I Just didn't have the time for it. I have my best friend watching my dog Layla at home and I didn't wanna be so busy all the time and come home to more work. I found the library needed a librarian so I came here." Jake said and looked at Evan.

"What about you? Tell me about you. You are an interesting person to me and you're kind of mysterious in a way." Jake said softly. "Me? Oh there's nothing much about me. I mean you pretty much know it all." Evan said with a small laugh. "That's not true! There's got to be more to you than what you let on. You don't have to tell me everything but I would like to know something." Jake said with a smile.

Evan looked at Jake, how he smiled and how his body leaned into the table. His heart raced a little bit and he wanted nothing more than to pull him close and protect him from the world....but also protect Jake from himself. The darkest part of himself.

Evan took a deep breath. "Well, I'm Evan. I've been here pretty much all my life with my dog Ruby. She's a guard dog, protects me when things go down. It's always been me and her I guess. My parents died in a plane crash home from overseas work." Evan said softly.

"Oh I'm so sorry, at least you have Ruby though. Right?" Jake said with a smile, "and you have me! I mean, I know I don't hang out with you much but it wouldn't hurt to try?" Evan looked at him and smiled a bit. "I guess so. It wouldn't hurt to try." Evan said with a smile.

"Hey, I have a question for you, Evan." Jake said softly, almost hesitant since it was a touchy subject for everyone. "Do you know what happened last night or how the shoot outs and fired could've started??" Jake said, face showing he had genuine concern.

Evans face dropped for half a second, barely noticeable if you weren't so focused on his face. Jake noticed though, "what's wrong?? Do you know something?" Jake said with a frown. Evan looked at him, "I uh...I gotta go. I'm sorry. I gotta get Ruby her food." Evan said and got up.

"Evan, I'm sorry if I said something wrong, I didn't mean to... we're still cold right?" Jake said, watching Evan put the chair back. "Sure...sure we are." He mumbled and left the library. Jake watched him leave, feeling upset at himself for bringing something so sensitive up.

Evan walked back home with big steps, head down and his hands shoved in his jean pockets. Regret was starting to eat him up knowing what happened last night was his fault and that grandma's death was all because of him.

His big steps took him to the fifth block rather quickly as he hurried up the steps and into his house. As soon as he walked in, his breathing was getting heavy and felt the simmering anger at himself explode. His hands trembled as they balled into fists and landed a punch at his wall.

"Youre so f*cking stupid!!!" Heeseung cursed and kicked his TV stand making the TV fall to the ground. He walked to his couch and sat down, head in his hands as he thought back to what happened last night. Shooting that lady in her chest and setting her house on fire.

He did that with no regrets but knowing it was a lady Jake considered family was like a punch to the gut. Heeseung shook his head, getting up as he walked to the bedroom, it was only eleven-thirty but he really couldn't handle how upset Jake looked earlier.

He took the gun from the table, shoving it in his pocket, throwing his hoodie on and his mask before heading out the back of his house. Ruby barked and barked until realizing it was just Heeseung and went back into her house. Heeseung left through the gate and took the back alleyway. Head low as he gripped his gun tightly.

Anger was coursing through his veins as he broke in through the side door of the grocery store he visited yesterday. People closest to him looked at him in horror, "he's back!! He's back!!" They shouted and started to run. He wasted no time in shooting at them, watching their bodies tumble to the ground in small piles.

He laughed out loud, walking through the store, shooting at random people without a second thought. A smile so wide underneath his mask. He heard someone crying and followed the sound slowly, steps slow and loud, stopping at a little girl on the floor with her little brother.

They were huddled up so close to each other. Heeseung stared at them when he heard people walking closer, turning and shooting those people without mercy hearing the kids cry below. He looked back at them, "go though the back. Don't look back, don't come back. Just go." He ordered.

They both looked at him with fear but got up regardless and ran out. Heeseung turned around, sirens pulling up to the grocery store and started going through the food isles trying to find him. Heeseung hid, moving slowly while checking in front of him and behind him until he saw an officer with his back turned and shot him in the neck.

About five others turned and started a whole shoot out. Bullet flew past Heeseung left and right as Heeseung ducked and landed skilled shots at their heads, neck, or knees. He pushed through until almost all of them were down or dead before making a run for it out of the store through the front.

He heard sirens behind him as he ran faster and faster to the only place he knew, the library. He busted through the doors and shut them behind him. Looking at everyone who screamed and tried to hide, he shot at a bookcase. "Leave!! All of you!!!" Heeseung shouted and turned to Jake whose eyes were wide with terror and tears. "Except you." He said, going over and grabbed the boys hand.

He tugged him close, grabbing the keys and locked the doors from the inside. "No no no! Please don't please!" Jake begged, Heeseung placed a hand over his mouth. "Shhh...." He hushed, Jake trembled in his arms, almost hysterical.

"Come out empty handed Heeseung or we will open fire right now!!!" He heard an officer shout from the outside. Heeseung stayed quiet. "And bring the boy out too!!!" Heeseung looked at Jake. Pulling him into that private room and shut the door. Right as he did, he heard the doors outside bust open, only assuming it was the officers.

Heeseung aimed at the door, "be quiet." He whispered, Jake only nodded fast, not wanting to anger the boy any further. Jake stayed huddled in the corner, shaking like a leaf as he thought about Sunghoon and Layla and his family in Australia. He sniffled, curling up into a ball as Heeseung stalked closer to him.

Heeseung looked at Jake, grabbing his arm and pulled up close into his arms. "Such a pretty boy..." He whispered, pushing the strand of hair behind Jake's ear with his gun. "The prettiest lips..." He said, running the tip of the gun along the trembling lips. "You're so beautiful, puppy." He said softly and by then Jakes eyes widened.

He heard more police come in, Heeseung looked at Jake. "Lock that door, don't open it up now, puppy. You can do that, right?" He said softly. Jake nodded, "go ahead." He said softly and Jake crawled over, locking the door. "Good boy. Come back." Heeseung mumbled and like he was in a trance, he crawled right back over.

"Good.." Heeseung said softly and put the gun to the side, holding Jake close. Jake looked up at Heeseung, eyes still teary. At this point he was trusting Heeseung with his life. "Now, I'm gonna aim this gun at your pretty little head. I'm not gonna shoot, but I want me and you to get out of here. Understand?" Heeseung said softly. The boy didn't answer.

He put the gun under Jakes chin and tilted his head up. Jake looked at him in his eyes, sparkling with tears, "understood??" He repeated and Jake nodded fast. "good...come on now" he said softly and got up, grabbing the gun. Jake stood up too and his breath hitched when Heeseungs arms tightened around his waist and pulled him back to his chest.

" are doing so well, pup." He said softly and unlocked the door. He opened it and held a gun to Jake's head who tensed and walked out obediently with Heeseung. "shoot me and I'll shoot him." Heeseung shouted, the police kept their guns aimed as Heeseung grabbed Jake's phone, giving it to him.

He kicked the door open, taking Jake out with his gun still pointed at his head. "good..." Heeseung whispered in his ear. When he felt he was far enough, he took Jakes hand and ran as fast as he could. "W-what-" Jake stuttered out and ran with Heeseung, taking various turns as the sirens followed after them.

Jakes heart raced as he felt like he was like Heeseung. "Run behind the building four down and wait there." He said and let Jakes hand go, watching him run. Heeseung turned around and immediately felt pain blooming in his shoulder. "sh*t!!" He yelled and turned, shooting at the windows of the police car. It looked like it was nearing three in the afternoon.

He continued until the car spun out and hit a light post. Heeseung ran to that fourth building. "Let's go." He said, gritting his teeth as he pulled Jake, running from the rest of the cops who were chasing after them. He walked into the fifth, Jake was starting to get tired. "I-im tired! Please !" Jake said, breathing heavily.

Heeseung cursed to himself, grabbing Jake and lifted him up, running straight to his house and up the steps. He walked into his house, slamming the door and put Jake down. Jake breathed heavily as he felt back on the couch. "You did so well, honey. So well." Heeseung said softly.

"Go ahead, call your friend and tell him to come get you, I can't be out in the public for a while and if I walk back home by myself, I'll be shot. I know I'm a criminal, but I can't get shot." Heeseung said softly.

Jake nodded and took his phone out to call Sunghoon , hands shaking. The phone was answered immediately, "Jake?! Are you okay???" Sunghoon said, worried. "Im- I'm okay. Can you come pick me up?" Jake said softly. "Where are you??"

"Fifth block.."

"Jake...dont tell me. Why are you at the fifth block?"

"I'll explain when I get home, please come get me. Be careful, the police is here..."

"Alright...I'll be there in five." Sunghoon said and hung up. Jake turned off his phone and looked at Heeseung, he was looking out the blinds with a cigarette lit in his mouth. "He's on his way." Jake said and Heeseung turned. "That's good...are you okay? You aren't hurt?" He said, voice rough as he walked to Jake.

"No...I'm not." Jake reassured and Heeseung nodded. They say I'm silence, not completely awkward but tense. That's when the door knocked, Heeseung looked through the blinds. "Is this your friend?" Jake walked over and peeked through the blinds, "yeah...that's him."

"Go ahead out, be careful." He said softly and that Jake did, leaving the house and shutting it behind him. Heeseung watched as they headed back home, not speaking to the police.

You Think I'm Psycho, You Think I'm Gone. - Chapter 2 - Zio (TheirEngeneZio) (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 5616

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.