Gannon: Kyler Murray “Constantly Thinking About Football, Would Practice Everyday” for Cardinals - Raw Chili (2024)

Gannon: Kyler Murray “Constantly Thinking About Football, Would Practice Everyday” for Cardinals

[Music] hello and welcome and it’s the phnx Cardinals podcast your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast like And subscribe leave us a five star wherever you get your programming hope everybody had a wonderful holiday weekend now on this football Tuesday I’m Johnny venerable my co-host bul Brock to my right no Damon dog extended holiday weekend for my guy we got Shane debach the gambling degenerate behind the mic today hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m the gambling the generate when when your producer extraordinaire normally is in Vegas right now that’s right we haven’t heard from him we may not I might be the fulltime producer now call home we’re worried about you check in young man uh become a DI go shop the number 18 collection Bo how was the h day my friend it went well what uh three days off enjoyed it uh fired up some meat on the grill you know it was fantastic I know I wasn’t the only one we’re gonna get into that a little bit did you get your burger did you get your burger patty my guy it was it was terrific I loved every second of it then after a nice relaxing three-day weekend with the fam uh was out there roasting with the Arizona Cardinals at otaa he’s watching Kyler Murray Marvin Harrison Jr newly signed Darius Robinson who ined his rookie deal today with his team option uh Arizona Cardinals were out there in full effect but there was a lot of love going on pre-practice and post-practice for a certain quarterback yeah you shot me a text message and you said Ganon in rare form which is not the case uh Ling Kyler Murray um unprompted uh because you know you had some other stuff you wanted to talk to JG about and I just it’s an extension of the conversation we had Friday if you missed that show I I highly encourage everybody to check it out on the heels of Bryce just making an ass of himself on social media Kye Murray is having I think the most impactful offseason he’s ever had career to date and it’s being it’s being viewed and lauded by his head coach Jonathan ganet yeah we we’ talked to a lot of people who are part of Kyler Murray’s now Inner Circle and it’s been on display on social media quite a bit you know from will Hernandez last week yell the fro hold Paris Johnson Jr today and James Connor today and then JG who’s been in Kyler Murray’s corner ever since he took over the Reigns of the Cardinals organization as its head next head coach um there’s a lot of belief in kw1 and with that empowerment um you know you’ve seen this quarterback in Bolden unlike he’s ever been in his professional career and he’s paying it forward to the organization by putting in the hard work I mean we heard from Ganon and Connor and people have had nothing but great things to say about it that’s their teammate right and it’s in front of the camera but I don’t I think it’s all genuine I think it’s authentic and it’s it’s a it’s there’s a stark difference between you know what how the national media talks about Kyler Murray and how the people close to him and his teammates and his coaches talk about him and I I tend to kind of lean on the side of the people who actually know the quarterback over those who are kind of hanging on to as we talked to mina Kims a couple weeks ago the quarterback that had you know his worst probably his worst performance of his career on one of the biggest stages of his career on Monday night football playoff game yeah it’s it’s easy to pile on if you’re not educated and just I’m just gonna cling on to a narrative right that this guy doesn’t work hard that this guy’s not truly about football and listen the Cardinals themselves paid a price for that like Michael Bidwell I’m sure regrets putting that Clause into Kyler Murray’s contract did more harm than good now you’ve got his ex general manager Steve K kind of popping off at the mouth every time he goes on local and National media so KY Murray the only way he’s going to continue to extinguish this narrative is by his play and an extension of his play as his head coach and again we talked about it on Friday but I think a bear is repeating the Arizona Cardinals at the time of week nine last year had one win they got destroyed by the Cleveland Browns they were saddled with the first overall pick they had beaten the Dallas Cowboys the very next week they brought Kyler Murray back week 10 they didn’t have to do that they could have just said you know what we’re going to sit Kyler Murray’s goingon to be healthy we talk to his agent Eric Burkhart we’re good we’re going to figure out out something January February best for everybody we’re going to draft Caleb Williams first overall they did not do that right they sacrificed Clayton ton they traded Joshua dobs ton took a took one for the team against miles garron company remember that day I remember it was uh week nine at Cleveland right the Browns were were fantastic that day it was not a competitive game and the very next week KY Murray came back and beat the Atlanta Falcons at home the Cardinals could have made a stance there having seen plenty from Kyler Murray Jonathan G and Monty ORD had been around Kyler Murray at that time for almost a calendar year certainly like nine plus months and they had seen him in practice he said no no we’re gonna risk risk the opportunity to draft Caleb Williams and instead say you know we’re gonna give Kyler Murray every opportunity to win this job and resolidify his place and he did over eight he showed them plenty and that’s why he’s their quarterback now they had an out clause if they wanted it they didn’t use it right and it’s paying off right right you’re you’re seeing the rewards of that as you know putting him in to to play half a season or just a little bit under half a season eight games from week 10 to week 18 for the Arizona Cardinals eight total for Kyler Murray what it means now that he was able to acclimate to this new system under Drew pssing get the new footwork down to get the Rapport built with some of the receivers that were going to make you know go from 2023 is roster to 2024’s roster and and to kind of get those reps in there because it’s you can’t beat live reps right especially at the NFL level with how fast the game speed is and that Kyler Murray can get out there and now get into his first full off seon with his team and start to work on things instead of just having to you know drink from a fire hose the information that he’s receiving while trying to rehab the most significant injury that he’s he’s ever sustained in his in his you know sports playing career uh very decorated one you know since he was he was a young man I mean the the ACL injury was no doubt about it the most significant one that he’ suffered and he was coming back from it and from that from that adversity he faced and in the previous season too in 2022 probably as tough as as a pro I I think that you you were able molded even stronger tougher quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals going forward Colin coward ranked his top QBs in the NFC and he had kind of fourth behind Matt Stafford Jordan love and Jared gof didn’t have Brock prie in his top 10 which was great in and of itself but had Kyler Murray above Dak prescotts of the world and KK cousins because it’s about the ceiling at the end of the day Kyler Murray’s ceiling I believe is not been tapped into yet we have not seen the best version of Kyler Murray I think it was robbed from this fan base robbed from Arizona in part because of Cliff Kings very and Steve K but also because of his injury right and so now we have an opportunity the reset is over like last year Kyler Murray goes out against Atlanta attempts like 32 33 passes R rushes the ball six times okay I’m going to ease into this this second half of the year and then I’m going to keep my momentum going right like we we talked about at the end of the year KY Murray was playing his best football win not to start but against Philadelphia and Seattle to end the year I think Kyler Murray behind closed doors would tell you yeah I would I would have definitely wanted to keep playing with that team last year because you would have seen the trajectory build like we I mentioned Jordan love he got better over the course of the Season like I I think we’re going to be in a position right now where Kyler Murray and I mentioned this you know after we did our schedule release show Kyler Murray is going to be in a position to do the Buffalo Bills I think what he did to the Tennessee Titans in 2021 I think we’re going to see that version of of Kyler Murray number one because not a lot of tape out there with him and this Drew ping offense this offense has a lot of upgrades specifically at receiver and I think they’ve gotten better at tackle and listen at the end of the day Kyler Murray as motivated as he is his teammates are motivated the coaching staff St remain consistent it’s across the board especially offensively they’re going to be able to double and triple down what work to add in new wrinkles like you would mentioned last year he’s around but not really can’t participate in everything right Colt McCoy was their quarterback you didn’t even make it to the regular season it’s a start contrast and that’s why I just I laugh at the fact that this team’s over under disrespectfully still sits at six and a half it’s ridiculous yeah it is pretty wild it is pretty wild you know the continuity that they have uh as far as the coaching staff and and as far as the players the core that they’ve been able to kind of identify over the last year at this time last like it wasn’t even Colt I mean Colt was you know rehabbing from his own arm procedure that he had and you know the wear and tear that he suffered the previous season uh but he was coming back but it was mostly the Clayton ton Jeff Driscoll David Blau show at this time last year I mean the receivers that they even had in place they weren’t catching passes from anybody that they would see passes from outside of Clayton tun in that one uh ill- fated game in Cleveland that you brought up where he was he was just like uh you know a poor piece of meat from butcher thrown to the Wolves miles Garrett and crew uh it was brutal um but yeah now I mean now you’ve got the pieces in place in man are they they gearing up for I think you know uh a real huge rebound season yeah drop that like over 265 people in the chat uh excited to be here on a football Tuesday I see you Aussie I see you mvin I see you Andy Jack uh I saw Jess in the chat as well you’re all out here hanging out Ryan what’s going on um talking about KY Murray and and like what you mentioned like they kind of spurred this whole conversation on was at the end of his availability today Jonathan Ganon sh he’s answering questions about you know Paris Johnson Jr’s transition and some players on defense and you know how they’re ramping up the new stuff that came about you know the NFL maybe kind of changing how they do their their offseason training and activity schedule um but you know JG was asked about Kyler and he kind of got on a role being very compc of his quarterback here’s what really what he’s had to say we had a good talk this morning um you know the guys constantly thinking about ball you know it’s like I was uh being a dad a little bit this weekend and it was like what are you asking me what play is that you know but uh he’s he’s uh he’s doing a good job he had to go through a long recovery rehab process so I I think he feels better about where he’s at right now obviously getting all those reps from last week going into this week you know he he wants to practice every the guy you know um but it’s cool but it’s cool but he still he still has you know the he’s got to go through what he’s got to go through off the field to make sure that he’s healthy and getting better and all those things but um just like James whatever he needs to get done to make sure that he’s the best version of himself for the team that’s what he’s doing is jonath the gon have like a Casio watch I just noticed that did you see that is that from like the 90s uh never mind I don’t understand that right reference now you don’t know what a CIO watch is no I don’t what’s a Casio watch it’s just like a standard yeah I mean it’s like a Fossil watch what kind of watch no it’s yeah it’s like an analog um it’s less cool than a be a Fossil watch guy but I think it’s kind of cool now it’s kind of like as6 and New Balance shoes oh I know what those are now yeah I to do a quick Google search yeah but I mean the guy’s constantly thinking about ball and I don’t I don’t think that’s hyperboy man I mean it’s not hyperbole sorry how I butchered the word but um I mean he’s he he wants to practice all the time this he’s so damn competitive that’s all we hear from like I heard from JG today Paris Johnson Jr who you’re gonna hear from it’s James Conor and like the number one overall theme especially when they’re talking about Kyler Murray is how effing competitive this guy is from whether he’s in the batting cage and he’s kind of sick of watching Paris Johnson Jr go in there and F around because he’s just a big old left tackle he really not played baseball at all and you know Kyler’s trying to help him out and then when he’s like all right you can’t you know he’s like wants to get back in there and get back on track like he’s as competitive as as anybody in the NFL and Ganon you know was asked today you know has he ever had a quarterback or worked with a quarterback like that and the names that he was thrown around with Kyler Murray I have to put this up on our Twitter account because he just got lost in all the other information that we’re getting today but but like of course Jaylen Herz Andrew Luck Philip Rivers guys who have you know had their own made their own name in this league that are are known as fire competitors that didn’t nearly get as much a bad a rap as as Kyler Murray has I just ask yourself like to what benefit does it do for Jonathan Ganon to not be authentic and he’s authentic like I think there was a narrative last year like we we talked about this before when we were at Super Bowl week last year and we would talk to James Conor and Zack Herz and they would talk up Kyler Murray right which wasn’t the trendy thing to do what what did everybody say well they have to say that they they play for the Cardinals right and then Jonathan Ganon and Monty Austin for it oh they’re just H how many PFT you know Mike floral fraud articles where there were Cardinals are puing up Kyler Murray to trade him right that’s everything last offseason oh he looks great he’s gonna be a great addition to what like it doesn’t make business sense for them to play Kyler Murray it’s like what business do you what business are you in like what kind of assets are you work fraudulent bankrupt business of not being you know in an NFL Personnel building anymore but like now it’s like they they are either authentic or they’re not and that we’ve clearly taken them at face value because he has no reason other than to say what he believes and he believes that Kyler Murray is poised for a monster career season like he’s not putting that out there just to help himself like johnan Ganon directly or indirectly has tied his coaching career I believe to Kyler Murray like at least this front half of his coaching career hopefully they’re together for a decade they won a bunch of Super Bowls but like they had an out clause they didn’t use it so for him to sit up there and say these things unprompted this is real genuine and I also believe Ganon and Kyler Murray are kind of like kendri Spirits where they were both I think very disrespected and not treated with the kind of Grace that you should have been given for what you accomplished in said Market KY Murray comes here they go to the s people rip him Jonathan Ganon takes the team to a Super Bowl has a career season in Philadelphia with you know all those ungrateful fans and then they spur he and his family out of Philadelphia right he takes the head coaching job here just like they can there’s relatability there for Ganon and Kyler Murray that they have been at the top of their profession respectfully at coaching and playing quarterback yeah only to be torn down by people internally and externally so I I think there’s a certainly I know there’s a mutual respect between the two they’re killers they were both supremely gifted athletes obviously Kyler is the top 1% being drafted in the top 10 in pro football and pro baseball but I I just think at the end of the day they are so much more alike than we give them credit for and I think that you cannot put a price on that who did Ken wizen Hunt want to be his quarterback CT Warner relatability Bruce arens with Carson Palmer relatability you have to have that to some degree right you can’t have this I mean Kyler Murray and and cliff Kingsbury were not speaking during Cliff’s last year in Arizona yeah I mean there there’s such a stark difference in the communication at hand within the Arizona Cardinal franchise that in and of itself like like at the end of the day you think will Levis and whomever the hell the Titans hired as their head coach you think that’s vibing great right I mean there’s a reason why Brock pie and Kyle Shanahan are working because they’re one and the same and I I really do think doesn’t matter what side of the ball gon coaches they are so similar and the Cardinals are going to benefit from that it was such a toxic Dynamic made no sense like here you had Kim and Cliff who had hitched their wagon to Kyler Murray like all their success was from Kyler Murray’s success in his early career got him extensions and then like all the mudslinging that went on when Kyler Murray just was going to be P he was next up to be the next quarterback extended all that all that trash talk all that stuff that played out in in the public Arena um you know you know you you can kind of only figure out where it came from because it certainly stopped once you know uh especially one of those guys exited the organization um and but to to see like Ganon was a multiport guy just like Kyler Murray back in his high school days before he went on to Louisville before his hip injury uh you know basketball player loves golf he said that that’s probably the only thing that he’s got a maybe an edge on Kyler in is is as far as on the golf course but give him six months he said and you know Kyler’s probably competing with them I mean the the and you have to you have to appreciate that the the entire current iteration of the Arizona Cardinals like this new this roster everybody’s competitive everybody wants to just get out there and compete like outside of Kelvin beum like I mean everybody’s shown up for voluntary workouts everybody’s shown up for voluntary OTAs and they’re ready to kind of start competing right now you know carving out their roles carving out their roster spots like they’re not going to relinquish any opportunity or give anybody any any chance to take their spot I mean look at the offensive line I mean you got will Hernandez who I think is is firmly in place for Right Guard he’s out there you got of course Paris who’s making the transition from right tackle to left tackle but then you got Evan Brown who’s who’s you know ingratiating himself with his new teammates uh I think Dennis Gard called him SpongeBob looking dude because he’s just a kind of a fire hydron out there um and and then you’ve got like uh yellow frol no in the crew like they’re all out there they’re all putting in the work because I don’t think any of them like feel like they can give up an inch because of how competitive top to bottom this roster is there’s a stark difference between this year and last year and and they were cutting guys that were I mean if you ask people last year Isaiah Simmons and DeAndre Hopkins were two of the top 10 players they had on the team that spoke to the team itself and lack of Premium Talent both guys were basically cut before the start of the regular season Simmons was was tra traded for tuna fish sandwich he was out before the season started and then dehop was a cap casualty but right they were comfortable with that now it’s a little bit different now it’s like okay yes if you’re a veteran and you’ve been paid specifically by the prior regime you got to fight for every inch and these guys have made it through the first year like we’re gonna hear from Dennis G deck later in the show like he’s a guy as much as I’ve tried to replace him 20 different times it’s clear make him avail to the media he’s a rotational player they love what they see from Dennis G good for him right I would say certainly the same thing as you mentioned will Hernandez comes back in gets a nice two-year deal was a k guy originally like James Connor these are the kind of players where you sift through the colinger a little bit and at the end of the day there’s some good stuff from that prior regime but now okay those are the icing what’s the cake made out of and the cake is really going to be these last two drafts how quickly can Austin Ford and Ganon get these last two drafts up to speed and while I think that this draft this year of course has a chance to Kickstart hopefully a prolonged period of success we talked about this off airbo the word out of otaa what you see every day behind the scenes that we’re hearing the seconde guys from last year’s class specifically Paris Garrett Williams and Michael Wilson are are I think poised for a Monster jump in production and namesake around the NFL like you hear what what what’s being said about Michael Wilson right now friend of the program like it is somebody I got a text message my buddy Seth Cox from Revenge of the birds and it was the Tweet about t Higgins and Jamar Chase holding out right it’s like wouldn’t it be a nice problem to have if this was Michael Wilson and Marvin Harrison Jr in a couple years because it would all the good that that would mean happening with both of those players like think about if Michael Wilson ascends to that t Higgins kind of level I I think we’re closely approaching that for cardal I get James Conor vibes from Michael Wilson like and yeah it’s the same thing where can he stay healthy right and can he keep himself on the field he’s very self-aware of what his biggest obstacle is in being successful at this level in its Health it’s got he wasn’t able to do it at Stanford he wasn’t able to make it through his rookie season without enduring a enduring a couple injuries right around his shoulder and neck area um but you know when we talk to him on draft night like he he was very aware of he told you when you were asking about you know what kind of Duo him and Marvin Harrison Jr can be he’s like if I get the full 17 I feel like I can reach any number you throw at me right now and you love the confidence and what I see from him in otaa in the open you know portion is is you know he’s he’s out there catching balls on the side with Kyler Murray like that Rapport like when we talk about things that can maybe uh hinder Marvin Harrison Jr from hitting some pretty crazy number numbers in his rookie season it’s like yeah Trey McBride’s in that you know their emphasis on the Run game and then Michael Michael Wilson and a true breakout in his second season can can also maybe slow down Marvin Harrison Jr just having all those mouths to feed it’s a good problem to have you want to see something gross though you want to see something gross Shane we put it up you talked about Colin coward’s uh top NFC quarterbacks what is Pro Football Focus doing this is per our guy Trevor s we got a hit up treb and be like what the hell is this here’s your top 10 NFC quarterbacks Dak Prescott one Matthew Stafford two Jaylen Herz three Jordan love four Brock pory five Kurt Cousins in his bum leg six Jared Goff seven Kyler Murray eight Gino Smith nine and then Caleb Williams at 10 uh that just leaves off what six NFC quarterbacks starting quarterbacks um off this list but top 10 Kyler he’s at eight you said he was on four Colin coward you know yeah he was only behind Stafford Herz or excuse me Stafford Jordan love and Goff he was ahead of Herz Dak and of course per Colin Colin the same thing as Chris Sims when we talked to Chris Sims at the Super Bowl I mean he it sounded at that time you know that he was making a hot take but it’s it’s you know around the league you talk to people knowers of ball they they they see the arm talent and Kyler Marie has far more armed Talent than Jaylen Herz not even close I mean it’s like that scene from Tal nights I don’t even know what to do with my hands people don’t know what to do with Kyler Murray like he’s he was injured then he came back and he played pretty well and I don’t know what this offense is and do they want to run the football how are the new receivers going to do and what is z Jones I mean just we need I think we’re gonna know a month in like we’re gonna have a definitive sample size of oh yeah we’re a quarter of the way into the season this is what KY Murray is again and again like you I’ve been on the record you’ve been on the record if he plays all season this team is going to the playoffs he is making the Pro Bowl and who who else can you say that about what other quarterbacks can you say that’s always been the consistent narrative around K1 on this program if he plays the majority of games this team is going to go to the postseason he will have 30 plus touchdowns so if if he wants to put that out if if People’s list is predicated on an Asis saying I don’t know if Kyler Murray can play 17 games I’m not gonna argue that as one of the biggest Kyler Murray stains there is but if it’s okay if all things are equal and he’s healthy and he’s ready to go and you put him one-on-one up against somebody like Dak Prescott who who he’s beaten who lost to Joshua dobs last year I’m gonna take Kyler Murray I’m gonna take him over somebody like Jordan love and I like Jordan love so it really just Brock pie is not one iota close to KY Murray on a talent level and I believe this year on a football playing level I think Kyle Murray’s gonna have a better year than Brock pie so I to me at just at the end of the day with this team if you tell me if we fast forward to January and Kyle Murray plays 16 out of 17 games I know what kind of season you are I I know it before it even happens because I know the caliber of the player he is it’s all about health with K1 and if anybody wants to argue that that he is not a franchise quarterback because of that then you have 100% sincerity and right to do that because he has to do it I mean getting back to like the regimes in the expectations for for the for Kyler Murray especially like cliff and Kim hitching their Wagon at Kyler and not giving like pretty much having him go out there and play herob ball right and and was like okay you you go find a way you know and they really never knew how to build around him where Ganon knew like I don’t he he knows you could have the most talented quarterback the best way to to kind of R kind of raise the level of plays to surround him with with the pieces necessary with the infrastructure NE necessary as far as coaching staff the play calling right and the scheme and then of course the roster and they they are so light years ahead of where the previous staff was where the previous regime was and uh it it it it just see it seems so simple watching it being done right by Monty o for Jonathan Ganon but it just he is poised like you said if he’s in the lineup for the bulk of the season I mean we we were looking at some of the best single Seasons in Arizona Cardinals history over the you know on late last week Kyler Murray’s 2020 season where he’s putting up 36 total touchdowns he’s got you know or was it 37 total touchdowns he’s got 26 passing and 11 rushing he’s probably not going to find double digits on the ground it’s because he a different stage in his career but you add a couple of those you know throwing touchdowns he’s up over 30 easy it’s all about health it’s it’s nothing to do with ability and again I think Kyler Murray as you mentioned when push comes a shove I think he’s going to have the most lauded impactful statistical season in Cardinal quarterback franchise history by the time he retires I think he’s goingon to beat Carson Palmer’s touchdown passes singularly in a season and then obviously collectively what he and Warner did I why can’t he do that like you mentioned those numbers they’re pretty modest for Arizona Cardinal quarterbacks if you told me at the end of the year that Kye Murray broke every Cardinal quarterback passing record by the end of this year would not surprise me again this is respectfully this is not Tom Brady pton Manning Peak Drew Brees it’s Kylie Murray in this offense I’m sorry could throw 40 touchdowns I know people don’t want to believe that I I 100% believe that that can happen and again you can wager on things like that with our friends at bmgm with the first bet offer $1,500 if you missed out this weekend on a chance by the way to dabble on the Grand Slam jackpot promotion well good news for you it’s every single weekend through the MLB season every Saturday Sunday and even Friday again place a mere $10 bet on a player to hit a home run every weekend if said player hits a grand slam you’re going to win up to 50K in Daily prizes or share that prize with any other winning better or if you’re like you know I’m not a baseball guy and I just or gal and I just want to dabble with BM jam and I want free monies in the form of bonus bets we’re going to hook you up there too super easy to get started download the bmgm Sportsbook app on your iOS or Android or visit our friends at sign up and deposit at least $10 in your newly created B MGM Sportsbook account and uh let’s say you want to 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Ontario or Puerto Rico bonus bets expire in seven days you call on the end of the season for the Mavs tonight I mean I’m sorry the t-wolves yeah that’s Ser you’re fast forward to uh the the Western and Eastern Conference Finals have can we just be real have been a joke they’ve been unwatchable terrible so sad big dum I was so upset yesterday if if if this game goes the way everyone thinks tonight there’s gonna be no NBA basketball until June six it’s wild I mean it is strange to think like the as far as like do you care if the t-wolves like rip off two in a row I mean it’s inevitable that they’re done like at that point you’re just like okay end it let’s just get to the next series more basketball more Hoops more more Hoops meaningless basketball okay g-league like let me ask you this league G League do you guys believe the narrative that that the sun should have added Kyrie Irving and not Kevin Durant after this series Jane I’ve heard that float around the Twitter streets it’s gross that’s a gross place to be spending your time yeah it’s disgusting not a great gross place to be uh in front of a grill this holiday weekend I know that yeah you were there you posted on social media I mean it I don’t know getting back to gross Twitter streets you you put firing off that picture what you had on where was that like a community Grill was this that a park somewhere where was this that’s my grill that I put together I didn’t I paid for they are touching that I you know what really bothered me I post this picture because I got thrown Shade last week voted a butcher box add he added what my uh meat of choice was going to be on Memorial Day weekend I did not lie I said it was going to be hamburgers and hot dogs I got made fun of by he and Damon then I post this to show like I was a man of my word I’m very truthful and then I got people like our friend Brian in the chat or maybe my friend of me now saying oh those are for babies that’s a baby burger what kind of portions are you people eating that you oh I need a piece of meat that fills up my entire Grill these are regular sized portions okay friends how about you having a burger with your baba what’s going on here those are for those hot dogs are for babies you’re never gonna get a small portion of meat from our friends over at butcher box they would never do you wrong like that no burgers for babies with butcher box they make boxes of meat for men for men M they like to throw their meat and torch it on the fire it’s unbelievable what they’re doing over at butcher box you can curate your own box you got to check it out right now save some money while doing it go to Butcher phn you’re GNA find highquality meat and seafood you can trust it’s not just about man-sized Burgers it’s also about great Seafood it’s about grass Fred free range orange I’m orange chicken organic chicken I’m thinking about some delicious orange chicken though how about pork raised crep free and wild cot Seafood it’s humanly raised no 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for every opportunity look Grill Twitter man that that’s why I would never post anything for my grill on on social media Grill Twitter is too ruthless it’s elitist it is very elitist yeah it was very bold of you I a lot of tip the cap to you Johnny for for posting that thank you I’m a man of my word now show me some GD Marvin Harrison Jr highlights right now yeah let’s take a look at Sweet Baby Marv out there on Arizona well this is Darius Robinson he taking out that that dummy here’s I was talking about Michael Wilson just playing a little catch with Kyler Murray zav Collins working on popping a football out there there’s a BJ oari in the number nine jersey James Conor catching a ball from Kyler Murray you’re also gonna see Trey Benson pop out this is the first Glimpse I saw Benson because he was out at that rookie uh whatever the NFL PA rookie deal was last week here’s Marvin just warming up just getting the the legs limber here’s a little Paris Johnson you’re he’s going to drive this sled and then he’s gonna hit somebody you like to see that playing the left tackle position and here’s here’s Marv catching a couple balls believe this is from just one of his coaches you’ll see one from K1 here in just a bit um it’s great to have real players Now isn’t it like we watched these highlights and it’s like I couldn’t tell you who who were in these highlights last year it’s like for you’ll see him uh quite a bit kind of peppered into these highlights but he’s got to be pumped to see all these moves that he’s made over the last two years out on the grass making making some plays here’s what we’re waiting for K1 little mhj action the first of many just get you fired up why can’t the season start tomorrow I mean this team last year we talk about it projected by Vegas to win zero games I mean it wasn’t their over under but they were favored in zero games yeah people said they were going to be the worst team in NFL history history they won four games uh and they won three of those with Kyler Murray down the stretch and it’s now it’s it’s pretty wild like I love uh our guy Pat at NBC Sports roto world he’s a friend of you know this show and you know really really nice to phnx sports and he’s a good guy on Twitter but he had Monty Austin for ranked like 25th in his GM rankings but he also made a a caveat to say like K Murray plays well like this team could go to the postseason I feel like that everybody’s using that kind of as an out like hey the Cardinals could be really bad or they could be a playoff team and those to me are the the best kind of offseasons where it’s like you’re still not getting your due you can play the disrespect card but people understand and recognize specifically at the quarterback position oh this is a guy who could take over games this is a guy that can help us get to where we want to be and they’re they’re very much in my opinion on the trajectory of the Detroit Lions two years ago where they had the initiation culture year and then they they took off from there I I don’t understand that 25th overall for Monty that behind Ron carthon too that’s that was it’s bad that makes me want to puke in my mouth yeah Patrick dhy who’s great he’s fantastic but his this his list stunk it was a bad list I wasn’t gonna leave ran carthon ran carthon made one good move as a general manager the only for I mean there’s a does Rand carthon have a viral video of him just owning other GMS maneuvering the draft board in his first draft in 2020 3 and then adding a 12 player uh draft class this year that was I mean universally Beloved the only GMS that Austin Ford is ahead of that are not new GMS are the Broncos George Patton and then the Jaguars Trent bulky which is kind of a joke he’s ahead of the guy that broke wind on the podium the guy that ripped ass and and acknowledged it Trent balky like who name me a couple so Rand carthon that’s ran carthon’s directly in front of Joe Shion uh or sha whatever the Giants the Giants GM uh 23 Ryan poles is at 22 everybody slobbering all over polls uh Terry fontnot uh the Falcons oh boy is there a pause you cleaning up please sorry sorry about that Barry fontnot uh of the Falcons who butchered the draft this year and took a 24 year old rookie after signing Kurt Cousins to a billion dollars he’s 21 Joe Douglas at 20 is asking to be fired D this is the worst this is the worst list I’ve ever heard who’s who’s in the top 10 who’s in the top 10 I’m not saying Austin Fort deserves to be in the top 10 he’s at top 20 GM already John Schneider 10 uh Stephen Jones Jerry Jones combo at nine okay Schneider deserves to be in top 10 what he’s been able to do in Seattle for so long Brian G kissed Packers eight Brandon Bean seven who I the first I think the bills are kind of low-key trash as a roster that that’s a reach Brad Holmes six he’s done a good job Eric dasta Ravens five uh Les needed four Hoy Roseman three Kyle shanan John Lynch two and then number one Brett Beach of the Chiefs so Cardinals are competing with three um Executive Administrative staffs that are in the top 10 so what else is new that is horrendous just under ranking of of that’s just you’re not paying attention Rand carthon Rand carthon has done a horrendous job he’s done really bad he’s not like all the players that they mentioned were like free agents that he signed outside like overpaid uh Calvin Ridley he like oh good job man way to go you gave $90 million to Calvin Ridley when nobody else would only I think it’s it’s it’s you gotta win games you gotta have young players that that pop off I agree with that but I also think just at the end of the day like can we can we acknowledge and recognize like Paris Johnson Marvin Harrison Jr and Michael Wilson like they have guys who are on the cusp of stardom in the NFL yeah you know and Kye Murray or not like this team’s gotten much better and they could not have been in the wor carthon will Levis and Peter scaroni I mean there hasn’t I mean I like Taj Spears but that’s not enough to put him I mean what what is he what name any roster maneuver that that he’s made that that best Monty ort name one couldn’t tell you it’s bad other than the Titans won more games than Austin Fords Cardinals last year maybe that’s what they’re judging it off of let’s get some of these super chats then we’ll talk a little more OTAs Jason $2 y’all ready for another great show I am hphx thank you so much Jason official time on that when did Jason clock in oh 8:26 a.m wow nice job Jason so Jason uh ear bird today over our our guy cardi D in their competition to be first in the super chats congratulations Jay you caught our guy cardi D sleeping off the holiday weekend but sure cardi D will come back strong can we also say very humbly in all the messages we got yesterday when we didn’t do a show and people were asking where the show was so thank you uh for that Jason’s back $ Five Doll again uh with time to compose himself we could be hosting hoisting the Lombardi and people would still find reasons to track K1 absolutely I hope the birds fly under the radar all season and keep receipts well they have one nationally televised game and it’s on ESPN plus so I think there’s a good chance they are under the radar even if they’re winning so uh keeping it going with these super chats how about Trent and Smith checking in 499 Super Chat thank you Trent really hope Darius Robinson is isn’t the next Mark I really hope Darius Robin isn’t the next Marcus golden thoughts uh I thought junkyard dog had a pretty good Cardinals career and and which way do you not want him to be Marcus golden just how he was kind of inconsistent like because it was like one good year and you might be talking about a different Marcus golden the one that’s bued with the sea no I I would probably say that the success Marcus had probably was too shortlived for maybe Trenton like he okay he I mean he didn’t get an extension then Kim let him go to the Giants and they brought him back I think Darius Robinson is like uh man Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end not Cam Jordan but um cam cam Hayward thank you producer Shane that’s who he reminds me of like a Cameron Hayward who by the way has been in Pittsburgh for like a decade I I think I think he’s closer to not a k as kind of player but he he’s gonna play defensive tackle somewhere as Marcus was a true Edge rusher from the start yeah he was kind of pin your ears back and get after the passer yeah cardi D two bucks still just typed for the Miami takeover hash bird gang you got the palm tree emoji and then is that a seashell Emoji as well very nice got Emoji I’m gonna be throwing it in a circle in Miami you’re gonna what you’re gonna eat a uh a seashell no I’m gonna throw it in a circle oh okay not familiar with that term idre 499 Kyler had no talent and beat playoff teams now he has talent uh come on do the math Kyler merss this is I don’t know if this is the most talented team he’s played with but it’s certainly the most competent football competent the continues to be the best coaching staff he’s ever had ill d so I I Echo that you don’t go in a division with three potential Hall of Fame head coaches and you’re repping a failed college coach and get that coach to the postseason by accident like Kyler Murray I if it’s going to be a damn shame and I hope this doesn’t happen obviously if he if he is not able to return to the postseason and get his his time for Retribution to rewrite this narrative because he I think so much of what Kyler had coming into this league was robbed based off of organizational incompetence like we mentioned Brock py and Jaylen Herz and Jordan love don’t get it twisted a big part of their success was the stability of those franchises they went to like Kyler Murray went to the opposite of that right it’s you know who people have used this analogy before who’s a trust fund kid and who’s a kid that comes from a broken home that is able to exceed expectations and get you know a four-year degree from a major university like that’s in my opinion it’s probably not the best analogy that’s Kyler Murray he he went to an organization with the general manager and the and the head coach and the defensive coordinator were at times major liabilities to the team’s success and he had overcome that and his owner did not help him at times the there are organizations where you’re lockstead eye to eye with everybody in those roles that’s never even a question but the Cardinals had the opposite and that impacted Kyler htl hit the like uh how about this saint [ __ ] jumping in 199 JG and Monty equals [ __ ] Mafia approv I like it I like it a lot I like it Mr Saint is uh is is is JV is JV a point a part of the [ __ ] Mafia I think so that’ be an honor uh 499 MV uh I will gladly give you grill Master lesss anytime JV yeah MV quote tweeted me was thrown out steak on his grill as a graduate of the American Pit Master Class people got to appreciate the grill more often can can can you just be casual about your grill skills like if you’re somebody like me it’s just like I want to just go out there and just I’m going to use it when it’s necessary it’s it’s not a big part of my life um I have other Hobbies I have other interests um but when I need to make basic routine pieces of meat on a grill I can I can accomplish those those Feats yeah you take your baby Meats throw in your easy bake oven and next you know you got yourself a nice simple head to the park head to the Pavilion and get get get out the cold you’re you are the worst I gotta check out mv’s grilling skills for sure uh JB you are good on the grill look at our guy aie coming to your defense there’s some there’s okay Shane somebody asked me am I preparing for the nine n in nine directly and indirectly yes I am we have producer Shane debach on the program today I don’t think I’ve gotten your official uh confirmation what do you believe Bo and I could do in the n99 and nine well do I think you can finish it I want you to tell me the over under for bow and I individually are numbers for the 999 I feel like can I say this first Shane I feel like the 999 uh it’s become like the MLB no hitter I feel like it’s a long list now it’s not as prestigious as it once was since we started talking about it but but but it you can compare it to that but you can also compareed to like a marathon like a lot of people run a marathon it’s still really impressive okay and it’ll be hitter no hitters really hard but it’s still impressive so don’t get yourself down all right I would I would I would strive for greatness and greatness is complete in the 999 challenge Johnny there’s no shot you’re finishing it um what’s my number then uh I think you get five beers and three dogs down and then it’s it’s puke time um and then that’s in nine innings B I have a little bit more hope for but he’s not finishing either I guarantee I finished the 999 wow what I will 100% guarantee on I I think I’d go one further and I would eat 10 dogs whoa and N over aever yep I’ve been to events that the NFL has put on with Shane and I’ve seen him consume many great feats of look of foodin Excellence I’m 64 230 like I’m I’m a large human being I eat like that nothing wrong with that I love that about you I don’t think there’s a chance in hellbo completes it no chance I think Shane could do it Bo I love you like a brother you know that there’s no way you’re doing it why where do you think I would struggle I mean like I I 10 you could you could eat nine hot dogs in one sitting I don’t think you could do that in a two and a half hour game yeah yeah the the hot dogs the nine hot dogs where you get caught where where like stuff starts getting bad is the the the bun The Bun will get you but like the nine dogs the nine ballpark dogs especially the chase dogs super small easy well that what we’ be do it’s like a three biter sometimes a two biter I just feel like with two halves of an inning you just got time to to get it done yeah what about Damon what do you think Damon could do CH uh he wouldn’t do much better than you I think I’ve been been so disrespected and I’m going to overperform it’s like under deliver overperform I think there’s nothing more I would love than that yeah that’s happen I’m rooting for you I’m just now Bo has put himself in a corner where he has to complete it or I will though come on you’re just acting like it’s a big you’re you’re like oh so many people can do it it’s like a no hitter I’m going to do it yeah I was like on social media this weekend and I saw I came across like in my Instagram stories somebody completed and it was like really like really that person did it oh I got this is easy I love this to some shady friend of the program I’m taking the under for bow and the over for Johnny thank you I think that’s GNA become popular with a friends at Bed MJM you’re gonna be able to dabble on that um they have some fun uh like game props for it Johny to have a Tommy a is at plus 180 um or sorry minus 180 geez yeah U I would have been all over that Damon to to to puke before the seventh inning stretch is plus 110 I think there’s really good value there what about me to fall asleep completely scrubbed that from the books that there there was too much money one way and they’ve taken it off all right we gotta get back to O OTAs before we do though I’m going to tell you about our friends a desert Financial Credit Union I got to spend some money on some dogs and some bruskies and I’m going to do so keeping my financial Acumen tight and where it needs to be with my friends at Desert Financial Credit Union the official Credit Union of phnx sports the Arizona Cardinals and the venerable household that’s because for more than 84 years desert Financial has been Arizona’s largest most trusted Local Credit Union dedicated to creating exceptional experiences by giving back to the community and providing Financial Solutions that folks make lives better again upgrade updates secure your financial goals and dreams with the pristine staff with their Financial Solutions to again help real people like you and me again level up our financial Acumen and again if you’ve got a checking account you’re like I’m good there what about a savings account what about a mortgage loans credit cards they’ve got investment options and more plus if you’re an Arizona sports fan there’s no better place to do your banking the desert Financial Credit Unit rep the Red Sea with the Arizona Cardinal Visa debit card I do you should too again show your team spirit open up a free checking account online takes a matter of minutes debit cards in the mail a couple days after the fact but you got to get to you got to use phnx got tell them we sent you SLC Cardinals to get started uh made multiple stops over the three-day weekend to America’s thst shop our friend Circle K started the weekend off by gassing up my ride saved some money at the pump by just being a member of the Inner Circle I save 5 cents per gallon now I’ve reached that Echelon a very special boy uh with the Circle K in Circle membership it’s free did I mention that all you have to do is download and sign up in the new app you’ll get that uh save 25 cents per gallon on your first five fill ups so you’re saving at the pump as much as you possibly can right off the bat and then three cents per gallon every day and then you reach five cent status once you reach certain amount of money spent at the pump for the year but then of course thirst this summer has met its match as you can see on our if you’re watching on YouTube any size pop or froster to 79 cents this summer check that out that’s the best deal going on right now you can find Circle K many great offers in the Inner Circle app join the Inner Circle for free by downloading the Circle Gate app today terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit for details I put a poll in the chat um yeah so go ahead and vote in that and we’ll uh we’ll read that at the in the show what’s the poll can Johnny eat nine or eight no it’s it’s it’s out of you three Johnny bow and Damon who finishes the 999 challenge first not not you’re not off to a good start here Johnny but I don’t like that that that you’re very self-aware you’re very it’s called a loaded poll that’s not a favored poll would you ever give yourself a chance of actually finishing the 999 no no no and I feel like if I train for that I’m 56 on a good day I’m sub 160 pounds like because I’m not a competitive eater I would I would ask a lot of my fellow five six Brethren out there who could do that challenge right and if I began to train for that challenge in the way that the chat expects me to my head would be so bloated you would not be able to fit me in the screen to do this show every day so I am I’m building myself up to overd deliver but to do nine nine and nine if the nine hot dogs easily would just destroy me Damon just like has the chat under a spell or something they’re just they’re convinced the dog can finish it I I don’t see it they’re Damon dogs I mean that’s fair Kobayashi uh the famed hot dog eater was only 5’8 so your height thing sucks like that he’s a competitive eater though there’s only so many people that can do that but to say your your your Johnny did to be fair Johnny did say I’m five six on a good day and not a competitive eater okay so all right sorry I’ve chosen a different path in life than to guzzle glizzies uh the nation what is it the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest but I I think we’re going to go the four of us are going I think Shane does it relativ you’re wasting a vote if you’re now I thought I had I thought I had to bring you beer James yeah well you’re still doing that I will be standing I think a good good portion of it I can’t sit down then I will fall asleep um all right so let’s talk more about what happened at OTAs today where they surely were not talking about our 9999 challenge but instead kind of some of the future of this team critical juncture right now James Connor took to the mic today by the way looks fantastic and some of the comments he made we’re not going to get to all of them on the show but man if you want to check out our Twitter phnx Cardinals his comments get you fired off to be a Cardinal fan he is the antithesis of what you want the Arizona Cardinals to be and uh yeah talked a little bit about his future with the team Bo yeah he did I asked him about uh you know obviously he’s playing in the final year of that threeyear 20 plus million dollar contract that he signed and you know H how special it would be to potentially finish his career in the desert this was his answer uh it’d be awesome to finish my career here but no nothing changes you know it’s if anything it’s time to turn it up even more you know going into my last year in the deal so um yeah thankful that um you know got the chance to see the last year of it so I’m going to go into it give everything everything I got this year and uh we’ll see what happens next year hopefully stay but you know I understand the business it’s really going to be an interesting situation to follow because he has such a huge role in this organization um you know he took over a leadership role with the mass Exodus of of players from the previous regime the retirement of JJ Watt and when Kyler Murray was on the men as you mentioned like at this point last year he was rehabbing and he really couldn’t do much he was limited as far as NFL rules how much he could kind of uh you know work with his teammates mostly just all weight room stuff that Kyler Murray was allowed to do but you know James Conor’s been there from the jump and you know Jonathan ganon’s basically called him the blue print said if he he had his eight-year-old you know kid out there he would point to James Connor to Shadow to kind of show uh you know that that young child like how to be a pro how to how to how to conduct yourself just in general if they make the postseason this year and James is a big part of that I think he’s the number two free agent signing in franchise history behind Curt Warner I think Bertrand Barry gets the slight Edge right now because they went to a Super Bowl he was their dominant pass rusher I think James Conor has a chance to solidify I mean he’s the best free agent Runner that they’ve ever signed and I think he he’s going to set himself in a position like do they do they put him in the Ring of Honor one day I think that might be a little extreme but he what he did last year what he overcame and how productive he has been since he came to the Cardinals despite coaching changes scheme changes philosophy changes like I I don’t know like we talked about on what two weeks ago like I I think there’s a better chance James Conor is on this team than budha Baker next year as crazy as that sounds where I think James could say I’m gonna finish my career in Arizona they’re going to pay me you know six seven million and I’m gonna I’m gonna platoon with Trey Benson like that would not Shock Me Right and whereas Buddha Baker is making what 18 19 million this year it’s it’s tougher to make those numbers work or close to it next year so I I would hate at this point like James has become so ingratiated in this community such a fan favorite I would hate to see James Conor leave and I hope as he mentioned I hope it’s the floor now for what he did last year because I think unlike a lot of guys I think his game actually ages pretty well he’s not overly dependent on speed he was not the bcow for a long time in Pittsburgh he’s missed some time and that’s why they drafted Trey Benson but again I think there’s still a lot of meat on the bone for for James to be a productive runner in the NFL it would be devastating to the Trey Benson Dynasty owners out there who are in full force but yeah I mean as far as you know what’s best option for the Arizona Cardinals is is to have maybe that move on and if what you’re going to hear from James Conor is is the truth uh when he was asked about his thousand yard season he could be in a position to be you know similar to like a not saquan maybe Derk Henry who hit 30 years old and hit the free agent market and still had you know perceived to have you know some left in the tank James certainly believes that here’s his comments on his thousand yard season last year uh that was the floor you know that’s what me and Coach ad talk about that’s the floor you know you know I want it to be I want that to be the lowest St rush for you know in my career going forward you know so definitely got a lot of work to put in but that’s the floor not the It’s gotta get you pretty hyped up here James Conor says thousand yard season in 14 games last year was the floor and he wants it to be the floor going forward for the rest of his career I mean he carried the ball 200 times in average five yards a carry I don’t like I don’t know what more can you do and he led the league in yards after contact too I think he was up there as far as top explosive runs in the league um you know the offensive line was very aware I think it was Paris that was saying like James was able to do all that and he was being he was making contact you know very early in every Rush attempt it felt like last year and if they get you know a better you know if those guys are more well set up to be successful in blocking for him in the Run game like man look out well how many times have we watched the Cardinals this year and James was averaging like two yards per carat half and then he would explode in the second half and that’s the antithesis of what the Cardinals offense is and why I love it so much now as opposed to Cliff Kingsbury it’s a grinded out offensive mentality where like against Seattle he had started relatively slow right and it kind of built up in the second quarter and the third quarter breaks off another you know big run and then we mentioned the Pittsburgh game right he takes off in the second half beats his former team that’s the best part of about the Cardinals now is they don’t Peak early they have a game plan they don’t get away from from it I was watching the Philadelphia game over the weekend again Cardinals were down 21 to6 in that game they threw a pick six I just it’s boring but it’s part of my life and the C the Cardinals what they stuck to their run game and they ran it all over Philadelphia despite being down 15 with James car Conor and Michael Carter like they they do not even with Kyler Murray Marvin Harrison Jr they will not get away from that right and that’s what’s Gonna Keep Those careers prolong that’s what’s going to keep Kyler Murray upright so again like James Conor in a contract year 29 years old guess what it’s going to have a big season and I love Trey Benson I’ve been watching his highlights and I’m fired up James loves him right he’s a he’s going to be a great compliment long term but this is James backfield still this James Conor is not going away no he’s not uh who else isn’t going away is Paris Johnson Jr the Cardinals new franchise left tackle uh when he was asked about when he found out he was going to be the Cardinals left tackle it was the most like relaxed answer most informal thing I’d ever heard for somebody to take over such a premium position in the NFL here’s here’s Paris Johnson Jr talking breaking it down um I got a text one day he said hey like you play left I was like yeah you know yeah I’ve been training both I’ve been training both you know I I asked after the season they’re like honestly you know we’ll talk to you some point in the season and I just got to text I’m like depending what happens with with the free agency then so I was like you know what I had a whole season right tackle so if I get the word I’m going I’m staying at right tackle I just do what I did before and build on that but so I was I might as well train the left tackle now as if I’m going to be left tackle and I’d rather do that than train on right tackle get the call hey you’re the left tackle I’m like I I haven’t even switched my feet yet you know what I mean so I’m like let me just prepare in advance I was yeah let’s kind you know why does Paris Johnson J look like an edge rusher in that why does Paris Johnson Jr he a massive human man and he he looks spry out there he just looks great you know he was as he mentioned he said it several times in his availability today he was going to prepare to play both and then somebody within the organization was just like hey man play left it’s like yeah cool all right let’s do it you ever hit up one of your boys and just like hey you play left tackle and he an fires back yeah happened this weekend multiple times uh we had it sourced on this show and listen I can take an L on this show as people know we had it sourced in February that they wanted to keep him a right tackle that was the plan right that they were going to draft a left tackle in the top 10 and they were going to sign a bigname guard like that was the initial plan like we we had a pretty well source that they were telling people around the the organization we’re we got get left tackle and then they signed Jonah Williams who had played left tackle before sounded like he wanted to remain at left tackle I’m like okay and then something changed over the course of the the next four to six weeks before the draft it’s like okay we know we’re g to get marf now yeah we know we probably aren’t gonna get a tackle at 27 and so we have this rip cord break glass in case of emergency it’s not really an emergency but it’s like oh we have this gift where this kid was phenomenal right tackle didn’t miss a snap played left tack Ohio State and a lot of people including our own Brian baldinger feels like that’s where his best position is we’re just going to move him over so I I do full-heartedly believe that the initial plan was to keep an R tackle be have be the next Pan Lane Johnson and find the left tackle and I think Marvin becoming available they were going to take joal yeah if Marvin wasn’t there guess what position joal would have played for the Cardinals left tackle that didn’t happen thank yeah but piecing him together the press conference and some of his answers where Paris Johnson Jr was saying like at the end of last season obviously they saw the writing on the wall for DJ humph and he’s very respectful when he’s talking about DJ humph and everything that he’s done for him they remain close even though you know hump was released he was a cap casually because he wasn’t going to be available this season he was going to be the one of the highest cap hits for the Cardinals but you know Paris had made it known that he was he would love to move over to left side and start his transition to become the Cardinals you know franchise tackle and protector of Kyler Murray’s blind side but In that clip in particular he said you know they said barring what happens in free agency and I still think they got one of the better tackles in free agency in Jonah Williams but they just decided that they wanted to kind of expedite this move over and it also made it sound like the DJ thing completely sped up the timeline like as as you’ve said like DJ humph was going to be on his team going forward he was going to stay at left tackle and then he’s lost for the year next season and they’re just like all right well we’re just gonna we’re gonna just start this process now and Paris Johnson Jr is gonna be our guy going forward and it just with thinking about it in and utilizing hindsight and seeing how it’s already starting to pay off for the Cardinals uh it just seems like it’s it’s the right move he’s the right guy for that position going forward was there anybody you trust more protecting Kyler Blind Side on the team I mean I don’t uh and they’re they’re going to be starting a new left guard whether it’s a rookie or a veteran that that person has not played on this team before Evan Brown or Isaiah Adams like they they’re gonna have a new face at left guard you need continuity and you know I think Jonah Williams is gonna be fine think he’s got every opportunity to really help himself he’s on a two-year deal that could expand further than that right they may not have to take a tackle again Christian Jones can be a swing tackle now let me ask you this Kelvin beam’s not there this is voluntary yeah what are you reading to that anything I mean is Kelvin beum their the swing tackle when the season starts or is it the fifth rounder out of Texas in your opinion I mean I mean Christian Jones is getting a GNA get an opportunity um yeah I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if it’s there’s much to make out of it him not being here for and Miss inv voluntary I mean we’ll see what happens once mandatory rolls around two weeks uh we’ll see if Kelvin beum is a participant next week he hasn’t been so far during voluntary so uh you know with with just kind of how things have gone and and seeing players from that are held over from the previous coaching staff and front office you you know I I don’t think that there’s any questioning of what Kelvin provides as for on the field I think he’s a great swing tackle guy great locker room guy great mentor to these young players but the same time like there’s true competition already in the locker room I don’t know if you want to kind of give them uh any more of an opening to come for your spot but is there another tackle that would make you feel better about moving on from Kelvin beachum outside of Christian Jones can Tristan cologne play tackle like is there anybody else more inside I think those guys are more inside all right so they really they only have really three quality tackles of note if Beach him’s not around anybody else you think I mean maybe that’s his job security maybe that’s just what he’s relying on in the final year of his the two-year deal that he signed I mean I’m I mean mostly everybody that they’ve added I don’t I don’t think it’s like a a Dennis Daly I mean talk to Titans fans that they hated Dennis da at the tackle position uh is it like a Carter O’Donnell just going down the list here I just is it Austin Pleasants it’s somebody that nobody’s really kind of checked in on and Jackson Barton like if those guys were going to have a true opportunity I think they would have received it before this I I think you you you bring Beach into camp and you just see how he compares to what you have I’m not ready to completely cut ties with him they don’t need to unless he started last couple games of the year and the Cardinals offensively were productive you don’t want him starting the season you don’t want him starting prolonged stretches but like Joshua dos like he can come in and help you when when necessary so I think there’s a benefit to having him on the roster and animal TV saying Beach’s got one more year at swing yeah and then if Christian Jones becomes that guy great and if not go go get somebody else but I mean they’re they’ve got we we we emphasize this I’ll continue to do so they’ve got I think what could potentially be the best tackle they’ve had since lus Brown since the early 90s like physically gifted Humphrey’s had some really good Peak years and I think he made the most to where he was drafted it’s a pro bowler a pro bowl alternate like Paris Johnson Junior is in different category in my opinion like could you could convince me that we sit here this time next year he’s a top three to five tackle in the NFL like would not surprise me and um just he he fits so much of what they want to be now which is all about football and team he competed at the highest level and dominated Ohio State and it’s seamlessly translated to the NFL it’s like give me more of that can we just every year take a player like that and I think they did twice in the first round this year yeah he acknowledged it was weird that he’s never been a captain in his career not at the high school level not at the Collegian level he said he transferred high school as his senior season and like the coaching staff is like it’d be weird if we gave it you year one and he’s like okay I’ll just go out and be you know the best tackle in my class and have you seen those highlights by the way there’s some of the greatest highlights in the history of high school football these moving guys they were playing Edge that were my size I had my hand in the dirt and I was thrown into the stands it’s like The Blind Side I know that around a lot that’s go look up Paris Johnson Jr’s high school highlights he’s a captain this year he’s a captain this year for sure there’s uh and that’s awesome I mean to be able to do it at the highest level in just his second season but it’s a true Testament to how he’s just kind of taken over like taken ownership of of being the new you know Arizona Cardinals caliber of player it’s it’s awesome to see that that’s the type of person and player they’re bringing into this organization not only like super talented Blue Chip talent but also off the field really really incredible person close to 500 people here in the chat hit that like button here phnx Cardinals also I gotta tell them everybody about uh our trip down to Miami this upcoming season huge game against the Miami Dolphins and AFC East uh opponent here October 25th through 28th we got your tickets set up for the 27th that’s game day we’re also going to get you uh round trip airfare you’re going to get uh obviously transportation to and from the airport as well we got your combinations your hotel set up beautiful location it’s gorgeous Johnny you’re gonna be hanging out there and getting the full Miami treatment while you’re going to check out your red birds hopefully in a pivotal Showdown uh against a non-conference rival everybody keeps telling me I’m I’m pale and white and so I’m going to get gross and tan in Hollywood Beach with everybody else packages started just $12.99 deposits are fully refundable until the 30th later this week and again they have payment plans for four months leading up to the season so if you can’t pay it all at once no problem we want to see you guys there I already got reached out by a couple Peaks saying they’re signing up they’ve already signed up this is this is the event of the NFL season we told leadership here at phnx sports Mr sa Bookman said we want to go to Miami we want to go to Hollywood Beach we want to place on the water what do we need to do to make it happen he said we we’re going to hook up with true fan travel the elite the premier travel Source when it comes to just taking care of everything like I I’m all about when I go on on trips and vacations like I want my travel taken care of my flights my Transportation my tickets and then I want it built out so it’s just I’m not sitting around the hotel waiting for things to do we’re gonna have an alumni meet and greet we’re gonna have an inclusive tailgate party we’re gonna have a booze cruise right there are a ton of things that we’re going to continue to add to this robust agenda and again if you’re part of this community if you can make it if you can swing it you’re not going to find anything cheaper I I task everybody right now if you’re interested in going watching the Cardinals play the Dolphins try to book it yourself get a total and then bring it back to what truant has and the amount of money that you’re going to be saving we always talk about bundling saves that’s what this is all about we wanted to make sure we went with the best to save you in fact money check them out Trufant we’ll put the link in the description in the show notes we want to see you Hollywood Beach Miami Stadium this fall KY the Murray taking on to it it’s going to be a fantastic event cannot wait to see you there we can’t wait to see everybody there it’s going to be the best event I think we’ve done with phnx we had a similar thing when we went to Nashville for the NHL draft last year had a boost Cruise there too on the river unbelievable experience you have to come out to these they’re so much fun plus as I said I’m gonna throw it in a circle and you’re not gonna want to miss that on the Boost Cruise all right so is Johnny the greatest time throw in a circle you have you chosen your uh the road jersey you’re gonna be wearing I might just wear the number 18 collection is that okay yeah I think that that’s the right move you know me I mean I’m more wear the T-shirt over the Jersey know you sadly I do know you uh Maserati Marv mhj the math T they’re all available right now guess what they’re shipping next week get them now get them hot we’re told they’re shipping next week the phnx merchandise Locker is where you want to get them pick up a free shirt right now become a diard go then go back into the locker you’re going to get the rest of the shirts for 20% off because you are a die hard I’m die hard for this collection right now I can’t wait to rep it every single game day this fall and Beyond I saw some other let’s just say certain number 18 paraphernalia over the weekend and I can just say mid that’s being generous that is very generous like it was terrible it’s not great it was the least creative it’s like hey let’s just slap letters on a T-shirt and call it good you can’t get you can’t get a number 18 jersey yet sadly we’ve been checking we’ve been refreshing but you can get this collection right now Shi imminently yeah and also myself uh you said you and your son and and his grandfather right they were they were ready to spring in action head out to the he’s here they’re ready they’re it’s like they’re by the bad phone red phone they’re waiting for the team store to open up their doors yeah say we’re pumping out number 18 jerseys uh and I don’t know why that hasn’t happened it seems like a missed opportunity over Memorial Day weekend but our guy Mike fraud Florio wrote an article saying if you haven’t checked you still can’t buy mhj Jersey so we’re waiting like everybody else what was his 10f foil hat stupid stupid dumb stuff suits and whatever it’s if you noticed there’s no mhj jerseys does he secretly hate the Cardinals organization and does he want to hold out even though he signed his rookie contract should he not should he refuse to go to the Cardinals no actually he loves it here uh and his dad loves it here and they’re welcome here unlike you Mike fraud uh Mr [ __ ] is back 499 Super Chat JV and Bo Brock are full-fledged members of chapter of the [ __ ] Mafia thank you so much that’s an honor it is feel like we should make a speech uh ghost of Pat Tilly $10 Super Chat a guarantee thank you ghost uh if Bo fails he wears Kevin cobs Jersey to the Dolphins game over under jv3 Innings I like that that’s that’s look I if I I will put I’ll put it on the line if I fail the 999 challenge I will sport a Jersey to uh to an event can I ask can I ask this clarification question is is puking and then coming back and continuing allow if you puking rally I think that that’s a PL I think we allow in this this variation of it that would make it even better what a story that would be so ending the poll to at the end of the show Bo has 50% of the votes oh gross gross Damon with 34 Johnny with 14% you’re in the team 14% I love you I salute you I know that azy I know that’s Sports hero I know that’s Richard I appreciate you all I appreciate all 50% of you out there realizing who could really get it I love 100% of you chat yeah that’s true well it’s gonna be we we’re gonna pick the grossest diamondb game to go to we think white white socks right white socks or Angels is trout out yet yeah I mean Angels without trout that is a that is a terrible matchup he’s hot was for hero saying 14% sympathy vote I need all the sympathy I listen it’s like the Cardinals not being on national TV we’re not going to sweat it I’m not going to sweat the 14% we’re just going to go out the fact that you don’t even say like you won’t even like lie and say yeah I could do it I mean what’s the point show up okay okay bro I’m showing up the betterman of the Pod and this community thanks for showing up and putting in this half ass effort like uninspired like oh I’m just I just want to you know have fun and make sure sure nobody gets hurt I never of those things number one I want you to fail that’s what I’m getting a close and personal seat for I want Bo to fail and fall on his face and then I want to just slowly methodically casually take care of business and I’m not going to put a number on it’s gonna be the seventh inning and you’re gonna say holy [ __ ] he’s actually gonna do it he’s only got two more two more dogs two more beers this guy’s a machine I can’t stand the smugness right now and Shane can you do you believe Bo could do it you think there’s a part of you that believes that can do it a little bit was there you guys you guys were Road dogs with me and indy like my plate was clean every time we went out yeah but there’s a difference between cleaning plate and overachieving you know like like a lot of people can clean plate like do your job sure Johnny can’t yeah well Johnny’s part of I’m prompted I can’t wait I’m I’m I can’t wait to leave this show this show today you know what listen this was the worst show ever like I said it was all the credits here because I I come on this show and I’m positive and I say y I’ll take the shade in the chat I’m going to handle my business and I’m gonna I’m gonna overachieve and then Bo’s like yeah look at Johnny loser loser and you can’t eat a hot baby hot dog somehow my hot dogs are gonna be compared to bows and and Damons and they’re G somehow I Swindle a little little weenies in there to eat somebody what do you call weenies YouTube us are saying I can take a nap in the seventh inning I appreciate that mine will not be based on finishing it per any though that’s sad well I mean sad you don’t sign up for the 999 Challenge and say I can’t it’s a win if I get the if I get the the mark of the beast 666 let me ask you this so somebody in the chat earlier Shane said that if we do this challenge we’re GNA be waiting in line the whole time of the of the game is that true no you you well the beers the beers would be a little more difficult but you get you get all nine dogs before yeah you might have a cold dog at the end that’s fine good or what you could do is you go three at a time you’ll be fine okay I three at a time yeah well actually don’t concessions close of the seventh inning for beers yeah yeah you got to rip your last three before then for sure we will begin to find which game we’re going to and we will uh give updates that Night Live updates in video form only to the phnx Cardinals faithful in the Discord the member Discord we’ll get it first then we do a recap on the next day’s show and again we’re going to start we’re going to start scoping out locations and on game day and uh and we’ve ingratiated Shane deach here one of one of my favorites uh to be able to participate and also go on beer runs thank you Shane that’s gonna do it for us the uh conversation continues in the exclusive member Discord is Johnny alluded to thank you to everybody for their super chats great to be back after a long uh holiday weekend we got more show for you tomorrow the the rest of the week make sure you subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube phnx Cardinals on Twitter and Instagram follow Johnny venerable follow me Bo Brock and our guy Shane de on X as well we’ll talk to you barring any breaking news tomorrow 4:30 right here phnx [Music] Sports we all like the May

During yet another week of OTAs, Arizona Cardinals HC Jonathan Gannon spoke on his franchise QB in Kyler Murray. Gannon stated Murray “constantly is thinking about football” and “would practice everyday” for the Cards. Is James Conner ending his career with the Redbirds? Are Arizona sports fans ready for a potential playoff season in 2024? Can Marvin Harrison Jr. fye for Rookie of the Year honors?

Join Johnny Venerable, Bo Brack and Shane Dieffenbach on Monday’s PHNX Cardinals podcast.

0:00 – Intro
7:39 – Has Kyler Murray’s ceiling been reached?
10:00 – JG on Kyler
19:00 – The WRs on this roster
23:00 – PFF’s Top 10 NFC Quarterbacks
35:00 – OTA’s highlights
41:00 – Superchats
55:00 – James Conner on future
1:01:00 – Paris Johnson on Left Tackle
1:06:00 – What about Kelvin Beachum?

An ALLCITY Network Production

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Gannon: Kyler Murray “Constantly Thinking About Football, Would Practice Everyday” for Cardinals - Raw Chili (2024)
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