Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (2024)

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (1)

June 2024 Volume 43 Number 6

Inside This Issue
FHA NewsThis Month’s Features
AnnouncementsFearrington Cares
Welcome New Residents!This Month’s Calendar
Information about the Belted Gazette

President’s Message

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (2)
Steve Stewart

Welcome to June and the start of summer 2024! Memorial Day, the unofficial start of the summer season, is behind us, and we can look forward to summer in Fearrington Village, hot and sunny. Please be aware that the sun and heat are not necessarily our friends. Protect yourself from excessive sun exposure and heat injury and remember to stay hydrated. Most of all, take time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and slower pace that is summer in our Village.

The Brightspeed saga continues, and we have kept our residents updated by email and on the website. To review, Brightspeed has been given permission by the State of North Carolina to lay underground cable along state road easem*nts. In Fearrington Village, about two-thirds of our roads are owned and maintained by the state. The remaining one-third are private and owned by service groups in the Village (not by the FHA). Currently Brightspeed does not have permission to lay cable on these private roads. Your FHA Board members and the presidents of the service groups have been meeting with Brightspeed. The meetings have been amicable, and Brightspeed is aware of the issues involved and has apologized for their poorly planned and executed initial entry into the Village. Residents in service groups having private roads will be hearing from your presidents as to the way forward.

Our restoration efforts in the Village continue. The Creekwood mail kiosk is progressing according to plan. New mail and parcel lockers for Creekwood have been ordered and will be installed when the structure is finished. Instructions for picking up your new postal keys will be forthcoming as we get closer to completion—please be on the lookout for announcements. The Swim & Croquet kiosk will be thoroughly cleaned, with new parcel lockers added at that time. Landscaping and pathway improvements are planned for the Smokehouse kiosk and library buildings. We have added a small storage building in the rear parking lot of The Gathering Place to store the many items used in the outdoor events that occur throughout the year. A small retaining wall will be added behind this new building to prevent the slope from continuing to encroach into the parking lot.

Your FHA and Fearrington Cares are working together ever more closely. The two organizations have been meeting to discuss how we can better support each other and provide better service to our residents. You will see more events, such as the recent automated external defibrillator training, sponsored by the two groups jointly, but each organization will continue to focus on its own area of interest so as to avoid duplication of effort.

As always, I am asking you to volunteer to help us keep Fearrington Village the premiere place to live in the area. The opportunities to help in the Village are many. Give it a try!

Have a healthy, safe, and joyous start to your summer!

—Steve Stewart, president@fhaboard.org

FHA News

Hospitality Office of FHAVillage Center Happenings
Fearrington Cares Newsletter Announcement

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (3)Hospitality Office of FHA

If you need help to:

  • Make a copy
  • Send a fax
  • Get a trail map
  • Put together a group mailing or event
  • Ask a question about the Village

Check out our Hospitality and Service Center, located at the rear of The Gathering Place. Staff volunteers are there to assist every weekday from 9:30 am to noon. Residents are always welcome to stop by for a visit, and new residents in particular are encouraged to chat with our volunteers about the Village and the many opportunities it offers.

Hospitality staff volunteers are part of the family of volunteers that keep Fearrington Village running. If you might be able to devote a few morning hours per month to relieving one of our staff volunteers, please give your name to the volunteer on duty, call us at 919-542-0420, or send an email to hospitality@fhaboard.org.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (4)What’s Happening in the Village Center

As a service to our readers, we’ve added a link to the Village Center calendar, showing events at McIntyre’s, The Roost, and the Village Center shops: https://www.fearrington.com/calendar/.

We also remind readers that The Belted Goat is open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm, and other Village Center shops are open on those days from 10 am to 5 pm. The Roost will be open on Thursdays and Fridays during the spring and summer from 4:30 to 7 pm, with live music from 5 to 7 pm. Please go to www.fearrington.com for additional details, including online ordering for pizza at The Roost. The Galloway Pub has been closed for renovations and is scheduled to reopen in the fall.

The Fearrington Farmers Market is held every Tuesday afternoon next to the Fitch Creations offices, from 4 to 6 during daylight saving time and from 3 to 5 at other times. Additional information about the market and its vendors can be found at https://fearringtonfarmersmarket.com/

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (5)Farm to Fork Picnic

Held in the Triangle for more than 15 years, the Farm to Fork Picnic is a showcase of North Carolina chefs, artisans, and farmers paired together to create sips and nibbles of the region’s best flavors and seasonal ingredients!

Grab your friends and family, a blanket, and some lawn chairs, and join us for a delightful summer picnic. Chefs and farmers are teamed up to create small bites at tasting stations throughout the beautiful grounds of Fearrington Village.

Started in 2007, this event is a celebration of our local food community and the people who work so hard to bring delicious local foods to our plates year-round.

Net proceeds from the Picnic benefit theCenter for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS)agriculture and food system training programs. Our community will benefit from an improved local food system and better access to healthy, local food.

Please order your tickets for the June 2 event directly from Farm to Fork NC by visitingwww.farmtoforknc.com.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (6)Fearrington Cares Newsletter Announcement

Fearrington Cares has advised us that, after careful consideration and consultation, its board of directors has decided to discontinue publishing the FC newsletter in The Belted Gazette, effective July 2024. Fearrington Cares will continue to distribute the FC newsletter to residents on its email list and will also continue to make it available on its website,https://fearringtoncares.org. The Belted Gazette will provide a link to that page in future issues.

Residents not on the Fearrington Cares email list who wish to continue to receive the FC newsletter should contact the Fearrington Cares Center at 919-542-6877 or by email at info@fearringtoncares.org. Please share any newsletter questions or input with Kim Schneider atkim@fearringtoncares.orgor by calling or stopping by the Fearrington Cares Center.

This Month’s Features

Scene Around Fearrington
Fearrington Founders Festival, 2024
Poll Workers Needed
Food Trucks for June

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (7)

Scene Around Fearrington:

Photographing People: Part 2

By Gordon Pitz

Click on any photo to see an enlarged view. If necessary, right-click and select “Open link in new tab”.

In last month’s issue I provided an introduction to the art of portrait photography. A portrait, I suggested, is a photograph in which photographer and subject engage in a social interaction, the goal of which is to show something interesting about the subject. It does not matter if the photographer is working in a studio with elaborate equipment, or looking for stories wherever she can find them. The viewer is invited to explore whatever the photographer decides to tell us with her image.

Here then are six photographs in which four Fearrington photographers portray people they know or have met. The images exhibit a variety of relationships between photographer and subject, in a range of settings that is international in scope. Compare the different approaches that they take.

Southern Belle. Photo by Minnie Gallman

Left: At the Azelea Festival in Wilmington, we see one of the “Southern Belles” who were inviting visitors to take their photograph. Minnie Gallman chose to wait until her subject looked away. Below: A T-Shirt seller was enthusiastically offering her wares on Bequia. the largest island in the Grenardines, West Indies.

T-Shirt seller. Photo by Minnie Gallman
When you need that third hand. Photo by Terry Ames

Terry Ames’s photograph of the knitter (left) trying to juggle three needles was taken outside, in a town park. Terry took the photo of the Tibetan woman (below) inside the Sera Monastery near Lhasa.

At the end of her pilgrimage. Photo by Terry Ames
Yoga teacher Cathy Holt. Photo by Steve Hurley
Rowland and his friend. Photo by Barbara Kauffman

Steve Hurley took the photo of Cathy Holt (above) on a chilly day outside McIntyre’s Books. The photograph of Rowland, aged 4 (right), was taken by his grandmother. He was visiting Fearrington, and became very fond of this sculpture on Creekwood Trail.

In comparing the six portraits you can see how photographers handled such features as the setting and the background, as well as their relationship with the subject. It is typical in portraits to have a neutral background that does not distract from the subject. It might be a uniform color and texture, or a setting that is out of focus. Notice, though, Minnie Gallman’s photo of the T-Shirt seller, where the seller’s wares are very clear. They form more of a frame than a background, and help to clarify the seller’s activity. Compare that with the “chiaroscuro” technique employed with the Southern Belle, where the subject’s dress and demeanor are all we have to tell us what is happening.

Terry Ames’s photographs of the knitter and the pilgrim both use a chiaroscuro approach to the background, but in very different ways. For the knitter the background is dark shadows. For the pilgrim, the entire setting is obscured by smoke from the burning of yak oil in the temple. The smoke is faintly visible in the enlarged view of the photo, but it has an effect beyond providing a hazy background. It leaves the woman’s face in soft focus, which gives her a rather dreamy appearance. Compare that with the direct gaze of the yoga teacher, or with young Rowland, who is very much present in the picture with his new found friend.

Founders Festival, 2024

By Gordon Pitz, with thanks to the photographers listed below

Click on any photo to see an enlarged view. If necessary, right-click and select “Open link in new tab”.

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Fitch family’s purchasing the farm that they developed into Fearrington Village. The FHA, Fearrington Cares, Swim & Croquet Club, and Women of Fearrington, worked together to implement a celebration of the anniversary. Over 650 residents, including 84 volunteers and club representatives, plus about 100 other visitors, made the most of the beautiful weather that had been provided.

Fearrington clubs and other organizations set up tables where they offered information about their activities. Below, Bil Rosenfeld of the Trails Group, and two of the Village Singers, manage their clubs’ display tables, while the Swim & Croquet Club, on home turf, organize friendly croquet matches.

Photo by Melissa Tomich
Photo by Don Ver Ploeg
Photo by Frank Huisking

The North Carolina MG Car Club arranged for about 20 classic sports cars, not just MGs, to be available for fans of this breed to admire. Some of the MGs sat ready for inspection behind the Gathering Place. In the photo on the left, from the left, is a green MGB, an MGA, a red MG-TD, and Ali Tucker’s 1953 MG-TD. In the photo on the right, Ali Tucker’s husband Mel enjoys his role as passenger.

Photo by Frank Huisking
Photo by Ed Lallo

Co-organizer of the event Wendy Snodgrass arranged for a Flash Mob to gather (perhaps not spontaneously) to dance to ABBA’s “Dancing Queen.” Wendy’s boundless energy in managing so many details like this led co-organizer Tony Daniels to announce her election as a “Fearrington Queen.” Tony awarded her a suitable crown. Wearing her crown, Weendy gathered for a portrait with other members of the Flash Mob, then directed another round of “Dancing Queen”.

Photo by Ed Lallo
Photo by Ed Lallo
Photo by Gordon Pitz

A sidewalk chalk art competition was arranged. It was open to artists of all ages, including teams of family and friends. Below left, adults take their turn wielding the chalk. Right, the winning chalk entry, a “Belted” interpretation of Van Gogh’s Stary Night, was created by Christina Wight and her daughter Sophia.

Photo by Ed Lallo
Photo by Ed Lallo

In the Gathering Place, several exhibits were devoted to the history of Fearrington. A slide show traced the history of this area from 8,000 years BCE to today (see PDF version). Videos were shown that had been recorded by some of the first residents, describing what the village was like in the early days. A “Big Thank You” card had been prepared for developer R.B. Fitch, inscribed, “With gratitude to the Fitch family. For all you have done to make Fearrington Village the wonderful place that we all love”. The card was signed by visitors to the exhibits. Tony Daniels later presented the card to R.B. (seated), his family (left to right, Keebe, Kelley, Greg), and Laura Morgan (not pictured).

Photo by Melissa Tomich
Photo by Gordon Pitz

Fearrington Cares had set up its building to please those who might be nostalgic for the 1970s. On the porch, the Original Haw River Crawdaddies band played country music from that time. No doubt that was what attracted the attention of one left-over flower child. A room in the building was devoted to a series of 70s memorabilia, including a “Hippie Bus” Photo Booth, where visitors were invited to dress in costumes they might have worn 50 years ago. They could have their photo taken beside the model of a “peace” bus. The booth was operated with panache by Jake Merrill, who’s arm had been twisted into helping by his mother, Kay.

Photo by Frank Huisking
Photo by Melissa Tomich
Photo by Gordon Pitz

How many of the folk who enjoyed the Fearrington Fiftieth will be here to celebrate the Fearrington Centenary in 2074?

Chatham County Needs More Poll Workers

By Tony Carroll

Poll workers, also known as election assistants, help voters check in at the polls, verify voter information, print out an appropriate ballot for each voter, and assist voters with every step of the voting process. Election assistants are trained for the job and paid. They work under the supervision of experienced election judges, who are responsible for all voting activity at each polling location, and with other individuals, like themselves, who are committed to making every voter’s voice count.

Election assistants are needed for the 17 days of early voting, beginning on Thursday, October 17, and ending on Saturday, November 2. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, election assistants will also be needed to cover all 18 Chatham County precinct voting locations. There will be some leeway on which days are worked during early voting, and half-day shifts are possible both during early voting and on Election Day.

Election assistants cannot be elected officials in any political party. They also cannot serve as poll greeters outside the polls, canvass for a political party, or work as partisan poll observers. Basic computer skills are necessary.

Residents interested in applying should fill out the application at https://www.chathamcountync.gov/government/departments-programs-a-h/elections/opportunities-to-serve-as-an-election-worker-get-involved-in-elections. They can also stop by the Chatham County Board of Elections Office (984 Thompson St., Suite D, Pittsboro) for a paper copy. The Board of Elections staff can be reached at 919-545-8506

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (29)

Food Trucks for June

By Leigh Matthews

June 5: Bulkogi Korean BBQ (Korean, BBQ, Asian Fusion) Bowls, tacos, mandoo, kimchi, bibimbap, and fried rice dishes.

June 12: The Blue Window (Mediterranean) Gyros, falafels, shawarma, kofta, wraps. Hummus, fries, and veggie dishes.

June 19: Ta Contento Mex FreshFood (Mexican) Voted one of the best Mexican restaurants in the Triangle! Vegetarian and meat options available.

June 26: Cousins Maine Lobster (Seafood, TexMex, Sandwiches) Maine and Connecticut rolls, tacos, tots, quesadillas, soups, and whoopie pies. Remember they have their own mobile app for preordering available at their website https://www.cousinsmainelobster.com.

Food trucks are located at The Gathering Place parking lot from 5 until 7:30 pm. You may order and pick up at the truck. Or, you can visit our hotspot page and place your preorder for pick up at the truck. (Cousins Maine Lobster has their own app for preordering.)

For a weekly reminder email—and a quick link to view the menu—sign up at our hotspot page https://streetfoodfinder.com/fearringtonvillage.

Or, if you use Nextdoor, watch for our weekly announcement with a link to the menu.

For more info, please contact Deborah Repplier at drepplier@gmail.com.

This Month’s Announcements

Please use the Announcement Submission Request form to submit club and organization announcements. Email the form, after saving it first so that we do not get a blank form, to editors@fearringtonfha.org.

If you need assistance, one of our editorial team members will work with you if you email us at editors@fearringtonfha.org.

Fearrington Clubs and Organizations
AM Book ClubBocce Club
Dog ClubDuplicate Bridge
Fearrington StoryCorpsFearrington Village Singers
Galloway Ridge Special Events CommitteeGolf Club
Green SceneMah Jongg Dragons
Piano Plus
Women’s 9-Hole Golf Club
Community Opportunities
Chatham County Aging Services
Continuing Education
School of Athens

Fearrington Clubs and Organizations

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (30)

AM Book Club

Join the AM Book Club at McIntyre’s Booksto discuss Birman Wood, by Eleanor Catton. Set in present-day New Zealand, a guerrilla gardening collective (they grow crops in empty plots of land without permission) takes over developed farmland owned by an American billionaire who has secret plans for the property. We will meet at McIntyre’s Books, Wednesday, June 19, at 10:15 am. All residents of Fearrington Village and Galloway Ridge are welcome to participate. Questions? Contact Cathy Clare, catfearr@gmail.com, or Carole Yardley, peacefulathome@bellsouth.net.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (31)

Bocce Club

Bocce—it’s easier than you think—is great exercise, provides socialization, and is playable year-round! Mixed men’s and women’s open play takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 pm in the winter and 11 am the rest of the year.The bocce pitches are at the end of Benchmark off Creekwood in the Historic District. For more information contact Jim Rudbeck at 919-444-3117 or jprudbeck40@gmail.com.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (32)

Dog Club

Our May meeting on snake safety, with a biologist from the NC Wildlife Commission, closed out our 2023–24 club year. Our team is proud of the diversity of topics we offered our members this past year. But no rest for the weary, we are already busy planning next year’s speaker schedule.

We do plan to continue holding Dog Club meetings on the 3rd Thursday of most months, starting in September. So mark your calendars. Already on our club’s listserve? Then watch for our 2024–25 club update in August. Wanna be added to the listserv to receive announcements? Contact me at amelchior@verizon.net. And check our club webpage at any time—our webmaster, Sarah Lane, keeps it current. Enjoy your summer. Remember to avoid dog walks in the heat of the day, and carry water for you and your dog to refresh.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (33)Duplicate Bridge

Join us for a face-to-face game every Wednesday in June. We play at 1 pm at The Gathering Place. We’re always looking to add new players. Play the first time is free; after that, the cost is $7 to defray the costs. Questions, please contact Dianne Hale at haledianne@gmail.com.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (34)Fearrington StoryCorps

Everyone in Fearrington Village has a story to tell, and Fearrington StoryCorps is here to listen. Since the volunteer project began last year, sponsored by Fearrington Cares, we have collected more than 30 of our neighbors’ stories. Anyone can join us to tell a story, and to help record them. Learn more at our community page here. Recently we posted stories from Steve and Rose Krasnow, Peter Cook, Wendy O’Keefe, Vidabeth Benson, Karen Schectman, Anne-Marie Durand-Kennett, Alan Ziegler, and others. For more information, send email toFearringtonStoryCorps@gmail.com.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (35)Fearrington Village Singers


THANKS to our family, friends, and neighbors in Fearrington Village and surrounding communities for supporting us and attending our spring concert, Sounds of Spring.

REMEMBER the power of music to inspire us, to soothe us, to connect us to cherished memories and people in our lives, and to blend all of us together in harmony.

CONSIDER joining the Fearrington Village Singers and, through choral singing, connect with a community of new and vibrant friends. Under the expert direction of Matt Fry, you will discover your best musical self and also the joy of sharing music with others.


🎵 Pick up a FEARRINGTON VILLAGE SINGERS brochure located in the mail kiosks in Fearrington Village.

🎵 Visit our website: www.fearringtonvillagesingers.org.

🎵 Contact our membership chair, Donna Corgnati, at info@fearringtonvillagesingers.org.

The Fearrington Village Singers is open to all residents of Fearrington Village, Galloway Ridge, and surrounding communities. There is no audition, just a love of singing with others. Our fall rehearsals will begin in early September, in preparation for our two holiday concerts. This year, both concerts will be held in Fearrington Village’s iconic Barn. Singing in The Barn during the holiday season is an experience you don’t want to miss!

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (36)Galloway Ridge Special Events Committee

Jodee Nimerichter, executive director of the American Dance Festival (ADF), will give a presentation about the vibrant history of the ADF over its 91 years. Guests will also enjoy short performances by members of the Big Red Dance Project, a group aged 35 and older who are expanding the notion of who can dance. It will be at the Chapin Auditorium at Galloway Ridge on Sunday, June 2, from 4 to 5 pm. Nimerichter is offering discounts on any of the summer performances. Please include the code ADF20 when ordering your tickets.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (37)Golf Club

The golf courses have come out of winter dormancy and are playing great. We gained a good number of enthusiastic new members, and our outings are being very well attended. Our schedule is also available on our website.

Here is our June Tuesday/Thursday schedule of outings:

6/4 10:00 am – Forest Oaks, Greensboro

6/6 9:10 am – Quail Ridge, Sanford

6/11 8:10 am – Stoney Creek, Whitset

6/13 8:40 am – Quail Ridge, Sanford

6/18 8:20 am – Mill Creek, Mebane

6/20 8:30 am – Siler City, Siler City

6/25 9:00 am – Pinewood CC, Asheboro

6/27 9:30 am – The Challenge, Graham

7/16 8:30 am – Summer Tournament, Quail Ridge, Sanford

If you would like to join our Golf Club or try one of our outings as a guest, please contact Chris Horn, membership chair, fearringtongolfclub@gmail.com. Further info about the Golf Club can be found under Clubs and Other Organizations on the FHA website.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (38)Green Scene

In May 2023, our neighbor from Briar Chapel, Jerilyn Maclean, a locally recognized authority on native plants, gave a presentation at our monthly Green Scene meeting. Jerilyn’s enlightening and enthusiastic program turned out to be the spark of inspiration for a talented Fearrington Village filmmaker, Joanne Hershfield, to explore the possibility of producing a feature-length documentary about the importance of native plants in the ecology of theworld in general, and North Carolina in particular.

The result was the production of Gardening for the Planet, an approximately one-hour film that had its world premiere at the Longleaf Film Festival at Raleigh’s North Carolina Museum of History on May 11, 2024.The film contains a variety of experienced plant, animal, and environmental authorities, along with stunning visual scenes, to convey an important message about the current and future well-being of our world.

At our 11 am, June 12, Green Scene meeting in the large room at The Gathering Place, we will be screening Gardening for the Planet. And Joanne Hershfield will be on hand to participate in a Q&A session at the conclusion of the film.

Come along and be prepared for an eye-opening experience!

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (39)Mah Jongg Dragons

This month’s Fearrington Dragons Mah Jongg game will be Saturday, June 8, from 1 to 4 pm at The Gathering Place.

Our games are open to nonmembers, both in Fearrington or who live outside the village. Guests from outside Fearrington must be invited by a resident of Fearrington. All guests need to register and pay $5 each month or join the Dragons and pay a membership fee of $25 per year. Everyone should have the new 2024 card for playing.

Mary Donna Pond will start a new MJ class soon. If you know of anyone who would like to join this class, please contact Mary Donna at mdpond@gmail.com.

Join us on June 8 for a fun-filled afternoon; snacks and drinks provided.

May the jokers be ever in your favor!!

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (40)Piano Plus

We are a small group of dedicated but easy-going musicians (mostly pianists) who enjoy playing for each other once a month in each other’s homes. We are looking for an additional member or two. For more information, call Carolyn, at 919-542-8532.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (41)Tennis & Pickleball Association

Ready to get that tennis racquet out of the closet? Now is the time! Summer is upon us, and you may also have children or grandchildren out of school and interested in play. Although membership is limited to adults, children can play with a member or hit with Coach Chris. Curious about pickleball? We would love to have you join us on the courts for either or both sports! For info about pickleball, contact Stokes Adams at stokesadams63@gmail.com. For tennis play info, contact Karen Vaca at karenallenvaca@gmail.com.

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (42)Women’s 9-Hole Golf Club

We invite Fearrington and Galloway Ridge social golfers to join us Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at Twin Lakes Golf Course (and occasionally other courses) and lunch afterwards. Membership is free, but golf and lunch are paid individually.

For further information contact:

Arlene Labenson at arl366@aol.com or 516-633-9914 or Susan Lundblad at stlundblad41@gmail.com or 919-593-0316.

Community Opportunities

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (43)Chatham County Aging Services

Chatham County Aging Services will hold two events on Monday, June 10, designed to protect and educate citizens on how to avoid identify theft:

A shredding truck will be located at the Pittsboro Center for Active Living (365 Highway 87 North) from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm or until the on-site truck is full. A total of 25 free shredders will be given away as part of the event.

Beginning at 1:30 pm, a series of informational speeches related to scams and identity theft will be given at the Holmes Meeting Room of Chatham Community Library, located at 197 Highway 87 North, in Pittsboro. Representatives from the NC Attorney General’s Office, Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Senior Medicare Patrol, and the NC Department of Insurance will be on hand. The presentations will conclude at roughly 4:15 pm.

For more information on these events, contact Lawana Schulze at 919-742-3975.

Continuing Education

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (44)The School of Athens

“Mathematics is the language by which God has written the universe,” said Galileo. Is our universe intrinsically mathematical, independent of human consciousness, and humans discover it? Or is mathematics an abstract construct of the human mind, which we have invented? Do we discover math or invent it—or something else?

This course includes an intro to Greek mathematics. We’ll look at a visual proof of the Pythagorean and the Platonic solids. We’ll look at various categories of math and their topics, such as pure mathematics, number theory, and prime numbers. This course will include history of math and famous mathematicians and their contributions, including interesting facts such as which president of the US discovered a proof of the Pythagorean theorem?

Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians, said, “Mathematics is the queen of sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics.”

If you’ve suspected that math is more sublime than what you were taught in school, join us for inspiring conversation and many “aha moments.”

Date: Saturdays, June 22 & 29

Time: 2 to 4 pm

Location: Chapel in the Pines, 314 Great Ridge Pkwy

Instructor: Blaine Paxton Hall (bio on website: https://www.theschoolofathens.net/founder)

Cost: Free and open to the public

Financial gifts are graciously accepted. To donate: https://www.theschoolofathens.net/support

To register or for more info:https://theschoolofathens.net

Fearrington Cares material is edited by their staff and volunteers. Direct comments or questions to them at (919) 542-6877 or info@fearringtoncares.org.

—Edited this month by Kim Schneider

This Month’s News
Message from Kim SchneiderFilm Nite
Tango Is for EveryoneLive a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions
Game Day!Why Volunteering Is Good for Your Health
Fourteen Years of Caregiving SupportConfessions of a Not-So Handy Person
Scam ResourcesUpcoming Changes to FC Newsletters
Movement ClassesSupport Groups Meeting in Person
Health Services by AppointmentsSupport Groups via Zoom
Enrichment Activities

Message from Kim Schneider, Executive Director

This month we are focused on volunteering, and the immense impact that Fearrington Cares volunteers have had on our community (click here to view our 2023 Impact Statement). In this issue you will learn about the health benefits of volunteering and hear from some of our dedicated volunteers.

THANK YOU to everyone who contributes their time and talents to support our services and programs, and WELCOME to so many of you who have recently indicated your interest in becoming a Fearrington Cares volunteer.

To complete our online Volunteer Interest Form, click here!

Fearrington Cares Film Nite Presents an Inspirational Olympic Story

Thursday, June 6, 7 pm at The Gathering Place

This month’s historical drama is based on a true story that inspires and captivates. With the Summer Olympics on the horizon, this 2023 film is a perfect segue that demonstrates the triumph of perseverance when faced with challenges in sports and in life. Since the film title may not be publicly announced, please email FilmNite@FearringtonCares.org to receive a prompt automated response.

Once you know the title, spread the word, and invite your neighbors to join you and cheer on the underdogs in this film. Complimentary theater-style popcorn, beverages and treats are served. Admission is always free but donations to Fearrington Cares are accepted and appreciated as they support this and other programs in our community.

Note that Film Nite, which is offered on the first Thursday of the month, will go on holiday as we celebrate the Fourth of July next month. Stay tuned for another film in August which will be announced in the Fearrington Cares newsletter.

All Film Nite presentations are captioned and hearing assistance is provided through the AudioFetch system at The Gathering Place. Download the AudioFetch app to a smartphone, log in to the Wi-Fi system, and listen with noise cancelling headphones or directly through Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids.

Tango Is for Everyone

Sunday, June 9, 7-9 pm at The Gathering Place

Tango has captured the hearts and minds of people around the world—from the dance hallsof the 1880s to current-day Fearrington Village! Fearrington Cares is hosting a special night of Live Argentine Tango Music by musicians Juan and Patricio of Villreal Crom(https://villarrealcrom.com/).

This is a rare opportunity to learn about the historyof tango, its music and orchestras, and to discover the benefits of dancing tango.Enjoy live music, a tango demonstration, and a brief tango lesson to end the evening.

To register, call the Fearrington Cares Center at 919-542-6877, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 1 pm, and bring the $25 fee (cash or check payable to Luis Del Rio) to the Fearrington Cares Center prior to the event.

A big thank you to Fearrington Homeowners Association for their support!

Live a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Monday, June 10, 3-5 pm at the Fearrington Cares Center

Do you have diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, pain,anxiety, or another chronic condition?Attend aFREE6-week workshop to learn how to “Live a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions.”The class is sponsored by Fearrington Cares and facilitated by certified instructors, Liz Lahti and Tim Smith of NC Aging Services in Chatham County.Learn how to eat well and exercise safely, cope with pain and fatigue, explore new treatment options, and talk to your doctor.The workshop is based on an evidence-based program developed at Stanford University, and a workshop companion book will be provided.

Classes will be held every Mondayfor six weeks, running through July 22. Note that Fearrington Cares is closed the first week in July, so class will not be held on July 1.Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all six sessions.

Space is limited. To register, call the Fearrington Cares Center at 919-542-6877, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 1 pm.

Game Day!

Wednesday, June 26, 2-4 pm at the Fearrington Cares Center

Join usfor some friendly competition and fun! Play board, card, trivia and other games while socializing with your neighbors.Games, snacks, and drinks will be provided. We will also be hosting a Game Night on Wednesday, July 10. If you are a “player,” feel free to attend both. Watch your email for details!

Why Volunteering Is Good for Your Health

By John and Carolyn Boyle

Fearrington Cares says that we are “Friends helping friends!” It turns out that helping others also helps us. Two scientific articles in a recent issue ofPsychology and Agingprovide evidence that volunteering is an “effective strategy for older adults to help themselves while helping others.”

One article is a meta-analysis in which the authors combined research from 14 different studies dating from the 1980s until present day. The populations studied were all older than 55 and the cumulative results showed thatoverall mortality rates were significantly reducedin those who did volunteer work. The researchers were careful to control for a variety of potentially confounding factors such as the health of the individuals involved. After adjusting for those factors and for the variable nature of the combined studies, they found thatvolunteering reduced mortality risk by 24% on average. They eloquently state in their conclusion, “The results of this meta-analysis suggest that it is no longer a question of whether volunteering is predictive of reduced mortality risk; rather, our results suggest that the volunteering–mortality association is reliable, and that the magnitude of the relationship is sizable.”

The second article in the same issue (while you guys are doing Wordle,we are slogging through these scientific journals just for you—but hey—we volunteered!) tries to pull out more specific effects of why volunteering is good for you. It shows that people over 50 who did 200 hours of volunteer work in a year (less than four hours a week) were less likely to develop hypertension. Those who were in the volunteer category were 40% less likely to develop hypertension over a four-year period. Of course, we know that hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death of older Americans. The authors point out that the hypertension effects were seen over the entire demographic range of their study population. They also point out that the effects may be seen for more limited numbers of volunteer hours, but their study was not designed to be able to see that. Nevertheless, they state “…volunteerism may be an effective, nonpharmacological intervention for reducing hypertension risk.”

If all this seems like an ad for Fearrington Cares, well…. We provide multiple volunteer opportunities. Check out the VOLUNTEER section of our web site:https://fearringtoncares.org/getting-involved/become-a-volunteer/. Clearly, this is important for your health, and we don’t even charge you to volunteer!

Fourteen Years of Caregiving Support

By Karen Schectman

June 2024 marks the beginning of the fifteenth year of the Caregiver’s Support Group. Originally a group for dementia caregivers, the group soon opened to all caregivers in the Village.

We learned quickly that caregivers share many issues in common—exhaustion, anger with themselves or their loved one, difficulty in finding reliable and trained persons to help, loneliness and isolation, a willingness to learn from the experiences of others, and an understanding of others that comes from having traveled the same path.

We estimate that 150 people have participated in this group over the years. Many made friendships which extended long after group attendance. Some people came once; others attended for years. We’ve had members caring for spouses, for a parent or both parents at once, for siblings in other states, for an ill twin, at home or in a facility. We shared reactions to treatments that worked, that failed, medical personnel who were angels and ways to confront insensitive care providers.

In short, we have become a caring, therapeutic community within Fearrington Cares, the heart of this Village.

Confessions of a Not-So Handy Person

By John and Carolyn Boyle

I am a volunteer and I like it! I do it to help people but also to help myself. It gets me out of the house, is good for my blood pressure, and coincidentally helps other people too. I am a not-so handy Handy Person, but I have the virtue of being stubborn. I will not let that toilet flapper defeat me nor will I give in to that ridiculously high light bulb. I am better than that dripping faucet! This is perhaps a little too dramatic, but being a Handy Person does give me a way to help people who may not be able to do some things for themselves. Our mantra could be that what is difficult for some may be easy and obvious for others. We just have to find that easy route. And if that fails, there is always YouTube! We have tackled seemingly impossible tasks like a dryer that is not working or a sound system that is silent. In each case, all that was required was pushing the right button! But the homeowner was too frustrated to realize what was needed, and we were too stubborn to give up hope. Join our volunteer Handy Person cadre and help discover the easy way to solve what may seem like intractable problems. No experience necessary; only stubbornness!

Scam Resources

Fearrington Cares recently co-sponsored a program on Scam Detection and Prevention.Click herefor some resources to help all of us become more “scam aware.”

Upcoming Changes to Fearrington Cares Newsletters

After careful consideration and consultation, the Fearrington Cares Board of Directors has decided to discontinue publishing our newsletter in The Belted Gazette, effective July 2024. We will continue to distribute our e-newsletter directly to you and make it available on our website. The Belted Gazette will provide a link to that page. Please share any newsletter questions or input at info@fearringtoncares.org or by calling or stopping by the Fearrington Cares Center.

Movement Classes at the Fearrington Cares Center

Suggested donation of $5/class session (cash or check to Fearrington Cares)

Otago Fall-Prevention Exercises:
Mondays, 10:30 am

Chair Yoga:
Tuesdays, 11:30 am

Chair Tap Dance:
Thursdays, 10 am

Line Dancing:
Thursdays, 11:30 am

Intermediate Yoga:
Thursdays, 2:30 pm

Support Groups Meeting in Person at the Fearrington Cares Center

Alcoholics Anonymous:
Mondays, 10 am

Parkinson’s Group:
Tuesday, June 4 and 18, 1:30 pm

Brainiacs Memory Café:
Wednesdays, 10 am

Support Groups via Zoom

fearringtoncares.org > Services > Support Groups

Caregiver Support Group:
Wednesdays, June 5 and 19, 1 pm

Living with Chronic Conditions:
Thursdays, June 6 and 20, 1 pm

Health Services Offered at the Fearrington Cares Center By Appointment

Nurse Consultation Triage Clinic
Call 919-542-6877 to schedule an appointment.

PediCure Foot Care
Call 919-542-6877 to schedule an appointment with Wendy McCluney. Fees range from $45-55 and are paid directly to Wendy.

Enrichment Activities at the Fearrington Cares Center

Meditation: Fridays, 10 am


Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (45)

Welcome to Our New Residents!

The following new villagers were added to theFearrington Village Directory & Handbook between April 15 and May 14. Want to reach out to your new neighbor? You will find their contact information on our community web page. Go to: FearringtonFHA.org (click Find People under the Directory tab).



Jan H. & Robert N. (Pete) Crawford

42 McDowell (1086*)

Carmen Dellunde Dearing

4120 The Knolls Close

David (Dave) & Jeanne Jarrett

26 Caswell (1180*)

Russell Johnsen

829 Langdon

Jane & Rick O’Hara

137 Weatherbend

Sharon & Shawn Oliveira

266 Clover Thatch

Angela Pace

26 West Madison (1153*)

Elaine E. & Richard E. Tinsley

361 Linden Close

*Fearrington Post number
**Galloway Ridge

Are you a new resident? To register your information in the Directory, please visit the FHA website at https://fearringtonfha.org. From the left menu (top right on a mobile device) choose Directory, then select New Residents. To confirm you are not a spambot, answer the two questions (answers: Cow and Fitch), and select Check answers. This should take you to the new resident directory registration page.

To obtain full access to website features, you must also create a website account (available only to residents or non-resident owners). You can do this by selecting the Login/Register link in the top menu. Enter your information and select Register. Once your status as a resident or non-resident owner is confirmed by the Website Resource Team, you will receive an account activation email.

Are you an existing resident whose contact information has changed? Don’t forget to update your listing on the http://www.fearringtonfha.org website. Use the Login/Register link in the top menu if you aren’t logged in yet. Then, click the Directory tab on the left menu (top right on a mobile device), then select Edit My Directory Info. Directory updates can also be sent to directory@fearringtonfha.org. When you update your contact information online, the updates will be included in the Fearrington Village Directory & Handbook printed in January of each year. Stay in touch with your fellow residents by keeping your contact information current.

Moving Away? If you’re leaving Fearrington Village permanently, please let us know by emailing admin@fearringtonfha.org.

Death Notices: Residents may sign up to receive email notices of the deaths of current and former Village residents by emailing notices@fearringtonfha.org. Survivors wishing to submit a notice or obituary can use the same email address. Notices or obituaries should include the name of deceased, survivors (optional), date (and optionally cause) of death, particulars about funeral or memorial service, and any donations in memoriam.

June 2024 Calendar

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (46)

All activities will be held at The Gathering Place unless otherwise noted.

The links below will bring you to the online Combined Village Calendar, which is updated periodically from multiple sources.

View Calendar by Month

View Calendar as a List

The following link shows events that are scheduled by shops in the Village Center.

Other Events at McIntyre’s & Village Center Shops

The table below contains the calendar compiled by the editors from announcements that are submitted for publication.

June 2
4 pm
Galloway Ridge
Galloway RidgeAmerican Dance Festival—Big RedDance ProjectSue Fast
June 2
4-7 pm
Fearrington Village Center
Farm to Fork PicnicTo order tickets go to
June 5
5-7:30 pm
Food TruckBulkogi Korean BBQDeborah Repplier
June 6
7 pm
Fearrington CaresFearrington Cares Film Nite
June 8
1-4 pm
Mah Jongg DragonsMah JonggPolly Williams
June 9
7-9 pm
Fearrington CaresTango is for Everyone
June 10
8:30am – 12:30pm
1:30pm – 4:15pm
Chatham County Aging Services“Scam Alert! Two Events toKeepYouSafe”Lawana Schulze
June 10
3-5 pm
Fearrington CaresLiving Healthy with Chronic Conditions
June 12
11 am
Fearrington Green SceneMonthlymeetingJason Welsch
June 12
5-7:30 pm
Food TruckThe Blue WindowDeborah Repplier
June 19
McIntyre’s Books
AM Book ClubMonthly book discussion—
Birman Wood
by Eleanor Catton
Catherine Clare
Carole Yardley
peacefulathome @bellsouth.net
June 19
5-7:30 pm
Food TruckTa Contento Mex
Deborah Repplier
June 26
3 pm
Fearrington Cares Center
Fearrington CaresGame Day!
June 26
5-7:30 pm
Food TruckCousins Maine LobsterDeborah Repplier
Meeting Multiple Days in June
June 5, 12, 19, & 26
1 pm
Duplicate Bridge ClubBridgeDianne Hale
June 22 & 29
2-4 pm
Chapel in the Pines 314 Great Ridge Pkwy.
The School of Athens“Aha Math, with Intro to Greek Mathematics”Blaine Paxton Hall

FHA Board Members

Our Fearrington Home­owners Association (FHA) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the health, safety, and welfare of residents. In addition to fostering resident participation, the FHA is res­ponsible for maintenance of common property and covenant enforcement. For additional details, including job des­criptions, visit the FHA tab on our webpage, fearringtonfha.org.

PresidentSteve Stewart
Vice PresidentAmy Ghiloni
SecretaryJudy Graham
TreasurerTony Daniels
CommunicationsTony Carroll
Community AffairsRuth Ann Burk
Grounds and FacilitiesPatrick McGahan
Health, Safety and SecurityWarren Ort

The Belted Gazette

The Belted Gazette is produced by the Fearrington Home­owners Association (FHA), by and for the residents of Fearrington Village in Pittsboro, NC.

Newsletter Staff:
Copy EditorDiane Frazier
Features Editor & Copy EditorJackie Walters
FHA AdvisorTony Carroll
Graphic DesignerLeslie Palmer
Photo EditorGordon Pitz
Production EditorJan Kowal
ProofreaderJenny Walker
Contributing CorrespondentTad McArdle
Web Page
Alison TozerSteve Anderson
Printing and Distribution
Carol KurtzBarbara Amago


The Belted Gazette contains community news, reports from the FHA Board members, items of interest to residents, and announce­ments of club and neighbor­hood activities.

Content deadlines are the 15th of the previous month. All persons submitting content will receive a confirmation email.

Email submissions to: editors @fearringtonfha.org.

Do you have content for an upcoming newsletter? Please read the Publishing Guidelines at https://fearringtonfha.org/newsletter-guidelines-for-d-hb/.

The Belted Gazette is published electron­ically 11 times a year (July/August is a combined issue). A link to the current issue is emailed to all residents who have an email address in the FHA Directory. A PDF copy of the current issue and back issues can be found on the FHA website (fearringtonfha.org).

Fearrington Homeowners Association, Inc. | FHA Newsletter 2024 June (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.