[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (2024)


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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-18-2017, 12:01 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (6)

With this patch the newest member of the warring triad Zurvan we get the first ever Eorzian and Garlean alliance. While it was only brief it got me thinking.

Would your RP character be able to set aside thier diffrence with a garlean empire to defeat a greater foe and common enemy if put in the same position as the Warrior of Light and friends. Assuming you may have last friends and family to the empire.

Sinata my lalafell despite having a dislike for the empire would be able to set personal feelings aside from loosing everything she owned to them in order to save the realm. She wouldnt like it obviously but I feel she would be able to look past it this much and it might prove fruitful to her in the future.

I dont know if this is the right place for this but I marked it with a spolier tag! I think is a great prompt! I want to hear what your characters would do have a discussion on it!

Kellach Woods

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (15)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-18-2017, 12:04 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (16)

Kell would without hesitation.

Einrich would do so if tactically sound (and then exterminate the Garlean), if not, kill the Garlean, for he is not to be trusted in any situation. Preferably also ensure that you know where his family is at all times, and proceed to exterminate them as well.

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-18-2017, 02:35 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (23)

Oh wow! Thats an interesting answer.
I liked the added touch of them sending the bodies back to to thier empire. I think Sinata would follow in the same footsteps if something happend.


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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (33)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-18-2017, 02:39 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (34)

(01-18-2017, 12:04 PM)Kellach Woods Wrote: Kell would without hesitation.

Einrich would do so if tactically sound (and then exterminate the Garlean), if not, kill the Garlean, for he is not to be trusted in any situation. Preferably also ensure that you know where his family is at all times, and proceed to exterminate them as well.

This sounds a lot like Chachan and Gogon respectively, actually.

Chachan has actually met some nice Garleans and isn't one to really hold a grudge, so in the situation he'd probably trust them. Whether that's for better or worse is up in the air since he's a generally trusting fellow... but that's where he'd go.

Gogon likely would begrudgingly utilize the Garlean filth and then either try to turn them from the Empire or otherwise use them to harm Garlemald. Either through extermination or whatever method would further his personal vendetta. Bug, misinformation, maybe a potent disease? Whatever would damage the Empire the most.

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~[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (35)~

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Kellach Woods

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (44)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-18-2017, 04:42 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (45)

(01-18-2017, 02:39 PM)Gegenji Wrote: Gogon likely would begrudgingly utilize the Garlean filth and then either try to turn them from the Empire or otherwise use them to harm Garlemald. Either through extermination or whatever method would further his personal vendetta. Bug, misinformation, maybe a potent disease? Whatever would damage the Empire the most.

Yep, that's similar. If both have the end goal of total Garlean genocide they'd get along quite well.

Main : Kellach WoodsÂ
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The Soft-Spoken Songstress
[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (48)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (49)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (50)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (52)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-19-2017, 07:02 AM

(This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 07:10 AM by Mermaid.)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (53)

For Tsubaki it's a resounding yes. There would be the natural hesitation of "are Eorzea's enemies going to turn on me?" but it wouldn't deter her much. She's a tad naive but more importantly life is precious to her.

Despite being a Raen she's not one of Yugiri's Doman refugees. She came to Eorzea with her family a decade ago when the Garleans started messing up Othard. (I admit my timeline may be off but when researching it that was all I found.) Any of her family that remained there and potentially died she'd been completely separated from for all that time. Yes, it hit her hard but probably not quite as hard as those who lived it.

Then you have the fact that a year or two after coming to Eorzea she started sitting in Gridania's taverns listening to the stories of adventurers. She heard plenty of stories of adventurer's wanting revenge and even getting it. The best endings for those stories were when they stopped something that threatened others. When they didn't end like that, the victories served to make the person feel better but otherwise amounted to nothing for them.

She doesn't want revenge on the Garleans or to murder them all she just wants them stopped before they do more damage and take more lives. Heck, if they just stopped she'd be fine with them living in their corner of the world and leaving everyone else alone. If temporarily working with them saved lives? You bet that's more important to her.

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (54)
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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (57)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (58)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (59)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (61)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-19-2017, 08:57 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (62)

Heidrek is a bit removed from the Ala Mhigan struggle so if an Imperial came along and asked for help to kill something bad? He'd go along with it, the politics wouldn't even factor into his decision.

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (63)


Indiaura Jones
[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (66)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (67)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (68)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (70)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-20-2017, 01:40 AM

(This post was last modified: 01-20-2017, 01:44 AM by Kazukata.)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (71)

"Garleans are savage animals that know nothing but how to devour what's in front of them. Even their own kin are not safe from these urges." Kazukata would go no deal. He'd fight better alone than constantly looking over his shoulder waiting for the inevitable Garlean sword to the back.

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (72)

All credit for the graphic to Benedict Whiteraven, you magnificent bastard.

Nako Vesh

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (75)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (76)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (77)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-20-2017, 02:06 AM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (80)

(01-20-2017, 01:40 AM)Kazukata Wrote: "Garleans are savage animals that know nothing but how to devour what's in front of them. Even their own kin are not safe from these urges." Kazukata would go no deal. He'd fight better alone than constantly looking over his shoulder waiting for the inevitable Garlean sword to the back.

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Having grown up in the East Shroud with the Garlean threat hanging over her head, this is pretty much how Nako feels. If she were forced to work with them she wouldn't betray them though. Her personal code of ethics wouldn't allow that. She'd let them play dirty first, then retaliate aggressively.

But yeah, if Nako had seen ICly what Hydrus did, she would certainly respect him. It would probably make her think pretty hard about seeing Garleans as individuals.

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-20-2017, 02:13 AM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (91)

None of my characters are too fond of Garleans for a variety of reasons. Parva doesn't like how they've encroached on the Shroud and Lili's late husband was kidnapped and brainwashed by Garleans.

I think it would take something pretty severe for them or any of my characters to even think about it.

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[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (94)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (95)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (96)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (98)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-20-2017, 02:53 AM

(This post was last modified: 01-20-2017, 02:54 AM by Nodem.)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (99)

Aoi has worked with, and hired Garleans in the past despite having a harsh past with them. Especially when she's seen all three phases of Doma in her lifetime. IE: Before Garlean rule, during Garlean rule, after Garlean slaughter. So she would be able to work in tandem with them, but would watch her back knowing they could betray her at any moment. She wouldn't do the betraying herself however.

As for X'sylvia... I'm sure she could work with them for a common goal. But she wouldn't know what to expect.


[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (102)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (103)[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (104)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (106)

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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-24-2017, 09:39 AM

(This post was last modified: 01-24-2017, 09:54 AM by Kallera.)

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (107)

Kinda depends on the race and situation of the person that Kallera is dealing with. She's fought soldiers from the empire, the fully armored and masked ones sticking out in her memory. the closer to that image, the more on guard she'd be.

If it was a full blooded garlean, or someone so well armored she couldn't discern their face. Kallera would find herself incredibly wary, whether it gets off the ground would depend on the severity of the threat. When the dust settles, she'd likely pass up the chance to make anything more of it unless she _really_ felt ashamed of her actions.

If it were someone that was of garlean lands, but not garlean race (like the many hyur and elezen in their ranks) and she could see their face at least, Kallera would feel more comfortable, perhaps even curious about them, but would likely give a fake name if asked and deny it to her friends, seeing that they have had far worse experiences and fearing what they would think of her tolerance.

If she had friends along with her when meeting with the garlean, She'd tilt towards whatever lets them both live, but be the one with a hand on the weapon, telling the person some version of "don't make me regret this."


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RE: [3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt |


01-24-2017, 07:13 PM

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (114)

I was thinking in the future the Graleans and the Alliance will team up one day to fight the A
Ascians. At least from what the quest line was hinting at briefly.

But awesome responses ^^

[3.5 Spoiler] Warring Triad Prompt (2024)
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