The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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3 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MARCH 23 1916 WAR SUMMARIZED IGHTING EAST AND WEST Germans Make Progress West of Russians Advance in North and Take Czer nowitx in Bukowina Infantry attacks northwest of Verdun preceded by a vigorous bombardment have enabled the Germans to gain a foothold on the small hill of Haucourt which lies just outside the vil lage of Malancourt and between that town and the eastern edge of the Malancourt wood The entire sector of about 2 miles from the Avocourt wood to Malancourt has been subject ed to a violent artillery bom bardment and severe German infantry attack Except in the vicinity of Malancourt the Ger mans were held by the rench barrier fire and were unable to advance Northeast of Verdun around Douaumont and Vaux an in tense artillery bombardment is still in progress The infantry forces still have remained in active in this district rom the west in the forest of Argonne the rench are heavily shelling the Malancourtwood which is in the hands of 'the Germans and at various points in the forest have bom barded German organizations especially at our de Paris La Lille fort and Montfaucon The Russian offensive againstthe Germans in northwest Rus sia has increased in intensity and fighting is in progress day and night The latest official statement from Russian general headquarters says that desperate infantry fighting is proceeding north of the town of Postavy where the Germans launched violent counter attacks in an at tempt to dislodge the Russians from trenches which they had previously captured Respecting this operation the Berlin com munication says that at this point the Russians delivered their heaviest attack and their losses reached high figures even for the num ber of Russians in The Russians captured three lines of the German trenches on the southwestern shore of Lake 'Narocz where it is officially de clared the fighting is developing in favor of the Russian forces Here the Russians despite gases and a mur derous forced three lines ofwire entanglements and made their gain in a series of fierce Jhand to hand encounters The Russian war office alsoofficially announces the captureof Ispahan in Persia after an (engagement An unofficial re port received by way of Rome Sand London says the Austrianshave abandoned Czernowitz teapital of Bukowina Bad weather again has broken Itover the Austro Italian front tout it has not put a stop to theviolent bombardments The Aus trians have delivered surprise tattacks with infantry againstItalian positions at various jpoints but these according to Rome have everywhere been re pulsed The famous Galloper light ship at the mouth of the Thames has been sunk and ac cording to a report the lightship was torpedoed OICIAL REPORTS GERMANY rom Berlin: "Western front: During the work clearing up the battlefields after the attacks of March 20 northeast of Avo court and owing to the occasional capture of additional trenches from the enemy outside the wooded sectors the number of unwounded prisoners captured there has been increased to 58 officers and 2914 men "Artillery battles continued on both sides of the Meuse with great vio lence although at times they became less intense "At Obersept the rench again at tempted to make up for the check they buffered on ebruary 13 They were repulsed with considerable losses I enemy aeroplanes were put 'but of action by our aviators in aerial engagements north of Verdun Two i came down behind our front north of Samogneux The third crashed (down in flames behind the lines Tjieut Boelke thereby broughtdown his 13th enemy aeroplane and fXileut Parschau his fourth "Eastern front: The great offensive movement of the Russians increased in extent The points of attack have become more numerous and advances followed each other without interrup tion at several places throughout the day and night The strongest storm ing attack was again directed against the front northwest of ostavyr At this point the losses of the enemy reached an extraordinarily high figure even for the numbers of Russians in action "During a successful counter attack at the point where small Inroads were made in our lines 11 Russian officers and 573 men were taken prisoner During many other engagements south and southeast of Riga near ried richstadt west and southwest of Ja cobstadt south of Dvinsk north of Vidzy and between Narocz and Wlsz niew lakes our brave troops repulsed the enemy completely inflicting the greatest possible losses on him and during counter attacks took away more than COO prisoners from the ene my The Russians did not succeed at any point in gaining any success Our losses were slight in all these actions "Ba lkan front: The situation Is un RUSSIA rom "Western (Russian) front: A se ries of actions is progressing along the entire front In the Riga sector near the village of Plakenen and the district southward of Dalen island our troops fought engagements with strong enemy outposts "In the Jacobstadt sector we cap tured after a fight a village and wood east of Augusthof and also a wood between the forest district of Duker neck and the village of Detvinck in tho Buschof region Below Dvinsk gunfire was exchanged South of the Dvinsk region sharp artillery and in fantry fighting continues "Our artillery successfully bom barded the region north of Mintzlnny where our aviators had observed ene my concentrations silencing the fire of the ene batteries in the Mischkele re gion our troops captured a line of the enemy trenches in the Mintzinny Tlret Sekly sector Enemy attempts to take the offensive south of Tver etch were repulsed by our fire the region of Villleta and Mo jeika north of the town of Postavy desperate Infantry fighting is proceed ing The here launched vio lent counter attacks against our troops who had at various points dislodged the enemy from his trenches and had captured some of his machine guns the Tchernity Dotra region north of Dake Miadziol after vigo rous artillery preparation the enemy attacked our positions but was re pulsed by our fire "On the southwestern shore of Dake Narocz the fighting is developing in favor of our troops who despite Ger man asphyxiating gases and a mur derous fire forced three lines of wire entanglements and captured by a se ries of fierce attacks three lines of the enemy's trenches attempts to execute a counter attack were stopped by our fire and by our use of projectiles con taining asphyxiating and poisonous gases are engaged in appraising our captures which include up to the present 17 officers and more than 1000 soldiers 12 machine guns a searchlight and trench the Smorgon region there has been violent cannonading The enemy energetically bombarded the sector adjacent to the river and village In the region of Baronovltchi and Dieli atitchi a German aeroplane flew over our positions "In the neighborhood of the Mos cow Brest road and north of the vil lage of Telechany a lively reciprocal bombardment occurred Southeast of Kolkl our scouts captured an enemy post "According to supplementary re ports we took in the region of Mik haltche two cannon six undamaged trench mortars large quantities of rifles and munitions as well as 100 prisoners front: We occupied Ispahan after a fight The population of Ispahan exhausted by the pillage of the Germans and their mercenaries welcomed our troops enthusiastically The Persian governor and other of ficials who had previously fled and taken refuge with us returned to RANCE rom Paris yesterday afternoon: of the Meuse the artillery duel was very lively in the region of Malancourt Esnes and hill No 304 A particularly violent fire was direct ed against the Haucourt hill of the Meuse the bombard ment was Intense in the region of Vaux and Damloup were no Jnfantry actions The night was calm on the remainder of the front" rom Paris last night: Belgium our artillery shelled the trenches and communicating trenches of the second line of the enemy in the region of Steenstraete "North of the Aisne we bombarded the sector of Ville aux Bois the Argonne a concentrated fire was directed on the German organi zations north of our de Paris Da ille Morte and the region of Mont aucon and Nantillois Between Haute Chevauchee and Hill 285 the mine fighting was to our advantage We have particularly bombarded the Ma lancourt wood of the Meuse after a vio lent bombardment lasting the whole day the Germans directed several at tacks against our front between the corner of the Avocourt wood and the village of Malancourt All the at tempts of the enemy to debouch from the Avocourt wood were arrested by our barrier fire and the fire of our infantry The enemy was able to gain a footing on the little hill of Hau court about one kilometer southwest of Malancourt "East of the Meuse there wm an intense bombardment in the region of Douaumont and The Belgian communication reads: "Great activity was displayed by the artillery at divers points along the front especially north of Steen GREAT BRITAIN rom Dondon: "Bast night (Tuesday) two enemy mine explosions failed to inflict any casualties on our troops There was some grenade fighting in mine craters northwest of Vermelles without changing the situation to day day we successfully bombarded the positions southwest of Wez Marquart with guns and trench ITALY rom Rome: "Detachments of enemy infantry Monday night attempted several minor surprise attacks against our positions at the mouth of the Ribot in the Daone valley in the Gresta valley in the Rtccameras valley to the northeast ward of Piazza in the Terragnola valley and on the Ravnilaz hight of Concad di Plezzo They were every where repulsed "On the slopes of Santa Maria hight in the Tolmlno zone during the same night the enemy started an attack which was broken up by our guns Dater attempts at advances by patrols were easily repulsed duels continued yesterday (Tuesday) along the entire front although they were hindered by a re currence of bad AIR SERVICE SENSATION IN THE HOUSE COMMONS Member Arraigns British Methods Prophecy of Hundreds of Thousands of Machines Noel Pemberton Billing who was recently elected to the British Parlia ment after a campaign in which he demanded sweeping changes in Great Britain's air defense methods stirred the House of Commons at Dondon yesterday afternoon with an arraign ment of the British air service which he charged with inefficiency He as serted that a blundering policy in con struction had been responsible for the deaths of many officers who had been rather than killed and de clared that the earl of Derby was not qualified for appointment as chairman of the committee on control of air de fense because he was not well in formed on the subject Mr Pemberton Billing said that within the next few years the big nations would possess from 100000 to 200000 aeroplanes with which the sky would be blackened while even the smaller nations which were unable to afford battleships would be able to maintain fleets of aircraft which cost only from £100 to £200 each Harold Tennant parliamentary under secretary for war replied that Mr Pemberton Billlng's charges were grotesquely absurd and untrue and he argued that the commander in chief at the front was thoroughly sat isfied with the air service while the word in connection with the deaths of airmen never should have been used Mr Pemberton Billing again sprang to his feet saying: repeat the statement and if Mr Tennant wishes to challenge it I will produce such evidence as will shock the Mr Tennant retorted that the mem ber hud done little to justify his charge of Nothing further developed in the Commons in connection with Mr Pem berton charge but in the House of Dords the duke of Devonshire replying to a question by Baron Beresford on the same sub ject said: authentic record exists of any officer losing his life through a faulty machine although two offi cers were killed while making impor tant experiments" Baron Beresford thereupon apologized for his state ment says that his information came from what he had considered a reliable source CONSCIENCE AND COWARDICE Scruples and ear Discussed in British House of Commons David Dloyd George British minis ter of munitions in the House of Com mons at Dondon yesterday vigorously defended the tribunals against fre quent charges from a section of the House that they are unjust in their treatment of "conscientious objectors against service in the though it is inevitable that in some instances injustice said Mr Dloyd George "it ia a fact that some men use the word as a cloak for cowardice If a man ob jects to helping the wounded then the tribunals are quite justified in putting his objections down to fear There is national work for all The whole destiny of the country depends on what happens in the near future and the government has the right to ask these men to contribute something toward helping the country in an Replying to a question by Philip Snowden socialist as to whether the death sentence could be inflicted on conscientious objectors for refusing to execute orders in the army Mr Dloyd George said that he did not believe the death sentence could be inflicted under the circ*mstances It was only in flicted he added in the event of re fusal to obey orders in the presence of the enemy and never in this country GALLOPER LIGHTSHIP SUNK Report That German Submarine Destroyed It The Galloper lightship at the mouth of the Thames has been tor pedoed and sunk according to a Lloyds report received at Dondon yesterday The Dutch steamer Amstelland from Buenos Ayres for Amsterdam reports according to a Reuter dispatch from Ymuiden that she set her course for the Galloper lightship but found on the spot only a mast above the sur face of the sea The Galloper lightship was one of four vessels marking the limits of the famous Goodwin sands at the en trance to the strait of Dover in the North sea and a few miles from the Kentish coast of England The other lightships are the North Goodwin the East Goodwin and the Kentish Knock A Dondon dispatch of March 8 said that according to British naval cir cles German submarines had been busy laying anchored mines between the mouth of the Thames and the Galloper lightship Many disasters have occurred in the last few months in this neighborhood No further details of the sinking of the lightship had reached Dondon this morning says a dispatch from Dondon at 335 a As nothing has been heard of the crew it is presumed they were lost The morning newspapers express great indignation over the sinking of the lightship characterizing the act as a violation of the elemen tary principles of international law SUNK IN BLACK SEA Russians Destroy German Vessel Carrying ood to Turks The sinking by a Russian warship of the steamer Esperanza off Kall Akra off the Rumanian coast of the Black sea is reported in a Reuter dispatch from Bucharest received at Dondon The Esperanza a 7000 ton vessel flying the German flag is said to have been loaded with foodstuffs for Constantinople The crow was captured by the Russians The dis patch also reports the sinking of a score of small sailing ships with car goes of food CZERNOWITZ IS TAKEN AUSTRIANS ARE DRIVEN OUT According to Report Reaching Rome Russian Success in Bukowina Unofficial advices from Rome yes terday reported the abandonment of Czernowitz capital of Bukowina by the Austrians There has been hard fighting recently along the line of the Dnelster in Galicia to the northwest of Czernowitz and yesterday the Vi enna war office admitted the evacua tion of the Austrian bridgehead at Uscieczko under Russian pressure The Austrians fell back down the river to Zale Szezyky about 30 miles north of Czernowitz VON TIRPITZ MANIESTO OR BOAT RUTHLESSNESS Berlin Newspapers Declare for German People in avor of Resolutions in Reichstag These Berlin newspapers the Tages Zeitung Taeglische Rundschau Post and Kreuz Zeitung publish the fol lowing manifesto on their first pages: view of the treatment which the resolutions now before the Reichstag regarding war against commerce have experienced owing to officially inspired utterances we feel ourselves compelled in harmony with a great number of leading German newspapers to make the following decelaration political events of the last days have evoked in the German peo ple apprehension of important events Grand Admiral von Tirpitz is looked on by our nation not only as man whose energy and creative force brought to glorious realization the words of our emperor that a strong fleet was an urgent necessity for us but at the same time as the German statesman who first and most clearly recognized purpose to destroy her peaceful German rival and who was determined to meet this purpose with all force and by ruthless employment of all means at our disposal "The overwhelming majority of our people feel themselves therein at one with the creator and organizer of our navy Although the people repose unshakeable trust in the supreme commanders apprehensions are wide spread that the retirement of the grand admiral is connected with his attitude on this question and state ments of newspapers whose connec tion with governmental circles is known have confirmed this interpre tation is our conviction that it Is the urgent demand of the hour that ground for these apprehensions be ful ly removed The resolutions before the Reichstag offer a suitable occa sion for this Therefore we welcome these resolutions and reject as con stitutionally ungrounded the criticism prematurely meted out in respect to them by officially inspired organs We voice the inmost feelings and dearest wishes of wide circles of the German people when we give expression to the hope that the leaders of the empire will give these resolutions the con sidratlon which will do justice to their patriotic spirit and promise the fulfil ment of their patriotic aims "We believe that in these days of earnest endeavor it is cur duty to the nation and fatherland imperiously de manded of us by the national con science to speak out these things CHANCELLOR ON TOP Belief at Berlin He Can Control Discussion in Reichstag In connection with the resolutions of the German conservative and na tional liberal parties calling for un restricted employment of submarines against freighters of hostile nations it is now announced at Berlin that petitions are being circulated among the people which are directed against Chancellor von Bethmann policy They appeal to the govern ment for the greatest activity on the part of submarines It is apparent nevertheless that the chancellor has the situation well in hand The socialists radicals and centrists constituting a majority in the Reichstag are supporting the chancellor in his desire to avoid dis cussion of the resolutions in open ses sion The chancellor will deliver an' address before the Reichstag at the end of this week or early next week but it is considered doubtful whether he will take up the submarine ques tion German Boat Resolution The socialist membership in the Reichstag has decided to present the following resolutions: "The Reich stag expresses the expectation that in the negotiations concerning the em ployment of the submarine weapon everything will be avoided which could damage the just interests of neutral states and effectuate an unnecessary sharpening and extension of the war The Reichstag expects on the other hand that the government will do everything to bring about an early peace which will insure the integrity of the empire its political independ ence and economic freedom of develop Protest rom Berlin Tageblatt The Tageblatt of Berlin protests indignantly against what it terms the antlgovernmental campaign to obtain signatures to petitions and otherwise create a tremendous demonstration in favor of intensified submarine war fare The Tageblatt asserts waiters in restaurants and cafes go from ta ble to table in an effort to obtain sig natures to the petitions AMERICAN KILLED IN BATTLE Richard Howard of St Louis Was Member of Scottish Richard Howard of St Douis a lieutenant in the famous Scottish regi ment the "Black was killed in action in rance according to a cablegram received at St Douis from the British war office He formerly was a lieutenant in the Missouri na tional guard CONGRESS IS BUSY HAY ARMY BILLDEBATE NEED DESIGN PATENTS Gillett Expresses Views on Army Increase est of Presi dential Candidates rom Our Special Correspondent WASHINGTON Wed March 22 Thrilling interest attended none of the proceedings at Washington to day The wheels were whirling vig orously however at the capitol In both legislative branches and industry to a high pitch was first on the program No day now passes without the pest of presidential candidates They talk or otherwise maneuver for public at tention Consequently this afternoon came that great Illinois statesman Senator Lawrence Sherman (look ing like Dincoin it is claimed) with a resolution for 50000 volunteers He sent copies to the press galleries and supplied hand mo out statements about the dire needs in Mexico act is however that while the punitive expedition has perplexing features there is thus far no occasion either for 50000 volunteers or for alarms The war department and the White House offices as well as a lot of hon orable gentlemen in Congress know there are feverish souls along the Mexican border These in conjunc tion with presidential candidates and capitalistic owners of mines and ranches can muster daily volleys of rumors and suggestions The admin istration is keeping a sharp eye out but one of the essentials is to give Pershing a chance meanwhile wait ing patiently House deliberations over the Hay bill were along routine lines to day There are a few fights left yet in the bill but it is only a matter of a few hours before it gets to the Senate That body as Senator Chamberlain of Oregon announced to day is girding itself for vigorous consideration of army increases Steering committees and leaders are being prodded not to let up now that Congress is climbing to the top of the hill with the army bill There are great tasks yet and many months will be required in meet ing them The House democrats will meet in caucus riday night to talk over a program of measures which presumably will include the shipping bill This is giving the president some trouble because Majority Dead er Kitchin as was to have been ex pected and a few other democrats are balking The House patents committee gave an interesting hearing to day on a bill to permit the patenting or copy righting of designs Henry Noyes of Rochester one of the wit nesses told how his firm makes over 6000 designs for buttons annually of which a little over 600 are put upon the market while not more than 40 designs at the most are successful But these successes endure for only two or three weeks because immediately copy the designs and naturally manufacture them more cheaply Some of the Massachusetts members of the House were in action to day during army bill debate Representa tive Gillett of Springfield outlined his position as favoring more than the House is voting Representative Olney broke out for the 1st corps cadets who have encountered considerable' diffi culty in preserving their ancient rights and privileges without sacrificing op portunity to be reckoned in with fight ing regiments in war time However the House granted what the 1st corps wants and it remains only for the Senate to sanction this BUY LAND IN MAINE Additional Purchases by orest Reservation Commission The national forest reservation com mission at Washington yesterday an nounced the purchase of 47600 acres of land comprising 61 tracts in the Appalachian and White mountains Approximately 25000 acres lie in western Maine contiguous to the gov previous purchases in New Hampshire 2000 acres in Macon and McDowell countries 7300 in Shenandoah Amherst Augusta and Rockbridge counties Va 3000 in Polk Carter and Unico counties Tenn 1100 in Rabun and annin counties Ga and 300 in Oconee coun ty Lodge Resolution Passed Senator resolution calling upon the war department to report the number of civilians in the United States who have received military training within the last 10 years was adopted at Washington yesterday by the Senate Wilson to Philadelphia To day President Wilson plans to go to Philadelphia to day to consult an oc culist He will leave Washington early in the morning and probably return during the afternoon or at night DOE STARVES TO DEATH In Spite of Kindly Hospitality of North Blandford Deer are having a hard time this spring as well as game and other birds A doe wandered into the yard of Cadwell in North 'Blandford Tuesday night in a weak and fam ished condition The animal was ta ken to the barn and fed warm milk and offered hay and grain but she died early yesterday morning Dep uty ish and Game Commissioner Pe ter Monahan of Westfield was no tified and went to the Cadwell place yesterday making the trip from Ches ter and encountering many drifts on the way He found the deer nothing but skin and bones and made arrange ments to have the body buried at some point off the Springfield water shed Usually at this season of the year the deer can get down to bare ground for roots and dried grass but now "TOrtl LOCAL INTERESTS fire in augusta ga ATER WAR BRIGHTWOOD IN ARMS British Preparing for Effort to Recapture Trade United States Interested Too Correspondence of Associated Press LONDON Sunday March 12 The prospect of the of large stocks of German goods on the British mraket as soon as the close of the war releases the pent up Ger man production has started an active movement for an law American dealers located here say this same prospect of applies to the United States as the blockade of German ports has caused the ac cumulation of vast stores of prod ucts which will eventually be freed to seek foreign markets A parliamentary summarizing the views of a board of trade committee on this subject de clares that the will affect neutral countries as well as England the being accompanied by a cut in prices to gain the foreign mar kets The report says: view of the threatened dump ing of stocks which may be accumu lated in enemy countries the govern ment should take such steps as would prevent the position of indus tries likely to' be affected being en dangered after the war or during the period required for a wider consid eration of the whole question is a general fear that im mediately after the war this country will be flooded with German and Austro Hungarian e'oods sold at al most any price and that the com petition in price which was going on before the war will be accentuated with resultant serious difficulty to al) manufacturers of goods of kinds ex posed to this competition and positive disaster to those manufacturers who have been encouraged to extend their operations or engage in new branches of industry with a view to capturing trade hitherto carried on by enemy countries "The conviction that the prices at which German goods will be offered in the British and neutral markets after the war will be even lower than the prewar quotations is' based on two assumptions first that in some branches of industry at least Ger many has been accumulating large stocks during the war and secondly that immediately upon the conclusion of peace she will make every effort to recover her position in the markets and to crush other competi tion and in carrying out that policy cheapness will be a potent The representative of one of the largest electrical concerns said the statement in the white paper applied quite as much to the United States as to Great Britain "Our firm was for a long time mystified as to how Germany controled the English elec trical market before the said he we got the balance sheet of the German electrical concerns showing 30 per cent profits in some countries and no profits in other coun tries including England That is large profits in some countries permit ted actual losses in other countries in order to gain the market That is the chief danger of when the blockades end and the accumulat ed stocks of German products are turned loose on the OUR MEN IN HOSPITAL Denial at Columbus That Any Men Have Been Wounded in Action Transport trucks returning to Columbus yesterday from Gen headquarters brought four enlisted men in need of medical at tention Only two were seriously In jured and these were taken on litters to ort Bliss Tex Of these Roberts a private in Co 4th field artillery was suffering from pneu monia and William Brookes a horse sho*r in troop 11th cavalry was badly crushed in a fall from his horse at Colonia Diaz The others were suf fering from minor diseases Military leaders in Columbus denied persistent rumors of an engagement in which American soldiers were said to have been wounded it being stated that the cases received yesterday were the first of any kind in the command An additional field hospital corps and an ambulance company arrived in Columbus yesterday and it is believed it will be sent to join the expeditionary column soon were being made at the base hospital there yesterday for the establishment of a medical supply depot for troops in the field and also to establish a dental operating room Reports received indicated that Dieut Bowen of the aeroplane corps who was painfully injured Tues day while making a landing near Casas Grandes was recovering STREET CARS STOPPED Action Taken on Recommendation of Military in El Paso The street cars between El Paso and Juarez were ordered stopped last night at 930 o'clock It was learned later that the street cars had been stopped on the recommendation of the military authorities in El Paso Tex The manager of the street car com pany said that the crews were get ting nervous and that he did not care to take any risks although he knew of no actual trouble Capt Hall of the El Paso de tective force said last night that in addition to the city police and sol dier patrols the latter amounting to 75 men a reserve of 300 infantry men equipped with machine guns were stationed within six blocks of police headquarters ready for call in case of emergency He said he had been assured by the military authori ties that the infantry could report at police headquarters in 15 minutes aft er being summoned Report of Chihuahua Revolt An unconfirmed rumor reached El Paso yesterday that 2000 Carranza troops garrisoning Chihuahua have espoused the cause of Villa The re port came from two sources but no official in El Paso would say that the advices had gone beyond the rumor stage It is pointed out however that more than half the Chihuahua garrison was composed of former fol lowers of Villa Carranza Dollar Worth Two Cents The value of the Carranza dollar fell to wo cents in American money on the San Antonio (Tex) market yes terday This is the lowest price quoted since the 'money became recognized by San Antonio banks The highest price was 10 cents paid immediately after the Carranza de facto govern ment was recognized by the United States AGAINST ANY SALOONS WALNUT STREET OPPOSED Both Districts Protest Granting of Liquor Licenses Brightwood Association Passes Resolutions A strong protest against granting any liquor licenses in the Brightwood section of the city was made by the members of the Brightwood improve ment association at a meeting last evening The members of the league not only spoke decidedly against hav ing any liquor establishments north of Carew street but adopted resolutions which clearly defined their protest They were not alone in seeking to pre vent an increase of the present num ber of licensed liquor establishments Residents of Walnut and State streets took similar action regarding the in crease of licensed places on Walnut street The license commission re ceived numerous letters and personal visits from individuals living in that section yesterday who argued that there are enough licenses in that lo cality at present The possible invasion of the Bright wood section by the liquor people brought out a long discussion by the Brightwood association The ma jority maintained that the Bright wood district is not different from any other residential section of the city and should not be selected as the first residential part of the city to be made the harvest ground of the liquor interests They spoke of the demoral izing effect it would have on the whole North end and how it might tend to retard the growth of that district The resolution adopted by the as sociation was signed by the officers and prominent officials of the Wason manufacturing company It read: To the license commission: The under signed represent that there is no urgent demand for a saloon north of Carew street and believe that the granting of a license for this purpose would be a definite injury to that section of the city It consequently petitions your board to refuse all licenses for locations in this section Tho resolution bears the signatures of Henri' Pearson A Sanderson and former Mayor William Sander son of the Wason company Hyde treasurer of the same company and a director of the New England telephone and telegraph company Henry Davison secretary of the Brightwood improvement association and Charles Busch The residents of the Walnut street district maintain that that part of the city is now well provided with liquor establishments and should not have any more There are now two first class or bar licenses on Walnut street at or near the corner and one package store all located on the west side of Walnut street The two new applications are for bar licenses one on the west side and the other on the east side of Walnut street both near State street The protestants main tain that the granting of the addi tional licenses would bring four bar licenses to a district now amply pro vided LOST LITTLE GIRL IN BED eeding Hills Party Searches Seven Hours for Her in Snow ound Asleep at Home A searching party of 15 men and boys hunted from 3 yesterday afternoon till 10 last night for 10 years old Elizabeth Leonard of eeding Hills before she was found fast asleep at home in her grand father's bed Elizabeth was still sleeping at an early hour this morn ing and so nobody knows where she was all the afternoon and evening Her parents Mr and Mrs Edwin Leonard of Westfield street eeding Hills became alarmed yesterday aft ernoon when Elizabeth did not return home from school at the usual time Visions of Elizabeth falling off the street railway trestle near her home or of suffering some catastrophe came to mind and a searching party was hastily organized Volunteers were drafted from Charlie pool room and by telephone from all parts of the town Among those who spent the better part of seven hours look ing for the little girl were Rev A Gleason A Kellogg lower Leon ard Ernest Trevillios and Herbert Taylor Hope had almost been given up when the family began to get ready to retire for the night about 10 And then they found her fast asleep in her bed All the Leonard family were so re lieved to find that Elizabeth was safe and sound that they were unwilling to awaken her last night HILLIS SUIT SETTLED Agreement Reached Between the Brooklyn Clergyman and His Nephew Peace between Dr Newell Dwight Hillis Brooklyn pastor and his neph er Percy Hillis of Victoria has been effected by Web ster a retired manufacturer of Evans ton Ill according to announcement at Chicago yesterday The nephew brought suit for 550000 last summer alleging slander because of a newspa per article which quoted the pastor as saying he had paid the debts of Percy Hillis Each agreed to arbitrate! and Mr Webster was chosen to settle the matter Mr Webster refused to state how much was involved in the settlement According to report the amount was less than $25000 BOY SALUTE LAG Negro Lad Sentenced to Nine Years in Iowa Reformatory But Judge Suspends Sentence Because of his refusal to salute the flag at Des Moines la Hubert Eaves colored 11 was taken yesterday from the public schools and sentenced to nine years in the state reformatory by District Judge A Dudley After a private hearing however the court suspended sentence and paroled the boy to his parents on their promise that he would be placed in a private school where education demanded by the Iowa statute is given Hubert a member of a religious cult refused to repeat the oath of allegiance or salute the flag because he said "it had not God in it and there was nothing about saluting the flag in the ALREADY $2000000 DAMAGE Cotton Valued at in Path of lames Wind rus trates Efforts to Check Conflagration ire caused damage estimated at more than $2000000 in the downtown section of Augusta Ga last night and at a late hour was eating its way unchecked down Broad street where the principal business houses are located Ten blocks had been de troyed or were burning and the flames were threatening to spread to resi dential sections Shortly before midnight the flames were carried by the wind into the resi dential section where a new confila gration soon was making rapid head way The new outbreak was a dis tance of four blocks from the blaze in the business section There apparently was little hope of saving row" a string of warehouses where $5000000 worth of cotton was stored The cotton ex change and the board of trade building also were directly in the path of the flames Among the structures already destroyed or badly damaged were two office buildings the Masonic temple four banks two telegraph company buildings and the buildings of two daily newspapers The fire started in the Dyer office building from a cause not determined and a high wind frustrated efforts to check it The Dyer building a five story 8)50000 structure was a total loss Help for the fire department was rushed by special trains from Atlanta Macon and Savannah Amusem*nts Meetings Etc Auditorium TTo oigSnt eJulia CULP Greatest Song Recital Ever Heard Here By the oremost Singer of Songs in This Generation SUPERB PROGRAM COENRAAD BOS Pianist Seats now selling at STEINERT'S Programs with all the words of songs PALACE THURS RL SAT MISS HAMLET 4 A PEOPLE MOSTLY GIRLS 4 A I IN A MUSICAL TRAVES I TY ON SHAKESPEARE THE ITALIAN STATESMAN WM SISTO I Beaumont Arnold Leighton Kennedy WALLACE BROSIUS JOHNSON BROWN TRIANGLE PLAYS NORMA TALMADGE In Vindication unny Keystone Comedy CONTINUOUS DAILY 1130 A TO 1130 THUR SEATS RT 5c SAT Z'TX Uand 15o The CAPTIVATING AVORITE JANE GREY POWERUL 5 Pt SOCIETY DRAMA SD NEXT MON TUE WED CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in Yellow Court Square Theater ALL THIS WEEK Mats Wed and Sat Sclvvyn Co Present The Thrilling Drama of Love and War LXDER 1RE Bv ROI COOPER MEGRUE with WILLIAM COURTENAY and Original New York Company of 100 Priees: Eves Sat Mat 25c to 8150 Top Wed Mat 25c to SI Seat Sale Now BLJOU To Day MR and MRS VERNON CASTLE in Whirl of at 245 6 and 015 Julius Steiger in Blindness of Continuous allows 1 to 1030 10 cents BROADWAY Dust arnum "5 au ANNUAL SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT By men of Third Congregational Church of Chicopee riday March 24 1016 Supper at 530 and 630 APHLPHI CHAPTER NO 2 Regular Meeting Thursday evening at 730 Odd Hall Pynchon Pt Auction Bridge 500 and Whkt at 830 for members and friends Per order of BERTH A A McINTOSH Esoteric Ledge A A Special Communication this (Thursday) evening at 730 A Per order TH DMAS HAWKES Sey De Soto Lodge 155 I 0 Regular session in De Soto Hall Hill man St this (Thursday) evening at 745 I WHITE Evening Star Lodge of Perfection Special Meeting this (Thursday) even ing at 530 Work 6th and 14th grades Ter order ME HR ILL Sec'y De Soto Lodge 155 I 0 Regular session this (Thursday) even ing at 745 in De Soto Hall Hill man St Initiatory WHI TE Sec'y Massasoit Council of Special Convention this (Thursday) evening at 030 Reception of Pe titions Per order MERRILL Sec'y.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.