Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave (2024)

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Helgen Keep
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# of Zones1
Respawn TimeNever (storage is safe)
Stormcloak/Imperial Legion soldiers,
Frostbite Spiders, Bears, Bandits.
Important Treasure
The Black Arrow, v2
Spell Tome: Sparks
Console Location Code(s)
Falkreath Hold

Head south of Helgen a bit and find the cave entrance where you normally leave the tutorial, inside you'll see Hadvar and Ralof injured on the ground where you normally see the bear. You can choose which one to save, and then they'll say thanks, and lead you to Riverwood just as usual. Alternate Start Live Another Life is a great option as stated above. If you select 'I got caught crossing the border illegally' you take the cart ride, but after character creation and your various scripts initializing, which may be enough to sort your problem.

Helgen Keep

Helgen Keep is a keep used to escape Helgen in the aftermath of the dragon attack. There is a single interior zone to the keep: Helgen Keep.

During Unbound, you must escape a dragon attack on the town of Helgen by making your way through the keep and its subterranean caves.

After Helgen is abandoned, the town and keep become inhabited by bandits.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Unbound: Escape Imperial custody and a dragon attack.

Helgen Keep[edit]

Helgen Keep[edit]


There are two entrances to the keep, one enters the barracks and the other enters the base of the tower. There is a small difference depending on who you followed into the keep. If you followed Hadvar into the barracks there will be two living Stormcloak soldiers (a male and a female) to the right of the entry from the barracks, and the corpse of Gunjar by the table to the right. The male Stormcloak is equipped with an iron battleaxe and the female has an iron mace and a hide shield; they both wear a Stormcloak cuirass, fur boots, and fur gauntlets. Gunjar has an iron war axe, and wears the same clothes minus the gauntlets. if you follow Ralof the two living Stormcloaks will be replaced by an Imperial soldier and an Imperial captain who rush in from the barracks. The captain carries the Helgen Keep key, needed for a locked gate, and is equipped with an Imperial sword and an iron dagger. She wears a set of heavy Imperial armor, including boots and bracers, and she wears an Imperial officer's helmet. The soldier is equipped with the same weapons, but wears studded Imperial light armor and standard light Imperial boots, bracers, and helmet.


The barracks are the easternmost section of the keep. There are four beds by the eastern wall and two dining sections by the western wall. There are two chests by the beds, one is empty and the other holds an Imperial light helmet and some gold. In the northwest corner of the room there is a long table with two chairs, and two sets of shelves. On the table are four gold coins and a copy of Mixed Unit Tactics. The southwest part of the room holds two round small tables—one with one chair and the other with two—two weapon racks, a set of shelves, and the warden's chest. Each weapon rack holds an iron sword, and the chest contains another iron sword, Imperial light armor, Imperial light boots, and a Helgen Keep key. There are two bottles of wine on the set of shelves, a bottle of standard wine and a bottle of Alto wine. There is a pull chain to the right of the corridor that activates a wooden gate to the corridor, and another again to the right that opens the gate to the tower.


There is a locked gate to the west leading further into the keep. Through the gate is a cart with two cabbages. To the right is a bench with two sacks to the side of it. To the left is a set of stairs winding down further into the tower. After following the corridor until it becomes a dead-end, there is a door to the left leading to a kitchen. There are two soldiers in here. Hanging from the center pillar are two garlic braids and two leaves of dried elves ear. Hanging in front of the fireplace is a rabbit and a pheasant. On the other side of the center pillar is a small round table with a bottle of Alto wine.

Opposite the entrance is a large dining table with two chairs. Around the table are three sets of shelves. Among the utensils on the table is a slice of bread and a bottle of Alto wine. On the left-hand shelves is a potion of minor magicka and a salt pile. On the right-hand shelves is a potion of minor healing and a bottle of wine.

Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Walkthrough

Through the connecting archway is a storage area. There is a barrel to the left that contains five potions, three of minor healing, one of minor magicka, and one of minor stamina. There are three sacks underneath the overhanging shelf, and another on the other side of the steps up to that shelf. There is a table to the right with a salt pile and a potion of minor healing. Above that hang two more rabbits. Just in front of the table is a basket with four rock warbler eggs. The door by your companion leads to a corridor going down further into the keep.

Skyrim Live Another Life Guide

Torture Room

The next room is a torture room. The Torturer and Torturer's Assistant can be found here in combat with two Stormcloak soldiers. Against the far wall are three novice-locked cells. The side ones are empty and the middle one contains a dead mage, who carries 25 gold pieces, two potions of minor magicka, a novice hood, and novice robes. Alongside him in the cell are four gold pieces, another potion of minor magicka and a copy of the Spell Tome: Sparks.

By the second of the center pillars is a small table with a knapsack, an iron dagger, and a copy of The Book of the Dragonborn. The knapsack contains four lockpicks and a potion of minor healing. In the northeast corner of the room is the torturers cell. It contains a weapon rack and a long L-shaped shelf that has two lockpicks on the southern half. There is an iron mace hanging on the rack, an iron shield lying beside it, and a copy of Brief History of the Empire, v2 under the shelf by the door.

The exit to the room is in the northwest corner, and along the corridor are four prison cells—two on each side. The first on the right is open and empty, as is the second on the left. The first on the left is novice-locked but empty, and the second on the right is novice-locked and contains minor loot—a lootable skeleton and a coin purse. The corridor leads to another torture chamber, though this one is in considerably worse condition, having massive cobwebs in the corners and along the edges. There are two hanging cells to the left, one with a skeleton, the other with a dead Stormcloak soldier. There are another two hanging cells to the right of the entrance, but only one is occupied with a skeleton. There is a third skeleton in-between these two, by two disused hanging cells on the ground.


The way forward is through the broken wall and into the natural caves that have been utilized by the Legion as a hidden entrance to Helgen. The first room is guarded by five soldiers, one across the mini-bridge, two in the sunken middle area, and two archers on the far side of the room. The archers are equipped with long bows and also stand over an oil slick, which can be ignited using the spell Flames. After that there is an upturned wooden bridge blocking the way. There is a lever just before it to the right to lower it.

Once the bridge has been lowered and crossed it will collapse under some falling rocks. A tunnel is revealed and it leads to a small stream. On the opposite bank is a skeleton, and beside that is a coin purse and a potion of minor healing. The stream leads back to the same room that the normal route was taking; it joins with another stream and flows through another tunnel. The room is empty of any loot. A short distance along the next tunnel it turns right as the stream flows under some rocks. The remains of a skeleton can be seen on a ledge along with a coin purse.

The tunnel shows signs of what is in the next room, frostbite spiders. There are three spiders around the room and two larger spiders descend from holes in the ceiling as you enter the room. There are two web sacs around the area where the spiders are, and a dessicated corpse hanging to the right. There are a total of seven egg sacs around the room containing spiders eggs. On a ledge to the left of the entrance is an iron mace by the remnants of a corpse.

There is a tunnel to the east that leads back to the stream which has re-emerged from the rocks. There is a lit brazier across the stream on a ledge. By it is a potion of health and an iron dagger. Back on the path there is a cart with three bottles of Alto wine and a coin purse, and on the ground behind it, an iron helmet and a bottle of Black-Briar Mead. In the gloom to the south is a uniquely weak bear. There is nothing else of interest to find. The exit is along a winding path to the southeast.


There are a number of minor differences once the bandits take over. Any loot missed before will still be there as the area does not respawn.

  • Kitchen: two bandits sitting at the big table.
  • Torture room: it has been redesigned as a bar, with the torturer's cell acting as the bar itself. A bandit occupies the cell and another patrols the next corridor. On the shelf in the cell there is now an iron dagger, two lockpicks, a copy of Brief History of the Empire, v1, two coin purses, a random potion, six bottles of ale, and a copy of the Archeryskill bookThe Black Arrow, v2.
  • Caves: in the first room after the torture rooms are three bandits, one of whom is a bandit chief. The chief stands in the middle of the cave, near a chest, while the other two patrol the far walkway. The bandits have replaced the collapsed bridge with a permanent walkway, and another bandit sits on it. Finally, there is a frostbite spider near where the unique bear is.


  • The keep will be occupied by rival forces to whomever you followed into the keep, with the exception of the troops in the Torture room (they will always be the same with only the hostility transferred from one group to the other). If you chose Ralof the troops will be Imperial Legion, if you followed Hadvar they will be Stormcloak soldiers.
  • Though the Keep has a technical minimum level of 6, scripts prevent this being applied during Unbound. Instead most soldiers are, at a maximum, level 2, and most creatures are level 1. The minimum level does apply to the bandits that take over afterwards.


  • A duplicated book on the barracks bookshelf is visible, but not accessible, due to chair and table placement.
    • This issue has been addressed by version 1.2.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; the table has been moved and the duplicate book replaced with one useful to a beginning player: The Holds of Skyrim.
  • Gunjar's body doesn't disable with the other bodies.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.2.7 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.

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  • 2Detailed Walkthrough

In light of a tragedy, hunt down the creature responsible.

Zone:Western Skyrim
This quest is part of the Zone Story
Quest Giver:Lyris Titanborn
Location(s):Solitude, Blue Palace, Western Skyrim, Chillwind Depths, Dusktown, Kagnthamz
Prerequisite Quest:The Gathering Storm
Next Quest:Danger in the Holds
Reward:Surcoat of Solitude
Very High Leveled Gold
1 Skill Point
XP Gain:Very High XP

Your enemies weren't happy with your actions at Kilkreath Temple…

The Icereach Coven and its allies can call down devastating and unnatural harrowstorms on Western Skyrim. Fennorian thinks these storms can turn people into harrowfiends and mindless harrowed. We need to inform Solitude.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Return to the Blue Palace and report to Queen Gerhyld.
  2. Speak with Lyris Titanborn and search the surrounding area.
  3. Have audience with High King Svargrim.
  4. Speak with Svana.
  5. Look for witnesses in Solitude.
  6. Find Fennorian at Old Mjolen's camp west of Morthal.
  7. Collect reagents for Old Mjolen's divination ritual.
  8. Find nearby hunter's camp.
  9. Go to Chillwind Depths and search for assassin.
  10. Examine the documents in the hideout and talk to Fennorian.
  11. Go to Silversnow Mine and explore it with Lyris and Fennorian.
  12. Investigate the mining town.
  13. Destroy Witch Pikes surrounding town.
  14. Enter Kagnthamz and track down the assassin and witch.
  15. Kill Pentarch Khorb.
  16. Search for Sister Tharda.
  17. Witness the summoning ritual and kill the Coven witch.
  18. Chase the exarchs who escaped.
  19. Return to the Lonely Troll in Solitude and report to Svana.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Returning to the Blue Palace[edit]

After investigating the aftermath of Kilkreath Temple and confirming the presence of the involvement of the Icereach Coven, you can talk with Lyris Titanborn about what to do next. She can either be spoken with at the altar or back in Solitude, either way she'll want to return to the Blue Palace and report your findings to the queen. 'Queen Gerhyld needs to hear what we discovered at Kilkreath Temple. Hopefully, that will be enough for her to get us an audience with High King Svargrim.' Before you leave, you can discuss Fennorian's theory about the harrowfiends and the role of clever women in Nord society.

When you arrive at the Blue Palace Courtyard with Lyris, your first sign that something has happened is when a woman runs screaming out of the palace doors.

Bekeigr: 'Help! Assassins in the palace! Help!'
Lyris Titanborn: 'That's one of the queen's attendants! Let's get inside!'

Once inside the palace, you'll realize that there is a horrifying scene to the left of the entrance. Queen Gerhyld lies on the floor dying, as both the High King and Lyris can only stand by as she speaks to her distraught daughter.

Queen Gerhyld: 'Be strong, Svana.'
Svana: 'Mother! No, no ….'
Queen Gerhyld: 'Svana … your father … the kingdom … watch over them ….'
Svana: 'Mother—no! You can't die! Mother?'
Swordthane Uthlet: 'Sire, the assassins might return. You must get somewhere safe!'
High King Svargrim: 'Have Jorunn's lackeys come to gloat?'
Lyris Titanborn: 'We came here to warn you, your highness.'
High King Svargrim: 'And yet my wife lies dead!'
Lyris Titanborn: 'If you had listened to us ….'
High King Svargrim: 'Like she did? If I determine Jorunn had a hand in this, there will be war! Someone take care of my wife!'
Svana: 'Father, please!'

Search for clues

After this, you can talk with Lyris. She'll speculate on a possible connection to the coven and how an assassin managed to get into the palace, before asking you to investigate the room while she guards the princess. A window near the Queen has a small hole in the corner and the glass shards below it shows that it was recently broken. When you examine it closer, you'll find an Icereach Coven Medallion which fell off when the assassin escaped.

Bring the medallion to Lyris who can be found standing in front of the main stairs. She'll decide it's time to speak with High King Svargrim and make him confront some harsh truths. Once Lyris is outside Svargrim's chamber, she will talk with Swordthane Uthlet:

Lyris Titanborn: 'We need to see the high king.'
Swordthane Uthlet'I should think not! The high king is in mourning. He's not to be disturbed.'
Lyris Titanborn: 'The queen's wasn't the only life lost today. Now get out of our way.'
Swordthane Uthlet'I … er … go right in.'

An audience with High King Svargrim

Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave (2024)


Where is the exit to the Helgen Cave? ›

The exit is along a winding path to the southeast.

How do you activate the main quest in Skyrim alternate start? ›

Starting the Main Quest

When you are ready to begin pursuing the main quest, talk to an innkeeper and ask them for rumors. You'll be given a generic rumor about Helgen and told to travel there. You can also simply go to Helgen on your own without anyone telling you to do so.

Where is Helgen in Skyrim? ›

Helgen is a small town in eastern Falkreath Hold. It is the location where you begin the game, as you are transported there to be executed. Largely run by the Imperial military, the town features several fortified towers and buildings.

What happens if you go back to Helgen in Skyrim? ›

If returned to, just after completing Unbound, it is possible to find burnt corpses scattered in random locations and small fires still burning. It is nearly impossible to die before exiting Helgen, with the only exception being fall damage, and the damage taken from Alduin's fire breath.

Who helps you escape Helgen Skyrim? ›

Escape the dragon attack by fleeing to Helgen Keep. Follow Ralof, a Stormcloak rebel, or Hadvar, an Imperial soldier through the keep. Escape from Helgen and enter Skyrim.

Is there any loot in Helgen? ›

Returning to Helgen later in the game reveals a myriad of burned out buildings and other destruction. A few corpses lay about the town containing tiny amounts of gold (<4) or bone meal. Inside the keep, the Dragonborn can pass through many of the same chambers they did before, picking up any previously missed loot.

Can you rebuild a Helgen in Skyrim? ›

Helgen Reborn is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. It gives the Dragonborn a chance to rebuild Helgen and foil a Thalmor plot. Much like Kvatch Rebuilt, it adds a new questline that can be walked through while Helgen is being rebuilt.

Where do I go after escaping Helgen? ›

The plot of Skyrim encourages traveling down to Riverwood after escaping Helgen, but in reality, the player can go wherever they choose - whomever they escape with even says as much.

How do you get out of the forsaken cave in Skyrim? ›

At least two wooden plates will be required—one to get in, and one to get out. The exit to the final chamber is accessed by following the left wall, before coming to the stairs that lead up to the Word Wall, to an iron door in the corner which leads back to the beginning cave area.

Where is Hadvar after Helgen? ›

If Hadvar is chosen instead of Ralof, after escaping Helgen he will take the Dragonborn to his uncle's house in Riverwood, where he will stay afterwards.

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