Novus Draco - New Dragons - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons


  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons




    Optional Rules - Novus Draco

    (Aka New Dragon)

    Familiarity breeds contempt

    Mark Twain

    After a while, most players become familiar

    with any creature they encounter. If a red

    dragon is spotted coming towards the village

    you are in, its a good bed its going to use a

    fire based breath weapon.

    The ideas behind this are to make each

    dragon encountered unique and make your

    characters question what they know about

    these so-called flying lizards.

    Similar to the Kits by Ennead Games, this is a

    core book in the Novus Draco range. You

    wont need to get the whole set, but

    supplements will add and build on what is


    A note regarding Challenge Ratings (CR)

    The CRs listed for various changes and

    abilities here can be thought of as guidelines.

    Feel free to change them if you want, simply

    keep the proportions the same.

    Credits Legal

    Produced by

    Ennead Games

    Go here for free rpg resources, samples

    and news about upcoming products

    twitter : @enneadgames


    Ennead Games 2012

    Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See more

    information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not

    guarantee compatibility, and does not

    endorse this product.

    Pathfinder is a registered trademark of PaizoPublishing, LLC,and the Pathfinder

    Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder

    Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are

    trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are

    used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Compatibility License.


    bilityfor more information on the

    compatibility license.

    This product uses material from one or moreof the following andare needed to make full

    use of this product:

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core

    Rulebook (PZO1110)

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Bestiary (PZO1112)

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:

    Advanced Players Guide (PZO1115)

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:

    Bestiary 2 (PZO1116) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:

    Ultimate Magic (PZO1117)

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:

    Bestiary 3 (PZO1119)
  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons




    Introduction.................................................... 2

    Credits & Legal................................................ 2

    Swapping Abilities ...........................................4

    Colour/Type ................................................6

    Caster Level .................................................6

    Wyrmling .....................................................6

    Very Young ..................................................7

    Young ..........................................................7

    Juvenile .......................................................7

    Young Adult .................................................7

    Adult............................................................ 8

    Mature Adult ...............................................8


    Very Old ......................................................8

    Ancient ........................................................9


    Great Wyrm ................................................9

    Unique & Random Dragons .......................... 10

    Base Type/Stats ......................................... 10

    Age Categories .......................................... 11

    CR Changes ...............................................12

    Health/HD .................................................13

    Alignment ..................................................13

    Base attack bonus ..................................... 13

    Breath Weapon ......................................... 13

    Class Levels/Abilities ................................. 15

    Damage Reduction .................................... 15

    Environment ............................................. 16

    Feats ..........................................................17

    Flight .........................................................19

    Immunities ................................................19

    Languages .................................................19

    Lore ...........................................................20

    Movement (Non-flight) ............................. 20

    Natural Armour ......................................... 20

    Saving throws ............................................21

    Senses .......................................................21

    Size............................................................ 21

    Skills.......................................................... 22

    Spell casting ..............................................23

    Body Details ..................................................24

    Dragon Names & Titles .................................30

    True Name ................................................30

    Mortal Name......................................... 30

    Titles.......................................................... 31


    Location ....................................................32

    Features ....................................................32

    Dragon Eggs ..................................................33

    Templates .....................................................36


    Breath Weapon Feats ............................... 38

    Dragon Blood ............................................ 39

    Appendix 1 Spell Packs ................................. 40

    Arcane Spell Packs ................................ 40

    Divine Spell Packs .................................. 42

    Appendix 2 Physical Size Details ................... 44

    Appendix 3 Treasure Hordes ........................ 46

    Appendix 4 Handy charts .............................. 55

    Appendix 5 Name Components .................... 57

    Upcoming Products....................................... 60

    OPEN GAME LICENSE............................. 61

  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons



    Swapping Abilities

    ets face it, adventurers after a while

    can get quite co*cky and full of them

    self. Oh look another red dragon they

    say. At this point the smart wizard notices

    something a bit off. Namely, the frost around

    its mouth. The blast of pure cold coming from

    the dragon rather surprised the party who

    had just taken potions of fire protection.

    This chapter deals with taking dragon abilities

    and giving them to other dragons.

    This can be done quickly and added to existing

    or normal dragons. The easiest way to do

    this is work out how many changes have

    occurred and what

    As the name of this chapter suggests, these

    abilities are exchanged on a like-for-like basis.

    Breath weapons are swapped for breath

    weapons etc.

    Age categories are factored in as well.

    Wyrmling abilities would be swapped for

    wyrmling, young for young etc. For example a

    wyrmling black dragon has the ability to be

    immune to acid. This could be swapped with a

    blue dragons immunity to electricity.

    The number of possible changes/swap is

    determined by one of the following methods

    1. 1d3Handy if you just want to give a

    dragon a twist or tweak. This is the

    recommended option to go with.


    1 change per age category. An old

    dragon would have 8 changes. This

    may not work for all categories and

    can get harder the older the dragon is.

    Not always recommended to use.

    3. A random amount based on Age


    Lvl Age # of change(s)

    1 Wyrmling 1

    2 Very Young 1d2

    3 Young 1d3

    4 Juvenile 1d4

    5 Young Adult 1d4 +1

    6 Adult 1d4 +2

    7 Mature Adult 1d6

    8 Old 1d6 +1

    9 Very Old 1d6 +2

    10 Ancient 1d8

    11 Wyrm 1d8 +1

    12 Great Wyrm 1d8 +2

    Now you have the # of changes to be made,you need to work outwhat change has

    occurred, remembering that the older

    dragons could have changes from

    younger/previous categories as well.

    D8 Change

    1 2 Age Related

    3 4 Breath Weapon

    5 - 6 Caster Level

    7 - 8 Colour change

    For Caster level and Breath Weapon, roll on

    the colour chart. With the exception of age

    related, only one of these types of change

    changes can occur per dragon. If caster level is

    improved then add +2 to CR, if reduced, then


    Colour change is quite simple. The dragon

    looks like one type, say red, but is in factanother, like white.In many ways this can be

    the most effective swap to make as you are

    only changing their colour, not their stats,

    abilities, behaviour etc. Those encountering

    these freaks of nature though, may have an

    interesting time once they find out.

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    Age Based

    Roll the dice after the age name to determine

    the age-level ability that has been swapped.

    Age Range

    Wyrmling 1

    Very Young 1d2

    Young 1d3

    Juvenile 1d4

    Young Adult 1d5

    Adult 1d6

    Mature Adult 1d6 + 1d1

    Old 1d8

    Very Old 1d8 + 1d1

    Ancient 1d10

    Wyrm 1d10 +1d1Great Wyrm 1d12

    A 1d1 is any dice rolled. An even number = 1,

    and odd = 0. This allows for odd numbers, like

    a 7, 9 or 11 to be rolled easily.

    If an age has multiple abilities, randomly

    determine which one is replaced.

    Multiple Swaps

    If your dragon has multiple abilities swappedout, then you havea choice to make or roll

    on. Are you swapping from the same colour,

    or is each swap possible from another


    E.G. you have 3 abilities to change on your

    adult red. Do you;

    a) Take them all from another colour

    b) You randomly determine each one?

    If using option A, then roll/pick on theColour/Type chart. If B,then roll on the age

    chart for the ability that will be gained. Of

    course, you can select instead of rolling.

    Skills, feats etc. are not changed from those

    listed for the type/age. This is on purpose as

    this change is simply to give a spin on existing

    creatures, not design new ones, or to make

    things much more complex. That is job of thenext chapter.

    Example Swap

    You have an Adult Red, so youd roll a d6.

    Rolling a 4 would mean the ability/feature

    replaced would be the one at Juvenile

    level/age; in this case either Frightfulpresence or pyrotechnicswould be replaced.

    Pyrotechnics is randomly picked to be

    replaced and is swapped with the Juvenile

    ability of a black dragon, namely Darkness.

    Duplicated Swap

    If you end up with an ability the dragon

    already has, then either:

    (1) Reroll result


    Make the ability twice as effective.

    Saves are harder, duration longer, etcIt could be used twice asmany times

    per day or other effects. In effect the

    dragon has lost one ability, but gained

    power in another.

    Throughout this and subsequent sections, the

    following notes are applicable:


    Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game Bestiary (PZO1112)

    (2) Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game: Bestiary 2 (PZO1116)


    Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game: Bestiary 3 (PZO1119)

    Some abilities are mentioned twice or more,

    in which case the notes indicate the first place

    they can be found.

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  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons



    Very Young


    1 Burning Hands (2)

    2 - 5 Change shape (1)

    6 Cloud Sight (3)

    7 Cloud Walking (1)

    8 Colour Spray (2)

    9 Darkness (2)

    10 Detect Evil (1)

    11 Detect Good (1)

    12 Grease (1)

    13 Obscuring Mist (2)

    14 Smoke Vision (1)

    15 Snow Vision (1)

    16 Sound Imitation (1)

    17 Speak with animals (1)

    18 Swamp Stride (1)

    19 Torrent Breath (3)

    20 Woodland Stride (1)




    05 Change Shape (1)06 10 Create Water (3)

    11 15 Detect Evil (3)

    16 20 Detect Gems (1)

    21 25 Detect Magic (1)

    26 30 Entangle (1)

    31 35 Fast Flight (1)

    36 40 Fog Cloud (2)

    41 45 Ghost Bane (2)

    46 50 Ghost Sound (1)

    51 55 Graceful Flight (1)

    56 60 Ice Shape (1)

    61 65 Move sand (1)

    66 70 Obscuring Mist (2)

    71 75 Pass without Trace (3)

    76 80 Soften Earth and Stone (3)

    81 85 Speak With Reptiles (1)

    86 90 Superheated (2)

    91 95 Tremor Sense (2)

    96 98 Uncanny dodge (1)

    99 - 00 Violent retort (3)



    01 04 Bless (1)

    05 - 08 Calm Emotions (3)

    09 - 12 Charm Person (1)

    13 16 Create food and water (1)

    17 20 Darkness (1)

    21 24 Desert Wind (1)

    25 28 Endure Elements (1)

    29 32 Entangle (3)

    33 36 Feather Fall (1)

    40 44 Fog Cloud (1)

    45 48 Fog Vision (1)

    49 52 Frightful Presence (1)

    53 56 Glitterdust (2)

    57 60 Hideous Laughter (1)

    61 64 Hydraulic Push (3)

    65 68 Minor Image (1)

    69 72 Pyrotechnics (1)

    73 76 Scorching Ray (2)

    77 80 Stone Shape (3)

    81 84 Trap Master (1)

    85 88 Unfettered swimmer (3)

    89 92 Vampiric Touch (2)


    96 Water Breathing (2)97 - 00 Wave Mastery (1)

    Young Adult


    01 - 05 DR 2/adamantine (3)

    06 10 DR 5/magic (1)

    11 15 Gust of wind (1)

    16 - 20 Spell resistance (1)

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    01 04 Blight (3)

    05 - 08 Call Lightning (3)

    09 - 12 Change Shape (3)

    13 16 Cloud Form (2)

    17 20 Cold Aura (1)

    21 24 Control Water (2)

    25 28 Corrupt water (1)

    29 32 Daylight (1)

    33 36 Electricity Aura (1)

    40 44 Fire Aura (1)

    45 48 Fog Cloud (1)

    49 52 Frightful Presence (1)

    53 56 Gust of Wind (3)

    57 60 Luck (1)

    61 64 Rainbow Pattern (2)

    65 68 Shadow Breath (2)

    69 72 Shadow Walk (2)

    73 76 Solid Fog (2)

    77 80 Spike Stones (3)

    81 84 Stone Shape (1)

    85 88 Suggestion (1)

    89 92 Tongues (3)

    93 - 94 Trackless Step (1)95 - 96 Underworld Burrower (3)

    97 - 98 Ventriloquism (1)

    99 - 00 Wall of fire (2)

    Mature Adult


    01 15 DR 10/magic (1)

    16 - 20 DR 5/adamantine (3)



    01 03 Acidic Bite (1)

    04 06 Call Lightning Storm (3)

    07 09 Camouflage (1)

    10 12 Capsize (2)

    13 15 Cloud Kill (2)

    16 18 Cold Aura (1)

    19 21 Control Water (3)

    22 26 Control Winds (1)

    27 29 Destructive Crush (3)

    30 32 Detect Thoughts (1)

    33 35 Electricity Aura (1)

    36 40 Fire Aura (1)

    41 43 Fire Shield (2)

    44 46 Freezing Fog (1)

    47 49 Geas/Quest (1)

    50 52 Golden Armor (3)

    53 55 Hallucinatory Terrain (1)

    56 - 60 Manipulate Flames (1)

    61 63 Mirage (1)

    64 66 Plant Growth (1)

    67 69 Primal Lightning (3)

    70 - 74 Project Image (2)


    77 Sea Strider (3)78 80 Slow Aura (1)

    81 - 85 Stone to Flesh (2)

    86 88 Sympathetic Vibration (3)

    89 91 Transmute rock/mud (1)

    92 94 Tree Stride (3)

    95 97 Wall of Fire (1)

    98 - 00 Wall of Stone (3)

    Very Old


    01 15 DR 15/magic (1)

    16 - 20 DR 10/adamantine (3)

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    01 03 Acid Pool (1)

    04 05 Animate Plants (3)

    06 - 07 Blizzard (1)

    08 09 Control Water (1)

    10 12 Control Weather (1)

    13 15 Control Winds (3)

    16 18 Create Shadows (2)

    19 21 Delayed Blast Fireball (2)

    22 24 Desiccating bite (2)

    25 27 Dominate Person (1)

    28 30 Elemental Breath (3)

    31 33 Find the Path (1)

    34 36 Finger of Death (2)

    37 39 Grounding Breath (3)

    40 42 Horrid Wilting (2)

    43 45 Insect Plague (1)

    46 48 Magma Breath (1)

    49 - 51 Mass Laughter (1)

    52 54 Melt Stone (1)

    55 57 Miasma

    58 60 Prismatic Spray (2)

    61 63 Ray Reflection (2)


    66 Reflective Scales (1)67 69 Repel Metal or Stone (3)

    70 72 Sandstorm (1)

    73 - 75 Storm Breath (1)

    76 78 Sunburst (1)

    79 81 Thundering bite (2)

    82 84 Veil (1)

    85 87 Vortex (1)

    88 90 Wall of Ice (1)

    91 93 Wall of Stone (1)


    96Water Walk (3)

    97 - 00 Wind Walk (2)



    01 15 DR 20/magic (1)

    16 - 20 DR 15/adamantine (3)

    Great Wyrm


    01 02 Awaken Treants (1)

    03 04 Celestial Emissary (3)

    05 - 08 Charm Reptiles (1)

    09 10 Clashing Rocks (3)

    11 - 14 Cloud Breath (2)

    15 17 Command Plants (1)

    18 19 Control Weather (1)

    20 21 Deadly Joke (1)

    22 - 25 Discern Location (1)

    26 27 Divine Aid (1)

    28 29 Earthquake (3)

    30 31 Energy Drain (2)

    32 - 35 Foresight (1)

    36 38 Ice Tomb (1)

    39 40 Imprisonment (2)

    41 - 44 Incinerate (1)

    45 46 Lava Eruption (3)

    47 48 Magma Tomb (2)

    49 - 52 Master Counterspelling (3)

    53 54 Mirage Arcana (1)

    55 56 Moment of Prescience (3)

    57 58 Move Earth (1)


    62 Painful Strikes (2)63 64 Reverse Gravity (1)

    65 66 Sandstorm (1)

    67 - 70 Scintillating aura (2)

    71 72 Shades (2)

    73 74 Stony Death (3)

    75 76 Storm of Vengeance (2)

    77 - 80 Stormbolts (3)

    81 82 Summon Djinni (1)

    83 85 Tidal Wave (3)


    90True Courage (1)

    91 93 Tsunami (2)

    94 96 Vortex (3)

    97 98 Wall of Lava (2)

    99 - 00 Whirlwind (1)

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    Unique Random


    his chapter is to create or design aunique, and hopefullymemorable,


    Be warned, it will take quite a while to work

    through and is not designed for on-the-fly

    creation, unless you wish to change one or 2


    Remember though, these creatures of legend

    are meant to be unique and memorable. This

    chapter assumes that is no species ofdragon and that each one israre and unique.

    One that is red will probably not have the

    same looks and abilities as another that is red

    (apart from the colour).

    Base Type/Stats

    To start off with you need a base type to

    change and alter. As detailed in the

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiaryentry on age categories fordragons, an

    increase in age increases certain base abilities,

    but, you need to know what these are first.

    Other dragon types may be substituted for

    the base dragon type, but the rules and

    changes would apply to them as well.

    This is the same chart from earlier that lists

    the various known base types or colours,

    repeated here for convenience

    You will probably find that these creatures

    created with the options in this chapter will

    be unbalanced and maybe even overpowered.

    If this is the case two options present



    Give the dragon a few weakness(or

    lower the power/effect of existing

    abilities) to help the party defeat this



    Leave it as it is. These mortals should

    not be able to defeat a being of such

    awesome power and majesty, they

    should be bowing before it or cowing

    in fear!

    D100 Base Type

    01 05 Black (1)

    06 10 Blue (1)

    11 15 Brass (1)

    16 20 Brine (2)

    21 25 Bronze (1)

    26 30 Cloud (2)

    31 35 Copper (1)


    40 Crystal (2)41 45 Forest (3)

    46 - 50 Gold (1)

    51 - 55 Green (1)

    56 60 Magma (2)

    61 65 Red (1)

    66 70 Sea (3)

    71 75 Silver (1)

    76 80 Sky (3)

    81 85 Sovereign (3)

    86 90 Umbral (2)

    91 95 Underworld (3)

    96 - 00 White (1)

    1. Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game Bestiary (PZO1112)


    Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game: Bestiary 2 (PZO1116)

    3. Found in Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game: Bestiary 3 (PZO1119)

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    Base Stat Options

    You can determine the base stats, if needed

    by various methods, just like your normal

    characters and NPCs. If you want to simplify

    this, then the chart below has 20 pre-donebase stat groups readyfor use. Some are

    obviously better than others and will increase

    CR at the higher end.

    D20 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    1 9 16 13 10 11 16

    2 9 16 13 10 14 13

    3 10 11 10 11 16 13

    4 10 13 13 10 14 13

    5 11 16 13 8 11 8

    6 11 16 13 6 9 67 11 16 13 10 11 10

    8 11 16 13 12 13 12

    9 12 12 11 13 16 13

    10 13 14 13 10 11 10

    11 13 14 13 14 15 14

    12 13 16 13 12 12 11

    13 14 13 14 14 15 14

    14 14 15 14 17 14 15

    15 14 15 16 15 15 16

    16 15 14 14 10 11 10

    17 15 14 14 15 14 1418 16 15 11 13 10 11

    19 17 14 15 10 11 10

    20 17 14 15 14 15 14

    Age Categories

    Next you need to determine how old the

    dragon is. You can:

    Pick the age you want Use Adult as default. This is the

    recommended option.

    Roll a d12 and use the value rolled as

    the age category, with 1 being

    wyrmling and 12 being Great Wyrm.

    Optional Rule: Beyond Great Wyrm

    4 new age categories beyond Great Wyrm

    have been designed. These should be the rare

    of the rare. Their existence, even among

    dragons should be the stuff of tall-tales,legends and sagas.

    13 - Epic Wyrm (8 per world)

    14 - Legendary (4 per world)

    15 - Mythological (2 per world)

    16 - Paragon (max 1 per world)


    Age: 14001600

    CR: Base + 18

    Size: Base +5

    HD: Base + 24Natural Armour: Base + 35

    Breath Weapon: Base x 13


    Age: 16001800

    CR: Base + 20

    Size: Base +5

    HD: Base + 26

    Natural Armour: Base + 37

    Breath Weapon: Base x 14


    Age: 18002000

    CR: Base + 22

    Size: Base +5

    HD: Base + 28

    Natural Armour: Base + 38

    Breath Weapon: Base x 15

    Paragon(minimum stats)

    Age: 2000 +

    CR: Base + 24Size: Base +6

    HD: Base + 30

    Natural Armour: Base + 40

    Breath Weapon: Base x 16

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    Ability Scores

    All these ability score changes are added to or

    subtracted from the base value.

    Epic Wyrm

    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +28 -8 +14 +12 +12 +12


    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +30 -10 +14 +14 +14 +14


    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +32 -10 +16 +14 +14 +14


    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +34 -10 +16 +16 +16 +16

    To become one of these new age tiers, adragon must not only beof the appropriate

    chronological age, but also needs to kill one of

    the dragons in the category above. Defeat is

    not possible as the heart of the one who loses

    must be consumed. This is one of the few

    times an alignment conflict will not occur for

    good aligned dragons, but only if they are

    fighting one who is evil.

    The exception to this cannibalisation from

    combat rule is if a dragon in one of theextended age categoriesgets killed by an

    outside force. In which case the first dragon to

    find and eat the heart takes its place. The

    nearest 2d4 dragons are magically made

    aware a greater being has fallen and roughly

    where it occurred.

    These battles are not subtle and can be

    dangerous for bystanders and the


    CR Changes

    Quite a few of the aspect changes has a CR

    cost associated with it. If you wish to add

    your own abilities or others you have found,

    then the following guidelines are good to use:

    Significant Combat Ability/Quality

    +2 to CR

    Minor Combat Ability

    +1 to CR

    Trivial Abilities

    +0.5 or none to CR

    A significant special attack is one that stands agood chance ofincapacitating or crippling a

    character in one round. A significant special

    quality is one that seriously diminishes the

    monsters vulnerability to common attacks. If

    the special abilities gained are not tied to a

    class or Hit Die increase, this CR increase will


    Another method, and is recommended, is to

    ignore the CR changes as individual items andsimply increase ordecrease as a whole. This

    can save on time during creation, but may

    need tweaking later.

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    Each increase in HD above the base increase

    CR by 1, likewise a decrease reduces by same

    amount. Remember that HD affects many

    other stats, like skill points, feats, savingthrows etc. whichis why this is presented


    Also, dont forget that age increases the

    number of HD rolled.

    D20 Base HD

    1 2 3d12

    3 4 4d12

    5 6 5d12

    7 8 6d12

    9 10 7d12

    11 12 8d12

    13 - 20 No changes from base


    A dragons alignment goes a long way to

    describing its personality, attitude and ethics.

    D10 Alignment

    1 Lawful Good

    2 - 3 Neutral Good

    4 Chaotic Good

    5 6 True Neutral

    7 Lawful Evil

    8 9 Neutral Evil

    10 Chaotic Evil

    Base attack bonus

    The BAB (Base attack bonus) is affected by

    HD. Dragons normally use the Fast BAB track,

    but as always, using this creation supplement,

    exceptions do occur.


    01 - 90 Normal/Same as Base/Fast

    91 - 95 Med BAB

    96 - 00 Slow BAB

    See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Bestiaryfor more details on the BAB

    Breath Weapon

    A dragons breath weapon is one of its most

    feared attacks. The sight of a flying beast such

    as a dragon breathing fire as it goes; burning

    buildings and bodies alike is enough to bringfear into thehearts of the bravest of souls.



    1 Acid

    2 Cold

    3 Electricity

    4 Energy

    5 Fire6 GasBlinding

    7 Gas - Confusion

    8 Gas - Hallucinogenic

    9 Gas - Laughing

    10 Gas - Poison

    11 Gas - Sleep

    12 GasSlowing

    13 MagicDispel

    14 Magic - Wild

    15 Paralysing

    16 Piercing

    17 Rust

    18 Sonic

    19 Stunning

    20 Same as Base Dragon/Other

    Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire breath weapons are

    the same as normal dragons breath weapons.

    Energy has two subtypes Positive and

    Negative. Good aligned dragons have Positiveand Evil haveNegative. Neutral have either.

    Gas breath weapons take effect if they are

    breathed in. A successful Reflex save will

    negate the effect/damage.

    Magic Dispel: if caught in this effect and

    failed a saving throw, then any active magic is

    negated or dispelled, as if a Dispel Magic

    effect was cast by the dragon

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    MagicWild: Any spells cast by anyone hit by

    this will surge. If you dont have any rules for

    dealing with magic surges, then a simple rule

    you can use is this: Roll 1 d4

    1Nothing happens, spell works as normal

    2Spell is wasted, spell not cast3Spell is cast as if user wasone level higher

    4Spell cast as if user was one level lower

    Paralysing breath weapons will, on a failed

    reflex save, causes Paralysis, with all the

    problems that entails

    Piercing ignores 1 point of AC per age

    category of the dragon.

    Rust causes any metal caught within tocorrode and degrade as ifattacked by a

    certain monster known for this ability

    Sonic breath weapons are basically sound of

    some kind, which blasts those caught within,

    similar to the effects of a Shout spell.

    Stunning gives those affected by the breath

    weapon the Stunned effect, as if they was hit

    by Power Word:Stun.

    Same as Base Dragon/Other is a catch-all for

    giving the dragon either the same breath

    weapon as its base type, or for using other

    more exotic breath types.

    Shape of Breath Weapon


    01 02 Cone - Normal

    03 04 Cone - Wide

    05 06 Cone - Long

    07 08 Line - Straight

    09 Line - Jagged

    10 - 20 Same as base

    ConeNormal / LineStraight/Same as base

    are same as normal types.

    For Cone Wide breath weapons, the range

    is halved, but makes up for being at 135

    degrees instead of the usual 90 degrees.

    For Cone Long the range is doubled, but

    the width is now at 45 degrees instead of 90.

    Line Jagged are a bit more complex and

    dangerous. For each 5 feet of range forward

    from the dragon it can change its angle. Seeappendix 4 for moredetails.

    This only affects the weapon in a forward

    direction away from the dragon, so it cant

    loop etc.

    Range/Size of Breath Weapon

    The base size of the breath weapon is based

    on the size of the dragon. The sizes below are

    in feet

    Line Cone

    Tiny 30 15

    Small 40 20

    Medium 60 30

    Large 80 40

    Huge 100 50

    Gargantuan 120 60

    Colossal 140 70

    If you wish to have some variation in the

    breath weapon size, to keep sneaky heros on

    their toes, thinking they are smart by standing

    *just* out of range, then give the dragon one

    of the breath weapon feats mentioned later.

    Base Damage change

    Breath weapon base damage is multiplied by

    the age categories of the dragon. So a mature

    of a type of dragon that had 2d6 as the base

    damage, would have 14d6 (2 x 7) and a Great

    Wyrm would have 24d6 (2 x 12).

    Increasing the base damage changes CR by 1

    per step above or below the base.

    D20 Base Damage for BW

    1 -2 2d4

    3 4 2d6

    5 6 2d8

    7 8 2d109 - 20 Same as base

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    Class Levels/Abilities

    These rules supplement the ones in the

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for

    adding classes to monsters.

    This section determines what classes the

    dragon may have in addition to its base




    1 - 9 No class levels

    10 1 class/1 level

    11 1 class/1 level per age

    12 1 class/1 level per 2 ages

    13 1 class/1 level per 3 ages

    14 1 class/1 level per 4 ages

    15 1 class/1d2 levels

    16 1 class/1d4 levels

    17 1 class/1d6 levels

    18 1 class/1d8 levels

    19 1 class/1d10 levels

    20 Roll againbut 2 classes

    Random Class


    1 2 Barbarian

    3 4 Bard

    5 - 6 Cleric

    7 8 Druid

    9 - 10 Fighter

    11 Monk

    12 Paladin

    13 Ranger14 Rouge

    15 17 Sorcerer

    18 19 Wizard

    20 Other Class

    Damage Reduction

    Every 2 points above the normal DR for the

    age (marked with a (*)) grants +1 CR. Likewise

    every 2 points below is -1 to CR. You only

    need to check for the oldest age category thedragon is eligiblefor. For example, an Old

    dragon would only roll on the mature adult


    Damage ReductionYoung Adult


    1 - 2 1

    3 - 5 3

    6 - 15 5 (*)

    16 - 18 7

    19 - 20 9

    Damage ReductionMature Adult


    1 - 2 6

    3 - 5 8

    6 - 15 10 (*)

    16 - 18 1219 - 20 14

    Damage ReductionVery Old


    1 - 2 11

    3 - 5 13

    6 - 15 15 (*)

    16 - 1817

    19 - 20 19

    Damage ReductionWyrm


    1 - 2 16

    3 - 5 18

    6 - 15 20 (*)

    16 - 18 22

    19 - 20 24

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    D100 Method of Negation

    01 05 Acid

    06 10 Aligned - Chaos

    11 15 Aligned - Evil

    16 20 Aligned - Good

    21 25 Aligned - Lawful

    26 30 Cold/Ice

    31 35 Electricity

    36 40 Heat/Fire

    41 45 Iron/Steel

    46 65 Magic

    66 70 Poison

    71 75 Silver

    76 80 Sonic81 85 Wood

    86 90 Star Metal/Other Exotic Metal

    91 96 Something Else

    97 Double (-1 to CR)

    98 Combination Required (+1 CR)

    99 None/- (+2 CR)

    00 Epic (+2 CR)


    Double and Combination work similar. If youget one of theseresults, roll twice again

    (ignoring the bottom 4 results).

    If the original option was double, then then

    the damage is negated if the weapon/attack

    has EITHER of these properties.

    If the original was Combination, then the

    weapon/attack must have BOTH.

    As you can imagine, this may present

    problems if you have two seemingly

    contradictory properties. After all, what

    weapon is aligned to both good AND evil at

    the same time? But wait, wasnt there a

    legend about a weapon that had these very

    properties? Use any conflicts as prompts and

    seeds for new items or adventures.

    Of course nothing is stopping you from simply

    re-rolling if you cant think of anything.


    What terrain is this beast often found in or

    near? This has not effect on CR, but is more

    for role-playing and adventure possibilities.

    D100 Terrain Found

    01 03 Any

    04 06 Air (Temperate)

    07 09 Coastline

    10 12 Desert (Temperate)

    13 15 Desert (Warm)

    16 18 Forest (Cold)

    19 21 Forest (Temperate)

    22 24 Forest (Warm)

    25 27 Hills (Cold)28 30 Hills (Temperate)

    31 33 Hills (Warm)

    34 36 Mountains (Cold)

    37 39 Mountains (Temperate)

    40 42 Mountains (Warm)

    43 45 Ocean (Cold)

    46 48 Ocean (Temperate)

    49 50 Ocean (Warm)

    51 53 Plains (Cold)

    54 - 56 Plains (Temperate)57 59 Plains (Warm)

    60 62 Planear (elemental plane)

    63 65 Planear (other plane)

    66 68 Rivers/Lake

    69 71 Swamp (Cold)

    72 74 Swamp (Temperate)

    75 77 Swamp (Warm)

    78 80 Underground

    81 83 Urban

    84 - 00 Same as base

    Elemental Plane


    01 04 Earth

    05 08 Air

    09 12 Fire

    13 - 16 Water

    17 - 18 Quasi-Elemental Plane

    19 - 20 Para-Elemental Plane

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    Other Planes


    1 Abyss

    2 Acheron

    3 Arborea

    4 Arcadia

    5 Astral

    6 Baator

    7 Beastlands

    8 Bytopia

    9 Carceri

    10 Celestia

    11 Elysium

    12 Gehenna

    13 Hades14 Limbo

    15 Mechanus

    16 Pandemonium

    17 Ysgard

    18 EnergyPositive

    19 Energy - Negative

    20 Other Plane/Demi Plane

    Being a native of a certain plane does bring its

    own advantages and disadvantages


    The number of feats allowed is equal to 1 + 1

    for every 2 HD the creature has.

    There are many, many feats to choose from,

    but if you need some ideas or suggestions a

    few are listed here. Just remember that some

    feats have certain perquisites, especially if

    adding your own or ones others have made.

    Feats in this list that have prerequisites have

    them listed in the [ ] following the name. If

    other feats are listed here, they count

    towards the limit. Other prerequisites should

    be taken into account as well and re-roll

    results or adjust the profile as needed.

    If a feat is rolled multiple times and is allowed

    to be taken multiple times, then do so,

    otherwise re-roll duplicates.


    1 Acrobatic

    2 Acrobatic Steps [Dex 15,

    Nimble Moves]

    3 Agile Maneuvers

    4 Alertness

    5 Arcane Strike [Ability to cast

    arcane spells]

    6 Augment Summoning [Spell

    Focus (conjuration)]

    7 Awesome Blow [Str 25, Power

    Attack, Improved Bull Rush,

    size Large or larger]

    8 Bleeding Critical [CriticalFocus, base attack bonus +11]

    9 Blind-Fight

    10 Blinding Critical [Critical Focus,

    base attack bonus +15]

    11 Cleave [Str 13, Power Attack,

    base attack bonus +1]

    12 - 13 Combat Casting

    14 Combat Expertise [Int 13]

    15 16 Combat Reflexes

    17 Critical Focus [Base attack

    bonus +9]

    18 Dazzling Display [Weapon

    Focus, proficiency with the

    selected weapon]

    19 Deadly Aim [Dex 13, base

    attack bonus +1]

    20 Deadly Stroke [Dazzling

    Display, Greater Weapon

    Focus, Shatter Defences,

    Weapon Focus, proficiency

    with the selected weapon,

    base attack bonus +11]

    21 - 22 Deceitful

    23 Defensive Combat Training

    24 Diehard [Endurance]

    25 Dodge [Dex 13]

    26 Empower Spell

    27 Endurance

    28 Enlarge Spell

    29 Exhausting Critical [Critical

    Focus, Tiring Critical, baseattack bonus +15]

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    30 Extend Spell

    31 - 33 Flyby Attack [Fly speed]

    34 Great Cleave [Str 13, Cleave,

    Power Attack, base attack

    bonus +4]

    35 Great Fortitude

    36 Greater Disarm [Combat

    Expertise, Improved Disarm,

    base attack bonus +6, Int 13]

    37 Greater Feint [Combat

    Expertise, Improved Feint,

    base attack bonus +6, Int 13]

    38 Greater Overrun [Improved

    Overrun, Power Attack, base

    attack bonus +6, Str 13]

    39Greater Spell Focus (school)[Spell Focus]

    40 Greater Spell Penetration

    [Spell Penetration]

    41 Greater Trip [Combat

    Expertise, Improved Trip, base

    attack bonus +6, Int 13]

    42 Greater Vital Strike [Improved

    Vital Strike, Vital Strike, base

    attack bonus +16]

    43 Greater Weapon Focus

    [Proficiency with selected

    weapon, Weapon Focus with

    selected weapon, base attack

    bonus +1, 8th-level fighter/age


    44 Heighten Spell

    45 - 47 Hover

    48 Improved Bull Rush [Str 13,

    Power Attack, base attackbonus +1]

    49 Improved Critical (bite, claw,

    wing or tail) [Proficient with

    weapon, base attack bonus


    50 Improved Disarm [Int 13,

    Combat Expertise]

    51 Improved Feint [Int 13,

    Combat Expertise]

    52 Improved Great Fortitude

    [Great Fortitude]

    53 54 Improved Initiative

    55 Improved Iron Will [Iron Will]

    56 Improved Lightning Reflexes

    [Lightning Reflexes]

    57 Improved Natural Armor

    [Natural armor, Con 13]

    58 Improved Overrun [Str 13,

    Power Attack, base attack

    bonus +1]

    59 Improved Sunder [Str 13,

    Power Attack, base attack

    bonus +1]

    60 Improved Trip [Int 13, Combat


    61Improved Vital Strike [VitalStrike, base attack bonus +11]

    62 64 Intimidating Prowess

    65 66 Iron Will

    67 - 68 Lightning Reflexes

    69 Lightning Stance [Dex 17,

    Dodge, Wind Stance, base

    attack bonus +11]

    70 Lunge [Base attack bonus +6]

    71 Maximise Spell

    72 Mobility [Dex 13, Dodge]

    73 Multiattack [Three or morenatural attacks]

    74 Nimble Moves

    75 Penetrating Strike [Weapon

    Focus, base attack bonus +1,

    12th-level fighter, proficiency

    with weapon]

    76 Persuasive

    77 Power Attack [Str 13, base

    attack bonus +1]

    78 Quicken Spell

    79 Shatter Defences [Weapon

    Focus, Dazzling Display, base

    attack bonus +6, proficiency

    with weapon]

    80 Sickening Critical [Critical

    Focus, base attack bonus +11]

    81 Silent Spell

    82 Skill Focus (skill)

    83 Snatch [Size Huge or larger]

    84 Spell Focus (school)85 Spell Penetration

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    86 Spring Attack [Dex 13, Dodge,

    Mobility, base attack bonus


    87 Staggering Critical [Critical

    Focus, base attack bonus +13]

    88 Stealthy

    89 Step Up

    90 Still Spell

    91 Strike Back

    92 Throw Anything

    93 Tiring Critical [Critical Focus,

    base attack bonus +13]

    94 Toughness

    95 Vital Strike [Base attack bonus


    96 Weapon Focus (Bite, claw,wing or tail)

    97 Widen Spell

    98 Wind Stance

    99 Wingover [Fly speed]

    100 Other Feat/Crafting Feat/Roll




    CR +/- 1 per speed change as appropriate.Round to the nearest 5feet.


    1 Slower by 50%

    2 Slower by 40%

    3 Slower by 30%

    5 6 Slower by 20%

    7 9 Slower by 10%

    10 - 13 No change

    14 15 Increase by 10%


    17 Increase by 20%18 Increase by 30%

    19 Increase by 40%

    20 Increase by 50%


    CR +/- 1 per manoeuvrability change. This

    replaces what the base flying class is for the

    size of the dragon.


    1 2 Perfect

    3 4 Good

    5 12 Average

    13 16 Poor

    17 - 20 Clumsy

    ImmunitiesAll Dragons have at least one immunity, in

    addition to being immune to sleep and



    1 -2 Acid

    3 4 Electricity


    6 Fire7 8 Cold

    9 10 Poison

    11 12 Sonic

    13 - 20 Same as base

    LanguagesThe number of language known is determined

    by Intelligence score as normal.

    Every dragon knows at least the Draconic and

    Common tongue. If they speak either of themaround mortals isanother thing.

    Some example languages are below if needed.

    Feel free to add your own


    1 Abyssal

    2 Aquan

    3 Auran

    4 Celestial

    5 6 Dwarven

    7 8 Elven

    9 Giant

    10 Gnome

    11 Ignan

    12 13 Infernal

    14 Necril

    15 Orc

    16 17 Sylvan

    18 Tengu

    19 Terran

    20 Undercommon

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    What is known about this creature of legend?

    What can you find out through increasingly

    difficult DC Lore tests?

    The base chance to identify a monsters

    abilities and weaknesses is 10 + dragons CR.

    The skill used for finding information about

    dragons is Knowledge (Arcana).

    Optional Rule:

    Some dragons have gone to great lengths to

    hide any information about themselves frommortal eyes. Othersimply do not care, or even

    want others to know what they can do, to

    establish fear at hearing their name.

    If you wish for the difficulty in discovering the

    details of your creation to be randomised,

    heres a handy chart for just that purpose.


    1 DC is -10

    2 DC is -8

    3 DC is -6

    5 6 DC is -4

    7 9 DC is -2

    10 - 13 No Change

    14 15 DC is +2

    16 17 DC is +4

    18 DC is +6

    19 DC is +8

    20 DC is +10

    Movement (Non-flight)

    For the most part, dragons are most fearsome

    when in flight. On the ground they lumber

    about. A few though can move deceptively

    fast on land, sea, on by a form of burrowing.

    Tertiary movement type


    01 04 Burrowing

    05 10 Jumping

    11 20 Swimming

    Average Speed

    Roll for walking speed and other movement



    01 05 20 feet

    06 15 40 feet

    16 18 60 feet

    19 - 20 80 feet

    Natural Armour

    Base Natural Armour (before age factored in)


    1 +1

    2 +2

    3 4 +3

    5 6 +4

    7 8 +5

    9 10 +6

    11 12 +7

    13 14 +8

    15 16 +9

    17 - 20 Same as base dragon

    If higher than base dragon, add 1 to cr,

    otherwise subtract.

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    Saving throws

    There are two types of saving throws, good

    and poor. The vast majority of the time,

    dragons will have good saving throws for all 3

    categories (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves).Occasionallythough this dragon is weaker

    than others in some regard and has a poor

    saving throw in one or more categories.

    (See the appropriate section in Pathfinder

    Roleplaying Game Bestiary for more details

    on poor and good saving throws)


    01 All 3 poor

    02 04 Poor Fortitude

    05 06 Poor Fortitude & Reflex

    07 08 Poor Fortitude & Will

    09 11 Poor Reflex

    12 13 Poor Reflex & Will

    14 16 Poor Will

    17 - 00 No changes

    Suggested CR change

    Each poor category gives -1 to CR.


    This is represented as a bonus to the base

    Perception Skill. Every 5 points adds 0.5 to CR.

    Round to the nearest 5.


    1 5d10

    2 4d10

    3 4 3d10

    5 7 2d108 10 1d10

    11 - 20 Same as base/Normal


    Important things to remember if you decide

    to adjust size:

    Size cannot be reduced below tiny,

    nor increased above colossal

    Changes in size change base damage

    from natural attacks and breath

    weapons etc. Details can be found in

    the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Bestiary plus a few in this


    Size changes affect base speed etc.

    A size increase above the base

    increases CR +1

    A size decrease below base decreases

    CR by 1

    Size also determines the length of

    wing, neck and other cosmetic details

    found in appendix 2

    Dragons below Tiny or above Colossal

    are not covered.


    01 Decreased size by 3

    02 - 05 Decreased size by 206 - 20 Decreased size by 1

    21 - 70 Same as Base

    71 - 94 Increased size by 1

    95 - 99 Increased size by 2

    00 Increased size by 3

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    How many skill points?

    Dragons gain skill points equal to this formula:

    6 + Int Mod per hit dice.

    So , for example, with an Int mod of say 3 and

    with 6d12 HD the number of skill points would


    (6 + 3) x 6 = 9 x 6 = 54 skill points to spend.

    What to spend them on?

    Dragons have the following skills listed in the

    chart below as class skills.


    1 Appraise

    2 Bluff

    3 Climb

    4 Craft

    5 Diplomacy

    6 - 7 Fly8 Heal

    9 10 Intimidate

    11 Knowledge (all)

    12 Linguistics

    13 14 Perception

    15 Sense Motive

    16 Spellcraft

    17 Stealth

    18 Survival

    19 Swim

    20 Use Magic Device

    If they have class levels, then they also gain

    the skills from that class

    You have several options at this point;

    1. Pick the skills you want and assign the

    points yourself This is therecommended option. If you are

    having trouble deciding what skills to

    use, look at stats and other abilities

    and pick skills that complement those.

    Its a rare dragon that has no skill

    points in Fly, but may happen, the

    question is why? Have they focused

    on their studies (Knowledge) so much

    their flying skills have got worse?


    For each skill point, randomly

    determine which class skill it isassigned to. This will take awhile so

    could be speed up by using multiple

    skill points per determination. The

    chart/listing provided can help with


    3. The same as (2) but include non-

    class skills as well.There should be a

    rough ratio of 3 class skill points to

    every 1 non-class skills points spent.

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    Spell casting

    To determine if the dragon can cast spells and

    what their CL (Caster level) is, roll on this



    01 - 70 Same as base

    71 80 Use column A

    81 90 Use column B

    91 00 Use column C

    This chart is duplicated from chapter one,

    with a minor modification. If the caster

    progression is better than the base dragonused, then CR +1. Ifworse, the CR is -1. Of

    course if the dragon cant cast spells due to its

    age then you can ignore this section.

    A B C

    Wyrmling - - -



    - - -

    Young - - 1

    Juvenile - 1 3Young


    - 3 5

    Adult 1 5 7



    3 7 9

    Old 5 9 11

    Very Old 7 11 13

    Ancient 9 13 15

    Wyrm 11 15 17



    13 17 19

    Now you know what their CL level is, you can

    determine if they are Arcane or Divine casters.

    (like Gold or Silver dragons).

    Roll a d100 if you get 20 or less, they are

    able to cast cleric spells as arcane ones.

    Now you have caster level, you have several

    options for determining what spells can be

    cast/are known;


    Pick for each dragon2.

    Use random determination


    Use a spell package

    Pick for each

    This is the most time consuming method, but

    will result in better, more appropriate spells.

    Dragons use the same table as Sorcerers for

    determining how many spells per level they

    know/can cast, even if they have access to

    divine miracles like Gold/Silver dragons do.

    This is the recommended option.

    Use random determination

    Quicker, but spells may be duplicated and not

    always complimentary or make sense. Also

    there are many, many spells to choose from.

    Note from Author:

    A future product will deal with random spelldetermination, butfor now this is beyond the

    scope of this publication. Hence it is not a

    recommended option, unless you have you

    own method for determining random spells.

    Use a spell package

    This has the advantage of speeding things up,

    but if used all the time, will result in all your

    dragons having the same spells.

    The spell packages can be found in Appendix

    1. To use them, simply go to the appropriate

    caster level for your dragon and caster type.

    Remember also that spells per day is modified

    by Charisma and that the minimum Charisma

    score the dragon needs to cast the spell is 10

    + the spell's level.

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    Body Details

    hese are (mostly) cosmetic features,

    designed to give your dragon a unique


    By the end of this, if you use all the options,

    then hopefully your players will wonder just

    what it is they are looking at.

    See also appendix 2 for size details on wings,

    body etc.


    The area found between wings and on top of

    the body, covers the neck as well.


    01 - 04 Bone - Armour

    05 08 Bumpsdouble ridge

    09 12 BumpsIrregular pattern

    13 16 Bumpssingle ridge

    17 20 Carapace

    21 24 Feathers - Large

    25 28 Feathers - Small29 32 Fin - Double

    33 36 Fin - Single

    37 40 Flat, with small scales

    41 44 Furred/mane

    45 48 Grooveddouble groove

    49 52 GroovedSingle groove

    53 56 Normal/Same as base

    57 60 PlatesAlternating

    61 64 PlatesDouble row


    68 PlatesSingle row69 72 Ridged

    73 - 76 Segments /Large Scales

    77 80 Serrated Spine/Fine

    81 84 Small bony protrusions

    85 88 Smoothscales very tiny

    89 92 Spines like a porcupine

    93 96 Thick Scales

    97 - 00 Tortoise like shell



    1 Amber

    2 Black

    3 Blue - Navy

    4 Blue - Sky

    5 Brown

    6 Green - Forest

    7 Green - Lime

    8 GreenOlive

    9 Grey

    10 Grey - Light

    11 Metallic - Gold

    12 MetallicSilver13 Orange

    14 Pink

    15 Purple

    16 Red

    17 White

    18 Yellow

    19 Other colour

    20 Heterochromia iridium aka

    Different Eye Colour

    (roll again twice, once for each

    eye, re-rolling this result)


    D20 # of eyes

    1 1Natural Cyclops

    2 - 16 2

    17 18 4

    19 6

    20 8


    D20 Eye style

    1 IrisNone/solid colour

    2 On stalks

    3 Compound

    4 Glowing

    5 IrisCross shaped

    6 IrisCircle

    7 Iris - Irregular8 - 20 Normal

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    What animal does the head of this dragon

    resemble? If the head has horns, roll on next

    chart as well.


    1 Snakeno horns

    2 Snakewith horns

    4 Turtlewith horns

    5 Turtleno horns

    6 Lizardno horns

    7 Lizardwith horns

    8 Ceratopswith horns

    9 Crocodileno horns

    9 Crocodilewith horns

    10 Velociraptorno horns11 Velociraptorwith horns

    12 Normal/Same as base/Other


    Any horn sizes are in relation to the head of

    the dragon.

    D20 Horn type

    1 3 Frill

    4 6 Nasal

    7 9 Brow

    10 12 Frill and nasal

    13 15 Frill and brow

    16 18 Nasal and brow

    19 - 20 Frill, nasal and brow

    FrillThe area just behind the head.

    NasalThe front of the head or snout.

    BrowThe sides of the head. Rarely found on

    just one side, unless an accident or damagehas occurred.

    D8 Horn - Frill

    1 Bone

    2 Collapsible

    3 Long

    4 Plumed/Feathered

    5 Ridged

    6 Short

    7 Spikes

    8 Wide

    D12 Horn - Nasal

    1 Double - curved

    2 Doublelong and thin

    4 Double - ridged

    5 Double - smooth

    6 Double - twisted

    7 Short bony nob

    8 Single - curved

    9 Singlelong and thin

    9 Single - ridged

    10 Single - smooth

    11 Single - twisted

    12 Spike Cluster

    D12 Horn - Brow

    1 Antlers

    2 AntlersFlat/Moose like

    4 DoubleRidged

    5 Double - Serrated

    6 Double - Smooth

    7 DoubleTwisted

    8 Single - Curved

    9 Single - Ridged

    9 Single - Serrated

    10 SingleSmooth11 SingleTwisted

    12 Stubs

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    What special or different quality does the

    dragons jaw/mouth have?


    1 Beak - Long

    2 BeakShort

    3 Extendable Jaw

    4 FangsDouble (up and down)

    5 FangsExtended/large

    6 FangsVenom (adds +1 to CR

    and gives any bite attack

    poison damage)

    7 Forked/split tongue

    8 Long, prehensile tongue9 Mandibles - Dual

    10 Mandibles - Quad

    11 Overbite

    12 Secondary internal jaw/mouth

    13 Snake/Wide open

    14 Teeth - Retractable

    15 TeethSecond Row

    16 Teeth - Serrated (+1 to bite


    17 Tentacleslarge

    18 Tentaclessmall & prehensile

    19 Under bite

    20 Normal/Same as base

    Limbs (not including wings)

    Limbs are placed equally along the body, in


    D201 2 No Limbs (lose both claw

    attacks and -2 CR)

    3 6 2

    7 - 14 4/Normal/Same as base

    15 - 17 6

    18 - 19 8

    20 10

    Limbs details

    What are the dragons limbs like? Either make

    a roll for all limbs at once, or for each pair.

    D20 Limb details

    1 Armoured

    2 Double Jointed/bend both


    3 Muscular - Long

    4 Muscular - Short

    5 Omni-jointed

    (can bend in any direction)

    6 Second joint

    7 Spider like

    8 Thin - Long9 ThinShort

    10 Horned /spiked

    (roll on HornNasal chart)

    11 - 20 Normal


    D20 Colour of scales

    1 Aqua

    2 Black

    3 Blue

    4 Brass

    5 Bronze

    6 Brown

    7 Copper

    8 Gold

    9 Green

    10 Grey

    11 Olive

    12 Orange

    13 Purple14 Red

    15 Silver

    16 White

    17 Yellow

    18 Same as base

    19 Other metal

    20 Other colour

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    1 [colour] dots

    2 [colour] geometric shapes

    3 [colour] mottling

    4 [colour] spots

    5 [colour] stripes - horizontal

    6 [colour] stripes - vertical

    7 Dark [colour] on top of the

    body with a light [colour] on


    8 9 Dark shade of main colour on

    top, with lighter shade on


    10 Each scale has a [colour] edge11 - 12 Each scale has a darkeredge

    13 14 Each scale has a lighter edge

    15 Random scales of [colour]

    16 - 20 Solid Colouration

    [colour] means to roll on the colour table or

    pick the desired colour.


    What is the nature of the tail of the dragon?


    1 Armoured/Thick scales

    2 Arrow headed shape tip

    3 Axe/blade shaped tip

    4 Bone like club on the end

    5 Constricting

    6 Double spikes (+2 to tail


    7 Eject able spines (like a


    8 Fin/Fish like

    9 Flat end10 Forked end

    11 Muscular

    12 Normal/Same as base

    13 Pointed/sword shaped tip

    14 Prehensile

    15 Sharp blade like end (+1 tail


    16 Short stub (loses tail attack

    and -2 to CR)

    17 Spiked (+1 to tail damage)

    18 Stiff/Rigid, but useable

    19 Stinger (+2 tail damage, poison


    20 Whip like (long and thin)

    There is a 5% chance (1 on a d20) the dragon

    has a secondary tail. If this occurs then roll on

    this chart as well.

    D20 Second Tail01 10 Same as the main

    11 - 20 Different from main (roll on

    the chart again)

    This second tail grants a second tail attack (+1

    to CR) but no bonus may be applied to attack

    or damage rolls from stats

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    Talon Details


    1 2 Long and thin

    3 4 Short and thick

    5 - 6 Serrated (+1 to damage rolls)

    7 8 Retractable

    9 10 Sharp (+1 to damage rolls)

    11 12 Poison tipped (Injury, DC equal

    to 10+ age category, 1d2 from

    a random stat for 6 rounds)

    13 - 20 Normal



    1 - 2 0

    3 - 15 2

    16 - 19 4

    20 6

    Lack of wings does not stop flight as the

    dragon would have some kind of levitation

    ability equal to what it would normally have.

    However they would lose the wing attack (-2

    to CR)

    Vestigial wings are small and only really used

    for stability, if they are used at all.

    Wings are placed in pairs along the body. If a

    dragon is missing a wing then this is due to

    combat or other damage.


    The majority of the time, all wings will be the

    same type or style on the same creature; only

    in about 5% (1 on a d20) will there be

    different wing types on the same dragon, inwhich case roll foreach wing pair.

    D20 Wing type

    1 Appear to be large scales

    2 Bat

    3 Bee liketransparent/clear

    4 Beetle (hidden under a shell)

    5 Bird/Feathered

    6 BonesNo skin

    7 Bones - Skin between8 Butterflybland/dark

    9 Butterfly - colourful

    10 Demonic

    11 Dragon - Curved

    12 Dragonfly

    13 Faerie/Gossamer

    14 Fin like

    15 Long and thin

    16 Muscular

    17 Scaled

    18 Short and thick

    19 Smooth and flat, great for


    20 Normal/Same as base

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    Wing Tips/Edges

    What can be found at the edge or tips of the

    dragons wings (front mostly, but sometimes

    the rear)? Often these give a small bonus to

    wing damage or a change in speed ormanoeuvrability class. Anincrease in speed,

    damage or manoeuvrability also increase CR

    by 0.5


    1 Grooves

    2 Hollow (+10% speed, -1


    3 Plates/thick scales

    4 Serrated edge (+1 damage)

    5 Small bumps

    6 Small claws

    7 Small controllable flaps

    (improved manoeuvrability)

    8 Smoothed (+10% to speed)

    9 Spikes (+1 damage)

    10 Tendrils (rear of wing)

    11 Armoured (Hits against the

    wing take less damage)

    12 - 20 Nothing/Normal

    Scars & Battle Damage

    Has the dragon been damaged in some way?

    What gave it those scare all along its lower

    flank and why is it missing an eye? Use these

    injuries to make the combat interesting.

    Change dice rolls or give your players a bonus

    to escape if the dragon has a limp for


    If creating your own, they should not cause

    major combat problems, as they are mostly

    for flavour.


    If using the Called Shots rule and you hit a

    damaged or weakened area, then damage is

    increased/max possible for the attack.


    01 - 04 A wing has a tear/hole

    05 08 Acid burn across the face and


    09 12 Burnt back

    13 16 Deaf on one side

    17 20 Has a limp

    21 24 Has a odd , rotten smell

    25 28 Has to cough loudly before

    using its breath weapon, like

    something is stuck

    29 32 If dragon has horns, one of

    them is notably


    33 36 Missing a talon on one random

    limb37 40 Missing a tooth

    41 44 Missing an eye

    45 48 Nose/snout damaged

    49 52 One eye is cloudy

    53 56 One wing droops

    57 60 Scar across face

    61 64 Scar along 1/3 of lower flank

    65 68 Some scales are broken

    69 72 Tail is slow to move

    73 76 The remains of weapon/sword

    sticking out their side

    77 80 Joints make clicking sounds

    when it moves

    81 84 Has trouble bending its neck

    85 88 Looks thin and malnourished

    89 92 Coughs a lot

    93 96 Internal damage that is visible

    by the dragon wincing every

    so often for what appears to

    be no reason

    97 - 00 Nothing (nothing visible atleast)

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    Dragon Names Titles

    very dragon has 2 names, their true

    name and their Mortal name. The true

    name is only know to other dragons of

    a very, very few trusted mortals. Otherwise

    they go by the so-called Mortal or public


    True Name

    There are many methods to deciding a

    dragons true name. One such method is

    presented here, by combining name

    components (NC) in various ways. Roll to

    decide or pick one you like.

    Name Components can be found in Appendix


    Names can be separated with characters such

    as a space ( ), an apostrophe ()or a hyphen (-)

    or even have no separation and are just one

    long word!

    First stage is working out how many NC the

    true name has, then after each NC has been

    determined, roll or decide how (or if) it is

    separated from the one NC before.


    1 2 2 NC

    3 4 3 NC

    5 6 4 NC

    7 8 1 + 1d4


    10 1 + 1d611 12 1 + 1d8

    13 14 1 + 1d10

    15 -16 1 + 1d12

    17 18 1 + 1 per 2 age categories

    19 - 20 1 + 1 Per age category


    The Mortal name often reflects some aspect

    of the dragon, giving almost no hint to the

    dragons true name. Some are named for

    deeds, or their looks. Others for what they doin combat, theoptions are almost endless.

    Some example names, from legends and

    mythology that span all across the multiverse,

    are listed below.


    01 - 04 Azorth

    05 -08 Bane

    09 12 Chazor

    13 16 Cinder

    17 20 Deathbringer

    21 24 Destro

    25 28 Ember

    29 32 Emmeraus

    33 36 Flamestrike

    37 40 Grandsire

    41 44 Hellios

    45 48 Infernus

    49 52 Ishmael

    53 56 Janus

    57 60 Kelko

    61 64 Leviathan

    65 68 Magistar

    69 72 Ormr

    73 76 Pyrite

    77 80 Pyro

    81 84 Python

    85 88 Skrie

    89 92 Tiamat


    96 Yogoth97 - 00 Zeal

    If the dragon has the ability to shape itself

    into a lesser form, like an elf or dwarf for

    example, then the mortal name will often

    come from that race.

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    Virtually every dragon love titles. Good

    aligned dragons treat them as a sign of

    respect from mortals; evil ones demand them,

    to show who is boss and who has thepotential to be dinner.

    Most titles have no effect (outside of social

    situations), but a few do. After all, knowing

    the Bane of Grendlera is heading to the

    town your players is in, sounds so much

    better doesnt it?

    Rolling for the title(s) is generally best if you

    have yet to decide on the dragons

    personality. Otherwise, picking them is better.

    A dragon naturally gains a title every 3 ages,

    assuming they do nothing else to warrant a

    new title

    Charts Notes:


    [deity] = god or other powerful being


    [doom] = death, destruction, pain,

    misery etc.

    3. [dragon] = name of another dragon

    they have killed.4.

    [element] = Something like fire,

    lightning or other dragon related


    5. [place] = Town or other settlement

    6. [race] = Elf, dwarf, human etc.

    7. [x] = place name or important hero

    who died fighting them

    As with any of the charts in this publication,

    feel free to add your own.

    Titles can go after the dragonsname;

    E.g. Pryix, Lady of Fire or Fallus the Majestic

    Or they can go before it;

    The Magnificent and Eternal Pyros

    Use the title(s) in a logical way, changing them

    slightly if needed to fit together. Some titles

    are more suitable for certain dragons than

    others (e.g. Defender).



    1 - 2 Avatar of [deity]/[element]

    3 4 Bane of [x]

    5 6 Bringer of [doom]

    7 8 Champion of [place]/[race]9 10 Defender of[place]/[race]

    11 12 Destroyer of [place]

    13 - 14 Exterminator of [race]

    15 16 Hunter of [x]/[race]

    17 18 Killer of [race]

    19 20 Lord/Lady of [element]

    21 22 Master of [element]

    23 24 Most Holy

    25 26 Most Imperial

    27 28 Most Wondrous


    30 Regal31 32 Saviour of [place]/[race]

    33 34 Slayer of [dragon]

    35 36 The Blessed

    37 38 The Brave

    39 40 The Chosen

    41 42 The Deadly

    43 44 The Divine

    45 46 The Elder

    47 48 The Enduring

    49 - 50 The Enigmatic


    52The Eternal

    53 54 The Fierce

    55 56 The Gifted

    57 58 The Hunter

    59 60 The Immortal

    61 62 The Inscrutable

    63 64 The Legendary

    65 66 The Loud

    67 68 The Magnificent

    69 70 The Majestic

    71 72 The Mysterious

    73 - 74 The Mystical

    75 76 The One & Only

    77 78 The Persistent

    79 80 The Profound

    81 82 The Radiant

    83 84 The Renowned

    85 86 The Silent

    87 88 The Spectacular

    89 90 The Strong

    91 92 The Sublime

    93 94 The Swift

    95 96 The Transcendental

    97 - 98 The Undying99 - 00 The Untouchable

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    ragons have to live somewhere. The

    stereotype is of the beast sleeping in a

    cave, on a hill of gold and treasure,

    killing any who dare disturb its slumber exists

    for a reason.

    This is a quick chapter on the basics of the

    dragons lair.


    Where does the dragon have its lair, what

    place does it call home? This is not the same

    as the environment in which its found, as it

    may have its hunting grounds in the desert,

    but it lives in the nearby mountains.


    1 CaveNormal

    2 CaveUnderwater

    3 Desert

    4 Forest

    5 Iceberg/Frozen Area6 Island

    7 MountainsCrevasse/cave

    8 Mountains - Peaks

    9 NomadHas hidden stashes

    for its horde and food

    10 Ocean/Beach

    11 River/Lake

    12 Ruins

    13 Swamp

    14 Underground

    15 Urban - Ruins

    16 UrbanSewers/caverns

    17 Valley

    18 Volcano

    19 Same as home terrain

    20 Somewhere Else


    All lairs have at least once chamber where the

    dragon rests and stores it horde. Sometimes

    this chamber is filled with other items, such as

    food or prisoners etc. Occasionally the dragonhas other areas orfeatures as part of its lair.

    D20 Roll 1d4 times

    1 Defences - External

    2 Defences - Internal

    3 Exercise area

    4 False Chambers

    5 False Entrance

    6 Forge/Smelter

    7 Gateway/Entrance chamber8 Guard Room

    9 Hidden Entrance

    10 Landing chamber/area

    11 Mine

    12 Pantry

    13 Prison

    14 Refuse Pit

    15 Secondary Entrance

    16 Secondary Sleeping chamber

    17 Servants chambers

    18 Skylight

    19 Treasure/Horde chamber

    20 Other

    For details on the dragons horde size and

    what it may contain see appendix 3.

    More in-depth details on dragon lairs will be

    featured in a future product release, but for arough idea of thesize of the lair, take the age

    category (as a number) of the dragon

    concerned and times it by 1000 to give you

    the size in square feet it covers, for a so-called

    average size lair. Different sizes will of

    course exist, but this gives you something to

    start from.


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    Dragon Eggs

    ven the most anti-social dragon at

    some point was once an egg. You may

    have a dragon who is an expectant

    parent and that is why its getting upset about

    the miners digging where they are. Whatever

    the reason, this section gives you the charts

    for random dragon eggs, for any type of flying

    serpent, but more suitable for unique/random


    Egg Size

    How big is the clutch of eggs and how big are


    D20 Size(Clutch Size)

    1 5 Tiny (1d5)

    6 10 Small (1d4)

    11 15 Medium (1d3)

    16 - 20 Large (1d2)

    L WTiny 1 1

    Small 2 8

    Medium 3 16

    Large 4 32

    Length (L) of the egg is in feet.

    Diameter of the egg is about half of the length

    Weight (W) is in pounds.

    Incubation Duration

    How long does it take to incubate the egg(s) in


    Incubation period

    Tiny 200 + 1d100 days

    Small 250 + 2d100 days

    Medium 300 + 3d100 days

    Large 350 + 4d100 days

    Incubation Method

    What method is used to incubate the egg?

    The nature of the parent does not alwayshave a bearing on themethod of incubation.

    For instance a cold based dragon may have to

    keep their eggs in fire or lava. This may cause

    problems for locals if the only source of what

    the dragon needs for incubation is in their



    1 Always in darkness

    2 Always in light

    3 Anywhere but never moved

    4 Bathed in blood

    5 Bathed in fresh blood daily

    6 Buried in dirt

    7 Constant breeze over it

    8 Immersed in acid

    9 In fresh running water

    10 In sea water

    11 In still or fouled water

    12 Inside a living host

    13 Kept in a bird like nest14 Kept in an open flame

    15 Kept in dry sand

    16 Never to touch solid ground

    17 Snow/Ice or other freezing

    temperature liquid

    18 Under a pile of gold

    19 Warmed by the parents body

    20 Other exotic or weird method

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    Egg Colouration

    D20 Roll once

    1 Aqua/Water

    2 Black

    3 Blue

    4 Brown

    5 Camouflage pattern

    6 Green

    7 Grey

    8 Orange

    9 Purple

    10 Red

    11 Spotted

    12 Translucent

    13 Violet

    14 White15 Yellow

    16 Flame (orange/yellow pattern)

    17 Roll again but metallic version

    18 Same as terrain/area in which

    it is stored (a form of

    chameleon. Changes within 24

    hours if moved)

    19 - 20 Same colour/pattern as parent

    Egg Features

    D20 Roll once

    1 Appears broken/cracked

    2 Clear/transparent shell

    3 Dimples all over

    4 Gem like objects in shell

    5 Geometric patterns

    6 Glows in dark

    7 Illusionlooks like something


    8 Metallic like shine

    9 Radiates Cold

    10 Radiates Heat

    11 Ridged/groves

    12 Scales

    13 Secondary outer shell

    14 Small horns around crown

    15 Small Spines

    16 Smooth

    17 Stone like covering

    18 Vibrates slightly

    19 Roll Twice20 Other

    Egg Durability

    It is a fact that there are those who seek

    dragon eggs for various purposes. To stop

    them from breeding, as a food source, for

    petty revenge or even spell components. Tocounter this, someeggs are harder to break,

    take more damage, or have a nasty effect if

    they are broken from the outside. A few

    dragons even deliberately lay false trap eggs

    just for this purpose!


    D20 HP of the egg

    1 8

    2 10

    3 - 4 12

    5 - 6 14

    7 10 16

    11- 14 18

    15 - 16 20

    17 - 18 22

    19 24

    20 26

    Break AC

    D20 AC1 2

    2 4

    3 - 4 6

    5 - 6 8

    7 10 10

    11- 14 12

    15 - 16 14

    17 - 18 16

    19 18

    20 20

    The AC of the egg represents how hard it is for

    someone to break the shell from the outside.

    But be may not want to do


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    Effect if broken

    Dragons are creatures of power and magic. It

    takes time for that to accumulate. Disrupting

    this process by breaking an egg before its

    natural hatching time can often result in somedangerous effects,not only for the egg, but

    those nearby.

    These effects are multiplied by the age

    category of the parent dragon when the egg

    was laid.

    Every 100 days, the damage dice used

    increases by one category, starting at 1d4,

    then 1d6 at 200, 1d8 at 300, 1d10 at 400 and

    1d12 at 500 and 1d20 at 600 or more days.

    As you can see, an egg laid by a Great Wyrm

    (12) at 600 days would deal 12d20 worth of

    damage if broken early!

    The range of this effect is 5 feet per age

    category of the dragon parent and effects all

    things within range as per normal.

    If the egg is broken within the last 100 days of

    its natural cycle, then there is a chance equalto 100 daysremaining, that the hatchling

    will be fine and have no complications. A

    failure at this point results in a dead baby


    Certain spells and abilities can stop or reduce

    this, and some enterprising being have crated

    whole industries around the safe removal and

    destruction of dragon eggs.

    A few eggs cause no direct damage if openedbefore their time.For these, the damage

    represents either the intensity of the effect or

    the duration as appropriate

    D20 Roll once

    1 Acid jet

    2 Bright Light (Intense)Blinded

    for 1 round PDP

    3 Confusion1 round PDP

    4 Explosion

    5 ForceStunned for 1 round


    6 Hallucinogenic gas1 PDP

    7 IllnessSickened for 1 round


    8 Poison

    9 Same breath weapon effect as

    the parent in all directions,

    centred on the egg10 Sleep1 minute PDP

    11 Slowthe eggs contents stick

    to everything slowing those in


    12 SonicDeafened for 1 round


    13 StenchAnyone is range is

    has the Nauseated status for


    14 Sticky MessEntangled for 1

    round PDP15 Tempory Petrifaction

    Petrified for 1 round PDP

    16 Time stop1 round PDP

    17 Wild Zone The area where

    the egg was broken becomes a

    Wild zone for 1 day PDP

    18 BrightnessDazzled for 1

    round PDP

    19 Fatigued for 1 round PDP

    20 Lucky Nothing happens and

    the egg is broken without


    PDP = Per Damage Point

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    hese can be applied to basic dragons

    or even to your own creations. The

    basic idea, if you are not familiar with

    them, is to take a basic monster and give it

    some predetermined changes, but at a cost.

    They are a great way to spice things up and

    can make encounters more interesting and


    Some, if not all, of these templates can be

    applied to other beings, not just dragons.

    Some of them though mention age categories

    as a part of working out effects etc. Simply

    use half of total class levels rounded down, to

    a min of 1 in this case.

    All templates are Inherited Templates, which

    means that the template is a part of a

    creature from the beginning of its existence,

    or Acquired. Acquired templates can be

    applied to existing creatures at various points

    in their life.

    Aspect of the Troll (Inherited)

    CR +3


    At some point in the past, through magical

    means, some aspects of a troll have become

    fused with this being, granting them increased

    strength and constitution, with a trollsability

    to regenerate. Sadly, this comes at a cost to

    higher brain functions.


    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +6 +2 +6 -6 -2 -6

    Appearance takes on a green tint and any

    limbs possessed now are slightly longer and

    thinner, but still muscular.


    Gained: Fast Healing (5), Scent

    Chameleon (Inherited)

    CR +1


    Able to control and shift the colours on their

    scales (within reason), this dragon can be

    harder to spot or find when compared to

    others of its kind.


    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    - - - - - -

    +12 to Stealth


    Halves any penalty to stealth due to size

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    Spell Absorber (Inherited)

    CR +3


    Over many generations, this dragon has been

    bred to allow it to absorb magic from others

    giving it a boost to its powers, albeit

    temporary. Sometimes though this can



    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

    +4 +2 +4 +4 - -

    See below


    If the dragon ever saves against a spell cast on

    it (applies to self-cast or spells meant to help,

    divine or arcane), then roll a dice


    1 Strength +4 to Str

    2 Toughness +4 to Con

    3 Agility +4 to Dex

    4 Health Spell level x 4

    back in HP

    (See notes)

    5 Speed Spell level x 5 to


    6 Reflexes Spell level to

    Initiative rolls

    7 Armoured Spell level to

    armour class (but

    same as reductionto Dex)

    8 Fury +1 to all critical

    dice rolls

    9 Nothing Spell saved as


    10 Overloaded See Notes

    Spell level here refers to the level of the spell

    absorbed or save against.

    The duration of these effects last 10 rounds.

    These bonuses can stack, but the dragon can

    only absorb a maximum of 1 spell per age

    category. Any more than that and the oldest

    is removed



    These HP are temporary. Once the duration

    ends, these are removed, but the dragon will

    always be left with at least 1 HP left per age

    category and cant be taken to below 1.


    If a Spell Absorber becomes overloaded, thenall bonuses it hasacquired are immediately

    nullified as if they have ended.

    The next roll made to absorb a spell is made

    with +1 to the dice roll. This means overloads

    now occur on a 9 or 10. If it occurs for a third

    time, then the range is now 3 points (8 to 10).

    And so on. This effect can stack and is called

    the Overload Penalty.

    At this point the dragon must also make aFortitude save againsta DC (10 + OP). Failing

    this save Burns out the template, reducing

    Str, Dex etc. and applies a penalty to all dice

    rolls, including saving throws equal to the OP.

    Passing this saving throw prevents the Burnt

    Out effect from occurring this time, but must

    be tested for each time there is an Overload.

    Whilst this effect is in place the dragon can no

    longer absorb spells. The dragon is also

    stunned for 1d2 rounds.

    The OP count is reduced by 1 per day or 24

    hour period that passes with no spell being


    Each day, the dragon may make another

    Fortitude save to gain back the template if it

    has been burnt out.

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    Breath Weapon FeatsAll breath weapon feats can be used

    optionally. This must be declared BEFORE

    using them(If used by a PC with a breath


    Breath Range IncreaseIntro

    Some dragons know how to push the range of

    their breath weapon further without

    sacrificing damage potential


    Breath Weapon, adult age categoryBenefit

    The range of any breath weapon increases by

    5 feet.

    Breath Weapon OverloadIntro

    By sacrificing the ability to use their mighty

    breath weapon for a while, they can push it to

    the maximum possible right now.

    PrerequisitesBreath weapon, adult age category


    The breath weapon does the maximum

    possible damage for the dice it has assigned

    to it


    A Fortitude save vs DC 25 must be made

    before the dragon can use their breath

    weapon again. Each round passed since

    Overload was used gives a bonus of +1 to the

    dice roll, but, every use of Overload after thefirst adds +5 tothe DC check. This resets after

    24 hours of no breath weapon use.

    Quicken BreathIntro

    By breathing the breath weapon faster, the

    dragon can use it more often, but it is weaker

    than normal


    Breath weapon, Dex 16


    The breath weapon can be used every other



    All random damage dice are at the minimum

    possible for the age and size.

    Recover Breath

    IntroThe dragon can recover from using its breath

    weapon quickly.


    Breath weapon, Con 16


    Can be taken multiple times. Each time this

    feat is taken, the time the dragon needs

    before it can cast it breath weapon again is

    reduced by 1, to a minimum of one round.

    Shape BreathIntro

    The dragon can decide how it wants it breath

    weapon to be shaped.


    Breath weapon, adult age


    Each use of the breath weapon, the dragon

    can determine how it wants it breath weapon

    to be shaped (cloud, line etc)


    The dragon must roll a 2d4 instead of 1d4 todetermine number ofrounds between breath

    weapons uses.

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    Dragon Blood

    The blood of a dragon can have curious

    properties. These all require having dragon

    blood as a perquisite.

    Only one type of Dragon Blood feat may be

    taken, but the same feat may be taken

    multiple times.


    Some of these feats only take effect if the

    dragon suffers damage from anything that

    would cause it to bleed. This is true

    regardless of what form the dragon may be in.

    Range is up to range is 5 feet per 3 agecategories of thedragon.

    Area of splash is in a line towards the one

    who did the damage.

    Damage amount: 1 point per age category

    A Reflex save vs DC (15) avoids this damage.

    Any species that feeds on blood will be in for a

    nasty surprise if they attack a being with oneof these bloodtypes.

    Unless stated, all Dragon Blood feats share

    this special note:

    This feat also affects the one who has the

    feat. This may sound odd, but, using Dragon

    Blood Acidic as an example, the creatures

    body only protects against the acid while it is

    on the inside. However, each type of dragon

    blood does also grant a -1 reduction to any die

    rolls of that type, which if the attack is only 1point, then itis negated. This may sound

    redundant, but if two or more dragons have

    the same feat and one damages the other,

    they are not fully immune to the effects, but it

    is reduced.

    Optional Rule:

    Those who have dragon blood within them,

    like half-dragons or sorcerers, may take these

    feats but they are only half as effective.

    Dragon Blood - AcidicIntro

    The blood of the dragon has rather acidic

    qualities. Although not a true acid, it can

    cause a bit of damage to those exposed to it.


    Dragon Blood, Con 16


    Acid damage to attackers.


    Acid damage to the dragon is at -1.

    Dragon Blood - ArcaneIntro

    Sometimes the sheer power of a dragon

    infuses their blood with arcane forcesPrerequisites

    Dragon Blood, Con 14, spell casting ability


    Magic/arcane damage to attackers


    Magic/arcane damage is reduced by 1

    Dragon Blood - ElectricIntro

    The blood of the dragon has rather electrical

    quality to it. Although not true electricity, it

    can cause a bit of damage to those exposed to



    Dragon Blood, Con 16


    Electrical damage to attackers. +1 to total

    damage if they have metal armour or struck

    with a metal weapon (like iron etc.) or

    anything that conducts electricity.


    Electrical attacks to the dragon are at -1.

    More Dragon Blood feats (and other feats)

    will be featured in a future supplement

  • 7/24/2019 Novus Draco - New Dragons



    Appendix 1

    Spell Packs

    Remember that spells per day is modified by

    stat bonuses, which for dragons is normally

    Cha (Charisma).

    Arcane Spell Packs

    For dragons with normal spell casting


    Caster Level 1

    0 (at will)4 Arcane Mark; Detect Magic;Flare; Read Magic

    1 (3/day)2 Expeditious Retreat; Ray of


    Caster Level 3

    0 (at will)5 Arcane Mark; Ghost Sound;

    Prestidigitation; Ray of Frost;


    1 (5/day)3 Animate Rope; Mount; Sleep

    Caster Level 5

    0 (at will)6 Daze; Detect Magic; Light; Mage

    Hand; Open/Close; Touch of


    1 (6/day)4 Chill Touch; Detect Secret Doors;

    Expeditious Retreat; Magic


    2 (4/day)2 Leomund's Trap; Scorching Ray


Novus Draco - New Dragons - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.