Emerald Stars in a Viridian colored Sky - Lovely_Turtles - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: So Starts the Hell Chapter Text Chapter 2: Stripper meets Hero Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Confrontation and Painful Truths Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Friends? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Disappointment and First Encounter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Deep Conversations and First Dates Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Are You Serious?! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: UA and All Might Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Training or Dying... DEBATEABLE! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: I Have a Question Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: It's Dadzawa or Could it be You're-Dead-Motherf*cker! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: No! You Can't Kill Him! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Off to School We Go! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Breath of Fresh Air Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Quirkless Encounter of the Rage Kind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Welcome to Quirkism 101 Bitches Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Let's Talk Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Startling Encounter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: The First Letter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Sports Festival pt 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Whelp, I Did Warn You, Not my Fault Your an Idiot Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: So Starts the Hell

Chapter Text

Izuku stared at up at the sign over his head, holding his tattered jacket tighter to himself in the biting cold of the mid-autumn chill. Three months he'd survived off the miniscule amount of money and food his mother had 'graciously' left behind when she'd abandoned him. But he was running low on food, and what little money he did have was saved for the bills to keep the power and water running so he didn't freeze. He was thankful that his horrid excuse of a mother had decided that she was at least going to pay off the rest of the loan on the house and then leave it in his name. She'd left instructions on how to pay all of the bills and keep things running so that she would never be bothered again, it was all detailed in her letter to him, explaining that she was done being a 'worthless piece of sh*t's mother' and that she was leaving to be with his father overseas. Her last demand was that he didn't die or cause any issues that the police or Children Services be involved and make her come back to 'care' for him. Not that she would really, she mighthave shown up for at least a few days to get things settled, but that was only if they threatened her with jail time.

So he'd been searching, and searching for work,anywherethat would hire him. A twelve-and-a-half-year-old boy with no prior job experience and nobody to vouche for him, and everywhere that consideredhim had asked him to have his parent fill out a job release form and come in so they could go over medical information and such so that he would be able to work there. That had been the biggest issue that he'd found,everywherehad wanted him to bring in a parent or guardian so that they could meet with them and go over things. Thankfully though someone walking past had overheard him muttering about how he didn'thavea parent to sign off on sh*t and what the hell was he going to do if he couldn't get a job. They'd stopped him and one thing had led to another, and they'd told him about a place that would hire him, under the table of course, and would pay quite well seeing as he was actually quite a 'pretty boy' as they'd put it. When Izuku had asked what the work was the young teen, only a few years older than him had sighed and pulled him to a secluded park and explained what the work was. By the end of that conversation Izuku was horrified and downright disgusted at the thought of working at a place like that.

But the teen had very gently made the solid point that Izuku would be hard pressed to find another job that would hire him seeing as he was only twelve and a half, he hadnoparent to sign off on any forms, and he had no prior working experience whatsoever. The teen explained thatmanyof the workers there started off in at leastsomewhatsimilar experiences as Izuku, maybe not quitelike his, but at leastsimilar. That hadsort ofmade Izuku feel a bit better, at least not quite as different at them, but still he always felt like the odd duck out, in his ratty clothing and one bad day away from sole-less shoes.

He didn't know how long he stared up at the sign before a soft hand on his arm made him jump, a squeak leaving his mouth before he could stop it. HIs head whipped around and stared at the slightly older teen that had told him about this place, he gave Izuku a soft reassuring smile.

"You coming in? I told the boss that you might get up the courage to come in and apply within the next few weeks or so and she's looking forward to it." He said, his voice soft and almost caring.

But Izuku knew more then to let that settle him, people put on shows, false-faces, acts, whatever you wanted to call it they were fake.Only one person didn't do that, and they were the worst of all, always mean and hurting him, but at least Izuku knew where he stood with that asshole, he never had to worry about him being all nice and sh*t and then stabbing him in the back. This guy, however, he didn't know if this was his personality or merely a show to lure Izuku in. "I, uh, yea I'm thinking about it." He told the boy and looked back up at the sign hanging above the bar. From what the teen had told Izuku the bar was mainly a front, the realclub was for members and employees only and locatedbeneaththe bar. It was sound proofed so none of the music and other things could be heard from above ground or the bar itself.

"Alright, well if you'd like I can take you down there and introduce you to the boss, the clubs not open yet so we don't have to worry about the patrons getting antsy for new product," The teen said a slightly bigger smile gracing his lips as his hand trailed down Izuku's arm and lightly clasped his hand in his own, but Izuku felt his skin crawl at the way he was described as 'product' and not a person. "But if you need some more time, you can feel free to come in later, just tell the bouncer that Owl invited you."

Izuku swallowed, knowing that if he didn't gonow,he wouldn't go at all, and his hand tensed around the older teens as he went to pull away. "I, um, would like it if you'd take me in and introduce me." He said softly, nervously.

The teen smiled reassuringly and nodded, hand tightening around Izuku's and he tugged slightly towards the door. "Of course, and no need to be worried, I know how I described this place, and our job would be a bit... scary but Mama takes reallygood care of us, and even when thingsdoget scary, she and the recovery staff she employs makes sure that we're okay afterwards and we only do things that we agree to. She'll explain things perfectly once you meet her and she assess you."

Izuku nodded and allowed the teen to tug him with him into the bar and then quickly to a side door when the bouncer nodded at the boy before his eyes moved to me and a sad sort of look crossed his face before he looked away. That made Izuku's gut churn even worse, but hehadto get a job and soon otherwise he'd havenothingto eat, and he'd freeze to death this winter if he didn't have the electricity to run his heaters. So really, what choice did he haveother than to go forward with the only job that would hire him?

So when he came out onto a landing with what looked like a receptionists desk he was more than a little surprised, and when the woman behind it had looked up and smiled in greeting to the teen before he eyes had landed on him and went slightly sad before they moved to a professional look he blink din surprise, and then he'd been ushered down a hallway that was behind the receptionists desk. They stopped in front of a set of double doors, in which the teen knocked on and waited to be allowed into. But what surprised Izuku the most was that the entire wall to the right of the door was a window and showcased the first and second floors of the club. It was then that he learned that the first floor was the designated stripper floor, and sure enough stages snaked their way all around the room, and small little personal stages were set off around the room with private viewing rooms. The second floor was where the lap dances took place with couches and sofas littering the wide balcony that overlooked the first floor.

Borad arched door hallways snaked off from the three walls of the second floor, the fourth wall, this one apparently didn't have a balcony to be used by the patrons and employees. What surprised him was that there were fancy rope like chains attached to metal posts in front of each hallway as if roped off from the general public, and that made Izuku both curious and nervous.

The meeting with the beautiful woman that everyone referred to as Mama had gone over well, she'd assessed him quietly at first in her office, taking in his face and then asking him to take off his jacket and shirt if he was comfortable with it. He'd done so, only after a reassuring look and nod from Owl, as he'd come to realize was his name or at least what he went by. She'd looked him over before she'd nodded and then started talking to him about the job, he'd be a stripper like all the other boys and girls that she hired, he'd start off at one of the back-up dancers and slowly work his way up to being on the roster for private dances and lap dances, and eventually only if he felt comfortable with it doing more. When he'd asked what that 'more' entailed she'd sat there for a moment before she took a breath and in a slam and softly reassuring voice explained that those three hallways held private rooms, in which the dancers engaged in sexual acts of their patron's choice.

Izuku had stared at the woman in horror before he'd started to wildly shake his head.

But Mama had held up her hand soothingly and explained thatnobody was forced to do 'more' it was always the dancer's choice and many of them refused to do so. But the incentive to do 'more' was outstanding. Right off the bat when you agreed to 'more' you got twice the normal rate and instead of it being hourly rate it was set by a ten-minute rate, and the patron had to pay a standing fee for the dancer's 'services'. If any damages were sustained during that time with the patron the medical charges were covered by the club and the patron had to pay anotherfee for said damages, the dancer was then given an allotted time off, paidtime off to rest.

When Izuku asked why many of the dancers didn't choose to do 'more' she had stated that because the patrons could quite literally do anything aside from kill or seriouslyinjure the dancers, and that scared a lot of them. Truth be told it scared Izuku too, but when he realized just how much he'd be making here if he chose to sign the contract, he found himself greatly tempted. He'd sat there for the longest time in his seat, merely staring down at the contract in front of him with his starting wage highlighted and the benefits that came with it, as well as the details about the 'more' option he swallowed before reaching out with a trembling hand and signed his name.

That had started his whirlwind of two months of training that he'd had to go through in order to be allowed to be a back-up dancer. It had been fun at first, learning how to pole dance, and even how to lap dance. They'd soon realized that Izuku was a natural at both, he picked up rhythms insanely quickly and he was nimble and after a few short weeks of training, he was strong. He'd even given some pointers to the veteran dancers, who had scoffed at first, but after tryingthe pointers they'd started to come to him more and more for pointers until they were all super friendly and welcoming to him, giving him pointers as well. Such as what faces to make and when, how to popones hip out at just the right time. Soon he had been pretty much dragged into their family of dancers and had been welcomed.

Then his first night on stage had happened, Owl and another young dancer called March had taken him to a specialty store and bought him a crap load of outfits and shoes to dance in. He'd rockedthe performance, all of the other dancers had claimed he did, and soon he was even being requested for personal strip dances. He'd been nervous at first seeing as he was a newbie, and it was common knowledge that private dances only went to those who had been working at the club for at leasta year or more. But the others had learned about his circ*mstances and encouraged him to make the extra money. And so, he had and had come away with insanetips.

But then, when winter had hit, and his water heater had f*cking decided to sh*t out on him he'd had to make an impossibly difficult choice.

He'd gone to Mama and asked to be put down as willing to do 'more'.

She'd sat him down and talked with him long and hard about why he needed to do that, the ramifications and what all of that meant. He'd explained everything to her, and by the end of it she'd been sitting there with her hands pressed palms together in front of her like she was praying as she'd stared at him. Then she'd agreed, and told him that shewould personally be handling his appointments seeing as how he was younger then the dancers she normally allowed to do 'more' and that this was a delicate situation he was in.

Izuku had nodded and had gone about his normal shifts as if nothing was wrong all while he waited for Mama to call him into her office.

He hadn't had to wait long. It was two nights after he'd spoken with Mama, she'd had him sent to her office right after he'd arrived, getting ready for his normal shift. She'd explained to him that she had a patron lined up for that night for 'more'. He was a regular that favored the 'younger generation' and all the other dancers that had dealt with him had always claimed he was tender and always very attentive. The patron was never cruel or degrading. In fact they always recommended him to the first-time dancers who chose to move forward with 'more'.

So now, here he sat on the foot of the king-sized bed as he waited for his patron to come to him, he'd been prepped as best as possible by Owl and March, both of them tell him what to expect and everything. Owl had gone as far as actuallyprepping Izuku's rear for him while he'd buried his face into March's shoulder and whimpered. And now he sat, rather uncomfortablyseeing as the butt plug Owl had insisted, he wear underneath the lacy thong was pressing rather firmly against a part of him that kept sending jolts throughout his body. The sound of the doorknob twisting had Izuku's heart hammering in his chest and he watched the slightly older man in a mask walk into the room, a fancy as hell looking suit that looked tailor made settled on his shoulders.

"My, my, you look quite young." The man chuckled after shutting the door and shrugging out of his suit jacket before setting it aside. "How old are you?"

"Almost thirteen, sir." He responded as he slowly pushed himself uncertainly to his feet.

The man nodded as he slowly, and in as much of an unthreatening manner made his way over to a high backed, armless chair stationed in front of a stripper pole in the corner opposite the door. "Would you mind giving me a little dance to loosen yourself up?"

Izuku nodded and strode over to the pole, moving sensuously as he'd been taught before he climbed onto the three-inch platform and moved to the center where the pole jutted from before grabbing onto it and vaulting up so he was over halfway up the pole before doing an effortless split as he supported himself with his hands gripping the pole. Taking a breath as he watched the older man as he settled back against the chair, Izuku took a breath and moved into an easy routine that was both super easy but also showcased his insane dexterity and flexibility. Only about halfway through the routine the man slowly sat forward.

"Why don't you come down off the pole and come show me what you've learned when giving lap dances." He offered and patted a thigh.

Swallowing in one smooth motion Izuku dismounted from the pole and slid across the platform to the edge where he planted his heeled feetwideapart before leaning forward, knowing from the way the man's mouth parted slightly that the sensuous look and way that Izuku moved his body his show was doing what it was supposed to. Resting his hands flat on the floor in front of him Izuku slowly crawled forward to the man as he starred at the young boy. Running his hands up the man's thighs he pulled himself up before he seated himself on the man's lap, his legs on either side of his hips before he slowly started to undulate on top of him, running his hands up and down the man's chest and shoulders before he stood. Slowly, and with rolling hips, Izuku ran his hands up and down his body while slowly turning so he was facing away from the man before he started to sway his hips side to side, knowing that his juicy ass was bouncing lightly. In one smooth motion Izuku had reverse-cowgirl straddled the man's lap making him grunt before Izuku grabbed a hold of the man's much larger hands and put them on his waist, slowly and with rolling hips Izuku leaned forward until he could place his hands on the floor in front of him and continued to roll and undulate his hips against the man's growing erection.

"My lord, boy, you are quite talented." The man grunted as his hands flexed around Izuku's hips. "Is that a plug in your ass?"

"Yes." Izuku said softly, cheeks pinkening before he gasped as one of the man's hands left his hip and lightly tracedaroundthe jeweled hilt of the butt plug seated in him.

"Who helped you prepare?" He asked heavily.

"O-Owl and March." Izuku said as his rhythm stuttered at the feeling of the toy pressing a strange spot inside of him.

"Those two, eh." He drawled as he started to press, twist, and tug at the boy a bit harder. "They are the most knowledgeable in regard to these services, in fact I was their first patron as well."

Wordlessly Izuku nodded as he continued to roll and undulate his hips. But soon he gasped as he felt astrongtug on the toy and his back arched as it was pulled from his ass with a wet sounding pop. "WH-what, agh!" He cried out as suddenlyfingerswere pushing into him.

"Easy, sweet boy, I'm a bit bigger than this plug so I need to loosen you up a bit more in order to make this more enjoyable for you." The man soothed.

Swallowing Izuku nodded and stayed there, continuing to move in a much more broken rhythm before he cried out again as anotherfinger joined the two in his ass andstretchedhim as they pumped in and out of him, scissoring on the withdrawal.

"That's it, you are doing so well, do tell me sweet boy, what is your name?" The man crooned.

"V-Viridian." He panted back.

"Mm, that's a good name for you, sweet boy." The man crooned before he stood, effortlessly swinging Izuku up into his arms as he pulled his fingers from his ass before heading swiftly over to the bed and arranging Izuku on the edge of the bed so his ass hung off. "Now, can you hold your legs as wide open as possible, ah yes, just like that you marvelous boy." he said running his hands up and down Izuku's thighs before he stepped away and grabbed something form the nightstand next to the bed and reappeared with a bottle of what looked like lube. Setting it next to Izuku the man quickly undid his shirt and tie and tossed them to the side before he moved onto his slacks and undid the belt and zipper before reaching in and pulling out a long and thick co*ck. "Easy, Viridian, be a good boy and lay still." He crooned when Izuku whimpered slightly.

Swallowing and nodding Izuku laid there, fear clawing through him as he watched the man squeeze lube into his fingers and pump it up and down his massive length before bringing those slick fingers to his ass and pumping them into him again quickly. Izuku had thrown his head back when he brushed that strange spot inside of him and the man chuckled and stroked it several more times before he withdrew his fingers and lined up his co*ck at his entrance.

"You're prostate," He grunted as he pushed into the boy as he keened then screamed at the slow yet forceful entrance. "Seems to be quite sensitive."

Izuku forced himself to relax into the sensation andnotthrash and try to wiggle away.

"There we go, all in, take a moment and adjust." The man said stroking a hand across Izuku's cheek.

Izuku nodded and panted through the feeling of being so stretched and full before he screamed as the man slowly started to withdraw then snap his hips forward in notquiterough thrusts but not overly gentle either. Soon however the man was murmuring about how well Izuku was taking him and that he might very well be a natural at this line of work as his hips picked up the pace until he was pounding into Izuku's ass as the boy cried and begged for him to slow down. Keening as the man grabbed a hold of his co*ck and pumped it Izuku felt his toes curl as he felt his org*sm building rapidly.

"I-I'm, I'm gonna,gonna cum!"Izuku screamed even.

The man chuckled as he pounded hard into his ass his own co*ck pulsing. "That's it, good boy, cum on my co*ck!" He growled as he gave several more thrusts even as Izuku's co*ck spurted onto his own belly before going still and cumming deep into Izuku's ass.

Letting go of his legs Izuku lay there on the bed, the man's slowly deflating co*ck still buried in his ass. Closing his eyes he panted, expecting the man to pull out and leave, but when he pulled out and tugged Izuku up he blinked in surprise. "Wh-what...?"

The man chuckled. "No, no dear boy, I paid for three hours with you, and we've only used thirty of those minutes." He said as he man handled Izuku face down onto the bed before yanking his hips up off the bed and thrusting back up into his ass and making the boy scream as he fisted at the bed.

Izuku had taken three days off from work, and when he went back, he still felt f*cking sore, but the money from that damned encounter had bought him a new water heater, stove, and AC/heater as well as next day installations. To which he'd been able to claim that his mother was at work as he'd stated over the online order, giving her son (AKA him) authority to make decisions based on the installer's suggestions. So, while the whole f*cking experience had been degrading and made him feel f*cking dirtyas hell, it was well worth it when he came into a preheated house in the early morning, the new thermostat being able to actually do that. Not to mention it now didn't take three hours for the hot water to actually heat up, and he actually had hot water for more then just ten minutes before it was lukewarm.

But when he'd been requested for a lap dance, and he'd gone up the stairs to the designated seat he'd be performing the dance at he swallowed as he came face to mask with the man who had f*cked him. He realized that it was this man that had requested him to do a lap dance, so he'd had to face the man that both took his virginity but also f*cked him for two and half hours long no matter how Izuku begged and sobbed for him to stop.

After that it became an almostobsessionof the masked man to ask for Izuku, going as far to even suggest during the lap dances to go to the private rooms for another 'session'.

And hating himself Izuku had gone back there a few more times, not just with the masked man but with several other people over the months when things at his house broke and he need to replace them. He loved the money he made from doing 'more' at the club, but he hated how it made him feel. But staring down at the fully paid invoices in front of him at the kitchen counter to the new stove, dishwasher, and fridge he realized that if he was going to afford the things that he needed to replace he was going got have to suck it up and keep doing 'more' at the club. Because he was well aware that the roof was not going to last another year, cold air and moisture seemed to always be seeping around the sliding door that led out to the back yard of the decent sized four-bedroom house he owned. The front door alwaysstuck and more often then not in the cold and wet weather he had needed to climb through the bathroom window that he always kept unlatched for that reason alone.

So, as much as hehateddoing it he told Mama that he was willing to do 'more' at least three times a week.

And so, the hell of his own decision had started, Izuku only hoped that one day he'd be able to claw his way out of it.

Chapter 2: Stripper meets Hero


An unlikely high-profile patron makes a VIP visit with Izuku at Mama's and left quite the startling impression on the teen.


So, this doesn't have A LOT of action *cough**aside from SMUT**cough*(not SUPER DETAILED smut, that'll come later with who Izuku ACTUALLY ends up with) but it IS laying the foundation for the important parts of the story, so it's needed for the continuation and to not be extremely weird as to how Izuku knows this person on a first name basis.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Running his fingers through his silky green hair as he came out of the principal's office for what had to be the millionth time. If only the prick hadn't recognized him at Mama's, then he wouldn't be in this predicament. Already the prick had tried to solicit him for sex, neveroutrightcoming out and pretty much demanding he do something sexual in nature with him. But apparently today was the day that the man decided to quit being coy and finally be forthright in his demands, claiming why the hell would he have topayfor it when he could get it from Izuku for free, after all why the hell wouldn't he when could get it for free assuming Izuku wanted to remain enrolled at this middle school. Though realistically, they only had about a month left in school before they graduated so the threat really held no real harm to Izuku seeing as Izuku could contest it, but by that time he would have already graduated. So really, the man's claim was BS and Izuku had called him on it. Stating that as long as he wanted to remain a Patron at Mama's, and able to receive 'more' services from them he would do well to remember that approaching the dancersoutsideof the club wasstrictlyprohibited seeing as all Members signed an NDA with a clause that stated pretty much the same sh*t that Izuku had threatened him with. The asshole had blanched of color and then quickly tried to back track, to which Izuku had decided toreallydig this man's grave and gave him a blow j*b, right there in the middle of his office where anybody could come in, and then he'd taken a picture of the man's blissed out expression from where Izuku knelt on the floor in front of the man, cum smeared across his tiny co*ck and balls for evidence should he try to claim sh*t, time stamped and all.

When Izuku had shown the man that he'd gotten his evidence the man had blanched farther. But Izuku had promised that as long as the man left him alone, outside of the club, and didn't tell anyone what it was that he did for a living, they wouldn't have no issue. The man had profusely apologized and nodded.

So now, f*ckingnasty asstaste in his mouth Izuku left the building and headed to the vending machine. Getting a bottle of water as well as a soda he washed out his mouth thoroughly to get nasty man's disgusting tasting spunk out of his mouth before chugging down the soda and effectively finishing washing out the taste from his mouth. Heading towards the front of the middle school grounds he smiled when he noticed Owl leaning against the front gate.

"Hey Izu!" Owl cried when he noticed the viridian haired teen and pushed himself up and held out his arms for a hug, his natural mix of tricolored white, slate grey, and a coppery-orange hair swishing around his face in it's adorable pixie cut.

Gently returning the hug Izuku turned and headed down the sidewalk, Owl draping himself across Izuku's back. Three long years they'd known each other, and in that time Izuku had sprouted so he was roughly only a few inches shorter than the older teen as the now young man, seeing as Owl was eighteen now and technically considered an adult. He'd also moved in with his girlfriend, shockinglyMarch, and the two had made it official and were engaged. They were still employed at the club and were considered one of the few elites of the stripper employees, much like Izuku was. In the three short years he'd worked at Mama's he'd racked up animpressiverepertoire of patrons, nearly all of them fighting over who got to request 'more' from him. And seeing as Izuku still wasn't willing to increase the days he did 'more' at the club the line for his services was quite substantial, most of the time was booked out weeks or even, at times,monthsin advance.

But still, no matter what he did the dirty feeling that he felt deep inside lingered, no matter how hard he scrubbed or the cleaners that he used. The feeling of being used goods still itched beneath his skin. The first time he'd broken down to Owl about this, the older teen had sobbed with him, holding him close and tearfully telling him that that feeling never went away. It wasalwaysthere, but if he was lucky that feeling would become more tolerable as the years went. So far, it wasn't it was always there,alwaysmaking him feel disgusting.

"What'd the principal want sh*tty nerd?" The gruff angry voice sneered behind them.

Izuku sighed as he kept walking, Owl tensing next to him. "Just keep walking, eventually he'll give up." He murmured, though he knew that it really was a pipe dream when Katsuki Bakugou set his eyes on Izuku.

"Yea, when he singes one of us." Owl snorted derisively.

"Fine, go salvage your feathers then and fly away into the sunset." Izuku teased back and nudged the other teen.

"God, you're such a f*cking smartass." Owl shook his head but pulled away, shoving his hands into his skinny jeans, having graduated his own high school a few weeks ago, the guy was wicked smart, and it was only time before he left Mama's and went to college. Izuku had overhead him and March talking about just that on one of the few nights he stayed over on the weekend. He'd kept quiet of course about the fact that he'd overhead them talking about college and leaving Mama's. Izuku knew that March already had one foot out the door, but Owl was lagging behind, for whatever reason Izuku didn't know. If anyone deserved to leave Mama's behind it was those two.

Turning to face his bully Izuku stared at Katsuki Bakugou's anger and contempt filled face. He knew things at his home must have been tense as hell, it was Japan's iconic fashion week and Katsuki's mother was an ultra-famous, world-renowned designer, and a rage-head at that who took out her anger on her son and husband. Verbally only though, and it wasn't really directedatthem justunleashedat them. It made Katsuki just as angry, seeing as he unfortunately had the same damned temperament as his mother. It just so happened that most of the time he focused that anger onIzuku.

Fortunately, however, Izuku had been able to avoid Katsuki as of the last year because he was always the first person out of the classroom and took a different route then Katsuki to go home seeing as he had to stop by the dry cleaners most night or pick up certain products he'd need during this or a future shift at Mama's. Today, was turning out to be a sh*tty day seeing as he'd gotten called to the f*cking principal's office and now he was running late, which meant he ran into Katsuki.

"What do you want Bakugou?" He demanded, folding his arms in front of himself.

"Wow, high and mighty, aren't you?" Katsuki sneered aggressively, his red eyes narrowing even more on the smaller teen as he stalked forward a step, small sparks igniting in his palms.

"No, just want to get whatever this is done so I can leave." Izuku retorted, deciding tonotplay into whatever it was that Katsuki was trying to bait him into. "So again, what do you want?"

Katsuki frowned, confusion on his face at the standoffish way Izuku was handling him, seeing as all Katsuki would have remembered was the way that Izuku flinched and shied away from Katsuki because he used him and human punching bag. And yea,normallythat's what would have happened, but Izuku had experiencedrealpain last week, curtsey of a patron with a pain type quirk that turned your nerve endings intopain receptorsand had spent the two hours he'd paid for with Izuku practically torturing the teen, turning all of hiswould have beenpleasure into averyconfusing pleasure and searingagonymix that even now didn't really make sense to Izuku, all he knew that he he'd cum multiple times and the patron had leftextremelysatisfied. So, to say that he had been a f*cked up mental mess for the last five days was an understatement. He still felt slightly unstable, but he'd needed to come in today since today was another 'more' day for him and he couldn't skip more than one day of that, or complaints would arise seeing as the patrons had pre-booked and pre-paid money for those time slots. So here he was trucking through his damned day.

"You think you're f*cking better than me don't you f*cking nerd?" Katsuki snarled, lips writhing back from his teeth angrily.

Rubbing at the bridge of his nose Izuku let out a sigh. "Look, I get you're going through a lot since it's fashion week and Auntie must be hell on wheels right now, but I neither have the time nor the mental fortitude to deal with your anger issues. So, I guess I'll tell you since nobody else is brave enough to do so. So, eat sh*t and die, and get f*ckingtherapybefore someone kills you for being an insufferableasshat."

Izuku, like always, was expecting the explosion of anger and attack that was no doubt going to come his way, he'd been dealing with that for nearly hisentirelife, so it wasridiculouslypredictable. But he wasn't willing to just sit back today and take it. No, in fact he used the dexterity, flexibility, and skills from pole dancing and lap dances he'd learned for the past three years and deftly evaded Katsuki's explosion attack and using his armclotheslinedthe slightly bigger teen. Satisfaction flaring through him when Katsuki landed hard on his back and laying staring up at the sky with stunned eyes as he gasped, the air no doubt being punched out of him in quite a traumatic manner. Dropping down to sit on his chest Izuku planted both feet on his upper arms and kept them pinned where they were when Katsuki tried to yank them up and explode Izuku. Leaning down into the stunned teens face he smiled sensually down at him.

"Look, Bakugou, I've got aloton my plate right now and I could really use a break. So why don't, for the remainder of our middle school careeryoustay the f*ck away frommeandI'llstay the f*ck away fromyou." He said stonily. "I mean after all that'salwaysbeen what you wanted, me to leave you alone, right? Well, I've been doing so the past few years, and I would rather keep it that way. So, again,f*ck off and eat sh*t.Oh, and get therapy."

With that Izuku drew his fist back and delivered a punch to Katsuki's face, rendering him unconscious.

Standing Izuku grinned down at the unconscious teen and turned striding up to a stunned and proud Owl. "C'mon, we better flee the scene before rabid Pomeranian wakes up from his slumber." Izuku said and linked his arm through Owl's and strode away.

"Uh, yea, how the hell did you learn to do that?" Owl said looking down at Izuku.

He shrugged. "I watched some movies, and figured I'd try them out. Worked quite well I might add so, points to me." Izuku said and grinned, then his smile dropped. "I couldn't afford to get hurt today is all."

"Why... oh." Owl trialed off and looked over at him. "How, um, how many appointments do you have today?"

"Thankfully only one, but it's, um, prettylong." Izuku said softly, discomfort warring inside of him even as he didn't let it show. "I have a lap dances before it and a few private dances, but my nights majority the appointment."

Owl nodded. "Do you know who?" He asked.

Izuku sighed and shook his head, most of his 'more' slots were requested by Mr. Kami, that wasn't he name seeing as he always wore the same god-like mask to Mama's so that's what everyone always referred to him as. Izuku had started to expect Mr. Kami every night that he'd worked, and Mama had even had to explain to Mr. Kami that Izuku didn't belongtohim, that he was an employee at Mama's and that he didn't havesole rightto every lap dance, performance, private dance, and 'more' appointment at the club that pertained to Izuku. She'd had to do that when it became ridiculous due to the fact that it wasobviousthat Mr. Kami was monopolizing Izuku due to his clear wealth and status.

"I don't, it's apparently a rich bigshot though because he requestedseven hoursof my time."

"Whoa, dude that's anentireshift." Owl murmured and looked over at him in alarm. "A-are you going to be okay?"

Izuku shrugged. "We'll see. The longest one that I've ever had to deal with is five and by the end of it I was a damned mess, so... yea."

Owl paused and tugged Izuku to a stop. "Sh-should you maybe cancel or demand that the time be lowered?" He asked nervously.

"Owl, this patron put downfive grand, to save this spot so last minute. Hepersonallygave the clubthreegrand just to oust several other clients from their spots." Izuku said and took a breath. "Ontopof my going rate for 'more' this patron is paying me two grand,right off the top, and then he's payingthree timesthe amount for my services. By the end of this I'm going to be taking away amassivepay out. I'll finally be able to redo the flooring and get the downstairs bathroom repaired." Izuku said and shook his head. He'd been fixing his house for the last three years, as well as alternately saving like f*cking crazy all the money that he earned. Thankfully before his mother had left he'd already had a bank account set up and large sums of money had always been transferred in and out, sited as allowances and frivolous purchases when reported to the bank by his mother, and thus it had never been called into question over the years why large amounts were deposited into his accounts and withdrawn to pay for stuff. "I'll finally be able to do it in one sweep, and withprofessionalsdoing the work, instead of little by little or doing it DIY style which ends up being far more expensive or looking like it was f*ckingpoorlydone."

"Izu, all the things that you did DIY donotlook poorly done, even theprofessionalsthat you've brought into assess something else have asked about who did that work, so don't talk about yourself like that." Owl chastised gently but then sighed and shoved a hand through his black hair. "f*ck, okay, it's just, I really don't want to see you likethatagain."

Izuku looked away and nodded.

Owl had always been the one that had taken care of him post services.

And with that being the case, he'd seen Izuku after that five-hour session and Izuku had been a right mess, mentally and physically. It had taken him a good week until he was able to walk without limping and being able tolookat a man's dick without wanting to gag from the memories that surfaced about the horrors that he'd had to endure those five hours. That had been theonepatron that Izuku had requested that heneveragain be signed up to give 'more' services to. To which Mama had thendemanded,in her ferocious yet insanely gentle and caring manner, to know what had happened. And only after a solid few minutes of her hard glare/stare Izuku had cracked and gone over every gruesome, disgusting, and degradingly vivid detail. It had left her looking more than a little horrified, but she'd slowly nodded and informed him that he no longer needed to fret aboutthatcertain patron ever again.

But now, Izuku had to worry about a potentialotherthat might be just as bad.

"Hey," Izuku pumped his shoulder into Owl's arm and smiled up at him. "Don't fret so much, things will be alright, besides I'mwaymore mentally prepared for that type of sh*t to happen." He said,tryingto make Owl feel at least a bit better.

But the older teen only looked away, shame and guilt clouding across his face. "But you shouldn'thaveto be. You should have anormallife." He murmured softly.

Izuku sighed and wrapped his arm around his best friend's waist as Owl slung and arm around his shoulders. Izuku knew that his friend had been feelingextremelyguilty the past year and a half about the fact that he'd pulled him into this world of debauchery and depravity. After all hewasthe one that had gotten Izuku the interview with Mama and had brough him onto the team as a dancer, if Owl hadn't stopped and talked to Izuku then he wouldneverhave learned about Mama's and then never have joined them. At times the guilt ate so bad at Owl that he crashed at Izuku's after a shift and begged him for forgiveness as he sobbed into Izuku's chest.

"Hey Owl," He said softly as he leaned his head on the bigger teen's chest. "You do know that if I lived a normal life, I never would have met you, you would have never adopted me as your little brother. I wouldn't be a part of the family that we have at the club, I wouldn't be where and who I am today if it wasn't for you."

"That's my point Izuku." Owl said thickly. "I'mthe reason your life is so f*cked up!"

"Owl." Izuku stopped and turned to face the distraught man and shook his head. "Do you realize that if you hadn't offered me that job, practically got that jobfor me, chances are that I wouldn't have survived that winter." He said and watched as surprise filled Owl's yellow/gold eyes. "My heater was about one sh*tty day away from crapping out, my hot water heater hadalreadybroken, and I hadno moremoney to pay my electricity and water bills. And at that point I was surviving off of instant ramen and bread to survive, and I was boiling the water I used to bath with on the stove every evening. My life waswellf*cked up before I evenmet you. My momabandonedme at twelve years old because I'mquirkless,left me with only three months' worth of bills and two weeks' worth of food that I was able tostretchfor three months." Izuku took a deep breath and steadied the nerves that came with talking about such deep things. "And yea, some aspects of my life now arewaydarker than they were before then, but at least I'maliveand I'mthriving. Because I can guarantee that I wouldn't have been if you hadn't stepped in, I either would have frozen or starved to death that winter or be killed by some STD I contracted from selling myself on a street corner, which was my next step if I didn't find a job,thatwas how desperate I was. So yea, I strip for a living, and a few days a week I do 'more' with them, but I'm alive, and I'mthriving." He stepped closer to the floored teen and tapped a finger into his chest. "If it wasn't foryou,I would have died in the most painful grueling manner ever, either from starvation, sickness, or killed. And I would have diedalonewith nobody who gave a sh*t about me." Izuku said and smiled slightly as he tipped his head slightly to the side. "But that's not the case now, I havefriends, I have afamilythat cares about me. People that actuallywantme to do better with my life, thatloveme because of who I am. I hadnothingbefore I met you Owl, butyougave me everything I could have ever asked for and I'mso f*cking gratefulfor that. Sopleasedon't ever say that I should have a normal life, because that normal life you're wishing I had nearlykilledme when I did have it."

Owl stared at him with a wrenched expression before lunging forward and wrapping his arms around Izuku in a fierce hug. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I'm still sorry I dragged you into this life, but I'll stop feeling so guilty about it."

"Thank you, now please let go so I can breathe." Izuku said then gasped as Owl pulled back. "Jesus, c'mon we need to get to my house to nap before work."

Owl nodded and fell in easy step beside Izuku as they headed towards his home.

Swallowing and nervously fidgeting with the hem of the slu*tty schoolgirl outfit that he wore, the pleated skirt justbarelycovering his ass, co*ck and balls, the white button down tied just under his flat chest, and the plaid tie that matched the skirt was loosely tied around his neck. Frilly wrist and ankle cuffs matched the skirt and tie, and the black kitten heels rounded out the ensemble. But it wasn't the outfit that had made him uneasy it was the fact that he was being escorted to the private-VIP room which was located down a hallway that branched off the dancer's prep room, passed the security rooms and up to a door that was accessible only from here and the entrance that the patron used to enter. Only those with an insane amount of money and the need to hide one's face were able to access this room. Which for Izuku meant this was either a state official, of which he'd serviced only two others int he past, or this person was ahero. Thankfully Izuku had again only served a few of them, and they were more the very bottom tier heroes at that.

Looking up at Mama as she stopped in front of the door, she took a deep breath and turned to look over at him, meeting his emerald gaze with her own animalistic amber ones. "Owl and I will come and retrieve you when the time is up. Remember if you should ever feel as if your life is in eminent danger do not hesitate to press a panic button or scream out your safety word."

Izuku nodded. The sensors in all the rooms monitored the vitals of all those within it andonlywhen the vitals of one or both dropped below their listed norms were the hidden cameras activated and an alarm was sent to the security team to intervene. The sensors were also keyed in to pick up a certain word each dancer used as their 'safety' word if they were unable to press a panic button should anything happen, when the word was called out sensors would then kick on and again an alarm would be sent and security would be on the way. So far Izuku had never needed to use either and he hoped he never would. But the precautions were always in place and ready to be used should he need them.

Inputting the code she stepped back and allowed him into the room, quickly closing the door behind him and leaving him pretty much trapped alone with the person within this room. Swallowing Izuku strode into the room, eyes sweeping the room until they came to rest on the massive man that lounged on the coach across the room, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he stared at Izuku through striking turquoise eyes. Shock filled Izuku as he stared at the man, apro-heroand ranked number two on the hero charts, just under All Might.

"Endeavor." Izuku greeted and bowed slightly.

"Don't call me that." The man growled angrily, his brows pinching.

Izuku swallowed, just barely repressing his flinch of alarm at the angry bark. "What would you like me to call you?" He asked gently, striding a bit closer but freezing when the man's hand tightened around the glass. "Is there anything that I can do to make this more comfortable for you?"

The man's frown deepened. "You're asking me if you cando anythingto make me comfortable?" He demanded.

Izuku nodded and clasped his hands in front of him. "Of course, I don't want this session to go badly for you, sir, can I call you sir?"

"No." The man growled.

Izuku nodded. "Okay, what about your given name or surname?"

He shook his head as he stared at the boy. "How old are you?"

"Fifteen." Izuku automatically answered.

Shock filled the man's eyes as and he looked away. "I have a son your age." He scoffed.

"Oh! Thats cool, having such a strong daddy like you must have been reassuring." Izuku said and watched as the man's eyes widened and hejoltedif only slightly and a lightbulb went off. "Did you like that?" He asked softly and slowly got down onto his knees, the man's attention snapping to him and seeming to berivetedon him. "Did you like being calledDaddy?"

The man swallowed and slowly nodded.

"Okay, then how about in here I call you Daddy?" Izuku asked seductively.

"Yes." The man nodded.

"Is, is it okay if I come and sit with Daddy on the couch?" Izuku asked, slipping into a youthful, almostchild-liketone. "It'scoldon the floor Daddy."

Endeavor swallowed thickly. "Come, I can warm you."

"Would you like me to crawl Daddy, or can I walk?" He asked, waiting for his permission before moving.

"Walk." Endeavor commanded.

Nodding Izuku fluidly rose to his feet, carefully keeping his skirt from flashing his nether-bits,clearlyEndeavor had a bit of a Daddy kink and he wasenjoyingthe little play that Izuku was introducing him to.ThankfullyIzuku had several other sessions with patrons who had wanted him to be their Little, and Izuku had donethoroughresearch into what was involved in Little Play. He was by no means skilled or even a professional at this, but he had enough experience to perform at leastadequatelyfor Endeavor at this moment to hopefully be satisfied with him.

Standing he strode almost hesitantly to the massive man, as if he was nervous to approach his Daddy, and hesitantly he looked up at Endeavor through his lashes. "Is Daddy in a bad mood because of me?" He asked in a slightly trembling voice.

Endeavor jolted slightly. "No." He said after a moment. "This... I've neverdonesomething like this before."

Izuku nodded as he took a hesitant, small step closer so that his knee was only a few inches away from Endeavors. "That's okay, Daddy, we can go slow. There's no need to rush anything." He said and he fidgeted with hem of his skirt. "Daddy, w-would you hold me?"

Endeavor froze for a moment before very slowly he set down his glass of whiskey andslowlyreaching out put his hand on Izuku's hip and very slowly guided the boy to his lap, settling him onto his thigh, his big hand splaying across Izuku's lower back. "Are you comfortable little boy?" He asked, his deep voice a rumble.

"Yes, Daddy." Izuku said smiling slightly and looking up at Endeavor through his lashes. "Do you want to talk about anything Daddy, or maybe just snuggle?"

"Would my little boy be comfortable with me touching you as we snuggle?" Endeavor asked softly as he leaned back on the couch,gentlytugging Izuku down so his side was pressed to Endeavors chest.

"Of course Daddy!" Izuku cheered. "Do you want me to sit like this or-"

"This." Endeavor said and his other hand slowly came up and stared to stroke across Izuku's thigh, moving up and down in a soothing manner.

And that was how they sat for nearly thirty minutes before Endeavor shifted slightly. "Do you like to dance little boy?" He asked after a moment.

Izuku lifted his head and smiled. "I do Daddy! Do you want to dance with me?"

Endeavor pointed at the pole in one of the corners. "Would you show me the naughty dances that you've learned here."

Automatically dropping his head Izuku fidgeted. "Daddy won't get upset with me learning those dances, will you?" He asked and looked up at him through his lashes.

Endeavor rumbled. "No, little boy, now show me your dance."

Hopping off Endeavor and quickly moving up to the pole Izuku launched himself into the raunchiest dance he'd learned at the club, one that involved a lot of thrusting, griding, and rubbing his and taint into the metal pole. By the end of the dance he was literally dry humping the floor directly into the pole with his knees splayed wide open and ass jiggling.

"Naughty boy." Endeavor growled and Izuku's head jerked up.

"Yes Daddy?" He mewled.

"Come here." He ordered thickly, his deep rough gravel somehow going evendeeper.

Scrambling forward on his hands and knees where the man had pulled up a chair to watch Izuku's show. "Yes Daddy?" He asked and pushed himself up so he was on his knees, hands on the man's massive thighs. "Did, did Daddy like my dance?"

"Yes, little boy, I did." Endeavor said and slowly reaching down lifted Izuku up by under his armpits and settled him onto his lap, legs on either side of his hips and Izuku felt the monster erection pressing against his own much smaller co*ck. "Daddy loved your show, but I have a request for you, little boy."

"Yes Daddy?" He asked eagerly, seemingly innocently rubbing excitedly against Endeavors tenting erection.

"Will you help Daddy with his co*ck?" Endeavor growled,

"Of course Daddy!" Izuku cheered and bounced on the other man's lap making him grunt softly at the sudden movement. "How would you like me to help you? Is it like a lollypop or does it go into my special place?"

Endeavor swallowed thickly. "Have... have other people been using your special place?"

Izuku pouted his lips slightly. "Yes, I'm sorry Daddy, I don't like it when they do, I only wantDaddy'sco*ck!" Izuku gasped and squeaked when Endeavor suddenly stood from the chair, scrambling to hold onto him Izuku clung to the mountain of a man. "Daddy!"He squealed.

"Let's get the memory of the other bastards' co*cks from your special place." He growled and turned, heading for the bed.

Izuku crooned at the massive man, nuzzling into his neck as he ground his hips into Endeavors, mentally preparing himself for what was most likely going to be the most brutal, challenging, and soul-shattering dicking down he'd ever received from a patron even as he mewled excited jabber at the man.

Izuku hadn't been wrong in his assessment of Endeavors sexual prowess, in fact he'd greatlyunder-anticipatedit. The man was hung like a f*cking prize stud horse and f*cked like a goddamned beast in heat. The longer he'd f*cked Izuku the hotter his skin had gotten, as if he'd been slightly losing control of his fire quirk, until it had left superficial irritant burns where their skin had prolongingly touched and even hiscumhad seemed to slightly burn Izuku's ass when the man had finally shot it off inside of him. But really, that slight bit of pain and discomfort had onlyaddedto Izuku's pleasure, and the monstrously sized man had made him cum nearly half a dozen times in the thirty-ish minutes he f*cked into him, arranging him in nearly the same number of positions, all getting different depths inside of him and pressing into different pleasure spots that had him literally seeing freaking stars.

But now, he was laying on his back, asshole twitching from the size of the co*ck that had just wrecked him and his body trembling from the aftershocks of his own org*sm as he tried to pull himself back in from org*smic orbit. Groaning when large strong hands tenderly scooped Izuku up he blearily looked around as Endeavor carried him into the opulent bathroom and stepped into the slightly steaming filled bathtub with a still slightly blissed out Izuku in his arms, arranging the small teen so his back was cradled against his chest.

"Thank you, Daddy." Izuku murmured and leaned his head back.

"Enji." Endeavor rumbled softly behind him, the vibrations from it making a delightful shiver run up Izuku's spine as he settled deeper into the massive man. "We are far passed Daddy now."

"Only if you're comfortable." Izuku said and reaching over strokedEnji'sarm. "I'm here for whatever it is that you need, sex-partner, someone to listen to you, comfort you,whateverit is that you need, I'm here for it."

"For at least six more hours." Enji scoffed slightly bitterly.

"Yes, for six more hours." Izuku agreed bluntly and nodded. "But just because you only paid for six hoursdoesn'tmean that I'm not apersonduring those six hours, and it doesn't mean that I don'tactuallycare." Izuku said and leaning forward he turned to look at the slightly surprised man. "I'm aperson,Daddy, not just a hole to f*ck or a doll to play your little boy. I have feelings and a mature mind that comprehendsfar morethan you could expect."

He stared at him for a moment before giving a slight nod, waiting until Izuku settled back down onto his chest. "How long have you been...sellingyourself?" He finally asked.

Izuku tried not to grimace at the technical term but sighed. "We call it offering 'more' in a way to keep us from feeling like cheap whor*s." Izuku said and ignored the derisive snort behind him.

"There'snothingcheap about yourservices." Enji scoffed again, but this time it was in slight amusem*nt.

"That's because you opted for the private-VIP room as well asseven hoursof my time." Izuku pointed out and shrugged. "The private-VIP in and of itself has an extremelyhighgoing rate and is very seldom used because of that."

"Yes, but the anonymity of this room is what I needed." Enji retorted.

"Yes, because of your high status." Izuku again agreed and traced his fingers across Enji's massive hand. "It's no secret that if another patron, or even an employee, had seen you walking through the club to the special rooms they would have leaked that information, regardless of the consequences should it get back that they broke the NDA's that are signed just to get the money from leaking that you were spotted at an underground strip club headed to a section that wasknownfor soliciting sex."

Enji grunted in affirmation before falling silent as they soaked in the bath. "Why did you come work here?" He asked after a while.

"Well, it was either come workhereor die." Izuku said and shrugged.

"Don't be dramatic." Enji scoffed.

"Oh, I'm not. My mother abandoned me because I'm quirkless, and it was either come work here or starve and freeze to death because I hadnobody." Izuku said and felt Enji go still.

"How old were you?" He asked and Izuku internally swore because it was only thestartof summer. Which spoke to the fact that Izuku had been working here for longer than Enji had assumed.

Izuku swallowed and looked down. "Twelve." He said softly and jumped when Enji jolted behind him.

"You've been stripping and f*cking adults for three f*cking years!?" He roared.

"No!" Izuku snapped back, frazzled form the sudden shout. "Only two and a half."

"Oh, because six months makes that much difference!" Enji retorted and surged out of the bath, making Izuku squawk as he was suddenly dumped into the drink. Scrambling upwards and sputtering as he shoved his now drenched hair out of his face,extremelygrateful he'd opted for a light dusting of makeup and waterproofed at that as well as a waterproof setting spray. Izuku watched as the man paced angrily bac and forth across the tiled bathtub, massive co*ck swinging with each step. It was almost comical to see that fat piece of meat swing with each step and slap against Enji's thighs with each step, Izuku stared at the man as he grumbled to himself about f*cking achild, and on and on about people using and abusing achild, through really the man was being quite the hypocrite seeing ashehad partook in 'f*cking a child' seeing as some of his cum was stilldeepinside Izuku's gut at the moment. But Izuku wasn't going to say anything about that, it didn't seem the time or place to point out Enji's pitfalls.

Pushing himself out of the bathtub he put himself in between the man and his path and grinned up at the man when he glared down at him. "Instead of pacing would you like to do something far more productive and fun with your time?"

"Like what?" Enji quipped then grunted when Izuku grabbed a hold of his flaccid member and sank to his knees in front of him.

"Perhaps a bit of head will make you feel better." Izuku teased before pressing a kiss to the now twitching co*ck before he closed his mouth around the tip andsuckedon it.

The loud groan that filled the bathroom had Izuku grinning before he slowly roused the co*ck to roaring life.

They were sitting on the bed, eating the extremely fancy snacks that were always kept on hand in the rooms for nights like this, they were always healthy and high-end food stuffs that were meticulously stocked in the fridges and pantries and rotated out on a weekly basis, though the perishable items such as the charcuterie boards were changed daily, as well as a multitude of drinks and such to ensure their absolute freshness should the rooms occupants need refreshments or something to snack on to regain some energy. They'd spent the last four hours f*cking almost nonstop, then they'd taken a brief nap and when they'd roused Izuku had gotten the food, limping as he went becausef*ckwas Enji's co*ck huge, he'd had gathered it all and piled back onto the bed after Enji agreed to watch a movie. And that's where they were now with Izuku sitting with his back pressed against Enji's front with his legs on either side of Izuku's and knees slightly bent, that monster co*ck nestled slightly between Izuku's ass-cheeks,thankfullysoft seeing as Enji had claimed after that last round that Izuku had 'drained his balls' of all cum.

"So, what made you come see out Mama's services?" Izuku asked.

"One of Gang Orca's lower ranked sidekicks mentioned it in passing to one of my own and they said something to me in passing." He stated and shrugged. "It was more about how could a hero stoop to visiting a place like this, as if the BDSM lounge that prick visits isn't as sordid."

Izuku chuckled and nodded. "Okay, butwhydid you choose to come?"

"Because I needed to let off steam." He retorted.

"Enji, I've just spent that last four hours with your monster co*ck buried so far up my ass that mystomachbulged as you f*cked into me, and talking in between each f*ck session, you really don't think that I wouldn't pick up on the fact thatsomethingis bugging you?" Izuku prompted and he arched his brows. "I'm averyobservant and intuitive person, and the longer we've f*cked and talked the more you've let yourself relax and the conflicted emotions have warred across your face."

Enji was quiet for a moment before sighing. "My son, the one your age, I've always...desiredhim. But I'veneverallowed myself to do anything other thanlook, andneverwhen he's in a compromising state." He said and the bitterness and self-loathing in his voice made Izuku swallow softly, they were feelings that he felt all too often so he knew what they felt like quite intimately. "But thisfeeling, thisneedto see and touch has been getting worse now that Shouto is older and I'm worried that one day I won't be able to hold myself back and I'll do or say something that will hurt him. My children already despise me as is, and I do not want to do more to drive the wedge between myself and my family."

Izuku nodded as he popped another bite of the creamy cheese dip and soft naan bread slices into his mouth, chewing before he swallowed. "Did f*cking me, if at all, help?" He asked softly.

"Yes, but I'm not sure how long that relief will last." He sighed and ran a hand through Izuku's viridian curls, something that Izuku had realized the older man really liked doing.

"Well," Izuku drawled and shrugged. "When that urge gets really strong just arrange it with Mama and get a session with me, maybe notseven hoursthis time, but maybe one or two."

"Did you not enjoy our time?" Enji teased, knowing damned well that Izuku in facthadand not just sexually but actuallytalkingwith the man and spending timenotbeing a f*ck-toy or showing off his body and the skills that he'd learned in the three years working at the club.

Chuckling Izuku elbowed him lightly, somewhat proud of himself for getting Enji at least somewhat used to him to joke with him openly if only slightly awkwardly at times. "You know I did."

"Was the money not enough?" Enji continued to tease lightheartedly.

"Oh, the money is f*cking amazing, you've helped me get enough,just tonight, to get a lot of my projects fixed so my house can stop falling to sh*t every time I turn around." He said and grinned as he continued to watch the movie and held up the dip so Enji could get some. "I just don't want you running out of money extremely fast by requesting seven hours."

Enji hummed slightly, the vibrations from it tickling Izuku's back and making him chuckle lightly. "You underestimate the sheer wealth that I possess." He retorted.

"That might be so," Izuku agreed and looked back into the warm and amused turquoise eyes and crimson hair that roughly spiked slightly up on the top of his head with the sides and back shaved slightly closer to his scalp. "But if youconsistentlyspend the same amount of money on this room, you'll start to draw attention from the bank to it and then questions will be asked, people will look into it, and it'll end up being a massive hassle."

Enji stared at him for a moment before he chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Izuku's temple. "You have a point, boy, when I request you next I'll be much more conscious about the time amount that I request."

"Good." Izuku nodded and settled back against Enji.

But all to soon the alarm for the thirty-minute mark rang out and Izuku explained what it meant, and the bigger man tensed slightly, as if not wanting to relinquish Izuku, which the young teen understood because for once Izukudidn'twant to leave one of these rooms. He wanted tostayat least for a bit longer. He feltsafeand if only the illusion of it,caredfor in a way that nobody - not evenOwl -had been able to show him, because he'd been cherished in asexualway and not just a hole to f*ck. No, Enji had not only been the best freaking patronpleasure-wise, but also comfort/conversationally/psychologically wise this man had spoken and held and justbeenwith Izuku in a way that no patron had ever been with him. It was as if hesawIzuku as a person and not a whor*, or stripper, or something he'dpaid for. And that was a welcome first for Izuku, and most likely something that he would never feel from another patron save Enji. And even then, it was a greatIf,if Enji treated him like that next time.

They'd quietly climbed from the bed and Enji had gently urged Izuku into the shower, where he'd f*cked the boy one last time in the shower, a slow and steady f*ck with a f*ck ton of sweet touches and tender kisses that had Izuku cumming so hard that it had left him reeling again as Enji thoroughly and quickly, butso tenderlycleaning him up, then drying, and helping him re-dress in his slu*tty outfit before he himself got dressed. They'd shockingly had five minutes left before there was a rough knock at the door before Owl nearlyburstthrough it, expecting some form of debauchery to be taken place, only to freeze in shock when Enji stood from the couch he'd been sitting on, Izuku cradled in his arms. Striding over to the other man hetenderlypassed the small teen over to the stunned man.

Izuku grinned up at the massive man. "I enjoyed out time Endeavor." He said as Owl backed up a step, Mama having followed Owl into the room, though she was standing off to the side to ensure that things transpired smoothly and to get the feedback from Enji.

"As did I, boy, I'll see you soon." Enji said with a small smirk.

Waving as Owl turned and left the room Izuku heard Mama's question of whether or not Izuku met Enji's standards, and Izuku felt himself flush when Enji stated that he had never felt so relaxed and sated as he did when he was with the boy, he'd also said to expect another request for a time with Izuku in the near future.

"So, it went alright?" Owl asked as he carried Izuku towards the infirmary to be checked over.

"Jesus, Owl, you have no f*cking clue!" Izuku breathed as he rested his head on the man's shoulder. "That man is...damn, I have so f*cking much to tell you because it wasa lot."

"Not sure if I want to know the details." Owl grimaced and shook his head slightly.

"Alright, then how about I give you asuperbrief summary?" Izuku prompted with a roll of his eyes.

Owl sighed. "Fine, hit me."

"That man f*cked me so thoroughly that my org*sms werecosmiclevel org*sms. And he liked to havedeepconversations, not sexy ones butlegitconversations." Izuku said and shook his head against Owl's chest. "It was soweird, Owl, I'veneverhad a patron that wanted totalk, but it... it was sonice.I felt like apersonwith him, Owl, not like a f*ck-toy, or stripper, or a whor*. But like aperson."

Owl was quiet for a moment before Izuku pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Good, I'm so f*cking glad that you had that Izuku." Owl said and the deep sencerity in his voice had Iuzku relaxing further agiasnt him. "I was so f*cking worried that you would come out of there mess up, but you seem to be coming out of therebetterthen you went in."

"Yea," Izuku agreed. "It definitely feels like that."

And it made him slightlyhopefultowards the possible future appointments with a certain flame hero.


Chapter 2 done!
Whoa that took me a long time to write/edit! But I did it! And I feel accomplished! Hope you liked it my dear readers, so I know this one wasn't really active into the story, but more smut related, I promise the next one is more focused on progressing the story instead of smut and Izuku's work! I'm also working on transitioning the story more OUTSIDE Izuku's workplace so it's not a story COMPLETELY about f*cking and stripping so bear with me dear readers!
Some chapters are going to take place in the club/f*ck rooms, but I don't envision THAT MANY of them, and possibly not the entire chapter like these first two, I mainly just wanted to get backstory and major foundation points down before really progressing with the story!
So as always, dear readers, please enjoy, drop a comment or kudos, or don't it's totally up to you! Just remember please no mean comments!
And if you have any suggestions about how things should POSSIBLY go leave a comment and I might just run with it!

Chapter 3: Confrontation and Painful Truths


An unfortunate meeting leads to some deep truths and revelations that rock the world of one family but leaves Izuku with allies that he had NEVER thought he would have.

It also sparks the path one person had to take to realize something so deeply profound about themselves that it changes their whole world.


Ok, so I meant to address the whole thing with Enji at the end of last chapter, but it was late and I was tired. So, now hi, yes, that was (as one commenter said) woo, yea there's gonna be more of that. NOTHING to horrid though! It's more voyeur-ish stuff and watching but LONGING to touch but never does! As the tag said Enji is COMPLICATED and you can expect a few more chapters with him and the complicated sh*t that he brings with him!
Thank you to the two commentors and all of those who gave kudos! <3 <3
But now THIS chapter! It's a key point to the story and where things really START so do enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had finally happened last night, he'd hit the panic button.

His patron, asemi-regularof his, had seen the hickies and fingerprint bruises along Izuku's body that hadn'tquitecompletely healedand had flown into a jealous rage and had started beating the ever-loving hell out of Izuku in the room after demanding Izuku to strip down to his panties for a lap dance. At first Izuku had thought it was merely this man's kink because the dozen or so times he'd had an 'appointment' with the bastard he'dalwaysbeen heavy handed with his slaps, and a few hits, maybe a light kick or twonothingso bad that Izuku had had to end the session, but as the rough holds and slaps and degrading words suddenly turned into Izuku being thrownacrossthe room and things tossed at hishead, punches and kicks being landed on him as Izuku had tried to figure out what thehellwas going on. He'd quickly and quite startingly realized that this rage that the man was exuding wasrealand that he wasactuallypissed that Izuku had done his job and had f*cked another patron. And after a solid ten minutes of trying to talk the patron down while trying to avoidmostof the hits, kicks, and objects flying at him Izuku had done it, lunged towards one of the panic buttons and had mashed it, holding it down for the allotted three seconds before the bastard had grabbed onto him thrown him to the ground and pinned him there with a hand on his neck choking him as he stared to wail on him while Izuku fought to get the bastard off of him, the world going fuzzy around the edges as he bucked and fought.

By the time security had gotten there Izuku was a bloodied mess on the floor with deep fingerprints around his throat. The healers at the clinic within the club had assessed him and stated that nolastingdamage would remain, but he'd be extremely tender for a few days and the bruising would last a few days after that even with regular healing sessions that the club always paid for when patrons went a bitto far. The cuts and marks had been superficial, thankfully, but still would take a few days to heal, and so Owl had promptly taken him home and freakingbabiedhim until Izuku had chased him out.

So now, here he was getting the rest of the siding he was in the middle of replacing onto the side of his house, seeing as he'd had to replace most of this wall when a bad storm had sent a tree limb through the window and damaging part of this wall. Which wasannoyingbecause he'd almost trimmed that damned tree the day before but had opted out of it to sleep and study instead. Never again would he decidenotto do something like that. But the sound of several car doors angrily slamming, and dangerously familiar arguing had him pausing and he turned towards the sound. He hesitated for a long moment as he debated fleeing quickly and quietly back into the house, but then he looked down at the tools and siding supplies that he had laying out and he sighed as he realized that he had no choice but to confront the angry duo that made their way in a storm of angry bickers up the front walkway to his two story house and he heard sharp angry knocks at his front door.

Closing his eyes Izuku sighed heavily as he set the freshly cut siding piece down where it was set to go on the side of the house before Izuku made his way around the side of the house, eyes locking on Katsuki and his mother, Mitsuki Bakugou as they stood arguing on his stoop. "Auntie?" He called and watched as the pair whipped towards him, he expected angry shouts and sh*t, but hewasn'texpecting their mouths to drop and Mitsuki to slap a hand to her mouth as she gasped.

"What the hell happened to you?!"She finally screeched then turned accusatory look at her son who stood there just as stunned."You damned brat did you do this to him?!"

Izuku frowned then glanced at the window next to him and groaned softly as he took in his own reflection. And it dawned on him why they had reacted this way, he looked like he'd been beat to high f*cking heaven. Which he in all honestyhadbut still,Katsukihad done just about the same to him on occasion, so the reaction really wasn't warranted. Though really, itwasbad even with the healers using their quirk on him and he still looked extremely f*cked up.

His lower lip was scabbed where it had split quite badly, one eye was black and blue andslightlypuffy from where the dickhe*d had punched him with all his force, and above that eye his eyebrow had a butterfly bandage holding the scabbing slice there where a piece of glass had sliced into him from opening up again, his neck was one massive handprint bruise where the POS had nearly choked him to death as he'd pinned him to the floor and beat the hell out of him, a nasty bruise bloomed over the lower left side of his jaw where he'd hit the bedpost after being tossed across the room again, and more bruises covered his arms and his exposed torso disappearing underneath his heavy duty cargo jeans that he wore when working on the house. Honestly, he'd forgotten what he looked like seeing as he'd been avoiding looking into reflective surfaces, so he didn't see the damage that had been dealt on him, and he'd shucked off his shirt when the sun had risen, and the heat of the day had started to really beat down. And that was another thing, in no way was he stacked with muscles, but the lithe definitions of his muscles and the hint of his six pack just under the surface wasclearlydisplayed as Katsuki looked over his body, deaf to his mother's shouts.

Holding up his work gloved hands Izuku waved his hands as he shook his head, sweaty viridian hair swishing around his forehead. "Auntie,Auntie!Kacchan didn't do this!" He said yelling over her, and she stopped berating her son to whip around on him.

"Then what the hell happened?" She demanded and turned to the house. "Where's your mother, does she know what the hell happened? Why the f*ck hasn't she done something about this?! And why the hell did youpunchKatsuki a few days ago?!"

Izuku took a breath trying to keep up with the woman as she spoke nearly a mile a minute. "IpunchedKatsuki because he's an asshole and deserved it. My...motherisn't here right now." He said,prayingthat Mitsuki would take it and leave, but Izuku knew chances of that were slim because when that hellcat of a woman got her talons into something she didn't let go.

"Well, when is she going to be back?" She demanded, stalking towards him, examining the wounds on him closely. "These have beenhealed, Jesus Izuku what the hell happened to you?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He said and waved his hand dismissively then hesitated. "I don't know when mother will be back."

"What do you mean you don'tknow?" Mitsuki pressed frowning deeper as if sensing something wasoff. "Did she not tell you when she'd be back."

"Well,no." Izuku said shaking his head, glancing towards Katsuki as the other teen slowly strode closer, shock still on his face as he stared at Izuku, his eyes raking over Izuku.

"Then why don't you call her." Mitsuki demanded.

"That's complicated." Izuku said shaking his head and sighing. "Look, just tell me what you need, and I'll talk to her about it when she gets back."

Mitsuki frowned at this. "No, I'm going to have a sit down and f*cking talk to her myself about you hitting Katsuki."

Izuku stared at the woman, indignation flare inside of him and he forced down the scoff that wanted to leave his mouth. "Like all the times you've sat down and talked to Kacchan about the times that he hitme?" He demanded and watched as the woman jerked back.

"What are you talking about?" She demanded frowning. "He hasn't hit you."

Eyes going wide Izuku let out a bark of laughter. "Seriously?" He scoffed and looked past her to Katsuki who just silently glared at him before looking back at the other teens mother. "So, what, has the school not been sending incident reports about all the altercations and sh*t that happen? Because if not I have all of my own copies."

"I'd like to see them." Mitsuki demanded.

"Sure, fine, c'mon." Izuku said and moved swiftly around Mitsuki and then around Bakugo without even looking up at the teen, his shoulders tensed at the deep gasps that echoed behind him and he swore internally. His front might look bad in terms of bruising and marks, but it wasnothingcompared to hisbackwhere he'd been slammed first into the bathroom counter back first, then tossed across the floor where he'd slammed side and back first into a winged back chair that had crashed over him, and finally he'd beenbodilythrown into the coffee table that had broken underneath him. It was amessof cuts, stitched wounds, and massive bruising that still ached. Head lowering slightly, he swallowed and strode in the front of his house, toeing off his boots and heading into the house, ignoring the murmurs that drifted after him as Mitsuki and Katsuki trailed after him into the house. "Be right back." He called over his shoulder before jogging quickly up the stairs to the second floor and headed to the master bedroom where he grabbed the massive folder of incident reports of all the times that Katsuki had attacked him, a minute later he was extending it towards Mitsuki who stared at it in horror. "Here, all the reports that the teachers made about each time that Kacchan attacked me, well at least therecordedones." He said and shrugged as he strode over to the basket of clean laundry, he had sitting on the couch to fold and grabbed a graphic tee out of it and shrugged it on.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked as he headed into the partially separated kitchen/dining room from the main living space that the front hallway led into.

"No." Mitsuki drawled slowly as she followed Izuku into the halfway remodeled kitchen and paused to blink at all the remodeling supplies that was spread out throughout the kitchen save for a bit of space that he used to prepare and cook his food.

Moving around the island after pulling out a bottle of water Izuku grabbed the open notebook that had his budget and remodeling plans in it and rolling it up shoved it into his back pocket.

"What was that?" She demanded.

Izuku arched his brows. "My own personal property, and with all due respect, none of your business Auntie."

She stared at him hard for a moment then with a deep breath she thunked the binder onto the counter and thunked a finger into it. "So, you're telling me thatthisis everything that Katsuki did to you over the years?" She asked a sense of calmness seeming to wash over her.

Izuku shrugged. "At least what was recorded onschool grounds, yes. There could be atleasta few hundred more that I could have filed with the police for incidents that happenedoffschool grounds."

She nodded and took a deeper breath. "I would really like to speak with Inko, can you give me her number please?" She asked and Izuku could hear the way shetriedto reign in her fiery temper.

Izuku sighed. "Look that's complicated, I can't but if you tell me what-"

"Izuku, the conversation that I need to have with her is foradults, you're achild." She cut him off with a patronizing tone andohdid he want to tell her every damned way that hewasn'ta child, but he held his tongue and remained steadfastly quiet. "So justgiveme her number please."

"I can't."He repeated his own temper fraying.

Mitsuki took a deep breath holding up a hand in front of her to try and keep herself under control.

"f*ck, sh*tty nerd justgive the hagAunties number!" Katsuki snarled behind his mother.

"You stay out of it brat!" Mitsuki snarled at her son, turning slightly to glare at him. "I need the number Izuku, so just give it to me!"

"I can't!" Izuku shouted back and shrugged when two sets of red eyes locked back on him. "It'scomplicated."

"And why is itcomplicated?" Mitsuki snarled.

"Because I don'thave it!"Izuku finally shouted back.

Mitsuki frowned now in confusion. "Then how the hell do you get into contact with her?"

Izuku shrugged, angry now that he'd given that away. "It'scomplicated." He said.

"Then when is she coming back?!" She yelled.

"I don't know!" Izuku yelled back shrugging and slamming his water on the counter.

"Oh my gods, then at least tell me where she went!" She yelled at him angrily as she rubbed at the bridge of her nose.

"I don't know!" Izuku shouted and threw up his hands, his patience finally snapping. "I don't know, okay?! She's f*ckinggone!"

Mitsuki was quiet for a long time. "What do you meangone?"She demanded, some of her temper abated by confusion.

"She's.Gone."He repeated and shrugged.

"Yes, I heard you the first time, but what I'm failing tounderstandis what exactlydo you mean she'sgone?" She pressed, stepping closer her red eyes seeming to bore into him.

Izuku huffed out a laugh and looked away and shook his head. "I mean I went to school one day, came home and all of her sh*t wasgone, there was money and directions on how to pay the bills left on the middle of the table with a letter telling me to at leastnot diebecause she didn't want the authorities to come looking for her and she'd gotten the bills and the house put intomyname so now I was responsible for it." He said and shoved a hand through his hair and shook his head in agitation. "So, to answer your demands, Auntie, Ican'tgive you her numberbecause I don't have it, I don't knowwhenshe's coming backbecause she never is, and I don't knowwhereshe isbecause she f*ckingleftwhile I was at school and didn't leave me details of where she was heading." He looked over at her to find the two of them staring at him absolutely gob smacked. "Any more questions?"

"Then how the hell have you been living?" She asked softly.

Izuku shrugged nonchalantly. "I got an amazing paying job and I've been working nights after school." He said and shrugged again.

She looked around at all the clear remodeling that had been done and the supplies on the counter and tucked away in a corner and she swallowed. "This isn't leg-"

"I'm an emancipated minor as of a year ago, Auntie, this iscompletelylegal." He said quickly and with more than a little defensiveness in his tone, even if Mama hadillegallygotten him emancipated, he was still an emancipated minor and as such this was in fact totally a legal thing. "The house is in my name, the bills are in my name,everythingis in my name, and I've been handling it all just fine."

"What do you meanhandling?"She demanded and stepped forward, reaching out and grabbing his elbow. "Izuku when did Inko...leave?"

He shrugged and looked away. "Three years ago."

She swallowed and took a deep breath as if trying to calm herself. "You're saying that Inkoleft youthreeyearsago, and you've been... living by yourself... forthree years?Takingcareof yourself forthree years?"

He shrugged and glanced over at her before looking away again. "It was a bitch at first but clearly I've gotten the hang of it." He said and turned away from the woman, not wanting to see the pity and horror on her face.

"Gotten the hang of it?" She repeated as if in disbelief. "Izuku you needhelp, this, this isn'tright?"

"You know what'snot right?" Izuku scoffed as he shook his head angrily as his bitterness that he very so rarely allowed to flow freely made an appearance and tainted his words with its snark. "Is a mother that haddotedon her son up until he was four years old and his quirk didn't manifest, and then at six when he was deemedquirklessor at least with a quirk so weak it didn't register onanyspectrum sensor, to suddenlyswitchto verbally and eventually physicallyabusingsaid son." He said coldly, refusing to look at the woman as she let out a soft sound. "And what'sworsethan that, yourbest f*cking friendin the whole f*cking world starts f*ckingbullyingyou at the same time your mother starts mistreating you,simplybecause you were bornquirkless, a fact of life that you haveno controlover, and then former friend starts getting all the other kids your age to isolate and bully you as well. Then at twelve years old you come home from a particularlyroughday at school to find your mother's belongings packed up and gone with enough food to last a few weeks, enough money to last three months to pay off bills and such, and a house that isfalling apart." Now he did look over at her, all of his jadedness and hard gritted determination no doubt displayed in his emerald eyes by the way she took a step back and Katsuki staggered slightly, having moved closer. "So, you do what you have to, you hunt down a job that pays good f*cking money and yousurvive. It's not pretty and it's not easy, but day byf*ckingday you drag your exhausted ass out of bed, go to school, come home to take a quick nap, get up go to go to work, come home study for an hour, then sleep for a few hours, and rinse and repeat." He waved his hands around him. "Three years later and I'm doing quite well."

"This is not 'doing well' Izuku," She said shaking her head as she looked down at the marks on his throat. "Didthathappen at work?"

Izuku shrugged, trying to play it off nonchalantly. "Yea, there was an incident, but it was handled." He said absently.

She frowned deeper but chose not to press the matter. "Izuku you're surviving, your not thriving and children shouldn'tsurvivethey nee-"

"Don't you stand there and tell me that I'm notthriving." Izuku said harshly, and Mitsuki took a stunned step back, swallowing slightly. "Don't you come intomyhouse, intomy lifeand look at me with f*ckingpityin your eyes." He said, his temper well and truly ignited now, he was tired, he f*ckinghurt, and he wasn't in the mood to be f*ckingpitiedby these rich bitches even if she meant well. "Three years ago this house was so f*cking run down you could seethroughparts of the walls, parts of the floor were so old and rotted that you could fall through them at the slightest bit of weight applied to it, the kitchen appliances were always shorting out, the hot water heater had already given out, the heater was one cold day away from crapping out.Nobodywas here to replace them, nobody butme.I'mthe one who got the money to replace the heater/AC.I'mthe one who paid for the new kitchen appliances.I'mthe one who paid for the new roof to keep it from leaking.I'mthe one who paid for the new walls so they didn't leak.I'mthe one who redid all the counters, the flooring, and paid for the new lighting fixtures.Ipaid for all the new windows to be installed so I didn't f*cking run up a massive heating and cooling bill!Ireplaced the front door and redid the front entrance so it wasn't so f*cking jacked up!Ipaid for the bathrooms to be remodeled so they weren't hazards!Ieither paid for all of this orpersonallydid the workmyself!"Izuku screamed at the woman in front of him, staring at him with a stunned expression as he thumped his chest with each emphasis of 'I' he made. "I'vedone all of this, working afull-timenight job, going to school and maintaining a steady grade and I'm f*cking ranked numberfivein our grade! So don't stand here in the house thatI'veput my f*cking heart and soul and f*ckinghard earnedmoney into and tell me that this isn't thriving! Mybosshas done more for me than my ownmotherhas done for me in my entire life!"

"Hey, Izu, what the hell is going on!" Owl's worried voice came from the front of the house, but he was way far lost to his temper right now to care.

"I haven't been achildsince I was six years old with my mother standing over me yelling and screaming at me that I'm worthless and she should haveabortedme the moment she realized that she was pregnant!" He screamed, hot tears running down his cheeks as he pointed a finger at Mitsuki. "So don't stand there and tell me that I'msurviving!Because I knowperfectly wellexactly what it's like tosurviveand this is thefarthest f*cking thing from it!"

"Whoa, whoa! Izuku, let's take a breath!" Owl yelled and was suddenly inserting his body between Izuku and the still stunned Mitsuki. "Hey, hi you look strangely-holy cowboy Spaceballsyou're the angry Pomeraniansspawner!" He crowed.

Mitsuki's jaw dropped and she glared at Owl, but the other man was already dismissing her and whipping around to lock eyes with Izuku as he panted behind him. Cupping the sides of his neck he bent and rested his forehead against the smaller teens.

"You're safe, you're loved, you'refree." He said loudly over Izuku's ragged panting. "C'mon, say it with me Izu. You're safe..."

"I'm safe." Izuku parroted.

"You're loved." Owl nodded as Iuzku drew in a deep breath

"I'm loved."

"You're free."


Owl slowly nodded as he pulled away, smiling when Izuku's shoulders slumped, and his head thumped against Owl's shoulder. "There, there, my feisty sprout, you did so good calming down. Now, Anger Spawner mind telling me why thef*ckyou're in my best friends house, pissing him off so much that he'sscreamingat you when this fluff bunnyhatesyelling at people." He said and activating his quick twisted his head one-hundred-and-eighty degrees to look at her and grinned when she flailed backwards. "Names Owl, it's also my quirk, I get all the perks and traits of an owl."

Mitsuki took a breath and opened his mouth.

"Has his life really been that f*cked up?" Katsuki demanded, shoving his mother out of the way.

Owl locked his predatory gold eyes on the teen and his semi-friendly smile vanished. "Yea, he's had it worse out of everyone that I know, and I'm acquainted with a lot of the teens on Shadow Street." He said and looked over at the woman when she gasped in horror. "Yea, Anger Spawner, so when he was screaming at you that he'sthrivingnow he wasn't kidding. You would have been f*cking stunned to see him when he was at his worst because it was f*ckingbad."

Izuku grunted and lightly punched Owl's side.

"Oh hush you baby." He soothed and petted Izuku, careful of his wounds. "Anyway, I'm speaking to Anger Spawner, not Rage Spawn sopiss off." He said dismissively and turned his gaze back to Mitsuki even as Katsuki snarled at the clear dismissal. "Why'd you intrude on his sanctuary?"

"I wanted to speak to his mother about the fact he broke Katsuki's nose." She said softly.

"Oh, so the time thatKatsukibroke Izuku's fingers, singed is clothes and hair,burnthim over the majority of his left shoulder is no never-mind?" Owl sneered.

"I was unaware of all those instances." She said and shook her head. "But that's changing."

"You're about sixyearstoo late, lady." Owl scoffed then shrugged. "But fine, whatever. Anyway, leave his deadbeat, bitch-ass Spawner out of the equation. She's nothing but a sh*t-stain and a sore spot. So, now that you've gotten all your information you need do make your exit stage left. And keep in mind, Izuku Midoriya is fully financially stable on his own two feet, the house is completely in his name, as is all the bills, he's never been late on any of them, he hasno debtand has a substantial college fund that would most likelyrivalyour precious Rage Spawn over there." Owl said jerking his chin towards Katsuki who glared back at him butstrangelykept quiet. "So keep that in mind,especiallyif you try anything to'help him'because our boss is willing to go full bore to bat for him because she cherishes this little green sprouted angel as if he were her own, and I can guarantee you that the rest of our coworkers will as well and you donotwant to get into it with them because it won't be pretty. Foryouthat is, they'll be killing it, but you'll be... well itwon'tbe pretty for you."

Izuku snorted before pulling away and patted Owl's chest. "Thanks Owl," He said and turned to face the blonde haired and red eyed woman that stared at him in utter shock. "Auntie, I appreciate your concern, but I neither want nor need it. So, with all due respect, please take Kacchan andleave."

She stared at him before nodding and turning grabbed Katsuki's arm and yanked him after her out of the house.

"Well," Owl drawled slowly after coming back from trailing after the two un-welcome visitors. "That was quite the surprise."

"Yea," Izuku agreed as he rubbed a hand through his hair, wincing as he ran over a few bumps and bruises that were hidden in his hair. "That's an understatement."

"So, do you still want help with the siding?" Owl prompted as he loosely crossed his arms across his chest and co*cked a hip.

Izuku looked over at him then sighed and nodded. "Yea, after that we're getting Katsudon." He said.

"I'm paying, you deserve a treat my sweet broccoli angel boy." Owl said looping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him with him back towards the front door.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Why the nicknames?" He sighed as he shoved his feet back into his work boots. "I mean,seriouslyint he three years that I've known you you've given me and everyone that's close to you outrageous nicknames."

"Because they'refun."Owl teased back.

Izuku rolled his eyes, but admitted hewasa bit more relaxed with Owls gentle teasing and comments.

It was several hours past six in the evening, and he had just finished studying when the sound of his doorbell jarred him from his studying and Izuku's head snapped up and towards the hallway that led to the entry way. Slowly pushing himself up he made his way to the front door. Undoing the lock, he pulled it open and was met by a pair of mixed pissed off and embarrassed red eyes of Katsuki-f*cking-Bakugou as the other teen glared at him. But he jolted backwards as the other teens head was suddenlyshoveddown until he was at a nearly perfect ninety-degree angle and that was when Izuku realized that both Mitsuki and Katsuki's father, Masaru, were flanking the angry teen.

"We sincerely apologize for our son's past behavior towards you." Masaru's warm and comforting voice suddenly spoke to the right of Katsuki. "We have failed in raising him, and in our failure in raising him we haveespeciallyfailed you by allowing him to act as he has been."

"We sincerely hope that you will forgive our failures." Mitsuki said solemnly to the left of Katsuki, her hand holding tight to a clearly pissed off Katsuki's neck who grumbled between his parents. "We know it meanslittleto what our brat has done to you, but we have enrolled him in intensive therapy as well as anger management to hopefully ensure that he gets the help that he clearly needs to control himself."

"Mitsuki has also agreed to attend session to help better herself as well so that she can also keep better control of her temper and help Katsuki when I'm not there to." Masaru added, reaching up and lightly putting a hand on his wife's wrist as if to remind her to stay calm.

"It was never even a minute possibility to us that Katsuki would be taking his anger out on other children, especially you Midoriya." Mitsuki said apologetically, the three of them still remaining bowed. "We knew that he had anger issues, and a temper but we never imagined he'd actually target someone because of that. And because of that we are deeply sorry, and we hope you can forgive myself and Masaru."

Izuku swallowed and stared at the trio, he was well and trulydumbfounded. Never in his life had he expected the Bakugou's to come andapologizefor the sh*t that Katsuki had done to him. "I, uh, y-yea it's alright." He said still more than a little flabbergasted about what was happening.

The three of them slowly rose and after a firm nudging form Mitsuki and a soft word from Masaru Katsuki lifted his head and the pissed/embarrassment filled red eyes locked on Izuku's before he bowed slightly, hands fisted hard at his sides with small popping/crackling sounds emanating from his palms and making Izuku shift backwards slightly in apprehension to what those hands could do to him, because he wasintimatelyfamiliar with that and didn't really feel like tending to aburnon top of all the other wounds he currently had. "I'm sorry for beating the f*cking sh*t out of you and bullying you since we were little." He gritted out through his teeth.

Izuku stared at the angry teen with wide stunned eyes. "Yea, okay." He said.

"We know that apologies are nothing but words so we would like to know if there's anything that you need?" Masaru prompted, resting a soft comforting hand on Katsuki's shoulder and his son jerked his face away from his father as he snapped straight.

"Yea, money, clothes, food, help, whatever you need." Mitsuki said and crossed her arms in front of her.

Izuku looked from one adult to the other. "Look, I appreciate the offer, but I really don't need anything, like I told you earlier I've been taking care of myself for three years."

Mitsuki nodded and looked down at her son, the soft gaze in her eyes turning hard. "Go get the containers." She ordered briskly and without a word Katsuki turned and stormed back towards their family car. "I get that, Izuku, but atleastlet me give you some home-cooked meals totryan at least appease myself to feel as if I'm onlyslightlyhelping you."

Izuku swallowed before he slowly nodded, watching as Katsuki came back with two massive cooler bags in his hands. "O-okay." He said and stepped back, letting the slightly bigger andpissed offteen stomp past him into his house, his parents trialing after him, all of them toeing off his shoes to head after him. Slowly shutting the door and staring at it as his mindwhirledat the freaking cluster-f*ck that was currently taking apart in front of him right now as he followed the Bakugou family into his home and to the slightly cluttered kitchen. Swallowing as he crossed his arms in front of him Izuku watched as Mitsuki had Katsuki handing her all of the containers of food and placing them into his fridge as Masaru looked around the room, taking in the new shiny light fixtures, hardwood flooring that wasmostlyinstalled, and the tiling that Izuku had stacked on the counter that he was planning to install after he'd finished the hardwood.

"Did you hire a contractor to install the flooring?" Masaru prompted, looking over at Izuku.

Izuku shook his head. "Uh, no, I um, I'm installing it myself." He said and out of the corner of his eye saw Katsuki glance at him with a frown.

"Really?" Masaru prompted and Izuku remembered that Masaru was the CEO of a contracting company, as the man looked at the flooring that was already installed.

"Yea, it cost a lot less to just DIY." Izuku said and strode slowly over to the older man. "Took me a few tries to get it right, but it'smostlyan okay job."

"Izuku," Masaru rested a soft hand on his shoulder. "I will be quite honest with you I thought my own company had done the work."

Izuku blinked at the praise and gave the older man a tentative smile. "Yea, no I've, um, well I've watching a lot of tutorials so I can fix things around the house that aren'ttoocomplicated."

"What else have you done?" Masaru asked excitedly, his eyes widening slightly.

Izuku looked away and shrugged, cheeks pinkening slightly. "I, um, I've redone all the cabinets, ripped them out and reinstalled the new ones about a year ago before I had the new countertops installed. Completely fixed and redid the entry way, re-tiled the bathrooms after the plumbers replaced the tub, shower, and sink. Replaced and refinished the stairs. And I'm replacing the siding on the house after a tree limb busted through the wall." Izuku said and pointed out to the living room where the new wall was still exposed. "That's why the floorings not done and the backsplash hasn't been installed yet. I've done more, but they're mostly smaller projects, I've done a...lotof the years." He said and looked away, slightly embarrassed at the way that Masaru stared at him.

"You've been doing all of this while going to school, and working full-time?" He asked, glancing at his wife before refocusing on Izuku. "How do you find the time to keep up with it?"

Izuku looked over at him. "Well, weekends are generally my days off and I use every minute that I have to study and handle all of my projects. My friends also sometimes come over and help." He said.

"What friends?" Katsuki snorted derisively then grunted when Mitsuki cuffed him on the back of the head. "What the f*ck old hag?!" He snarled.

"Watch the attitude brat!" She retorted.

Masaru ignored his wife and son, stepping slightly closer to Izuku and giving him a warm smile. "If you're willing, I'd like to come over on weekends and help you with any projects that you have going, give you tips and tricks on how to do things. I'd even be more than happy to take you to my suppliers to get anything you need for your projects."

Izuku stared at the man before slowly nodding. "Okay." He said softly, stunned at the offer.

"Mitsuki said that you were working on something today, did you finish it or is there still more to do?" He asked.

Izuku blinked before shrugging. "Owl and I finished it." He said and shrugged.

"That's alright, tomorrow is Sunday, would you possibly like help finishing up the kitchen or no?" Masaru offered.

Izuku took a slow breath before nodding. It had been along timesince he'd accepted help from an adult, well at least one that wasparentalage, seeing as all the dancers at the club were in their late teens and early twenties to super early thirties. "Okay, that, that um sounds good."

Masaru smiled and nodded. "Good, then that's all set."

Izuku slowly nodded and watched as the other man strode over to try and calm his wife and son to stop bickering as they put away all the food that Mitsuki had brought to try and make amends with Izuku. He wasreelingfrom what had happened, but a part of him,so deepthat he tried to forget that it ever existed, seemed to swell with longing at the way the family interacted. And yea, their dynamic wasstrainedandweirdas hell, but it was evident from the way they all touched each other with soft hands on shoulders, arms, and sides that theylovedone another. And just watching that interaction had him biting the inside of his cheek and curling in on himself as he rested against the doorway, averting his eyes from the clear happy and loving family.

So he missed the way angry red eyes shot him a glare only to stop and turn to a strange mix of curious and angry in the midst of his arguing parents.


Didn't see that huh? This one was fun, ESPECIALLY Owl, I know he's not a real character in MHA and just a NPC extra that I added, but he's rapidly becoming my own personal favorite as a comedic-relief, ESPECIALLY his nicknames! THAT was fun! It felt nice be able just unload all of Izuku's rage, unfortunately at Mitsuki(sorry), but if you caught on my dearies, something is going on with Katsuki.
Continue reading to find out what that might be!
BTW there's gonna be some ROUGH chapters ahead, I'll give warnings at the start of those chapters but just hang in there.
As always do enjoy my dear readers and if you feel like it drop a comment or leave a kudos if you want! Constructive criticism is totally welcomed!
Happy reading my dearies!

Chapter 4: Friends?


A startling new development arises, an adversary becomes an... unlikely ally?


Hi! Hello! Sorry for the slightly longer delay in posting! Motivation is not my friend right now, but I'm working on it little by little and so here we are! The start of something new for Izuku! Thank you all for the kudos! Now without further ado please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, sh*tty Deku." Katsuki's voice broke through his silent contemplation of what renovation project he was going withas he stared down at his budget/renovation book, chewing at his lower lip as he tried to figure out how he was going topayfor the next bit of his project seeing as payday was still a week away. But looking up as Katsuki strode over to him an unopened soda in his hand that he thunked down on the desk in front of Izuku, the bigger teen glaring down at him as he plunked into the chair in front of him. "Dad wanted me to tell you that there was an emergency at another location out of town so he won't be able to help you with whatever sh*t project you have going on this weekend."

"Oh," Izuku blinked at him before he nodded as he grabbed the soda and opened it, taking a sip, a bit of relief washing through him since he didn't have to try and make up an excuse as to why he didn't have anything planned for this weekend. "That's fine, I-"

"But he asked me to help you." Katsuki groused, cutting off Izuku's sentence.

Eyes widening Izuku leaned back slightly and waved the hand not holding the soda as if to wave him off. "Oh, n-no need I-"

"Look, you f*cking nerd asshole, I already promised the old man that I would." Katsuki snapped glaring at Izuku as if this was his fault. "So just f*cking shut up and let me f*cking help you."

Izuku stared at him for a moment before slowly nodding. "Alright, I'll, um, text you when I have al the supplies and you can head over."

"Dad said to just send the sh*t you need to him and he'll order it for you and have it delivered tomorrow morning." Katsuki said and reaching into his pocket pulled out his phone and shoved it at Izuku, a browser already open and showing a supplies website. "That's the one that dad uses for his projects, the carts in his name so just get the sh*t you want into it and I'll text him. Hurry the f*ck up, lunch will be over in half-an-hour Deku."

Izuku stared at him for a moment before sighing taking the phone and hunching over his notebook, it took him twenty-three minutes to get all of the things he needed for his latest projects but by the end of it he'd put everything that he'd wanted to get for redoing the front walk, gate, and outdoor front entryway. He was in the middle of making all the notes about what he'd gotten and the plans for each thing and how much each one would make when he looked up as Katsuki choked on his own soda.

"What thef*ckDeku!?" Katsuki sputtered making Izuku jump slightly.

Glancing from the phone to Katsuki Izuku arched his brows. "What?"

"This is likeeight-hundred-thousandyen!"Katsuki hissed at him leaning towards Izuku and incredulous look on the teens face. "What f*ckingjobdo you have that lets you spend this much yen?!"

Izuku blinked at him before he looked down at his notebook. "One that you don't need to know about Kacchan." He said absently and shrugged.

"The f*ck that mean y-"

Katsuki's words were cut off as the bell started to chime.

Lifting his head Izuku met Katsuki's heated ones and whatever he saw there made the other teen blink and lean slightly away from him. "It's a job that pays well enough that I can spend that much yen on my home and still have money left over to survive. But, trust me, you don't' need to know about it and I'm not willing to tell you." With that he went back to his notebook and finished up what he was writing in it.

The rest of the class went by smoothly with little to no issue and Izuku was gathering up his sh*t when his phone started ringing in his pocket, the tune one that he grimaced at seeing as it was specifically set for Mama, and he pulled it out and hastily answered. "Yes?" He answered as he slung his back onto his shoulder and exited the room.

"Hey, sweet boy, I know you don't typically have appointments set for today, but I was wondering if you'd be able to squeeze one in tonight?" She purred down the line.

Izuku sighed, pulled the phone away from his ear and tipped his head back to let out a sigh. "Look, this week was an agreed upon one,well in advance,that I didn't have to do that." He said, him and Mama had come to an agreement that he would have at least one week, every so often where he didn't do any 'more' appointments.

"Yes, I ammorethan aware of that, sweet boy, however yourVIPpatron is insisting that you meet with him." She said with an apologetic tone that was veryrare for her.

Groaning as he jogged down the stairs, ignoring the looks that he was getting Izuku stormed up to his locker and yanked out his red high-top shoes and jammed them onto his feet. "Look, I-"

"He'stripledthe rate again, sweet boy, and he's willing todirectlydeposit the money into your account personally." She said softly, normally it was transferred to an offshore account and then slowly added into his account over the course of a few days.

Freezing Izuku closed his eyes. "How long?" He asked tightly.

"Four hours, and there's a plus one for the appointment and the appropriate adage fee has been also applied, I was told to inform you that the plus on is the person that your patron mentioned last appointment." She told him.

Izuku sighed and rubbed at his face. It'd been a good month since his first appointment with Enji, and already they'd had two other ones, and during the last one Enji had hinted about bringing his son with him to the next one. A fact that Izuku had made absolutelyclearto the older man that Izuko was alright with thatso long asthe teen was open to everything, because as was stated in Izuku's terms hewas notone for non-consensual interactions, at least when it came to his partners. He knew that consent - either given or not - to most of his patrons was a massive gray area,if that,andthat some really didn't care about it and others were sticklers about getting explicitly stated consent from him before they continued with the appointment. But when it came to Izuku, if one of his patrons even seemed afractionhesitant about continuing onward Izuku dead-stopped and they talked things out until it was fully consensual on his partner's side. Because whilehemight sometimes not consent or be fully accepting of what he was forced to do, hedamned wellwas going to make sure his partners were all for it before and during whatever the hell it was that they did.

"Fine." Izuku sighed and started talking. "But I want you to make sure that he knows that everything has to be consensual in regard to the plus one or nothing happens between myself and the other patron."

"As I did when the patron arranged for the appointment." She agreed, already fully aware of his hard-limit and wasalwaysthe number once supporter when it came to times where patrons threw a tizzy when he refused to do anything with a non-consenting patron. "Come see me when you arrive."

"Yes Mama." He agreed softly and disconnected the call before shoving a hand through his hair as he stormed from the school, his mood souring when he saw Katsuki's gaggle of friends loitering by the entrance, no doubt waiting to terrorize the 'lower ranked' people. Mainlyhim.Things had slightly calmed down since Katsuki's parents had brought him to apologize to Izuku and had gotten the angry teen into therapy and anger management, but that didn't mean his lackies really ever stoppedpicking on him. As was clear now when they all seemed to spot him as one and pushed themselves off the entrance and slowly made their way towards him, leering and making nasty remarks, all of which Izuku was highly desensitized to. So honestly, he wasn't at all phased by this bullsh*t and tried to ignore them, still walking and trying to bypass them until one of the bitches stepped in front of him.

"Where do you think you're goingquirkless?" The teen jeered.

"Somewhere I don't have to see your fugly face." Izuku retorted and effortlessly side-stepped the shove that would have sent him staggering. "Seriously isn't it time that you quit your idiotic bullying sh*t? You're f*ckingfifteen, get over your superiority-complex already. I know, I'm quirkless and in your eyes that makes me worthless. I've heard that sh*t so many times it doesn't affect me anymore, it's more annoying than insulting."

"Oh, someone feels so f*cking high and mighty now do that?!" Another student jeered as they all seemed to move around Izuku and he swore internally, panic starting to bubble below the surface, but he kept a calm, if sightly annoyed, expression on his face.

"What does the quirckless think he can do?Mumbleus to death?" Another quipped and raucous laughter edge up as someone shoved Izuku, but one swift shifting of his foot kept him from staggering.

"What the f*ck is going on?" Katsuki's voice snapped through the laughter and suddenly the gaggle of teens parted and Izuku watched with annoyed eyes as Katsuki was striding up towards them, his eyes taking in his friends and then locking onto Izuku who stood in the center, his posture defensive. "It's f*cking time to head home and yet your f*cking jacking around?" He demanded.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "As if I would, yourfriendsdecided to stop and half a fun game of 'shove the quirkless', don't you want to join?" Izuku sneered, and why did he do that? His brain screamed at him trying to get him to stop but he was so pissed, so f*cking done.He was stressed about the money, and now he was pissed that he had to take the one week that he didn't have to spread his legs and let some perverted asshole f*ck him, though really Enji was theonlyone that he actually enjoyed spending his time with. But still, it was a week of genuine reprieve seeing as he didn't have to whor* himself out. But that had changed again. And he reallydidn't want to deal with Katsuki's asshole friends making his life difficult now.

"Oh f*ck yourself, Deku." Katsuki snarled and strode up towards him before shooting looks at all the other teens. "And you f*ckingextraspiss off!"

Everyone, including Izuku froze in shock, but the explosions that started popping in Katsuki's palms had everyone scattering, and Izuku backing up swiftly. There was no f*cking way that he could afford to be burned by Katsuki right now.

"Calm the f*ck down, I'm not going to f*cking explode you, dipsh*t." Katsuki said and the pops and crackles died down. "Let's go." He grumbled and strode around the smaller teen.

Izuku turned slightly and watched the other teen storm away. Staring after him Izuku shook himself and jogged after, catching up after a moment and walking in step with the other teen, not at all sure as to what the flying f*ck-a-roo was going on right now. But he was slightly grateful that Katsuki had at least gotten his bastards of friends to lay off so he didn't have to deal with them. The walk to the train station, ride on the same train, Katsuki even plunking down next to him on a seat even though there were a few other ones open, was all done in silence. Albeittensesilence. And only after exiting the train and Katsuki walking him out of it and towards his home did Izuku stop and looked over him.

"Kacchan what are you doing?" He asked looking up suspiciously at the bigger teen.

"What the f*ck you talking about?" Katsuki demanded, glaring down at him.

"You brought me asodaduring lunch. You stopped yourfriendsfrom picking on me." Izuku said ticking off his fingers to showcase his points. "You satnextto me on the train even though there were seats open and the other cars were practicallyempty. You're walking mehome." He stared at the teen and frowned. "So, what the hell is going on?"

Katsuki glared at him for a moment before scrubbing the back of his neck and looking away, clearlyuncomfortablebefore he barked out a snarled curse that startled Izuku enough to take a step back. "Look, you green haired dipsh*t, my therapist and AM coach thinks that beingfriendswith you would be a good thing for me and rebuilding our relationship and healing past traumas and helping me get a handle on my anger would significantly raise my chances of successfully getting a grip on my temper and coping with my triggers."

Izuku stared at him, trying to comprehend what the older teen was telling him. "So, you want to be...friends?"He asked slowly, his voice soft in his disbelief.

"That's what those bitches wants!" He shouted throwing up his hands.

Izuku stared at him before he pressed his palms together and then pressed the tips of them to the middle of his forehead when he let his head drop forward slightly as he let out a massive sigh before he lifted his head and pinned the pissed off looking teen with a hard stare. "Fine, but if you start being an asshole to me, hurting me, or calling me nasty names tohurt methen we'redone,and I don't give a flying sh*t about what your therapist and anger management coach suggest. I'm also going to be talking with your mom about how your progress with the therapist and coach are going. And if you have a problem with that thenf*ck right off."

Katsuki gritted his teeth, lips writhed back from his clenched teeth before he gave forced tilt of his lips. Innoway was it settling, in fact it was nothing butterrifying. But Katsuki hadn't attacked him yet, soclearlyhe was at leasttryingto make progress."Sure, that soundsperfect." Katsuki gritted out.

Shying back a step Izuku paused and took a breath and slowly held out a shaking hand. "Alright, we can be friends."

The sneer that crossed Katsuki's face had Izuku's heart sinking and he nearly dropped his hand but flinched when Katsuki's slapped into his and closed around it tightly, notpainfullyjust... firmly. "Great, that sounds just f*cking peachy." He snarled before dropping Izuku's hand. "f*ck this was stupid, I'm leaving." Katsuki said and turning stormed away.

Izuku watched him for the longest time until the other teen disappeared before he pulled out his phone and texted owl about what had just happened as he turned and headed into his home. Settling down with a quick meal as he crammed about thirty minutes into studying before he had to go to bed to get some sleep before getting up for work. Only picking up his phone after he'd finished his meal and had gotten his studying done and was making his way up to his room after locking up for the night. Sighing when he saw the spam texts from Owl he sighed and responded back to the man before he freaked out and called him.

Owl:sorry WHAT?

Izuku:what i just texted!

Owl:so yur tellin me tht Anger Bitch is gonna try 2 b frnds w u!


Owl:r u sur its a good idea?

Izuku:i dunno! but at least it's worth a shot!

Owl:srsly! u thnk thts a good reason!? fck izu the dickhe*d f*ckd u up real bad last time u were round him 4 prolonged time!

Rolling his eyes as he wrapped a towel around his hips, having just stepped out of the shower and picked up his phone, dialing Owls number and putting it on speaker as he started drying off.

"Yo! You think befriending that Pyromaniac ExplodoDickbagis a good idea?!" Owl's indignation was clear the second he picked up the call.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm notsureif it is. It might be a horrible one or it might be good. We'll have to wait and see, but I at least want to give it a shot."

"Buttrustingthat overly arrogant, nitwitted, pyro blast-head isn't gonna be a safe choice!" Owl shouted over the line. "C'monIzuku, we've talkedat lengthabout safe choices!"

"Owl." Izuku's voice was firm, and he heard the hiccup that told him that Owl had caught onto the seriousness of Izuku's tone. "If it means that nobody but thevillainsthat he'll eventually take down have to experience the violence that those hands are capable of then I'mmorethan willing to at least work with the dick to try and get his anger under control so he doesn't hurt anybody else." Izuku said and silence echoed down the line before Izuku continued speaking. "Besides, I already told him that if he hurts me in any way shape or form, either physically or with his words, I would no longer help him."

The sigh that Owl unleashed down the line washeavyand filled with a deep sense of annoyance and acceptance. "f*ck why do you always have to be so self-sacrificing?" He demanded.

Izuku smiled softly but looked into the mirror in front of him and remembered all the times he'd met his own emerald eyes that had stared back at him, burn marks and bruises covering him form where Katsuki had hurt him. "Because I know all too well what those hands are capable of, and I don't want another person to experience it." He said softly, looking away from himself in the mirror as his hands clenched on the edge of the counter.

Again Owl was silent before softly replying. "Damn dude, when you go deep youreallyget in there and godeep."

Izuku rolled his eyes again. "Owl."

"No, no it's commendable what you're trying to do for the Bitch-Boy's future hottie and innocent bystanders that will eventually cross Waste-of-Air's path, but at leasttryto have some self-preservation too kay?" Owl prompted a tightness of his voice giving away his worry at the situation that Izuku was going to be putting himself in. "I don't wanna have to worry about you scraping yourself off the club's floor and also dealing with burns from that dicks quirk."

Izuku sighed, closing his eyes, understanding running deep through him as he hung his head. "I know, its just... Ireallydon't want other people to go through what I had to with him ya know?"

"Yea, I do." Owl agreed softly, reassurance and an outpouring of love and acceptance in those three words. "Hey, soanyways, onto happier news! March and I are going shopping this weekend for a new couch and some furniture for our house, and since youclearlyhave a better eye for interior design, we were hoping that you'd come with us and give us a hand picking out things?"

Blinking at thedrasticchange in topicIzuku smiled and nodded, realizing that Owl wasn't in fact int he bathroom with him he spoke. "Yea, I'd love to. You need to takeaccuratemeasurements of each room with a tape measure, and jot down that furniture you two want for which rooms.Just let me know when you want to go and I'll be ready to meet you."

"Oh, sweet baby boy, mama March and daddy Owl wouldnevermake our sweet little fledgling owlet meet us there!" Owl scoffed in indignation. "No, no, we'll come and pick you up! I still need to touch bases with March about when we're going to go, but shesowants you to come with!"

Chuckling slightly as Izuku finished toweling off his hair and grabbed his phone as he headed out of the master bath and into his room. "Alright. Just shoot me a text, I'm going to bed now, so I'll see you in a few hours."

"Sounds good!" Owl chirped and disconnected the call.

Mama always tried to overlap their shifts as much as possible, but after Owl had been made a Dancer Manager, he tended to start earlier or later than Izuku so that way he was always there for all the dancers. Because Owls job was to both look after the dancers, handle things behind the scenes, look after them after a 'session', and handle tricky patrons if there was an issue. There was a rotating crew of atleastsix or so Dancer Managers on shift every night so that way the dancersalwayshad support. It wasn't fool-proof, incidents always happened, but the Managers werealwayson top of it when incidents did happen and were ready to intervene at the drop of a hat. Many of them being retired dancers themselves so they were aware of what could happen, always on the lookout of signs of something about to go down and were ready to stop it if something did occur. And Owl and March madeoutstandingDance Managers, Mama was alsoveryaccommodating to both of them seeing as Owl and March had started college not too long ago.

But the twoalwaysmade sure that they gave Izuku a ride to or from the club when their start and ending shifts overlapped, much like Owls tonight overlapped with Izuku's.


There we have it! Tentative FRIENDS! Made my heart happy writing this chapter where Katsuki makes the first move to try and heal their bond! You can expect more bits where it's Katsuki who makes the first step towards something that involves Izuku, but you can also expect that Izuku isn't going to sit back and make Katsuki do all the hard work, after all a relationship is give-and-take!
BTW I LOVE writing Owl, especially his sassiness and nicknames, they are FUN to come up with! And yes, I imagine that that is how atrociously he texts. But still... LOVE HIM!
Heads up for next chapter! It's gonna be a doozy! Also, perhaps a bit triggering for some so be wary and if you need to skip it no harm done go on, I'll see you in the next chapter!
As always drop a comment (nothing mean please, constructive criticism is wholly welcomed and appreciated) if you wish to, leave a kudos if you want and haven't already (again ABSOLUTELY no pressure to do either!) Thank you all for sticking with me and I'll see you all in the next one dear readers!

Chapter 5: Disappointment and First Encounter


The night has arrived, enter party of two. Exit an ally? Or is it kindred spirit?


Okay, dear readers buckle up for this one, tis a doozy. Enji's... A LOT in this chapter, right outta the gate we get a bit steamy. For those of you who enjoy smutty scenes, trust me when I get to the love interest(s) they're going to be WAY more detailed, I just find it hard to detail the ones where it's not the love interest(s).
Also, really important!!! Please read the end notes! I have questions I need opinions about the progression of the story cause I am VERY torn about the direction I wish to go because the characters in my head just shrug and tell "IDK you pick!"(unhelpful inner mind turds), so I have like 5 more chapters in the wings that are waiting for editing, but I need input before editing to far because I'll have to redo bits if I go a certain way, so I want ya'lls if you wish to give it!
Tis all! Thank you bunches for reading! XO!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Settling down into one of the high-backed chairs of the VIP suite, a beautifully cut crystal tumbler of virgin sangria in his hand awaiting his patrons' arrival. They were running a bit late, but from what Mama had informed him that Enji had informed her, apparently his plus one was having a bit of an 'issue' so they were running a bit late but would be there shortly. Case in point the non-alcoholic fruit drink in his hand as he kicked back and relaxed in the dress he'd been instructed to wear.

It was admittedly a really pretty number.A beautifully dark shade of red that was so soft and fit him like a damned glove, but with a little give so it wasn't constricting at all. It was a floor length number and the slits on both legs reached his hips and made itimpossibleto wear any underwear underneath because the straps would be wholly visible, which added an air of sexiness to it that he was completelybareunderneath the smooth fabric. It was backless and the neckline plunged to his belly button with a strap that looped around the back of his neck to keep the top from falling down. Turquoise kitten heels had been sent along with the dress and Izuku had automatically known that Enji had had this looktailor madeespecially for him, I mean whowouldn't?Red dress? Matching his red hair,check. Turquoise heels? Matches his eyes,check. Not that Izuku really minded, it was kinda sweet in a slightly obsessive way. But he wasusedto possessive old men buying and sending him gifts at the club, hellanyof the dancers who had regulars who were high-rollers often time were sent gifts through the club. It was weird, yes, but also the things they sent were super nice and more times than not the dancers just re-sold them and got the cash from it, so it was kinda a win-win situation really.

The sound of the door across from him, the one that led the private VIP entrance that Enji and his plus one used to secretly enter the room opened and the sounds of snarling arguing reached Izuku's ears as he watched Enji stalk into the room, dressed in an immaculate deep blue suit jacket and slacks with a black button-down shirt that the top three buttons were undone. Growling heyankedsomething into the room and roughly slammed the door shut. Izuku blinked and watched as a heterochromatic teen stagger into the room, and he took a moment to look at the teen that was roughly Katsuki's size, but slightly trimmer and abittaller perhaps, though it was clear that his muscle definition wasfarmore defined and trained then Katsuki's which spoke of the training that this teen had been put through at the hands of his father. Straightening the teen glared at the older man.

"Where did you bring me?" The teen demanded, his voice slightly deep and filled with hate even though it was mostly monotone.

"To meet someone." Enji rumbled back, his familiar deep voice sending a shiver along Izuku's spine, and he watched as Enji's eyes scanned the room, clearly looking for him. And when they found him, they frowned slightly. "Are youdrinking?"

"Non-alcoholic." Izuku said lifting the virgin sangria and he nodded respectfully to the two-toned teen, blinking in surprise as he really took in the teen. His hair wasperfectlysplit, right side a frosty white while his left was the same as Enji's rich natural crimson red and turquoise colored iris, while his right eye was a dark gray that somehow appearedglacialas it glared at him. At least until he actuallysawIzuku and realized that he was in factalsoa teen. Taking a sip before he set the glass onto the table beside his chair Izuku slowly pushed himself up to his feet and strode towards the clearly at odds pair his heels clicking across the floor.

"What thef*ckdad?" The teen demanded.

"Language." Enji corrected with a growl.

Izuku glanced from the teen to Enji before he sighed and loosely crossed his arms in front of him. "He doesn't want to be here does he Enji?" He prompted.

"I don't even know wherehereis!" The teen snarled.

"It's Mama's." Izuku responded.

"What is that?!" The teen pressed.

Izuku smiled. "Impatient." He chuckled and shrugged. "Mama's is an underground club, morespecificallyan undergroundstripclub that also offers certain...appointmentswhere 'more' services can be purchased."

The teens eyes went impossibly wide, and he took a step back. "Holy... you brought me to awhor*house?!"He shouted at his father.

"So crude." Izuku said shaking his head as he slowly strode over to Enji as he noticed that the man was slowly getting more and more irritated at his son. Lightly resting his hand on the man's chest, he watched out of the corner of his eye as Enji relaxed, looking down at him and his features slightly smoothing as if Izuku merelytouchinghim was soothing. "To answer you,nothis is not a whor*house. This is a strip club, we just happen to have a 'more' service adage if the patron wants to pay for it. But that is thedancer'sprerogative, we'reneverforced to perform more services."

"So, you choose to whor* yourself out?" The teen snorted.

Taking a step as he fully inserted himself between Enji and his son, Izuku turned to face the man, waiting to speak until the man turned hisfullattention to him. "Do you remember the rules, Enji?" Izuku demanded, reaching up to lightly touch the massive man's chiseled jaw. "Within this room, within this clubonlythe dancer can be struck, and if they wish it only the dancer is allowed to strike the patron."

"What the f*ck." The teen whispered in horror. "This is some f*cked up sh*t! You f*cking brought me to meet yourwhor*?!"

"To you it might be." Izuku said and turned to the boy a sense of irritation and dislike warring inside of him. "But for me it's how Isurvive. And for the last two months your father and I have become ratherintimatelyacquainted."

The teen's eyes widened, and his horrified gaze shot to his father. "Why did you bring me here?" He demanded.

"You mentioned to Natsuo that you are interested in men, so I determined bringing you to a safe space to experiment was the best course of action to let you determine whether or not youactuallydo prefer men or if it was just a curiosity." Enji stated and shrugged as he rested one hand on Izuku's hip. "I'm... well acquainted with Viridian and can attest to his skills."

Even more horror filled the teens face as his eyes went wide. "You want me to f*ck yourwhor*?"

"Do not talk about him like that Shouto." Enji snarled behind Izuku and his hand tightened on Izuku's hip. "To answer your question, yes, I expect you to f*ck him."

"Only if you want to." Izuku added firmly.

"What?" Enji and Shouto demanded after a pause, though Shouto's was glaring at his father in disbelief, Izuku knew that Enji's gaze would be on him.

Slowly turning he looked up at the behemoth of a man. "Youknowthat a hard limit of mine is consent of my partner. Youknowthat if you bring a plus one into this room,theirconsent is needed to beexplicitlystatedbeforeI even graze them with the tip of a finger, and itcannotbe forced or coerced out of them in any way shape or form." Izuku said and shook his head when Enji opened his mouth. "That's anonnegotiablelimit of mine, Enji, and you are made well aware of those limitsevery timeyou reserve my time, andespeciallynow that you've brought a plus one."

"You're not going to budge?" Enji growled softly as if in challenge and Izuku heard Shoto's soft inhale and shift as if he was readying himself for something.

Izuku sighed and looked up at him, the first wave of unease as he watched somethingshiftin Enji's face, a sort ofhardnesssettling over his face that he'd never seen. "No matter what you do, what you say,nothingwill change that limit." He said then grunted when Enji's hand shot out and closed painfully hard around Izuku's throat. Staggering as the much bigger man yanked him after him, Izuku grabbed a hold of Enji's arm to try and steady himself as Enji quickly backed him up. Throwing up a hand towards Shouto as the teen moved to stop his father Izuku shook his head as much as possible before he grunted again as Enjitossedhim bodily onto the bed.

"If you refuse to budge, perhaps I'll justf*ckthat bullsh*t 'limit' out of you." He snarled angrily and yanked his suit jacket off and started to unbutton his shirt roughly.

"Enji, you need to stop and think about what you're doing." Izuku coughed, one hand lifting to his throat as he pushed himself up onto his elbow. "You told me that you never wanted tohurtme like you did your kids. But if you go through with this then youwill. You'll have disappointed me just like you havethem."

That brought a pause to Enji and he stared down at the teen before he slowly looked over Shouto who flinched back a step. "Fine, if you won't f*ck him thenI'llf*ck him." He growled.

Eyes going wide as he realized justwhatEnji meant Izuku yanked one of the kitten heels off as Enji started to stalk towards his clearly horrified son who was quickly backpedaling away from the massive man, and Izuku drew his arm back and let the shoe loose, quickly kicking off the other one so he wouldn't be so off balance as he watched the first shoe as it soared through the air, end over end before it slammed right between Enji's shoulder blades with a hard thunk before it clattered to the ground. Everything in the room stilled and Izuku froze, his terrified mind screaming at him to run as the massive man slowly turned, looking down at the shoe that had slammed into his back before his nowfuriouseyes zeroed in on Izuku.

"That's right," Izuku said as bravely as he could manage as he readied himself for no doubt one of the most intense and equally as hellish experiences he was going to have to endure through. "Attention on me big guy."

Enji was on him in a heartbeat, big fist slamming into his gut and sending him crumpling to the ground in a heap as he gagged and clutched his middle. But his head jerked up when he heard Shoto shift and he shook his head at the teen as he panted, tears pricking his eyes. Wincing, still out of breath, as he was suddenly yanked upwards by his hair, grunting as his dress was brutally ripped and shredded off of his body, leaving him fully naked before he was roughly bent over the bed. Letting out a soft whimper as rough fingers grabbed a hold of the butt plug he'd prepped himself with he swallowed as it was suddenly yanked from his ass and tossed aside with a clatter. Hands fisting on the bed he prepared himself for what was most likely going to be rough. And sure enough Enji brutally thrust into him in one hard stroke, bottoming out in one motion and making Izuku scream from the sudden painful intrusion.

Hard and slightly scalding hand pressing down on the back of his neck to hold him down as the massive man rutted brutally into him Izuku scrabbled to get a hold on the bed as Enji f*cked into him roughly, massive co*ck abusing his prostate with each and every thrust in and drag out, the friction of his hard co*ck rubbing against the bed a near painful stimulation. The sensation was way to much and Izuku found himself cumming within seconds, and then begging for Enji to slow down as the stimulation quickly became too much. But Enji just snarled down at him as he continued to rut into Izuku,forcingthe teen to arch his hips more so he could hit a different angle and go impossibly deeper.

Screaming again Izuku found himself cumming yet again as Enji continued to pound into him.

But when Enji yanked out of him Izuku slumped onto the bed, panting from the respite of the brutal pleasure and pain but he whimpered when Enji suddenly flipped him onto his back and pretty muchbent him in halfbefore he slammed his co*ck back into his ass in an even morebrutalpace. Izuku screamed as Enji sank his teethhardinto his calf with a snarl as his pace picked up impossibly more. Dropping Izuku's legs he suddenly bentoverthe small teen and started to lick, suck, andbiteall across Izuku's neck, shoulders and chest as far as he could reach drawing out screams and whimpers from Izuku.

By the time Enji finally came down from his rage he'd arranged Izuku into three other positions and rutted up into him until he pumped his cum deep into his ass and once into his throat as Izuku had writhed on the bed trying to get the massive co*ck out of his throat and the hand off his overstimulated dick as Enji forced what felt like themillionthorg*sm from Izuku. Half-out of it from the pain and overstimulated pleasure that left him a trembling mess on the bed Izuku looked blearily up at Enji as the man panted over him, sweat dripping off the massive man as he loomed over him, shoulders heaving with each breath and that crazed look slowly calming.

Slowly comprehension filled the man's face and his hands let go of Izuku's body, the hand gripping Izuku's throat quickly dropping away as if his skin had been burned by the teen before one traveled up and fisted his hair as Izuku drew in deep ragged breaths, coughing and wheezing as he was finally able to get a good breath. "What have I done?" He murmured in horror.

Grimacing as he pulled himself up the rest of the way onto the bed Izuku let out a hoarse pained moan. "You f*cked your anger out." He wheezed, his words hoarse and barely there due to the abuse his throat had endured. Closing his eyes, he breathed through the pain that wracked him Izuku swallowed and winced when ithurtto swallow. He jolted when a coldness seemed to envelope his throat and he opened his eyes, looking up into heterochromatic eyes as Shouto leaned over him from the other side of the bed, concern in his dual-colored eyes. And that's when Izuku realized that his hand was steaming as if a block of dry ice was being held to his throat. Slowly, and with a horrible tremble to it Izuku reached out and touched the back of Shouto's hand, sighing at the coldness that was there, tipping his head back Izuku pressed the hand that hovered over his flesh,firmlyinto his neck and let out another soft sigh as the pain was suddenly dulled as Shouto gently settled his handextremelyloosely around his throat. "Thank you." Izuku croaked up at Shouto before his eyes turned over to a still horrified Enji who was staring at Izuku. "I thought you were..." He paused as he broke out into ragged coughs before Enji scrambled to the built in mini fridge next to the bed and grabbed a bottle of water.

Quickly cracking it open he supported the back of his throat and head as he held it to Izuku's mouth and allowed a small trickle of water to trail down his throat as Izuku sipped at the water.

Settling back into his position as Enji slid his hand out from underneath his head, Izuku swallowed and spoke again, his voiceslightlyless hoarse. "Disappointing." He said and his eyes locked with Enji's and pain and guilt flared in their turquoise depths. "Just like...them." He said and his gaze flicked towards the door that led out into the club.

"No." Enji shook his head jerkily denial mixing with the other emotions. "No, no, I-I didn't mean to do this! It-it was anaccident, I just lost control!"

"Heard... that... alot." He got out as he closed his eyes, the cold from Shouto's hand making him feel better.

"I, I,no." Enji said softly, a heartbrokenness to his tone making Izuku look over at him.

"Therapy."Izuku said and Enji's gaze jumped to his, a hopefulness stark in their bleakness. "Gettherapy...work through," He paused to cough again. "Anger.Fixyourself... then heal... family. If they're... open to it"

Enji stared at Izuku as tears formed in the man's eyes before he tipped his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded. "Yea." He bit out thickly. "Yea."

"And maybe get dressed andleave." Shouto said uncomfortably, shooting his father a wary and disgusted look. "I'll take care of..."

"Viridian." Enji said thickly as he climbed from the bed again and gathered up his clothes. "His names Viridian."

The two teens watched silently as Enji pulled on his clothes silently before slipping into the bathroom and emerging a handful of minutes later. "I've drawn a bath, Shouto can you help clean him up or do you need m-"

"I'll help him, you've done...enough." Shouto said defensively.

Swallowing thickly, he nodded and glanced at Izuku. "It won't stop the time if I leave, will it?" He asked.

"No." Izuku managed.

Enji nodded and stared down at Izuku, opening his mouth to say something but Izuku shook his head slightly and Enji nodded clenching his jaw to keep the words back. A look of utter guilt, regret, and defeat on the big man's face as he turned and left the room.

They stayed still there for the longest time before Shouto slowly pulled his hand away. "Lets, um, get you in a bath." He said and carefully, and with flaming cheeks, scooped up Izuku and carried him into the bathroom to help him get cleaned.

They had settled down onto the couch across the room from the blood and cum stained bed, seeing as nearlyallthe bites that Enji had made on Izuku had broken skin and some were deep enough that they werestilloozing into the robe that Shouto had wrapped Izuku in, and blood slowly oozed from Izuku's ass as well. They were busy talking, Shouto's still frosting hand lightly pressed to Izuku's throat to ice the damage there andhopefullykeep it from beingtoobad, though he'd pulled it off after fifteen minutes so that way damage from the cold didn't happen. But he'd put it back on him after about twenty minutes, using the on and off again method to ice his throat. Izuku had merely smiled and shaken his head when a cherry red Shouto had offered to 'ice' his asshole knowing that most likely hurt like hell. They'd been talking about pretty much everything, Shouto had given a pretty much brief explanation of what his life with his father had been like, and damn had Izuku pretty much hit the nail on the head that he'd been abused with how Enji had talked about how he'd 'raised' his kids and how he felt regretful about everything now that they were older. And in turn Izuku had given Shouto a rundown about what his life had been like with his mother and the reason why he was working at Mama's.

"So, Viridian's not your name huh?" Shouto asked as he pulled his hand away, the frosting slowly dissipating as he deactivated his quirk.

"Nope." Izuku said hoarsely. "It's-"

"Wait, you won't get in trouble, will you?" Shouto said holding up a hand.

Izuku carefully shook his head. "No, we're allowed to give out our name at ourdiscretion." He rasped.

"Okay." Shouto said and slowly nodded.

"Midoriya Izuku." He said and smiled at Shouto.

Shouto nodded. "Would... would it be okay if I texted you every once in a while?" He asked.

Izuku nodded and rattled off his number, to which Shouto repeated it. He nodded and together they sat there talking, but soon Izuku found himself nodding off and he jolted slightly, his head jerking off of Shouto's shoulder, his cheeks flaming red in embarrassment as he quickly croaked out an apology, but he froze when Shouto slowly and insanelytenderlytugged him down so his head was resting on a pillow that had been brought over so it was resting on Shouto's thigh.

"Relax, you can rest." Shouto said softly and carded his fingers through Izuku's hair with his left hand as his right gently settled on Izuku's throat to ice it again, causing Izuku to sigh softly in relief. "You've still got about forty minutes until the times up." He told him.

Izuku nodded and settled down to the feeling of a cool soothing hand pressed to his aching throat and the soft gentle tugs of fingers carding through his hair that wasso relaxinghe closed his eyes and let out a soft contented sigh. Honestly, he only meant to just close his eyes and just rest after the hell of the last three hours. But soon he felt hands underneath him, jostling him slightly and he cracked his eyes open to meet Owl's worried ones and he groaned painfully as the other man scooped him up. And Izuku realized that the forty minutes had run out, he'd apparently fallen asleep and hadn't even heard the warning timer alarm going off.

"You'll wanna treat him carefully, my...fatherwasn't gentle with him." Shouto said apologetically, his dual-colored eyes focused on Izuku. "I, I want to apologize again for what he did."

Izuku reached out and patted his arm. "I know... not your fault." he croaked.

Shouto nodded, not at all looking convinced and watched as Owl turned and carried him from the room, Mama's eyes zeroing in on him and they hardened in anger. Not at him of course, but at the patrons that had hurt one of the dancers that she cared most dearly about. And as Owl left the room, he heard the woman's cold voice demand to know what had happened to Viridian. And Shoto's cool murmured response as Owl hastily yet carefully carried Izuku towards the infirmary.

"Are you okay?" Owl demanded softly.

"Yea." Izuku hoarse as he rested his head against Owl's shoulder, and really, he was, there had been other appointments he was barely semi-conscious at the end of it and had much worse wounds than what he had now, but this one had been psychologicallya lotbecause of the tentative bond-relationship(?)-thingwithEnji. "It was just...a lot."

"Yea, you don't look as bad as the last few times that you got the hell beat out of you. But you seem a bit moreexhaustedthen normal." Owl said slowly.

"Yea, Endeavor can really f*ck it out of someone." Izuku said and looked up at him sleepily.

Owl rolled his eyes as he strode into the infirmary and into one of the exam rooms, a scrub clad nurse quickly trailing after him and bustling around as Owl laid Izuku down on the gurney and slowly started to slip off the robe. "Hey doc, not sure if hereallyneeds to be here but the other patron said that he needed treatment-oh my f*cking sh*t biscuits!"Owl exclaimed loudly, turning his attention from the doctor back to Izuku and his mouth dropped, eyes going wide as he took in all the oozing bite marks. "What the f*cking hells bells on a campfire of dicks!? Did that bastard pissant try to EAT you in the literalsense?!"

"Owl!" The doctor snapped whacking the other man's arm as she stepped up then let out a low whistle as she glanced over Izuku. "Okay,yes, that's...unexpectedbut there's no need for the shouting, let's just get his healing started and then we'll work on getting them cleaned and bandaged."

The door swung open and in strode Mama, closing it roughly behind her she sighed with her back facing Izuku before she slowly turned and faced the teen, her eyes hard and lioness-like. Slowly that hardness faded, and an apologetic expression filled her eyes as she strode over, watching as the doctor quickly applied their healing quirk so that Izuku's body would have at least double the self-healing capabilities. Coupled with the doctor that he'd see two days from now and then again four days after today he'd benearlyfully healed in roughly four days.

"Oh, sweet boy." She said as she watched the doctor and Owl start wiping away all the blood that had dripped down his body form the dozen or so bite marks to assess them closer. "I'm deeply sorry that this happened. There was no indication that your patron would react like that."

Izuku shrugged thelesschewed up shoulder. "We never really know when a patron is going to fly off the rails and do something unexpected." He said then grinned slightly. "But hey, I made a new friend!"

Mama stared at him before slowly folding her arms loosely in front of her. "The boy?"

"Yea." HE agreed. "Turns out we have a bit of asimilarupbringing."

"Explain." Mama demanded.

"Apparently his father beat the f*ck out of him to make him a 'better hero', and my mom beat the sh*t out me because I'm quirkless." He said and winced as the doctor started to apply antiseptic, second skin liquid bandages to the deeper bitemarks. "While it's notcompletelysimilar it's close enough that we feel comfortable talking outside of the club."

Mama sighed and shrugged. "Just...be careful. I cannot protect you out there like I can here in the club." She said and stepped forward, stroking her hand across his cheek. "And I do not want to see my sweet cub hurt any more than I have to."

"Of course, Mama!" Izuku said and smiled reassuringly at her, though he knew that if she reallywantedto, or if he asked her to, she would move heaven and earth to help him out in the real world, but he'd made it clear time and time again that he wanted to support himself and handle his own affairs.

"Good, Owl go and get his belongings, Viridian is going to rest in a recovery bed for the rest of his shift and when yours is done you will escort him home." She ordered looking over at the lithe man.

"Yes, Mama!" Owl chirped and quickly left the room, no doubt to go and get Izuku's stuff.

In that time the doctor kicked Mama out and performed aninternalexam on Izuku when he told the doctor that blood had been trickling out of his ass, and that's when the doctor made Izuku carefully expel the copious amounts of cum from his ass and then performed the exam. It was determined that there was a slight anal fissure most likely from being stretched so brutally without being properly stretched in preparation for taking someone so big, but there were no tearsinternallyjust mild abrasion that oozed slightly, no doubt from Enji's rough fingering at the start of all this. Likely within an hour or two it would be fully healed and nothing to worry about. Whatwasworrisome to the doctor was the fact that some of the bitemarks were still oozing through the liquid bandage. So, carefully removing the liquid bandage, which hurt like abitch,the doctor applied stitches to those bitemarks and then placed gauze on that wound before fully wrapping Izuku in bandages to give him a better healing. She also applied a healing salve to Izuku's asshole to help with the soreness and swelling. She'd just gotten him wrapped in a blanket, his arm looped around her shoulders and her own around his waist with most of his weight on her as he limped heavily towards the soft recovery bed in its own little curtained space when Owl came trotting back in and quickly took his other arm so they could get him to his bed.

"Thanks." Izuku murmured as he was settled onto the bed after the two had helped him get dressed in the sweats and shirt he'd packed in his bag.

"Of course, sweet owlet!" Owl chirped as he stroked back Izuku's sweaty green curls.

"That is what we are here for, now drink the water and take the painkillers and antibiotics beside you." The doctor said motioning towards the medicine cup next to the side table that had a bottle of water beside it. "One of my nurses will back with a light soup so you can get some of your energy back."

Izuku nodded and did as instructed.

Only after he had been left alone did he reach over to his bag beside him and dig out his phone to pass the remaining few hours, or at least until the painkillers kicked in and he napped until Owl came and got him. Blinking when he realized that he had a new message from an unknown number, but the brief bit that was displayed under Unknown read: Viridian, it's Shoto...

Izuku opened the message automatically and smiled at the literalparagraphthat awaited him.

Shoto:i wanted to deeply apologize for the way my asshole of a father treated you. i know he tends to have a horrible temper, but he's never unleashed it onto anyone but me and my siblings so i never thought he would ever do something like that to someone who wasn't me. i really hope that you weren't to injured by what he did to you. i'm really sorry that he did all of what he did to you, i know you said that it's your job and all and that your used to it, but it's still not okay what he did to you. i'd really like to make it up to you in any way that i can cause i know that prick won't ever apologize. i'd also like to get to know you better, outside of that place as a person not a... dancer, if your open to that. there's absolutely no pressure behind your answer. so please, consider my offer or just ignore me if you don't wish to, either is perfectly acceptable.

Izuku smiled at the text as he settled deeper into the bed.

Izuku:i'd love to be friends with you, shouto. trust me when i say that this is actually not that bad compared to other appointments, honestly i'll only be out like 2 days instead of five or six, so it's not that bad.

Shoto:what do you mean only 2? shouldn't you take more? you were REALLY bad when that tall guy took you!

Izuku:yea no that wasn't bad. you should have seen me a few weeks ago when i got the total f*ck beaten out of me because i still had some hickies on me from a previous patron. had to panic button that dickbag before he did permanent damage.


Izuku:oh! and there was also this one time that a regular of mine, kinda obsessive really, f*cked me so long and hard that i couldn't walk right without a limp for about a week straight no matter how many doctors appointments i went to, salves, balms, or ANYTHING that i used made it better. THAT was a wild one.

Shoto:how the hell are you so casual about this?

Izuku:well i've been doing this since i was 12 so i'm used to it honestly.

Shoto:12! you've been doing THAT since you were 12!?

Izuku winced, realizing thatmaybetelling one's tentative new friend that you've pretty much been a stripper and a glorified prostitute since you were twelvemay nothave been the best little bit of information about one's self to disclose. But he'd already done it so might as well just keep going.

Izuku:yea, it's, um, how i've been making my money so i can survive since my mother abandoned me... you, um, don't think less of me do you?

He waited, and waited, and waited for Shoto's answer, part of him terrified at what the other teen might text back, he knew that what had happened to him, the choices he'd had to make since his mother had abandoned him weren't right,nothingthat had happened was right. But he'd done it and herefusedto regret it. If Shoto couldn't accept him for who he was and what he'd had to do to survive then maybe he and Shoto weren't meant to be friends. Because Izukurefusedto surround himself with people who thought less of him just because he was a stripper that sold his body for large amounts of money.

Looking up when his curtain shifted, he smiled at the nurse that brought a bed-side table over to him and set it across his lap, a decent sized bowl of miso soup and smaller bowl of porridge sitting on it, the smell of it hitting his stomach and making it rumble hungrily. Deciding to put off looking at his phone and depressing about whether or not Shouto would answer, at least until he'd eaten his fill Izuku set to cleaning both bowls so that way if Shoto texted back negatively he wouldn't at least lose his appetite. It wasn't that he was being a coward, well nottotallybeing that, but this was the first person his own ageoutsideof the club that he'd extend at least some part of his life to so he was allowed to be a bit worried that someone would think less of him and react badly. Finding something in common with the teen that they could bond over, at least childhood trauma related, and the fact that they both didn't have friends and such. But there was also something about Shoto that drew Izuku towards the other teen, he just hoped that he didn't get his hopes up and get hurt in his hope for making a new friend.

Settling back onto the bed he swallowed and lifted his phone where he'd set it next to his hip and after a fortifying breath unlocked it and opened the message that awaited him.

Shoto:why would i think less of you? you turned your sh*t situation into something that made it possible for you to thrive. it's commendable really how you pulled yourself out of a situation that many other would have caved under, it shows that your smart and your strong and that you're an amazing person Izuku, so really, don't think less of yourself because you're truly special. oh, and sorry it took so long to reply i was bathing and left my phone in my room to charge.

Izuku felt tears prick his eyes and he blinked them away as he carefully at the releif that coursed through him as he rolled onto his side, holding his phone close to himself.

Izuku:it's alright, i was eating so it's fine, thank you for that btw. unfortunately, i'm gonna have to go, the pain meds are starting to make me really sleepy so i'm gonna nap before owl takes me home.

Shoto:please sleep well and i'll speak with you tomorrow.

Izuku smiled at that last text as his eyes slowly closed and he slipped into a restful sleep.


*peaks between fingers* Hi. So... yea that happened... told ya, DOOZY.
Anyway, moving right along *nervous laughter* SOO question time! Well, more like directions I'm at an impasse on (please thoughts cause I'm like hitting my head on a wall here! *sobs*)

1.Should I keep Izuku quirkless?

2.OR should I give him a quirk that is like BARELY detectable so he's like pretty much quirkless but he still like has a bit of a boost?

3.OOR should I like make it so he is just kinda like has super-human strength, and mad ass skills and a bit psycho?

Okay clarification part, the bit psycho part is in every option, but in question 3 it's a BIT more noticeable.
So, I think if periodically I'll post an end note like this if I'm having a hard choice about which way to turn, it happens a lot *grumpy-at-myself author huff* and I'd like to hear your input! ZERO pressure to comment though, it's only if you wish to!!
Also, thank you ALL so much for reading, I LOVE checking back in and seeing all the traffic to my story! To those who left kudos and comments! THANK YOU! They made my day! XOXOX!!!
Happy reading my dearies see you in the next one!!

Chapter 6: Deep Conversations and First Dates


Some things need to be said for healing and understanding to take root.
While other's spark the start of something new and exciting.


Hello, hello! Thank you for sticking around! Hope you've enjoyed the story this far, things are picking up and a major milestone is about to be undertaken I hope you're all ready for this! BTW this chapter is a really chill one, it's more focused on the character development and expanding something that you'll find out as you read.
I promise there will be more action, humor, and smut later on int he coming chapters! Speaking of which don't forget to read the end note, I'm gonna talk about more of the story progression there! So without further ado please enjoy! XO

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He'd missed three days of work, the f*ckingbiteon his shoulder ached too much for him to comfortably swing on the pole. So, to say that he wasannoyedwas an understatement. But waking up, first f*cking thing in the morning to find a shipment of supplies neatly piled in front of his garage had Izuku's mood improvinggreatly. Not only that, but Shouto had been texting him every day since he'd first texted while Izuku was in the infirmary and they're conversations were amusing and great distractions from the annoying amount of time he now had to waste seeing as he couldn't work. Already they were set to meet up for a coffee this evening and honestly Izuku was really excited about it. After all, Shouto was the first friend that Izuku had made since Katsuki back when they were still in preschool, and not this weird slightly-hostile-tentative-friendshipthingthat they were right now, so honestly Shouto was Izuku'sfirstfriend. Well, aside from Owl, but he was more like a brother so perhaps he was in a different category altogether. But anyways, from what he'd been told Izuku was Shouto's first friend as well. So, he wasdeterminedto make this experience one that Shouto was happy about.

So, Izuku had headed back inside and changed into his work clothes and gone back out to sort through the supplies. He'd just finished putting the extra supplies into his garage and gotten the stuff he was going to use today set in the places that he needed them when he heard his gate swing open and winced at the loudcrackand a stunned yelp when the sad excuse of a gate finally broke.

"What the f*ck nerd!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku turned and watched the bigger teen grab the gate in his hands where it had broken at both the hinges as well as split in a jagged piece.

"Yea, that's part of what we're working on today." He sighed and scratched his head. "That last windstorm that we had caused the latch to become faulty, and it ended up beating against the fence pretty much all night and cracked it." He explained as he strode over and took the broken gate piece from him and walked it over to the industrial sized trash can that Masaru had also had delivered roughly a month ago when it was clear that Izuku had quite a bit of stuff that he was set to work on. Hefting the hunk of broken gate into it he turned and faced Katsuki who was looking around the front yard.

"What are we doing today?" Katsuki demanded as his gaze jerked back up to Izuku's before he jerked a thumb behind him. "Obviouslythe f*cking gate, but this is more than just a gate."

Izuku nodded and shrugged. "Honestly it's whatever we can get done by three." He said, seeing as it was only eight thirty, they hadquitethe amount of time. "But I wanted to get the front path repaved, got a few light fixtures to go up, and as you said, obviously the gate."

The other teen nodded and pulled out his own pair of gloves. "So we need to pull up these old paving stones and reset the new one's yea?" He growled as he tugged his work gloves on.

"Yea, tools are right there." Izuku said and motioned towards the set of tools he had laid out against the side of the house, waiting for them.

Katsuki nodded again and strode over to the shovel. "Alright, let's get this f*cking thing started so I can get my ass home."

Izuku chuckled lightly as he set about getting the packs of new patterned paving tiles that weren'tovertlyeye catching but when looked at closer, they displayed a beautifully intricate design that was pleasing to the eye. Having done that he moved to help Katsuki dig up the rest of the boring brick paving stones that had been used when the house was first built. Together the teens made quick work of getting them dug up and then tossed into the industrial trashcan. Soon they'd dug out and leveled the path from the gate all the way to the front step of Izuku's house. Pausing though, they talked about what they were going to start on first, the gate, or getting the paving tiles laid out. It was decided that Katsuki would get the new gate hung, and Izuku would start getting paving tiles laid out on its foundation of quick drying cement that they would do in batches to ensure cohesiveness.

"Here, nerd scoot your fat ass over." Katsuki grumbled, having finished removing the old parts of the gate and setting the new brackets and hanging the new gate in its place.

"Thanks, Kacchan." Izuku said, scooting over to give the other teen room to work, laying out the tiles just as quickly as Izuku and soon they fell into an easy rhythm.

Moving around one another easily, passing supplies and tools as they worked their way down to the gate. Stepping back the two teens, sweaty, hungry, tired, and with dirt and dried bits of cement on their arms and faces.

"That's actually a pretty f*cking good tile choice." Katsuki grunted as he folded his arms in front of himself.

"Thanks, it kinda matches the stained glass on the front door." Izuku said and pointed.

"Damn it does." Katsuki grumbled. "So, uh, is there anything else that you wanted to work on today or was this it?" He demanded.

"Well, I wanted to change out the light fixtures above the front stoop, garage, and the gate." Izuku said and shrugged. "But I'm not quite skilled enough with electrical work, I keep shorting out things and shocking the f*ck out of myself."

"f*cking noob!" Katsuki laughed a little mockingly and shoved Izuku's shoulder lightly. "Good thing the old man taught me how to do sh*t like that!" He said and turned towards the still wrapped up stack of supplies. "C'mon what goes where and where's the electrical tools?"

"Do you maybe want to take a break for lunch?" Izuku said as he moved over to the supplies and pulling out the razor knife in his pocket, he cut through the cling wrap that held all the things together for safer transport. "We can order something, or I can make us something."

Katsuki looked over at him. "Order something, that way we can keep working while it's being sent."

Izuku nodded and sitting down cross legged to look through the delivery takeout places, only after retrieving the electrical tool case for Katsuki that he'd bought when he'd re-done the genkan light fixture, it was one of the few things that he'd actually asked Masaru to check after the man had offered to help him with everything. Pulling up one of the apps he searched through it before looking up at the other teen as he looked at all the fixtures to make sure that Iuzku had sorted them properly.

"What kind of takeout do you want?" He asked.

Katsuki grunted and shrugged. "I don't give a f*ck, noddle's, beef, chicken, pork, whatever the f*ck it is better be f*cking spicy as sh*t." He growled as he stood with the fixture for the gate first, making his way over to it,carefulof the still drying pathway before he started taking off the old light fixtures having already flipped the breakers to kill the power to these lights so he wouldn't get the f*ck zapped out of himself.

Izuku nodded, well aware that the majority of the time Katsuki liked his foodnuclearin the spicy ratio. While Izuku preferred his mild to no spicy, but over the years he'd grown somewhat accustomed to spice because Katsukilovedto torture Izuku by slipping hot as f*ck peppers into his food when he wasn't looking and laughing when Izuku had nearlydiedfrom the heat of it, so a lot of time it didn't bother him because he'd grown tolerant of it, but that didn't mean that helikedspicy foods he was just tolerant to a degree. Humming softly to himself as he tapped a rhythm on his knee as he scrolled through his phone before he sat up straighter and smiled, looking to the sky as he ran through his budget before he let out a happy murmur when he realized that he could afford the new, and slightlypricy,restaurant that had opened up a few months ago that he'd heardravesabout their katsudon from the other dancers. And seeing as Masaru had footed the bill for all of this supplies Izuku had the money for a bit of a splurge such as the fancy food. Happily filling out his and Katsuki's orders, not realizing that he was murmuring softly as he did so until Katsuki's footlightlytapped his knee in passing, having finished installing the new light at the gate.

"You're muttering to yourself nerd." He snorted as he passed, his tone mocking. Izuku frowned at the other teens back but watched as Katsuki freeze several feet away, drop his head and roughly scratch at the back of his head before the teen turned his head back towards Izuku, shoulders tense. "Sorry, that was... rude." He said tightly.

Izuku blinked before clearing his throat, looking back down at his phone. "It's, um, it's okay. I don't expect there to be massive progress in only a months' time, Kacchan." Izuku said and shrugged when the other teen turned slightly to look back at him, surprise in his eyes, lifting his head Izuku smiled at him. "But thank you for realizing that and apologizing."

Red stained the other teens cheeks and he glared at Izuku. "Tch." He clicked his tongue before moving back to the supplies.

Going back of his phone as he finished off the order and sent it in Izuku easily popped to his feet and moved over to Katsuki. "Food should be here within forty-five minutes."

Katsuki grunted in affirmation before,nicelyfor Katsuki that is, barking out what he wanted Izuku to do. Choosing to ignore the small little quips and scoffs that Katsuki sent his way, as he'd stated previously, and had toconstantlyremind himself, it would be a slow progress that Katsuki made while he continued with his therapy and anger management sessions. But the progress that hehadmade was clearly there seeing as there was nooutrightmean verbal jabs and no physically abusive altercations made towards him. Yes, snide comments and small quips, but each time Katsuki would tsk slightly and shake his head at the minor ones having caught himself, and when they were slightlymeanerones, he'd freeze and tsk himselflouderand then grit out an apology. So clearly there was progress, still alongway to go, but progress non-the-less and Izuku would take it because that mean Katsuki was at leasttrying.

By the time the food arrived they were already done with the light fixtures and were cleaning up all the trash in the yard, Izuku had jogged over, graciously thanking the delivery man as he took the food before heading after Katsuki inside. Making his way to his dinging table he set the bag down and headed to his cutlery drawer, pulling out the utensils, and making a detour to the fridge to pull out several cans of juice before heading back to the table. Smiling slightly when he noticed that Katsuki had set his own food in front of the chair across form him and was patiently waiting for Izuku to return, or at least waiting for the chopsticks, but then Izuku saw the disposable ones that had been tossed in with the order and he smiled, knowing that Katsuki had waited forhimto come sit down. Setting the can of juice in front of the other teen Izuku made his way over to his own chair and sat down.

"How the f*ck do you know I like this?" Katsuki demanded, with no real heat behind his words, more likecuriosityreally.

Izuku glanced up at the other teen and then down at the passionfruit juice he'd set there and shrugged. "You've been coming over with Uncle Masaru for the past month to help fix things so I figured getting a few drinks that you like wouldn't hurt." He said and shrugged again as he turned his attention to opening up the containers of his katsudon and the side dishes that came with it happily bouncing slightly in his seat just form thesmellof his meal. "I asked Auntie what you and your dad liked and stocked up on a few of them throughout the week, not my fault that every time I offered you a drink after we got done, or during a break, you refused. If you don't want that I also have the canned coffee that you like, a few bottles of strawberry milk if you want something different."

"Why?" Katsuki's soft voice had Izuku looking up again.

He blinked at the confused expression on Katsuki's face. "Why what, Kacchan?" He prompted as he took a bite of the sliced pork cutlet and moaned softly. "f*ckthis is good!" He moaned as it seemed tomeltinto his mouth.

"Why do you have my favorite drinks stocked in your fridge?" Katsuki demanded.

Izuku shrugged as he finished chewing and swallowed. "Like I said, it's because you've been coming over a lot to help. The nice thing is getting drinks and a few snacks that Auntie said you liked - they're spicy asf*ckso have fun with that - that you'd like so that way you can have something to drink and snack on while you're here." He said nonchalantly.

"f*cking hell Deku, I'm your f*ckingbullywhy the f*ck would you get drinks and snacks that I like and stock them in your fridge and pantry?!" Katsuki shouted, startling Izuku slightly and making him drop the cutlet piece back into the takeout container. "I mean,Jesus,you should be f*cking pissed off at me! You should f*cking hate me and not want anything to do with me! At the whole f*ckingworldnot sitting there like everything's f*cking fine!"

Izuku sat there for a moment before slowly setting down his chopsticks, eyes locked onto his food before he took a deep breath and looked up at Katsuki, his emerald eyes locking with angry red. The calmness and blatant sincerity that must have shown in his eyes a stark contrasted to the confused emotional ones across from him, and Izuku knew that this must be an insane struggle for Katsuki to not just simply blow up like he normally did when his emotions were so roiled like they clearly were now. "Kacchan, I know everythingisn'tfine, it hasn't been for a very long time for me. But if I sit here and let myself wallow in everything that's happened to me then I'd be a bitter and angry asshole to everyone and that's not who I am on a wholly fundamental level." He said and shook his head slightly. "But make no mistake, Kacchan, I am angry, Iam,pissed off at the world for everything that's happened. But I'm not letting my anger control me."

"You're angry?" Katsuki demanded on a scoff, the disbelief in his words sparking a bit of indignation in Izuku and he snorted slightly at that.

Choosing now was the best chance to have this deep of a conversation, or more like a revelation he'd had a long time ago, with Katsuki in a semi-calm atmosphere between the two of them Izuku took a deep breath. "Damn right I'm angry, Kacchan. I've spent the last three years of my life recovering from things that I should have been protected from by the adults around me. I wasfartoo young to become a shell of myself full of grief, and anger, and resentment of my situation and all the things that I've had to endure. Children aresupposedto be happy and free, something Ineverexperienced, not even reallybeforeI was deemed quirkless, Inkoneverreally was the caring and doting mother that she portrayed herself to be to everyone else."

"Then why the hell didn't you go and ask for help instead of handling it yourself?!" Katsuki demanded, his voice rising slightly.

"Because Kacchan, I'mquirkless,can you imagine what would happen to aquirklesschild whose ownparentsabandoned him?" Izuku shook his head with a soft sigh. "Best casescenario I'd be adopted by a family as a pity case and get the bare minimum care taken of me, worst case I'm shipped off to an orphanage to life out my days until I turned eighteen and then unceremoniously kicked out with little to no life experience and most likely no education because the facility couldn't afford it. Oreven worseI'm bounced from foster home to foster home, and the chances of being assaulted there areinfinitelyhigher there than anywhere else, not to mention the physical and verbal abuse I'd suffer because of my quirklessness." Izuku shrugged. "So being here and taking care of myself was the better option."

"But if you had gone to someone then you wouldn't have gone through all this sh*t!" Katsuki snapped shaking his head. "You wouldn't have had to struggle like you have! You wouldn't be thiscynical!It would have been better if you didn't go through all that sh*t!"

Izuku took a deep steadying breath. "Yea, I'm cynical, you would be too if you'd had to go through afractionof what I have, and it's changed me so profoundly. I'm not the naïve little boy that I was when we were in preschool when you got your quirk and I was labeled quirkless, going through what I did changed meprofoundlyand it was honestly for the better because I was able to handle all the sh*t that the world threw at me without shattering into a million pieces. So don't sit there and tell me that it would be better if I wasn't who I am today due to all the struggles that I faced. I alreadyknowthat, I could have been a happy little boy full of optimism and a joy for life instead of being forced to grow up as fast as I did. The people who were supposed to protect me, failed me, and no amount of healing, either on my own or with professional help, will change that fact, I'll carry around the scares both mental and physical that they left one me for the rest of my life. So damn right I'm angry, Katsuki, I'llneverget my childhood back. When I look back all that I'm going to remember is all the pain and hurt that my mother caused me, the abandonment that my father and then my mother bestowed upon me, and theagonyand hurt that my peers inflicted on me. And then the hardships that I had to face as a twelve-year-old boy trying to survive on my own. So, yea, I'm angry Katsuki, I'm pretty f*cking pissed, I just choose not to let it rule my life, but it's there, boiling beneath the surface."

Katsuki was quiet after Izuku finished off his evenly spoken tirade, but after a moment he looked away. "I-I didn't..."

"Yea, a lot of people don't until you actually point it out, you let the mask slip just a little and it leaves them pretty stunned by the reality of what the quiet ones feel." Izuku said on a sigh before he reached out and put a hand on the table to get Katsuki's attention. "I'm not telling you this to make you feel like sh*t, you asked legitimate question and I'm merely giving you similarlyhonestanswers. Just because I'm angry Kacchan, doesn't mean that I'm blaming you, I'm just...angryat everything, but I choose to not let it rule me. That's easy for me to do, it's not gonna be like that for everyone, I can mask my anger and others can. It doesn't make anybody lesser than anyone else."

Slowly Katsuki nodded.

"Now, enough with the hard conversation, let's eat!" Izuku said picking up his chopsticks, and only after Katsuki started eating did Izuku dig back in, happily humming at hisdeliciousfood.

"Is, is there anything that I can do to... help?" Katsuki asked after a quiet moment.

Izuku looked up and slowly he smiled, tipping his head to the side. "Keep being my friend." Izuku swallowed as he looked down at his food again and his throat tightened slightly before he took a deep breath and spoke. "Don't... don't leave me alone in the world again." Izuku slowly looked up to find a stunned Katsuki staring at him, cheeks reddening slightly Izuku rubbed the back of his neck and sat back in his chair and looked away. "Sorry, that got... deep, didn't it?"

"Yea." Katsuki agreed before he took a deep breath of his own, his face reddening so much that it spread to his ears and down his neck. "But, uh, I won't. It'll take...timefor me to change but I'm gonna work on it and I promise I won't leave you alone again." He promised so softly that it was almost impossible to believe that this was the same Katsuki that mere months ago had been blowing him up and cackling about it.

Izuku gave the other teen a small smile. "I don't want you tochangeKacchan, I just want you to work on your anger so you can be a betteryou." He said and shook his head. "That's all, not become the better person on the surface."

Katsuki was silent for so long that Izuku looked up to find him glaring down at his food. "That's all that everyone has expected of me. To be better, to be thebestthat there is." He growled softly.

"Yea, I know." Izuku agreed and shrugged when red eyes met his. "And there's nothing wrong with wanting to or being the best, Kacchan, you just need to remember who you are on a fundamental level. Your achievements are only apartof what makes you,you.And it'syourchoice how you're going to live your life, if you'regoingto let the arrogance and meanness that you've grown accustomed to flaunting and be who you are now or if you're going to be the sweet, self-assured, helpful kid that I knew you as when we were growing up. And I'm not saying this to be mean,not in the slightest, I'm saying this because I think you need to hear it and that you'rereadyto hear it. I know that all the anxieties, frustration, and pressure from your parents and the teachers comes out as your aggression and anger and that's unfortunate. But if you put in the hard work with your therapist and your AM coach then you willwithout a doubthave the tools to not feel as angry and anxious as you feel." He said and gave the stunned teen a bright smile. "Besides that, I'll be here for you and if youeverneed to talk, I'm just a text, phone call, or visit away. And even if youdon'twant to talk and you just want silent and supportive company, I'm here for you. I just might mutter periodically because that's what I do."

"You'd support me, emotionally, even though I've hurt you all these years?" Katsuki asked softly, his words trembling ever so slightly.

"Katsuki,everyonedeserves to be supported, no matter what they've done." Izuku said softly and his smile turned a little sad as he tipped his head. "Coming from someone who hasneverbeen supported, at least until Owl came his flamboyant self into my life, I know what it feels like to be struggling through life alone. So yea, even though you've hurt me for so long, I'm here for you even if you feel like you don't deserve it."

Izuku watched as Katsuki bit his lower lip so hard that Izuku was worried that he was going to draw blood. "Why?" He asked tightly, emotion clogging the teens voice.

"Because, Kacchan, you're my friend." Izuku told him and reached out his hand across the table. "And even if you've hurt me all these years, you've apologized and you're trying to better yourself so you don't hurt me or anyone else again and I'm so willing to stand by your side and support you in any way that I can."

Slowly Katsuki lowered his head so Izuku couldn't see his face, but he slowly reached out his hand and grabbed Izuku's. "Thank you." He said tightly.

"Of course, now let's eat!" Izuku said and went back to eating.

Neither one of them acknowledging the soft sniffles that came from Katsuki, nor the way tear drops dotted the table in front of Katsuki's take out container as they both ate one handed. Not speaking again even when they finished their food, cleaned up, nor when Izuku walked Katsuki out and waved to the blood-shot, slightly puffy-eyed, teen. Though, as soon as Izuku stepped back inside and headed to get ready to meet Shouto he made a quick call to Auntie and told her that he and Katsuki had had averyconstructive conversation and that she should leave Katsuki alone for the day because he was going to emotionally sensitive because of the depth and subject matter of their conversation. When Mitsuki had pressed to find out what it was about, Izuku hadvery gentlybut firmly rebuked her and told her that if Katsuki wanted to share what their conversation was about then he would, but it was a personal one between the two of them andveryemotional so it unless he wanted to share it Izuku wouldn't. At the end of that Mitsuki had been quiet before she'd asked if it had been agoodconversation, meaning if Katsuki had been an asshole or not, to which Izuku had smiled and told her it was the best conversation they'd had because Katsuki had realized some stuff and that things were looking better.

To which she had thanked him for that and that she'd leave Katsuki alone for the day.

Izuku wasnervous, and he didn't get nervous very often, but as he pushed open the door to the coffee shop that he was meeting Shouto in he swallowed and scanned the room before his eyes landed on the heterochromatic teen that sat in a booth near the back of the cafe. Breath hitching for a second as his pulse spiked before he forced himself to head towards the teen he smiled and lifted his hand slightly when the teen lifted his gaze to Izuku when he got close enough that he noticed Izuku as he looked up from his phone. The small smile that bloomed across the clearlyawkwardas hell teen had Izuku's own smile growing slightly as he slid into the booth seat across from Shouto.

"Hi." He greeted the dual-colored teen.

"Hello." Shouto greeted in return.

"So, how's your day been?" Izuku prompted lightly, the awkwardness between the two of them nearly stifling.

"Uneventful, aside from my father demanding that I give you this." Shouto said and offered Izuku an envelope.

Izuku stared at it before his eyes flicked up to Shouto's. "There's not money in that... is there?" He asked pointing at the envelope.

Shouto shrugged eyeing the thing distastefully. "I really don't know. It wasn't my business to look in. I figured you could take it, tell me to throw it back in the assholes face, or throw it away." Shouto said and a small devious smile graced the teens face. "I'm hoping you ask me to throw it back in his face."

Izuku let out a bark of laughter before slapping a hand over his mouth. "Shouto!" He said, chuckling slightly. "That's sobad!"

Shouto shrugged again and looked down at the table, his smile fading replaced by something... unreadable. "Yea, well he deserves it." Shouto said tightly. "He's been acting...differentlysince that night."

Izuku swallowed unease crawling up his spine. "He hasn'ttriedanything has he?" Izuku asked, afraid that Enji might have tried to do something to Shouto since the night they'd been in Mama's VIP room together.

"No, not likethatat least." Shouto said and shook his head, instant relief coursed through Izuku. "But he's been pushing me even harder in training since the last month and he's been asking how you are doing nearly every day. Bastards been demanding your number incessantly."

Izuku blinked, not expectingthatanswer and he ran a hand through his wild green curls before he sighed. "Do you think it'll make it easier for you if you gave him my number?" He asked.

Shouto's eyes snapped to his and widened. "I'm not giving that abusive dumpster fire your number!" He said loudly and several other customers looked their way.

Ignoring them Izuku held up a hand as if to placate Shouto. "Calm down, it was merely a question." Izuku soothed then shifted in his seat. "But I'm beingserious,Shouto, it seems like since he's been coming to the club to visit me, he's been...calmer?"He asked looking up at Shouto with a questioning look.

Shouto frowned and he nodded, rubbing a hand across one side of his face. "As much as I don't wand to admit it, yea, he has. But I don't want him near you, not after what he did to you."

Izuku blinked, the protectiveness that shown in Shouto's dual-colored eyes was a little bit startling,welcomebut startling nonetheless. "That was actually a first for Enji." He said and shook his head when incredulous eyes looked up at him. "No, really, the other times he's visited me at Mama's he's always been nice and attentive, yea the sex has beenintenseand borderline aggressive, but afterwards he's always does thebestaftercare and, aside from when you were there, he'salwaysthoroughly prepped before anything's happened." Izuku said, watching in amusem*nt as Shouto's cheeks heated in embarrassment at hearing at leastvaguelyabout his father's sex-life, which Izuku didn't blame him. "So honestly, it's okay if you give him my number, it might help with how he's been treating you."

But Shouto was shaking his head, lifting it when a waitress came over to take their orders with a chipper smile and bubbly attitude as she gushed about what her favorite items were. Only speaking, aside from his order and a terse but politely spoken thank you, after the waitress flounced away to put in their orders. "No, I'm not giving him his number, nor am I giving you his. That dumpster fire deserves to be miserable after what he put you through."

Izuku rolled his eyes but finally relented with his hands up in surrender when Shouto narrowed his eyes at the other teen. "Fine, fine I won't press it anymore." Izuku said and sighed softly. "So, what high school are you applying to?" He finally asked.

Shouto sighed and looked away. "My father enrolled me in UA, his alma mater." He said angrily.

"UA?" Izuku asked excitedly. "That's awesome!"

"Yea, sure." Shouto said grumpily.

Izuku paused. "You don't want to go there?" He asked softly.

"Nothing like being stuck in your father's abusive shadow your entire life and being forcibly told you're one day going to surpass him and that's the whole reason you were born." Shouto said angrily and shrugged.

Izuku slowly reached out and covered the hands that Shouto had folded on the table in front of him. "Don't worry, you'll bebetterthan your father." He told the other teen and smiled when Shouto's surprised eyes jumped up to him.

"How do you know that?" He demanded.

"Because, while you might be hisson,you are nothim." Izuku said and shrugged. "You're your own person, how you choose to act is up to you how you live your life. Yes, your father will have a bit of say over it until you become an adult, but you have the capabilities to set up how you're going to act, the path in life that you're going to make, and the type of hero and person you're going to be."

Shouto stared at him for a moment before he smiled one of the sweetest and most pure smiles that Izuku had ever been given. "Thank you."

"Of course!" Izuku beamed.

They fell silent again as the waitress came back with their drink and Izuku's slice of cake.

He's just delved into the sweet and deliciously decadent slice of chocolate custard filling with caramel topping and a graham cracker like crust, sighing heavily at the taste that exploded on his taste buds. Looking up he blinked and blushed when he realized that Shouto was staring at him rather intently. "Sorry," he said as he swallowed his bite of cake. "I just really love cake, all sweets really."

Shouto's smile was rather adorable. "It's okay." He said softly. "It was rather cute."

Cheeks reddening even more he ducked his head. "Oh stop!" He whined playfully. "Teasing isso beneathyou!"

"Oh I thinknot."Shouto teased some more.

"Shouto!" Izuku gasped back. "Is my teasing personality rubbing off on you?!"

The smirk he sent him went right to Izuku's heart. "I sure as hell hope so."

"And you sayI'madorable." Izuku said softly.

A feint blush crossed Shouto's cheeks as the teen looked down. "So, um, would it be a bit to presumptuous to ask you a rather personal question?"

Having lifted his cup to take a sip of his vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut latte he blinked at the other teen before snorting. "Shouto, you know what I do for a living, you've seen me at my most vulnerable and intimate. I don't think there's a question that'stoopersonal for you to ask."

Shouto nodded slightly. "Okay," He paused, presumably to gather his thoughts before speaking. "Have you ever dated someone?"

Izuku blinked, not expectingthisline of questioning. "Honestly, with how my life has been, the work that I do, no I've never really had the time nor the want to date." He said and shrugged before he paused and looked closer at the other teen and the way he shifted slightly in his seat. "Shouto?" He prompted softly.

"I, um, I know that we only met a few days ago but I feel like there's a sort of..." Shouto floundered slightly.

"Connection?" Izuku asked softly and smiled at Shouto who's eyes jerked up to him in surprise.

"Yea." Shouto agreed, cheeks reddening even more. "So, I was wondering if you'd be open to maybe... trying with me, you know, um, getting dinner sometimes or you know going to movies."

Izuku slowly smiled, his own cheeks heating. "You want to go out on dates?" He asked softly.

Wordlessly Shouto nodded, hopeful anticipation and nervousness in his eyes.

Reaching out slowly, his palm up on the table he nodded. "I would very much like to date you Shouto." He said softly.

"Oh thank god." Shouto said, hunching forward slightly in relief as his hand shot out and gripped Izuku's tightly.

Izuku paused for a moment before he swallowed and looked down. "Shouto, you know that if your father reques-"

"What happens at your work is part of your work and I'm never going to judge you for that." Shouto said firmly and Izuku's eyes snapped up to his wide-eyed. "Izuku, your job is your job and I'm not going to shame you for it nor discourage you for choosing to do what you do when you're there. Would I prefer that you refuse my father? For amultitudeor reasons, but I also understand that that prick payswayover the stipulated price, so you're kinda like cheating him out his money so go for it. Just, maybenottell me that you have. Or when you've um, done that with other people too."

Izuku grimaced and looked away. "Um, unfortunately with my regulars and most other patrons you'll, um,knowwhen I've done that with them." He said softly.

"How?" Shouto asked, leaning closer to Izuku.

"Because a lot of time they're quite...violentduring the appointments." Izuku explained and shrugged. "So most likely you'llknowwhen I've had an appointment with a patron."

Shouto blinked for a second before he tipped his head back and took a deep breath before he blinked. "Okay, thank you for the warning. Its still your choice to have the appointments or not."

"You are probably the most accepting... boyfriend anyone could ever hope for." Izuku said softly, tears pricking the backs of his eyes as he smiled softly at the other teen.

Shouto blinked. "Boyfriend?" He repeated softly.

Izuku nodded. "If we're dating, than that means we'reboyfriends."

Slowly the other teen nodded and a brilliant smile crossed his face. "Boyfriends, I like the sound of that."

Izuku nodded then paused and swallowed. "I do to, but there's more that we need to talk about though." He said after a moment's hesitation.

Shouto blinked than nodded. "Okay, I have no experience in any of this, so I would like it if you could take the lead."

Chuckling Izuku nodded yet again and lightly squeezed Shouto's hand. "Of course I can, after all the dancers at the club, as well as my friends Owl and March, have taught me everything about dating and romance. Not that merelytellingme about all of that is really teaching me, but I guess it gives me a reference point. Plus I researched the hell out of romance and dating after they told me about it so I have a general idea of things. But there's also preferences and things." He paused and looked around at the busy cafe. "That we probablyshouldn'thave out in public."

The other teen nodded then frowned slightly. "I would suggest that we head to my home, buthewill be there, and I don't want you to expose you to him."

Izuku laughed at the angry and possessive look that crossed Shouto's face without the other teens notice. "You do know that since we're dating, I'mgoingto be around him, right?"

"The less times the better." Shouto grumbled.

He laughed again but nodded and reaching out with his other hand patted Shouto's hand. "Okay, okay, we don't have to go to your place. Would you like to come to mine?" He asked with a soft raise of his brows.

Excitement bloomed across Shouto's face and he nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"

And that's how thirty minutes later he was leading ahighlycurious Shouto into his house, showing him around at all the things he'd fixed over the years and the things he still wanted to fix or replace. Honestly it was gratifying to be able to point out to his new boyfriend that, even though he was quirkless, he wasn't completely useless. Andyes,Izuku waswhollyaware that that was averyinternally self-deprecating thought to have, but it washardto break habits that he'd had since he was six years old. The good thing was that he only had those thoughts every once in a while, especially when he wasextremelyemotional or stressed, of which he was anxiously nervous and excited at having his first boyfriend in his own house.

"This, this is quite amazing Izuku." Shouto said in wonder as he looked around at the kitchen that Izuku was most proud about seeing as the design he himself had made up was quite stunning.

"Thanks." He said before clearing his throat softly. "So about that conversation that I wanted to have..."

"Shall we sit?" Shouto turned automatically to him, a gentle and open expression on his face.

Izuku nodded and they moved into his living room with the two of them sitting on his comfy sofa and Izuku nervously wrung his hands together. "So, I know that you're okay with me working at Mama's and that you'reacceptingof my decisions to do the...appointmentsif I choose to do so, but I want to also talk about our sexualities and relationship. What we're open to and what our hard limits are, or lines that we agree tonevercross unless we talk about them first."

Shouto nodded. "I've always known that I was gay." He stated.

Izuku blinked and smiled. "Okay, that's a good place to start. I'm Bisexual, meaning I'm attracted to both men and women." Izuku said then took a deep breath. "I've, um, I've always been interested in having a polyandrous relationship. Which means that there's more than two people in the relationship. It'snotan open relationship by any means, everyone in the relationship knows about one another and interacts with each other, we don't all have to be dating one another. Meaning you and I are dating each other, and I have another boyfriend or girlfriend whom you are fully aware of and know, and - if you want- you can also have another boyfriend that I know about and accept.Everythingis talked about prior to any other relationships being formed, the new partners first have to be receptive and open to being in a polyandry relationship, then if they're open and accepting of that then we can meet if you and the new partner want to and explain everything and the new partner needs to understand and accept whatever hard-limits, or ratherrules,that we have established." Izuku said, practicallyword-vomitingall of that into Shouto's lap before he stopped and took a deep breath and looked up into dual-colored shocked eyes. "Sorry, I know, I'm a lot." He said softly as he looked away and down at his lap, his anxiety ratcheting steadily upwards as his thoughts devolved rapidly into further self-deprecating.

Because whatnormal personwould want a polyandrous relationship? Really, whatnormalperson would think that having more than one significant other was anormal thing?A f*ckingcheaterthat's who! So not only was Izuku a worthless quirkless nobody, but he was also acheaterwho wanted more thanonesignificant other! He was better off alone and by himself for the rest of his life, becausereallywho the hell could lo-

"You're not, a lot I mean." Shouto said softly, his gentle voice cutting into Izuku's racing thoughts and his emerald eyes snapped up to Shouto's as the other teen reached out and covered Izuku's twisting hands with his own. "It's a surprise, mainly because I'm not used to all of this kind of topic. But if that's something that you want than I'm willing to peruse it with you, I'm not sure if I'd be willing to have another partner, but ifyouwant to than I'm willing to go along with you."

Izuku sat there for the longest time after Shouto's soft reassurance before he took a deep breath. "That means that I'll bekissinganother person,huggingthem, spending mytimewith them as well, havingsexwith them eventually."

Shouto nodded slowly as he looked down at the coffee table in front of them. "Yea, I get that, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of jealousy and contention at first when we settle into things. But as long as you're willing to help me work through things then I don't see why there would be anyrealissues, so long as the new partner doesn't try to keep you for themselves or is a complete and utter asshole to you or myself." He said and shrugged reaching out and lightly running his hand softly across Izuku's face. "Really, what I want is for you to be happy, Izuku, out of both of us you deserve it."

Izuku swallowed as his tears welled up. "You deserve happiness too Shouto, not just me."

The soft smile that graced the other teens handsome face shot an arrow straight to Izuku's heart. "How about we find our happiness together?" He asked softly.

Launching himself forward Izuku nodded against Shouto's shoulder. "Yes!"


*happy author squeal*
So him and Shouto! And yes we are expanding the poly route, just a heads up, I am in NO WAY an expert on it not have I live it, I'm going by the brief searches I've made and what I feel the green bean would expect in his relationship. Any advice on that feel free to comment away!
Also for all of you who have given your opinion I do so greatly appreciate it! And yes, we are going quirkless Izuku, HOWEVER, I want to clarify something before any possible confusion in later chapters. He doesn't have a quirk, BUT he is really strong on account of his constant workout/job/lifting heavy things due to renovation supplies. His speed and stamina are really high due to his job and working with All Might (he's not AS FAST as All Might, but he can at least SORT OF keep up with him), and when he's fighting it's like time slows down for him because his brain jus moves super-fast for him because he's INSANELY smart and can analyze sh*t on like a fraction of a second.
So real quick recap: No quirk. But on account of the skills and training as well as the intellect he was born with he's really fast, really strong, and can analyze and adapt his fighting style to match his opponent on the fly. Also he goes a bit demonic-ish gremlin when he's in certain fights, you'll get it when you read certain chapters, I'll make sure to do a heads up.
Another thing I want to give everyone a heads up on! I am going to be shifting around the timeline a bit! As in the USJ incident is happening AFTER the sports festival and the training camp, big things happen during the training camp chapters and I wanted to tie something in there so I altered the timeline just a bit to fit the story!
So that is all for my little end note! Thank you all again for your love and support! If you wish to leave a comment, suggestion for future chapters please feel free to (remember absolutely no pressure to do so!), thank you all for your support and happy reading to you all!!!

Chapter 7: Are You Serious?!


A startling discovery of where Izuku's further education lies leads to the introduction of one exhausted hero that had a penchant for somehow attracting problem children and a rather unhealthy addiction/love for a certain addictive beverage.


Talk of past abuse, be warned, not super graphic but I just want to give a heads up, realized I might not have done that in the past chapters, but seeing as things are gonna start picking up and talks of abuse and abuse happening, I want to try and get int he habit of putting warnings like this in for those of you who do not wish to read that.
On another note, thank you all for the support! I absolutely love watching all the hits, kudos, and bookmarks going up! As always enjoy the chapter and stop by the end notes so we can address some parts of this chapter and future ones! Happy reading dearies!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

That last month of middle school had beenwild.

So many things had happened in such a short amount of time. He'd gotten all of his major projects at home done, so now it was a lot of cosmetic things as well as just extra things that he wanted to update or install to make his life easier, which was both more and less expensive than all of his morereparativeprojects that he'd needed to get done around the house. But now, after today, he had alotmore time to focus on things that he wanted to do, and he could have a life that didn't involve a constant revolve of school, sleep, and then work. He'd have time to justbehimself and not have to worry about anything else until it was time to head to work.

"Yo sh*tty nerd!" Katsuki's voice caused him to turn and face the blonde haired and red eyed teen, not in the fear that he'd been so used to feeling over the years but in genuine question and curiosity, the black tube holding his graduation certificate resting on his shoulder as he stood there glaring at the smaller teen.

"Yea, Kacchan?" Izuku prompted arching his brows.

"My folks are having a graduation dinner, and they want you to come." He growled, though there was really no anger behind his grumbles and growls, at least when he focused them on Izuku, and even the ones focused on others had lost a lot of theaggressionbehind them, not that anyone but Izuku really saw or understood the significance of it. It really amazed Izuku the amount of progress that Katsuki had put into himself after their conversation because it wasreallyshowing.

"Sure, what time should I head over?" Izuku asked, a friendly smile on the other teens faces as he rolled his own black tube holding his graduation certificate in his hands.

"Anytime stupid Deku." Katsuki growled.

"Alright, I was heading home anyway so I'll just get cleaned up and head over." He said and shrugged.

"Sure, whatever." Katsuki growled before pausing and speakingfarsofter and gentler. "Congrats on graduating, Izuku."

"You too Kacchan." Izuku said with a small smile and chuckled lightly. "I'll see you in a little bit."

"Whatever." Katsuki grumbled before stalking away, he was always a bit touchy when it came to being around crowds, and honestly Izuku was starting to think that maybe it was because of his hearing. A few times over the past few weeks Izuku had seen the other teen snapping his fingers near his ears and frowning. That was a question he'd need to figure out how to broach without insulting the teen or something, but that was something for another day.

Turning Izuku strode away, heading towards the front entrance and he smiled, laughing slightly when he saw Owl and March standing just outside the gates a sign congratulating the 'Little Owlet' on his graduation was suddenly thrust above March's head as she squealed at him while jumping up and down in her excitement upon spotting him. Owl, on the other hand, went from super relaxed as he leaned against the side of the gate with anormalsedate expression as he watched all the other former middle schoolers milling about, to feet planted a part slightly crouched, a slightlymanicexpression on his face as hiseyes were damned near laser-like as they scanned the crowd before they locked onto Izuku and he let out a mix between a bellow/owl-like screech/and pure unadulterated squeal of excitement before he wassprintingover to the small teen who jolted backwards in shock at the reaction. But he had no time to flee before Owl had wrapped his arms around Izuku's middle and had hoisted him up into the air.

"You did it! You did it! My owletgraduated middle school!"He screeched as he jumped up and down while he also spun in a circle holding Izuku over his head slightly. "I'm so proud of my little owlet!"

Izuku was a laughing mess by the time Owl finally set Izuku back down onto his feet. "Okay, okay, Owl calm down a bit!" He laughed patting the other man's head, and by the time Owl finally lowered him to the ground his cheeks were red in embarrassment. "What are you two doing here?" He asked as he returned March's just as excited hug.

"We justhadto congratulate you on graduating of course!" March said her soft lavender colored hair pulled back into two artistically slightly messy buns on the top of her head while her beautiful sky-blue eyes twinkled at him, pulling back and smiling down at him as she cupped his cheek with one hand. "It's not every day that your sweet adopted little brother graduates' middle school!" She said and leaning forward kissed his forehead. "We're so f*cking proud of you, ZuZu, and we'll be here the whole step of the way through high school and on with you."

Tears pricking his eyes he grinned at both of them. "Thank you, that, you guys are just the best!" He said and threw his arms around the two young adults and squeezed them to him tightly.

"Alright, my sweet little sapling owlet, let's get going!" Owl chirped and urged the two of them to towards the car. "We'll give you a ride home, we can't stay 'cause we have a super early shift, but we can at least take you home."

"That's alright," Izuku said as he climbed into the back seat. "Kacchan's parents invited me over for a celebratory dinner."

"Oh, Anger Spawner actually invited you?" Owl's lips curled up at the mention of Mitsuki, and while others might think that he was actually making fun of the fact that the Bakugou's had invited Izuku, it was actually Owl's deep disdain forBakugo'sin general that caused him to respond in that manner.

Izuku suppressed his laughter at the way Owl reacted. The young adult had made it clear that he didn't care that Katsuki and his mother were at leasttryingto better themselves, to him Katsuki wouldalwaysbe the teen that had caused Izuku the most pain and anguish growing up, and Mitsuki was the woman that had been one of the main root causes of that that behavior because of her own. So, to Owl that meant that Katsuki was public enemy number one and his mother was guilty by association, and that fact would remain that way until the day that Katsuki died. But that was just how Owl was, once you were in his black book of hatred you were there for the end of time no matter what you did to make up for it. From what Izuku was able to ascertain from the bits that Owl had told him, and the other parts that March had added over time, it stemmed from a deep sense of repeated betrayal from his parents growing up not to mention the repetitive promise of never hurting him again and again only to break that promise the next night.

But a soft-spoken word from March, and a gentle touch to his thigh had Owl relaxing and shooting an apologetic look to him, and Izuku nodded in understanding and watched as the relieved look settled across Owl's face as he started the car and merged out into traffic to drive Izuku home. The three of them falling in easy conversation, as they always did, talking about pretty much everything that there was to talk about. So, when they dropped him off at his house, getting out to give him bone-crushing hugs Izuku was a bit sad to see them get back into their car and drive away. But being alone was something that he'd gotten used to over the years, having nobody but himself to rely on and being able to just exist with himself and only himself in his home. Yes, it had made his mumbling habits worse, but it was something he was willing to live with.

It arguably took him an insanely small amount of time to get ready and make the short five-minute walk over to the Bakugou's muchlargerhouse in an obviously wealthier neighborhood just a few streets away, hesitating only a moment as he stood on the stoop in front of their door with his hand raised before he swallowed nervously and pressed the doorbell before stepping back slightly and waited. He didn't wait long as less than a minute later Katsuki was yanking the door open, glaring slightly at Izuku before stepping back and jerking his chin for the smaller teen to come in.

"The hag and old man are in the kitchen." He grumbled, moving past the other teen as Izuku toed off his shoes and neatly set them to the side.

"Okay." Izuku murmured softly as he swallowed and followed the much bigger teen into the house, memories of running through these very halls at such a young age coming rushing back and he slowed as he turned his attention to a wall that had pictures hung up on them. His eyes snagged on a small cluster a little further down and he strode forward, swallowing thickly as he stared at the group of like half a dozen to a dozen pictures of himself and Katsuki in varying ages. The last was around the time that Izuku was mostly likely six or six and a half years old and there were bandages on his face, but he was grinning widely up at the camera, light dark circles were under his eyes and one of his hands was in a splint. Herememberedthat day, or more like what had happened to get that splint on his arm, and he swallowed the bile that threatened to creep up his throat as he reached over and grabbed his oddly shaped hand, the scars by this time were faded but still visible, the tremors that sometimes affected his hand a prevalent reminder of the damage that Inko had left him with.

"Hey, nerd, you alright?" Katsuki's shockingly soft voice caught his attention and he not only jumped but his arm jerked up in defense as he took a wide step away from the voice as the memories of Inko's rage filtered through him and the terror that he'd felt as a small six-year-old came rushing back.

But then he swung terrified eyes towards his attacker, and he blinked into stunned red ones as Katsuki jerked back. "K-Kacchan!"Izuku gasped then put his slightly crooked hand to his mouth. "Oh,oh my god,I'm so sorry!" He said softly. "I-i just, that picture it, it brought back some rather un-unpleasant memories." He stuttered out as he looked away, he'dneverbeen this vulnerable in the past three years than he felt right now and itshook him.

"PTSD." Katsuki said softly and slowly reaching out, making sure that Izuku saw him, rested a hand on Izuku's shoulder, not pointing out that he jumped and flinched under the light touch. "Do you, maybe wanna talk about it? My therapist says that talking about difficult sh*t like that is good."

Swallowing Izuku looked up at the picture and held up his slightly crooked hand, a hand that unless youreallylooked at it could you see the scar that Inko had left on him. "Inko, she broke my hand so bad to the point it left it...crookedand not even the doctor she brought me to, could fix it well enough. I still get pains in it and it trembles pretty bad from time to time when I'm doing things." He said and shook his head. "I just, when I saw that picture with my hand in a cast, it brought back the memory of her beating me, of what happened tocausethat injury."

"I've always been curious why you were so f*cked up that day." Katsuki said as he looked at the picture too. "She just said that you were clumsy and fell down the stairs."

Izuku snorted bitterly at that. "No, she threw me down them, and then kicked me across the floor and... a bunch of other stuff. That's how she shattered my hand, I'd lifted it to try and block the kick to my head."

"Jesus f*ck."Katsuki said softly.

But it was the shattering of a glass that startled both teens and they looked towards the sound, only to find Mitsuki with her hands to her mouth.

"Hello Auntie." Izuku said softly.

"Is...that'show you hurt your hand?" She asked softly, and Izuku was more than a little unnerved with howquietshe was at that because Katsuki and Mitsuki Bakugou werenotquiet people.

Izuku swallowed and looked at the picture. "Yea. Sheclaimedit was because I was just being a bad boy, but I wasalwaystrying to be good. I wasalwaystrying to be so quiet that she never looked at me. But no matter what I did she wasalwaysangry with me, I was never quite enough, I wasnevergood enough for her. That day was just one of the worst ones, and the underground doctor couldn't make those injuries go away like he did to the other ones. Which is why she claimed I 'fell' down the stairs."

"Oh my god, the abuse was right there, and Imissed it." She said softly. "I, I failed you."

Izuku slowly moved towards her, stopping only when Katsuki grabbed him lightly, mumming about the broken glass and that he'd go get something to clean it up with before hastily moving away. "Don't worry Auntie, society failed melongbefore you did." He said softly then smiled. "Besides Inevertold you about it, I never toldanyoneabout it. Thecaretakerswho looked after me at the nursery didn't see it, or wellcare enoughto see it. So please, don't feel too guilty about it. Ourteachersin elementary ignored the signs of abuse that were clearly there, younever saw meAuntie, so you really don't have any reason to feel guilty about anything." Izuku said and gave her a genuine smile as he tipped her head. "Besides, today is supposed to be acelebration, not a sad and guilt riddled day about all the sh*t in the past!"

Mitsuki took in a deep breath the red eyes so similar to her sons riddled with deep felt emotions before she nodded slowly. "You're right, tonight's not the night to have this conversation. Why don't you come and help Masaru and I in the kitchen, Katsuki can come in after he cleans up the mess." She said as Katsuki reappeared with a broom and dustpan, to which he nodded and grunted in agreement.

"Okay." Izuku said and carefully picked is way widely around the glass before following Mitsuki down the hallway to the kitchen/dining room/and family living room part of the house away from the side of the house that was primarily used for hosting Mitsuki's fancy little parties that she liked to hold.

"Oh, honey good your back, ah! Izuku, welcome!" Masaru looked up from where he was cutting up vegetables at the kitchen island before he glanced worriedly at Mitsuki. "What was that crash I heard a little bit ago."

Mitsuki and Izuku exchanged a glance before she waved her hand at her husband. "Nothing important." She said briskly, using a tone thatclearlystated that the topic of that was a closed one and he'd get no answer.

Masaru stared at her for a moment before he sighed and smiled, though it wasclearhe didn't buy her explanation. "Alright." He said as his eyes flicked to Izuku, clearly knowing that it had something to do with him but wisely choosing tonotpush it at least right now, no doubt he'd ask Mitsuki later that night. "Why don't you help Mitsuki finish up the dumplings?" He asked.

Izuku smiled at that. "I'd love to!" He said as he moved deeper into the kitchen, heading quickly to the sink and washing his hands so he could help Mitsuki fill and roll the dumplings.

The night had beenso amazing, to the fact that Izuku had found himself relaxing and letting himself joke with the family of three, his sassiness leaving them stunned before Mitsuki quickly retorted with her own little lighthearted jabs, while Masaru laughed and taunted his wife as well in the special way that Masaru had. Katsuki smirking throughout it all, andshockinglyeven making little jabs at Izuku andnotgetting pissed when Izuku sassed him right back. In fact, Izuku had made the hotheaded teen laugh, andtrulylaugh at several of his jokes. And Izuku had just stopped and stared at the slightly older teen as he held his belly and laughed with abandon at whatever it was that Izuku had said that was funny enough to make him laugh that hard. But eventually dinner had ended and then dessert had been produced and now they sat around the table, a light conversation roving around the table as Mitsuki handled the cake.

"So Izuku, have you already applied to UA?" Mitsuki asked, glancing at him as she set the slice of cake in front of him from where she'd sliced it.

"Oh, uh, no, I um, actually I didn't apply to UA." He said trying to keep his answer light and shrugged.

"Ohreally? That's surprising, where did you apply to?" She pressed brows arched high in her surprise.

"Shizuoka High, it's only a five-minute walk from the house and it has pretty good marks in testing and such." He said and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortable for some reason about his questioning.

"Why the f*ck did you applythere?" Katsuki snapped and Izuku looked over at him.

"Wh-what?" Izuku stuttered slightly in surprise.

"You've been f*cking talking about UA since we were in preschool and now, you're not applying? What the f*ck?!" Katsuki snarled glaring at Izuku.

Izuku blinked then sighed and shrugged. "I'd need a quirk, Katsuki, to at least beconsideredfor UA, even if it's the general studies and seeing as I don't have one my chance of getting in are nonexistent." He explained and looked down at the plate in front of him, one hand fiddling nervously with the fork next to it. "And instead of getting my hopes up only to receive a rejection letter, I just saved the time and disappointment and didn't apply."


"Katsuki." Masaru's gentle yet slightly firm voice cut off his son's no doubt tirade. "Why don't you go get the fruit tea from the fridge that we can have with dessert, I'll help." He said and standing gave his son a pointed look.

Shoving back form the table Katsuki stood and stalked from the room, grumbling, and Izuku could faintly make out the sound of Masaru's calming rumbles as he spoke to his son, and Katsuki's growls.

"We're still working on it when he has explosive episodes of anger." Mitsuki sighed apologetically as she finished slicing the cake and distributing the slices to her families' places. "He's come a long way, but admittedly he's still got alotlonger of a road to go."

Izuku nodded, glancing towards the kitchen. "Yea, but the progress is clear to those that know what he used to be like, and at least he'stryingto keep to it." He agreed and smiled at her. "I've already seen a change in him, he's still the same abrasive Kacchan that he's always been, but he seemslessangry and more in control of the anger. He's even beengentletowards me and if I hadn't seen the progress form the start, I'd think that that's a totallydifferentKacchan."

She nodded, relief crossing her eyes before she dropped her eyes to the table. "It's been a lot, he has sessions with his anger management coach three times a week and his therapist twice, it's put a bit of a strain on him, but he's making do, and it's beennoticeable." She agreed softly.

"What about you?" Izuku asked gently, knowing that this was most likely a touchy subject just like it was for Katsuki.

She nodded and sighed. "Yea, it's...difficultbut I'm managing. I've realized that a lot of the way he acts is because of me and how I act andreacttowards him. So, it's a lot of the two of us re-learning how to act and respond to one another to not set each other off negatively."

Izuku nodded. "Good. I'm glad that the two of you are trying to better yourselves."

"Thank you, Izuku, for more than just your encouragement." She said softly, a tender look in her eyes as she smiled at him. "Thank you for not giving up on Katsuki."

"Of course, Auntie." He said nodding.

"Hey, dumbass!" Katsuki's snarl startled him slightly as he strode down the street towards his home.

Turning with a slight stagger Izuku watched as Katsuki stormed towards him, anger clear as day across his face. "K-Kacchan?" He stuttered slightly, apprehension at the look of pure rage on the other teens face bringing back all the painful memories of the times he'd endured that look and what it could mean for him.

"What the f*cking hell do you think you're doing not enrolling in f*cking UA?" Katsuki demanded as he stopped several feet in front of him his hands fisted at his sides.

"Just like I said, Kacchan, it doesn't make sense for me to apply to UA." Izuku shook his head.

"They have courses thataren'thero course!" Katsuki snarled back.

Izuku rubbed a hand across his face. "Look, Kacchan, Idon'thave a quirk, even one that's just a boring dumb one. Idon'thave an influential family to even get myfootinto the door."

An angry sound emanated from Katsuki's throat before he forced himself to take a deep angry ragged breath in through his nose and let it puff out his mouth, clearly trying to calm himself a bit before speaking. "f*ck I never thought I'd beconvincingyou to go to UA but damn it whatever!" He stepped forward. "UA offers those with weak, noncombative, andquirklessequal opportunity to apply! They offer general studies options for those students which means it would be just like a normal high school for you, or they offer hero support courses for those who want to becomehero supportstaff after graduating! Yes, that course will befarmore difficult for you to enroll in becausemostof those students have quirks and need them because they'd be working with heroes! But it's notimpossiblefor you to apply to UA and become a herosupportworker!" Katsuki said and by the end of it was half-yelling at him. "Iknowyour dream for the longest time was to be a f*cking hero! And yea, it was f*cking stupid because you're quirkless, and I'm glad you gave that sh*t up because all that would happen was you'd get your idiotic asshurt!But that doesn't mean that youcan'tf*ckingworkwiththe heroes giving them support in other ways! I'veseenall your f*cking creepy ass hero analysis journals that you keep! Iknowthat if you apply your stupidly smart ass to it, you can very well become a brilliant quirk and hero analyst one day and support the heroes in that capacity!"

Izuku stared at the other teen, at a total loss of what to say because never in even his wildest dreams had heeverthought Katsuki Bakugou would try and convince him to attend UA, he always thought it would be the absolute opposite that the teen would threaten and attack him if he ever learned that Izuku wanted to attend the hero school.

"He's right," A tired voice said a few feet away from them and both teens screamed, staggering away and towards each other, Katsuki letting off an explosion toward the voice, but the tall slightly broad-shouldered man merely side-stepped it as he stared down at the teens with shoulder length black lanky hair and similar exhausted black eyes that haddeepeyebags rimming them. "But as he is right now, the kid wouldn't pass the entrance exam."

Katsuki bristled. "Who the f*ck are you to say that?!" He snarled, moving to stand slightly protectively in front of Izuku, which the smaller teen found slightlyendearingand wouldneverpoint out in his life.

Izuku put a hand on his arm. "That's Erasurehead, a pro-underground capture hero."

The man's slightly stunned eyes locked on Izuku in mild appreciation. "How did you know that? Not many people do."

Katsuki let out a snort. "Because Izuku isobsessedwith heroes."

Izuku rolled his eyes, a blush coming across his cheeks. "Kacchan don't be mean."

"It's the truth nerd." Katsuki retorted with a roll of his eyes at Izuku before his gaze swung back to Erasurehead. "If you're so sure that he won't be able to pass the exam then train him so he can." The teen demanded.

Izuku sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Kacchan, you can't go arounddemandingthat a hero helps arandom kidoff the street merely because you want me to attend the same high school as you!" He said and the amount of exasperation and irritation in his tone must had been a very high level because Katsuki looked over at him with a slightly surprised expression in his own irritated red eyes. "You're nothearingwhat I'm saying, Kacchan, so let me spell it outplainlyso you hopefully can understand: I don'twantto attend another school that isquirkistand will highly discriminate against me and all of us withextremelylow value or no quirks, and only offer us thebare minimumwhile giving the students with the flashy quirks in the hero course thebestoptions and highest opportunities." Izuku said and shook his head as he looked over at the other teen. "I've already experienced discrimination and I'm quite frankly not really up to attending a high school that it's going to beshovedinto my face that they worship teens with extremely flashy quirks."

"UA is not quirkist, each student is offered the same opportunities as all the others." Erasurehead suddenly spoke up.

Izuku looked over at him with arched brows, a sardonic smile on his lips as he let out a scoff that had Bakugo groaning softly,veryaware that now Izuku was going to let loose a long-winded lecture onto the older man seeing as he'd done a few to Katsuki's own father a few times. "Really? They're not?" He asked and jerked up a finger when the other man opened his mouth to respond causing the man to flinch ever so slightly in surprise. "Okay, well to getintoUA they have to go through an entrance exam, one that you don't pass if you don't have a quirk that allows you to score high enough to thepro-heroessupervising the whole thing, correct? Then they're sorted,by their quirks,into their classes based on thehero'sassessment of the student if the application doesn't specifically state general study or business course applicant. Either Hero Course, Hero Support Course, or General Studies and those in General Studies have the option of transferring to Business Course and Hero Support butonlyif they make a good enough case. Andifthey want to transfer into Hero Course, they have to be good enough to beat out one of the students already in Hero Course, and eventhen,it's not guaranteed. Then, on top ofall of that bullsh*t,the Hero Course and Support Course are given the opportunity to show off their skills and quirks by participating in a Sports Festival that isall about quirks.Let me ask you a quick question, Erasurehead, do General Studies and Business Course have a sports festival that is geared towards them? Do they perhaps havesome sortof exposition geared towards them or a festival ofany kindthat they can throw? One that'stelevisedso they can show their skills to the public that can'tphysically make itto the event? Do they haveanyopportunities to do work studies or internships in their third years?" He asked and stepped towards the underground hero. "Because I'vedonethe research into UA, Iknowthat those opportunities arenotgiven to those in General Studies and Business Course students unless they themselves go out and apply to the companies they wish to do work studies or internships withthemselves,and even then it's not a guarantee that they will beallowedto do those things because they have to go to the dean of students and petition why they should be allowed to do those work studies and internships. Andifby somemiraclethey're allowed to do the work study or internship they aren't givenspecial leeway, or a weekend work study or a weeklong break then to do the internship. No, they have to goafterschool andrushto their internship or work study and put in the hours then. And if their grades atallslip during their time the allotment can be terminated, and they'll have to serve detention for breaking their contract and they're put into a probation period." Izuku said and drew in a deep breath. "Sono, Mr. Erasurehead, each student isnotoffered the same opportunities. At least thosenotin the Hero and Hero Support Courses, because unlike the students like Kacchan who haveflashy quirks, those of us with low level or 'boring' quirks, and even those of us withnoquirks aren't 'special enough'to warrant the same attention and opportunities as those in the Hero and Hero Support Courses."

Erasurehead just stood there for a moment before he nodded slightly. "I'll look into that." He said softly.

"Really? And what canyoudo about that?" Katsuki snorted.

The man swung his black eyes over to the other teen. "I'm one of the faculty members." He stated bluntly and Katsuki froze for a moment then swore softly under his breath. "So, IthinkI'll be able to at least bring it to the principal's attention for an internal investigation to take place."

Izuku sighed and shrugged as he folded his arms in front of himself. "Yea, okay, but it'll takeyearsto get the discrimination and quirk-segregation unrooted out of the school, but even then quirkism is going tostillbe deeply rooted into UA, and I haveno desireto attend a school that I am wholly aware that I am not on equal footing as my peers merely because I don't have a quirk to stand my ground with. I've spent to many damned years of my life fighting off people attacking me with flashy quirks, I have no desire to spend three more doing just the same." Izuku said and without meaning to his eyes flicked to Katsuki who looked away, shame briefly washing over his face, sighing he looked back at the hero. "Look, talk to the school, or don't I really don't care, as much as Kacchan wants me to attend UA I'm not so it really doesn't matter to me." Turning to face his friend Izuku sighed again when Katsuki wouldn't meet his gaze. "It's late and it's been a long day, I'm going home, get home safe too." He said softly before bowing slightly to the older man then turning and walking away from the two of them.

Groaning softly as his doorbell wasannoyinglypressed over and over andoveragain Izuku flung off his blankets and jogged down his stairs, it was only a little over an hour and a half since he'd gotten home and had gone straight to bed after quickly showering. Now, scrubbing a hand across his face as he staggered sleepily up to his door dressed in sleep pants and nothing else with his hair jutting up in curly spikes every which way, he yanked open his door and blearily blinked up at the black haired and black-eyed hero that stared down at him. Izuku stood there for a long moment before his stare morphed into a glare.

"Thatmother-f*cker." Izuku growled as he realized that Katsuki must have told the underground hero where he lived, if notmore.

"May I come in Midoriya?" The man prompted.

Izuku glared at him, yea, Katsuki told himmore. "And if I say no?"

"Then I will be back in the morning to speak with you, and if you refuse then I'll just keep coming until you agree to speak with me." The man deadpanned.

Izuku stared at him before narrowing his eyes. "Who did you talk to?" He demanded.

"The Bakugo's, they explainedsomeof your situation." He answered.

Scrubbing a hand over his face in deep rooted annoyance Izuku growled. "You have thirty minutes before I'm kicking you out."

The hero nodded before sliding passed Izuku and quickly toeing off his boots and striding into the house, pausing at the middle of the hallway for Izuku to lead the way into his home. Striding passed him Izuku flipped on the lights to his living room before snagging his comfy throw blanket and bundling up as he sat in one of the ultra-comfy chairs, he motioned towards the rest of the furniture. "Have a seat, and please make it quick I need to be up for work in about four-ish hours."

"So you do work nights." The man stated.

"Yeup, and no I'm not telling you where or for whom I work for so don't even ask." He stated and rested his chin on his knees and yawned. "Next question?"

"Your guardian is alright with you working?" He asked.

Izuku snorted. "Did Auntie not tell you I'm emancipated?" He asked with a small smile.

"She mentioned something along those lines." The hero said and paused. "Do you reallynotlive with an adult?"

"No, I don't, at least not since my mother left when I was twelve." He said and looked around. "Fixed this place up with my own two hands, and when I couldn't do it, I paid a contracting company to do it."

Erasurehead looked around and nodded slightly. "Your friend and his family were adamant that I talk you into attending UA, in the Hero Support Course-"

"I already said that I don't want to attend UA, there'sway toomuchquirkism going on and blatant quirk favoritism and Ireallydon't want to be a part of it." Izuku shook his head.

"That could be changed." The man stated. "The quirkism that is clearly a problem at UA can be changed, would you consider attending UA then?"

Izuku sighed and shook his head. "That's going to takeyearsto rectify, and even then, it's not guaranteed to stay that way."

The hero sat forwards, steepling his fingers together as he rested his forearms on his knees before he looked over at Izuku. "What if you could be the driving force behind the change? To be the face of a healthy anti-quirkism movement?"

Izuku sat there stunned before he started to laugh softly. "Be thefaceof an anti-quirkism movement?" He repeated and sat forward. "Mister erasure Quirk user, are you anidiot?Not only am Iquirklessbut I'm f*ckingweak-as-hell!I havezerofighting skills andno familyto back myself up! I'd be a sitting duck justwaitingfor the bullies to launch their attacks, and the rich-bitch-ass quirk families to target and harass until I'm ousted from UA!"

"What if you had the backing of the principal, myself, and another high-profile hero and faculty member?" Erasure prompted.

Izuku stared at the man before he scrubbed a hand across his face before he held out his hand. "Look, if you cansomehowget those two on your side in onhundredpercent agreement andguaranteeme that I won't have to take the idiotic entrance exam - because Ialreadyknowthat I'd fail, and I don't want to go through that humiliation - then I'llconsiderit."

"You'd have to do some sort of exam to be permitted acceptance into UA." Erasurehead stated.

"I'd be willing to do a written essay as to why I should be allowed to attend UA, we cantalkabout what course you want me in, but the decision ultimately rests with me. Don't worry I donotwant to be in the hero course, that's practically a neardeathsentence not to mention a complete humiliation because I'm quirkless." Izuku said running a hand through his hair as he yawned.

"Your angry friend told me to suggest providing an updated analysis journal, whatever that means, as proof of why you should be allowed to attend and be a part of the Support Course." The hero informed Izuku.

Sighing before chuckling slightly Izuku nodded, not really at all surprised with that becausewhy wouldn'tKatsuki suggest something that would no doubt get him at leastsomeattention from the staff at UA. "Fine, get me an appointment one Saturday if you can get the principal and hero to back you."

The hero's eyes widened slightly. "That's only three days, kid."

"Yea, but if I'm going to attend a school where I'm most likely going to get my ass kickeddailybecause I'm the face of an anti-quirkism movement then I'm going to need to learn some sort of self-defense and it's best to start that sh*t when I have three months to prepare for it." He pointed out. "Whichyouwill be helping me with."

The hero sat there for a moment before he nodded. "Would you be open to having a guardian?"

Izuku's tired eyes shot to the other man, and he stared at him suspiciously for a long moment before they narrowed slightly. "Why?"

"For legality reasons, if you're going to attend UA, you're going to need a legal guardian." He explained and held up a hand to no doubt stop the defensive retorted from Izuku before he could even open his mouth. "It won't mean that I have any right to step in and take over your life like a guardian would, but at least you'd have someone fully in your corner."

Izuku swallowed and looked away. "I'll think about it." He said after a moment before he looked up at his clock. "But right now, I really need to get to bed so I'd appreciate it if you'd leave."

The hero nodded and stood and headed for the door, Izuku trialing after him. Pausing long enough after getting his boots on to turn towards Izuku. "Aizawa, Aizawa Shouta." He said softly.

Izuku blinked and nodded. "Midoriya Izuku, thanks for trusting me enough with your name."

He nodded before extending a small, folded piece of paper. "My name and personal contact information." The man said softly. "If you need anything, problem child, don't hesitated to reach out." With that the strange man disappeared, closing the door behind himself and leaving a stunned Izuku standing there holding the piece of paper.

Staring down at the paper as he locked up the door Izuku turned and made his way back up to his room where he promptly tucked the paper under his phone, flopped back onto his bed and was asleep within seconds of pulling the blankets up and closing his eyes. The issue regarding the underground hero and sh*t about UA was a problem for when he was well rested, not that he ever reallywasbut still, he was not going to deal with it when he was half asleep and staggering round on his feet.


Okay, I feel like this one was a BIT shorter, but it was more of an introduction piece than a real plot expander. Just FYI if I'm gonna try and NOT have long winded rants in each chapter, trust me I'm realizing that more then a few of them have them and it's a little face palming and shaking my head, but a big part of that is kinda needed to open other characters eyes so it's SORT OF needed, but I plan to try and space them out. HOWEVER, that being said the next few ones may or may not have long rants in them from Izuku's perspective because HUGE things are gonna start happening pretty quickly.
Also, I want to point out that quite a few people are gonna be a BIT gremlin-esque when it comes to other people's safety/wellbeing, and I mean like they go borderline psychopathic. And a few chapters had HEAVY amounts of pure amusem*nt because I HAD to break up the feels and heaviness, also who doesn't like a chapter that has a hilarious segment? Anywho, there's Aizawa making his appearance like a shady sleep-deprived kidnapper on the street and triggering Katsuki's first protective instinct towards our Green Bean! Get ready for a side of Aizawa that I can just see this over-protective father-figure to have! It's hilarious!
So, there we go, hope you all enjoyed it, leave a comment, kudo if you want, or not all's good either way, thank you all for stopping by and reading my story see you in the next one!!

Chapter 8: UA and All Might


What a devious little Principal that UA has, as well as a rather disappointing Heroics Teacher. Really, the whole sh*t-show just makes Izuku's head hurt. At least Aizawa gets a laugh out all of it.


So just a heads up this one's gonna be a bit on the shorter side that's just how it ended up, hope you enjoy!
Also for those of you who celebrate this coming holiday, Happy Thanksgiving! For those of you who do not, happy holidays, stay warm and safe dear readers!
As Alway's stop by the end notes for an in-depth talk about the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Looking around at the massive campus that sprawled in front of him Izuku was more than a little taken aback at the monstrosity of it. From his research the building that was right there in front when you walked onto the campus was the administrative offices, infirmary, Hero Course classes and the teacher offices of all three years. There were three other massive structures placed behind that first monstrous one to the right and left of the main one and the third across a central plaza like courtyard that the General Studies, Business Course, and Hero Support Course were held in respectfully with their own staff room and teachers' offices. Another building was the cafeteria and library separated from the four main class buildings, so it wasn'tclearlysegregated by the Course you were in. And farther away from that was themassivestadium that the sports festival was held in every year, not to mention the giant warehouse like buildings that were Hero and Support courses gyms where they could wreck sh*t without the main buildings getting destroyed, the specialized locations that were used to simulate real life situations. Not to mention the special locations that UA used for specialized training of the budding young hero's that were locatedoffcampus.

In reality UA was an ultra f*cking rich ass fancy school that was super hard to get into and super hard tostayenrolled in for more than one reason. If the teachers didn't think you had what it took to be in their class? Expelled. If you f*cked up too much to theteacher'sviewpoint? Expelled. If you pushed things 'to far'? Expelled.

Really it waseasierto getexpelledat UA than it as to getenrolledin this stupid ass school. But then again, they were known for producing the 'best of the best' when it came to Heroes, so a lot of people overlooked those expulsion happy the teachers tended to be. Oh, f*ck it, the heroes in the last ten years that UA had 'approved of' and had gone on to become pros were the most quirk-conceited asshats of the last two generations. It was honestlyincrediblyf*cked up, but nobody cared because they all currently lived in a quirk-led society where those with flashy and powerful quirks were on top and those with lesser or no quirks were the dirt they trod on.

Tugging his cardigan closer around himself as he followed Aizawa into the main building he swallowed as he looked around that massive foyers artful decor, from the light fixture that was suspended from the second floor ceiling that was shaped in the schools letters U.A, to the potted plants that were around the walls and the pictures of the big time hero's that hung on the walls showcasing their penchant of producing big name heroes. Really it was both tasteful and nauseating just how much of its own propaganda UA was willing to put front and center for the public to see. Turning down a massive hallway, one of three, Izuku took in the walls that were adorned with even more pictures and quotes that had Izuku internally gagging and rolling his eyes. Striding through a double door into the lobby of the administrative offices Izuku looked around, taking in the waiting room and big U-shaped receptionist desk that was front and center as well as several hallways that branched off from this room, not to mention the elevator that was tucked away that Aizawa headed to.

It was only after they'd boarded the elevator and Aizawa had hit the button that he glanced over at Izuku. "Thank you for agreeing to come her and speak with them."

"Well," Izuku sighed softly and scrubbed a tired hand across his face, last night had beenrough, and his body - namely hisass -was still f*cking sore from it. "I told you that if you managed to get them on your side then I'd make the effort to meet with them."

"Yes, well you never gave me aguaranteethat you would be willing to meet with them." The hero pointed out.

Izuku nodded. "True, however you got back to methe next daythat you'd managed to not only get them on board but also arranged for an appointment that we could talk without prying eyes or ears. So, I guess that deserves at least alittlebit of time and respect to what you managed to accomplish."

Aizawa chuckled slightly. "Thanks kid."

"Yea, yea, but don't get your hopes up I'm not for sure I'll eventryto get into UA." Izuku said with a roll of his eyes as the elevator came to a stop on the third floor with a soft chiming ding.

Once again Izuku trailed after Aizawa as he headed towards the end of a rather short hallway that led to a rather fancy as hell looking double doors, on which Aizawa paused and knocked before opening them and moving through and to the side to allow Izuku to stride into the room a sense of dread seeping into his gut with the sheer tension that was in the room. Looking around his eyes settled on a toddler sized animal that was clothed in three-piece suit that was missing the jacket, it resembled more of abearbut with rat like features andclearlyhumanoid body even though it was covered in what looked like ultra soft white fur and beady black eyes as its nose twitched slightly while sipping tea out of a super fancy looking teacup. The person/creature/thingwas oozing calmness and an openness that seemed to settle Izuku's sudden discomfort as he smiled warmly at Izuku in greeting, but when Izuku's eyes shifted over to the only other person in the room he realized that thetensionand discomfort was radiating from the pro hero All Might who sat on the couch to the right of the rat/bear and was sitting with his elbows on his knees and his hands steepled in front of his face with his mouth resting on his steepled fingers.

Clearlythere was discontent, and things werenota hundred percent agreed upon.

Slowly looking up at Aizawa Izuku took in the confused and annoyed expression on the other man's face, which showed that Aizawa was unaware of the situation as well. "I thought you said they agreed with you?" He prompted.

"Theydid, but something must have happened." Aizawa sighed in annoyance before putting a gentle hand on Izuku's shoulder. "C'mon, let's go talk with them."

Izuku shook his head. "No, I'm not willing to fight and argue with someone whoclearlydoesn't want me to attend UA when I'm not even enrolled in it."

"Mr. Midoriya, would you mind coming and sitting down so we can talk?" The rat/bear's voice was soft and pleasant and startling slightly in it's slightly higher pitched tone.

Izuku looked over at it and stared for a moment before sighing dejectedly and thrusting a hand through is wild mess of curls in agitation. "Fine, uh, what do I call you?" He asked, and though the question was abrasive, it was said with politeness as he bowed slightly in greeting to another man/animal/person.

The rat/bear smiled. "I am Principal Nedzu, you my address me as Sensei, Principal, or even if you are comfortable enough, Nedzu."

Izuku blinked in surprise before nodding. "Okay." He murmured and glanced at Aizawa once more before heading around to the couch that was directly across from Nedzu and sank down onto it, tugging his cardigan closer to himself as if to comfort himself. "So, Aizawa said that the two of you were in complete agreement with him when it informed me of the appointment two days ago, so what changed between then?"

"Well, when Shouta told us about a very special student that he wanted enrolled in the Hero or Hero Support Course's we were quite thrilled because he has never once asked for a special recommendation and so we both agreed to allow it and meet with you today and go over everything and primarily tomeetyou, Mr. Midoriya." Nedzu said warmly then glanced over at All Might who had yet to speak. "However, yesterday, when Shouta gave us each a copy of your file it raised some... doubts upon one of us that you might not be able to participate within the courses in an acceptable manner."

Izuku stared at the principal before he let out a snort and shot a slightly smug smirk over at a disbelieving Aizawa before he looked back at the rat/bear. "Really? And whatreasonis it that sparked those doubts?" He prompted, knowingexactlywhat it was and wanting the prick to come out and say it. "Hold on! I'd like to hear it fromhim. If that's alright." He said holding up a finger when Nedzu opened his mouth to speak.

"Of course." Nedzu said with a small chuckle. "Well? All Might."

The massive hero sat there for a long time before he sat back up and turned his head, light blue eyes locking with Izuku's emerald ones and there was a startling lack of empathy in those depths. "You would not be able to properly deal with situations that would require certain...skills."

Izuku's eyebrows shot up. "And why do youassumethat?" He pressed, watching annoyance fill the massive man's eyes. "What makes theotherstudents in those courses morecapableto deal with those situations than me?"

All Might sat there for a moment before he sighed. "You are quirkless, young man."

"Ahh!" Izuku nodded as if a giant 'Ah-ha!' moment had been made. "So it's thequirkthat makes the hero, correct? Is that what you're saying?"

"Young man, you need a quirk that would be able to aid you invictoryagainst villains." All Might said on a heavy sigh.

"Really?" Izuku snorted his brows arching combatively in his way that he was about to launch into a rant. "Then what made Gang Orca qualify as a 'capable' hero? He's got the attributes of a killer whale, but he can't spew water or summon fish friends to his aid, and yet he is a high-ranking pro-herolovedby the public. Then there's Mandalay of the Wild-Wild-puss*cats, her quirk is telepath which allows her to communicate with anyone, how would that help her defeat a villain? And yet she is one of the strongest of the quartet of heroes. There areso manyheroes that have quirks, that toyourstandards All Might, would not make them suitable to hero work. The top being your personal favorite, Sir Nighteye, with his quirk Foresight, yes, he can see into the future, but the future isever changing, nothing is for sure until it's set in stone because it has come to pass. So, tell me, how doeshisquirk help him fight off a villain attack?" Izuku asked, his voice firm and blatantly challenging the stunned hero. "Oh, and I forgot Erasurehead, sorry, but his quirk only works so long as he stares at his opponent without blinking, but when he's amidst agroupof villains how will his quirk help him? All of those heroes that I listed have gained the skills and knowledge how to handle villains using the quirks that might not be the best option for the villains that they're facing. And yet each one of those arepopularheroesdespitewhat you think about what a hero's quirkshould be. They've learned how to be a herodespiterelying solely on their quirk." He stated and sat back. "So, I call utterbullsh*t. You don't like the fact that I'm enrolling in UAbecauseof the fact that I'mquirkless. Don't hide behind false reasons and lies simply because you want to save face and appear that all-inclusive 'you can do anything you dream to do' hero, that just makesyoulook pathetic, come out and say it.Admitthat you don't think I should enroll at UA because I'mquirkless. You wouldn't be the first one." Izuku snorted again and threw up his hands. "The whole f*cking world thinks the quirkless should be shipped away to special camps and sealed off from the rest of the world because we're ablighton humanity. It'sno wondermost of the villains are those with low level or 'useless' or ones that aredeemedvillainous style quirks, it's because of people likeyouAll Might, the great'Symbol of Peace'that tells a fifteen-year-old child that they shouldn't enroll in a prestigious high school that isgeared towardschildren with flashy quirks that they should not attend that school because said child isquirkless." Pushing himself up Izuku sneered down at the hero. "You sir, with all yourfakeboasting about inclusion and acceptance ofallquirks and non-quirk-users' alike, are nothing but a villain in sheep's clothes. You just so happen to have everyone's support unlike the rest of the villains."

At that All Might surged to his feet, a thunderous anger on his face as his couch was shoved back nearly half a dozen feet from the abrupt manner in which he stood. "Do not compare me to villains, young man." He growled dangerously low hiss massive hands fisted dangerously at his sides as all of his muscled flexed to keep from no doubt striking Izuku.

But Izuku didn't even flinch, used to aggression and intimidation techniques because he dealt with them all the time. "Yeup, there we go, the quirkless challenges the number one hero and you get thinly veiled threats." Izuku said and stepped up, so he was even closer to the hero. "Guess what, Mister Great and PowerfulHero,out of all the f*cked-up sh*t that I've had to deal with all my goddamned lifeyouare theleastterrifying of it." He said and outrightlaughedin the face of this man's anger, and he watched slowly as confusion and then alarm filled the hero's eyes. "Do you know how many times I get f*ckingbeat to sh*tin my week?" Izuku asked and shucked off his cardigan, uncaring that he was going to be showing them something he most likelyshouldn't,but he was past the point of being rationality as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it off over his head.

As of now his skin was a swath of purpling bruising, cuts and scrapes in various stages of healing, welts from a leather belt and other things raised and tender, fingerprints and clear indentations ofbitemarksriddled his skin, and the very pale white lines of healed scars that decorated him front and back as he spread his arms for the stunned hero to take in as the man stepped back in horror even as Izuku strode towards him laughing bitterly. "So, you really thinkthreateningme is going to scare me? What are you gonna do that hasn'talreadybeen done to me?" He demanded as he stalked after the hero until the big man landed with a crash onto the couch that he'd knocked away, having tripped on it. "I meanseriouslyI've dealt with blatant discrimination all my life so it's nothing new! From the preschool teachers who let the newly manifested kidstest outtheir quirks on me, friends, parents, eventually my ownpeers,and all of my teachers from elementary to middle school have been bigoted quirkists who had made my life a livinghell." He said and shook his head as he lowered his arms to his side. "So I've learned to survive, I've learned that this world isf*cked upand people likeyoumake it so much f*cking worse becauseyouwant to keep people likemefrom experiencing equal opportunities as those with flashy quirks are given." Izuku leaned closer to the man. "So yes, in my eyes and those who've experienced what I have,youare the villain. Because at leastvillainsdon't sh*t on those of us who are already down in the dirt."

With that Izuku turned, strode back over to the couch, snatched his shirt off the couch and yanked it on over his head, glanced at Aizawa and swallowed thickly when he noticed the staring before he squared his shoulders and continued on, going for the nail in the figurative coffin.

"Do you know what kind of jobs areavailablefor a twelve-year-old boy whose just been abandoned by his family for 'daring'to be born quirkless?" He asked and glanced over at All Might who was stunned. "Can youguess? No? Let me explain to you invividdetail, Mister Pro-Hero who has most likelyneverhad to worry about a hot meal in his life, or a warm bed to sleep in, orheatand running water in the winter, the only jobs that areavailableto those of us unfortunate enough to not beblessedwith a quirk is that in thesex industry." He said and gritted his teeth at the sharp inhalations form both All Might and Aizawa, glancing at Nedzu to get the soft nod from the rat/bear, clearly having already deduced that much. "Yea, that's right, Mister Hero, I've beenselling myselfsince I wastwelveto stay alive." Slowly turning towards All Might he pointed at him. "Because that's whatyoursociety offers a quirkless child like me."

The massive hero slowly shook his head. "You could have gotten help! You cou-"

Nedzu gently cut off All Might's denials. "The only 'help' that he would have gotten would have beenfarworse than what he did to survive, All Might." The rat/bear said firmly, and the two other adults looked at him in confusion. "Domestic abuse against quirkless children in foster care or the few orphanages that are willing to house them is 97.6% higher than if he handled his life himself. Chances are he would have sufferedworsefates than what he has had to endure the past three years, and chances are he would have already been found somewhere already dead either from the abuse or from self-inflicted injuries. So, while the fate that he has chosen isnotideal for a child it is in fact a great deal better than one he would have had to endure should he have gone into foster care or an orphanage." Nedzu explained before taking a sip of his tea before smiling up at Izuku. "Please, dear boy, sit down so we can talk. If you wish, All Might can be excused from this meeting."

Izuku stared at him before snorting again. "You really want me to enroll in UA don't you?" He asked as he tugged on his cardigan.

"Yes, I do, as I agree that the discrimination against those with lower-ranking quirks and those entirely quirkless is at an all-time high here in UA, and I have wanted to put together a plan toridthe school of that horrendous quirkism nonsense that many of those attending UA as well as thoseteachingat UA have come to blatantly follow. And I feel that you are the perfect candidate to fill that role." Nedzu said happily.

Izuku sighed and plunked down onto the couch and scrubbed his hand across his face in agitation. "That's why you wanted All Might here so I could get in his face and show that I have the backbone you'd need wasn't it? To see if I could stand up against someone with insane strength and power and intimidation and hold my ground?"

"Oh my, you are a smart child indeed!" Nedzu chuckled lightly. "But yes, and my sincerest apologies for not being completely honest about my intentions."

"Yea, well, most peoplearen'tso it's not like I'm not used to it." He sighed softly.

"Where do you work?" Aizawa asked softly.

"Not happening." Izuku said and looked over at him. "As much as that jobsucks,I'm not quitting."


"Do you know how many prostitutes go missing per-month? Or how many of them show up at the hospital withinternalinjuries caused by their 'clients' during sex, or their client being too rough with them before or after the 'appointment', or with horrendous STD's?" Izuku asked and looked over at him. "Do you know how many people are frommyjob make up that number?" He asked and held up his hand in the form of a 0. "None, that's how many. Because the owner of the place I work atkeeps us safe."He said and shook his head. "So no, I'm not quitting, and you can take that worried expression and shove it. I've been doing this for three years and I've never ended up in the ER, I've never had a STD, we're safe and protected so back the f*ck off."

Slowly Aizawa swallowed and nodded. "Okay."

Izuku nodded before looking over at Nedzu. "So, explain to me what your grand-scheme plan is and why you wantmeto head it." He ordered to which Nedzu smiled broadly.


It was an hour and a half before Izuku finally made it out of that office, out of that building, and nearly to the car with Aizawa walking silently next to him. His head hurt, aside from his body, and all he wanted was to go home and take a damned nap. But now his brain was reeling from all the information that he'd been given from Nedzu. So, chances of him taking a nap on one of the few days that he hadnothingscheduled to do was slim-to-none. But the booming footfalls had Aizawa sighing heavily and Izuku looking up at the other hero in silent question.

"Walk faster." Was all Aizawa grumbled, as he put a hand on Izuku's back and urged him faster.

And Izuku, oddly trusting Aizawa, did speed up.

But it was in vain because a few seconds later All Might slid to a dramatic stop besides Izuku."I am here!"He boomed in his hero voice slightly startling the teen who jumped back at the sudden noise. "To apologize." He said in a much more normal volumed voice. But really for the super loud hero it was still pretty loud.Izuku merely stared up at the massive hero, who must have taken that as an assent to start apologizing because the next thing Izuku knew the man had bowed fully at the waist, hands glued to his sides and rambling on about how he didn't mean to insult Izuku and about how he didn't really see quirkless as lesser than, and blah, blah, blah. Really it was a bullsh*t appeasem*nt apology, because there was reallynosincerity in the apology, it was just empty words.

"You can stop right there." Izuku said, cutting off All Might's words, his eyes bored as he met the surprised hero's light blue gaze. "Until yousincerelybelieve the words that you're saying right now I don't want an apology from you." He said and shook his head as turned and strode away. "I don't want nordeservea fake apology given to simplyappeaseme because you've been a quirkist asshole who wasfinallycalled on his bullsh*t."

The stunned sputtering that came from All Might brought at least alittlesatisfaction from Izuku, and he was a few feet from the car when a massive hand closedlightlyaround his shoulder and Izuku turned to face the hero with an exhausted and annoyed expression, Aizawa standing only a foot away from the teen,clearlyin warning that the man play nice with the young teen. "What?" He asked on a heavy sigh.

"Young Midoriya, I truly am sorry for what happened in that office." The man said, a somberness that was quite startling and had Izuku's full attention, though he was careful to keep that interest shoved fully down, so he just appeared exhausted and annoyed. "It has never been my intention to be seen as a quirkist individual, nor making it seem as if you had no place at UA, nor in society."

He stared back at the hero. "Yea, nobody ever does, and yet that's how we're treated." He said and shrugged, brushing off All Might's hand as he moved up to the car.

"You truly are hard to apologize to." Aizawa chuckled as he unlocked his car.

Izuku pulled open the door but paused and turned to looked from one adult to the other. "No, I'm really not that difficult to apologize to, I just don't accept bullsh*t apologies and excuses for people's behaviors." He stated and shrugged as he climbed into the car but paused again when he moved to shut the door, looking at All Might as he delivered that last little verbal punch to the nuts before shutting the door. "If you don't like it then you should grow the f*ck up, you're a goddamnedadult, f*ckingact like it."

But event through the now closed door Izuku could still hear the loud roaring belly laugh that Aizawa let loose as he clutched his stomach and threw back his head from the sheer dumbfounded look on All Mights face, as his jaw literallydroppedat Izuku's words which wereclearlydirected at him, waspricelessas he settled back in his seat and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain in his head from all the sh*t that had gone on.


It's out! He hasn't clarified what he does, but it's out that he works in the sex industry! Also, him calling out All Might and going toe-to-toe and actually SCARING the number one a bit because of how jaded he is? Dear readers that was POETIC to me! Let me know how you all felt about that! Also, just a little heads up Aizawa might start acting a bit different then he does int he manga/anime because of his interactions with Izuku, I feel like the little bean just kinda corrupts him a bit, brings him out of his introverted shell just a tad. Case in point his laughing at the end. TBH there's a few chapters where this is very prevalent FYI.
Just to clarify I don't change him TO MUCH because the cranky sleep-deprived caterpillar that is Aizawa is who he is, it's just Izuku's corruption adds a bit more spice and depth to him.
So, from the following chapters or so is where Izuku's bullying starts to pick up, bit more violence will be added into the story form this point on just a heads up!
But for now that's it, hope you enjoyed, if you did feel free to leave a comment or kudos if you haven't already! See you in the next one dear readers!

Chapter 9: Training or Dying... DEBATEABLE!


All Might: "You murdered me!"
Izuku: "No, no it was SELF DEFENSE."
Aizawa: "Nah kid, that was intent to kill."
Izuku: *rolls his eyes* "Whatever"
Aizawa: "So proud of you my problem child!"
Izuku: *beaming*
All Might: *stunned speechless* "What?!"


Okay this one is a bit on the shorter side so I'm thinking of posting ch 10 either later today or super early tomorrow. Check the end notes for more in depth talk! Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He was f*ckingdead, not literally or he wouldn't feel so f*cking exhausted, sick, and sore down to the very atoms in his marrow.

It was the third week since his training with his Hell Master known as Aizawa had commenced and already hehatedthis bullsh*t. Not to mention he'd talked with Mama and had gotten the next two months, aside from Tuesdays and Thursdays, off so he could devote those days to training with Aizawa. Katsuki had even gotten involved when he'd realized that the caffeine addicted insomniac had actually managed to get Izuku to agree to apply to UA, and after the first two days of intense badgering Izuku had relented and gotten up at the ass-crack of dawn to go on the absolutebrutalmorning run with the maniac angry Pomeranian. The first week of their runs had started off gentle, more like a light jog that had built up to fast paced runs with the distance growing and growing until it was not the long and brutal run that hedreaded. Already, annoyingly, he could feel the lithe muscles in his legs from his years as a stripper getting more defined and stronger, his lungs and blood flow had increased as well from what he could feel about his body. On top of that idiocrasy the two assholes had completelyrehauledIzuku's pantry, fridge, and freezer and replaced all the 'junk' with healthy bullsh*t that they demanded he eat instead. Thankfully though when he'd broken down as they'd tried to touch his guilty pleasure snacks they'd backed off and said that he could keep them butonlyhave them at set times and ingreat moderation. But he'd take it, they allowed him to keep his cherished snacks, so he'd give their insane meal plan a decent try even if he hated it.

Izuku had even resorted to talking Owl into sneaking him unhealthy snacks at work or on the car ride home from work, which the mangleefullydid, especially when he told him about the injustice that he was being forced to partake via his newhealth-consciousfood diet the two Nutrition Nazi's had placed him on and Katsuki strictly monitored. Like the blonde assholesnoopedthrough his kitchen to make sure he didn't sneak 'unapproved' sh*t into his,hishouse! Really, you'd think that he was a super unhealthy loaf that didn't do anything! No! Izuku was one of the most fit teenagers that there was! He worked out regularly, his jobliterallyrequired him to be agile and flexible so that he was. He atewell, yes it wasn'tsuper healthy,but it wasn't all junk food and ramen packets! He was just too exhausted to make a home cooked meal every night of the week!

That first week had beenutter hellseeing as he was still transitioning into getting off from work, so he was exhausted and didn't have the energy nor time to make his meals. What had surprised him though, was that Sunday, Katsuki had shown up at his house and had done meal prep for the following week. He'd frozen what he could and labeledeverythingwith the instructions and the dates in which Izuku was to pull things out, heat them up in the pan, microwave, or stove and eat. Izuku had tearfully thanked the angry Pomeranian at that and had gotten a grumbled 'you're welcome, nerd' before Katsuki had stormed out and gone assumably home. Since then, Katsuki had been making them breakfast, most days at Izuku's so he didn't have make food for his 'lazy ass' parents, every morning after their super assed early run and Izuku was low key loving the time that he was spending with Katsuki. Already the angry teen was opening up more to Izuku, talking more and not as aggressively, the mean nicknames had been cut downsubstantiallyuntil it was only when Katsuki was really riled which as of late wasn't all that frequent, they were also sharing memes and jokes with one another. More often than not their shoulders would brush in the kitchen and Izuku wouldn't flinch away nor would Katsuki snarl at him angrily that he was to close or shove him either with his shoulder or elbows to get him to move away.

One of the few times that they'd been at Katsuki's house after a run and he was making them breakfast and his mom had come sleepily into the kitchen only to see Izuku showing Katsuki a funny All Might meme, standingright next to her son,while he rolled a tamagoyaki in the square pan while chuckling softly at whatever Izuku was blabbering about their arms brushing. She's grabbed the wall like she was about to pass the hell out then had demanded to know what had happened. After that there was a bunch of yelling, not only from Mitsuki about what was happening, but Katsuki for Mitsuki to get the hell out of 'his kitchen, while he's f*cking cooking you damned ugly ass hag'!

And Izuku, if he didn't fully know and was a hundred percent sure, that Katsuki Bakugou onethousand percentadored his parents - not that he would be caught dead (or have it tortured out of him) admitting that toanybody,but he would quite literallykillfor them without hesitation-than Izuku would be worried about the relationship between the Bakugou's. He'd just happily bounced back to his stool, sat on it as he lazily kicked one foot back and forth as he sipped at his steaming hot,deliciouscoffee and scrolled through memes, periodically looking up and watching the confrontation enfolding in front of him with an amused soft smile or an arched brow when one of them said something a little too scalding to the other.

But now, now he had just finished up a workout form literalhell.And he wasn't sure if he would be able to move for the next six years because everything hurt.

That was, until he watched a bare foot come soaring towards his middle, tostompon him, and internally he sobbed.

Externally however, he effortlessly rolled up over his head and using his arms propelled him up onto his feet to fend off Aizawa's attacks.

What had both surprised and delighted Aizawa, the sick demented sad*stic asshole, was the fact that Izuku seemed to be anaturalat fighting, already the hero was teaching him advanced techniques in taekwondo, street-fighting tricks the underground hero had perfected over his career, and ju-jitsu. He'd also added in weapons to Izuku's arsenal, namelykniveswhich had made Izuku wary at first, because who in their right mind wouldwantto go around stabbing people. But then when Aizawa had pointed out that he needed to be skilled enough toprotecthimself against villains Izuku had begrudgingly agreed. He was still absolutely hesitant to touch the guns that Aizawa wanted him to trian with next, so that was something he was working up the courage to start learning. So now he was working with rubber knives during training, and on the dummies he was using the real deal. What was themostfun however was when Aizawa brough out the red markers and they had a fight to see who could mark up whomfirst. As of now it was even with them both having four victories each.

And that's when Izuku saw the cap of the red marker in Aizawa's hand flying off to land somewhere in the distance and Izuku grinned.

"Loser buys lunch." He challenged.

The older man smirked. "You're on problem ch-"

Aizawa grunted as Izuku dove in at him suddenly, planted a solid punch to his knee, grabbing the hand that held the 'knife' shot anuppercutinto Aizawa's jaw, deftlydisarmedthe hero, and promptlyslashedthe pro hero across the torso from lower right mid-section all the way to shoulder."Dead!"Izuku cheered and bounced backwards excitedly as he threw his arms up cheering for himself.

"What thef*ck?!"Aizawa barked as he staggered backward in stunned shock, rubbing at his jaw as he looked down at the white shirt with the massive red streak across it. "How the f*ck,what?"

"Iwin!"Izuku taunted and danced around the man before he turned and in one smooth motionthrewthe marker with startling speed and accuracy watched as itthuddedright between All Mights brows and the massive hero grunted, staggering backwards in shock."Hah!"He barked out a laugh and threw his arms up again even as Aizawa slapped a hand to his mouth to cover his own shocked laughter. "Bullseye!"

"Izuku!"Aizawa barked out, but there was hard core laughter in that bark and his shoulders were shakinghard.

"Nothing's going to take this victory from me!" Izuku screamed as he threw back his head and laughed maniacally.

"What the hell are you giving that child?" All Might demanded as he eyed the young teen worriedly while he reached up and touched the red dot between his brows and frowned at the red marker stain that came away at the touch.

Coming down from his own laughter even as Izuku bounced around happily with maniacal giggles every now and then. "A steadyhealthydiet, daily exercise, and he cut back on his hours at his...job." Aizawa said as he shook his head and smiled fondly at the way Izuku bounced around the gym, oddly giggling about victories and katsudon. "Kids a powerhouse of energy and raw talent. He's already on advanced stages of taekwondo and jiu jitsu, I've taught him pretty much all of the street-fighting moves that I've got, he's a f*ckingnaturalwith all things blades no matter the size, we haven't worked with guns yet but he's open to training on them soon, not to mention he's gotinsanespeed, stamina,outstandingcontrol of his body, and a situational awareness that I've never come across in all my years." He said and shook his head as he ran a hand across the top of it seeing as he'd pulled his hair back into a loose man bun. "Everything I teach him he absorbs and copies and thenperfectsit within several minutes, then perfects itfurtherafter a few days. Kids gonna make onehelluvahero one day."

All Might nodded. "Do you think he'd..."

Aizawa looked up at the hero and his relaxed happy expression vanished into one of carefully controlled blankness, being one of thefewheroes that knew what All Might was referring to. "That's a conversation you'll have to have with him, I'd prefer it if hedidn't,but he might want to so talk to him. Not now though, let him have his fun."

All Might nodded again before he paused and glanced from Izuku to Aizawa. "Would you mind if I spared with him?"

Automatically Aizawa turned to All Might. "My problem child isnotfor you to try andbreak,All Might. He's not one ofyourhero students."

"No, no, that's not..." The big hero waved his hands and shook his head. "I do not want to hurt him-"

"Like you neverwantedto hurt your other students when you were fighting them in exams or one-on-one training with you?" He demanded narrowing his eyes at the man.

"I could not very well goeasyon them during the exams Aizawa, you know this as well as I do." All Might defended softly.

"Sending four students to the infirmary, two of which had to take a week's leave due to injury, and one developed PTSD so bad they had to drop out of the hero course." He said softly and stepped forward, lowering his voice dangerously. "That isnotwhat a good teacher does, Yagi, that is what avillaindoes. We both know that those students that yearweren'tones with youridealquirks for heroes and you felt the need to point that out time and time again. Yousingledthem out andruinedthem. I will be damned if I let you do that to my problem child, oranyof mu future students."

By the end of that small rant All Might had been looking away in shame. "Yes, you are right, my past behavior has been...abhorrent. So, allow me to attempt to redeem myself by aiding in this young man's growth as a hero."

Aizawa stared at the number one hero for a long time. While he nowhereneartrusted the man with his problem child, heknewthat the skills and training he could get form the number one hero could bedetrimentalto Izuku's training. "Iwillbe watching the match closely, and if I feel that you've taken it aniotato far, Iwillbe canceling your quirk. Identitybe damned, Yagi, do you understand me?"

All Might blinked at the threat then nodded. He turned towards the still hyper child and slowly made his way towards the bouncing ball of energy. "Young Midoriya, would you be up for another sparing session?"

"Why?" Izuku demanded as he froze and stared at the two then he tipped his head back and let out a loud groan as his shoulders slumped and his arms smacked down at his sides. "But Iwonthat match! And you said lunch so now I'mhungry!"He whined turning his attention to Aizawa.

Aizawa sighed and strode forward. "You don'thaveto spar with All Might, child, it's only anofferto do so."

"Oh, then no." He said rapid fire and smiled at Aizawa. "Can we get food now?"

The tired hero chuckled lightly before going serious and putting a hand on the teens shoulder. "Izuku, stop and think for a moment, sparing with All Might can help you a great deal because his fighting style is completely different from my own."

"Yea, he's like a bull and I'm the fine China shop." Izuku snorted and gave the man a look. "No match we have would atallbe fair and quite frankly Idon'twant to have more bruises than I've had to deal with in the past, so no thanks."

Aizawa stepped closer and put his other hand on Izuku's shoulder. "I will be here, and if he tries to do anything I will step in and stop him."

Izuku stared up at the man,reallylooking at the man and sighed. "You really want me to spar with him, don't you?" He asked softly.

"While I don'treallylike the idea, sparring with All Might can really improve your skills in a way that I can't really get you there." Aizawa admitted softly.

Grumbling Izuku reached up and rubbed at his face. "Okay, fine,one match." He said and held up a finger. "Aizawa be the ref."

"Of course, problem child." He said and ruffled Izuku's hair affectionately.

Izuku, being the touch starved teen that he was, leanedheavilyinto the affectionate touch and closed his eyes on a happy sigh. Yes, he wastouchedfor a living, but that was never touches that hewantedthey were all objectifying and not merely one out of comfort or affection. So, the fact that Aizawa had a penchant for soft little head pats, hair ruffles, comforting hands on his shoulder or upper back, and the occasional reassuring hug when things got difficult. Slowly opening his eyes, he smiled warmly up at Aizawa before he turned to face All Might and a serious expression crossed his face as he moved closer to the massive man, he knew normally people in his position would be nervous because it was a well-known fact that All Might had a penchant for not holding back and really letting his sparring partners have it. But Izuku knew that Aizawa wouldn't let that happen, at least not until he was a hundred percent sure that Izuku could handle All Might without his intervention. But even then Izuku wasn't sure if Aizawa would ever allow Izuku to spar with All Might without him present to referee the match.

"Fear not, Young Midoriya, we will take this session easy and go at a slow pace." All Might beamed down at him as he got into a fighter's stance.

"Yea, I figured that's because you don't want Aizawa pissed at you." Izuku snorted back.

The man blinked at him. "That's, notentirelythe reason but yes." He slowly admitted.

He rolled his eyes as he loosened his muscles and held up his own arms, fists loose as he readied himself. "Do we go until someone yields, or what?"

"Until someone yields, or until it's clear that someone wins." Aizawa announced as he crossed his arms in front of himself.

Izuku nodded.

"Begin." He called.

All Might moved suddenly and it was as if Izuku's world seemed to slow down as his analytical mind seemed to explode around him as he saw every minute detail and acted accordingly as he stepped towards and slightly to the left of the man and with a quick shove on the man's left wrist as he shot it out to punch Izuku, he made a quick jab into the pressure point just below the armpit with a swift twist and contour of his body Izuku evaded the sudden swing from his right and with a pivot of one footstompedinto All Might's instep and planted a solid punch into his diaphragm. Backing up and to the side so he wasn't off balance Izuku deflected each incoming punch as his mind worked at a fever pitch on how to defeat All Might. Grunting when All Might's fists started picking up the pace and force Izuku gritted his teeth as a punch grazed past his head as he tipped it to the side to avoid the hit, deflecting the other one that was aimed at his side.

Taking a breath Izuku went on the offensive, movingintoAll Might's space and making it hard for the man to hit him, pushing closer, still deflecting the attempted strikes, letting out soft grunts on the ones that grazed him and the stinging that they left behind, Izuku planted ones that he could into the pressure points and soft tissue area's that would eventually cause muscle cramps or numbness. Seizing an opportunity Izuku planted one foot on All Might's massive thigh and propelled himselfupthe massive man, hooking one leg on the man's raised arm Izuku swung himself over the man's shoulder and wrapping his arm around the hero's neck in a chokehold as he wrapped his legs around the massive arm Izuku held on as his mind worked quick for a plan before he smirked slightly when it all came together. Letting out a loud grunt when All might reached back andgrabbeda hold of Izuku's shirt andrippedhim off of his shoulder andthrewhim across the mat.

Aizawa's worried shout was deafened as Izuku's world slowed as he deftly twisted his body and effortlessly went into a summersault roll to break his fall, snatching up the discarded marker as he landed, popping up to his feet and turning he sprinted towards a serious faced All Might. Barely registering the stunned surprise as Izuku dropped down into a slide, effectively missing the swing of All Mights massive fist. Bringing up the marker Izuku slashed across the inner and back part of All Might's massive thigh as he slid between the man's planted feet, turning mid slide and stopping himself with a planted foot. Izukupunchedthe back of All Might's other knee, dropping him down to that knee with a surprised shout. Slashing the marker up All Mights back, starting at the right kidney and crossing until it was at his shoulder as Izuku stood in a fluid popping motion. Slamming the marker into the man's neck and making him choke slightly form the force of it, Izuku wasn't done, grabbing a fistful of All Might's blonde hair he yanked his head back and proceeded tostabAll Might in the chest at least three times before slashing him across the throat.

Panting hard, arms shaking Izuku let go of the hero and stepped back before turning towards a stunned Aizawa. "Did I win?"

"Uh..." The man looked from the just as stunned hero to the small green haired teen who bounced happily on the balls of his feet and slowly nodded. "We're gonna have to talk about what you just did, but, um, y-yea you did."

"Win?" All Might coughed as he slowly stood, looking down at the vibrant red marks on his suit shirt. "Youmurderedme if these red marks are any indication."

"In my defense how else am I supposed to face off against super strong villains who want tokillme?" He prompted, looking over at All Might as he handed the marker towards a slightly concerned Aizawa.

All Might stared at him, putting his hands on his hips. "There aremanyways to capture a villainwithoutcausing permanent damage or death."

Izuku held up a hand and smirked at the man as he started ticking off all the villains thatAll Mightover the years had donepermanentdamage to over the years of his hero career thatdidn'tneed nor deserve their injuries. By the end of it Aizawa was facing away from a clearly at-loss All Might, his shoulders shaking as he fought to hold back his laughter. "So," Izuku said smugly. "Youreallygonna try and stand there and tell me that there's ways to apprehend a villain without causingdamage, All Might?" He asked sweetly. "Because out of the two of you Erasurehead would be the more viable option of giving me tips and tricks.Youon the other hand would beperfectfor getting tips on how to best cause property damage as well asphysicaland emotional damage onto villains."

At that Aizawa threw back his head again and seemed to explode with laughter, eventually having to put his hands on his knees as he wheezed with laughter, tears pouring down his cheeks. After several long minutes he straightened, hand on his middle as he continued to chuckle. "We will be having a talk about doingthatmuch damage to someone." He said motioning towards All Might and lifted a hand, motioning for him to turn slightly. "See that one on the thigh, that's alright so long as it's nottoodeep and you leave enough room for a tourniquet to be placed onto the appendage, so they don't bleed out. The one on the back istoofar, a slash from about here to here," Aizawa indicated a 'correct' size of a slash. "Is okay, but doing this is using too much force. All Might, turn." He ordered and with a sigh the hero did and tipped his head up when Aizawa motioned for him to do so. "Okay these ones, what do they say to you?" He asked glancing at Izuku.

Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms Izuku answered. "Intent to kill."

"Correct." Aizawa agreed with a nod. "Whilekillinga villain isn't something that we as hero'stypicallydo on purpose, there are instances where it's unavoidable. You have to walk a fine line of what's too much and what's just enough when you have to take their life. Doing something like this, where it's going to get out to the media, will paint you in a very bad light, it'll make you seem heartless and more like an assassin or mercenary than a hero. The press will paint you in a bad light and you'll gain a bad reputation, and the public will start to distrust you." He explained then paused and smirked. "But you made me proud with the coldness that you took him down with."

All Might sputtered as Izuku beamed up at Aizawa. "Thanks!" He crowed and happily bounced on the balls of his feet. "Can we go get lunch now, I'mstarving,and exhausted."

Aizawa chuckled lightly and patted Izuku's shoulder as he turned them to head towards the changing room. "Yes, we can, what would you like?"

"Katsudon and sushi!" He said excitedly.

"Alright, alright, I'm assuming you want it at that little hole in the wall a few blocks from your neighborhood?" He prompted on a sigh.

"Hey, youknowthey have the best katsudon and sushi!" Izuku quipped back pointing at the man.

"So, wait, that'sit?"All Might demanded, dropping his hands to his sides.

"Yes." Aizawa said and patted Izuku's back. "Go shower, I'll be in to change in a minute."

Izuku nodded and skipped towards the changing/locker room to quickly shower and change. Not really concerned about the conversation that All Might and Aizawa was going to have, because really, he knew that his new guardian would have his back no matter what happened. Which, at night when he lay in his bed, exhausted from his long as f*ck day, he'd really stop and thought about it and he'd find himself sobbing to himself as he realized that he actually had aparentalfigure in his life that he was so f*ckinghappyto have. And then he'd start thinking about something that he wasn't reallysurethat he wanted to think about and found himself getting more and more nervous about actuallybroachingthe subject with Aizawa. But he knew that he needed to have that conversation even if it was going to be a difficult one to have.


Hehe, see how badass my little green bean is! And all while quirkless with his natural abilities! Really though, I just want him to have natural capabilities that make people stop and go: 'Damn, dudes amazing and he doesn't even have a quirk!? Mad respect!' ya know? You also get to see a bit of the happy-go-lucky Izuku that I feel like he'd be if he didn't have to go through all the horrid sh*t he did growing up, and Aizawa brings that out in him, as Izuku brings out Aizawa's inner personality.
I also wanted to kinda give a small insight that Beans and Angry Pomeranians relationship has drastically shifted/grown in the time since Izuku called him out and Katsuki got into therapy.
So, I think I am going to post ch 10 tonight. That one is going to be MASSIVE in the feels so get ready for that one!
Remember to drop a comment if you want, kudos if you want and haven't, but most of all thank you very much for sticking around with me and enjoying my story! Happy reading my lovely readers!

Chapter 10: I Have a Question


A simple question opens up a whole new world, and along with it the feelings that are along for the ride.


Okay, so as promised ch 10! Stick around for the end notes for more in depth author word vomit!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He was nervous, more liketerrifiedreally because he'd invited Aizawa over for dinner. Something that he'd started going periodically since the start of all this endeavor, Owl having come over to drop off the paperwork that he'd asked Mama to get for him seeing as she had contacts that Izuku didn't really want to know about. And after a brief pep talk from the slightly older man who wasover the moonabout the conversation and the paperwork that Izuku had asked Mama to get him, he'd gotten a bit surer of himself the more he thought about it. But still he was terrified about what Aizawa's answer might be. He was more than aware that the man liked him, treated him like a treasured student.

He jumped, nearly spilling the broth of the soup he was stirring on the stove all over himself but managing to drop the ladle back into the soup before it splashed himself, he swore softly at the sound of his front door closing an Aizawa's called "Pardon the intrusion" from his entryway. Pulse ratcheting up until he was nearly hyperventilating. Putting his hands on the counter Izuku lowered his head and quickly talked himself down from his panic before straightening and beaming at Aizawa as the older man strode around the corner and into the kitchen, still dressed in his hero jumper. It was clear that the man had come here straight after finishing up his patrol, it was quite cute really whenever he invited the man over for dinner or something else, he'd finish up whatever he was doing and rush over, most times appearing out of breath or with still wet hair. He made it clear that Izuku was his top priority.

"Hey, welcome!" Izuku chirped excitedly.

Looking around the kitchen and then the dining room Aizawa's brows lifted. "What's with the massive spread?" He asked in surprise.

Which, yea Izuku could see the man's point and internally winced slightly because normally it would just be a simple solid meal and not the four-course spread that he had put his heart and soul into, but he shrugged. Tonight, was important, and because of that came the spread that he had slaved away at for the past four hours. "Nothing really, just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me."

Aizawa blinked at him then smiled softly at the teen. "You know you didn't have to do this, Izuku, I told you that you didn't need to do anything to thank me for helping you."

"Yea, I know." Izuku agreed, turning towards the stove to make sure that the tofu soup didn't burn, and so he could hide his embarrassment in his reddening cheeks. "But I still want to show my appreciation of you."

Aizawa's soft chuckle made Izuku smile and relax slightly as he continued to cook. "How was patrol?" He asked after a beat, glancing back as he heard Aizawa moving around behind him, blinking when he noticed that the man had pulled his hair back into a loose bun and was pulling on Izuku's spare apron. "Um, what are you doing?" He asked slowly after a moment.

"Helping you finish dinner." He stated and paused as he arched his brows. "Do you mind if I help?"

Izuku smiled. "Sure, I don't mind. I still need to prep and fry the tempura, and unagi."

Aizawa nodded. "I'll work on the tempura if that's alright."

Izuku nodded and pointed towards the small deep fryer on the counter, already heating up. "That's all set and heating up, the rest of it's all right there for prep."

"Right." The hero nodded and moved to the counter to start skewering the pieces of tempura in preparation for battering and then frying. "To answer first question, my patrol was uneventful until the last hour."

"Really? What happened?" Izuku prompted brows arching in question and excitement at the potential of a story.

"There was a villain that was quite irritating." Aizawa said and sighed in annoyance as he launched into his retelling of how the villain was a nuisance and how it had taken him an hour to catch and detain the villain. Honestly it was quite funny, at least bits of the story that were entertaining, other parts Izuku found himself gritting his teeth when Aizawa started explaining how the villain had attacked him and gotten several good hits in until he was able to get the upper hand and then set about chasing the villain when he'd turned and ran.

The protectiveness that Izuku felt for the Aizawa was a little surprising, but it also wasn'ttoosurprising either seeing as Izuku had always been a bit over-protective of people he held dear to himself. Which is why he'd been extremely grateful that Owl and March had been made managerial positions so that way he no longer felt like he was going to lose his sh*t when he saw patrons getting a bittooaggressive with them during a shift. Thankfully he'd never lost control, but there had been many a shift that he'd had to excuse himself for a minute to take several deep breathes and chill the hell out so he didn't go and attack a patron.

"How was your day after the sparring?" Aizawa prompted, glancing at him as he carefully laid the prepped tempura pieces into the hot oil.

Izuku shrugged as he got started on grilling the unagi. "Kinda boring really, I've been doing refreshment workbooks to make sure that everything's still fresh in my mind." He said and sighed in annoyance. "If I have tolookat another page of a workbook, I think I might just cry and beat my head into the table." He sighed.

"So dramatic, problem child." Aizawa teased lightly and smirked at the dirty look that Izuku shot him.

Soon though they fell into an easy companionable silence as they finished cooking and then setting the table, dishing up the portions of soup while setting the communal dishes onto the table so they could grab what they wanted. Izuku placed the two cups he was carrying in front of Aizawa's place setting, knowing that he loved cats, so Izuku had gotten special cat glasses that the first time he'd shown them to Aizawa, he'd grinned at them for several long moments before quietly saying thank you and putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder. Filling each glass with a fruit juice Izuku set the pitcher down a little bit down the table so they could refill their glasses should they need them, the two settled down at the table to eat.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about, problem child?" Aizawa asked softly.

Freezing with a chopstick full of sliced unagi, with it's sweet and savory sauce he'd marinated it in and then grilled more onto it, he blinked at the man as he quietly stared at Izuku chewing the bite he'd put into his own mouth. "Uh, what?"

Aizawa snorted. "Just like you've picked up on my cues, I've picked up on yours as well and youclearlyhave something on your mind. So rather than wait thehoursit takes for you to breech the subject, just come out with it." He teased lightly.

Izuku sighed and looked down at the plates in front of him with the food. "So you know how you've been asking me what I do for a living, and that you have anideaabout it but you wanted me to tell you, well if you still want to hear about it I'm willing to tell you." He said and slowly looked up at the man across from him.

Aizawa, all joking and amusem*nt were instantly gone and he nodded slowly. "Only if you want, there's absolutely no pressure or demand to do so."

Izuku nodded slightly and looked down again. "So, I know that you have a general idea of what I do, but there's actually more. I'm a stripper, I started offjuststripping but eventually I chose what we call 'more' which pretty much means that we're available to make appointments and then be f*cked by the patrons." he said softly and looked up at Aizawa who was just sitting there stoically staring at him nodding for him to continue. "The place I work at is called Mama's and the owner, Mama, keeps us safe. Yea, it's a little redundant because she allows us to sell ourselves for money, but she's actually the safest choice for a sex worker." Izuku said and shrugged.

He explainedeverythingabout Mama's, about how she kept them safe, offered them the best care, how she over charged the patrons so the dancers brought home most of the money, and everything in between. By the end of it Aizawa looked visibly torn, clearly wanting to protect Izuku and the rest of the dancers but also thankful that they had such a clearly amazing boss for the line of work that they did. After a long moment Aizawa nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's... not as bad as I thought, notideal,but it very easily could have been worse." Aizawa said and ran a hand across his face. "How did you get introduced to Mama's?"

At that Izuku grimaced. "Don't get mad, but...Owlintroduced me to her."

A slow blink, then another, before Aizawa seemed to explode. "Thatf*cker?! He's supposed to be a good influence for you!"

Izuku let out a bark of laughter, but then cleared his throat and choked it back at the withering look from Aizawa. "I hate to point it out, but Owl has one of the most deprived minds that I've ever come across, he just hides it well until he gets comfortable with you and then he just opens up the sewer that is his mind."

"Little motherf*cker." Aizawa growled looking away and shaking his head. "He and I are gonna have a helluva conversation the next time I see his goddamned face."

Izuku chuckled softly then grew a bit more serious. "But that's not all that I want to talk to you about." He said softly.

"Oh, what else is there?" Aizawa sighed in exasperation.

"It's nothing bad." Izuku said then held up his hand. "I swear, it's not!"

"Alright, then out with it." He sighed.

Izuku chuckled at the man's exasperation before nodding and taking a deep breath. "So, you mentioned guardianship, right?"

"Yes," Aizawa agreed nodding. "Something that I've already managed to obtain because you were abandoned."

"Well, um, what about adoption?" He asked and rolled his lips in and sat there staring at Aizawa.

The man went rigid as he stared at Izuku. "Adoption? I mean, that's anoption, it'll be a lot more difficult seeing as your mother is still alive, we'd have to track her down and get her to sign away parental rights, but if youreally wantthen we could pursue that route."

"What," Izuku paused and licked his lips nervously and fidgeted. "What if wedidn'thave to track her down?"

Aizawa frowned. "We need her signature for that."

Reaching down to the chair next to him and pulling out the manila envelope that he'd hidden there and nervously, with shaking hands, pulled out the documents that were enclosed in it. "I, um, I talked to Mama, and she was able to get me these." He said and slowly held out the documents to Aizawa who stared down at them with shocked eyes.

"What are... these areadoption papers." He said softly and flipped through them, and his eyes went even wider and jerked up to Izuku's."Signedpapers stating forfeited parental rights, and adoption papers signed by ajudge. Izuku Midoriya how the hell did you get these?"

"I told you, I spoke with Mama, and she was able to get them for me." He explained and shrugged, nervously wringing his hands in his lap. "I-I, um wanted to know if you wanted to maybe, um, a-adopt me?"

Aizawa stared at the papers for a long moment before slowly looking up at Izuku. "First off, I'm going to need to meet with this Mama. Secondly, I would lovenothing morethan to adopt you. Thirdly, are theselegal?"

Izuku swallowed and took a breath. "Yes, they are. Better question is if they'reobtainedlegally? And the answer is I don't know, nor do I want to know because I've come to realize ignorance when it comes to Mama and her...questionablemethods of obtaining things is better left to the imagination andnotquestioned." He said and shrugged. "Something about looking a gift horse in the mouth."

Aizawa stared at him, really there was alotof staring recently, but whatever. "You know what, fine, I'll let it slide. I'm still meeting her though so set up an appointment or something."

"That can be arranged, she's already told me she wants to meet you since I asked for adoption paperwork with your name on it so she pretty muchdemandedto meet you too." He said and shrugged. "I head in to work tomorrow so I can arrange for an appointment sometime after that."

Aizawa nodded. "Good, now go find a pen so I can sign these."

Izuku nodded and practicallyvaultedfrom his chair and scrambled for a pen, shoving it towards Aizawa who grinned at him and then carefully scrawled his signature across the bottom of the page and stared at the paperwork before handing it back to Izuku. "I'm not sure how this is going to be filed."

"Oh, yea I'm supposed to bring it back to her tomorrow and she'll get me a notarized copy by the end of the night and then it'll be official that you adopted me." Izuku said and shrugged before giving him a pointed look. "Gift horse, Aizawa,gift horse."

"Yea." Aizawa sighed and rubbed his face. "Lets... just eat. We can talk about this more after we eat."

Izuku smiled and nodded.

Flopping back onto his bed Izuku smiled, Owl sitting on the flood in front of the bed giddily giggling.

"Are youserious?!" Owl crowed happily, bouncing where he sat. "I meanf*ckIzu! That's so damned exciting that Soot Eye is gonna be your adopted dad!"

Izuku grinned and rolled towards Owl, so he was facing him. "I know right?" He said happily. "And he was just as excited as I was!"

"I'm so happy for you Izu." He said and reaching back with his hand and gripping Izuku's. "I mean if anyone deserves a dad figure it's you."

"Yea, we talked for a long time, and he wants to move in here with me, get his name on the title and everything." He said and grinned. "That way I don't have to leave the house that I fixed up, and he wants to have it in a contract that when I turn eighteen if I want him to, he'll move out."

"You're gonna make the old man move out when you hit eighteen?" Owl asked with a scoff.

"No." Izuku scoffed right back. "But that's up to him if he wants to stay or if he wants to move out when I'm an adult. After all the house is mine so it's up to him."

Owl sat there and contemplated for a long moment before he nodded. "Okay, okay I see your point." He agreed and nodded then looked over at Izuku. "What about Two-Tone?"

"Don't call him that." Izuku chided softly then shrugged slightly. "I haven't talked to him about it yet."

Owl gave him a look. "Izuku."

"Hey, don't start!" He sniped defensively and gave him a look back. "It happenedtoday,like less than three hours ago!"

"Aw! I'm the first person you told?!" Owl cried pressing his hands dramatically to his cheeks, eyes going wide and dramatically circular like and owls with his emotions.

"Well, yea, you're my confidant." He said matter-of-factly and shrugged as he looked at the man with dead seriousness. "You're the one I bounce ideas off of, rant to about everything,gushabout anything exciting, and cry to when things are hard. Owl, I don't think you understand what I'm telling you, you're my safe place, my ride-or-die, my best friend, myeverythingsince I ran into you three years ago."

"Oh my god be still my heart," His words trembled, and tears beaded along his lower eyelid as his lower lip trembled. "f*cking shoot me in the heart with a feels arrow why don't you, you midget Broccoli Bitch!" He sniffled before whipping completely around and throwing himself partially on top of Izuku and wrapping him in the tightest hug that he could manage. "I love you too you amazingly wonderful Owlet!"

Izuku chuckled and returned the hug, burying his nose in the familiar scent of Owl. "Love you too." He murmured into him before jumping as his phone started ringing and the two pulled apart.

"Let me guess...Two-Tone?"Owl hemmed as he sat back down on the floor.

Rolling his eyes as he picked up the phone and checked it, a light blush crossing his cheeks as he smiled at the picture of Shouto. "Yea." He said softly and answered. "Hey, I was just about to text you!"

"Oh," Shouto murmured back in surprise. "Did something happen?"

"Well yea, but anyways what's up?" Izuku said and ran his fingers through Owl's hair when the man fidgeted.

"I was wondering if I could come over?" Shouto said hesitantly.

"Yea definitely! I don't work tonight so I'm free!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly. "Just me and Owl chilling so come on over when you can!"

"Sweet, I'll be there soon!" Shouto said and disconnected.

"That boy is all kinds of sheltered." Owl said softly.

"Yes, yes he is." Izuku agreed and the two men shared mischievous anddevioussmirks. "But that means thatweget to show him the devious side of the world,to a degree."Izuku said and gave Owl a hard look.

"What?" Owl scoffed and pretended innocence. "You turned outfine."

"No, no I didnot."Izuku scoffed right back. "If it wasn't forMarch,I would have gouged my eyes out with that spoon two years ago!"

"Okay that was anisolatedincident, andadmittedlyI was drunk!" Owl said defensively as he held up a finger. "Since then, I haven't been allowed around you unsupervised when I get drunk."

"My point still stands." Izuku said and gave him a hard look. "You're not to show my boyfriend anything thatMamawouldn't show a small child."

"Oh,c'monthat leaves me likenothingto show him!" Owl whined.

Izuku rolled over to face his best friend. "Owl, Shouto has been averysheltered child since he wasborn, he barely even knows how to work the internet because of that! Showing him something like what you've showed me wouldscarhim, and quite frankly I don't want that." He said shaking his head. "So, if you wantanyinteraction with my very naive and sheltered boyfriend than I suggest you stick to the mostbasicandvanillathings that you can share with him, or I'll make sure that March knows you are banned form interacting with my boyfriend."

Owl harumphed and crossed his arms grumpily in front of him. "You're no fun!" He grumbled then sighed. "Okay fine."

"Thank you." Izuku said and kissed the other man's temple.

They were startled, however, when the doorbell suddenly chimed, and they looked at Izuku's bedroom door before looking at one another then slowly getting up and making their way downstairs and to the front door. Walking down the hallway to his genkan before pulling open his front door and blinking in surprise at Shouto's face as the bigger teen smiled at him, it was a small smile,barely therereally but for the emotionally stunted teen it was damn near blinding. Honestly Izuku was damned near floored every time he saw that small smile,just for him,that graced Shouto's face. Even now he was blinking at the brilliance of it before he shook himself.

"That was quick." He said as he stepped back so Shouto could step into the genkan and toe off his sneakers.

Shouto nodded.

"How did you get here so quickly?" Izuku asked as he and Shouto made their way back down the hall and into the living room where Owl was sitting on a couch.

"Oh, I was in the area." Shouto said, but there was something...differentabout the way he said that and Izuku's brows drew together slightly as he looked over at his boyfriend.

But the snort/laugh from Owl had him looking over at his friend. "Two Tone, you were already on your way over, weren't you?"

The hesitation on Shouto's face, not to mention the blush that dusted the other teens cheeks and ears wastelling. "Yes. I hope that's okay." He said nervously and looked over at Izuku.

He smiled at his boyfriend and held out a hand, one that wasimmediatelyengulfed in the bigger one as relief filled the bi-colored eyes, even while Owl laughed softly on the couch. "Yea, it's okay Shou." He said softly and tugged the teen down onto the loveseat, snuggling in against his side as Shouto wrapped his arm around Izuku. "You can stop by anytime that you want."

"Well, youmightwant to think about that a bit more." Owl said as his chuckles died down giving Izuku a pointed look. "On account of the things you need to talk to Two Tone about."

Izuku took a breath and nodded.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Shouto asked, glancing from Izuku to Shouto.

"Well, you remember how I told you that if I was going to enroll at UA I would need to get a guardian right?" He asked looking up at his boyfriend.

"Yes." Shouto nodded.

"Well, Aizawa was able to get guardianship over me on account of Inko's abandonment." He said and took a breath to continue but was cut off by Shout's excited gasp.

"Does that mean you're enrolling in UA?" He demanded, whipping around to face Izuku.

"I, um, yes I was already accepted on account of a special recommendation from Nedzu, the principal. He wants me to be the face of the quirkism reformation program that he's instilling in the school to put quirkism to a stop." He said then grunted when Shouto's arms were suddenly tightly around him. "Shou?"

"That's so exciting! I get to go to school with you!" Shouto said excitedly, his normal monotone voice for once filled to the brim with emotion.

Smiling now Izuku pulled back. "Wait, hold on Shou, that's not everything!" He laughed.

"Oh! Sorry, what else?" Shouto sat back, but it was clear that he was still brimming with excitement.

"Well, my guardian, Aizawa, the more time I spent around him the safer and more comfortable I felt with him and the more I realized that heactuallycared about me, and he's made mention several times about in the future adopting me if I wanted it." Izuku said and wrung his hands in front of himself slightly. "So, I talked to Mama, and she was able to get paperwork for adoptions set up, and when I asked him if he'd adopt me, Aizawa agreed and... well headoptedme."

Shouto stared at him for a moment before agrinspread across his face, nearly from ear to ear, and he wasbeamingat Izuku.

The shutter sound had them both looking over at Owl, who had moved rapidly so he was now on the floor a couple feet away, his phone up having clearly taken a picture of Shouto's smile. "You're welcome." He said and showed Izuku the picture that hadperfectlycaptured Shouto's massive smile.

"Oh my god." Izuku breathed softly and stared at the picture. "It's like looking at a god."

"I know right?!" Owl sighed dreamily.

"Izuku." Shouto said softly.

"Oh! Right, sorry." he whipped back around to face his boyfriend, his cheeks slightly red. "So, yea, I um, I have a dad. Adoptive, but still, I have a parent now!"

"That's amazing." Shouto said softly and nodded.

"Right!?" Izuku said and threw his arms up. "I mean someone actuallywantedme!Me!"

The excitement in Shouto's eyes turned to mild apprehension and he looked over at Owl. "Um, Izu."

"Oh, don't worry about it, he means in aparentalstandpoint. I'm thesiblingso that's a totallydifferenttype of relationship, I'm not at all insulted by what he said." Owl said dismissively waving his hand at Shouto. "Sweet of you to be worried about that though, so thanks."

Shouto nodded and looked back over at Izuku. "That is exciting Izuku."

"I know!" He shook his head, still smiling as he looked down at his lap as his emotions suddenly caused stupidtearsto burn at the backs of his eyes. "I mean, I barely even remember my biological father, so I've never reallyhada father. And then with Inko, and how she treated me and then abandoning me it was like I was forever forsaken in regard to adults whoactuallycared for me! But then I met Mama and she's always cared about me. And then I met Aizawa, and he'salwaysmade it clear that I was his top priority, doing so much for me, always backing me up, training me and everything, bringing me food and making sure that I have everything that I need, getting me enrolled in UA, he's just... he'stherefor me like a dad would be and it, it's just, I'm so happy!" He looked up, his tears brimming then spilling over his cheeks. "I, I finally have afamily.I have you, and Owl, and Kacchan, and now adadand it just feelsright!"He said sniffling before he started sobbing.

Suddenly, however he was pulled into two pairs of comforting arms as Owl made soft soothing cooing sounds that mother owls must make to soothe their chicks. While Shouto just squeezed Izuku tightly to him and held on, letting Izuku burrow into his shoulder soothingly while the two comforted him. It was evident in that moment that while Shouto was possessive of Izuku, a fact that he'd picked up on when they'd gone out on the few dates they'd been on, he didn't feel that way when Izuku was around Owl. Which was both comforting that Izuku wouldn't have to choose between his best friend or his boyfriend with whom his feelings were already starting to developdeeperfor, and relief that Shouto was emotionally mature enough to know that Owl wasn't at allromanticallyinvolved or interested in Izuku past a familial bonded relationship. It also helped that upon their first meeting Owl had very bluntly stated that he was Izuku's non-blood related older brother and that he wasstrictlyheterosexual and not interested in Izuku in anything romantic, but he'd f*ck Shouto up if he ever hurt Izuku, flashy quirk or not. That had apparently cemented Shouto's thoughts/feelings about their relationship.

After several long minutes Izuku pulled away from them and reaching up wiped at his cheeks. "Sorry, I think it's just all the emotions of the past few weeks have gotten to me, realizing some pretty deep sh*t and then bottling it up to think about it at a later date was most likelynotthe best choice." He said and chuckled slightly before he looked at the two. "Thank you."

They both nodded and the three of them got settled for a movie night, Owl disappearing into the kitchen for drinks and snacks. Ones that he had personally brought over just for this occasion, which meant they were unhealthy snacks and drinks,thank the snack gods!

A buzz from his phone had Izuku looking down at it as Shouto scrolled through movies on the streaming services and Izuku frowned at the message and then the ones that followed after that, appearing even as he read the first one.

Unkown:Why are you not here?

Unknown:Was it perhaps something that I did? Or perhaps didn't do?

After about the fifth cryptic text Izuku rolled his eyes, assuming that it was some persons drunk ex, or something along those lines that had gotten the wrong number and was just spamming the number. And so, he silenced the phone and settled onto the couch sandwiched between the two men as they watched the movie Shouto had picked. Having totally forgotten about the strange texts until he unsilenced his phone and set it on the charging station only to jump when it suddenly started dinging sporadically.

Sighing, rolling his eyes and expecting it to be Katsuki spam texting him about something hat pissed him off again, which had happened over the last few months much to Izuku's amusem*nt. But when he opened up his notifications, he felt his blood run cold.

Unknown:Viridian, sweet boy, it's not a good idea to ignore me. It is quite late, so I will allow it this time, but just this once. Respond to me in the morning or things will not end well for you, sleep well sweet boy. I'll be seeing you at the club tomorrow, ensure your ass is well prepared for me, do wear that golden plug I had specifically designed for you.

Shaking hand reaching up and covering his mouth Izuku gagged slightly at several points.

First being the horrific memories of that butplugthat Kami had brought to the club 'for' Izuku, being allowed to bring it in because it appeared to bejusta typical but plug. But Kami's quirk had allowed him to alter it, doing soafterIzuku had allowed him to insert it into his ass. The thing had not onlyquadrupledin size, but a part of it had snaked up around his co*ck and balls with a sounding bar inserting into Izuku's urethra, while the part connecting to his balls hadsynchedaround them almosttootightly and he'd screamed at the shocking pain. But Kami had held him down as he'd manipulated the 'plug'. Soon Izuku had been screaming for him to take the thing out because of how much it had hurt. But Kami had merely tied him up, shoved his co*ck into his mouth and proceeded to f*ck the sh*t out of him as the plug didweird sh*tup his ass. That to this day Izuku wasn't all to sure of because he'd blacked out.

He'd only come to when Owl and several security guards were yanking Kami out of the room while Mama and medical personnel had struggled to get the 'plug' off and out of him. Izuku had realized that they still had an hour and a half left in their two-hour long session, which meant his vitals had droppedbelowthe safe margin for him. And it'd taken him a good three weeks to recover from that ordeal.

Secondly, Izuku didn't know how thehellKami had gotten his personal number. And the fact that the f*cker wasthreateninghim on it wasterrifying.


Hi, hello! I know I said that this one had masive feels, I was actually thinking about a future chapter, I mean this one definitely had feels but HOO BOY not like the one I was thinking about! So my bad!
So, there we have it! Aizawa has officially adopted the green bean! The emergency of Dadzawa has arrived! And Shouto's excitement for his Bean, and the concern he felt for Owl when Izu was talking about someone wanting him? Aw, loved writing that!
Anyway, get ready for the next few chapters to come! They're gonna be freaking HILARIOUS! Well... at least to me they were! BTW ch 11, you'll get to see Dadzawa in full Dadzawa God Mode for his little green bean! And I LOVE IT. Like no joke I was a little touched by how he turned out in that chapter.
So, let me know what you think my dear readers! As always leave a comment if you want, drop a kudos if you want and haven't already, and as always thank you for the support and sticking it out with me for this story!!

Chapter 11: It's Dadzawa or Could it be You're-Dead-Motherf*cker!


The two parental figures finally meet, someone brings for the rage of a protective father, and a story to avoid the truth being disclosed to someone dear.


Here beings the start of Dadzawa! Get ready for a really touching speech, a FLASH of Rage-zawa.
Thank you all for sticking with me and supporting my story! As always stick around for the end notes for more author-spiel!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If anxiety was a person she would havenothingon Izuku as he sat in his make-up chair, having just finished a long as f*ck shift that had been filled with a sick sense of dread every time he'd gone out onto the dance floor andKamihad been front and center in his section. Thankfully though, he'd had the frame of mine last night to call Mama and inform her that he wasn't going to take 'more' appointments unless he could preapprove them. She'd agreed automatically, and rather happily at that, but then told him that they would be speaking tonight because she needed a reason behind that seeing as he'd made it clear that he didn't care and that she could approve them all and just tell him the time and the room. He'd also mentioned that Aizawa had wanted to meet her, and she'd beenmorethan excited to meet with the 'man that made her cub feel safe' and had pushed for Izuku to get Aizawa to agree to meet sometime tonight as well.

In fact, about an hour before his shift was scheduled to end Izuku had gotten a text that he was at the bar to one of three employee entrances. Grabbing his black robe Izuku had yanked it on over his corset, frilly micro mini skirt, and garters. There was nothing he could do about the fishnet stockings that he was wearing underneath the outfit, nor the stripper heeled boots that he was wearing, and then there was the makeup that he'd put on and the glitter that was in his hair as well as the body glitter to make him extra shimmery tonight seeing as tonight was disco night. So, there was a lot of flashy colors and flamboyant outfits, Izuku's included. It had takena lotof courage to go out into that staged bar and look up into Aizawa's stunned black eyes that had widened on him when the bartender had brought Aizawa back into the storeroom.

"Hi." Izuku had nervously said as he'd shifted on his heels, arms wrapped around himself anxiously. "C'mon, Mama's no doubt waiting." With that he'd turned and headed through the door at the back of the room, scanning his employee ID over the hidden sensor and waiting until Aizawa had moved in after him. Silently heading down the stairs to the entrance Izuku took a breath and pushed it open, leading out into one of the long hallways that connected the staff areas together. Turning right Izuku headed towards the managerial section where Mama's office and the other managers stations was located.

"You alright problem child?" Aizawa asked softly, moving closer, and gently resting his hand on Izuku's shoulder as they neared the door that would take them out into the office.

"I, uh, yea, it's just... you seeing me like...this,is a little..." Izuku shrugged and looked away as he pushed open the door and stepped out into the foyer. "I feel like a disa-"

"You arenota disappointment."Aizawa's stern voice caused Izuku to jump and look over at the man in surprise, stepping closer to Izuku he rested a hand on his shoulder. "Izuku, you have not noreverhave been a disappointment. Those assholes who said that to you were wrong, and they're so f*cked up for not realizing just how precious of a person you are. Would I have preferred you to have any other job than this one? Yes, but only because this one showed you how f*cked up humanity truly is and it forced you to grow upfartoo quickly. But it also allowed you to take care of yourself in a way that the adults in your life failed dramatically at." His other hand coming up and cupping the side of Izuku's face in a deep show of affection and care. "I understand that you feel like you might be, but you aren't, and if that takeyearsfor us to work through that feeling than I'll be here through it,no matterhow long it takes. And if you want me to back off, then all you need to do is tell me, problem child. I didn't adopt you just because I think you're going to make a great hero one day. I adopted you because of the person you aedespiteall the f*cked-up sh*t that you've had to go through,becauseyou have faced the sh*t that you did and you'restillso f*cking sweet and caring and just an absolute ray of sunshine even if you're jaded and see the world for as f*cked up as it is. I've only known you a few short months, but already I have not laughed soft often in my life, I've neversmiledas frequently as I have since I've been around you. Ilook forwardto waking up in the morning because I know that you'll have texted me, or that I get to see you and that makes mehappy. I never understood why all of my married co-heroes with children gush about them, and say that they're the light of their lives, that never made sense to me. But ever since I started caring for you, Igetwhat they meant, my world begins and ends with you, for as long as you'll allow me to be your adoptive father. Problem child, I honestly don't think I can explain enough just how much you mean to me, and how of a disappointmentyou're not."

A small happy purring rumble made them both jump and Aizawa stepped in fornt of Izuku protectively, fists up and ready for a fight, but Iuzku latched onto him. "No! Don't that's Mama!" He said and peeked around Aizawa towards the woman that stood with her hands covering her mouth, her tawny colored hair pulled back into a thick braid that ws draiped over her shoulder, yellow eyes gleaming slightly with happiness.

"Oh my sweet cub!" She rumbled excitedly. "Youv'e found someone to cherish you like you should have been!"

"I, uh, well yea that's why I asked you to get the adoption paperwork." He said and shrugged as he moved around Aizawa and up to the woman, smiling at her as she ran her hand acorss his head inveryrare sign of affection. And really, she only ever touched people that shetruelycared about, so for her to run her hand across his head inaffection?That was amajorindicatore of how much she liked him. "Thanks for that, Mama, for everything that you've done for me."

"Oh, my sweet cub." She purred and pressed her lips to his forehead. "I would doanythingfor you if you asked me, no matter how legal or otherwise."

A heavy sigh had the pair looking over at Aizawa. "As a hero I'll pretend that I didn't hear that."

Mama rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, Mr. Underground Hero." She said turning towards him, her buisness face solidly in place as she slowly walked towards him. "Viridian, dear cub, why don't you go finish up and I can text you when we're finised speaking?"

Izuku bit her lower lip but nodded. "Okay." He said and looked back at Aizawa before he turned firm eyes to Mama. "Becivil."He said giving her a look when she pressed a hand dramatically to her chest, but then she smiled, chuckled, and eventaully nodded in ascention. Turning to Aizawa he fixed him with a hard look. "Benice,Mama means a lot to me, just like you do."

Aizawa stared at the teen before he sighed heavily and nodded. "Alright problem child, so long as she's cordial I'll be nice."

He nodded and turned to move away but heard the soft.

"Problem child?" Mama prompted.

"Kid comes with a lot of problems and issues, I only call the ones that really matter to me problem child. So far, Iz... you called him Viridian? So far he's the first." Aizawa explained then paused. "I'm assuming that's his stage name?"

"Yes. Now, my office is this way." Mama said and the sounds of her heels clacking away on the floor had him glancing back and watching as the pair rounded a corner and disappeared.

Now, an hour later, one trainwreck of a lap dance in which Izuku had had to signal a bouncer when Kami had gottenfarto handsy. He'd had to go to the infirmary after that one, Kami having flown into a quiet butobviousrage when he'd realized that not only was Izukunotwearing that plug, but that he was not accepting appointments until further notice. Not only had the dickhe*dgrabbedIzuku's throat, which during a lap dance and anywhere outside of the appointment rooms was abigno-no, but he'd also shoved his hand into Izuku's panties, and his hand had seized Izuku's balls in acrushinghold. One frantic conversation in which Izuku tried to defuse the situation before he'd screamed at the pain and frantically waved for the bouncers that swarmed the chair. It took a solid minute to get the bastards hand from around Izuku's balls. He'd then been whisked off to the infirmary wherethankfullythere was no permanent damage, but they stillachedeven an hour later and a healing session.

"Hey, owlet!" Owl chirped appearing next to him and lightly ran his hand through Izuu's slightly damp hair. "Mama sent me to get you, apparently her talk with Scary Dead Eyes has wrapped up and he's waiting for you."

"Cool, thanks." Izuku said and standing up and grabbing his duffle shifted slightly, a throb in his nuts making him wince. "Can you let them know I'm gonna stop by the infirmary real quick?"

Owl glanced down at the front of Iuzku's sweats and then up at his face. "Still sore?"

"Yea, I'm gonna get some painkillers and ice and that should make it... better?" he said and shrugged as they headed out of the dressing room and out into the hallways that would lead to the second floor, though thankfully instead of taking the stairs like they normally did to skip the crowd, Izuku wasn't sure he couldtolerategoing up and down stairs right now without meds and an icey chill in his nuts. And ten minutes later, Izuku cradling a disposable ice pack to his nuts through his sweats as he waddled around a corner, freezing when he met twoconcernedpairs of parental eyes and he sighed. "I'mfine, it's not-"

"If his hand had been on you amomentlonger there would have beenpermanentdamage." Mama scolded.

"Clearly if you need anice packand meds you'renotfine." Aizawa growled back.

Sighing Izuku rubbed a hand across his face. "I regret introducing you two already." He frowned deeper at Owl, who was standingjust aroundthe corner and had let out a snicker. Feeling a littlepetty,with a lightening quick grab Izuku yanked Owl out from his hiding place. "Hey, Aizawa, lookie who it is! Owl!"

"Oh you f*ckingbitch."Owl murmured as he staggered slightly before righting himself with a snap. "Hey! Uh, well,hi, it's, uh good to see you again sir. But uh, I should get-"

He yelped as suddenly Aizawa's capture scarf was suddenly wrapped around him, keeping him in place as Aizawa strode up to the man. "You think you can get away from me?"

"No!" Owl squeaked and seemed to turtle in on himself as Aizawa strode up to the younger man.

"Good," Aizawa growled before slowly patting Owl's shoulder making the younger man let out an amusing eep. "Thank you for looking after my son. Without you I'm terrified to think about where he would have ended up."

Owl stared at the man, blinking his wide eyes before he slowly nodded. "Uh, y-yea, I-I didn't want him to end up like some of the other street kids that I knew." He siad softly and glanced at Iuzku. "There was something about him that i just couldn't ignore. I knew that i couldn't help the street kids because that was the life that they knew, but I knew that I could at least help him. I didn't think it'd lead to all this, but, um, I-I'm really happy that I did."

"Me to." Aizawa said as the scarf let go of Owl and wrapped back around his neck. "Now, problem child, lets get going."

"Yeup, I'll see you Thursday Mama, Owl I'll most likely see you later today, if not Thursday." Izuku said as he moved the ice pack so he could walksemi-correctly, though he still had a bit of a waddle.

"Need me to c-"

"If you suggest carrying me, I'm gonna rip your jumpsuit off and toss you to the hungry f*cks in the stripper pit." Izuku growled and glared over at a surprised Aizawa.

He slowly nodded as he followed after Izuku. But what Izukuwasn'texpecting was for a door to his left to burst open and several beefy men in suits to come pouring into the hallway and surround him, yanking him away from Aizawa even as the man bellowed something. Flailing slightly at the sudden force of motion that caused his knees to go weak because his poor abused balls screamed in pain, Izuku's head jerked up when a familiar chuckle drew his attention and his eyes went wide as he met Kami's gaze as he grinned maniacally, his mouth visible from the exposed lower portion of his mask, he shuddered as the bastard reached out and lightly caressed Izuku's chin in a sick sense of affection and tenderness.

"My, my, little Viridian, I warned you not to put up with your defiant attitude." Kami said his voice while itseemedsoothing and almost tender, was actually oily and filled with obsession.

"Okay," Izuku smacked away the man's hand, making that smile harden. "First off, this is theemployeepassageway, you shouldn't even know how toget to it. Secondly, I am apersonI am not yours todictatehow I do and don't behave, yea you can decide and dictateslightlyhow I behave when you have an appointment with me. But that's not the real-world Kami, that's a block of time that youpaidfor."Kami stepped forward and would have snatched onto Izuku's balls again if the teen hadn't smooshed the ice pack to them before the man could. "And if you think that Ilikethe pain that you inflict on me then you're delusional. Idon'tlike pain when it's excruciating, I like being held and when the pain comes with pleasure because it's not thesole intentto be dealt on me but a small little taste that's mixed in. You like toinflictpain for pained reactions because it gets you off! That's not a relationship that's nothealthy."Izuku said then grunted when Kami's hand shot out to grab Izuku. "Don't f*cking touch me!" He snapped trying to slap away the hand even as a bodyguard grabbed the back of his neck.

"Problem child!"Aizawa roared and suddenly one of the bodyguards flew backwards and smashed into several others. And in the break between the massive bodies Aizawa stepped through, eyes glowing red and hair levitating around his head. "Get you f*cking hands off my son!" He roared.

And then it was like all hell quite literally broke loose. Bodyguards surged to protect Kami, Kami tried to drag Izuku back into whatever room that he'd spawned from, and Aizawa? The man was like he was possessed with a demon straight from depths of hell, pureragein his glowing red eyes as he took out bodyguard left and right with incredible speed and strength, his capture weapon wrapping around Izuku's middle and surprisingly carefullyflinginghim down the hallway, on his bottom as he slide away from the fray. It was literally like watching a god take down oversized and overpowered demons as Aizawa effortlessly punched, kicked, and maneuvered his body around his opponents barely if ever taking any hits.

But then there was the roar that seemed to shake the hallway and the bodyguards all froze before the retreat was sounded and they all seemed to move to escape, one of them hefting a raging Kami up over his shoulder even as the psychopath screamed that 'Viridian belongs to me, you cannot escape me!' and blah-blah-obsessive-creepy-blah screech/rant bullsh*t. But then Mama and her own guards were there, giving chase, though Mama skidded to a stop fully lioness-ed out with her claws, teeth, ears, cat like front paw/hands and legs, as well as the angrily swishing tail that whipped back and forth.

"Explain!" She hissed.

But Aizawa ignored her and was instantly in front of Izuku, bloody knuckled hands searching him over. "Are you injured? Did he do anything to you?"

Izuku shook his head, stunned to hell and back at the sheer protectiveness that seemed to pour out of Aizawa's pores. "N-no, he only touched my face andtriedto grab me but you stopped him before he could." Izuku explained before his eyes moved up to Mama's. "Kami, he broke into the employee passage as we were making our way to the exit."

Her eyes went wide, and she snarled in her own disbelief and rage. "What else?" She demanded.

"He was ranting about how I belong to him and how I was going to go with him and live out my life as his co*ck-slave and that I'd be begging for him to f*ck me and some other nasty ass things." Izuku explained and shuddered. "Dudes f*cked in the head andclearlyobsessing."

Mama snarled again and shook her head. "I was worried of as much."

"You knew?" Aizawa snarled as he pushed up to his feet and whipped around to face off against the woman while reaching down and carefully helping Izuku to his feet. "You knew and still let him into the club?"

Mama stared hard at Aizawa and took a breath to calm herself slightly. "I hadsuspicions,no matter how much I wish to I simply cannot just bare a patron for that. I need proof that they are developing harmful attachments to my dancers. Kami has never done something like this so I was not prepared. The fault lies completely on my shoulders."

"What the hell happened you said that security was tight in this f*cking place how the hell did that motherf*cker not only find the employee passageway but also knowwheremy son was going to be in the hall!?" Aizawa snarled.

Mama took another deep breath. "We were dealign with a...massivealtercation on the stripper floor and by the time we realized what was going on Kami had already made contact. Myself and my security got here as quickly as we could, but by that time you had already dealt wit hthe situation, and for that, protecting my cub in my own club, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." She said and bowed to Aizawa.

Reaching out and taking Aizawa's arm lightly he looke dup at the man and gave him a slightly pleading look. The war that raged in the man's eyes was impressive but finally he took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine, but if something like thiseverhappens agian I will rip this place to shreds with my own f*cking hands." He snarled and reaching down snatched Iuzku's bag off the floor, lgihtly gripped his upper arm and pulled him after himself as he stalked towards the door that would lead out into the world uptop.

"Dude, it was like somethingpossessedhim." Owl breathed over the phone. "I saw the video footage and it's like,insane! I was almost certain that when he launched the attack he was gonna scream something like'Your dead motherf*cker!'but he didn't so it was a little anticlimactic."

"Seriously Owl?" He sighed over the phone.

"What? The look ofrageon that man's face will literally haunt my nightmares and spur me to do the best I can when it comes to you." Owl said somberly.

"You should have been there." Izuku said back as he finished up cooking his stir-fry. "If he wasn't protecting me I would have been scared sh*tless!"

"Was it that scary?" Owl asked softly after a moment.

"Owl, the bodyguards couldn't even get ahit inwith how quickly he was moving, and they weretryingto hurt him. Like there were quirks involved and knives, but they barely evenscratchedhim!" Izuku explained still a little shell-shocked by everything that had happened. "Like seriously the man was like turbo charged."

"That's freakign wicked." Owl breathed ovr the phone then paused and took a deep breath. "So, I was thinking since he's adopted you right, that he needs a new nickname. Calling him Soot Eyes, and Tired Eye's just feelswrongsomehow."

Izuku rolled his eyes as he ate his dinner one handed. "Please don't, he's already annoyed that you got me to work in a glorified brothel." He grumbled around a mouthful of food.

"Yea, yea, he forgave me for that one!" Owl said dismissively. "But no, seriously I was thinking about a new nickname to call him, and I think I settled on one."

"Owl, we've been over this, people don't like it when you give them nicknames because a lot of time, they'rerudeones." Izuku said firmly.

"No, c'mon just hear me out, this one isn't insulting it's actually a complement." Owl prodded with a slight whine and begging in his tone.

"Seethat'show I know that it's not." Izuku said around a bite of food, both of them not caring that he was talking while eating. "Because whenyousay that you have something that'snotinsulting, we all know that it's gonna be hella rude and I'm gonna have to try and explain the reasons as to why said person you insultedshould notkill you."

"That's not true!" Owl scoffed.

"I had to do that with Kacchan, Mitsuki, Mamaseveral times,the new girls at work, and Shouto when you finally met him." Izuku pointed out dryly. "And that's just the people thatIknow, I am very aware that March has had to do the same damned thing because you were born lacking the several brain to mouth filters and just spew the sh*t you shouldn't say without a care in the damned world."

The enraged gasp over the phone was quite impressive. "Izuku Midoriya! Howrude!"

"Rude? Owlyou'rethe rude one!" Izuku snorted back. "You could start a fight by justglancinginto a room with your judgmental eyes!"

"Okay, yes admittedly Ihavedone that before, but that wasone timeand they deserved it!" Owl sniped back.

"Whoa seriously?" Izuku murmured. "I mean I was just being sarcastic, but you'veseriouslydone that?"

Owl was silent for a moment before he grumbled. "Yes, but they were assholes whodeservedit." He said then made a chittering sound. "Moving on! The nickname for your adoptive daddy!"

Izuku groaned softly. "C'mon no."

"I believe I have settled on it and that you will like it!" Owl hooted.

"Most likely not." Izuku grumbled back as he stood to put his bowl in his sink to wash in the morning after his run with Katsuki.

"So, I've decided to call him: Dadzawa." Owl chirped.

Izuku paused as the name rolled across his mind and he found himself pursing his lips thoughtfully before he nodded ever so slightly. "Okay, I'll admit it, that one's not that insulting, and if youluckyhe won't get to pissed about it. But that's if you'relucky. And I suggest that you don't push it."

"Yea, yea, I got it my lovely little green bean." Owl hooted. "So, how are you gonna introduce Two-Tone to everyone? I mean aren't they gonna be really curious as tohowyou know each other seeing as he lives on theother sideof the cityandhe's the number two hero's son?"

Izuku froze, and by froze he meant his brain went into temporary shut down before it seemed to explode in panic mode. "Oh my god,oh my god, ohmygod!Owl how am I gonna do that!? How am I gonna broach that subject!? I can't just be like 'hey Kacchan check out my boyfriend, he's the son of Endeavor! Oh, where'd I meet him? I met his dad at my work where he f*cked the hell out of me quite a few times!' I can't say that! And what do I say to Aizawa?! He's gonna be f*ckingpissedif he ever finds out that Endeavor came to Mama's and f*cked me!" Izuku panicked and stared pacing as he rambled on and on about how f*cked he was.

But the owl screech in his ear, causing him to scream and drop his phone (thank the phone gods for protective shock absorbing case) and rubbed his ear before bending down and scooping up his phone and pressing it to the opposite non-ringing ear. "Thanks." He grumbled.

"Yea, your welcome, okay so here's what you're gonna do." Owl said and took a deep breath. "You're gonna bite the bullet, tell Dadzawa everything about Flaming Dick Toaster, tell him that you're dating his son and that there's nothing he can do about it so move on, that you swore to never f*ck Charcoal Bitch Face again-"

"Um, I never swore to anything like that." Izuku pointed out, but Owl, typically just bulldozed on ahead like Izuku didn't even speak.

"Yes, you did, and that you're gonna tell everyone that you met Burnt Nuts through Aizawa and then by chance you met Two-Tone and you two just hit it off like love bird owlets, and you live happily ever after, The End." Owl said with a flourish to his words and Izuku could just picture the hand motion.

Rubbing at his brows Izuku stood there for a moment before he let out a loud frustrated sound. "Okay, okay! That's the onlyfeasibleoption that I have to work with, so I'll go with it!" He grumbled.

"Good. Now, off to bed with you, you have to get up before the sun cracks the sky and go for you disgustingly early run with the Angry Pomeranian." Owl said and Izuku couldfeelthe smirk in his words.

Izuku rolled his eyes, already getting grumpy at the mention of the morning run and he wrinkled his nose. "Don't remind me you asshat."

The cackle that came across the line had Izuku glaring at the phone and disconnecting the line, glaring at his cell before he trudged up the stairs for the night.

Tomorrow was going to be alongday.


There we have it Mama and Aizawa meet! And the nickname finally makes its appearance! Okay, so this chapter was a bit small as well so I'm most likely going to post ch 12 later today, that one is the one that I'm REALLY excited to post! It had me CACKLING as I wrote it!! I don't want to give to many spoilers but it's HILARIOUS! Thers also a fair bit or ranting in that one so just heads up. But you also get to see some of my gremlin characters emerging! So, but FYI after ch 12 we're off to UA!
As always thank you much for your support, the kudos and comments! They light up my day! Thank you all, happy reading and I'll see you in the next one my dear readers!

Chapter 12: No! You Can't Kill Him!


Dun, dun, DUUNNN!
The meeting of the parents.
Two enter the ring, who will emerge victorious?


Hehe, this chapter was the most fun to write! Stop by the end notes for more in depth author-chat.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was too early.

Waytoo early to be alive, awake, and intellectually coherent to make life choices.

Which is what Izuku would later tell himself after what happened next.

But here he was trudging down his stairs, grumpily yanking on his workout power shirt and heading towards the sweet, sweet smell of the bitter nectar of the gods that he and Aizawa called coffee. Glaring at Aizawa where he stood in the kitchen coffee cup in hand and another on the counter in front of him. That had been their routine since Izuku had given the man a spare key to the house, the man would come over thirty minutes before Katsuki was due to pick him up for their run. The teens would then go on their five-mile run and by the time they got back another pot of coffee would be on, things for breakfast would be laid out for Katsuki to cook, their bento's for lunch would be prepped and waiting for them in the fridge and the dishes would be in the dishwasher and waiting to be run. And yes, he would make them lunch even though they didn't have school, but the man wanted to make sure that they had a healthy mid-day meal waiting from them. Aizawa, however, would be long gone, heading home to keep packing up his apartment to move in within a few days or sleep, or whatever it was that he did during the day that he wasn't at Izuku's house or at UA with Izuku to train.

Deciding that he would use this time to just bite the bullet like Owl suggested, Izuku took a deep breath and just opened his mouth and projectile word vomited at the man who jolted from the sudden barrage of words."So I have something I need to tell you and I'm just going to come out and say it and I need you to remain calm, no don't speak if you stop me now I will never have the courage to tell you again and you really need to know this because it'sextremelyimportant that you know this before the UA school year starts, so about two or three, I'm not fully sure the timeline because a lot of sh*t has happened in such a short amount of time, anyway some odd months before I met you I got an appointment at Mama's for the VIP room, which typically is used forextremely high profilemembers of the club whose anonymity is top priority and they have their own like secret entrance to this massive VIP room, and when I went in there it was, well, uh, well it was Endeavor, and we, well, he f*cked me, and then we met up like a half dozen or so more times and then he brought his son in to f*ck me, but that didn't go over so well because Shouto didn't want to f*ck 'his father's whor*' but then sh*t happened and Endeavor left and then me and Shouto were left there for the remainder of the appointment and we got to know one another and then we met up outside of Mama's and we hit it off, and then we started dating, and my boyfriend is Endeavors son and I've been dating him for about two and a half-ish months I think, and I need you to cover and say that I met Endeavor through you because if I tell Kacchan that I met Shouto through his dad and I met his dad through my work and then he'll ask Shouto where I work and Shouto's such an innocent sweet boy that he'll spill everything and I can't deal with that, so I just need you to do this one little fib for me I kn-"

Hismassiverun-on word vomit was cut off by Aizawa slapping a hand over his mouth to silence him. "Wait, hold on, Izuku let me justclarifysomething really quickly... did you say thatEndeavor,as inFlame Hero Endeavor,the number twopro-hero Endeavor,grown assadult Endeavor...f*cked you overhalf a dozenseparate times?"

Hand still covering his mouth Izuku slowly nodded, his eyes wide."Mm-hmmph."He grunted around the hand and stood there blinking at the man before he screamed at the sheer rage filled roar that Aizawa let out.

"I'M GONNA KILL THAT PEDOPHILE!"The man/gremlin/possiblydemon(Izuku wasn't sure what Aizawa was right now) roared as he spun and stormed towards the door, roaring profanities about the flame hero and what he was going to do to the man, which honestly it was bothterrifyingand gratifying that he had someone who was so protective over him. And in hindsight, after Izuku sat and ran back this morning's events he would smack himself because heshould haveseen this reaction coming seeing as how he reacted to Kami just the other night, but gain he was tired, and it was entirelyfar too earlyfor cognitive thinking.

But letting the man go and track down the flame hero was not a risk that Izuku could allow. And so, without a moment thought Izuku tackled the man, wrapping him up in an arm lock hold after he took him to the ground.

"No! You can't do that you're a pro-hero! Pro-heroes can't kill people even if you're underground heroes!"Izuku screamed back at him as Aizawa fought to get free.

"I'M MAKING AN EXCEPTION!"Aizawa roared back, struggling harder to break Izuku's hold.

"You'll be thrown into Tartaros, and you won't be able to protect me!" He pointed out.

"NEDZU AND MAMA WILL CLEAR ME!"Which, fair point, Izuku knew that at least Mama would without hesitation or question because while she mightallowthose appointments to take place it didn't mean that shelikedit one bit, for her it was all about what the dancers wanted to do and if they wanted to do the appointment then she kept her thoughts and feelings to herself, but he wasn't entirely sure about Nedzu though.

"He's my boyfriends' father!" Izuku said, getting desperate. "What's gonna happen when you kill him! Shouto will be put in foster care? If he does, then I'll never see him again!"

"THEN I'LL ADOPT HIM TOO!"Aizawa roared back.

And damn, even in his apparent fatherly blind murder-rage Aizawa was coherent enough to decide that. "Killing him will turn you into a villain!"


Okay, apparently Aizawa isextremelyprotective and bordering onoverprotectiveof Izuku, which he hadnotexpected. Sighing in annoyance Izuku rolled his eyes and his mind raced for a way to get him to agree to not kill him. "If you promise to not kill him or go see him without me present, I'll agree to the Hero Support course!"

That made Aizawa freeze for a split second."NO! HE NEEDS TO DIE!"

Sighing angrily Izuku thought for a second longer. "I'll cut back on my hours at Mama's so it's only the weekends and join the support course!"


Getting angry now Izuku frowned at Aizawa as he continued to thrash. "I'll cut back my hours to the weekend, no appointments, join the support course, and call youDAD!"

That made Aizawa go absolutely still. "You'll call me dad?"

"If you give me your word that you won't confront him without me present and even then, youwon'tkill him." Izuku bargained.


"I'll do all that and you can get a cat!" Izuku growled through his teeth.

The other man was still for a moment longer,clearlycontemplating. "Fine."

"Really!?Are youkiddingme?That'swhat it took to stop you from going murderous demon?!" Izuku snarled as he released Aizawa's arm.

The other man sat up and looked over at Izuku and shrugged giving him a look like 'are you an idiot'. "Cats are my weakness."

Izuku glared at him. "I really f*cking hate you." He snapped.

Aizawa beamed. "I'm still gonna knock him out the next time I see him." He said gleefully.

"What the fresh f*ck is going on?" Katsuki's voice had the two of them jump and look over at the teen.

"How, uh, long have you been standing there?" Izuku asked nervously.

"Long enough to hear that Erasurehead wants tokillsomeone. And you bartering to get him to not withcats." Katsuki said apprehensively as he lookedjudginglybetween the two.

"Oh, then no need to worry about it, it was just a misunderstanding." Izuku said and shrugged as he stood, strode hurriedly into his kitchen, grabbed his slightly cooled down coffee and chugged it down before turning and striding to Katsuki, grabbed his elbow and tugged him towards the front door before pausing and pointing at Aizawa. "You promised."

The man glared at him. "Go away problem child, let me rage in peace while I drink some coffee."

Rolling his eyes Izuku tugged a protesting Katsuki to the door, both of them slipping on their running shoes.

"We're really not gonna talk about what the f*ck I just walked into?" Katsuki prompted as he shot Izuku a side eye.

"Nope, not a chance in hell." Izuku said as he hustled Katsuki out the door and walked swiftly down the walkway to the gate. "Keep up Kacchan!" he called over his shoulder.

"Hey! Izuku! Hold the f*ck up! Wait you asshole!Hey!"Katsuki called after him as Izuku just suddenly took off, running down the road leaving the now irritated teen to chase after him swearing profanities as he did so.

But there was something that felt so good about just powering off like this that Izuku tipped his head back and took a deep breath, justenjoyingthe feel of the wind rushing through his green curls and the pavement pounding underneath his shoes. However, the feeling of an arm wrapping hard around him and yanking him backwards had Izuku grunting and flailing slightly.

"Young Midoriya!" All Might's concerned filled booming voice had his head jerking up slightly and he stared at an equally stunned All Might, but then the blare of a car horn had him jerking and he realized that he'd damn near sprinted out intooncoming traffic.

"Hoh, oh sh*t!" Izuku breathed.

"Izuku, what the f*cking hell iswrongwith you!?" Katsuki snarled, panting as he yanked Izuku out of All Might's arm and spun him to face him to glare at him and then lecture him. "Itoldyour dumbass that if you want to power run, we go to apark!We don't' f*cking do this sh*t on the main road where we could get hit by an idiotic driver! Not to mention youalwayspay f*ckingattentionwhere you're running at all damned time! It's so f*cking easy to get hit by a f*cking car when you're running and you zone out!" He shook the smaller teen. "What thehellis wrong with you?!"

Izuku stood there panting for a moment before he blurted out, right there in front of All Might, Katsuki, and anyone who overheard. "I'm dating Todoroki Shouto, Endeavors son, and I didn't know how I was going to tell you."

Katsuki stared at him, blinking hard for a moment and then his brows drew together. "How thef*ckdid you meet them?" he demanded.

"I met Endeavor through Aizawa." He said and glanced at All Might as slowly, horror and realization filled the man's eyes, and a massive hand covered his mouth in his realization. Yea, there was no wayin hellthat All Might was convinced that he'd met the flame hero through Aizawa, no he knew that he'd met the man atMama's. So, yea,thatwas happening. It wouldn't hurt if he pretended that it wasn't, would it? No, everything would be fine he could exist in blissful denial that All Might knew that he'd met his boyfriend's father through his line of work. "And then Endeavor introduced me to his son and we ended up hitting it off and now we're dating, and I just didn't know how to tell you."

"Okay, is this new or some sh*t?" Katsuki demanded.

"No, no, uh, we-we've been a thing about t-two months or so no." Izuku stuttered.

The choked sound coming from All Might finally drew Katsuki's attention and the angry teen whipped towards the other man already snarling. "Hey, you f*cking extra this don't involve you so why don't you buzz...All Might?!"

"Oh, um Kacchan this is All Might. All Might this is my friend Bakugou Katsuki." Izuku said in quick introduction. "Apologies for nearly running into traffic, and thanks for uh saving me I guess."

Slowly All Might nodded. "Yes, well, Young Midoriya just ensure that it doesn't happen again. Have you made your decision yet?"

"Decision? Izuku what's he talking about?" Katsuki demanded, glaring from one to the other.

"He's talking about UA." Izuku said and sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea, I agreed to the support course."

"Wise choice my boy!" All Might said happily and clapped his hands. "You will have the opportunity to transfer to the Hero Course when you feel ready for it!"

Izuku rolled his eyes. "All Might, I told you, Aizawa,andNedzu that I'm not gonna be in the hero course! Thebestyou'd get was the hero support course!"

"Yes, but your skills are far to advance for that." All Might pointed out.

Izuku crossed his arms. "Yea, that's not what you said the first time that we met was it?" He challenged.

All Might sighed. "Young Midoriya. I understand that I greatly skewed your trust in mee for how I acted the first time we interreacted by I'm hoping that you will grow to accept that I had seen the errors of my ways and have been working to better my viewpoint."

"Yea, time will tell, mostly the start of the school year and the students that are in the hero course as your students." He pointed out with a hard look.

All Might nodded. "Yes, please do hold me accountable for when the school year starts and should my behavior be at all unacceptable do point it out!" He said and grinned.

"Yo, what the f*ckinghellis going on!" Katsuki snarled having been very evidently clear that he waswayout of the figurative loop in all things that had to do with Izuku.

Izuku looked over at the angry teen. "I met with the UA principal Nedzu, All Might, and Aizawa to talk about me attending UA, and then as also the head of the anti-quirkism movement." He said and sighed and then in averybrief way said that he was pretty much gonna be the poster boy for quirkless children to show that they can become heroes.

By the end of it, Katsuki stood there with his arms folded and a contemplated look on his face. "You'll need to be in the hero class, how the hell else are you gonna prove that quirkless can be heroes if you're in thesupport course?"

At All Mights happy boom that Katsuki was correct, Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Because being in the hero course will be a pain in the ass that I don't want to deal with!" He whined and looked over at Katsuki with a pitiful look. "I already don't want to be going to UA, but you all areforcing me to."

"Yea, yea you f*cking cry baby!" Katsuki sneered and reaching out patted the top of Izuku's head. "But you're doing so well, you're already putting on muscles, you're not panting like you used to when we go on a run, and you have a f*ck ton more energy. Getting into the course for you is gonna be a walk in the park, I know that Eye Bags is training you, so you'll be ready for whatever they throw your way."

"Eye Bags?" All Might muttered.

"He means Aizawa." Izuku sighed and rolled his eyes."Fine!I'llthink about it." He said with a stomp of his foot. "Let's go, we're already behind schedule and I have a lot to do! And you still owe me breakfast!"

"Yea, yea, Izuku." Katsuki teased as using the hand on his head lightly maneuvered him back the way Izuku had run, towards the side roads that they generally ran. "Don't need the hungry green gremlin coming out to play."

Izuku scoffed and glared up at Katsuki. "I don't turn into a gremlin!"

"Yea, and my eyes aren't red." Katsuki quipped back with a snicker.

Izuku was not expecting this night to go over very well.

No, no he was expecting there to be yelling, definitely profanities,maybesome fighting or at least a punch or two, and if he wasreally unluckya dead body or two. Because when Izuku had gotten home he'd realized that Aizawa had texted him, pretty muchorderinghim to set up a meeting with him, Shouto, and Endeavor at the Todoroki household where the four of them could meet. And begrudgingly Shouto had arranged it with his father when Izuku had pressed, stating that if he wanted to be allowed to sleep over at his house then Aizawa would need to meet up with Endeavor. But that entire day he'd been getting messages from Aizawa pleading, demanding, and borderline threatening him to let him beat the f*ck out of Enji and each one Izuku had to deny and thenyell atAizawa through texts that he'd promised to be good. And so here they were making their way up the front walk to the front door of the Todoroki household, a traditionally styled Japanese style mansion. He'd just lifted his hand to knock when the door swung open and Shouto was right there, beaming at Izuku with that smile of his before he lunged forward and wrapped the smaller teen into a firm hug.

"Izuku!"He breathed excitedly.

Giggling slightly, he hugged him back, burrowing his nose into the other teens neck. "Hey Shou."

The throat clearing had Shouto jerking back and looking up at the black-haired man with a serious expression. "Mr. Aizawa, thank you for adopting Izuku." He said and bowed deeply to the now stunned man before offering his hand to the older man. "I promise that I will cherish him until the day I die."

"Tone it back a bit, Shou." Izuku murmured softly.

"Oh, sorry." Shouto said and blushed slightly. "I'm not the best when it comes to social cues and what's acceptable or not, so my apologies if I ever seem callous or a bit too intense, Izuku and Owl have been helping me and they say I'm doing good but that I have a lot of room to improve."

"Yea, we'll talk later." Aizawa stated and glanced into the house and his eyes narrowed. "Where ishe?"

Izuku sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose at the thinly veiled rage he could practicallyseewafting off of Aizawa. "HeknowsShou."

"Oh...oh, then tonight's gonna be fun." Shouto said and glee filled his voice as well as a devious gleam in his eyes that set Izuku's nerves on edge.

Izuku looked over at the teen and frowned. "No! No, it's not!"

But Shouto was already turning into the house. "Izuku's here!"He bellowed, the loudest Izuku had ever heard from the heterochromatic teen.

There was a loud crash and clatter form somewhere in the house followed by a sharp curse and then pounding feet. Within seconds Enji, dressed in loose black pants and a soft beige colored sweater came around a corner, his turquoise eyes landing on Izuku and the hard look in them melted slightly. "Viridian." He murmured.

And that, apparently, was the last little thread of willpower that held back the rage that was nowtriggeredinside of Aizawa, who let out a loud roar andchargedthe now equally stunned flame hero who jolted backwards, flames erupting form his hands only to be snuffed out with Aizawa's quirk activating and canceling them out.

Swearing Izuku lunged after him, effectively taking his adoptive father down again with his own moves, Izuku's arms wrapped underneath Aizawa's armpits, and his fingers linked behind his head while his legs were hooked around his thighs. effectively leaving him unable to attack the other man."No!"He chastised."Bad Aizawa! You promised!"

"HE CALLED YOU THATNAME! HE DIES TONIGHT!"Aizawa bellowed as he struggled.

"No! No, he does not you psychotic caffeine addicted insomniac cat lover!"Izuku shouted then yelped whenicesuddenly kissed the back of his neck and he flailed slightly."Shouto!"He screamed and the traitorous little ass only chuckled lightly.

Aizawa, utilizing that distraction, scrambled up and was lunging towards Endeavor who readied for a fight.

"No! No, you can't kill him!"Izuku screamed and lunged, catching Aizawa by the ankle and brining him down. "You - Jesus f*ckingcat balls!Stop it you f*ckinggremlin! If you want me to attend UA, you'll stop now!" Izuku growled when Aizawa started using hisfootto try and shove Izuku off his other leg.

"Then just let me f*ck him up a little! I won't kill him! I'll just f*ck him up! Ten minutes that's all I need!"Aizawa snarled as he tried to fling Izuku off his leg while snarling and glaring at Enji.

Enji sighed. "Let him go Vir...Izuku, he'll calm down once we've sparred."

"No, no he won't!" Izuku grunted as he wrapped further around his adoptive father and took him down again, clambering for a hold even as the man snarled and wriggled to get away. "He's been like thisall f*cking da- AAAY THAT'S COLD!"He screamed shrilly as Shouto was putting an ice-covered hand to Izuku's exposed ribcage where his shirt had ridden up and snickered slightly. Flinging away from it he swore as Aizawa was up andattackingEnji, but when he moved to pull his father off the other man who was defensively blocking Aizawa's attacks, Shouto had wrapped himself around Izuku and was sitting on the floor a good distance away happily humming as he watched the impromptu show.

"C'mon let's just watch the show.Oh!Did you see that? That was a good punch!" Shouto said bouncing happily a little when Aizawa got a solid punch into Enji'sfaceand sending him staggering backwards slightly.

"What?!No!That's not, no we're not going to sit here and wat theshow!"Izuku cried and struggled.

"Oh, c'mon that dumpster fire deserves to get his ass whooped,holy hell!"Shouto cackled as Aizawa bodilythrewEnji across the room and thenpouncedlaying punch after punch onto the bigger man.

"Oh, for the love of -Shoutoyou arenotfilming this!" Izuku gasped in horror when something caught his attention.

"You bet your sweet ass I am, Natsu will paymoneyfor this!" Shouto cackled excitedly.

"Gremlins." Izuku breathed in horror as he slowly looked back at the fight. "I've attractedgremlins!And I've fed them and now I've doomed the -agh!No! Bad Aizawa!"Izuku shouted and managed to break free by pressing on a pressure point on Shouto's arm, surging to his feet and rushing over he grabbed the other end of the porcelain sculpture the man had snatched it off a shelf and lifted over his head to smash on Enji as the other man tried to get his bearings from a solidly landed roundhouse kick to the jaw. Struggling in a tug-of-war with Aizawa for the vase, but then he gasped when Enji's arm wrapped around his waist, lifted him up and away from the other man as he planted a foot in Aizawa's center and sent himflyingthrough the wooden wall, the vase shattering on the floor a few feet away.

Enjilightlytossed Izuku to the side before he squared up with Aizawa again, the two exchanging stunning blows before Izuku had had enough, rushing over so he was only a few feet away from the two men he took as deep a breath as he could and let out a screech that even Owl would have appreciated.

Both pro heroes staggered slightly from the sudden shriek and then scream, looking over at him with similar looks of shock.

"STOP IT NOW YOU OVERGROWN BABOONS!"He screamed again at the stop of his lungs after taking another deep breath."YOU GO SIT OVER THERE!"He screeched at Enji who held up his hands, still staring at him in shock as he backed slowly away from Aizawa, but his attention snapped back to the other man when he growled and moved one more step towards Enji, but Izuku placed himself between the two, though Aizawa glared over the top of his head."YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY ROLE MODEL! I SWEAR TO THE CAT AND COFFEE GODS YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP SHOTA AIZAWA YOU CAN KISS MOVING IN WITH ME AND THE PROMISE OF A CAT GOODBYE!"

At once Aizawa paled and froze, eyes snapping to Izuku.

"GO SIT OVER THERE! NOW! NO! YOU DON'T TALK! YOU'VE LOST THAT PRIVILAGE! GET! DON'T YOU LOOK AT HIM! NO, WHEN YOU'RE NAUGHTY YOU GET TREATED LIKE A CHILD!"Izuku screamed at Aizawa when he opened his mouth as if to try and talk, pointing towards the opposite corner of the room that Enji was currently sitting in. Pinching the bridge of his nose Izuku let out a loud breath his throat acing slightly from the screeching. "Why is it thefifteen-year-oldteenageris acting more mature than thegrown ass adults!?"He demanded of no one in particular before he glared over at Shouto. "Go get the first aid kit please."

"Yes, of course." The heterochromatic teen said and popped up to his feet and headed towards a hallway.

"And delete that video." Izuku ordered.

"Not a chance." Shouto called back as he left the room.

Sighing and rubbing at his temples he looked over at Aizawa who was glaring angry daggers at Enji. "You." He snapped and Aizawa's eyes snapped up to him, glare instantly turning to one of firm conviction, pretty much conveying that he wasnotgoing to apologize, which wasfineIzuku could live with that. "I'll let this slide tonight, but that'sit, no more attacking him Aizawa. Ah!No, you're still in trouble so no talking! You lost that privilege tonight of me calling you dad because you acted like achildwho lost their temper!" He said pointing at the man who narrowed his eyes at the teen, but remained quiet and took the lecture, his cheeks reddening slightly at being lectured by ateenager. "I get that what you did you feel justified about because of what has transpired between myself and Enji, but that doesn't mean you go full demonic gremlin and attack him, youpromisedme after all!" He said and sighed as he rubbed at his temples at the headache that was brewing. "Do you comprehend how many men and women I've f*cked in the three years that I've worked there? Do youunderstandthat all of those people knew and wereexcitedat the fact that they were f*cking an underagechild? I know to you that's a huge deal, that having sex is something that should be a big deal and special and done only with the person that you feel safe and comfortable doing that with. But that's justnothow I see it, that's not how I was conditioned to equate with sex,wellbefore Mama's. Yes, sex is something that when done with a partner that makes you feel safe and comfortable with feelsimmenselybetter.Enji, out ofallof my other patrons was theonly onethat didn't hurt meto hurt me. He didn't tie me up, he didn't burn me with wires, zap me with cattle prods, whip me with riding crops and other BDSM tool, nor did torture me with toys for hours. Yes, he bit me, held me down,lightlychoked me, gagged me with his dick, and his hands got a little hot form his quirk, but none of it was done to besad*stically cruellike all the other patrons!" Izuku said and shook his head. "I'm not at all saying that he should be forgiven for f*cking a teenager, no that's all shades f*cked up even if the 'legal' age of consent is thirteen. But I need you to move past that because he wasdifferentthen all the other patrons. Hecaredabout me, he made sure I got off and wasn't left with blue balls like most of my other patrons, and heneveroverstimulated me until I was a sobbing mess because it hurt so f*cking bad. That man," Izuku pointed at Enji even as he stared at Aizawa who gritted his teeth and stared back Izuku with a hard expression, but it was clear that he waslisteningto him. "That man showed me that there was sex other than just beingf*ckedlike a damned fleshlight, he showed me that sex doesn't always have to hurt, it doesn't always have to be overstimulating, it doesn't always have to leave you feeling unsatisfied or empty, it doesn't always have to leave you feelingdirty."

Slowly Aizawa nodded. "Okay." he said softly then narrowed his eyes at Izuku. "I'm still gonna kill him one day."

Letting out a frustrated sound he tipped his head back glaring up at the ceiling as Shouto came back in with the massive kit."Gremlins!I attractgremlinsnot people!"

"Izuku." Enji's deep voice was soft from his own corner and the teen looked over at him, arching a brow. "What happened the last time..."

"Yea, that was f*cked up, but we talked briefly about that, are you in therapy by the way?" Izuku deamdned, pointing at the man.

"Yes, I attend sessions three times a week." He nodded.

"Good, that'll help in more ways than one." Izuku nodded.

"What happened last time you saw him?" Aizawa demanded tightly.

And before Izuku or Shouto could answer it was Enji who did so. "I brought Shouto with me to an appointment with Izuku because I overheard him mention he might be gay to his older brother and wanted him to experience sex in a controlled safe environment and determined Izuku was the safest route. Shouto refused and I lost my temper and was needlessly rough with the boy, by the end of it he was... in rough condition and that was when he told me to seek professional help and I have been."

Izuku looked over at Shouto who shrugged.

"He's been a little lessunhingedof a dumpster fire I guess." He said in his monotone voice then looked away and crossed his arms. "I still think you should have let Aizawa smash the vase into his head." He grumbled sulkily.

Izuku's mouth dropped open before he held up his hands. "You know what? I'mdone!This altercation is done, there's gonna be no salvaging anything between the two of you and that'sfine! So, either let's go eat or I'm going home to sleep because emotionally and psychologically I cannot take one more bit of youstupid emotionally and socially stunted gremlins!"He screamed and stomped his foot, angry tears brimming in his eyes. "Can we justget alongmaybe? Becivil?That's all I'm asking! I'm not asking for you all to be buddy-buddy with Enji, I'm naïve enough to think that that's a possibility. My fatherhatesmy boyfriend's father, with good reason I agree, but why can't there just be acivility?!"

"Oh, Izu." Shouto murmured and was gently touching his shoulder a heartbeat later. "I-I'm sorry, it's just all the sh*t that happened with dumps...fatherhas left an unsavory relationship and it'll take alotfor things to get civil, but if you really want it, I cantry. Maybe eventually I can have a relationship with him, but that's likeyearsdown the line of that."

"I don'twantyou to force yourself to forme,I want you towantto try to have a relationshipfor yourself."He grumbled and rubbed the tears off his face with the heels of his hands.

"If you want civility, I can do that." Aizawa said from where he knelt.

"That'sliterallyallI'm asking." He said looked over at the man.

"Okay then, we'll do that." Aizawa nodded and looked over at Enji and his jaw clenched slightly. "We'll be...civil." He said through clenched teeth.

Andyea, Izuku wasn't going to get his hopes up on that.

But by the end of the night Izuku's hopes had lifted,if only minutely,because they's survived dinner! Yes, it had beenawkwardas hell and filled with so much tension that it had been difficult to eat. And the conversation had beenequallyas difficult to get through because every time Enji would ask Izuku a question Aizawa would try to keep Izuku from answering it. But then UA had been brought up and Izuku had admitted that he was going to attend the but be in the Support Course, and Enji had gotten excited about that, and that had led Aizawa to snap and growl at Enji. That was when Izuku knew that it had been time to head home, he was not going to press his luck and push Aizawa to sit through another hour or so of conversation and 'companionable bonding time' with Enji. He'd lasted three and a half hours without trying to murder the man a second time, nor had he glared daggers at the manto hard, so he'd count that as a win.

And on the plus side nobody had died!

So, it very well could be considered a win.

And the more he thought about it, yea, Izuku would count that as a win.


Hello lovely readers, so sorry for the delay in post even though I promised to post it last night, I ended up REALLY sick so had to prioritize getting somewhat stable, so just FYI posting might stick to the same it has been, or it might be a bit longer of a stretch, depends on how I'm feeling because right now, even with meds, I barely have the energy/mindpower/motivation to review/post this chapter. So, thank you all for being patient!
Anyway, about this chapter.... Gremlin Aizawa has made his appearance! He's a menace ain't he? Shouto's not that much better, hehe. But there we have it, they have come to an agreement of CIVILITY! Now, we move on to UA, the next chapters will be the start of UA, it will also be the start of blatant discrimination/bullying/abuse centered towards our Bean so just FYI.
Anyway, I'm gonna go rest now, appreciate you all thank you for the support, as always leave a comment if you wish, kudos if you haven't and wish to. Happy reading my dears see you in the next one!

Chapter 13: Off to School We Go!


An incident during the first week of school leads to a startling discovery.
And one very excited Aizawa for upcoming future events.


Hi my dear readers! Thank you all for the patience and support for my absence! I apologize it took me so long, I am feeling a ton better. However, unfortunately, I am struggling with the motivation to write, do not fret though I am going to continue this story! The posting of new chapters though might be spaced out a bit more than they have been, so I apologize for that, and I appreciate the support and patience that you all have had with me!
For those of you who celebrate this time of year, Mery Christmas! For those of you who don't, happy holidays! And for everyone, stay safe and warm out there!!
Without further ado please enjoy this chapter and I'll see you at the end notes!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He'd been placed in Hero Support Class 1-C and he was not looking forward to it.

The teachers were admittedly cool, either pro, underground, or retired support and sidekicks that taught homeroom and the fundamentals of being the 'help' of the hero world while their traditional lessons, math, English, and science were taught by normal quirk users. It was orientation week, which really meant they would spend the week going over what Support Course entailed, the course work that they would be studying. And if they wanted to focus more on medical aid support, costume or support gear construction, or heading to college to peruse legal support, or any other type of higher education. Whatactuallymade him excited was that they'd have a class onquirk analysis!Which had made him gleefully giddy when he'd learned that. So, he at least thought that there wasonething about the support course that wassort ofacceptable.

But what was annoying was the fact that nearly all of his classmates were blatantlyquirkists,as was his teachers when they learned he was quirckless. They'd spent the better part of the first day getting to know one another, introducing themselves, saying their quirk and giving a brief description of their quirk. And when it had gotten to Izuku and he'd introduced himself and then stated that he was quirkless, even the f*ckingteacherhad gone stiff and looked over at him, her brown eyes filling with disdain and her damnliphad lifted in a sneer at him. She'd then made the mistake of huffing and stating that he would be transferring to General Studies as soon as she could finish the paperwork, because as she'd put it 'really, why would they put aquirklessstudent in a hero course even if it's justsupportcourse', honestly he'd been expecting some sort of push back but, never form the teacher directly and spoken loud enough that the whole damned class could hear it. The snickers and side eye's he'd gotten the rest of the day as they'd gossiped about how long he'd last in the class wasso annoying. So he'd sat back and waited until the class had ended before he'd approached the teacher, and very softy informing her that it was nice to know where she stood in regards to him being quirkless, and that he wassurethat Principal Nedzu would love to know that a homeroom teacher would be willing to degrade and remove a quirkless students simply for being quirkless, after all it wasNedzuwho had arranged for Izuku to be in this class in the first place. After that the intercom had buzzed and she'd been summoned to the principal's office.

She hadn't been back since then and it was already a week and a half later and they had substitute homeroom teachers while they scrambled to find a replacement. And because of that now most of his classmates all regarded him with wariness or blatant hatred whenever he walked past, not that he really cared. Only three of them talked to him and that was because they'd been cast to the 'outskirts' of the class as well because they had low level and 'villain' type quirks, so the rest could kiss his ass. What wasirritatingwas that in the skill assessment tests he scored one of the lowest grades on inallthe subjects even though all of his answers were the same as the student that had scored the top marks. He'd taken that to Nedzu as well. When Nedzu had seen him, he'd sighed and asked what the problem was, to which Izuku had shown him the marked-up test sheets and arched his brows as Nedzu had looked it over and frowned.

"This is only a skillassessmentto see where we're all at in regard to what we learned in high school." Izuku explained as he rested against the chair in front of his desk. "I got all the answers thesameas the smartest student in my class and yet I was marked as the lowest.Quitecurious as to why that is."

"Yes, that is, it is something most important to look into Midoriya, how are you holding up?" He asked.

Izuku snorted and looked out the window. "You know I honestly expected quirkism, really I did I know how deep that runs here. But what I didn't expect was for theteacherof homeroom to come out and beblatantabout it. Nor the fact that all of my teachers would attack me because of it. Nedzu, your school isn't just quirkist, it's deep seededquirkfascism. It's going to take more than me just being in the hero support course for quirkless or low ranked quirk users to get a foothold in UA, it's gonna take someheavyfaculty restructuring on your part." He said and watched as birds soared through the sky. "Honestly I didn't sign up for thissh*t."

"Midoriya, is it that bad?" He asked softly.

Izuku sighed and looked over at him and gave a soft smile. "Not there yet, but I'll let you know if it is."

Nedzu stared at him for a long moment before he nodded. "You'd best head to lunch now so you don't miss it."

Nodding Izuku turned and left the building, ignoring the looks he got from the faculty members as he walked through and then out of the building. It wasn't like he didn'thearthe comments, the slurs, and blatant sh*t talking that he was called, it was that he wasso used to itthat he just didn't really pay it any mind. But what hedidpay mind to was the fact that someone decided to stick their foot out to trip him as he was walking past. Acting on instinct Izukustompedon that dickbags foot and then dramatically turned towards the now screaming teen that was hopping up and down holding his foot.

"How dare you!" The blonde-haired teen screamed, his silky looking blonde hair waving around his face before he jerked it up and glaring blue eyes pierced him. "You'll pay for that!"

Slapping a hand to his chest Izuku gasped dramatically back. "Oh I'm sorryme?What on earth are you talking about? All I did was walk by and you started yelling."

"You stomped on my foot!" The man screamed at him.

Hands now pressed to his cheeks Izuku leaned away. "No! Me?!" He said then leaned suddenly into the teens face and using a seductive look as the teens baby blues went stunned wide Izuku batted his long thick lashes at the teen. "Then perhaps you shouldn't try and trip people and you won't get your foot stomped on." He purred at the teen beforeboopinghis nose. Turning and leaving the floundering teen in stunned shock, his face completely crimson and smoking in his embarrassment. Shoving his hands into his pockets as he headed towards the cafeteria, knowing Shouto and Katsuki would be waiting for him with something to eat seeing as he'd told them that he had needed to go 'have a word' with Nedzu, to which they'd both offered to get him something. And then, because Izuku had put them both into a group chat with him, they'd spent the better part of ten minutes arguing about who was going to get Izuku something to eat, which was absolutely hilarious to read through seeing as Izuku couldhearKatsuki's yelling through the text and Shouto's calm and uncaring banter back to the angry teen.

Pushing into the cafeteria doors and ignoring the looks he got, and the way half the massive space quieted he smiled when Shouto's hand shot up, practically summoning him. Striding over, effortlessly avoiding people that tried to trip him and knock shoulders with him Izuku slid into the chair in between Katsuki and Shouto and grinned when Katsudon as pushed in front of him by a smug Shouto and red bean buns were slid in next to the Katsudon by a sulky Katsuki. Both of which were hisabsolutefavorites to eat.

"Thank you so much!" He said and happily dug into the Katsudon first, knocking his shoulder against Katsuki's when the teen huffed. "C'mon, youknowI like to finish a meal with my sweets." He said softly.

"Yea, yea, nerd." He grumbled and bent over his food.

"So, how's your classes going?" Shout asked after taking a bite of his cold soba.

Izuku's chopsticks paused for a split second, butof coursethe two overprotective meatheads noticed, and they both went ridged. "Look, everything's alright, really."

"No, it's not, Izuku." Katsuki rumbled tightly. "Spill."

"Hey, hold on noth-"

"Bakugou's right, Izuku, you need to tell us so we can help you." Shouto said firmly and looked over at him. "As much as I do not want to involve the dumpster fire, he'd be more than willing to throw his backing behind you and we both know it."

"Whoa, whoa, we don't need to involve him in anything!" Izuku shook his head looking over at Shouto.

"What about paying someone off? You know the old hag is more than happy to bite someone's head off for you." Katsuki offered.

"No! We're not siccing your mom on anyone Kacchan!" Izuku snorted at that and sat back in his chair and chuckled lightly. "Okay, yea so things are...not goodin my classes. I was foolish thinking you two wouldn't notice. It's just quirkism guys, not something that I haven't dealt with before."

"It's more than that isn't it?" Katsuki demanded softly after a moment of staring hard at Izuku.

Sighing and rubbing at the back of his throat he nodded. "The teachers, most of them, are quirkists and are trying to get me booted to General Studies. Don't do anything, I've already informed Nedzu and he's going to confront the teachers so it's being handled accordingly." He said quickly and looked between the two. "Trust me, if you two try and step in it'll just causemassiveissues. So just please let things work themselves out, this is what I was enrolled here for."

"You shouldn't have to be!" Katsuki snarled, slamming a hand on the table, small crackles emitting from his clenched fist. "You deserve to have a f*cking high school career where you don't have to deal with this sh*t!"

"Yea, you're right, but I'musedto it, which means I can take it, think about another quirkless kids who come from a background where they'renottreated like sh*t and then they come here, and they're treated like absolute trash?" Izuku murmured looking over at Katsuki. "That'swhy I'm here, why I'm enrolled in UA, to help thatchange. So, I'll take this bullsh*t and I'll make sure that thingschangefor those of us who are quirkless or with low ranked quirks,if that's all I can do then I'll have at least savedsomeonelike me out there who needs it." He said firmly. "So, please, don't intervene."

The two bigger teens sat there stiff before Katsuki grumbled curses before he finally nodded. "Yea, you got it Izuku, but you better f*cking believe that if sh*t happens in front of me, I'm blasting their asses!" He growled.

"Thanks, Kacchan." Izuku said with a broad smile as he patted his forearm.

"I'll freeze them in place so they can't escape." Shouto added.

"Okay, the two of you can tone back your overprotective homicidal tendencies please." Izuku said laughing now before he set back in to quickly scarf his food,very muchaware that the two of them were picking at their food, no doubt because they weren't really at ease with what had happened to him. But that was okay, because neither was he, Izuku was just better at hiding it and pushing that emotion down because he needed to eat and needed to put on a face that showed that he wasn't affected by the bullying and clear discrimination. He'd faked it for the last three years with nobody in his corner to support him, he could damn well last three more with people up to bat with him this time. Slowly tipping his head up slightly so he could look across the two tables to where a group of most quirkist of his classmates sat watching in disgusted horror, slowly an animalistic taunting smile crossed his lips as he pushed his empty bowl away and pulled his red bean buns to him.

He knew he was antagonizing them, but the quicker those jackasses made their move the quicker they'd slip up and things could move faster, the sooner he could get them to lay off at least for a little while. That was his hope at least.

By the grace of whatever god was helping him Izuku had managed to avoid and evade Katsuki, sending him a quick text to head home because there was something he needed to talk to Nedzu about, which was aliebecause what hereallyhad to do was get his nose to stop bleeding before Katsuki and Shouto saw it and went batsh*t psychopathic on his new bullies. So, there he was hurrying towards a restroom, holding bloodied tissues to his nose when he ran into the douche from earlier that had tried to trip him. Instinctively turning to avoid getting blood all over the other teen, while simultaneously grabbing the front of the guy's blazer so he didn't hit the deck, Izuku staggered slightly and looked over at the stunned teen.

"Run into a wall you worthless hero." The teen sneered.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Not a hero dickhe*d, I'm in support course." He said, his voice sounding weird on account of all the blood trying to drip from it.

"Couldn't pass the entrance exam?" He mocked with a self-righteous laugh.

Izuku gave him a look. "A, didn't need to, got a special recommendation to attend UA. B, wasn't interested in being a hero."

"Why? Your quirk to weak?" The man chortled.

"I'd need aquirkfor that." He retorted and moved to stride away from the teen, only to come to a stop when the guy latched onto his arm.

"Wait, what?" He demanded.

Izuku looked down at the hand on his arm then up at the teen. "I said, I'd need aquirkfor that. As in Idon't have one." He stated and yanked his arm out of the teens hold.

"So, you're quirkless?" The teen pressed, suddenly looking strangely serious.

"Um, yea, what's it to you?" Izuku demanded, suddenly getting defensive.

The teen looked around then stepped closer to Izuku. "Piece of advice, steer clear of the third years, they framed a quirkless last year of cheating on a mid-term final and got them expelled and blacklisted from all hero schools nationwide. Also try and avoid all of Business Course teachers, they'reextremelyanti-quirkless."

Izuku stared at the teen. "And why in the living hell should I believe you?" He demanded, suspicion rife in his tone.

The teen rolled his eyes in a huff. "Because I make it a point to knoweveryone'sdrama and all the rumors going around school so I'm not in the dark in case there's one that pertains to me or my class, and the second years have a leak that can't keepanysecrets to herself as long as you ply her with her favorite snacks first. I had a cousin who was quirkless, and watching her suffer because of something that wasn't her fault or at all controllable was horrendous."

Something in what this boy said, the cadence of his tone had caught his attention and sadness filled his expression as dots connected. "Was... did she..."

"Yea, a year and a half ago." The guy said softly then a wicked, if not pain filled smirk crossed his face. "But not before she exposed a huge anit-quirkist ring at the high school she attended in Osaka."

Izuku blinked in surprise, during one of their long conversations Nedzu had made mention of a brave third year student in a Osaka high school who had sent him information roughly two years ago about an anti-quirkist ring at her school and how he'd taken it down, but the girl had sadly taken her own life less than six months after sending the information to Nedzu so she was never able to see all those who had hurt her face justice. But hehadbeen able to tack her death onto the charges of each and every one of the staff members involved in the ring as causing such immense mental strain and suffering onto her that she had chosen to take her own life. And the charges apparentlyhad stuckas of now each person involved in that ring were in prison. And that school? It had been shut down all of last year to completely rehaul it's staff and everything, under the careful watch of Nedzu and those who worked with him to make the worldequalfor all those alike.

He nodded slowly. "Thank you, for letting me know. And, I'm sorry about what happened to her."

The teen nodded before a firmness filled his expression and his grip turned tight on Izuku's arm. "Listen to me kid, being quirkless doesn't mean that you'reworthless, it just means you have to bestrongerthan those of uswithquirks. If you got into UA than you damn wellcanandwillmake it in the world." He said and pulled out his phone, tapping away at the screen before looking up at him. "Give me your contact information."

"Why?" Izuku asked slowly, more than a little overwhelmed by what was happening and just how in his face borderline supportive/obsessive this weird blonde teen was being.

The teen let out an angry/annoyed huff. "You idiot, it's so that you have someone to talk to if you need it, someone who backs you up regardless of what it is." He scoffed and gave him a sneering look. "What the hell else does it mean?"

Izuku stared at the teen, at war with himself as to whether or not he wanted this strange, abrasive, and downrightassholeof a teen to have his contact information. But then again Katsuki was roughly the same as this teen,andhe'd warned Izuku about all the people he'd want to avoid. Slowly he nodded and rattled off his number.

Typing it in and then sending a text, to which Izuku pulled out his phone and showed the teen his message when the guy gave him a pointed look as seemed to relax slightly. "Good, make sure you text me when you need someone to rant to or to get some help, I have all the hotlines if you need them, and I have awickedgood lawyer if you need to press charges. After what happened with my cousin my family won't hesitate to back you in a legal fight." He sneered then paused and steppedcloserto Izuku who leaned back slightly. "Also, make sure you stop by Hero Course 1-B sometime, most of my classmates are supportive of quirkless and the others don't really have an opinion, so they'd be fine with you, so drop in and say hi once in a while."

Slowly nodding he glanced towards the bathroom. "Um, okay, can I go now before my blood stains my clothes."

"Yea, yea, go." The teen waved his hand at him dismissively. "By the way names Monoma, Monoma Neito."

"Midoriya Izuku." He responded and lifted a hand to the teen, partially turning to do so before he disappeared into the bathroom to quickly deal with the bloody situation. Carefully rolling up his sleeves to make sure that no blood got on them as he let the blood drip out of his nose and plop into the sink, he assessed the damage and swore slightly. It wasn't broken, but it definitely wasn't going to stop bleeding anytime soon, which meant he either needed to hang out here in the bathroom or go to the infirmary and get Recovery Girl to heal him, which meant there would be an incident repot filed and if he 'tattled' on his classmate than that would cause an issue. But the longer his nose dripped into the sink the more he realized hehadto go and see the nurse, he couldn't ride the train home like this. So, grabbing a f*ck-load of paper towel and bunching them to his nose he snatched up his bag and blazer and hurried out of the bathroom,prayingthat he didn't run into anyone.

But apparently luck had decided to laugh in his face at that moment because who the f*ck did he run into going into the infirmary?


Yeup, he ran into All Might who was just coming out of the infirmary. And it wasn't just a: door opens, 'oop! hiya there 'scuse me'. No, no,nothis was as follows: Izuku quickly opens the door and proceeded to try and rush into the room so nobody would see him only to slam abused nosefirstinto the hero's iron wall feeling chest which caused a new wave of pain to explode in his nose, which elicited a cry, and a fresh spurt of blood to stream from his nose, thus drenching the front of his school shirt. Well,drenchwas a strong word, but a good amount did drip onto it, enough that the shirt was most likely ruined.

"Young Midoriya, are you alright!?" All Might's voice boomed. "Oh, oh my goodness what happened to you!?"

Looking up, trying to staunch the now small stream of blood coming form his nose as his eyes watered. "What does it look like? I have a nosebleed." He got out and pushed passed the hero who was floundering slightly and into the infirmary. "Excuse me, Recovery Gi-"

"Dear lord child, sit down!" The older woman sighed heavily and tottered over as Izuku sank down on the edge of one of the beds, grabbing more tissues form a box nearby and holding them to the already drenched ones under his nose, grabbing a small plastic tub to hold underneath his face to catch the dripping blood. "What happened child?"

Izuku looked at the woman as he lowered the soaked tissues into the pan and blood gushed form his nose before it slowed to a constant trickle. "I, uh,tripped?"

"Young Midoriya, Chiyo and I have dealt with many injuries over the years, and we can tell when someone has beenstruck."All Might's normal booming voice was suddenly somber. "So, please demonstarte some respect and betruthful."

Izuku stared up at the massive hero. "And what are you gonna do about it? I'm in theSupport Course, not the hero one, the students there don't fall under your jurisdiction."

"They might not be in my course, but I am still a faculty member, and I can bring it to the attention of the teachers in the support course." He pointed out.

Izuku rolled his eyes as Chiyo set about examining him. "All Might you seem to forget that I'mquirkless, the teachers in the support course aren't going to dosh*tabout this. Some of them might even saygood jobto the 'wall' that I ran into." He said and shook his head. "You're forgetting, All Might, this isn't somethingnew. Things likethis," he lightly gestured to the front of him and the blood that was still dripping from his nose. "Isnormalfor me, and peoplelikeme,because of all the sh*t that I've had to deal with beingquirkless. So, to you this might be alarming, but to me it's just another run of the mill day, only the bleedings a bit worse and I'm starting to get a bit lightheaded." He said then jumped when lips suddenly pressed against his temple with a smacking kissy sound, and he looked over at Recovery Girl to find her lips pulling away from him and going back to normal. "What the f*ck?" He breathed, not in rudeness but in alarm.

"It's how she heals you, Young Midoriya, her kiss boosts the body's natural healing process, it will leave you a bit exhausted, but you should be fine within a few hours." All Might explained.

"Oh, okay good." Izuku said with a slow nod.

"He should not walk home. Perhaps we should call his guardian." Recovery girl stated.

Pure fear, not for himself but for the jackass that had hit him, wash through him and he was shaking his head even as Chiyo helped him place gauze into his nose as the bleeding slowed to a light drip every once in a while. "Nope, nu-uh not calling him, I'm fine I've walked home withwayworse before, so this is nothing." He stated and looked down at himself and sighed, he'd need a new shirt. Thankfully he'd ordered four extras just in case of sh*t like this happening.

"Then allow me to drive you home." All Might offered.

Izuku looked over at the hero. "Don't take offense to this, All Might, but I would rather fling myself off the roof of this building into a flaming pit of acid then get into a car with you."

The man reared back while Chiyo let out a choked snort-laugh before quickly turning away. "How can Inottake offense to that!?" The massive man boomed.

He shrugged. "I dunno, I just said that so you could brace yourself."

All Might stared at him and shook his head. "You are spending far too much time around Aizawa."

"Actually, he hasn't been around much, he's been trying to get things situated with moving in and all that crap, so he's been a bit busy." Izuku said and shrugged. "This sass is all me."

"Young man." Chiyo's voice was firm even though it was tinged with amusem*nt over his interaction with All Might, and he looked over at the small wizened old hero sitting in the chair. "You have precisely two minutes to make your choice. Either you get a ride home from All Might, or we call your adoptive father to come and pick you up."

He stared at the woman before narrowing his yes."Fine." He grumbled and snatched up his stuff, taking the box of tissues and disposable barf bag that the old biddy held out and stormed out of the room. "Let's go hero, I wanna beat Aizawa home." He grumped as he hurried towards the elevator, All Might hurrying after.

The car ride to his home had been silent and filled with a tensity that left Izuku feeling as if he were chewing glass. So, when they turned onto his street and Izuku saw Aizawa's car sitting in the driveway he thunked his head back onto his headrest andgroaned. f*cking hell this was going to be a sh*t show because no doubt Gremlin Dadzawa was going to make a reappearance and Izuku did not have the mental fortitude nor energy to put up with him. He was still lightheaded and a little woozy from the loss of so much blood. But he had no other choice as All Might pulled his car up next to Aizawa's and killed the engine.

"Would you like me to come in with you?" All Might prompted.

Izuku shrugged. "Do what you want." He sighed and climbed from the car, wincing a little as a wave of dizziness seemed to wash over him before he gasped as All Might scooped him up. "Okay, this isnotwhat I meant by do what you want."

"Yes, well I do not need you passing out right after stepping out of my car, Young Midoriya, I do not think your father would much appreciate that." All Might stated.

Izuku snorted softly at that. "Yea, I don't think he's gonna like seeing youcarryingme much better."

"Yes, well I can at least explainwhyI'm carrying you before he attacks me versus if he finds you unconscious right outside of my vehicle with blood down the front of you, he is going to assume the worse if he sees that instead." All Might pointed out.

"No, no he's gonna go straight to worst case right off the bat." Izuku sighed and looked up at the hero. "Have you seen him lose his temper yet?"

"Aizawa?" All Might promoted as he walked slowly towards the front door. "The man never loses his temper."

"Oh, he does." Izuku sighed as he dug out his keys. "It's about what you'd expect a rabid feral cat and speed addicted honey badger had a love child and gave it caffeine laced with speed and crack." He explained and looked up at a horrified All Might. "You know those restraint moves that you two have been teaching me."


"I've had to use those on him." He explained and looked into the genkan and the hallway leading into the house, lowering his voice until it was a soft whisper. "I call him Gremlin Dadzawa."

"Sh-should we maybe go to a store first and get you a clean shirt?" All Might murmured softly.

"It's too late." Izuku whispered and tensed when thethingin question poked its head around the corner, typically swathed in a banana yellow sleeping bag that had a hood. But when its tired eyes locked onto Izuku, blood macabrely drying on the lower half of face, neck, and shirt with blood-soaked gauze protruding from his nose and a barf bag partially filled with clearly blood-soaked gauze rolls, the unhinged sound the Gremlin made had All Might taking a startled step back.

"What the f*ck have you done to my son!"Aizawa screeched, and after about a minute ofhilariouslytrying to explode from the sleeping bag, which consisted of flopping around the floor like a fish out of water because, apparently, common sense ofunzippingthe sleeping bag wentwhooshout the mental window when the Gremling Rage set in, before he was rushing forward a comical mix of rage and concern washed over the man's face.

"Dad, it wasn't him." Izuku said calmly and reaching out flicked the fretting man between the eyes. "You're being a gremlin again."

"I am not!" Aizawa snarled.

"You're standing in the genkan, panting with rage, and your eyes are glowing with your hair floating around you." Izuku pointed out.

Within a heartbeat Aizawa blinked and stepped back. "Shut up, problem child." He growled as All Might stepped into the house. "What happened."

"Nope, nu-uh, you can talk to Nedzu, he knows, I'm gonna go take a shower." Izuku said and wriggled out of All Might's arms and headed, a little unsteadily towards the stairs. "Talk to him and All Might about sh*t but at least let me get the dried blood and crap off my body."

"You, okay?" Aizawa demanded softly, following closely after him.

"Yea, I'm fine." He said looked over at the concerned man. "If you could make dinner tonight that'd be great."

"You got it, Problem Child, go get cleaned up, and call M-"

"Yea, I already texted her that I'm not coming in so don't worry about it." He said and patted Aizawa's shoulder. "By the way I've been meaning to tell you, I switched my hours so I'm only working on the weekends now."

Relief washed over the man's face. "Oh, ok, that's good."

Chuckling as he started up the stairs Izuku waved his hand at the man. "Yea, yea, go talk to All Might, and trynotto go gremlin on him."

Izuku couldhearthe frown in Aizawa's huff. "I don't go gremlin."

"Yea, sure you don't." Izuku snorted back. Cresting the top of the stairs and headed to the last door on the right, the master suite, and pushed it open before kicking the door shut behind him. That had been one thing that surprised Izuku when Aizawa had agreed to move in, was that the man wasadamantthat Izuku keep the master suite and instead had moved into the biggest of the three remaining bedrooms. Which was fine seeing as Izuku had gotten a stripper pole installed in one of them so he could work on his moves. So that left one other room as a spare which was just perfectly fine, not that Izuku ever reallyneededit seeing as he never had company over that wasn't close coworkers, Owl and March, and now Katsuki and Shouto, now however that seemed like it was going to change.

Hair still damp, but thankfully clean, as was the rest of his face, Izuku strode out of his bedroom feeling warm and content from his shower and relaxed for the first time since starting at UA. That warm and relaxed feeling however, promptly vanished when he realized that the first door on the left of the stairs wasopenwhen he knew that he'd shut it last night when he'd finished running through a routine on the pole that he was working on. Irritation flaring through him, because Aizawa had told him that he would rather pretend that that room didn't exist, he knew that onlyone otherperson in this house would have gone into it, which was pretty f*ckingpretentiousof the mother f*cker. And, sure enough, All Might stood in the room staring at the stripper pole.

"Would you like me to give you a show?" Izuku demanded briskly and watched as the massive man jolted in shock.

"Young Midoriya I didn't hear you come out of your room." All Might said whipping around to face him.

Narrowing his eyes at the man Izuku strode into the room and then around the man, aware that he was turning to face him, but he strode up to the pole and lifting a hand to rest it about a foot over his head leaned his weight out and lazily spun around the pole until he was facing the hero with one foot hooked at the base of the pole to keep himself from face planting or keep turning. "You know, snooping through someone's home is considered quiterude."

"Aizawa needed to make a call and... he's made mention to Nedzu that there was a room that he wished he'd never discovered in your house." All Might admitted.

Eyebrows arching, he tipped his head back slightly. "Ah, so you werecuriousabout mypersonal propertyand instead of asking like adecentguest, you invaded my privacy."

Guit crossed through those bright blue eyes. "I apologize yet again, Young Midoriya."

"Yea, I bet you are sorry," Izuku snorted and looked away with a shake to his head. "Justhearingabout it wasn't enough was it, All Might? You justhadto come and see what all the fuss was about." Turning his head back he pinned the man with a look. "I mean f*ck, if you wanted a show that badly then why the hell didn't you justask? Not like I'm not used to giving old sleezy menshowsall the time." He snapped and proceeded to reach for the hem of his sweats. "Gotta take these off or I'll fall off the pole, hope you're okay with boxer brei-"

All Might pressing the boy's face to his chest both stilled Izuku's hands and silenced him. "No, Young Midoriya. I do not and willneverwant a...showfrom you. That is something that you've been forced to do for far too long to survive. The only thing I do want from you, dear boy, is for you to know that you are safe and that you no longer need to put yourself through that. You have been alone for so long, but you are not any longer. You have Aizawa and Young Bakugou and Young Todoroki from what I've been told, as well as myself though you seem to not like me, which is a bit disappointing, but with our first meeting I quite understand and will work hard to change how you feel about me just as I am working to change my perception of those in similar circ*mstances as your own."

"That's all good and everything but kindly tell me why you are holding mysonin this godforsaken room before I have to try and explain to the world why I assassinated the number one hero and Symbol of Peace?" Aizawa's cold voice came from the doorway, and All Might went absolutely stiff, his arms tightening around Izuku's frame before he lifted the teen up by his shoulders and bodily set himawayfrom the hero.

"In my curiosity of the room that you wished didn't exist I decided to see what had put you off so badly, and well, Young Midoriya found me here and confronted me." All Might answered honestly.

"So, you snooped, and he caught you?" Aizawa demanded.

"Yes." All Might nodded.

"Fine, then you owe him a secret just as incriminating." Aizawa said then started to grin.

Panic seemed to fill the man's eyes and he held up a massive hand. "Aizawa wai-"

But the glowing red eyes and levitating hair was there in a heartbeat as well as a massive puff of smoke, leaving behind a hissing sound.

"What the hell?" Izuku coughed at the smoke and waved his hand in front of his face. "Dad, what the -AAAGGHH! WHO THE f*ck ARE YOU!?"He screamed shrilly and staggered away, hands up towards his chest in tight fists as he stared with wide andveryalarmed eyes at the skinny, almost skeletal, man with straw blonde hair that was shaggy around his head with two distinct tufts that framed his face in an M shape, oddly reminding him of the burger fast food chain that Marchloved, deep shadows hid his eyes except for the bright blue irises that seemed toglowfrom their depths that seemedveryfamiliar somehow. Staring closer Izuku leaned a little towards the man. "All Might? Is thatAll Might?"He demanded looking over at Aizawa and pointing, though he didn't move his hand away from his chest.

"Yes, Young Midoriya." All Mights' voice was still the same deep timbre, but the tone was now tired and causing Izuku to jump and skitter a bit back from the man. "This is my true-form, how you and the rest of UA know was my muscle-form."

"Okay, so... so when youdeflateyou turn into this skinny skeletal husk...thing?" He pressed as he edged around the hero and towards Aizawa who snickered at the description.

"Rude." All Might said softly with a disapproving look in his eyes. "But theoretically yes."

"Okay," Izuku said slowly and nodded. "Okay...okay, you'recreepy."

"And that is why you're my favorite problem child." Aizawa said triumphantly and ruffled Izuku's hair affectionately even as the skinny All Might stood there and gawked at the pair.

"So, um, I'mnotcalling you All Might in this form so what's your name?" Izuku stated bluntly, looking at the thin man.

"Yagi Toshinori." He said with a defeated sigh.

"Kay, cool, Yagi it is." Izuku said and smiled slightly at the man before turning and leaving the practice room. "Close the door behind you!" He called as he jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen where he the smell of enticing food was drifting from. Glancing at the table that was set for three Izuku grumbled slightly but headed for the fridge and pulled out three drinks, glancing over when Aizawa and Yagi appeared, and he held them up. "These good?" He prompted then nodded slightly when both men gave their approvals. Making his way to the table he took his spot, patiently waiting for the two men to make their way over. "So did you call Nedzu?" He asked after they'd settled into their chairs.

"Yes." Aizawa grumbled angrily as he picked up his chopsticks and startedaggressivelymoving his food around his plate before taking a bite. "The little pricks are claiming that you started it, however the video footage shows that you were just walking down the hallway, while they were clearlywaitingfor you and started the altercation first.However,the little dickhe*ds are claiming that it wasyouwho started the altercation by bad mouthing them since there's no audio to go with the footage."

Izuku rolled his eyes as he picked up his chopsticks and started eating. "Yea, sounds like those pricks." He agreed and shrugged. "Really though, it's not something new, this type of sh*t happeneda lot."He said and looked up at the two adults staring at him.

"How did you deal with it before?" Aizawa asked as he gave him a contemplative look, most likely wondering if the methods Izuku's used in the past could be used at UA.

Izuku sighed as he looked down at his meal and shrugged. "It was a lot of waiting, a lot of letting them get pissed and keep bullying me, and then when I had enough evidence I went straight to the board and the dean of students and showed all the incidents and all the video evidence because I requested video proof of each altercation,time stampedof course, and proof that no course of corrective action against the other dicks were taken. I also stated that if corrective course of actions weren't taken, or ifI -the clear victim - was blamed for these incidents and punished, I would go to the authorities and news outlets. After that the board and dean of students had no other optionbutto expel the other kids."

"And you did all this while you were being abused at home?" Aizawa asked softly.

Izuku nodded as he took a few bites before speaking. "Yeup, wasn'tparticularlyeasy with my mother not wanting to deal with it all, but when they demanded to know whyIwas the one dealing with it I always used the excuse that she was at work, and seeing as she worked three jobs to support us and it was clearly registered in my information that she did in fact work three jobs, and I had a letter that was written and signed by her they believed me. Not that sheeverworked more than one job, but the falsified documents had never been contested because of the fake face that my mother put on, and the way people would lie for her in a moment's notice."

"The letter was written by you, wasn't it?" All Might prompted softly.

"Oh, hell yea, bitch wouldn't be caughtdeadhelping me inanyway." Izuku said and snorted. "If anything, she'dencouragethe bullies to hurt me more."

"Why didn't you ever turn in Bakugou and his friends?" Aizawa asked softly after a moment.

Izuku shrugged and looked up to meet his gaze full candor in his voice. "You know, I asked myself that every time he hurt me, I hadmorethan enough incriminating evidence against him to get him expelled and charged with the police filed that would land him in juvenile detention center and ruin all chances of him becoming a hero because of the sheer amount of abuse he subjected me to, but I just... could never bring myself to do it. I think I was always deep down just holding out hope that one daymaybehe'd change, or at least grow up to not be such a bully."

"What happened to change him?" Aizawa pressed frowning slightly. "Because people don't just suddenlychangelike that, and the two of you seem pretty close now. So, what happened?"

"Oh, well one day after school he tried to bully me, but I was done with that and I caught him off guard, landed a punch that broke his nose, and then knocked him out and when his mom brought him over to demand I apologize I, well I kinda justtrauma dumpedall the sh*t that he'd done to me in Mitsuki's lap. It also helped that I'd had a pretty...roughday at work and the evidence of that was all over my body because I was working outside without a shirt on and they saw it all, plus the few times his burnsdidactually scar me were pretty evident. And then after that his parents got him into Anger Management classes and therapy and they'vehelpedlike a f*ck-ton." He said and grinned. "I mean sh*t, the guys already apologized a lot about his behavior, and he's asked me to be friends again,legitimatefriends, and he's shockinglyprotectiveof me, really he's come along wayfrom what he used to be and that's only in like a few months' time."

Slowly Aizawa nodded as he picked up his glass to take a drink.

"So, how did you come to know Todoroki?" All Might prompted suddenly after a lull.

Izuku winced as Aizawa choked on his drink and started coughing. He winced again when Aizawa growled.

"Kill him."The black-haired man growled around his sputtering.

Izuku sighed and patted Aizawa's now clenched fist on the table."Civility."He reminded the man who grumbled angrily and looked away, the words 'dead', and 'make it look like villain attack' were heard in the angry grumbles, and so Izuku chose simply to ignore the bit of protective angry gremlin peeking through Aizawa's tired exterior and answered Yagi who was looking between Shouta and himself with wide stunned eyes. "Well, uh,Enjiwas a...patronof mine, andnotin the stripper portion of my job." Izuku stated and looked up to meet All Might's confused gaze, but when the dull,dullman just stared at him not comprehending Izuku rolled his eyes and just blunt as day blurted it out. "The man f*cked me, Yagi, he made a multitude of appointments and f*cked me in a VIP room and then brought Shouto to f*ck me, but that didn't happen and then Shouto and I bonded after that fiasco and our horrid childhoods and exchanged numbers and then one thing led to another, and we got together." He explained and watched as understanding followed by sheer disgust and then horror washed across the man's face before he shot to his feet.

"You'rea child!"He shouted then coughed, quickly turning his head to the side as he coughed up blood.

"Yea, I know, calm down." Izuku said and stood to fetch napkins to pass over to the disturbed man. "Already been through this, had to restrain psycho-pants over there to keep him fromkillingEnji when we did the parents meet-and-greet which ended in absolutedisaster."

"You should have let me kill him!" Aizawa growled.

Izuku sighed and shot the man a look."No!My dad is not gonna be amurderer!"

"I would have gotten away with it." The man retorted and folded his arms in front of him.

"Still,no." Izuku shook his head.

"I could do it." Yagi offered and at once Aizawa was beaming, which form the way Yagi flinched away from the look the number one hero had never seen that expression.

But Izuku rolled his eyes and gave the hero a pointed look. "Two things. A, you couldn't murder someone even if it was All for One and you had a gun to his temple, and he hadno wayof stopping you. B, in your weakened state Enji could most likely evade you until you tried yourself off or atleasthold you off till help arrived,maybe." Izuku stated and the affronted look that was on Yagi's face was comical and the grumpy look that Aizawa was giving Izuku was downright hilarious. "So, with that being said,nobodyis killinganyone!"Izuku gave them both looks. "And it'snotbeing discussed any longer, yes he's f*cked me, no he never should have, but he did and that's that,move the f*ck on!I'mso donewith people making a big, damned deal of it!"

The heavy sigh that Aizawa let out drew both the other's attention and they stared at the man. "Okay, okay I'll...tryto let it go."

"As will I, Young Midoriya." Yagi promised softly as he slowly sank down into his own chair.

Plopping down into his Izuku stared at his food. "Thank you, that's all I'm asking for. I know it matters a lot to all of you, but it really doesn't to me."

"However,I am going to punch him the next time I see him." Yagi said holding up a hand when Izuku glared at him. "No Young Midoriya, if you wish for me to let this go, I demand atleastoneDetroit Smash."

Izuku sighed and rubbed at his face. "Fine, you can haveoneverygentle Detroit Smash."

"Three-fourths power." Yagi challenged.

"What no!Gentle!"Izuku said shaking his head.

"You need to work with me, Young Midoriya or I will punch him with my max power." Yagi challenged, crossing his arms in front of him and shrugged. "And if I do that, I might not be able to control myself and just pummel the sick,sickman until he is unrecognizable."

Rubbing at his temples even as Aizawa beamed in his chair like a f*cking happy as hell toddler. "Fine.Athirdof your power andthat's it!"

"Deal." Yagi said and looked over at a happily bouncing Aizawa and gave him a look. "Would you like to be there when I punch him?"

"Yes!"Aizawa shouted excitedly.

Slowly Yagi looked over at Izuku. "What have you done to him?" He asked in a horrified whisper.

Izuku shrugged as he looked over at the now happily eating Aizawa who waspointedlyignoring the two of them, before he turned his own exhausted eyes to Yagi. "I'd like to think it's my wonderful personality, but honestly I think I'm just cursed to bring out peoples inner gremlins when they grow attached to me."

"I can see that, makes perfect sense." Yagi agreed as they both looked over at Aizawa who happily ignored them.

"Oh, make sure you let Todoroki know when you're going to punch Endeavor, or at least ensure that it is somewhere that he will be able to see it, he will beverythrilled to watch it." Aizawa said looking over at Yagi.

Izuku just sighed heavily and went back to his dinner.


First week of school down and it is NOT what Izuku had been hoping for, what he THOUGHT might happen but not what he hoped. Don't fret though things will turn around for him! Just a head up though, I have changed around the timeline a bit, meaning some events will happen before others even though in the manga/anime they don't happen in the order that I have them! But it's a key part of the series of events that occur in this story so, bear with me dear readers!
We also get out first sight of Monoma! He's still a sassy asshole who most times deserves a punch to the face, but he also is going to be an unsuspected hardcore ally of Izuku's, as is class 1-B! What did you think of the Yagi reveal? Honestly, I felt it kinda lacked a little bit, and I rewrote it about a good dozen or so times but the only one that came out SORT OF okay was this scene :( it was very annoying. Let me know what you think if you want.
Thank you all for the support, if you want and haven't dropped a kudos (I appreciate all the ones that have been left! <3 ), leave a comment if you wish, again no pressure on any of that! Happy reading my lovely readers and see you in the next one!

Chapter 14: Breath of Fresh Air


The truth, at least a portion, comes out and Izuku gains another ally at school in his anti-quirkist movement. Not only that but he gets some surprising news that makes him both relieved but also stressed for the upcoming future and all the things to come.


Hi! Thank you all for waiting my dear readers! Appologies for taking so long, my motivation and creative drive for this wonderful story seems to be slowly inching back in, so be a bit more patient with me if you will. I have roughly five or so chapters that I need to proof-read/edit before posting so I have some chapters that I can post while waiting for the motivation to work on the unfinished chapters.
Thanks again and happy new year! See you in the end notes to talk about the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku grumbled in annoyance as he stared at the message on his phone screen with angry eyes as he scrunched his nose in disdain, slumping onto the stool in his kitchen as Katsuki puttered around his kitchen prepping their breakfast.

"What the f*ck's got your normally disgusting happy attitude all f*cked up?" Katsuki prompted giving him a look.

Izuku turned his head and stared at the other teen, debating on whether or not to give him the details of what happened, but internally shrugging he let out a deep loud sigh. "I got decked yesterday after school and now the teachers want to meet with me." He said and watched as Katsukifroze.

"You gotwhat?"He demanded, eyes snapping to Izuku's and clearly studying his face intently now.

Groaning Izuku gave him a look. "Don't make a huge deal out of it!"

"Izuku, what thef*ckhappened yesterday?" Katsuki demanded as he finished what he was doing and braced his hands on the counter,clearlytrying to control his temper. "And I f*cking better get the whole damned details."

Izuku rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I was heading home and some of my classmates were waiting for me and then one of them decked me."

Katsuki was silent for a moment before he lowered his head and yanked his hands form the counter as small crackles and pops emitted from his palms, which showed a certain amount of loss of control, but a look of realization and frustration flared in the other teens eyes. "Is that why you told me and IcyHot to leave without you?"

"Yea," Izuku sighed and sat up running a hand through his messy green curls as he grimaced. "I didn't want you two to see the... aftermath of the hit. It was pretty messy."

The litany of swear words that spewed from Katsuki's mouth had Izuku jumping slightly at not only the volume and amount but thevehemenceand force behind the words. "They made you f*ckingbleed?Is that what you're f*cking telling me right now Izuku?" He demanded as the muscles along his arms started to flex and relax and Izuku knew that he wasstrugglingto contain himself.

Nervously shifting on his stool Izuku nodded slowly, not sure how this was going to go. "Um, yea, but that was one hit and they left. Well, they said some pretty nasty things and called me a bunch slurs before and after the hit, but there was only thatonephysical part of it."

Again, the burst of swear words as Katsuki started to pace now, angry pops and sparkles emitting from his palms before he rounded the counter and stalked up to Izuku and reached for his face before snarling as glared at his sparkling hands even as Izuku flinched away. "God damn it,tip your head up! Just f*cking do it Izuku!" He snarled and leaned closer examining Izuku's face with a narrow-eyed glare. "All they f*cking did was said some sh*t then hit youonceand then left?" He demanded on a low snarl.

"Uh, y-yea that's it." Izuku said softly.

"They f*ckingwaitedfor you after class to do this?" He pressed angrily.

Wordlessly Izuku nodded as his eyes widened even more at Katsuki.

"f*cking co*ck-sucking dick-twit bastards!"Katsuki snarled as he turned and stomped to the sink and angrily washed his hands, all while muttering extremely colorful and creative profanities as well as borderline frightening things he wanted to do to them. Snatching up the towel to dry his hands before angrily yanking his phone out of his pocket and pressing a few buttons and lifted the thing to his ear while moving to the pan and hissing out a swear at the pancakes that were slightly darker brown then he knew Izuku liked. "You need to get your f*cking two-toned ass to Izuku's housenow... no he's not hurt, but hewasyesterday, and the stupid little f*cker didn't tell us! So, you stupid little f*cking sh*thead, get your f*cking ass here as soon as you can!" Disconnecting Katsuki slapped his phone to the counter as he braced his hands there and glared at Izuku. "You have till IcyHot gets here to get the f*ckingcourageup to tell usevery-f*cking-thingthat's been going on with your class or I'm gonna drag my ass and IcyHot's ass to your class and f*cking get those goddamned answers myself and I don't give a flying f*ck if I get suspended for excessive use of my quirk against a fellow f*cking schoolmate!"

Izuku opened his mouth to protest, but the soft explosion that Katsuki let off had him jumping in his seat with a yelp.

"There's no god-f*cking-dame arguing about this sh*thead!" Katsuki snarled at him and pointed angrily at Izuku. "I didn't f*cking promise that I would be there for you no matter what just for you to f*ckinghidethe fact that you're getting bullied again! Dammit Nerd how thef*ckam I supposed to be there for you, f*cking numbnu*ts, if you don't f*ckingtell mewhen sh*t's happening?!"

Izuku blinked before he looked down at his lap and took a shaky breath as tears pricked the back of his eyes. "I'm sorry Kacchan, I just... I'm so used to dealing with this on my own that... the thought of telling your or Shouto or even Aizawa just... itnever occurred to meto tell any of you that that had happened. Well, okay itdid,but then I just didn't want to involve you guys in that sh*t because I didn't want to drag you into my f*cking mess!" Izuku said and lifting trembling hands wiped at the tears that spilled over his eyelids and dripped down his cheeks. "Having a support system is sonewfor me that I'm not used to being able to text you guys, or call, or even go up to you andtell youabout how bad things are. Getting 'help' in these situations in the past has always been justmecompiling evidence formonthsand then going to board with complaints and all of the evidence to get the assholes dealt with!"

Katsuki was silent for the longest time as Izuku rambled on. "Why the f*ck did you never do that when it involvedme?" He asked softly.

Izuku looked up and shrugged, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Aizawa asked the same question, and I don't know, really Idon't, you'veseenthe evidence that I have against you, but I just...neverfiled it against you and to this day Istilldon't know why I didn't." He admitted but then smiled slightly. "But I'm glad that I didn't."

Katsuki's lips twitched slightly. "Yea, me too you f*cking stupid nerd." Busying himself with the breakfast Katsuki thunked a plate stacked with four massive pancakes in front of him with butter melting over the top of it and syrup drizzling down the side and a smattering of fruit on top of it. "Noweat, who knows how soon IcyHot's gonna get here."

Shockingly though, they only had to wait fifteen minutes until there was a rapid pounding on the front door that startled Izuku and he looked at Katsuki whose brows were arching in amazement. "Okay, there isnofeasible way that he could have made that journey infifteenminutes." He said and stood to head towards the door, aware that Katsuki was trialing closely after him a sense of overprotectiveness swirling around the angry teenager as he held his hands at the ready to return an attack if anyone was foolish enough to attack the greenette. Stepping down to the genkan Izuku unlocked his door and pulled it open, smiling slightly into the face of hisclearlyworried boyfriend who suddenly was wrapping him in an almost totighthug. "Oomph, okay, hi good to see you too Shouto." Izuku greeted into the teen's shirt.

"Where are you hurt? What happened? Who did it?Are you okay?" The questions were demanded in rapid fire to the point that Izuku was left with his mouth partially open and unable to formulate an answer.

"Give him a moment to speak Shouto, overwhelming the boy will make it impossible for him to respond." The deep rumble that came from behind Shouto caused Izuku to jolt out of the teen's arms and stare, wide-eyed andhorrifiedat the behemoth of a man behind Shouto.

"What are you doing here? Youcan'tbe here. Shouto hecan't be here!" Izuku whisper hissed.

"Who the hell is that?" Katsuki demanded behind the three of them.

Izuku closed his eyes internally wailing before he took a breath and looked over his shoulder at the suspicious teen. "This is Todoroki Enji, the number two hero Endeavor, also Shouto's dad." He explained.

"Okay, and why the f*ck can't he be here, I thought you said that you met him through Aizawa, so what's the big f*cking deal?" Katsuki pressed in confusion and suspicion.

"Simply because he met me through Erasurehead does not mean the man likes me nor wants me around his adoptive son." Enji stated calmly and lightly ushered them deeper into the house after toing off his expensive dress shoes. "I am not on the best terms with many of my fellow pro-heroes, andespeciallynot Erasurehead."

"Why? What the hell'd you do?" He sneered at the hero.

"That is personal business, boy, and one I'm not inclined to share with you." Enji stated giving Katsuki a hard look before turning his attention to Izuku and staring at him hard, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Your nose, it's faintly bruised around it and swollen slightly, what happened?"

Izuku blinked at him before sighing and pulling away. "Look, I'm o-"

"Either you tell them, orIwill." Katsuki growled warningly.

Izuku jumped slightly and gave the red eyed teen a glare of his own."Fine!I'll tell them." He grumbled and looked back over at his boyfriend and the flame hero. "Yesterday after school was let out a few of my classmates decided to hang around afterwards and...speakwith me. Though really what they did was threaten me to drop out, tell me I'm worthless and a bunch of other quirkless slurs, and then the one in the lead decked me. He didn'tbreakmy nose, but he caused it to bleed pretty badly."

"Is that why you told me to head home before seeing you?" Shouto demanded.

Izuku grimaced. "Yes." He sighed meeting his boyfriends stunned gaze and watched as slowlyragefilled them, steam and smoke seemed to emanate from both of his sides.

"What are their names?" He demanded tightly.

"Yeano, I don't feel safe giving you their names." Izuku shook his head taking a small step back.

"Shouto control yourself, unless you wish to burn his house to the ground or inadvertently burn or freeze Midoriya." Enji rebuked firmly, though his face appeared indifferent to the lack of control from his son's outburst.

Within seconds the steam and smoke were gone as he took a deep breath. "We need to deal with this." He growled.

"And we will, but losing control of our quirks isnothow we are going to go about this." Enji said and lightly pushed Shouto out of the way to step closer to Izuku, Katsuki doing the same behind him with a soft warning growl, his eyes locked onto the massive flame hero untrustingly,clearlyhaving picked up the way Shoutodid notlike to have his father around Izuku. "Have you informed any of the faculty? Your teachers perhaps?"

Izuku snorted and folded his arms loosely in front of himself as he shook his head. "My teachers are blatantquirkists, a few of them have been put on probationbecauseof that, one was fired within the first fewdaysof the starting term. They borderlineencouragethe discriminatory quirkism that goes on in the class, but it's so light that I can't get any dirt on them as of yet. But Nedzu is aware of what happened, as is Recovery Girl, Aizawa, and All Might. Namely because I went to Recovery Girl to heal my nose and ran into All Might in the infirmary, and he brought me home and Aizawa damned near lost his ever-loving mind."

"Yes, I've noticed the man has a tendency to become a littleunhingedwhen it involves you, Midoriya." Enji agreed as he stared down at Izuku, his turquoise eyes twinkling slightly as a soft smile played across his lips.

"A little?"Izuku demanded in a deadpan. "He tried tokill youthe last time the two of you were in a room together!"

"Waitwhat?" Katsuki barked and stared from Enji to Izuku with wide eyes. "You're telling me that our lazyas f*ckhomeroom raccoon insomniac teacher tried tokillEndeavor?"

"Yes, it wasamazing." Shouto said and the 'smile' he gave Katsuki had the angry teen flinching backwards, hands lifting as if to ward off thecreepy'smile' that Shouto was giving him. "He attacked Endeavor and nearlysmashedhis head in with a vase, but then Izuku stopped him." Thepoutthat Shouto's face morphed into would have beenextremelyadorableif it hadn't been about the fact that it was brought on by the fact that Izuku had stopped Aizawa from murdering Enji.

Enji for his part just rolled his eyes in annoyed exasperation. "What is their plan to deal with those students?"

Izuku shrugged. "I'm not sure, it was clear that they were the instigators, butof coursethe assholes are claiming that I started it, and their reaction was to what I had said to them. Not that they confronted me and then decked me after I laughed at their demands and told them their slurs were weak. But when I get to UA, I'm supposed to head to the teachers' offices cause apparently there's something happening. So, I'm either getting expelled or suspended, highly unlikely. The other assholes are getting expelled or suspended, again highly unlikely. It's getting swept under the rug, most likely whatisgoing to happen, and we're all just going to be getting a light little tap on the wrist and have to sit through the 'don't' do it again' lecture." He shrugged and co*cked a hip, aware that Enji's eyes dropped down to his hips and automatically he straightened his posture and turned, moving deeper into the house the three following him. "Regardless of what's going to happen I don't think that Nedzu is going to expel me, he wouldn't ask me to be the head of the anti-quirkism movement only to suspend or expel me less than a month into the term, but he's gotta punish me somehow because of regardless of who started it, I was still involved in a fight no matter the fact that I didn't fight back."

"That's f*ckingbullsh*t!"Katsuki snarled as he paced the living room.

"Absolutely." Shouto's voice wascrispin his agreement that even drew Enji's slightly surprised gaze.

Sighing and rubbing a hand across his face he looked at the males and put his hands on his hips as they all three focused on him. "Look, this isstandardprocedure when it comes to altercations within school systems that arereported,and the facultyactuallyfollow through with it. And as unfair as itseems...if the school isfairthenbothparties are held accountable,typicallythough the one who didnotstart the altercation, or at least the one who didn't throw the first punch, doesn't get as steep a punishment as the one whodidthrow the first punch. It's now just a waiting game to see what Nedzu and the others are going to do in response to the altercation."

"And the rest of your classmates? How are they in correlation with your quirklessness?" Enji prompted.

Izuku grimaced and looked away. "Yea, they're notas badas the four that confronted me, all but three are pretty...hostilein varying forms of hostility and quirkism towards me." He admitted.

"And your teachers?" Enji pressed but from the tone of his voice he knew it was going to be disappointing what Izuku said next.

Izuku sighed and folded his arms, nowglaringat the couch he'd been staring at. "They're...f*ck, fine, they're absolute f*cking ragingquirkists. I can score perfect marks; my answers are the same as the smartest kid in the class and Istillget marked as the lowest. It's," He sighs and looks over at three sets of eyes that are intently staring at him. "It'sbad. Aside from my former homeroom teacher, none of them makeblatantquirkist remarks to me or preach about how the quirkless shouldn't be allowed in the school, but whenever we interact or whenever they think that I can't hear them they always mutter things along the lines about how much better it would be if quirkless and those with weak or villainous quirks justdidn'tenroll in UA. But it's never beendirectlystated or things like that said to me after our homeroom teacher was fired."

"What the f*ck happened with the previous teacher?" Katsuki demanded.

Izuku sighed yet again for most likely the millionth time, he was growing tired about talking about all this quirkism bullsh*t that he'd had to suffer through in only a months' time. "She pretty much said that I was a waste of space, and that she'd get me transferred out of Hero Support course because she was not going to be teaching a quirkless, and she apologized to the class for the inconvenience that my being in her class brought. I went to Nedzu after class and the next day she was gone, and we've had temp homeroom teachers since while Nedzu looks for a new homeroom teacher." He shrugged and sighed. "I guess the other teachers don't want to end up like her, so they've at least beencivilwith me, wellto my faceat least. But they've made it clear how they feel about quirkless and have been using underhand quirkist tricks that can't be proven definitively to save their asses but still throw me under the bus."

"I'm gonna f*cking blow them up." Katsuki rumbled dangerously.

"Not if I burn them to a crisp first." Shouto said ominously.

Both Enji and Izuku looked over at the heterochromatic teen with wide eyes.

Izuku pointed at him. "No,no you're not.Neitherof you are going to do athing."

Shouto started to speak. "Iz-"

But Izuku cut him off."No!Who the hell do you think is going to stick up for me, give me support, be my rocks if the two of you are suspended or expelled for attacking ateacher?" He demanded and looked between Katsuki and Shouto. "If the two of youdosomething, or evenhintthat you'd do something towards a staff member then that is grounds for yourexpulsion! I'll be left there a sitting duck withnobodyto make the day a bit easier and makes sure that I have a safe place to eat at lunch!Ifwe're going to doanythingabout this situation, we have to go about itlogicallyand in a way that willnotbe detrimental towards our school careers,especiallyif the two of you want to be heroes!"

They both froze then exchanged glances.

There was quiet sort of conversation that went on in that gaze that Izukureallyboth didn't and wanted to know so he could set up a plan himself of whatever it was that those two idiots attempted to do. Because while Shouto excelled at comforting and being direct about his feelings or talking about what he was feeling if he didn't understandhowhe felt, and his wants, he lacked a certain level of situational awareness outside of confrontational moments and the ability to read a room as well as a heavy dose of subtly. And Katsuki? Thatpsychojust did what he wanted andf*ck the consequencesof his actions, thoughhedid have perfect situational awareness, ability to read the room, and vast amounts of subtly when he wanted to, he just nine times out of ten didn't give a flying f*ck and was unapologetically himself. Both teens of which were amazing, but when it came to things that had to be handled like the most fragile rare and expensive fine China? No, they were all thumbs and raging bulls.

Izuku looked over at Enji who was staring at him with a sort of contemplative almostscheminglook and Izuku was just as nervous as to whatever the hellhewas thinking of doing because from the look of it the man wasjustas displeased as his son and Katsuki were of Izuku's treatment. Which was flatteringandunnerving as to what the number two hero was planning on doing.

Glancing at the clock on the wall he sighed. "Look, we can brainstorm how we're going to handle this on the way to school, but right now we need to get ready. Katsuki head home and get showered and changed. Shouto you can either stay or whatever, but I need to shower and change. And you," Izuku looked over at Enji. "You need to go on the off chance that Aizawa comes back and finds you here, Ireallydon't need to deal with another freakout from him."

Enji shook his head. "I'll give the three of you a ride to UA this morning, I have a sudden feeling that I need to have a meeting with Nedzu." He said and a small devious smile crossed the man's face.

Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose as a headache slowly bloomed in his temples as he sighed softly. "Whatever, Katsukigo. Just be back in like twenty minutes."

Katsuki glared at him for a hard moment before he growled that they better not leave without him before he turned and stomped form the house, the door slamming shut behind him.

Turning to face Enji he pointed a firm finger at him. "Katsuki isneverfinding out that you and I have f*cked and what my job isever. All Might found out last night andhewanted to kill you." Izuku said.

"He did?!" Theexcitementin Shouto's tone got him a scalding look form both his father and his boyfriend. "Sorry, I mean,oh no he did?"The false concern in Shouto's voice as he deadpanned that last question had Izuku staring at him for a second before letting out a loud laugh then slapping his hand to his mouth to keep the laughter back even as Enji gave him a disgruntled look.

"I'm sorry, no really I am! Shouto! That's-that's not funny!" He snickered proving his apology wrong.

"Then why are you laughing?" Shouto deadpanned with a small smirk.

Biting his lower lip Izuku shook his head to try and stem off his laughing but failed miserably. "Oh my god, Owl and I have corrupted you, you poor sweet little thing!" Izuku snickered before he turned and headed towards the stairs, patting Enji's arm as he walked past him. "So sorry Enji, I fear I have ruined your naïve little boy!" Heading up the stairs and trying to ignore the grumbled conversation between Shouto and Enji as he went. There was a lot that was already going to be taking place today, he didn't' need to focus in on what was taking place between father and son no matter what it was. After all, if he wanted to know later, he could just give Shouto his 'puppy eyes' that always seemed to get the teen to spill everything even when he didn't particularly want to talk to Izuku about something.

In the end Enji had given them a ride to the school, all three boys had crammed into the backseat with Izuku ridding in the middle, even though Enji had offered him the passenger seat. But one scathing glare form Shouto who had just aboutshovedIzuku bodily into the backseat had shut that down within a heartbeat, Katsuki giving the heterochromatic teen a glare as he'd hastily reached over the seat and steadied Izuku who was grumbling about how roughly Shouto had shoved him. And when they'd arrived at the school Izuku had turned to the twoclearlyhovering teens and pointed in the direction of their building and told them toget. And it only took a few thinly veiled threats of telling Katsuki's mother that he'd made a mere comment about possibly picking up modeling as a side hustle again, because after all Katsuki had modeled for her clothing line up until he was twelve and hadhated itwith a passion even though he'd earned good money from it. And for Shouto, justonethreat of not talking to him for a day before the teen had caved and promised that he'd be good. But then they'd left, both of them not int he slightest happy about it but they'd gone to their class, leaving Enji and Izuku in the parking lot.

So now, here they were making their way into the administrative building together. And that's when he saw Aizawa, or more aptly heheardAizawa's snarl form across the lobby and sighed heavily as the black-haired man came storming up to them. But before either Izuku or his enraged father could say anything Enji looked over at Aizawa with an almostboredexpression.

"Excuse me Erasurehead as much as I wouldloveto stay and chat with you, I have a meeting with Nedzu about the improper treatment from both the staff and student body when it comes to those with lower quirks and even quirkless." He stated in a business voice, and it caused Aizawa to freeze momentarily especially when the topic breached his anger ridded mind. "I've also heard something about an anti-quirkism movement that the school is planning on implementing, perhaps I'll add my support to it and perhaps funding for new pro-quirkless training for all staff."

Father and son watched the massive man turn and stride purposefully away from them.

"Well, I didn't see that one coming but, uh, yay I guess?" He said and looked over at Aizawa who was glaring suspiciously at Endeavors back. "Dad?"

"Why was he here with you?" Aizawa demanded softly, finally looking over at Izuku and the intensity in those dark depths made Izuku blink twice before he sighed.

He rolled his eyes. "Because Kacchan found out what happened yesterday, called Shouto about it who apparently freaked out and somehow his dad found out and drove him to our house to find out what had happened, he was concerned and brought Shouto over, that's it. Now, can we get this meeting over with so I can go to class, as much as I don't want to."

Grumbling unhappily Aizawa nodded and headed towards another hallway, up a flight of stairs and to a room that was marked 'Meeting Room A', knocking he pushed the door open and motioned for Izuku to precede him into the room. Stepping into it Izuku noticed a friendly looking teacher that sat with her hands neatly folded in her lap. Giving her a brief nod, he slowly made his way over to the couch opposite her and slowly sank down onto it, regarding her with a shuttered expression. Looking over at Aizawa as the man sat next to him Izuku sat back on the couch and just let the adults take over the conversation, whatever it was going to be.

"So, I was made aware that you were placed into Hero Support Course class 1-C correct?" The woman asked with a pleasant tone and shockingly soft voice that he was not in the slightest used to being directed at him fromanyoneaside from March.

"Yes ma'am." Izuku nodded.

"And that these were your entrance testing scores correct?" She pressed and Izuku looked down at the sheets that she spread out on the table in front of her before nodding in the affirmative. The woman nodded. "And you wrote this essay on quick analysis and submitted the journal detailing several quirks as demonstration of your essay, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." Izuku nodded again, staring at the essay and journal she set next to it.

She nodded and produced another set of papers and held them up. "This is the assessment that was drawn up by the written entrance examiners, stating that you finished your examfirstout of the over three hundred applicants that applied for UA, you also scored thehighestof all the written exam applications, not to mention the written essay that you did hadsupportinginformation to back up all your claims as well as the journal that detailed all the analysis that you spoke of. All of this, in the assessment done by the examiner, stated that your essay and test wasby farthe most meticulous, well thought out, anddeservingof a spot in all of UA's history that they have been overseeing the entrance exams. Because of that I am just atad bitconfused as to why you were placed in class 1-C instead of 1-A where youshouldhave been placed. But then, as I flipped to the last page where yourgeneralinformation is recorded it struck me as to why you were placed into class 1-C, you stated that you are quirkless." She said and slowly turned the paper towards Izuku and held it out. "I would like you to read the notes that the examiner made at the end where they put recommendations for which course the students should be placed in.

Izuku took it and glanced up. "Aloud?"

"If you want to, but you don't have to, I feel inclined to warn you that it's a bit... difficult." She said softly with a nod.

Izuku nodded and looked down at the end of the paper and after only the first sentence he opted to not speak it aloud knowing that it would just leave a acrid taste on his tongue:

This examinee is unfortunately quirkless. Rejection of admittance and a recommendationshouldbe sent that they pick a different high school, onesuitedto their lack of skills. They serve no benefit to UA and will only cause issues to their fellow student body because of their uselessness. Once again, I highly recommendthat a stipulation that only those with decent or strongheroicquirks be allowed to test for admittance into UA's Prestigeous walls. However, it was noted that this case was a special recommendationform a hero, that being said Icannotin good consciousness to the other hero course students recommend this applicant to any hero course classes, the best I can recommendis 1-C of general studies and if pressured by the higher-up, possibly 1-C in hero support. Though I highly do recommendthat this applicant shouldnotbe allowed to sully the halls of UA for longer than a month, if that.

Slowly passing the paper to Aizawa who read it Izuku looked up at the woman. "And nobody caught this?" He asked.

She sighed. "No, unfortunately us teachers aren't made a part of the admittance process, we are only allowed to participate in itafterthe students have already been admitted, but because ofthisrecommendation you were already sorted into 1-C far before I was able to access the information, unfortunately I was out of the country when admittance was being distributed and discussed."

"Why do you have any say over this?" Izuku asked.

"Oh, I am homeroom teacher of Hero Support 1-A." She explained and smiled. "When Nedzu and Aizawa both approached me about possibly taking you on I was intrigued, and then when I dug up your entrance exam and essay, I was stunned that you weren'talreadyin my class. But then the recommendation at the end of the assessment caught my attention and obviously explainedwhyyou were not in 1-A."

Izuku nodded and paused. "There's three others like me, two have weak based quirks but they're smart as hell like me, one has a 'villain' type quirk but not as smart, but their quirk wouldgreatlybenefit from a teacher that actually cares enough to teach us."

The woman paused. "Are you that discriminated against in your class, Midoriya?" She asked softly.

"All of his tests are marked incorrect so he's ranking last in his class even though all of his answers are correct, his essays areconvenientlyturned in late and then docked half marks because of that." Aizawa stated.

"Essay? Tests?" The woman said and frowned as she looked over at his dad. "Aizawa it'sbarelybeen a month since school started." She said in confusion.

"That's my point." He stated and gave her a look. "They're teacher is singling those four out,tryingto find reasons to expel them. There shouldn't be any tests and essays untilpossiblynext month."

"Yes, I've heard and seen the rapid instructor changes happening." She said and nodded and gave him a dazzling smile. "Of which I amthankfulto the two of you for, I've been trying to oust those quirkist bigots foryearsand it only took you less than a month Midoriya, you have my eternal gratitude." She said and bowed slightly before straightening. "Now. You and your three classmates will be transferred into my class, it will take a bit of time to get arranged, after all it will be a bit of arranging from all the courses seeing as the corrective placements will need to be implemented, but hopefully everything will go well." She said.

"So, I'm being transferred to 1-A?" Izuku asked.

"Yes Midoriya! And I am so proud to have you!" She said and clapped her hands excitedly then held up a warning finger. "But as the top five of my students you will interact hero course students. There's also a possibility that you will be asked to transfer into a hero course if you have proven that your skills are to advanced for support course, butof coursethe choice is completely up to you. As your instructors we can only encourage you to do what we think will be best, which means to join the hero course."

Izuku stared at her before looking over at Aizawa who beamed at him, narrowing his eyes at the man. "You're just so thrilled aren't you?" He demanded.

"I get to work with you, see you blossom into the hero I know you can be. And I can urge my fellow teachers to pressure you into joining the hero course." Aizawa stated bluntly and beamed, showing all of his teeth at him. "Yes."

"Great." Izuku sighed heavily. "That's just great."

Things were going to getstressfulreally quickly.

Of that Izuku had a sickening sense of absolute certainty.

But at least for the time being, after he was transferred that is, he'd be able to breathe a little easier.


So, whatcha think?
Happy to have protective Shouto and Kacchan? I am! It's so fun to see how they develope in the story, cause sometimes it fits what I want them to be but other times as I'm writing I stop, re-read what I wrote, and find myself a bit flabbergasted because I did NOT think they were going to go that way!
So, enter the new ally in he anti-quirkist movement: Enji Todoroki! Though not really sure if he's going to be a solid point in the story like a side MC or if he's just going to be a SC in the background and brought out to smaller scenes. Don't worry though him and All Might are going to be feautred in a upcoming chapter, no way am I NOT going to give that to Shouto! hehe ^_^
Anyway, Izuku has made his first jump in depearmtnets! Support Class 1-A here he comes! So bear with me while I work on getting more chapters edited/posted and try and bust out the newer ones.
Thank you all for you support! Thank you all for the comments and kudo's! I'll see you all in the next one!

Chapter 15: Quirkless Encounter of the Rage Kind


Here lies the decimation of Class 1-A at the hands of one very pissed off quickless student with a point to prove and some VERY heavy facts to point out.


If you are AT ALL sensitive to talk (not horribly graphic) about suicide, then skip the part that is labeled with ***TRIGGER WARNING*** it's only a paragraph but I know some people cannot handle it. There's also a smaller, MUCH less detailed part that delves slightly into it again but it's very minor. I marked where the warning starts and where it ends, aside from the much smaller part. For those who cannot handle any of this talk I'll give a brief description at the end notes.
Thank you all for reading and stop by the end notes!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku was having thetime of his lifehere at UA, it had been about a little over a month since he'd transferred into hero support course 1-A and he was absolutelylovingit. Not only did he get to meet amazing classmates and teachers whoacceptedhim for being quirkless andhighlywelcomed his suggestions for how to better handle their quirks and apply them to their hero support work, but he also got to hang out with Katsuki and Shoutoevery day. He'd even lessened his hours at the club, so he was only working weekends and he didn't do 'more' appointments, as per the agreement with Aizawa to keep him from murdering Enji. And yea that had affected the money that he'd had to spend, but the fact that Aizawa, or more aptly termed Dadzawa as Owl called the sleep-deprived/grumpy hero/adoptive father of Izuku's, had started paying themajorityof the bills even though Izuku had said that he didn't need to. Itgreatlyreduced the stress that weighted heavily on Izuku. In all he was gettingfar moresleep, able to focus on his studies, and had alifeoutside of the club and school. Something that Mama had beenthrilledabout when he'd hesitantly asked for reduced hours, she'd beensoover the moon that he was expanding his life outside of the club, what had surprised him the most was that she'd taken to texting him throughout the week just to find out how his day had been and if he needed anything.

However, things had been madeabundantlyclear just a few days ago with class 1-A, aside from Katsuki, Shouto, one insomniac wild purple haired teen with eye bags that nearly rivaled Aizawa's, and three more students that were on the outskirts of the class due to one being amassiveintrovert and the other an odd French boy who just didn't seem to really give a sh*t about the majority of the classes feelings, and one ultra-goth bird-headed boy. They didn't' likequirkless.

Primarily because according to most of the class they wereworthlessand didn't deserve to be enrolled at UA when they'd found out that there were about three or four students enrolled in both the hero support course and general studies programs who were quirkless. He'd been sucked into this conversation when he'd stopped by to ask Shouto and Katsuki if they were coming over that night for dinner, and he'd been inadvertently drawn into that conversation and had stood there a bit to stunned to say anything as the people he'd tentatively been opening up to had just come out and pretty much said thathewas a useless waste of space and that he shouldn't be allowed to enroll in UA.

Which was a problem because they alllovedIzuku, but he hadn't yet disclosed the fact that he was quirkless, something he was eternally grateful that he hadn't done yet.

Which now led to the fact that he stood next to both All Might, who posed dramatically with his hands fisted on his hips and massive muscles flexed imposingly, and Aizawa who looked like he wanted to be doing anythingelsebut be standing here in one of the training buildings with his class as he droned on about how Izuku was going to be the 'villain' and the class was going to have to try and 'capture' him before he could 'stab' them with his knives, which just so happened to be markers. Said markers were then tossed up in the air and without having to watch them Izuku snagged them out of the air and played them across his hands before he shoved several of them into the belt that he had around his hip as well as one into the top of his red high-top shoed feet. Straightening he smiled pleasantly.

"Sensei are you sure that this is a good idea?" One of the girls said lifting her hand nervously, her long black ponytail swishing around her. "I mean, no offense, but Midoriya isn't in the hero course, he doesn't have thetrainingthat we have."

"And that, Miss Yaoyorozu, is where you would be wrong!" All Mights booming voice made Izuku flinch slightly and shoot the massive blonde man a dirty look at having startled him. "You see Young Midoriya has had special training from myself as well as your home room teacher and iswellcapable of handling all that you students have to throw at him."

"Why?" A spikey red headed teen asked co*cking his head. "I mean, what reason does he have to have training from you guys?"

"Because he's my adopted son and I want to make sure that he can keep himself safe no matter the situation." Aizawa snapped finally as he rolled his eyes ignoring the fact that the majority of the class was now shellshocked. "Now stopbitchingand start fighting. Kirishima you're up first. All Might will be the referee to make sure things are fair, everyone back up give them space to spar." He grumbled.

"Thanks dad." Izuku teased and lightly elbowed Aizawa as the other man ruffled his viridian hair before he strode sleepily away.

"Don't get to hurt." Aizawa called over his shoulder.

Izuku rolled his eyes and faced off against Kirishima as he twirled a marker around one finger as he tapped one heel against the toes of his other foot and glanced at All might. "So, am I just supposed to marker them, or can I have a bit of fun roughing them up?"

"If you can try tonotlet them land any punches and do not attack them either aside from the markers, make it a bit moreevenfor them." Aizawa said shooting Izuku a look. "Begin." He announced firmly.

Rolling his eyes Izuku shrugged. "You take out all the fun." He sighed before in one smooth motion hadthrownthe suddenly uncapped marker like a f*ckingdartand watched as the thing hit its mark and then spun wildly in the air to clatter at All Mights feet, a dribbling red mark dripping down Kirishima's face right between his eyebrows as he yowled in pain and staggering backwards, hands shooting up to his forehead.

"Kirishima fails, defeat by flying marker!" All Might announced with a booming laugh. "Izuku: one. Class one-A: zero."

"Wait, what?! That's notfair!"Kirishima barked out as Izuku strode over to the marker and recapped it.

"Aizawa-sensei began the match, and as the designated 'villain' I'mnotgoing to fight fair." Izuku said and shrugged as he twirled the marker across his fingers absently like he did with his knives he practiced with. "Because realisticallywhat villainis going to fightfair? So, if you can't stick it, there's the door, please let it hit your ass on the way out." He said pointing absently towards the door as he crossed one ankle across the other as he continued to twirl the marker, even All Might shot him a slightly worried look, seeing as the hero had spent the better part of four or so months around the teen and knew that he was generally a sweet kid, if a bit sarcastic and sassy at times, but the harsh tone he was using now bespoke of underlyingragethough he had no clue as to where that rage was coming from and what could have possiblyspurredthe rage. "Who's next?"

Murmurs drifted across the students with both Shouto and Katsuki smirking and knocking knuckles at the brutality of the pissed off quirkless kid dead set on making a point.

In all it took Izuku less than forty minutes to 'kill' all but the three strongest members of one-A, all of them covered in varying degrees of red marker marks, some of them with only small slashes while other's Izuku had taken glee inmarking upquite viscously. Admittedly those had been the ones that had said the nastiest things about quirkless people. And that included Kaminari, Mina, and Sero, those three hadmassivered slashes pretty much from head to toe. In those matches All Might had had to clear his throat to get Izuku's attention, and the teen had bashfully backed off apologizing for getting out of hand. The class, aside from Katsuki and Shouto, had regarded him with quite apprehension after that, but still nobody had been able to 'capture' him before he 'killed' them.

But now it was purple haired teens, or Hitoshi Shinsou's turn against him.

But this guy was the only one that Izuku didn't know his quirk and as All Might called for the match the teen spoke to him.

"Do you really think you'd best us all?" He prompted.

Izuku shrugged. "Worth a-"

His words cut off and he felt his body go still and a haze settle across his mind. Amazement swept over him as the class all cheered, many of them calling out congrats for beating Izuku, but only Katsuki and Shouta stood still as did All Might,closelywatching Izuku.

"Walk to me."Hitoshi ordered and Izuku robotically felt his body start to move.

This kids gonna be an amazingbadasshero,Izuku thought a little in awe as he drew closer to the purple haired teen and keeping his eyes focused dead ahead, he watched as the teen visibly relaxed, and expectantly letting down his guard as he reached towards Izuku. And that's when Izuku struck, effortlessly breaking through the mind control and grabbing Hitoshi's wrist right as he was going to touch him and pulling the marker from his belt and uncapping it as he spun it in his handslashedit across Hitoshi's throat as the other teen staggered back with a startled shout,clearlynot expecting Izuku to be able to move. "Neverlet down your guard." Izuku said as he bent and grabbed the cap even as the teen stared at him shocked, hand to his throat.

"How..." The purple haired teen shook his head at a complete loss.

Izuku tapped his temple with the capped marker, and while he might be pissed at this class, he wasn't pissed at this teen so when he gave his critique it was kind and more constructive than tearing into him. "You never know if a villain is going to have a stronger mental fortitude, then you. Soneverlet down your guard until the villain you have in your quirk is in quirk suppressant cuffs or an iron maiden." Izuku said and then gave the teen a brilliant smile that seemed to startle him even more. "That's anamazingquirk by the way! I'd love to sit down with you and pick your brain about it on day!"

Hitoshi stared at himcompletelycaught off guard. "Um, okay."

"Izuku: eighteen. Class: zero. Shouto you're up!" All Might said crossing his arms in front of him as a seriousness seemed to settle over him. "Begin."

"Are you sure sensei?" Shouto said as he strode into the designated 'ring'. "Bakugou's and my quirks is quite aggressive. Perhaps our should be a draw."

"C'mon now, don't ruin my fun." Izuku said jabbing a capped marker into Shouto's back and startling the teen with how quietly he'd moved as he twisted around to try and grab Izuku only to catch air as Izuku evaded him, with soft giggles. Ducking under his arm and coming up Izuku tapped his nose with an uncapped marker before laughing as he drew a bigger circle as Shouto's eyes crossed to stare at the dot.

All Mights sigh cause the air to vibrate as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Izuku: nineteen. Class: zero. Young Todoroki... I have no words."

Shouto's mouth opened then closed before he threw up his hands even as his cheeks pinkened only slightly. "I didn't want to hurt him!"

Izuku patted the teens chest in sympathy. "It's okay. We all have a bit of performance anxiety, you'll get me next time big guy." He crooned.

The glare he received, and the much deeper flush of his boyfriend's cheeks wasworth itas Shouto turned and stormed away to no doubt sulk.

"Young Bakugou, you're next,dotry to keep the incendiaries to a minimum." All Might warned.

"Yea, yea, I won't kill the sh*tty nerd." Bakugo said shaking out his arms as he stalked towards Izuku.

"Begin." All Might's deep boom filled the massive warehouse like building, but this time instead.

And it was as if something had settled over the training grounds as everyone focused on the match and the growing tension that radiated from both of the teens. Bakugo stood there in a slight crouch, hands seemingly clawed at his sides as he readied to attack even as he watched as Izuku recapped his marker and slid it into his belt, this was a matchlongin the making and Izuku rolled his shoulders as he readied himself. He glanced over in that split second before the match was started at Aizawa who met his gaze and shrugged as he gave a nod, that silent conversation lasting only a moment but enough to convey Izuku's question and the responding answer that Aizawa gave him. The smirk that had been playing across Izuku's face slowly slipped away and a calmness settled over him as he let the years old pain and anger andallthe rage and new pain that he'd he felt towards the discrimination against those quirkless bubble up inside of him and themomentthat All Might called the match to start he was lunging at Katsuki even as the other teen used his explosions to lunge at him. Dropping at the last moment, sliding under Katsuki Izuku used his lithely powerful legs to surge upwards onto his feet, planting them wide to get as much leverage as he could, and heplantedhis fist right into Katsuki's middle as the other teen tried to whip around to face him.

The sound of the punch was akin to one of All Mights hits, thoughdefinitelylacking the concussive force that came with the powerhouse quirk, and the gagging sound that Katsuki made wasmusic to his earsas Izuku turned in a lightning-fast shift of his stance, planted his feet again and delivered anotherpunchto Katsuki's back causing it to bow as he flew forward. But Izuku wasn't done, powering after the teen as he rolled and used his explosions to gain his feet and turn, rage on his face with a snarl that echoed the feral look as he lifted his hands to fire off explosions, snarling profanities at Izuku. But Izuku had seen that coming and he'd dropped into a slide and wentright betweenKatsuki's widely planted feet before using his dexterity and planting one hand he gained his feet in a rolling motion beforeround housingKatsuki as he whipped around to him, the blast form his explosion kicking up debris that showered Izuku and left cuts and dirt, but he was already surging after the teen, grabbing a handful of dirt and throwing that into the other teens face before he effortlesslyclimbedthe teen, using his bodyweight as a counterweight andflipping them. Landing on his feet in a crouch behind Katsuki as the teen slammed into the ground in front of him with a pained shout, one hand covering the teens eyes and holding Katsuki's head painfully tipped back into his chest. In one smooth and swift movement Izuku drew a marker uncapped, the cap soaring away with a violent pop, and eyes focused on Class 1-A with the coldest mostviscous lookas he drew the marker across Katsuki's throat from ear to ear as he stared at them.

In all it took less than five minutes for Izuku to 'kill' Katsuki, their arguablystrongestclassmate.

"I-Izuku: twenty. Class: zero." Even All Might sounded uneasy at the viscousness that Izuku was showing the class.

Slowly standing Izuku strode away, playing the marker across his fingers as a panting Katsuki lifted his hand towards thedrippingmark across his throat, a wary and confused look following Izuku because to use enoughpressureto leave a marker linedrippingspoke to how pissed off Izuku had to have been in that moment.

"W-well done young Midoriya." All Might said, still uneasy as he slowly sidled up to the teen, evident by the slight stutter.

But Izuku didn't answer as he stared at the class, all of them shifting nervously and murmuring.

But a hand gently settling on his shoulder had Izuku settling as the smell of coffee and cedarwood filled his nose and he relaxed.

"So, how does it feel students to be beaten by someone who lacks aquirk?" Aizawa asked and he couldhearthe beaming pride in his father's voice.

Silence, utter and charged filled the training ground.

"Wait, hold on.Do they not know?!"Katsuki demanded, staggering over as he held a hand to his ass form where it'd been slammed to the ground. Pointing angrily at his classmates he glared at Aizawa. "Did I get my ass brutally kicked because those f*ckers don't know?!"

"Yes." Izuku said and slowly looked over at him,not at allapologetics. "Sorry."

"Sorry!?"Katsuki shouted and pointed at his throat. "Do you realize how much this bullsh*t still hurts?! And I'm pretty sure you BROKE my f*cking tailbone!"

Izuku arched a brow. "Kacchan, think back, specifically five years."

At once Katsuki's mouth snapped shut with an audible click, the angerinstantlyvaporizing, and he looked down seemingly utterly chastised. "Yea, alright." He said softly and limped away to stand next to Shouto who patted his shoulder and murmured, to which Katsuki nodded then sighed when the other teens hand dropped down to Katsuki's lower back and the air seemed to frost as Shouto activated his ice quirk and must have generated some ice or at least coldness to soothe Katsuki's pain.

"So, hold on, what do you meanlacks a quick?"Mina demanded, stepping forward.

"He means I'mquirkless."Izuku snapped and looked over the class that was now evenmorestunned. "Yea, why do you think dad was upset with you the other day after walking in on that oneparticularclass wide conversation? Why do you think Shouto and Kacchan were trying to get you all to drop the subject?" He demanded and shook his head. "You know I'm really disappointed, becauseMonomahas a better viewpoint of quirckless people then all of you aside from those three!" He said pointed toward Hitoshi, Katsuki, and Shouto.

"Don't compare us to that idiot!" Denki Kaminari scoffed with offended look.


"Oh, Iwill." Izuku retorted harshly,whollymore pissed at the mere fact that he had theaudacityto be offended at being compared to Monoma who was admittedly an annoying asshole, but he at least wasn't aquirkistbastard, his outburst startling the blonde idiot enough that he flinched backward from the vehemence. "Because unlike all of you discriminatorybigots,at leastheknows that a quirckless personisn'tworthless! We aren'twastesof space! Wedeserveto be at UA just as much as you! Sure, we don't have a flashy quirk like all of you buttrust mewhen I say that if having one means that I share the same viewpoint asyouall then it's ashamethat the next generation is going to be full of heroes who think lesser of peoplewho don't have anycontrol over whether or not they have a quirk!"Izuku shouted at them all, the anger and injustices that he'd faced his entire life bubbling up and spilling over, and Aizawa held up a hand to stop All Might when he would have intervened."Do you think it's FUN being one of the only ones in society who DON'T have a quirk!? Do you think it's FUN to watch all of your friends withdraw from youbecauseyou're a DISGUSTING and WORTHLESS simplybecauseyou were born without the genes to have a QUIRK!? To be PICKED ON and BULLIED day in and day out for something you had NO CONTROL over!?BecauseI canguaranteeyou f*cking BITCHES that that is what everyone without a quirk has had to deal with! We're discriminated against DAY IN and DAY OUT for something we can't control, not just by our peers but also by the ADULTS that are supposed to take care of us and guide us through life!We're shunted to the lowest of the low forpeoplewith QUIRKS and we hear and watch day in and day out about how heroes with the most flashy and amazing quirks are JUST THE BEST! And we have no choice but to grit our teeth and sit back and let society dictate that quirks are amazing and just the best and that people born WITHOUT THEM are a scourgeagainstsociety and that we're f*cking WORTHLESS!"Izuku screamed at them and then slammed his open palmed hand to his chest."Imagine what that does to aSIX-YEAR-OLD whose only hope was to be a HERO his entire life!? Stop and THINK how many of your quirkless classmates GRADUATED with you?! How many of them just suddenly STOPPED showing up to school?! Well let me spell it out for you- NO! They deserve to KNOW what my lifealmostCAME TO!"Izuku shouted and yanked his arm out of Aizawa's light grip as he turned towards his adopted son to clearly try and either stop him or to at least get him to calm down, already the students in front of him were visibly shaken, most of the girls had tears running down their faces and Kaminari, who'd been the biggest dick about how quirckless people were disgusting had a hand to his mouth and horror in his eyes as if the idiot had realized something."Those students, those KIDS, they didn't DROP OUT like yourprincipalsand teachers told you! They didn't MOVE AWAY to another school! They f*cking KILLED THEMESELVES! ButOF COURSE,the newsdoesn'tcover that information because they were merely QUIRCKLESS CHILDREN who became another statistic! Quirkless children who were so depressed and TIRED of being told how useless andworthlessand DISGUSTING they are that they climbed up to the top of the highest building they could and THREW THEMSELVES OFF OF IT, or they took a bottle of pills and DOWNED IT, maybe even-"He grunted, shoving All Might and Aizawa off of him as they tried to stop him, as he continued ranting at the class."Maybe they SLICED their wrists with a knife and BLEED OUT COLD AND ALONE IN THEIR BATHROOM! They died hoping that it would end their suffering and that they would at least leave their families in peace without having to put up with the discrimination that their family faced due to their quirklessness! Tha-"

It was only Katsuki bodily slamming into him and forcibly twisting him around so that he was hugging him to his body that cut off Izuku's rage as he pressed Izuku's face firmly into his chest and merelyholdinghim tightly to him as Izuku panted before he devolved into soft sobs and he burrowed into the other teen, his hands clutching the fabric of Katsuki's gym shirt.

"All Might." Aizawa's voice was firm as his hand ran soothingly over the top of Izuku's head. "Get them back to the class."

"Yes, let's head back come now class move it along!" All Might's booming voice jarred Izuku as he burrowed deeper into Katsuki, not aware that the massive hero had moved quickly in front of Katsuki and Izuku, shielding them from view while he ushered the other kids back to the locker rooms.

(***END OF TW***)

Three hours later, one brief andverytense talk about seeking out counseling for all of his past trauma which he completely agreed with, even set up an appointment for tomorrow with the school's councilor Hound Dog, Izuku was cleared to head to lunch seeing as the bell for it had rung a few minutes earlier. However, halfway there he froze as he realized that class 1-A was most likely going to be there and he sighed for what felt like the millionth time as he turned and moved to head back to the building for the support course, resigned to get seeming from the vending machines to snack on. But a hand on his shoulder urged him back towards the cafeteria and he glanced up to find a pale and limping Katsuki glaring at the cafeteria as he yanked Izuku after him.

"K-Kacchan I thought Recovery Girl said that you need to stay and rest!" He cried in shock at seeing the other teen.

"Yea wellyourmental health is more important than myass." Katsuki retorted and glanced down at him, his eyes softening slightly. "Next time you're gonna go full bore psychotic rage on their asses to prove a point let me know so I can at least prepare my ass for a beating."

Izuku swallowed and looked down in shame, wringing his hands together in the anxiety of his actions. "I-I'm sorry Kaccha, I didn't r-really mean to go that far."

"Yea, yea, I know." Katsuki said and tugged him closer, resting some of his weight on the smaller teen and letting out a soft relieved sigh. "You're like a freakingkitten, all love and snuggles until someone pisses you off and the claws come out and you turn into a murderous rage puff ball."

Izuku snorted at that description as he linked an arm around Katsuki and took more weight off the other teen. "Don't compare me to akitten, dad's already mentioning bringing home a few strays that have been loitering around UA for a few weeks and I'm pretty sure one of them is freakingpregnant."

It was Katsuki's turn to snort. "How terrifying."

"Not really." Izuku said and sighed. "I just want to get all the cat furniture and stuff installed before he actuallydoesbring a cat home."

"What do you mean,installed." Katsuki looked down in alarm. "Izukuwhat did you do?"

"Nothing," Izuku looked up at him innocently,toinnocently before Katsuki narrowed his eyes and Izuku rolled his eyes, caving and finally saying. "I only bought some supplies to build a cattio that's linked to the sliding door. And supplies to build an indoor overhead obstacle course for a cat to run across. And several walls to access it over the course of the downstairs." He said and shrugged.

Katsuki sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "Your house is going to become a crazy cat house, isn't it?"

"Well,no, dad's gonna have alimitto how many cats he can have." Izuku said firmly then shrugged the shoulder not pressed up against Katsuki. "But the cats hedoesbring home will be cherished. And the ones thatexceedthe limit will befostercats until their forever home is found."

"God you stupid idiot nerd, you'reenablingthe old bastard." Katsuki said.

"No I'm not!" Izuku retorted as they hobbled into the building and towards the line, both of them grabbing a tray and making their way down the line. "Here, just let me carry it." Izuku said and grabbed Katsuki's tray and turned to find a table, eyes scanning the crowd before Shouto popped up and waved at them. "C'mon, put your hand on my shoulder and we'll head over."

"Thanks, sh*tty nerd." Katsuki's grumbled as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, and they started their journey over to where Shouto was waiting.

Shouto pulled out a chair across from him and set something on it when they were close enough and Izuku realized that it was a soft looking circular pillow and he realized that it was a donut pillow that was typically used for people who injured their tailbones. Grumbling Katsuki sank down onto it, sighing softly in relief as he got off his feet, murmuring a gruff thank you as Izuku slid his tray in front of him. Settling into his chair next to the grumbling blonde, Izuku lifted his head and blinked across at Shinsou as he sat across form him and next to Shouto.

"Hi." He greeted.

"Hey." Shinsou responded. "So, is all that sh*t that you said about quirckless people true? There were none in my schools, so I'm not really well educated on the statistics."

Katsuki and Shouto froze, both of them looking at Izuku to gauge if he was going to lose his sh*t.

But he only drew his bowl of Katsudon closer to him and started eating before looking up and meeting Hitoshi's gaze. "Hundred percent." He said stiffly and staredhardat Hitoshi as if to assess his reaction.

Hitoshi slowly nodded. "Okay. You know I don't feel that way about quirkless right?"

Izuku rolled his eyes, relaxing onlyslightly. "Yea I kinda got that picture when you were the only one aside form Kacchan and Shochan and the two other outcasts in 1-A who was defending quirkless people during that argument in the classroom."

"And what have we here?" A taunting snicker drew everyone but Izuku's attention, but he just sighed as he knew exactly who it was that had come to antagonize his friends and boyfriend. "You all look like the sh*t you are. I heard you got your asses handed to you by amarkerwielding Support Course student. I mean I know Midoriya is pretty awesome, but you're supposed to beheroes."

"Monoma." Izuku's head slowly lifted, and he met the teens smirking eyes, automatically the smirk was dulled, and serious alertness filled the teens eyes, and his smirk lost its taunting replaced by something almostconcerned.

"What's up Midoriya?" He prompted with a brow arched and air of caring filling his tone and making the three hero course students do a double take at the other blonde.

"Any other day and I'd be willing to put up with your annoying taunts and sh*t, but I'mreallynot in the mood today." He said with a shake of his head.

Monoma's eyes briefly moved over the guys surrounding him and Shinsou in silent question.

"No, not them, thanks though." Izuku said and gave the teen a small smile. "I'll text you."

"Of course, you will, Mido!" Monoma cackled and lifted his hand in farewell as he turned to strut away. "Let me know if I'm needed!"

"Still don't get how you can toleratethat." Shouto said softly with a sigh and a shake of his head.

Izuku chuckled. "He's actually really supportive in his own... way. And he'smuch betterthrough text then in person." He explained and shrugged absently. "I think it's because the filter that he normally lacks has time to engage because he has to take the time to type out his message before sending it, so he has thetimeto look it over instead of just spewing what he's thinking."

The group fell silent as they started eating, but the sound of a chair being pulled out next to Katsuki drew their attention.

"I don't believe you are welcome." Shouto's voice was calm butveryunwelcoming.

"C'mon bro, I just want to sit and eat lunch." Kirishima's voice was soft and calm, not at all like his normal boisterous cheerful quality.

"You really f*cking think that I want to be anywhere f*cking near your quirk discriminatory ass?!" Katsuki snarled angrily, glaring daggers at the red headed teen.

But before Kirishima could respond it was as if the wave of 1-A students descended on the table, or at those who had become what Izuku had come to call the Bakusquad. Mainly consisting of Ashido Mina, Hanta Sero, Hagakure Toru, and Kaminari Denki not including Kirishima who had already sank down into his seat. Automatically the tension at the table seemed toskyrocketwithShoutoglaring at his fellow classmates and frost seemed to rise from his ice wielding side. Tiny sparks and pops emanated from Katsuki's palms as hetriedto hide his anger at the situation. But whatpissed offIzuku was the fact that those quirkist pricks just acted likenothing was wrongas they sat down and started talking and laughing. Well, all but Kirishima that was, he kept sending nervous glances towards Katsuki, Shouto, and Shinsou as it wasevidentthat the three of them werenot happythat their classmates had joined them, not to mention the fact that they were allblatantlyignoring Izuku as if he weren't even there, trying to drag the three into whatever bullsh*t conversations they were having.

Forcing himself to eat as much as he could stomach, all to soon Izuku was pushing himself up from his seat and gathering his tray.

"Hey, Midoriya, um, that was pretty impressive..."

Denki's voice trailed off when Izuku just turned a cold and uninterested look at the electric blonde. Turning his attention to Shouto, Katsuki, and Shinsou his eyes automatically gentling. "I'm gonna go, things are...uncomfortablehere, enjoy your lunch." He said and turned to stride away from the table.

"Hey, nerd hold up!f*ck, God dammit!" Katsuki's growl had him pausing and look over his shoulder to find Shouto, Shinsou, and Katsuki pushing up from the table to follow after him, Shouto pausing long enough for Katsuki to put a stabilizing hand on his shoulder while Shinsou grabbed Katsuki's donut pillow and twirled it around his finger absently as he trailed after them. "You really think we're gonna f*cking stay there with those asshats?" He grumbled as the three of them caught up with him, Shouto pausing again so Katsuki could loop his arm around Izuku's shoulder and use him as pretty much a crutch.

Honestly the fact that Shouto was so comfortable with the fact that Katsuki was pretty much draped over his boyfriend was really impressive. No, actually the relationship that the two men had was impressive in and of itself. Notoncein the months since they'd met and Katsuki had spent time with them, rebuilding his friendship with Izuku and building a friendship with Shouto, Shouto hadnever onceacted jealous or possessive of Izuku. Instead, he'd seemed more than comfortable with Katsuki being around Izuku and helping him take care of his boyfriend.

"Sorry." Izuku murmured as they all started making their way out of the cafeteria, ignoring the stares and murmurs that followed them. "So where do you guys wanna go?" He asked as they left the building.

"There's a quiet spot on the roof that nobody goes to." Shinsou murmured softly.

Izuku grimaced. "I don't think Katsuki can do that many stairs right now."

"Yea, f*ck that. What about your class nerd? Do you think your classmates would mind if we crashed there until warning bell?" Katsuki prompted.

"No, they'd be fine, but that's a lot of walking you'd have to do to get back to your building." Izuku said and looked over at him before taking a breath. "Let's just chill outside your building, besides the fresh air will help my grumpiness."

"You sure, Izu?" Shouto prompted, lightly touching his hand. "They're no doubt gonna trail after us." He said softly.

Izuku shrugged. "If that happens then I'll just head to class." He said and smiled up at him a little smugly. "At leastIcan escape them."

"f*cking sh*tty asshole nerd." Katsuki grumbled as they made their way towards the quad that separated the buildings.

They'd just sat down, Katsuki tipping his head back as Shouto iced his sore ass underneath the pillow, Shinsou hiding his grin while Izuku gave him themillionthapology of the day, when they heard the sound of running feet. The four of them looked over and watched as Kirishima jogged towards them. Automatically Katsuki was tugging Izuku closer while Shouto and Shinsou seemed to close ranks around the small green haired teen as he sputtered slightly. But a quiet and firm 'quiet nerd' from Katsuki had Izuku blinking and falling quiet. More than a little appreciative really that his boyfriend and friends were that protective over him even though he'd clearly demonstrated that he could protect himself.

"Hey, I, um, look bros I just want to talk, okay?" Kirishima said, holding up his hands slightly as if trying to mollify the situation. "I wasn't expecting them all to come with me and sit at the table."

"And why is that?" Shinsou prompted challengingly.

The red heads eyes flicked over to Izuku then down.

"Yea, exactly." Shinsou drawled sarcastically even if his words were stated tensely. "So, what the hell makes you think that we want to listen to anything that you have to say? You'rejustas bad as them."

Kirishima flinched but stood there, head lowered and eyes on the ground as he took the insults as Katsuki suddenly spoke up, hurling insults and jabs at the red-haired teen. Sighing Izuku shook off Katsuki's hold on his arm and pushed Shinsou and Shouto out of the way, stepping up to Kirishima.

"What do you want?" He demanded, his tone closed off and borderline emotionless,notat all like class 1-A had grown accustomed to over the time that they'd gotten to known Izuku.

Kirishima flinched again as he looked up and met Izuku's green gaze. "I wanted to apologize."

"For what?" Izuku challenged as he loosely crossed his arms in front of him. "For the fact that you're quirkist? For the fact that you and nearly theentireclass told me,to my face,that I'm pretty much worthless andterrifyingbecause I wasbornwithout a quirk? Do yourealizethat being born without a quirk is something thatweas qurikless, havenocontrol over? Honestly doesnobodyunderstand that most of us quirkless would giveanythingto have even theweakestquirk just so we don't feelhalfthe discrimination, bullying, and sheer hatred that qurikless people have to endure?" He pressed and arched his brows. "I meanhonestlyit'sgeneticsthat determines the quirk that we end up with, or whether or not we have a quirk or not! So how isthatmy fault?" He demanded then stepped even closer. "You said that you have siblings, right? Well, let me ask you something, better yet let me put this intoperspectivefor you so that way you might understand, what would you do if one of yousiblingsended up being quirkless? Would you be terrified of them? Would you hurl insults at them? Would you stand by and let them beblatantlydiscriminated against merely for beingbornlacking a quirk?" He demanded.

"What?! No!" Kirishima shook his head.

"Then why thehellis it okay for you to treatrandom peoplewhom you do not know like utter sh*t?" Izuku demanded again. "Think about it as if yousiblingswere in my place, day in and day out they're treated like sh*t, told they'reworthless, a waste of space, that they should justdie."Izuku said, and even though his words were spokensoftly, they were firm and rather cruel in their delivery.

Kirishima flinched again. "I-I-"

"You what? You didn'tthinkabout how it feels to be quirkless?" Izuku demanded, arching his brows at the teen. "Kirishima, while you might not have come across and interacted with many quirkless people in your life, but I canguaranteethat I've dealt with quirkist peoplelike youand the rest of class 1-A myentire life.You think that you're going to be aherothat is admired by the people? Yea, you most likely will, but those of us whoreally needthe help will end up despising you because whether or not you want the information to get out, yourquirkismwill bleed through. One day you'll make a speech, and you'll say something that leads to kids hearing your quirksm and then getting those ideals in their head, and as they grow up, they'll meet other kids that have low ranked quirks or perhapsnoquirks of their own and they'll bully them. Maybe even push those kids tosuicide.And all because they heardyougive a speech about quirkism beliefs without evenrealizing it." Izuku paused to let that sink in, and the horror that blossomed across the teens face made Izuku feel both slightlybetterand like uttersh*tat the same time, but he'd already started might as well nail that coffin closed. "So, are you ready for that, Kirishima? Can youhandleunknowingly being thecauseof a child's death because of your quiskism? You won't know it of course, but you'll have to stop and think every time you see a suicide article about a small middle school orelementarychildtaking their own life because of quirkist bullying, you'd have to pause as you stare at the headline and think to yourself: 'did I say something that caused her to commit suicide?' and you'llneverknow if you did or not." He said and stepped closer and tipped his head to the side. "So, do you think you can handle that? Can you handle being indirectly responsible for someone killing themselves?"

Kirishima stared at him, swallowed then gagged before he dashed to the side of the path and retched.

Staring at his back as he puked up his lunch Izuku grimaced for a second before looking over at a smug Katsuki and Shinsou, and an unbothered Shouto and sighed heavily. "I would ask if i took it too far, but from your expressions I would say that you're proud of me."

"Damn f*cking straight we are nerd!" Katsuki cackled.

"That would suffice for now." Shouto nodded.

Shinsou just shrugged with an analytical gleeful glint in his eyes as he stared at Kirishima. "I dunno, you could have gone a bit harder, he's not crying like a bitch yet."

Izuku stared at them before he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can I just attractonefriend that isn't a damned gremlin?" He asked the universe.

"Nah," Katsuki cackled still. "It's in your DNA to attract gremlins ya damned nerd!"

"Thanks, Kacchan, that makes me feelso muchbetter." He sighed heavily as his words dripped in heavy sarcasm, ignoring Katsuki's sightly louder and maniacal cackling laughter.


Hello for those who skipped the chapter your brief description of chapter so you don't miss anything:
Izuku annihilates class 1-A in a battle with a marker in a on-on-one class sparring matches with Izuku vs. Class 1-A, pretty much breaks Kacchan's ass in that fight and leaves the class traumatized because of the cold-hearted way he 'killed' Kacchan, they find out he's quirkless (all but Izuku's boo and Kacchan, and Shinsou, and a few outcasts, are quirkists) and are horrified, Izuku pretty much says that Monoma is better then them, tells them all the horrors that the quirkless face, meaning suicide/suicide baiting and horrible discrimination, and then at the end pretty much makes Kirishima have a come to jesus moment when he informs the red head that his quirkist could lead to a future child ending their life.

Okay, so that was a shorter chapter and one that was both super fun to write but also very dark and a lot harder than I thought it would be. It also felt right to have 1-A have to EARN their place with our Green Bean, don't get me wrong I like fics where they're like insta-friends, but this one it just felt right for them to be assholes that have to have 'come to Jesus' moments where they go 'oh... I'm the problem' and then on their knees beg for forgiveness like: 'please oh great Green Bean of sunshine and sarcastic Gremlin shepard help me be better!'. It just feels right.
So, I just want to give all of you a heads up that I've rearranged the timeline a bit, I can't recall if I've posted about this in the previous end notes, but I just wanted everyone to be aware that I've done the shift a little to be able to bring about the plans for the story. I'll talk more about it next post! As always thank you all for sticking with me, feel free to drop a comment if you want, leave a kudo if you want or can, and see you in the next one my lovely readers!!

Chapter 16: Welcome to Quirkism 101 Bitches


The aftermath is discussed, and the first segment of The Movement is hashed out. Izuku is left with a metaphorical landslide of sh*t to do. And once again is left stunned at the stunning show of support he is offered from his newfound budding friend. With that things might just work out.


Hello dear readers! This one is a bit shorter, pretty much just a little stepping stone to touch up on the previous chapter and set up possible future ones and also to lead up to other ones. Thank you all for stopping by, check out the end notes, see you in the next one!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He was sprawled across the couch in Nedzu's office, the events of the day being discussed between Aizawa, Nedzu, and annoyingly enough All Might. They were discussing what had happened when they brought him into the Gym Delta to showcase his skills and the fact that quirkless weren't 'wastes of spaces' and already Nedzu's email inbox was flooding with complaints from the majority of the parents of 1-A's students of varying degrees of 'bitch out the principal' bullsh*t. It was both shocking and not shocking how quirkist they were. After all chances were that the students quirkist standpoints were learned behavior from their home life even if things were only said in flippant offhand comments and nottrulybelieved, that was really all it took sometimes for kids to pick out a thought or ideal and run with it. At first Izuku was confused as to why the hell he was here for this discussion, but then when Nedzu had gotten a certain maniacal glee filled look in his eyes he'd sighed knowing at leastslightlywhy he'd been brought here. They were going to use this as their first move to implement their anti-quirkism movement, already Nedzu had gleefully announced that their first pro-hero supporters to the movement were Present Mic, Midnight, All Might, and Endeavor. The last of which elicited angry growls from both All Might and his father. Now however, they were moving on to what they were going to really drive home that they were no longer going to accept quirkism and were planning on reallyenforcingan anti-quirkist environment in UA. So far, they were just talking around each other, not really making any headway in plans or ideas.

Sitting forward Izuku lifted his teacup and took a sip before he paused staring out the window across form him almost contemplatively before he finally spoke. "What about making a mandatory month-long lesson about quirkism and the resulting effects that it has on society as a whole, mental health of not only those directly affected by the quirkism that it's directed at but those who inflict it. Showcasing the riots that followed not only the appearance of quirks but also the genocides of the quirkless when the quirk society finally took over. Detailing all the effects that a rebuilt society had on the quirkless, not just the in the moment effects but the ones that are long lasting. Don't justsaythat there's discrimination and favoritism, reallydetailit and go intogruesomedetail over it. Don't just skim over the genocides that happen but reallyexplainthem and why they happened and who lead them.Especiallythe ones that happened in Hokkaido and Miyazaki."

"Wait," All Might held up his hands and looked between Izuku and Nedzu. "Aren't those two places the ones that..."

"The genocides that singled out the quirkless teens?" Izuku prompted and took a sip of his tea before he looked over and locked eyes with All Might. "Yes, they are. But it wasn'tjustthe teens that were targeted. It was alsochildren,mind you this wasbeforethe fact that age is a factor in quirk development so when they targeted the childrenanythat didn't show a quirk were subjected to the genocide, thisincludednewborns, infants, young toddlers, children, all the way up to teens and young adults. Those records aren't so well documented but if you do enough digging, they're there, mostly documented from outsides sources because the Japanese government at the time didn't want to showcase what had happened, much like the governments around the world didn't want to show how horrific their own quirkism had gotten. But those articles and stuff still exists. It'll just rely on if you can get that information approved in the lessons or not, but with Nedzu's shrewdness and tenacity with legal actions I'm sure he'll get it approved." He stated and watched as Yagi turned slightly green, giving him a brilliant smile Izuku tipped his head. "But don't worry, your precious students don't have to worry about that, after all they have theirwonderfulquirks." And if there was a hint of bitterness and loathing in his tone none of them acknowledged it.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Midoriya." Nedzu chirped cheerfully and clapped his paws together to get everyone's attention. "I am assuming that you have many other points that we can touch on when it comes to quirkless discrimination?"

"Oh yea." He snorted and setting his teacup down and sat back on the couch and crossed one leg over the other and then steepled his fingers before he rested them on his thigh. "There's quirkless hate crimes, quirkless racial crimes, quirkless biracial hate crimes, quirkless disability hate crimes, quirkless sexism, quirkless medical discrimination, quirkless educational discrimination in nursery, elementary, middle school, and high school settings not to mention the colleges and how biased they are when admitting people with the types of quirks they have let alone aquirklessindividual. Then there's the quirkless discrimination in job or even community volunteer opportunities, andsomany more discriminatory examples that I can give you, keep in mind all of that applies to certain quirk types as well so it's notjustthe quirkless that suffer from that. Let me make a list when I get home, and I'll email it to you so you can have an idea of what there is." He said and shrugged and looked at the three absolutely stunned adults. "This lesson is not gonna be pretty, for many it's going to be eye opening, other's they're most likley not going to really care. So, use it to reallyshowwho is reallyhonestlygoing to be open to change and the teachers that are open to taking the hint that it's time to f*cking grow the f*ck up and not be quirkist bigots at the school anymore."

"Young Midoriya, you cannot expect them to change their beleifs." All Might said and Aizawa shot ihim an angry look.

Izuku turned his head and smiled. "No, of course I don't, that's impossible.However,it's not impossible for them to keep their opinions to themselves and quit poisoning the minds of those they're supposed to shape into decent human beings and well-roundedunbiasedheroes because of their blatant quirkist beliefs. Having an opinion is one thing but treating people like sh*t simply because of something they have utterly no control over just because it fits with how you think is utterly asinine and is the exactoppositeof heroic." He stated and shrugged.

"The kid makes a great point and a decent idea in theory, however,whois going to take over this lesson? There's no way that the majority of the teachers here would either be willing to incorporate it into their current curriculum, and even if theyarethere's no guarantee that they will even put forward a modicum of decent effort." Aizawa stated and sat forward. "As of now the majority of the teachers would just give the students fake grades and just sweep the fact that they're not teaching the lessons to the students to the side and damn the consequences."

"Ah, correct you are Aizawa!" Nedzu agreed with a nod. "However, with the sizable donation that we received from Endeavor to kick start the anti-quirkism movement it brings in the allotment to hire new staff, staff that can be solely focused on the quirkism lessons that we're intent on implementing. And with that donation we'd be able to keep these new additions to the curriculum for the next five years assuming we add atleastfive teachers that can go from course to course teaching the lessons."

"Yes, now don't misunderstand I am fully behind the possibility of brining on new teachers to aid in fixing the quirkist tendencies of this institution, but hiring those teachers for only the month-long lesson for each course seems a bit of a waste of resources and potential opportunities." All Might said and splayed his hands. "Would they also have other purpose?"

"Why of course." Nedzu said nodding before he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Now, we'd just need to figure out how we are going to hire new instructors who are not quirkists."

Digging out his wallet from his bag Izuku pulled out the business card that he always carried with him since he was thirteen and one of the dancers at the club had given it to him when they realized that he had it so difficult and set it onto the table in front of Nedzu. "Call them." He said and locked eyes with the rodent/bear/thing across from him. "They'd been trying to get changes into the Japanese education system to make thingsequalin regard to lower-ranked, mutant, and villainous quirks as well as the quirkless. They're an anti-quirkless and discriminated-against-quirks rights movement. I haven't dealt with them personally because I didn't want to be removed from my home due to my age and the situation that I was in, but March and Owl have when they were getting themselves emancipated from their families, not to mention atonof the other dancers at the club have worked with them or know of people that have. They're legit and I'm sure if you do a bit of digging into them you can come the conclusion of whether or not you want to work with them. They can also probably better structure the curriculum and find key points that I've missed. I know for a fact that they can offer seminars for the UA staff about the detriment of quirkism in the education system and the harm it does to the students they're charged to educate. It'd also make it easy to point out those who don't wish to keep their quirkism to themselves and keep it out of their teaching. If you involve a legitimate anti-quirkism group, you could also make it a mandatory bi-yearly instructor training that the staff need to attend to keep their positions as UA staff." He offered and shrugged. "They also have councilors that specifically focus on quirk-bullying, trauma, and all that sh*t that are amazing at their jobs, or so I've heard."

The appreciation and surprise on Aizawa's face and the utter bewilderment on All Might's wasgratifyingto say the least.

"You never cease to amaze me Midoriya." Nedzu chuckled lightly. "I will look into this organization thoroughly. It will most likely takemonthsfor this plan to fall into action but I would like for you to start putting together information that you think would be good for the staff to know as well as what the students should be taught so that way if we are able to get your plan in place then the new instructors incoming will have a good idea of what it is that we are looking for when they give their anti-quirkist lessons."

Izuku's eyebrows lifted slightly. "So, on top of my homework, studying, and the few shifts I have at Mama's, younowwant me to put together a full comprehensive anddetailedplan of what you want the new quirkist curriculum to entail?" He demanded.

"Who best to do so then you?" Nedzu chuckled lightly and took a sip of his tea.

"Problem Child has far to much sh*t to do then to do the job thatyoushould be doing if you want to bring in a new set of teachers." Aizawa growled glaring at the small rodent/bear/thing. "It's highly unethical to enlist astudentto put together course material for a lesson plan."

"Yes, I highly agree with Aizawa." All Might added with a nod and Izuku rolled his eyes at the man, really, he was just trying to seem as if he really had a thought in his air brained head.

"While I do see your point Shouta, I feel I must point out that none ofusare quirkless, none of ustrulyunderstand the discrimination that Midoriya and those with lower-ranked quirks or even villainous quirks have had to deal with." Nedzu said and looked across at Izuku. "While we can speculate what would be best to showcase and really drive home in the course, it wouldn't be therealproblems that they face, nor the blatant and quite shockinghistoryof the quirkless discrimination that they've had to face." He said and tipped his head. "So, might I ask again Midoriya, who best do you think would be most qualified to put together areallesson in quirkist history and discrimination then one who has lived it?"

Izuku sighed and scrubbed a hand across his forehead before he nodded. "Yea fine, I can do that."

"Wonderful! Now, since we have finished up that bit of necessary if slightly uncomfortable conversation, I would very much like to know if you are planning on participating in the UA Sports festival?" Nedzu said cheerily.

"Oh hell no." Izuku said and held up his hand and gave the rat/bear/thing a hard look. "I'm in the support course, it's neither mandatory norexpectedfor us to participate, ergo I amsitting it out." He said and turned his hard glare to his father who frowned at him. "I have no desire to 'prove my worth' to bigoted f*ckheads who would most likely only want to hurt me when they find out I'm quirkless. Sono,I'm happy to sit on the sidelines and cheer on Shouto, Kacchan, and Shinsou."

"Izuku this is a perfect opportunity to show that you are not what they think you are." Aizawa said, sitting forward and holding up a hand slightly, his palm up.

Izuku looked over at him and shook his head. "I'm perfectly fine keeping my abilities to myself until Iabsolutelyhave to reveal them, that's how I've survived all these years, I keep my cardscloseto my chest and only show peeks of them when I toss one on the table to draw another one sneakily.That'swhat's kept me alive for so long when so many people, including my biologicalmother,wanted medead. I understand that you want me to prove that I'm not someone that should be f*cked with, but that will only prove to be a detriment to my health and safety becauseso manyquirkist people will think that I'm looking down on those with quirks,especiallyif I rank high in the festival. And it won't just be the students and staff at UA, it will beeveryonethat watches the broadcasts that are quirkist. It'll be even worse if they're possibly in a quirkistgroupbecause then they might have the capabilities to 'do something' about the quirkless brat that 'looks down' on those with quirks."

The horrified looks on both Aizawa and All Might were quite telling and Izuku sighed. For such bright people, or wellAizawawas bright at least, the only thingbrightabout All Might was his blinding smile and white as hell teeth, that massive man was dumb as a doorknob and oblivious as f*cking hell most of the time, anyway those two failed to realize the glaring realization that the sports festival was abroadcastedevent to all of Japan to showcase the hero course students to potential hero agencies that might be interested in hiring them for an internship for their hero studies, which for being in the support course didn't really offer much to him seeing as he hadn't even picked what type of support course direction he was going to take. Honestly, he was leaning more towards either the quirk analytical course or even the hero support crafting course, both appealed to him for obvious reasons.

"Unfortunately, I am inclined to agree with Midoriya." Nedzu sighed softly. "It is far too dangerous for him to participate in the festival as of now, especially with crimes against the quirkless are at an all-time high as of right now, besides this will allow him perfect analytical team to analyze classes 1-A and 1-B as well as those in the other courses who participate in the event."

"You really think that it will be that dangerous for him, Nedzu?" All Might asked after a quiet moment.

"Most definitely." The rat/bear/thing said nodding. "I'm not even sure he would be safe sitting in the stands, thankfully though class 1-B has offered to have him sit in their section during all events even if they are participating. So, we don't have to worry completely about his safety."

"Wait, you're sitting in1-B'ssection?" Aizawa demanded sounding almost offended.

Izuku looked over and him and shrugged. "No offense dad, but they're ahelluvalot less quirkist than the majority ofyourstudents." He pointed out.

"I could always expel the ones that are quirkist." Aizawa offered and shrugged.

Izuku rolled his eyes even as All Might gave the other man a stunned look. "Dad, that would only leave six students left, and besides the point that'snothow you solve this kind of problem."

He rolled his eyes. "It'd sure solvethis one."

"And besides it's not like you're even going to be sitting with your class during all this, you're going to be doing commentary with Present Mic in the booth."

"So!? That's still1-B!" Aizawa grumbled.

Izuku sat forward. "Dad, let me put it this way alright. The majority of 1-A regard me like a f*ckingbugthat disgusts them. But 1-B have welcomed me with open arms and smiles, and when they found out that I'mquirkless,do you wanna know what they did? Theyalloffered me their phone numbers in the off chance that I might need help, Vlad King even gave me his number in case I needed a heroes help because he didn't know that you'd adopted me, he's even demanded to know if I'd suffered from bullying and to come to him if I'veeverexperienced it, Kendo texts medailyto make sure that I'm okay, and themostshocking out of all of that isMonoma.That annoying dumbass blonde issof*cking concerned with my wellbeing that he texts meconstantlyto see how I'm doing, if he sees me getting picked on heinterjectshimself and draws the attention off me so I can escape andalwaystracks me down afterwards to make sure that I'm okay. He even tracks me downregardlessof if I'm getting picked on, he's offered me his familieslegalaid if I ever need it. Hell, his ownfamilyhas sent me emails that fi I ever needed help to come to them because they...hada quirkless family member that kept her pain to close to her for too long until it was too late and they want to make sure that nothing like that happens to me." He paused and gave a stunned Aizawa a small smile. "So, yea, I understand that you have a rivalry going with 1-B, but to me? When I'm not with you or Shouto, Kacchan, or Shinsou,theyare thesafestplace for me to be in this school."

"I agree with Midoriya." Nedzu agreed and smiled reassuringly at Aizawa. "In fact, I have been meaning to tell you that Vlad King has expressed his desire to ensure that Midoriya be protected. Apparently, he's also had family members experience trouble with quirkism. I was hoping you would be willing allow me to bring him into the anti-quirkism movement that we're forming here at the school."

Aizawa looked form Nedzu to his son. "Do you feel safe with him?" He asked softly, knowing that Izuku's internal self-preservation when it came to adults wasneverwrong.

"Yea." He nodded softly.

"Fine." Aizawa gave a brisk nod. "Where is he sitting for the first two parts of the festival?" He demanded, looking back over at Nedzu.

"Well, he can sit by himself in the 1-B stands if he wishes to, or Vlad King has offered to sit with him in the stands or have him sit with him in the teachers section. And after the first two events he can escort him to meet up with 1-B for lunch so that way there are no 'accidents'." Nedzu said and looked over at Izuku. "But it's up to Midoriya what he wishes to do."

"He can stay with me in the booth." Aizawa growled protectively.

"Respectfully,no." Izuku said and held up his hand. "Present Mic is going to be in there, and while I like the dude, he'swayto loud when things are excitable, and the festival is going to bring out his excitement almost a hundred-fold sonoI'm going to sit with Vlad King, preferably in the 1-B section is he's willing."

"Wonderful." Nedzu said with a clap of his palms. "I will let him know of the arrangement."

"Great," Izuku said and popped up to his feet, startling All Might slightly. "I'm heading home now so no more sh*t is piled into my lap."

Turning and heading from the room, rolling his eyes at Nedzu's sad*stic cackle and All Might calling after him to wait, not that he would, no he'd had enough sh*t to think about and now to do stop and talk to the massive man. And apparently whatever god that had decided to make his life a living hell had either missed this opportunity or had taken pity on him because he managed to escape the school without being cornered.

Plopping down onto the floor in front of the coffee table that Katsuki sat across from him at the other teen shot him a look.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked gruffly. "I thought you'd be morechipperto go over your plans of what you want to do for Aizawa. You still haven't told me what that sh*t's going to be about by the way."

Izuku groaned and thunked his head on the table. "And it's going to have to wait anyways." He groaned again.

"Why?" Katsuki pressed.

Izuku lifted his head slightly and rested his chin on the cool wood. "You swear to not mention a word toanyone?"He demanded.

Katsuki frowned. "You saying you don't think-"

"No, Kacchan, I'm saying that if you mentionanythingabout what I may or may not tell you it couldseverelyimpact the movement." Izuku cut him off before he could really get heated.

At once the other teen froze, all trace of the building anger gone. "Okay, yea I swear I won't mention anything, but you're going to have to tell Half-&-Half before he gets all ass-hurt that you told me instead of him."

"Yea I know." Izuku nodded before he sighed and turned his head so his cheek was resting on the table. "Well, several anonymous benefactors as well as Sho's dad donated ahugeamount of money to the movement, like enough for a whole 'nother set of teachers could be hired and then funded for the next likefive years.And Nedzu wants to use that money to hire anti-quirkist teachers to month long mandatory lessons on why quirkism isn't something that should be pushed, both in regard to the quirkless, lower-ranked, mutant, and villain-ranked quirks. They'll also be mandatory bi-yearly teacher training regarding quirkism, and quirk discrimination counseling."

"f*ck, that's...wow."Katsuki murmured, for once nearly stunned speechless. "So, what has you're panties in a twist?"

"Nedzu wantsmeto get the backbone of the courses detailed and planned out, and Aizawa just texted me that I have roughly two months to get it hashed out." He said and looked over at him. "By the backbone, I mean he wants me to haveeverythingplanned out to the smallest detail so that when the teachers are hired, I can hand over the plans and all they need to do is formulate a curriculum out of it so that tests and essays can be formulated then it can get the approval and passed on and implemented."

"Oh." Katsuki said softly.

"Yea,ohis right." Izuko grumbled and closed his eyes. "And I havetwo monthsto put those two things together."

"Hey at least you have amonthon each thing right?" He prompted and smiled then grimaced when Izuku lifted his head and glared at him. "What?"

"You don't understand. I have to planfourseparate courses." He said and held up his hand and started ticking off fingers. "One course for the first years, one for the seconds years, one for the third years, and one for the staff that can be open to changing so it's not a repeat each year."

"Damn." Katsuki grimaced along with Izuku. "That's... why the f*ck is he havingyoudo it?" He demanded.

"Because out ofeveryonewho has the most knowledge and firsthand experience on quirkism at its finest?" He deadpanned.

This time Katsuki sighed and nodded. "Yea, okay I see you're point. Is... is there anything that I can help you with?"

Izuku paused and looked over at him, eyes widening. "Y-you want to help me with this?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone and stared typing furiously on it. "Look, Izuku, this is important to you and it's important to the movement, right?"

"Yea." He nodded slowly.

"Then it sure as f*ck important to me and will be too Icy-Hot when he hears about it." Katsuki said and looked up at him. "You might want to talk to Mindf*ck about involving him too."

"Wait? Shinsou? Why?" Izuku asked in surprise.

"Because the nosy extra's been asking if there's anything that he can do to help you, not to mention the f*ckers got a quirk that many callvillainous." Katsuki grumbled again and glared down at his phone as his fingers started flying again. "I think the bastard wants to be friends with you or something but he's too nervous to say anything."

"Oh." Izuku said dumbly. "Okay, well I can talk to him tomorrow then. You think he'd want to actually help with this?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Look, the dudes stuck up for you a lot, I know you're not around my class an all, but aside from me and Icy-Hot he's actually stuck up for you and those with weaker or villain quirks a bunch of f*cking times when the extras are going off and running their trash mouths. Not to mention he's up there in rank with me and Icy-Hot in class rank so he has the smarts, wouldn't hurt to ask him."

Izuku nodded and slowly sat up and pulled his notebook over to him. "You know what this actually might work out perfectly." He muttered before grabbing his phone and pulling up a contact before lifting the phone to his ear and waiting.

"Midoriya, to-"

Izuku cut off Nedzu's greeting. "Hey, I know I need to get the curriculum of the quirkist lessons drawn up, but can I involve other people in helping getting the information for me to formulate the plans?"

There was a pause. "Do you mean that you want to involve others in aiding you get all the information and data from reputable sites and sources so that you can provide all the information relevant to the lesson plans?"

"Yea." Izuku rolled his eyes.

"As long as those you employ know that they cannot under any circ*mstances reveal what they are aiding you with." Nedzu chirped happily. "Then I see no reason for their involvement to be denied."

"Great thanks, bye." Izuku said and disconnected. "Awesome, this is going to make it af*ck-toneasier! I can just supply you guys with detailed lists of what I need you to look up and then you guys can research them, give you key points and then underlying points that correlate with them and then when you give me the information I can just double check it without having to reallydelvein myself and waste all that time! And while you're all doing that I can research and get reputable information on thereally sh*ttyhistory!" he said and sat up happily eyes twinkling at Katsuki who was giving him a strange look, but in is excitement Izuku missed it. "That'sperfect!I can give the three of you a year and I can work on the teachers! That way we can devote a month to solid research and then I'd have a month to work on hashing out the plans! Oh my god this is going to be so much easier than I thought it would be! Why the hell did I not think of asking for help earlier! Oh my god, thank you Kacchan!" Izuku threw his hands up and flopped back onto the hardwood floor laughing a bit widely. "I was so panicked that I might not be able to get it done in time, and then you come along with the answer!"

Gasping through as a sudden realization hit him like a damned Mack truck, he surged upwards, startling the slightly stunned blonde.

"But wait! You guys are preparing for the sports festival! How the hell are you guys going to have the time to help me with this?!" He gasped out slightly horrified.

Katsuki just rolled his eyes and gave him an arrogant smirk. "We're heroes in training, nerd, if we can't balance helping you and training for the festival then we're piss-poor heroes!"

Izuku stared at him before he huffed out a snort. "Yea, but that doesn't mean that you should bite off so much just to help me with a project that Nedzu demands of me." He pointed out.

"Hey idiot, that'sexactlywhy we should help you." Katsuki stated bluntly and leaned slightly across the coffee table. "That sad*stic rodent just shoved something that someone with the proper f*ckingqualificationsshould be handling simply because you have the past experience of what would be best taught in these courses. It only makes sense that you get help gathering all the easier information that you need for that while you go after the heavy hitter bullsh*t." Katsuki stated and shrugged.

Izuku stared at him for a moment before he smiled softly. "Thank you Kacchan."

"Of course," Katsuki shrugged cheeks pinking slightly. "f*cking told you that I'm here for you when you need help."

Izuku just smiled softly, releived that he was going to be able to get this insane plan done.


Alright there we go, another posted! Now I know that this is a bit of shorter chapter and so will the next one, possibly the next few as I work my way up to the Sports Festival and the cluster f*ck that that will bring! This one doesn't have to much to talk about, it was more setting up the first step of the movement and hammering home for the Bean that he's not alone in this. The next one will be a short one, a bit of humor, a bit of emotional trauma dump, and one severely traumatized person after the fact. Thank you all for staying with me, drop a comment if you want, leave a kudos if you wish and haven't already, and as alwasy I look forward to seeing you in the next one!

Chapter 17: Let's Talk


A conversation leads to one person feeling immensely better, while another feels the immense need to see professional help for emotional and psychological help.


Hello dear readers! Long time no read, so this one's gonna be a bit shorter but there's more intense chapters to come! The stories also going to be picking up and the Sports Fesitival is to come soon!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" Izuku asked as he languidly reclined on the ridiculously comfortable couch in Hound Dog's shockingly massive office. Honestly it wasn't really an office, it was a small building set off from the main structures in a small little grove with a shockingly beautiful koi pond and Japanese style garden complete with a pavilion, and the 'office' was just a massive main room that had several large and comfy chairs, couch, loveseat, bean bag placed in a corner, and surprisingly a hammock along one wall. The room might have been massive and open but it was decorated to make it feel homey and more than a little inviting so it wouldn't feel vast, nor claustrophobic because of all the furniture and decor to give each clear 'section' of furniture its own designated space but still a cohesive room. One of the hallways lead down to a bathroom, kitchen, and a few other rooms that Hound Dog had told him about when he arrived. As promised he'd shown up to class to tell his homeroom teacher that he was in fact there, and then had told her that he had a session with Hound Dog that he was heading to, to which she had agreed and sent him along having marked him down and left notes to all the other teachers that if he wasn't there that it was because he was still in the meeting with the counselor. Case in point he was gearing up to practically trauma dump on the poor man.

"Well, whatever it is that you are comfortable sharing with me." The practicalwerewolfstated, resting his hand holding a pen onto his notepad in his lap.

Izuku merely stared at the man. "Okay, so why don't you tell me what youdoknow so that way I can either go in depth or just mention those parts that you're already aware of so we're not wasting time. It'll make things aloteasier for me to know what you are aware of versus what I should go into detail about."

Hound Dog blinked at him before glancing down at his notes before his attention moved back up to Izuku. "All that I amtrulyaware of is the fact that you had a bit of a reaction yesterday to class 1-A about struggles that quirkless face, about how you have had a difficult life so far, and about how Aizawa adopted you. But nothing was gone into detail about your situation, I would like to clarify however that Nedzu had me sign an NDA with the clear instructions that whatever you tell me here is tostayhere no matter of the nature of what you disclose to me. Yes, I am a mandated reporter, however Nedzu informed me that whatever you tell me is already being legally taken care of, and that you are an emancipated minor so there is really no need for us toreallystep in. This-"

"Yea, this is more to psychologically help me through all the trauma that I've faced, I'm aware." Izuku said and waved off the man. "Okay so you know like thebarest of bonesof what I went through."

The man paused before nodding. "In a way, yes, they wanted to ensure that you could tell me what happened yourself without me being overtly influenced."

Izuku nodded. "Okay, so before I divulge intoanythingI want to make several points clear." He said and held up a finger. "Deal?"

"Very well." Hound dog nodded.

"Okay, so I amveryaware that the sh*t that happened to me is not my fault, I am also very aware that I hadoptionsand that I didn't have to choose what I chose to survive. I did what I did to survive with as little negative input to my life. I'm also aware that the abuse that I suffered isn't my fault and that's the fault of those who hurt me. You also don't have to tell me that those who hurt me shouldn't have, I'maware, I also know that being sexually active at twelve isn't agood thing. Keep in mind that when it comes to sex and all things sex related, I see itmassivelydifferent then everyone else because I grew upin itand my view on what is and isn't acceptable is very skewed."

Hound dog was silent for the longest of times as he just sat there before he took a deep breath, paused as if considering what he was going to say or even just trying to put together words, but when he spoke his voice was soft and reassuring as it had been when he'd first walked into the counselor's office. "So, you've been sexually active since you were twelve?" He prompted before writing something on his notebook.

"Yea, but that comes a bit later in my life, what starts everything is when I was four. Would you prefer I start there to get the full life story?" Izuku prompted genuinely, knowing that his words could very well come across as snarky, and yea he was feeling a bit apologetic because he was about to deliver what was very well going to be a metaphorical nuclear bomb on this poor man's head, because even though he'd told Aizawa most of the sh*t that he was about to divulge, admittedly it had been over the course of weeks that he'd let things slide out in little details so it wouldn't overwhelm the poor man. But no, here he was just gonna word vomit everything and hope the poor man didn't short circuit and devolve into an emotional meltdown because of how tragic and horrific his life had been.

"If that is where the beginning of where you believe your trauma stems from, and you want to start there then we can, but only if you feel comfortable about sharing this with me." Hound dog stated as he jotted something down before he locked eyes with Izuku. "I want to remind you that whatever you share with me isyourchoice, if you get partway through talking about what happened and you realize that you don't want to continue, we can stop there and either discuss what it is that you already have told me, or we can talk about a completely different topic."

Izuku nodded again. "Yea, that's fine, so anything else you want to interject before I start word vomiting my past?" He prompted.

Hound Dog paused for a moment before he tipped his head. "Yes, you seem very open about talking about your past even though it seems like it was very... difficult. Why is that?"

"Difficult doesn't scratch it." Izuku snorted but shrugged and tipped his head back against the back of the couch. "I've... always wanted to talk about it, but I've never been in asafeplacetotalk about it without someone either opening up their mouths and gossiping about what I'm either going through or have lived through. But dad and Nedzu really think that my talking to you would be beneficial, and yea, I really don't want all the bullsh*t that I've gone through to be outed to everyone that I know, which is why I asked for the NDA if I was going to talk. I'm not embarrassed by what happened, I lived it, yea it f*cked me up emotionally and psychologically I'm smart enough to know that, but it's made me strong enough to survive a world that quite franklyhatesme because of my quirk status. So, while I might not want to literally air all of my secrets to someone who's pretty much a stranger and all, but I know that keeping all of this sh*t to myself and not seeking medical help isn't healthy. I mean IbrokeKacchan's ass yesterday because I let my anger bubble up and semi-explode in that training exercise."

"You broke another student's..."

"His tailbone, but ya know it was pretty much his ass." Izuku shrugged and waved his hand. "Dad told me to go all out since I'd already killed the rest of the class via marker slashes. They sent you that clip didn't they for reference?"

"Yes, however I was unaware that you broke the last student's tailbone seeing as I didn't have the nurses' reports." Hound Dog stated.

"Oh, well I mean he's fine now, Recovery Girl healed him, and he was able to go about his day like normal. Besides that we talked about it afterwards and I apologized, and he was understanding seeing as my anger was due to the conversation that I was dragged into that caused all this." Izuku said then held up a hand when Hound Dog opened his mouth. "But we're getting off track."

"Right," The other man chuckled. "Now, please tell me about what you have gone through."

"You asked for it." Izuku said softly and opened his mouth. "When I was four my mother took me to a quirk-specialist who diagnosed me as quirkless..."

Izuku then spent the better half of two hours detailing, nottoographically, all the sh*t that he sent through growing up. Yea he detailed the abuse he suffered at the hands of Inko, how his father would yell at him and then eventually abandoned him because of his diagnosis, the abuse and neglect he suffered at the preschool and eventual elementary and then junior high that he suffered. About how all the teachers either joined in or encouraged the verbal abuse and turned blind eyes to the physical abuse when it started. He was careful to keep the names of his bullies from getting past him, he knew that he'd have to admit to Hound Dog that it was Katsuki who had been the ring leader of his bullies, well at least theirage groupof bullies that is, but he'd get to that when he started talking about the adults that had actually started helping him instead of just brushing him off or being absolute sh*t to him. And then he got to when his mother abandoned him and when he met Owl. Then with a pregnant pause in which Izuku weighed his options on whether or not to talk about the less thansavoryaspect of his working career he met the counselors reassuring gaze and metaphorically yelled f*ck it, and proceeded to spill everything, and boy didthatcause a reaction form Hound Dog when Izuku explained his first...appointmentand how he was 'broken in' by Kami and then a few others when it came to the different 'genres' of the 'more' appointments. It was at that time that Hound Dog, still talking gently and reassuringly had asked for a break and when Izuku had smiled and nodded had watched as the other man had stood easily, excused himself politely and then disappeared into a back office down a hallway.

But the sheer emotional wailing/snarl/scream that came from the room had startled Izuku and he'd jumped. It was then that he remembered that Hound Dog and told him that that room was soundproofed for when students or even faculty needed to get heavy emotions out and needed a safe place to just scream as loud as they could. So, the fact that Izuku heard the man was something else. Though after a few minutes Hound Dog had returned, with a pot of what looked like freshly brewed pot of tea that he set in front of them, and Izuku realized that it was a mix of chamomile and lavender, two calming teas that were absolutely divine. After that Izuku had then continued talking and he'd subtly watched as Hound Dog had grown more and more distressed and also...determined?Yea it was difficult to see, especially with the whole wolf's head and all, but Izuku had spent the last three years of his life either living with minor injuries after work or walking home a bloodied and bruised mess if he read even theminutestexpression wrong, so he'd gottenreallygoodat reading said expressions. And Hound Dog? He was doing good at keeping his face serene and reassuring, but hoo-boy was he an emotional wreck! Which Izuku feltextremelyguilty for, but he was also feeling...lighterabout having gotten all of this sh*t off his chest so he just kept talking.

But thenof coursethe part with Enji came up and at that Hound Dog seemed to reach his breaking point because the man surged to his feet with a snarl, causing Izuku to flail slightly, tea spilling on the couch as Izuku, reflexively, threw the cup at the man with an undignified squeak. But Hound Dog just snarled. "You're telling me the that the number two hero Endeavor raped you?!"

Izuku sat there, huddled up slightly before he realized that the man wasn't angry athimbut rather at Enji, which was fair. It seemed likeeverybodywas angry at Enji, and yea Izuku wasn't stupid nor naiive enough totnotknow why. Holding up a finger Izuku spoke firmly. "f*cked, hef*ckedme, he didn'trapeme. It was A, consensual and B, I'm passed the legal age for consent." He stated.

"So that makes it okay?!" Hound Dog raged.

"No, I'm still a minor, so not itdoesn'tmake it okay." Izuku stated and shook his head then held up a hand, motioning for Hound Dog to sit back down, and only after the other man slowly did, though it was clear he wasfurious."But he's also theonlyone of my patrons that hasevergiven a modicum of respect to me, he showed me that there's more to sex than pain and empty pleasure that left me feeling like I was nothing but a whor* to be used and discarded like a f*cking used condom." Izuku said and while his words were matter of fact they were filled with emotion, so much of it that it caused Hound Dog to go still and listen. "Do you know how many appointments I have had in the last three years?Hundreds,quite possibly in thethousands, I don't' know I never kept track. Do you know out of all of those appointments I felt anything but empty pleasure and feeling like utter sh*t? All of themexpectfor the appointments that I had with Enji. Iknowthat what he did was f*cked up onsomany levels because I'm a minor and all that sh*t, but I also know that no matter what I will be eternally grateful for showing me that there's more to sex than pain and empty pleasure and feeling like a used whor*. Inall my lifethat man has beenthe firstadult toevertake the time and talk to me, toget to knowme, he's the first adult toevertell me that I'm not worthless or a waste of space. Andyes,I get that what he did wasn't ethical or at all legal, andyes,I understand that he used me to scratch an itch, that was never something I forgot. But he was also theonlyadult that would sit and listen to me, offer me advice on things, and offered mehelpoutside of work!"

Hound Dog was quiet for a moment. "Why didn't you accept his help then?" He prompted softly.

Izuku snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yea, you're forgetting that I'm a glorifiedwhor*, what do you think that would have done to his reputation as the number two?"

"If he offered to help you, don't you think he would have been prepared for the outcome of his offer?" Hound Dog pressed.

Izuku shrugged. "In theory yes, he would have known that if my past came to light then he would have had a plan for that, but I also wasn't willing to risk it."

"And why's that?"

This time he laughed softly, but it was a sad almost sharp sound that made the other man flinch slightly. "I've been neglected and abused by adults ineveryway shape and form since I was four years old. Do youhonestlythink I'm going to jeopardize ruining whatever the f*ck it was that I had going with thefirstadult since Mama who offered me help?"

"I can see your point there, however..." Hound Dog hesitated for a moment before taking a breath. "Why not seek out Mama's help?"

"Because, while I love her dearly and know that she would move heaven and earth to help me, there's only so far that she'd be willing to go." He explained and shrugged. "I carefartoo much about her to drag my bullsh*t into her life, it would have to be something astronomical for me to involve her, and before you ask Owl and March had their own brand of sh*t going on, so I was not about to bother them with my own."

"But if you had asked, they would have helped?"

"Oh, in aheartbeat." Izuku said nodding without hesitation. "Those two are my ride or die's, hell when they found out what happened with Enji, they were ready to go and jump his ass on the spot. But they also had their own brand of sh*t to deal with and I wasn't going to bring my own baggage into their lives when theirs were just starting to even out for them."

Hound Dog nodded slowly. "Is... there anything else that is in your past?" He prompted slowly, as if hoping that Izuku didn't.

Chuckling softly Izuku nodded and then quickly finished up his life's bullsh*t, watching as the time with Enji bringing Shouto made the man's fingers dig into his thighs, but he held his tongue and listened, visibly going almostsmugat hearing what Shota did to Enji and the way that Izuku had handled All Might. It was clear that while a lot of the stafftoleratedYagi Toshinori he wasn't very wellliked.Which made sense really, it seemed like the man was a sh*t teacher, and dumber than a pile of rocks really.

"And that's pretty much it, we're up the present, I got pissed and broke Kacchan's ass and decimated class 1-A." Izuku stated and shrugged.

Hound Dog nodded before he paused. "Bakugou, he was... your bully wasn't he?"

Izuku paused, notreallysurprised that the man had figured it out but more soannoyedthat he had. "Yea, but don't worry his parents have him in anger management courses and therapy both of which were given the green light to communicate together to put together a correct course of action and treatment going forward, I mean the guys comeleapsand bounds in only the span of a few months and he's apologized for all that sh*t." Izuku shrugged, a soft smile crossing his lips. "He's even helped me with my diet and getting in shape to get into UA."

"You know that doesn't excuse what he did to you Midoriya." Hound Dog stated as he shifted and picked up the notebook and pen that he'd tossed aside when he'd surged to his feet.

"Oh yea, no I already know that and so does Kacchan." Izuku nodded in full agreement. "His therapist actually recommended that he start talking to you too on days that are really hard and he can't get a hold of them so it might be best to reach out to Kacchan's mom to get the number of the therapist to touch bases with them, of course you'll need his mom's express approval to be able to communicate information about Kacchan, but I don't see why that won't be able to happen. I mean it'd be a smart idea to be aware of the methods that they're teaching Kacchan and be able to use them if he comes to you pissed off."

Hound Dog chuckled lightly. "Yes, I can see where that would have merit." He agreed.

Izuku nodded before he sat back and they started talking again about little details, expanding on parts of Izuku's past that Hound Dog had made notes on during the previous telling of his past. And really, by the end of that talk he feltso much lighterthat he was mildly worried that he'd float away into the stratosphere as he meandered down the path towards the main building at the end of the session, which just so happened to be the end of the day. Strange that it only felt like a few hours but had actually been the entirety of the day. But as he rounded the last corner and saw Shouto, Kacchan, and Shinsou waiting for him at one of the benches he broke out into a gin and hurried over, pace picking up.

"Izuku." Shouto breathed when he noticed the green haired teen, pushing up form where he'd been sitting and hurrying over.

Grinning Izuku pretty much threw himself into his boyfriends' arms and smiled over his shoulder at an anxious Katsuki. "Hi guys, thanks for waiting."

"Tch." Katsuki tsked, but really way his shoulders sagged in relief and the way his eyes softened even as he looked away were quite telling.

"'Course man, we were, uh, all pretty worried about you." Shinsou said scratching the back of his head, clearly nervous.

"How did it go?" Shouto asked, barely allowing Izuku to pull away.

"Oh, it went great!" Izuku said happily but the pure emotion riddled howl that ripped from the counselors building behind them had the three boys jumping and staring at the sound even as Izuku grimaced and rubbed at the back of his own neck. "But I'm pretty sure I traumatized Hound Dog to the point he's gonna need a therapist for himself."

"Of course you did." All three teens sighed.

Izuku just grimaced, yea his life was all kinds of f*cked up.

At least he felt better!

*Hound Dog POV*

He was rocking back and forth in the corner of his office, sobbing. No, that wasn't accurate for what he was doing right now, no he washystericallysobbing into his hands.

He hadn't done that since he escaped the quirkist bastards that had once been his parents, the muzzle scars that his fur hidburningeven though they were so old that only drastic and heavy weather only ever brought out a mild ache. But now? After hearing everything that that beautifully sunshine filled boy had gone through in only eleven short years had left him feeling his own horrid and trauma riddled life. But he most heart-breaking part of all of that was the fact that the boy had gone through that because he wasquirkless. He didn't have what society deemed avillainousquirk or even amutantquirk, which were the two most discriminated against quirk types, no he hadno quirkto his name and was targetedbecause of that. And yet that boy wasoptimisticand had carved out a place for himself by sheer will and determination, using his own blood, sweat, tears, and...bodyto ensure his survival. Yes, the sweet boy was all types of jaded and cynical, but he still smiled and laughed, and it wasgenuineat least as to what he'd seen, not that fake and forced sh*t or the sheer emotionlessaptitude that he saw in some rare casesthathe was so used to seeing in the traumatized children he helped. And Hound Dog had seen the genuinely in the kids, had seen the calculating in his eyes, seen the way he'd moved with such sinuous grace that if he hadn't already been aware of the teens quirk status he would have been certain that he had a feline quirk of some kind, but the genuine happy and loving emotion that he had developed for Shouto, Shota, Bakugou, and now starting to develop friendships with a 1-B student, Shinsou, and several other students.

It was clear from the warnings that he got from Nedzu and Erasurehead that the boy had been through...a lot, so he went into this initial meeting greatly expecting to have to coax the boy into talking. Which meant multiple sessions, and gentle coaxing to just open up even just a little, to get him totrusthim that he would never hurt the boy. But he'd been damned near blown out of his seat when the boy had sauntered in, taken his seat, reclined back comfortably his posture open and inviting and had then just asked Hound Dog what he wanted to know. As if he were telling him a report on something Hound Dog had asked him to research! It had taken him a moment to respond, and when he'd offered for Midoriya to start where he felt comfortable the boy just startedtalking. Telling him things that made Hound Dog feel like the world had just come to a screeching halt, and the childhood memories that he himself had worked through with his own therapist so many years ago flared back to life.

First it was the kids ownmotherthat had done it, then teachers andfriendshad started next, and while that was bad it was when the boy had gotten to his'work'that Hound Dog had needed a moment. And when he came back from losing his utter sh*t in the Venting Space, a soundproofed room that anyone can go into, close the door, and just scream they're heart out, he'd seen the knowing look on Midoriya's face. But thankfully the boy must have known that he didn't want to address it, and so neither did Hound Dog. But then the boy started talking about his job and all thehorrendoussh*t that he had to go through there. He watched as the boy talked about it like it wasnothing, like he hadn't been sexually assaulted for three f*cking years of his life and sexually objectified like a f*ckingobject. Like he hadn't been used as a... a...whor*by those disgusting perverted pedophiles! It was clear form the way that Midoriya reacted from retelling ofthathorrific sh*t that it did bother him, but he was so desensitized to it that it was almost nothing.

The kid was horrifically traumatized, but he was so desensitized that it was almost impossible to point out to him that these things were horrifying to hear coming from afifteen-year-oldsmouth even though the teen claimed that he knew that they were bad, he didn't realize justhow badthey were. But then the boy had dropped the biggest bombshell thatEn-f*cking-deavorhad been one of his... *retchesviolently*...clients. He'd then gone on to assure Hound Dog that he knew that all the sh*t that had happened to him was traumatizing but that it just didn't mean the same thing to him as it did to the rest of the world. Which was f*ckingheartbreaking!

It was only after the teen had let with a lighter bounce to his step that Hound Dog had found himself ripping apart the couch that he'd been sitting on in a feral heartbreaking rage before he was then letting out an agonized howl that shook the walls and made the windows tremble with the force of it. But now, he was sitting sobbing. The only sound that drew his attention was the sound the door to his office closing. So, slowly he lifted his head, tears streaming from his eyes, and he looked over at Erasurehead as he strode into the building with his hands shoved into his jumpsuit, Nedzu peeking out of his capture scarf, both of them with knowing and understanding looks on their faces.

"How is he such a ray of sunshine with that level oftrauma?!"Hound Dog sobbed.

Erasurehead slowly lowered Nedzu to the ground and the hero strode over and gently rested a hand on the man's arm reassuringly. "Because he's a strong young man. And it's our job to ensure that he no longer suffers like he has in the past."

Hound Dog nodded, sniffling even as whimpers escaped his throat. "Yea, yea we will."

"Good," Nedzu chirped, though it was lacking its normal volume. "Now, I know you cannot discuss what Midoriya discussed with you, however that is not why we are here. Are you aware of the quirkism that is running afoul in my school?" He prompted.

Hound Dog blinked before he slowly nodded. "Just a bit, I tend to only socialize with a few of the heroic teachers."

Nedzu nodded, having already been aware of that. "Well, Midoriya is the head of the Anti-Quirkiest Movement that we are building at this school. Aizawa and I were curious if you woul-"

"Yes." Hound Dog cut off before he held up a hand. "But only if I get to maul Endeavor.Just a little bit!Maybe his leg, or an arm."

At that Erasurehead let out a delighted and deeply maniacal almost sounding like agigglethat had Hound Dog leaning away from him with his jowls lifting slightly and a growl rumbling from his chest warningly. "Yes." The now creepy as f*ck underground herogig-gled.

Nedzu on the other hand just sighed very softly. "In Midoriya's words, gremlins."

And that just confused the f*ck out of Hound Dog even as Erasurehead moved away still giggling with an almosteuphoricgleeful look in his eyes. And Hound Dog made an oath to himself to keep his noseoutof whatever the f*cking hellthatmeant. He already needed to schedule a meeting with his own therapist over the sh*t he'd just learned, he didn't need to add whatever traumathatsh*t would bring.


And there we go, another ally and unfortunately traumatized adult due to Green Beans unfortunately horrible past... at leas the Gremlin Lord feels better! Small victories, right?! HEHE.
Anyway, I'm not sure if in the last few end notes if I told you all that I'm going to be changing up the timeline a bit, but surprise I am! The Sports festival and Training Camp happens BEFROE the USJ attack. I know, but it all happens for a badass reason!
So, there we have it! Thank you all for following along, as always leave a comment if you wish and if you can and wish to drop a kudos! Thank you all so much and I'll see you in the next one!

Chapter 18: Startling Encounter


Who is that we see int he crowd with the startling red eyes? Oh, that there be an angry Pomeranian to watch a startling Center Pole set!
Someone get a bit frisky after the show.
And another nearly freezes his little toes off while waiting to have a wee chat.


Long time no read my lovelies! Thank you all for being so patient with me and sticking around! It's so appreciated, now without much ado here is the next chapter!
The one has a BIT of smut, its like literally just a blip and then it's over so nothing to get so excited/uncomfortable over, though in future chapters I do plan on having longer scenes, but this one was kinda a filler.
Anyway, see you in the end notes or next chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, Viridian." Mama's voice broke over the din of the changing room and nearlyeveryonewent silent.

Looking up into his mirror as he continued to apply the plum lip stain to his lips Izuku arched a delicately detailed brow at the woman that loomed behind him. "Yes Mama?" He prompted.

"You're covering for Melody tonight." She ordered.

Eyes going wide he whipped around, fluffy green robe flying open slightly, though nobody but the newbies really paid any attention to that so used to seeing his body already that it was no never-mind to them, the scars and muscles that were defined, not to mention his dusting of freckles all across his body. "Whoa, whoa,whoaMelody iscenter pole,Mama, I neither have the credibility nor the seniority to takecenter pole." He said and waved the wand of his lip stain towards the other veteran dancers. "Pick one of them!"

"Uh, uh baby boy it's all you tonight, I'm off in like two minutes and I'mnotstaying no matter how good the tips and pay for center pole is." One of the girls said her big poofy hair waving around her shoulders as she swiped at the makeup on her face with a cleansing pad. "I've done my dances for the night. Besides my husband told me that he has a special dinner planned for the two of us and I amnotmissing that!"

"I'm with Mama, it's time for baby boy to flaunt his ass on center." Another veteran said and gave a shake of her ample chest at him making him sneer back at her.

"C'mon girls, I'mnotcenter pole ready yet!" He whined looking at all of them.

"Baby boy, nobody iseverready for center pole." Mama said stepping forward and resting oneclawedfingernail underneath his chin and tipping his face up, up,upto look into her lioness-like eyes as she stood over him. "Do youreallythink Melody was ready for center pole? Or Doe, Miracle, Chastity, and the rest of my veteran dancers?" She asked and tipped her head to the side almost animalistically, and suddenly he was reminded that her quirk was Lioness, meaning she not only had the eyes, teeth, paws, and ears of a lioness when she activated her quirk, but she also had a lioness's protectiveness, ferocity, loyalty, and domineering traits.

Swallowing down his fear Izuku took a breath and calmed himself. "Mama, I'm not ready for the center pole."

Leaning down slightly she grinned at him, her canines pointed slightly. "Baby boy, aside from Owl and March, I'm the one who trained you, you've been ready for center pole within the first six months of you working here. You just needed time to build up your patronage, skills, and the loyalty of my dancers as well as myself. And you've done soin spades. So, you're going on center pole tonight for three sets." She said and tapped his nose ever so gently with a razor-sharp claw before straightening and sauntering away with swinging hips her gait almost catlike. "You're on in ten, Daisy, fill him in."

"Yes Mama!" A small but spritely girl said and hopped over, already dolled up and finishing strapping on her heels. "Okay, Viridian are you ready for the details of the set?"

"No," He scoffed as he turned around to his mirror. "But tell me anyways, because apparently I'm f*ckingcenter poletonight."

Izuku stood at the stage entrance to the main stripper stages, shaking out his arms he readied himself for what was to come. The dancers behind him all somberly quiet as they watched him, the most veteran dancers all gathered around him reassuringly. This was the first time thathewas going to be leading the dancers onto the stage for a semi synchronized set and he wasnotlooking forward to it. Yes, he'd seen Melody, Daisy, Owl, March, and the rest of the senior dancers take the lead and then take center pole, but it hadneverbeen him. He'dneverbeen on the pole that was in front of the majority of the crowd. He'd always either been on one of the two side stages that branched off from the main stage, and only within the last six-ish months had he been placed on the center stage, but more towards the stage entrance instead off to the side in the back. Butneverin one of the more front row poles. To go from the back to center pole was a f*ckingcultureshock.

But he'd seen the dance,memorizedit really, and in practice after a dare he'd done it and had left the veteran dancers - and apparently - Mama floored with his performance, at least enough that she wantedhimto take center pole even though he'd drastically cut back on his hours at the club.

"Curtains up in three...two...one, show time!" The stagehand said and the curtains were suddenly pulled back and the music started to blare through the speakers.

Taking the cue Izuku put his game face on and strode out onto the stage,effortlesslycopying Mama's catwalk and his eyes caught Mama's from a seat in the front row and with a sensuous tilt of his head and gave her her ownanimalistic seductresssmirk and watched as an answering one graced her lips mixed with motherly pride at his smirk as the crowd went wild. Slowly running his hands up his body before he held them out, 'summoning' the other dancers to the stage even as he struts down the stage, his mini skirt hugging his hips and flashing glimpses of his panties that had the patrons leaning forward in their seats to ogle as Izuku strutted passed. Slowing as he reached his pole Izuku grinned again as he placed his hands on the pole andeffortlesslylaunched himself up it until he was hanging upside down with his legs holding the pole and he ran his hands up and down his body, pausing to cup his flat pectorals for a second before moving up to stroke through his hair as he slowly spun around the pole making the men around his pole holler and smack tips down into the tip buckets that were positioned securely into the stage that were accessed by the stage workers underneath the stages to ensure that no strippers slipped on the money.

Swinging into the dance as the music picked up Izuku lead the dance with all of his fellow dancers doing their parts that were choreographed. And soon, like always Izuku let himself get lost in the intricate moves of the dance, never forgetting the correct facial expressions to make and to touch himself provocatively to rouse the crowd. Swinging down to the stage Izuku strode over to end of the stage and dropping to his knees leaning forward cooked a finger at one of the men sitting in a chair, to which the man scrambled forward a flush exploding across his face. Reaching out and taking the man's hand Izuku brought it to the zipper of his skirt and the man's hand clamped over it. In one smooth motion Izuku stood, the zipper undoing and the skirt falling away leaving him in nothing but his tight black lace panties and pop button schoolgirls shirt that was only tied in a knot in front of himself. Grinning seductively when the man stood there damn near salivating Izuku lifted one pump heeled foot and lightly rested it on the man's shoulder, reaching up and undoing the knot on his shirt even as the man turned and disgustinglysniffedhis foot before trying to kiss it. But Izuku took it off his shoulder and turned, dramatically ripping the sh*t off his shoulders and tossing it to the side to the excitement of the crowd, leaving him in nothing but the panties, leather straps that acted as a brasier but was really nothing but an accentuating feature for his chest and muscles, and his stripper heels that were securely strapped to his legs and the strategically designed wrist supports and choker necklace.

Swinging himself up onto the pole Izuku continued the dance, doing what should have beenimpossiblemoves but he made them lookeffortless.By the end of the set, he stopped at the opposite side as the one that he'd removed his clothes at and dropped down to rile up these men by humping the floor and spreading himself for them to ogle, which was disgusting but well worth it as they shoved tips into the tip boxes to discreetly be collected and counted. But a flash of blonde drew his attention, shock and horror invaded his mind, but the training he received kept him from reacting, as his eyes locked with the stunned and horrified and horrifyingly familiar red eyes of Katsuki, while Shouto sitting next to him was watching with rapt attention. Deciding tof*ckwith Katsuki Izuku flipped over in front of them, coming downsplayed leggedin front them, watching at Shouto's eyes were riveted to his body with ahungryexpression, wellIzukucould see the hunger in his eyes to everyone else he seemed impassive and uncaring as his eyes roved Izuku as he undulated on the floor, his hands roving seductively over his body. But Katsuki stared at him with wide eyes, red quickly covering his face, ears, and neck as he watched Izuku.

Rolling back so his feet and hands were planted on the stage Izuku twerked his ass to the sheer joy of the crowd behind him with a clear view ofeverythingas he slowly and with great control lifted the front of his body as he continued to twerk, running his hands all over himself before he was fully upright. And that was how the set came to an end. Turning his head he met Shouto's eyes and arched a brow as he grinned teasingly at him before they flicked to Katsuki and he winked then blew a kiss before turning and strutting off the stage.

Stopping just beyond the curtain Izuku dropped his hands on his knees and let out a deep shaky breath.

'Oh f*ck, f*ck,f*ck,f*ck Kacchan just saw mestrip!'He screamed internally, panic making his heart race even more.

"Oh my god that was f*ckingamazing!"Owl said as he slapped Izuku's sweaty back. "Oh,ew!You're f*cking sweating buckets, what the f*ck Viri?" He said as he shook his hand with a disgusted look on his face.

Lashing out and grabbing Owl's upper arm he yanked the slightly bigger man after him, both of them effortlessly moving through the crowded backstage until they reached a slightly secluded spot. "Myschoolmateswere in the f*cking crowd,front row seats."

Owl shrugged. "Yea, some of my own have-"

"Katsuki Bakugouand Shouto Todoroki."Izuku bit out.

Owl froze at that, and he blinked before his eyes went owlishly wide as he subconsciously activated part of his quirk. "Oh,ohthat's not good. I mean Shouto makes sense, on account ofyou know."

"f*cking tell me about it!" Izuku gritted and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Shouto I can get because we'redatingand he loves to see me pole dance, but he broughtKatsukito the show!"

"Yea, that'sreallynot ideal." Owl agreed.

"Viridian!" Mama's voice called and his head snapped up and watched her strut towards them. "You've been requested for a thirty-minute session upstairs."

He blinked then frowned. "My next set-"

"Is in an hour, so you would have more than enough time to deal with the session, recover, and come down and perform the set and then rest." She said waving her hand then held up a manicured finger, the claws retracted. "But that'sifyou accept the session, it was requested just now by your two-toned Loverboy."

Izuku sighed softly before nodding. "Alright, lead the way." He said, this was either going to be horribly bad, or insanely...insane.

"Good luck with that, let me know how that sh*t-show goes down." Owl called after him as they strode away.

Following Mama to the elevator that would take him to the second floor and the dancer and staffonlysection of the second floor Izuku accepted the towel that one of the dancers offered him as well as a cold water. Chugging down half the bottle he passed it to Mama as she held out her hand for it as he quickly rubbed down his body to rid it of most of the sweat before tossing it into laundry bin and stepping into the elevator.

"What you did," Mama drawled as the elevator started to rise and she looked over at Izuku. "On that stage was quite impressive for your first time being center pole. And copying my strut and look, was quite impressive, baby boy, I'll give you some pointers at the next training day that willreallyget the crowd eating out of the palm of your hand next time."

He smiled at the praise. It wasveryrare for her to praise someone so highly. "Thank you, Mama."

She nodded. "He's in room nine."

Izuku nodded and headed into the room the dancers used to prep for their time with the patrons. By passing all the supplies set out Izuku headed directly into the hallway that would take him to the room that Shouto was waiting in. Reaching the door with no problem he knocked on it and slipped into the room, bracing for yelling or even explosions from Katsuki but only found Shouto sitting on the edge of the bed, but he quickly pushed himself to his feet and nervously fidgeted there. "Hi." Izuku said softly.

"Hi." Shouto repeated before nervously stepping forward and lifting his hand slightly before lowering it. "You're, um, performance was, it was, uh, good."

Izuku chuckled and grinned at the awkwardness that wafted off of Shouto. "Your nervousness is truly adorable Sho." He said as he strode slowly up to the man. "So, wanna tell me why you requested me? We only have twenty-eight more minutes and I want to make sure you get the most of it."

Shouto swallowed and with his cheeks flushing red reached out and grabbing Izuku's hand he looked away as he brought Izuku's palm to the front of his pants and theragingerection that pulsed angrily against it.

"Oh." Izuku breathed before he massaged the hard co*ck through Shouto's slacks making the other man gasp and go tense as he shifted his stance slightly. "Would you like me to take care of this."

Wordlessly he nodded. Then went stiff. "B-but only if you want to!" he squeaked.

"Oh, trust me I want to,havewanted to for a long while actually." Izuku nodded slowly. "So, how would you like to do that?"

"I want you to make me cum." Shouto moaned, thrusting into Izuku's hand. "And I want to make you cum, I want us to cum together."

"I'm aware of that, but do you want my hand, my feet, mouth, or ass to make you cum?" Izuku asked with a soft amused chuckle, stepping closer and gauging Shouto's reactions he lightly traced his other hand up and down the man's chest and was pleasantly surprised when he shuddered pleasurably and tipped his head back, seeming tosavorthe feeling.

"I-I want tof-f*ckyou Izuku." Shouto stuttered out on a moan.

Izuku nodded and removing his hand from the front of the bigger teens pants he grabbed his wrist he tugged him to the bed. "Do you want to be on top or do you want me to take the lead?"

"You." Shouto saiddirectlybehind him and Izuku shivered as he pressed delicate kisses to the back of his neck.

"Alright, why don't you lay down on your back for me." Izuku said and strode to the end table and pulled out the bottle of lube and a condom as he quickly tugged off his heels and climbed onto the bed, finding that Shouto had yanked off his shirt and was in the motion of tugging down his pants. "That's far enough." Izuku said when Shouto had gotten them halfway down his thighs. Moving so he was standing over Shouto he shimmied out of his panties and watched as those two-toned eyes hungrily raked over his body before they stopped on his rapidly hardening co*ck and balls, and he swallowed. Slowly squeezing out lube onto his fingers and leaning forward slightly reached back and worked his fingers expertly into himself until he was loose enough to take Shouto's monster co*ck. That was one thing aside from his fire, red half of his hair and turquoise eye that he'd inherited from Endeavor was hismonsterof a co*ck. Expertly sheathing that thing in the condom and applying a large amount of lube and working it over the co*ck Izuku lined it up with his hole andsank downonto it.

Shouto's cry reverberated around the room as Izuku effortlessly bottomed out in onedeliciousagonizingly slow movement, as he lowered himselfonto the monster dick and his own hungry moan was drowned out by the shout. Lifting his hand he pressed it to his lower abdomen, and in this position, he felt the slight bulge from the other teens massive co*ck pressing back, jumping inside of him at the sensations. The burn from the stretch of the other teens girth and length were just as prevalent as the utterpleasurethat was causing him to shudder and hiccup moans as he forced himself to sit still atop him instead of just flying off into a bouncing rhythm.

"f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, you feel so f*cking good!"Shouto panted and his hips jerked underneath Izuku as his hands fisted into the bedding.

Letting out a startled gasp at the small thrust from Shouto that sent another stronger jolt of pleasure through him, he grinned before he looked over at the timer that hung above the door, and he sighed in displeasure. "Unfortunately, this is going to have to be quite quick so we can have a bit of snuggle and recovery before times up, so hang in there alright Shouto?"

Jerkily nodding Shouto panted looking from where they were connected to his eyes,morethan a bit of desperation and hunger in those heterochromatic eyes."Yea, yea, whatever you want Izu, use me however you want Baby."

But apparently, he wasn'tquiteprepared for Izuku to startbouncingon him with a wild abandon seeing as he threw back his head and cried out again, back arching and hands tightening in the bedding to the point he heard tearing, or maybe that was the ice that flashed across Shouto's arm, well the right arm flashed with frost while the left side seemed to smoke due to theverybrief fire that flashed across his skin before it was out a second later.

"I'm not hurting you am I? It's not too much?" Izuku panted, slowing the fast hard movement of his rapidly bouncing hips.

"No!"Shouto shouted shaking his head with an almost desperate plea to them as his eyes jumped to his and apleafilled them withaviddespiration. "It feels so f*cking good! Don't stop! Plea- oh! Oh f*ck Izuku!"

Grinning, his own balls tightening as Shouto's co*ck abused his prostate with every slap of Izuku's hips against Shouto's he bounced up and down on that monster co*ck in a fast almost brutal pace that soon had both men moaning and crying out before Shouto grabbed hold of Izuku's hips. Jolting slightly forward when the other teen suddenly seemed to plant his feet as wide on the bed beind him as his still pant clothes legs would allow, braced Izuku's hips with his hands, and started topoundup into him making the smaller man scream from the sudden force of it and the org*sm he'd been chasing suddenly exploded through him and he hunched over the bigger teen as he came so f*cking hard he sawstars.He threw his head back with another cry as Shoto's co*ck exploded within him, pulsing hotly inside of him and filling the condom with his spunk.

Yea, maybe thishadn'tbeen such a bad thing becuase he'd just had hiw world utterly and thouroughly rocked.

Izuku wastired, it had been a long as hell shift at Mama's, not that it really had been a harder day then normal really. But the fact that he had done center pole for three sets, did a sh*t ton of lap dances and a few high-roller personal dances, ontopof getting the f*ck railed out of him by Shoto, oh and ontopof all that he'd literally strippedin front ofKacchan.Which that in itself was an emotional rollercoaster of a doozy.So yes, if that didn't make his day extremely stressful then Izuku didn't know what in the worldwouldbecause performing a center pole set in front of once childhood friend-turned-bully-turned-tentative-friend was sure as hell stressing Izuku out. So, to say he was a bit more mentally tired then normal was a fair thing to say as he trudged towards his home a block away from the corner that the taxi dropped him off at. It was a crisp three AM, seeing as his shift was typically eight PM to four-sih AM, today Mama had seen that he'd been a bit frazzled and had taken pity on him and let him escape early, which he was eternally grateful for.

But he damn near jumped out of his f*cking skin when a f*ckingpersonon his doorstep slowly rose to their feet, biting back his scream of panic Izuku clapped his hands to his mouth as he stared at the shaking teen that glared at him, red eyes seeming toglowin the light of the porch light."Kacchan?!"Izuku hissed. "Jesus what thehellare you doing here?!"

"We need to talk." The other teen gritted out through clenched teeth, his words trembling no doubt from the chill of the night air.

Izuku's eyes widened. "Oh my god have you beenheresince you left the club?!" Izuku demanded rushing forward.

"Yes." Katsuki growled.

"Kacchan!"Izuku gasped as he fumbled with his keys and got the door open, shoving a trembling and damned nearhypothermicKatsuki into his warmed entryway where the teen toed off his sneakers and staggered down the hallway, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. "That wassix hoursago!" Izuku chastised as he hurried after the other teen, tossing his bag of sh*t onto the ground on the step up into the house, flicking on the lights to his living room Izuku rushed passed and grabbed the heated blanket that he loved and wrapping it around Katsuki switched it on and urged the teen to sit down on his couch, thanking whatever deities that Aizawa had a late shift and most likely wouldn't be home for a few more hours. "I'll get you some hot water you can sip." He said and turning rushed into his kitchen to pour and then switch on his electric kettle before rushing back out. "What the hell were you thinking?! It getscoldat night Kacchan!"

"We need to talk you f*cking idiot nerd!" Katsuki repeated, glaring up at Izuku and the other teen forced himself not to chuckle at the scene in front of him.Katsuki wrapped up in his heated blanket, nose and cheeks a rosy red from the cold and matching his red eyes as he huddled there shaking.

But Izuku forced himself to shake himself slightly. "And you couldn't wait untilthe morningto talk?"

"You know damned well that you wouldn't have talked to me! Not with my f*ckingdadcoming over to help you build the f*cking indoor greenhouse in your garage, and you're f*cking overprotective dad!" He snarled.

Izuku sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay,fine,your right I wouldn't have, so just make itquick, I actually got homeearlyfor once and I really would like to spend my extra timenotarguing with you." He sighed.

Katsuki sat there for a long moment before he swallowed. "So, you're a stripper." He stated.

Izuku stared at him, out ofallthings he hadn't expectedthatto come out of his mouth. "Yeup."

"That job, the one thatpays well, is you stripping." Katsuki stated again.

"Um, yea." Izuku nodded.

"You going up on a f*cking stage... taking off your clothes... and swinging around on apole... formoney?"He demanded.

Bristling slightly Izuku crossed his arms in front of himself he nodded. "That's kinda what astripperdoes, Kacchan. We go out onto a stage in varying stages of undress, and then - some of us - take it all off and swing around on a pole, shaking our ass, tit*, co*ck and balls for those of us who have them, at all the sweaty men that jeer at us from the crowd. And we getdamngood money for it." He said defensively.

Katsuki stared at him. "Why?" He asked softly.

"Why what?" Izuku shook his head frowning slightly.

"Why work as a f*ckingstripper, why not doanythingelse?" He demanded.

Izuku stared at him for a long moment. "Because Mama was the only one to hire me, Kacchan, that's why." He said and shook his head.

"Deku, you're f*cking smart as sh*t, you could have f*cking got a jobanywherethat you f*cking applied to!" Katsuki rebuked.

Izuku stared at him for another long minute before he held up a hand and tipped his head back and rolled his shoulders to try and get his anger under control, he wastired, that didn't mean he got to snap at the teen for saying something that applied to everyonebutIzuku in this situation. "Kacchan let me lay out thefactsfor you real quick, okay?" He said and looked down at the other teen. "When I was looking for a job, I wastwelve, I hadno priorwork experience, noparentalfigures to sign a work release so Icouldget a job, and I'mquirklessso even the shadier places refused me." He said and shook his head. "So, yea your right, I'm smart, but that doesn'thelp mewhen people won't even give me the time-of-daybecauseI'm a quirkless, scrawny as hell kid that hadnoexperience doinganythingand has no parent to sign off on anything.Nobodywould evenlookat my application when I admitted that I had no parent to sign off."

"You could have donesomething, you've always had a million f*cking plans when you put sh*t together!" Katsuki snarled.

"It was the beginningof winter Katsuki!"Izuku finally exploded throwing his hands wide open."I'd just beenabandonedby my bitch of a mother, I hadno money,and the only things keeping me alive were about to sh*t out! I hadnobodyto rely on andnobodywas even giving me achance! Mama was theonly onewho gave me a shot! Do I wish I was doing something else?Yes!Of f*cking courseI do! I'malwaystired, I have notimeto do anything but go to school, sleep, go to work, get home, sleep, and then go to school! ButIpulled myself out of the hell that my ownmotherleft me in!"Izuku screamed at him,hatingthat tears were rolling down his cheeks as he panted hard. "So yes, I f*ckingstripfor a living. Actually, you wanna know something Katsuki-f*cking-Bakugou? I domorethan juststrip!" He said and knew in the back of his mind that heshouldn'tsay what was about to come tumbling out of his mouth, but his filter was in the trash right now, so it just spilled right out in all its horrifying glory. "That's right, from the look on your face youknowwhat I mean! Those hallways on the second floor, if you saw them, they lead to rooms that those nasty old men and women pay big bucks for! And you wanna know what goes on in those rooms?" He demanded.

Slowly Katsuki shook his head. "D-Deku, stop, I get your poi-"

But Izuku just kept going, bulldozing over him. "Theypayfor us in those rooms! Usstrippersperform 'more' services in those rooms! That's right, wef*ckand aref*ckedin those rooms! And trust me when I tell you that sometimes it's notalwaysconsensual! All of those times that you saw me with bruises and marks across my skin, or when I was moving stiffly it was because of thosebastards!Those old pricks get off on it! Our pain, ourbeggingfor it to stop! It makes themharder,it makes them f*ck usrougher!And unless we're in threat of our lives we let them do it! Because themoneywe get from those appointments is f*ckingsubstantial!But don't worry, performing 'more' services is achoice!Can you f*cking believe that Mama allows her dancers tochooseto be awhor*?!So get that Katsuki, Ichoseto be a stripper and awhor*in order to stay a-f*cking-live and off the goddamned streets!" Izuku yelled at him and spread his arms wide as tears coursed down his cheeks, damned near fully unhinged now as his wide emerald eyes dulled slightly in their normal jovial lighthearted self, a look of self-hatred and disgust filling their watery depths. "And you wanna know what f*cking sucks about this whole thing!? Aside from the fact that you have to figure out a way todetachyourself in order to be able to f*cking show your body to nasty men thatsalivatefor the sight of your spread legs on that pole, it's the fact thatno matter whatyou do youalwaysfeel dirty! So go ahead, f*cking spew your sh*t at me! Tell me I'm f*cking nasty! That what I do is f*cking horrifying and I'm a disgusting piece of sh*t and that I shouldn't f*cking be alive!" He laughed in a condescending mirthless tone as he dropped his hands limply at his sides, his smile fragile and broken. "Because, trust me,I know. No matter how hard you scrub, no matter how muchbleachyou scour yourself with, youneverfeel clean. Their touches, their kisses, their nastydicksandpuss*'s,all of it it'salwaysright there under the skin like f*cking phantom touches." He said and looked up at Katsuki when the teen surged to his feet. "NothingI do makes it go away, no amount ofscrubbing,nothingmakes me feel like I'mcleanagain. I'll always bedirty." He said in a small broken voice, taking in a shuddering breath. "Sometimes... sometimes I wish that I'd never been hired, that I'd justdied."

In a heartbeat Katsukicrushedthe smaller teen to his chest in a bone crushing hug.

Izuku stood there for a long time as his mind tried to wrap around the fact that Katsuki was crushing him to his chest in an attempt at comforting him after he'd just spilled his deepest and most horrifying secret, before his chin started to tremble and his brows pulled together before he buried his face into Katsuki's chest and wrapped his arms around him sobbing so forcefully that his legs gave out and Katsuki slowly lowered them to the floor, simplyholdingthe teen in his arms silently. Holding the back of his head to his chest as his other arm was wrapped tightly around the middle of Izuku's back. It was the first time aside from Owl that anybody had ever held him like this, and honestly it felt so f*cking good that Izuku burrowed into him as he continued to sob and he felt himself start to fade and he knew that he was about to pass out, but he was unable to say anything due to the fact that he was far too distraught.

It was only about a handful of minutes later before Katsuki pulled away, lifted a startled Izuku up into his arms and carried him to and up the stairs and into Izuku's bedroom where he settled the two of them onto his bed. Holding the smaller teen to his chest as they lay on their sides facing one another, Izuku seeking the comfort that Katuski was giving him.

"So Half and Half is okay with you dancing and everything?" Katsuki asked softly after a moment.

"Yea." Izuku sniffled.

"He's never pressured you for... anything has he?" Katsuki prompted tightly.

Izuku snorted softly, just the thought was hilarious to him. "Gods no, he's always been super sweet about everything and has always quadruple checked that everything's fine or watches me closely to make sure that I'm comfortable if he thinks there's any bit of dishonesty in my answer." He said softly and sighed. "Even when we talked about our relationship and everything, he was so supportive even then."

"What's that mean?" Katsuki asked softly.

And without thinking, without evenhesitating, Izuku just blurted it out. "I'm polyamorous, I think he is too, but I haven't confirmed that."Just like that both teens went absolutely still and Izuku's eyes snapped open and he went rigid, waiting for Katsuki to say something.

"What's that?" Katsuki asked even softer.

Izuku swallowed and carefully explained everything.

"Okay, and Half and Half is supportive of that?" Katsuki demanded. "He's never pressured or any other bullsh*t thing?"

"No, no he's been extremely open and has always told me that while he might not be poly, he's very supportive of me, and so long as my future partners, if there are any, don't try and do any shady sh*t then he doesn't care how many I have so long as I don't, like, forget about him ya know?" Izuku explained.

"Okay." Katsuki murmured. "Good, now let's lay down and get some sleep."

"Okay, Kacchan." Izuku said softly and let Katsuki pull him down onto the bed and snuggle him tightly underneath the blanket in a soothing hold.

The last thing that flashed through his mind was the fact that he liked the smell of Katsuki, a pleasant mix of sweet cinnamon, and burnt caramel, and the hint of campfire smell of those with Pyrotechnique quirks, before he burrowed further against the stunned teen as he lost consciousness.


Alright, another one down, many more to go! I like that Angry Pomeranian is accepting of Green Beans job, doesn't like it and wishes that he'd do ANYTHING ELSE, but ultimately accepts/begrudgingly accepts it. Not only that but he's protective of him when the Bean lets loose on accident that he's poly and his first instinct is to make sure that Candy Cane isn't taking advantage/horrible to him! Love that about him, also if you all feel like the ending of this chapter feels a bit... rushed or lacking let me know and I'll re-edit it, it felt kind like, I dunno, I felt a bit rushed when I ended it. Then again it WAS like 2am when I finished/posted it, so... yea let me know.
Anyway, things are going to start picking up in the story now that the little plot starters are laid so strap in with me dearies!
As always thank you all for reading, leave a comment if you want, and if you can and wish to leave a kudos if you want! Thank you all and I'll see you in the next one!

Chapter 19: The First Letter


The morning after the job reveal leads to a semi-deep conversation, and later a startling discovery.
Something in the mail arrives that threatens to cause unimaginable complications to Izuku's life.
Horrifying info-gathering session leads to a flash back that explains something.
And whose ready for some cuddles?


Thank you all for sticking around with me! Gotta love *ahem*HATE*ahem* writers block/lack of motivation/family medical sort-of-emergency to throw a wrench in your writing plans! Anywho I have this one ready to go, personally it doesn't feel like my best but I hope you like it! Let me know what you think! See you in the end notes!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Slowly rousing Izuku blinked his eyes open, slowly sitting up as he realized that he was in his bed, the master bedroom of his house. Pushing himself up and looking over at his clock he sighed, it was a little after nine in the morning, which meant dad must be home by now. Thankfully however it was spring break, so he didn't have to worry about being late for school, which meant the man was most likely going to be sleeping in late.

"Hey." The quiet slightly deep voice startled Izuku and he jolted slightly before his gaze snapped towards his doorway and he blinked at Katsuki as he stepped into the room, two steaming cups in his hands, striding over he passed one to Izuku as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Coffee." He said staring at Izuku with an unreadable expression.

Wordlessly accepting the cup and bringing it to his mouth he took a sip, relishing the slight sweet but also the bitter taste of the stuff as it washed down his throat. And aside from a soft thank you he remained silent and simply stared at Katsuki as the teen stared at the ground in front of him. It was clear that he had something he wanted to say, but was having a hard time getting it out, and honestly this amongmanyof the other things involving Katsuki Bakugou, showed thetremendousamount of progress the angry teen had made in regard to controlling his temper and appropriately expressing his emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.

"I don't think you're disgusting, Izuku." Katsuki finally said and Izuku jolted slightly when the other teen said his name. "I... you did what youhadto, to survive. Making that choice to do the...thingsthat you did must have been hard, I can'tfathomwhat it must have been like, what it mustbelike to do something like that to survive. And while I can'tunderstandwhy you did it, I know that you're notdisgusting, you're so f*cking strong and brave to do what you did to make sure that you survived when everyone,me included,was against you." Katsuki said softly, his voice strained and filled with emotions that Izuku couldn't really place, and he shook his head and Izuku watched as the teen's brows drew together in a deep furrow. "I can't, I can'tfathomto even comprehend what it must be like what you feel. And then what I did to you all those years, on top of what Aun-Inkodid to you. It... it must have been so f*cking hard. And I'm...god Izuku,I'm so f*cking sorry for what I did to you." He said and leaning forward set his cup on the ground next to him before resting his elbows on his knees and thunking his head into his hands. "I'm such a f*ckingasshole, I did so much to you and yet younevertried to get back at me for anything. Even when the old hag forced me to come and apologize you didn't even demandanythingfrom me or them. You just wanted to let it go like it never happened."

Izuku shrugged slightly. "It's-"

"No, it'snotokay!" Katsuki lifted his head and looked over at Izuku and his emerald eyes were met with turbulent red ones. "How I treated you wasnotokay and don't sit there and say that it was!Nobodydeserves to be treated the way that I treated you! And I was such a f*cking asshole to think that my behavior was okay! I started to realize how much of an asshole I was and that my behavior towards you wasn't okay after my parent's got me into therapy, but after starting it and anger management classes and working through everything I realized that what I did waswrongon so many levels that I didn't even comprehend andnothingI do willevermake up for it!"

Izuku set his mug down on the nightstand and slowly moved towards Katsuki, ignoring the fact that he was in nothing but his boxer shorts which meant that Katsuki would have had to strip him. "I know." Izuku nodded and sat cross-legged next to the clearly astronomically distraught teen and slowly rested his head against the bigger teens shoulder, feeling the slight tremor course through his body. "But the good thing is that yourealizethat, and you're working with your councilor and AM coach to make sure that it doesn't happen again. And honestly I can see a massive change in your behavior already." He said resting a hand on the teen's thigh reassuringly.

"But what I did to you-"

"Is thepast, Kacchan." Izuku gently but firmly cut in. "What you did is in thepastand that's where it's going to stay,use itto fuel your behavior going forward.Useit to make sure that you never treat people like that ever again. Besides you're getting help to make sure that you don't treat anyone else like that again."

Katsuki swallowed and closed his eyes tightly as if what Izuku had saidpainedhim in some way. "Why?Whythe f*cking hell are you so god-damnedforgiving!? After all the f*cking abusive, and f*cking bullsh*t that I put you through? Bullsh*t that you didn't f*ckingdeserve!Whyare you willing to forgive me?!"

"Because deep down I know that you're a good person." Izuku shrugged slightly, smiling gently at the teen even though he wasn't looking at him. "Because I know what it's like to have your circ*mstances reflect how society dictates how you act."

"What?" Katsuki looked over at him.

"I was abused, bullied, and left for dead, and society would dictate that I either lay down and die or become so rotten and bitter that I turn to a life of crime or at least be a gutter rat." Izuku stated and shrugged at Katsuki's horrified expression. "Meanwhile you were cherished as a child, praised for having such an amazingly powerful and flashy quirk, told you that you were the best and would always be the best, you've always been super smart and so it was stated thatof courseyou would be head of the class and because of that you always were, not to mention giving sh*t all ways to cope with your anger due to your general personality and the aspects of your quirk that cause you to have a higher temper and hormone imbalance that leads to outbursts of uncontrollable anger due to the adrenaline constantly pumping through your bloodstream. Due to that upbringing, you turned into a spoiled and arrogant child with an anger issue that lashed out at those you deemed 'beneath' you."

"Wow, you don't hold anything back, do you?" He quipped acidly.

Izuku shrugged. "For situations like these when posterity is needed, it's best to be blunt as possible that way sh*t isn't misconstrued in translation."

"Yea, point taken." Katsuki agreed slightly and shoved his hands through his hair before sighing and looking down at Izuku next to him. "C'mon, dad'll be here soon so let's go eat and then get ready for the day." He grumbled before pushing himself up off the bed after grabbing his cup off the floor and exited Izuku's room without looking at the other teen. "Oh, your feral insomniac left a note that he's going to be at UA for the next few days to get sh*t for the Sports Festival as well as getting the new recruits to the Movement in semblance of order."

Taking a breath Izuku shoved a hand through his own hair as he watched Katsuki disappear from his room before he pushed himself off his bed, stretched and pulled on a pair of sweats before scooping up his heavenly cup of coffee and leaving his room to pad bare footed down his hall to the stairs. Jogging down them, effortlessly keeping his cup from spilling he wrapped his hand around the post at the end and swung himself around into a fluid movement he walked towards the kitchen, looking up he blinked at a stunned Katsuki, blushing slightly when he realized the other man had just seen him use a stripper move to descend the stairs. But he shrugged and moved passed Katsuki into the deliciously smelling kitchen.

"Did you make me breakfast?" Izuku asked as he slowed when he noticed his table set for two with a traditional Japanese breakfast positioned between both place sets. "Atraditionalbreakfast? But we haven't gone on our run." Izuku murmured eyes widening as he strode over to a place setting and slowly set his coffee down as he stared at the bowl of miso soup, rice, sliced rolled omelet, steamed vegetables, a decently fillet of grilled fish, and natto a dish that he hadn't had inforeversince his mother had stopped cooking healthy meals for him. Slowly looking up at a slightlyblushingKatsuki who wouldn't look at him Izuku rested the fingers of one hand on his table and swallowed. "Kacchan... I didn't have the majority of ingredients to make this, you, you had to have gone out to the market first thing to get it, come back and then make it all." He shook his head slightly. "Why?"

"Just sit your ass down and f*ckingeat!" He grumbled as he pulled out his own chair and plunked down into the chair across from the smaller boy. "Don't f*cking overthink it you stupid nerd. I figured we could miss one morning run and it won't harm either of us."

Slowly sinking into his own chair Izuku swallowed as he picked up his bowl of soup and started to eat it, moaning softly at the delicious flavor. "Thank you, Kacchan." He groaned softly.

"Shut up and eat." Katsuki grumbled and a red tinge covered Katsuki's ears and he grumbled something incoherently as they dug in.

They devolved into an easy quietness as they ate and then together cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast, and that was how Katsuki's father found them, having let himself into the house after Katsuki had texted him that the door was unlocked. They were sitting in Izuku's living room, looking over the math workbook that Izuku had been stumped with the last few days, Izuku was busy furiously making notes in a notebook to help him later as he nodded, and his gaze zipped between the workbook where Katsuki was busy explaining the issue that Izuku was having and how best to solve the equation andstillshow your work. But the throat clearing drew both of their attention and Izuku beamed at the other man while Katsuki just sneered at his father.

"Uncle!" Izuku scrambled up, missing the way that Katsuki's eyes trailed over the rippling muscles of his back as he fluidly rose still not having put on a shirt. "Thanks for coming over on a Saturday to help me with the greenhouse!"

"Of course, Izuku." Masaru said beaming down at the teen and reaching out ruffling his hair affectionately. "Why don't you head up and get dressed and we can head into the garage to get things set up."

Izuku nodded and bounced away, completely oblivious to the hushed conversation that took place in his living room.

Waving at Masaru as the older man headed to his car, the greenhouse set up and ready for dirt to be placed into the garden beds arranged in the thermo-controlled greenhouse walls. It'd taken roughly five hours, but between the three of them they'd gotten it all set up and ready for Izuku to start getting the dirt and compost into the beds when he wanted to, not to mention the super freaking cool high end UV lights that Masaru had surprised him with. Honestly Izuku had damned near passed out form how excited he was at the gift seeing as how he'd ordered the far less expensive ones, but Masaru had shown up with the highest end and fancy as sh*t ones that were insanely high tech. Turning towards Katsuki as the other teen rested against the doorjamb, he put his hands on his hips.

"So, Kacchan whatcha doing here still? I thought you would have taken a ride back home with your dad." Izuku said smiling at the man.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in front of him. "Naw, the hags in a mood and I want to be out of her presence as much as possible."

Izuku nodded. "Well, if you want, I have a spare room that you can crash in."

"Yea, sure." Katsuki nodded.

"C'mon I'll show you, it's upstairs." Izuku said and followed Katsuki back into the house, toeing off his work boots and following after the teen as he made his way through the house. Slowing slightly to check his phone when it vibrated in his pocket, he smiled at the text that he'd received from Shoto.

Shouto:hey bakugou texted me, the two of you talked about our poly relationship?

Izuku:yes, he seemed... supportive, i guess. he at least didn't like call me weird names and leave.

Shouto:ok, do you think he's someone that you'd be interested in exploring a relationship with?

Izuku:wait where is this coming from?

Shouto:honestly i was surprised that he wasn't your first partner with how close the two of you are.

Izuku:... Shouto Todoroki are you telling me that if i want a relationship with kacchan then i have your blessing to pursue it?

Shouto:Izuku, baby, i know things are weird between the two of you and that's a part of your history that you've yet tell me, but even in my emotionally constipated and socially awkward position i can also see that the two of you CARE about one another, just like you and i care about each other, so yes, if you would like to pursue a relationship with bakugou then you have my full support. jsut let me know what you want to do, either when you make up your mind or after you talk to bakugou if you decide to go for it.

Izuku:ok, i'll have to really think about it, i'm not even sure if he'll be open to being a part of anything, i don't even know if he's gay or bi

Shouto:whatever you choose is fine with me. have you spoken to shinsou and bakugou about the information they've gotten for the movement?

Izuku: shinsou's having a bit more trouble finding some information about a key point, which makes sense i was a little worried that that one might cause some issues, i'll have to touch bases with him tomorrow to see if he might need help

Shouto:well why not see if he can come over tonight, you wanted him to know that he could come over right? and bakugou lives like five minutes away he could grab his research stuff and be back before the two of us arrive. if you want that is

Izuku:let me ask Kacchan if he wants to do any research tonight and i'll text you

Shouto:ok, let me know and then we can text Shinsou if Bakugou agrees

He sighed and stared down at the phone in his hand, but when he heard Bakugou grumbling and the sound of his stomps reaching the top of the stairs had him freezing and Izuku realized that Katsuki would most likely just open the door closest to the stairs, but if he did that, he'd see the practice stripper pole that Izuku had had set up in there to work on his routines. Breaking out into a run he took the stairs two at a time. "K-Kacchan, wait!" He reached the top of the stairs and felt his face flush as he took in Katsuki standing at the open doorway, mouth agape at what he saw inside. Mirrors covered two of the four walls, a stripper pole set up in roughly the middle of the room and a high-backed chair was positioned in front of it, thick gray exercise padding covered the floor to ensure that if Izuku f*cked up and slipped he wouldn't get hurt landing on the floor, not that he ever had. But the protection was there just in case.

"You have a stripper pole. In yourhouse." Katsuki said and slowly turned to face Izuku. "Why?"

"Practice!" Izuku blurted, wringing his hands in front of himself nervously. "It's topracticemy routines!"

"And the chair?" Katsuki demanded pointed at it.

"Owl comes over and sometimes I ask him let me give him a lap dance when I'm working on a new routine." Izuku shrugged.

"Youlap danceyour best friend?" Katsuki demanded, voice rising slightly what was appeared to be hysteria.

"Well, yea, he's one of the few people that I'm completely platonic with and see as my older brother. So, periodically we practice our lap dances and pole routines with each other so they're perfect and there won't be any accidents at the club when we perform them." Izuku said moving closer, sliding past Katsuki into the room and shrugging as he strode into the room, ignoring the way he could stare at himself in the mirror as he strode over to and turned, resting his back against the pole. "We bounce ideas off of one another and give each other pointers on how to make a move look more fluid, or how to hold ourselves so it's much more seductive."

Slowly striding into the room Katsuki looked up at the pole and then down at Katsuki and swallowed. "H-have you danced for anyone else?" He asked softly.

Izuku blinked, knowing that Katsuki meantherein his personal practice room, and he slowly shook his head. "No, I haven't. I've thought about brining Shou in here, but I've never really had the guts to yet."

"None of the people form your work?" Katsuki demanded.

"Oh hell no," Izuku automatically shut that down with a firm shake of his head. "This is my private space, myhome. Work sh*tstaysat work. Never shall the two ever cross. Aside from Owl and March, those two are an exception because they're part of my Found Family."

Katsuki nodded. "Good, at least you're smart aboutthat." He grumbled.

"Hey! Rude!" Izuku barked before he rolled his eyes and folded his arms. "Shouto wants to know if we want to get together tonight to work on the movement lesson gathering. Here of course."

Katsuki froze for a second before he shrugged. "Yea, that's... fine, I guess. We're reaching the end of the info gathering phase, aren't we?"

Izuku blinked, not realizing it but suddenly it dawned on him. "sh*t yea, the festival is only in a few days! Damn I didn't realize that time went that fast!" He put a hand on his head.

"Calm down, nerd, that just means that we can move to the formulating the lessons now." Katsuki stepped closer setting a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder. "It also means that after the festival we can help you formulate the lesson plans, give our input. I know you're big f*cking brilliant ass brain doesn't need the help."

"I know, but it's always nice to know that I have you guys to help me though, makes it easier to work on." Izuku said and smiled up at him. "Now, the guest room, should you want to use it, is the onenextto this one."

Katsuki nodded slightly. "Yea, alright." He said softly and nodded.

"Alright I'm gonna text Shouto, get the mail, and then get the living room ready for us." Izuku said as he backed out of the room before heading down the stairs as Katsuki made an affirmation sound after him. Pulling out his phone as he headed towards the front door Izuku texted Shouto the go ahead to contact Hitoshi about the potential last-minute meet up as he slipped on his shoes and headed out to the mailbox just outside his gate. Quickly gathering that and heading back inside he blinked slightly at the neat and fancy looking letter that stood out against all the random junk mail as well as the important documents. Tossing the rest of the mail onto the end table Izuku carried the letter into the kitchen as he headed for the snacks cupboard and gathered all the healthy bullsh*t that Katsuki and Shota demanded he eat, knowing full well that Shouto and Shinsou were both going to be bringing the good sh*t.

Opening the fancy assed letter and finding that the envelope was actually in fact the letter like in the old days. But what made his skin crawl was the f*ckingmessageinside of it written in artistic and eerily fancy handwriting.

Determination becomes obsession,

and then it becomes all that matters.

Much like how our first interaction led

to my determination to continue seeing

your beautiful body, and thus has led

to you becoming the most beautiful

obsession I could have ever dreamed

of being graced with. It pains me that

you have not been where I can enjoy

your body, my sweet Viridian.Return

soon and swiftly, for I would hate

to have tobringyou back against

your will my beloved.

Forever yours,


The man was sick, and Izuku was going tobesick from reading that. Covering his mouth, he swallowed thickly and several times trying to get the bile that threatened to choke him under control. Izuku had been blocking the man's texts ever since he realized that Kami had somehow gotten his number, he'd sent all the emails that the man had sent him to spam mail automatically without opening them. But now, now was awholedifferent story. The man knew hisphysicaladdress and had made it clear that he could and would access it if he so wanted. He was hoping that after the club incident that Kami would give up, but apparently the polar opposite had happened. Because now Izuku wouldhaveto involve Shota in this f*cking sh*t show and thus would bring in the police, which was going to be a massive sh*t show in and of itself. Because no doubt when he told Shota he would then ask Katsuki and Shouto to ensure that he wasnever alone, which also meant he'd have a helluva time getting to and from his job without a damned chaperone.

Shaking himself out of the alarm and fear that had settled into his gut Izuku stuffed the letter into one of the drawers that was never used and set about gathering the thins as well as clearing off the table to get all the snacks and drinks arranged on it for the night. He'd have the time to worry about the clear stalking and obsession later, right now he had to prepare for his guests to arrive and the task at hand.

"How the hell can people, like,be okaywith this sh*t?" Shinsou asked as he leaned back on his hands where he sat around the coffee table, between Katsuki and Shouto across from Izuku.

Izuku glanced up, pausing where he was making some notes of his own about something. "What do you mean?" He prompted tilting his head to the side.

Shinsou shook his head and looked down at his own laptop and notebook and all the notes that were there, detailed and with their reference source. "How can people...doall the things that they did to one another. I cansort ofunderstand the fear and all that." He waved a hand while the other shoved through his gravity defying lavender hair. "But this is like...different. This goesbeyondnormal fear and misunderstanding. The sh*t that you had us look up was just...wrong."

Izuku set down his pencil and nodded. "Yea, your right. It was and still to this day,iswrong. But that's thepoint,Shinsou. So many peopledon'tthink that what they're doing is wrong, they think that the discrimination isnormalthat it's something that is okay. A lot of the time history, therealhistory isn't told in class. Did you know about any of this? Did your schools teach you about this?Anyof it?"

Slowly Shinsou shook his head. "No."

"No, they didn't, and yea I can understand why they wouldn't teachelementaryschoolers about the massacres and the prison camps, and all of that happening around the world as well as here in Japan. But the fact that they didn't teachmiddle schoolersabout this, about theabusethat the quirkless, mutant or villain type quirks faced over the years is agreatdisservice to the world and it deserves to be told." He explained gently. "Have you noticed any patterns in the mass genocides, the construction of the concentration camps, death marches?" He prompted looking around at the three teens.

It was Katsuki whose pencil dropped, and his head snapped up at him and his eyes were wide. "They... they all started withdiscrimination."

"Right, they started with a slow building of mass discrimination." Izuku nodded. "When the public mostly agreed with the discriminations against those types, as well as the quirkless, it became easier to amp it up. What came next?"

"Hate crimes." Shinsou added softly.

"Yes, the continued reoccurrence of hate crimes that slowly built up until they were murders, or blatant mid-day 'cullings'." Izuku nodded and paused. "What followed?"

"The eventual segregation of the people and then the concentration camps and eventually the... mass genocide." Shouto finally added and slowly covered his mouth as his own eyes went almost comically wide. "Oh my god we're... our society is in thehate crimesstage, isn't it?"

"What?" Shisnou barked.

"Bullsh*t!"Bakugou snarled.

"He's right." A tired voice caused all four boys to jump, Katsuki's palms sparking in startled alarm while Shouto's left side went up in flames that were just as quickly gone. "At least the verybeginningof the hate crimes."

"Yea." Izuku agreed nodding almost apologetically.

"Are youserious?"Shinsou demanded head snapping between Izuku and Shouta.

Izuku nodded as the teens all looked to him. "It's a pattern of history, and as the saying goings..." Izuku looked over to his adoptive father who sighed and rolled his eyes.

"History always repeats itself." They said in synch.

"Which is why Nedzu wants to head it off before our society can stepfurtherinto the hate crimes stage. That one, in all the recorded history that we have, both Japanese, and around the world, each ones showcases that this particular stage can pick up speed like a speeding car without brakes going down the Eshima Ohashi bridge. One little move and this phase will swiftly move on to the 'cullings' and then blatant segregation. Already there's signs of that happening." Shota sighed as he flopped down onto the chair behind Izuku.

"Mhm," Izuku hummed softly. "More and more stores, establishments, and medical facilities are turning away those with 'less ideal' quirks, and those who are quirkless are outright laughed out of the buildings or the police are called to escort them out. It's only a matter time before people are targetedfarmore violently than ever. Which is why Nedzu wants to implement this movement now before things escalate further. Raising awareness now is the best way to get things to change permanently, it'll also help get things rollingoutsideof the education system especially with the high rollers that we now have on our side."

"Well f*ck." Shinsou muttered.

"Yea." Shota sighed as he let his head thunk back."f*ck."

"Which is why this sh*t is important and why I've been pushing for things to be perfect and gave us all a f*ck load of stuff to look up and detail." Izuku said apologetically as he looked around at the three teens. "And you've all done amazing, you've found nearly all the things I needed you to find and Iknowthat a lot of them weren't pleasant in the slightest, which is why I'm inherently grateful for you guys searching so diligently."

"Yes," Shouto said softly and shuddered. "A lot of the topics were...unpleasantto see and read about. Are you seriously going to be putting these into our lessons?" He asked softly.

"Some of the more...disturbingcases no." Izuku shook his head. "The mostdisturbingones are going to be for the teachers to reallyhit homethe importance of we need to be an anti-quirkist society."

"You think those bitches will listen?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku looked over at him and shrugged. "Possibly. I mean the main point is that these things didn't just happen in the span of five years, a lot of them aredecadesapart. The first one was the first emergence of the quirks nearlythree hundredyears ago, and the latest one was only twenty years ago, but there were other instanceslike thesethat happened well before quirks appeared. So, the fact that a lot of the big events happeneddecadesapart shows that the fact that history repeats, that discrimination and mass genocide will most liley happen if we aren't careful is a big selling point." Izuku pointed out.

"And unless things are pointed out and spelled out in graphic detail the idiots of society won't listen." Shota stated.

"Yea, that." Izuku agreed nodding.

Hours later Izuku and Shouto were cleaning up the mess that had been made due to the snacks and drinks that they'd had while going through the information, shockingly Katsuki and Shinsou had passed out, one face first into the coffee table and the other curled upunderneaththe coffee table, and his dual haired boyfriend had offered to help him clean and so Izuku had taken him up on that offer. It also gave him aperfectopportunity to ask him a certain question that had been nagging at him since last night.

"Hey, Shouto?" He prompted as he finished rinsing the dishes that had been used and putting them into the dishwasher to be run in the morning.

"Yes?" The other teen said turning to look at Izuku.

"I have a question I was hoping you could answer." He said hesitantly.

"Ask." Shouto said in a reassuring tone as he rested a hip against the island.

"So, I'm not necessarilymadthat you brought Katsuki to Mama's, but Iamcurious as towhyyou brought him, could you possibly explain how that came to happen?" He asked looking over at the other teen.

"Oh, of course, it was kind of an accident really. He more or lesstrickedme into brining him to Mama's, so I guess I owe you an apology and explanation." Shouto explained, and then started to tell him what happened.

Yesterday after classes...

"Hey, Icy-Hot!" Bakugou barked, stalking up Shouto as the other teen packed up his belongings.

The other teen looked up at the angry blonde with a deadpan expression. "Yes, Bakugou?"

"You know where Izuku works don't you?" He demanded.

Shouto blinked, suddenly on high alert as he stared at the angry blonde, though he kept his expression neutral. "Yes, of course I do."

"f*cking fantastic," Bakugou growled stepping closer. "What's the address, and when does his damned shift start?"

Narrowing his eyes slightly as he pulled his backpack strap onto his shoulder he stared at the other teen. "Do you not know?" He prompted, his distrust in Bakugou's sudden interest in Izuku's work alarming.

The angry teen seemed to grow impossiblyangrieras he growled animalistically, though shockinglyquiet,as he rolled his eyes aggressively. "No! every f*cking time I ask he tells me I don't need to worry about it, that I don't f*cking need to know the damned location or his sh*t schedule! And the f*cking Hobo Sensei refuses to f*cking tell me anything!"

Shouto shifted slightly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Bakugou, if neither he nor his adoptive father, who isinsanelyhomicidallyprotectiveof Izuku, are adamant aboutnottelling you about anything in regard to his job, then perhaps that's for a reason that you should respect." He stated. "As such, I'm going to have to respect Izuku's clear wishes to not inform you of anything to do with his job."

"Look you f*cking Half & Half bastard, I'm not f*ckingstupid!I know he most likely doesn't want me to know more about his job then I do, but I just want to make sure that he's actually f*ckingsafethere!" He snarled stepping closer until there was only a foot or so between them. "And seeing as I'm not getting a f*ckingmorselof information from those two idiots, I was...hopingthat you would f*cking help me." He gritted out though his teeth. "All I f*cking want is to make sure that motherf*cking sh*t nerd is f*ckingsafeat his job! That'sit!"

Shouto blinked at the other teen before hesitating. "He's... told you about his job?"

Bakugou nodded sharply. "f*ckingyes." He bit out.

Hesitating yet again, looking away and frowning, conflicted for a moment before looking up at the angry teen and staredhardinto the other teens eyes before he took a slow deep breath. "Okay, fine, I was planning on surprising him tonight and I guess you can tag along with me.Butyou have to swear that you won't tellanyoneabout the location or what you see."

Bakugou frowned at him, a bit of confusion in his eyes that made Shouto hesitate again before that confusion was gone and the blond was giving a clipped nod. "Yea, fine, whatever. What time and where am I meeting you?"

"I'll text you where to meet and when, think you can sneak out?" He prompted.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Of f*cking course I can you sh*tty bastard."

Shouto nodded. "Alright." He said and turned, walking away from the explosive boy, feeling a bit of guilt and apprehension over bringing the other teen to Mama's. And while he was a bit confused about the fact that he hadn't told Bakugou the location of the club, it wasn't like hedidn'twant the other teen to know about his job, after all Izukuhadtold him about what he did for work. So it wasn't like hedidn'talready know, realistically howbadcould it be for him to bring Bakugou with him to the club?

"Hello again Todo!" The patron hostess/front desk receptionist greeted warmly, already aware of who he was seeing as Shoto had come through the main entrance several times since meeting/dating Izuku. "Oh, and you're brought a new potential patron with you?!"

Shoto gave a warm, for him, greeting bow to the woman before glancing at Bakugou who was looking around the main entrance warily, pulling out Enji's black card he passed it to her. "Yes, and we'd like to make him a member as well."

"Certainly, let me just pull up the forms that he'll need to sign as well as ID." She said and with quick practiced precision got Bakugou set up as a member, linked fully to Enji's account just as Shoto was so that way everything would be fully paid for by the rich man.

"Now, like normal your wrists." She said, producing several metal bands, one for each of them.

"What the f*cks that?" Bakugou growled as he glared own at the bracelets suspiciously.

"These," The woman started as she clicked one onto Shoto's wrist. "Are to tell the servers as well as bartenders that while youarea member of Mama's, you areunderageand as such will not be served alcohol or given any other adult limited paraphernalia that are offered while within this establishment."

"Drugsare offered here?" He demanded on a snarl.

The woman snorted and gave him an amused smile that just made him sneer at her. "No, no silly boy!" She giggled at him. "We offer Hookah as well as several types of marijuana infused products. We do not, and willnever,tolerateactualdrugs within this establishment and any patrons or staff members that are found with them on their bodies areswiftlyand quitestrictlydealt with." She said and gave him a brilliant smile. "Now, you two had best hurry on along, the set is about to begin and from what I've heard Viridian is going to be making a big debut."

Shoto blinked, hand lashing out and grabbing Bakugou's wrist before yanking him after the slightly taller teen, all while the explosive one snapped and snarled. But the second they pass through the end of the short hallway and through the door at the end of it and into the main club floor Bakugou just... stopped. Well, he keptmoving, but any resistance and snarling demands for Shoto to let go justceasedas he took in the space with wide disbelieving eyes. And yes, Shoto knew why he looked like that. The place was...something else.

Most strip clubs, or wellexoticclubs weren't as well kept or astastefullyopulent. It was either they were seedy and disgusting, or disgusting and gaudy.

But not Mama's.

No, this place was all sleek dark woods, muted but still decent lighting, comfortable and well cared for tables, chairs, couches, and booths filled the room but didn'toverfillthem. The bar that took up one entire corner of the room was again, well-lit but also muted, the place was alsowell tendedby the wait staff as well as discrete janitorial staff to ensure it was kept clean and tidy. It was also well patrolled by the decent numbers of bouncers that were stationed all around the massive first floor. And then there were the well-built and looked after stripper poles and stages that were set up around the room, with the main stage reaching a third of the way into the massive room with branching other stages, as well as private pole dance 'cubicles' set up around the room's perimeter for semiprivate pole dances. And then there was the second floor where more private pole dances and the majority of the lap dances took place, we well as the *ahem*otheractivities of the club took place.

"Well, hello there Mr. Todo, fancy seeing you here on such a renowned night." A woman's voice seemed tocaressdown their backs in an almost purr, if that purr just happened to be filled with such foreboding anddangerof a looming threat.

Turning Shoto stared up at the notbigwoman, but slightly stocky and powerfully lithe muscled woman with tawny gold hair draped around her shoulders, her cat-like amber gold eyes locked onto them with predatory focus. Which made sense seeing as she had a lioness quirk that gave her all the aspects of, you guess it, alioness. "Good evening, Mama." Shoto greeted with a slight bow, and beside him Bakugou did the same, and by somegrace of godsdidn't say a damned thing. Maybe due to the fact that in the cab ride Shouto had stressed that if he was rudeat allhe would be black-listed and leave with permanent claw marks on his face, as well as the fact that the woman justoozeddanger/threat of violent. "I figured I could surprise him tonight."

She smiled and nodded. "Well then, let's get you some good seats, you'll be quite surprised tonight." She said and chuckled before leading the two teens to the main stage and settled then into several seats after a bouncer spoke softly into the two gentlemen seated there, who after only abriefhesitation vacated the seats rapidly when Mama justlookedat them. But then they were seated and waiting.

"What thef*ckwas that?!" Bakugou hissed, having dragged Shouto off to the side and snarled that question into Shouto's face.

"That... was him doing his job." Shouto said and frowned at him beforereallylooking at the blonde before he blinked. "You said he told you, you said youknew."

"I knew he did some sketchy sh*t I didn't know he f*ckingstripped!"Bakugou snarled and gripped Shouto's shirt. "How thef*ckcan you be okay with that?"

Shouto blinked at him before reaching up and slowly pulled the other teens hand off his shirt and stepped up into Bakugou's personal space, but thelookon the heterochromatic teens face had the blonde silent as he glared back. "Because he's told me, firsthand, what he went through. And second, because I haveno rightto judge what he has done in order tosurvivethus far. And I suggest that before you judge him yourself you stop andtalkto him. If he's willing, get him to open up to you aboutwhyhe strips. But let me make one thing clear, Bakugou, his life, the things that he has gone through areunimaginable, and he hadnobodythat he could rely on."

"He could have f*cking come to my family!" Bakugou retorted.

"After how you treated him? Inhisshoes would you have?" Shouto challenged.

The blonde stared at him, well more likeglared,before he turned. "I'm going home." He snarled before stalking back towards the exit.

Shouto stared after him before sighing and turning around, deciding to go and find Mama.

*Present Time*

Izuku stared at Shouto, blinking slowly before he nodded. "Okay, that makes sense."

Shouto nodded before glancing over at the rage-filled blonde. "If I had known that you actually hadn't told himeverythingabout your job then I wouldn't have told him, I wouldn't have brought him with me."

Izuku nodded and reaching out patted the other's arm. "It's alright, not like I could really fault you for that. I didn't tell you not to tell anyone so it's not your fault." He said.

He just hummed softly.

"But, now let's get pillows and blankets, the floors nottoocomfortable but it's a bit too late for everyone to head home." Izuku said as he stood and moved to grab throw pillows while Shouto pushed himself up and moved towards the spare blankets that were neatly stacked in a basket. Quickly getting the two other teens settled onto the floor with pillows under their heads and blankets on them before they settled in themselves. "Good night, Sho." Izuku said as he cuddled into his boyfriend's side while the dual haired teen wrapped his arms around the greenette.

"Good night, Izu." Shouto murmured back, burrowing his nose in the soft green curls.

And if, in a few hours, Aizawa stood over the teens, staring down at them with a bland expression while he forced down his Gremlin-Dad-Mode at the sight in front of them all, he silently pulled out his phone and snapped a picture. A picture that was of the four teens all piled together in the middle of the living room floor next to the coffee table littered with papers and their laptops. Izuku was admittedly in the 'middle' of the cuddle-puddle with Shouto wrapped around his front and his head nuzzled underneath Izuku's chin, while Bakugou was pressed up against his back and his face smooshed into the back of Izuku's neck/back of his head, and Shinsou was wrapped comedically around one of Izuku's leg, his head pillowed on Izuku's inner thigh.

Taking pity on the four boys Aizawa silently turned and headed towards his room to get at least four hours of sleep before he needed to be up for work, he'd heard the boys up at anungodlyhour working on the Quirkism lessons, so he knew that it wasn't for a sh*tty reason that they had crashed as hard as they had.


And there we have it, how Pomeranian talked his way into getting our Strawbery Shortcake to take him to Mamas! But I think it was a BIT MORE then Katsuki anticipated, but it worked out I guess huh? Anyway, what you guys think of the letter? Was it threatening enough, stalkery enough, or should I have gone harder? I was thinking about slowly building it up, like Psycho Stalker gets more intense/unhinged the longer that Izuku ghosts his creepy ass. Let me know what you think.
I also loved that GremlinZawa had to tamp down the Gremlin-Dad mode, and subconsciously he acknowledged that fact lol, but also took a picture of the cuddle-puddle *ahem*BLACKMAIL*ahem* to show Izuku later just how adorable he was.
Anyway, thank you all so much for sticking with me! Sorry the updates are getting a bit farther apart, I'll try to get better about that but I can't promise anything. So, without any further ado, thank you all for reading if you want leave a comment, drop a kudos if you can and want to, and I'll see you all in the next one!

Chapter 20: Sports Festival pt 1


So beings the sports festival!
And, oh? What do we have here? A little conversation?
What is in store next time as the festival carries on?


Hello my dear readers! Thank you all for sticking around, please enjoy this chapter and hopefully I'll have pt 2 done soon and post it, as always thank you so much for reading and I'll see you in the end notes or int he next chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Looking up at the four teens in front of him, all of them dressed in their gym uniforms he smiled. "I've already talked to the four of you separately, given all the pointers and suggestions that I can fathom, so I don't need to give each one of you separate pep talks, but I will give you hugs of good luck if you want it." He said and held out his arms grinning wildly at them.

Katsuki, typically, scoffed and looked away even as Shouto seemed to just fall into Izuku's arms with a happy hum, snuggling up to him and pressing a sneaky kiss into Izuku's throat. Shinsou and Neito just waited beside them patiently, well Shinsouwaited patiently, Neito tapped his foot while crossing his arms in front of himself. When the dual-colored teen pulled away Shinsou stepped forward and wrapped his arms firmly around the greenette.

"You tell us if any motherf*cker bothers you." Shinsou said as he pulled away, rubbing his hand on the top of Izuku's green curls.

Batting his hand away Izuku laughed softly. "I'll be fine, Vlad King will be with me, and when he's not I'll be with the rest of 1-B who don't make it after the initial race." He explained.

"And we all know that 1-B isfarsuperior then you lot." Neito sneered as he too wrapped Izuku up in his arms, smooshing the slightly smaller boy into his shoulder even as Izuku made an affronted noise. "After all we'rean open and accepting class unlikeyours." He sneered.

"You know, as much as I'm loath to admit it he's right." Shinsou grumbled. "The f*cker's class ismore open and accepting of Izuku then ours is." He sighed.

"True." Shouto sighed softly and looked away, a frown pinching his brows. "Our class is quite...disappointingin that regard."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Okay, enough with the depressing atmosphere, and you Neito, do you need to sit in a corner?" He demanded giving the other blonde-haired boy a hard look.

"Whatme?"He gasped dramatically as he put a hand to his chest. "No!"

"Good, then stop being a gloating little ass!" Izuku chastised teasingly.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." Vlad's gruff but welcoming voice called out and Izuku turned slightly to watch the blood hero striding towards him, his normal irritated expression on his face but that was belied by the look of fondness in his eyes. "It's time for them to head down to the starting line."

Izuku nodded. "Kay, just a moment." He said and turned back to his people. "Good luck all of you, fight well, fight strong, and give it your all. Plus ultra and all that sh*t."

The four teens all chuckled, varying degrees of expressions as they thanked him for his support before they turned and made their way towards the starting gates. But Izuku looked up at Katsuki when he hesitated a moment longer.

"Kacchan?" He murmured softly as he tipped his head to the side then blinked in surprise when he pulled him into a brief but firm hug.

"Thanks nerd." He grumbled.

"Yea." Izuku managed, burrowing his face into the bigger teen's chest for a brief moment before the explosive teen pulled away and stormed off towards the others who had just paused and were waiting for him, no doubt knowing that he wanted to give Izuku a hug without them there. None of them,noteven Neito,mentioned the fact that he'd hugged the green teen. Turning he smiled up at the blood hero and followed him to the 1-B section, grinning in thanks at Lunch Rush when he passed Izuku a big tub of popcorn and soda to tide him over as he watched the Sports Festival. Moving down the rows of seats until he was at the very front Izuku sank down in the middle of the row and kicked back, Vlad King settling down next to him.

"What's your projection for this round?" He prompted as they watched the opening bit where Present Mic talked about the tradition of the festival before he opened the floor to Midnight who took over and explained the rules of this round, and then there was this year's representative Katsuki whose 'speech' (if it could be called that, seeing as it was pretty much "I'm the best and you're all beneath me" kinda vibes) caused uproar and looks of disapproval from his classmates. But when he looked up at the stands, atIzukuand smirked Izuku made a dramatic roll of his head as he rolled his eyes but grinned broadly down at the teen who scoffed playfully. "Well, this round it'll either be Todoroki or Bakugou for first and second place. Third and fourth it'll be Neito or Shinsou. And from there I don't really know, nor do I care to project."

Vlad King stared at him for a long moment. "That's a... pretty presumptuous estimation that your four friends will all be in the upper five."

Izuku looked over at him with a serious expression. "It's not an estimation." He said in all seriousness. "I've been training with my guys for the last few weeks, I know what they're capable of, so Iknowthat all four of them are going to be in the upper ranks."

The man stared at him before a sly smile crept across his lips. "Would you like to put a wager on that?" He asked.

Izuku smirked. "You're on,oh!Hurry get the rest of the staff in on it!" He said excitedly smacking Vlad King's arm before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth while the hero whipped out his phone and started furiously typing away on it. Pausing only long enough to get the amount that Iuzku wanted to place on his rankings. By the end of the five minutes they'd decided to go wtih the top five rankings, it was also agreed that whomever had the mos t students correctly in the upper five won, and if multiple people got that right then it was the one who got the most int he correct order, and then the money would be divied appropriately if more than one got the people and the alignment in the most order. Honestly, it wasexciting.

And by then the starting horn blared and the contestents were off. Racing through their first opstacle, the starting tunnel. Really it was a bottle neck where to many people were crammed into a to narrow spot, sabotage reigned supreme in that narrow place, primarily in the form of Todorokifreezingthe competiion to the ground in a bare split second. Only Shinsou, Bakugou, Neito, andobviouslyTodoroki making it out of there not frozen to the ground. Bakugou, unsurprisignlyblasting offthrough the air and making it to the second leg of the race, Demolition Derby! Aka, the revamped and repurposed entrance exam robots, complete with two hulking 0-pointers that barred the way. One of which quickly toppled over with a One-Two-Hit by Todoroki's ice and a solid explosion to the face by Bakugou, effectively creatinganotherdiversion for their fellow contestants to try and get over. But whatwassurprising was the fact that while Todoroki was sort of skiing on his ice to get through the race,Shinsouhad wrapped a part of his capture weapon (which had been allowed upon the fact that Izuku had pointed out he wasbasicallyquirkless when it came to combat due to his mental quirk!) around Todoroki's waist in a sort ofharnessand the heterochromatic teen waspullingShinsou and Neito behind him as if he were a glorified sled dog for them as he slid along the ice. Both boys were laughing and grinning, evenTodorokihad a small smile while Bakugou was glancing over at them and giving them an amused smirk while keeping pace with his explosions.

Grinning as he kicked back and watched the show Izuku smirked at Vlad King as they watched the four boys' breeze through the course like it wasnothing.

"How did you...predictthis?" Vlad King demanded as he glanced from the massive jumbo holoscreen in the middle of the arena.

Izuku snorted as he watched on, finding deep satisfaction and glee as the four boys slowed when they came to the mine field, alreadywellahead of the rest of the students, though a certain pink dreadlocked girl was fast approaching. "Because I knowmyGremlins." He stated nonchalantly and looked over at the man and his smirkgrew. "And I've beentrainingthem for the past few weeks to get ready for this."

The hero leaned slightly away form Izuku. "You are quite terrifying." The man stated, making Izuku chuckle lightly.

"Oh, I know." Izuku shrugged as he took a sip from his soda. "Not many people know it so don't go spewing sh*t, but then again not that many people will believe you. But still, I'd like to remain the innocent sunshine of the Support Course for as long as possible."

Vlad King stared at him for a long moment. "Are yousureyou're not Erasurehead's biological son?"

Izuku sighed dishearteningly. "Unfortunately, I am quite sure. The paternity test does not lie, I have 0% familial DNA with the man."

"That's..." Vlad was now frowning in confusion. "What?Paternity test?"

Izuku shrugged as he watched his gremlins made their way through the mine field in rapid cautious confidence. "Shouto wouldn't shut up about me being Erasurehead's 'secret love child' that he decided to finally claim when he realized that my home life wasn't the best."

Yet again Vlad just stared at a loss for how to tackle that.

"Yea, I know," Izuku sighed and patted the man's upper arm. "Shouto's a closetedhardcoreconspiracy theorist. He's stillconvincedthat Tokoyami and Hawks are related somehow. Oh, and that one of the third years is All Mights secret love child. Oh! My personalfavoriteis that he is near a hundred percent certain that Midnight and Present Mic are either dating or engaged."

At that Vlad did a spit take, not that he had anything in his mouth to spit out, but the reaction was stillhilariousand made Izuku snicker."What?!"He wheezed.

"Mh-hmm." Izuku nodded. "Hundred percent that is what Shouto Todoroki believes and is willing to die on that hill like the martyry that he will be."

"But... but Hizashi isgay.Like...flamboyantlyand aggressivelyout theregay." Vlad said in a hushed whisper, leaning towards Izuku.

"Oh, I know, you are preaching to the choir here." Izuku nodded as he watched the screen, snickering slightly when Monoma set off a glitter bomb and was doused in multi-colored sparkle shower even as he kept powering on. "But once that boy gets his teeth into a conspiracy until he has one hundreddefinitiveproof either in his hands or in his face, he will legit throw hands andfight youlike a feral preschooler if you try and disprove his theories. Ten-out-of-tendonotreccomend, Monoma tried it the other day and wascryingby the end of that argument along with cat like claw marks from where Shouto scratched him like achild."

"What?!" Vlad gasped."He'sthe reason I got that weird email from Chiyo?!"

"Mm, yea, a lot of people don't realize that just because Shouto doesn't reallyemoteemotions and is socially inept, he can be onepetty bitchwhen he wants to be. He just getsreallyf*cking personal with his insults and jabs." Izuku said and shook his head. "Honesetly if it wasn't horrifying and quite alarming, it would beimpressivehow viscous that little cinamon roll can be."

"Cinnamon roll?" Vlad echoed softly.

"Oh, it means he's harmless looking and quite sweet like a cinnamon roll, but on the inside he'll cut a bitch at the slightest provocation just like that super-hot inner part of the roll will burn the sh*t out of your mouth if you take a bite to soon." Izuku explained.

Vlad stared... again. "Your generation is terrifying."

"Oh I know!" Izuku cackled before he started smacking Vlads arm. "Oh, oh here we go! Therealrace begins!" He said starting to bounce in his seat excitedly.

Vlad looked back at the screen and sighed, shoulders slumping. "You're going to win the bet, aren't you?" He asked tiredly.

Izuku? Well, he just cackled slightly manically in his excitement, bouncing in his seat as he did, in fact, win the bet. And not just that he won by guessingeveryperson correctly.

Meaning in first he'd guessed Todoroki, correct.

Second, Shinsou, also correct.

Thrid, a pissed off Bakugou, yeup.

Fourth, shco*kingly Mei Hatsume from the support course by like asecond, mhm.

Fifth, a put off Monoma who glared at Mei... ding, ding, ding!

Izuku is the winnder of the bet by all correct guesses! And if he cackled later while the staff of UA heroics course, including one grumpy Aizawa and a slgihtly annoyed Nedzu, while collect his betting winnings that was between Izuku and the staff.

He'd also won the bet for the second round, aka the calvary battle, once again ranking all the teams by who would come out on top.

But now as he was coming out of the bathroom as they waited for the third round to start Izuku paused as he was headed back to his seat when he heard a familiar voice down a hallway, and he sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation before turning and heading to go deal with that situation before it was blownwaymore out of the water than it currently was.

"I do not understand why you keep throwing this temper tantrum Shouto," Enji grumbled down as his youngest, arms crossed in front of himself as his boy glared up at him with hatred in his dual-colored eyes. The light grey of his right side along with the snow-white hair so reminiscent of...herthat it made his heart ache, and yet the burn on the left side of his left side sent a shock wave of guilt and hopelessness through him at the implication of what that side had done to...herto do that to their youngest."You arewastingyourself simply for your idiotic temper tantrum. It's time to use your full potential."

No, this wasn't what he wanted to talk to his boy about!

"I'll get through this tournament with moms' ice." Shouto snapped back.

Enji growled. "You're beingpetulant!"

He wanted to tell him howproudhe was!Whyis he bringing up Shouto using his fire?!

Enji opened his mouth to speak-


The sound the massive man made as he jumped, the flames on his face spluttering out even as Shouto jumped as well, was a cross between a chocked off scream and a rather high-pitched yelp. But slowly he turned his head to look over his shoulder and gulped softly as he locked eyes with oneclearlypissed off green haired teen as Viridian,no, no, noIzuku Midoriya, stood tapping his foot with his arms crossed in front of him as he glared at the massive man. "M-Midoriya, shouldn't y-"

"Quiet."He barked and Enji's mouthsnappedshut with an audible click. "Shouto come here." He called to the other teen in a softer voice.

Shouto hummed softly, nearlyskippingaround his father like a damned puppy and up to the smaller green haired teen. "Yes?"

"While I support whatever choice you make, I do agree that in all fairness youshoulduse your fire,butagain I know your reasonings behind why you don't, and I support whatever choice you make." He said and reached up with one hand patted the other teens chest lovingly. "So, whether or not you use your fire or opt not to is up to you and I support you, we've talked about it at length, so with that go get ready for your match I believe I want to have a few words with your father."

"Make him cry? For me?" Shouto said leaning down to kiss the teen softly on the cheek.

"No, you gremlin!" Izuku chided and smacked Shoto's bicep. "Go!"

Shouto frowned down at him. "You're mean." He grumped.

Izuku stared up at him with a deadpanned look. "And I'm surrounded by gremlins who give me migraines,deal."

Shouto opened his mouth then closed it before shrugging. "Fair." He said and bending down gave him a soft kiss before striding away.

Izuku turned and looked at the fidgeting hero."Whatwere youthinkingcornering him before his match?" The small teen demanded.

Enji stared at the teen before lifting a hand and rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly. "I merely wanted to talk to him."

"About what?" The green haired teen demanded.

Enji paused, hesitating for only a moment. "I... I wanted to tell him how proud I was of him." He finally admitted.

Izuku stared up at him before the small teen just sighedhardand pinched the bridge of his nose. "You wanted to tell him how proud you were of him, so you brought up him using hisfire?Enji how the hell is that going to help the situationat all?" He demanded exasperation heavy in his tone.

Enji fidgeted. "I know, I just, when I started talking that was just the first thing that came out of my mouth and I, I couldn'tstop."

"Okay, okay so at least youknowwhat the issue is, are you still going to your therapist?" He demanded.

Enji nodded. "Yes."

"Good," Izuku nodded as he looked at Enji. "Maybe you should talk to them about helping you with proper ways of communicating with your kids so this doesn't happen again, and if they can't help you, they can at least point you in the direction of someone whocanhelp you with proper communication."'

Enji took a small step towards Izuku and held out a hand with a placating expression. "Can't you just..."

"No," Izuku shook his head firmly and held up a hand as if tophysicallystop the man form whatever the hell he was going to ask. "I'm not going to talk to himfor youEnji, the whole part of rebuilding the familial relationship that you have with them, or well that youwantto have with them is something thatyouhave to put the work and effort into. It'snotsomething that I can just insert myself into and be the middleman for all of you to talk through. I know Fuyumi is trying to do that with you and Natsuo and how is that working out for you and him?" Izuku pressed crossing his arms in front of himself as he gave Enji a look.

Enji sighed heavily and looked away a pained expression on his face. "It's... not going well."

"Precisely, it'snotgoing well. She's trying toforcethe two of you to talk, to work out your sh*t, all that's going to do is make things tense and then implode on a horrifying scale andfurtherdamage whatever chances you have of having a relationship with Natsuo." Izuku said and shook his head.

"And what you did when I met with you and Aizawa that night, what was that?" Enji challenged, a bit of frustration edging into his tone and making it harsher than he'd intended.

"That was me asking forcivilityand asking for Shouto tothinkabout possibly trying to rework whatever familial relationship with you that he wanted, that wasn't medemandingthat he suck it up and speak with you or jump right into something he wasn't at all ready for." Izuku said and shook his head. "I've spoken with him about that, he knows what I was shooting for when I said that and so do you don't act like you don't Enji Todoroki." Izuku said and pointed at the man. "You and I both know that all I asked for was civility when I was around all of you because we're going to be in each other's lives for as long as Shouto and I are dating, and I would rather family get togethers aren't a horrifyingly stressful experience. That doesn't mean we all have to be buddy-buddy but at leastciviland not outright assholes to one another."

Enji looked down and away as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, you're right, I just... I've hurt them so much and the through of talking with them, I just... I default into old habits." He admitted so very softly.

"And that's why I'm suggesting that you ask your therapist to look into helping you with proper communication." Izuku stated and shrugged before looking down at his watch. "Look I'm heading back to my seat, we can text later."

"I'll walk you back." Enji offered, stepping towards Izuku.

"No need." A droll voice cut in and Izuku turned as Enji lifted his head and watched a purple haired lanky teen with lithe but well-defined muscles roll off the corner from where he'd been standing. "I'll walk him back, besides he's sitting next to 1-A so it's in the same direction as my class."

"Shinsou!" Izuku chirped and beamed up at the lavender haired teen.

"You feel safe with him Izuku?" Enji prompted.

Izuku turned back to the man, still beaming. "Of course, Shinsou's one of my close friends, he'll make sure I get to my seat safely."

Enji nodded and reaching out ruffled one of his massive hands through Izuku's hair. "Very well, I'll speak with you later."

"Of course!" Izuku chirped before turning and following after the purple haired teen.

It was quiet for several long moments as Izuku strode next to Shinsou until the lavender haired teen dead stopped, reached out and grabbed Izuku's bicep. "How thef*ckdo you know Endeavor?" He demanded softly.

Izuku blinked up at the taller teen as if he were stupid. "Well, heisShouto's dad, and I amdatingShouto... so... doesn't it makesensethat I know him?" He prompted.

Shinsou stared down at him as if he were stupid. "But that," Shinsou pointed back down the hallway. "That doesn't just seem like youknowhim, that seems like you know him on apersonallevel."

Andoh,was this going to be tricky as f*ck. One wrongly said thing and the beans would be spilled horribly. "Okay, well you know that things in the Todoroki house are... tense right?" He prompted.

Shinsou shrugged. "Yea, I've gotten the gist of it, Roki isn't particularly forth coming about all things his family, but you can see it."

"Yea, well I'm notrelatedto them, right?" Izuku said waiting until Shinsou nodded and grunted. "Well, because of that I'm kind of like aneutral partywhen it comes to all things Todoroki family related. Which means I can give outsider input on things that I think neither of them are seeing in regard to the other person. Shouto doesn't want anything to do with his dad, for reasons that he can disclose to you when he feels comfortable enough to do so. Enji wants to have a relationship with his family, but he's done some things that are...not okayand I'm not going into detail about them, so I've been giving advice where I can when it comes to Enji and when Shouto talks to me about his father I talk to him about it, but I don't bring it up and I don't press. Their... relationship is barely there and I'm not going to do something that will ruin what is clearly hanging on just because Enji wants something that Shouto isn't ready to give." He explained.

Shinsou slowly nodded. "So, you're like their therapist?" He prompted.

Izuku snorted. "More like I'm the one pushing Enjitotherapy, and trying to urge Shouto to therapy, but really the decision to talk about their sh*t with a registered psychiatrist is up to them, thankfully though Enji is seeking help so there's that."

"Huh," Shinsou nodded and slung his arm around Izuku's shoulder. "Well, c'mon then oh great Gremlin Lord and Fixer of Family Trauma let's get back to our seats."

Izuku sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "Why must I attract people like you." He grumbled.

Shinsou merely smirked. "Because you, our Broccoli Gremlin Lord are a great Beacon for Gremlins. We can see your iridescent Broccoli colored hair from kilometers away."

"Oh my god you are such a f*ckingtroll!"Izuku snapped at him barely choking back his laughter.

"At least I'm notyou."Shinsou retorted in a deadpan, but the underlying amusem*nt belayed his deadpan. "At least I don't have ahordeof ever-growing number of Gremlins at my back."

"I hate you." Izuku deadpanned as they climbed the stairs.

"Liar." Shinsou snorted back as they crested the stairs where their seating sections split and Shinsou guided him to the 1-B section and ruffled his hair playfully making Izuku squawk.

"You lavender haired Troll Ass!" Izuku squawked indignantly as Shinsou laughed as he headed towards the 1-A section.

"Cheer us on oh great Gremlin Lord!" He called over his shoulder waving a hand at Izuku.

Frowning after the tall lavender haired teen Izuku sighed and headed towards his seat next to Monoma, grumbling as he did and ignoring the knowing smirk the annoying blonde sent him.


Tada, another one done and dusted! A little short, I know, but I didn't want to do one HUGE chapter for the festival, so broke it up into two portions. Like I said above hopefully I'll have the second half done soon. I feel like, because Izuku is so freaking smart, that OF CORUSE he'd be able to like bet that his Gremlins would do amazingly, not only because he's A) smart as f*ck but B) he's TRAINED those feral psychos so he KNOWS what they can do.
Anyway, I love what I did with Enji and how he's internally going "yo, wtf self?! this ain't sh*t what we wanted to talk about!!" 100% feel that that was something that he would do when on the road to proper communication/rebuilding relationship. After all rebuilding from that deep of trauma/fixing oneself ISN'T easy and it isn't linear either it takes A LOT of constant work.
Anyway things are going to start heating up come pt 2 so strap in dear readers and hold onto your buts! It may or may not be super big/heated but we'll find out when I tip-tap away on it!
As alwasy thank you for reading if you'd like leave a comment, if you can and wish to drop a kudos! See you all next time and happy reading!

Chapter 21: Whelp, I Did Warn You, Not my Fault Your an Idiot


Warnings go unheeded, lessons are learned, and one truth is made but not spoken.


Hello! Thank you for your insane patience with this story! My life has been so chaotic and medical things have come up, as well as stupid procrastination/writers block! I'm deeply sorry it's taken so long to write/post this chapter, it's been a real bitch to get up the motivation to finish it off! But here we are, I hope you like it and I'll see you all at the end note or at the next chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"No, we'redoneincluding you in bets." Vlad stated through the phone rather bluntly and with a bit more force then he really needed to as Izuku held his up to his ear, kicking back in his seat next to Kendo as they watched Cementoss fix the stadium yet again after a round. Really there wasn'tthat muchto fix, just a few minor bumps that needed to be resettled but still it left a big enough time for Izuku to call and see if they wanted to get another round of bets going. After all his pockets could still use some extra cash from his winnings. Because he'd not only won the bet for the initial Sports Festival qualifiers round, as well as the second-round qualifiers for the 1-v-1 matches, but also the firsttwo1-v-1 matches as well. Which was when Nedzu as well as Aizawa had banned him from joining in on the bets, utter bullsh*t really but whatever.

"Fine, you all are just poor sports." Izuku grumbled.

"No! No, we aren't you're just freaky in your deductions!" Vlad snapped back.

"Oh boo hiss, you big crybabies can't handle losing a little bit of pocket money." Izuku rolled his eyes.

"You madeSnipecry!"Vlad squawked.

Izuku shrugged, knowing that Vlad couldn't see him. "He shouldn't have accused me of rigging the system, if he can't handle losing a bet then he shouldn't bet in the first place." He stated matter of fatly. "Honestly if he's going to act like a spoiled rotten little toddler who didn't get their way and is throwing a tantrum then I'mgoingto put them in a time out until they can act better."

Vlad spluttered on the other end of the line."You can't put ateacherin time out!"

"Tell that to Snipe, because that's why he was crying." Izuku stated bluntly and looked at his nails inspecting them to see if he needed to manicure them again, ignoring the way that Kendo as well as several other 1B students were giving him wary side-eyed looks. "He threw a fit because he lost a bet hewillinglyagreed to, shook on it and everything, and then threw a fit when he lost and I came to collect my earnings. So yes, I yelled at him and put him in time out with his nose in a corner like the naughty toddler he was acting like, not my fault he's a little baby and couldn't handle a fifteen-year-old putting him in time out because he was being naughty."

"What are you?"Vlad uttered down the line, a hint of horror and fear in his voice, and Izuku knew that he was pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

And Izuku couldnotpass up this opportunity so smirking he took his shot. "Am I a student? Am I a card shark? Or am I-"

"Nope, nuh-uh, not doing this sh*t! f*ck that!"Vlad barked clearhorrorin his tone and disconnected the call abruptly.

Izuku chuckled in dark amusem*nt while he slipped his phone back into his pocket as Kendo turned fully towards him.

"What the heck did you do to our teacher?" She demanded in tentative confusion/suspicion.

Izuku looked over at him with a deadpanned expression. "Gave him complex PTSD."

She stared at him for a solid minute, blinking several times before she finally spoke. "Wh...why?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "For sh*ts and giggles really, and a little to see if I couldactuallydo it."

"What iswrongwith you?" She asked softly, clearly notreallyasking to get an answer just stating a rhetorical question, but Izuku was inclined to answer being the chaos gremlin that he was.

He gave her a soft reassuring smile and reaching out patted her shoulder. "Oh, a lot Kendo, andfartoo much for you to concern yourself with. And don't even try because thenyou'llneed therapy because like your teacher, you'll have complex PTSD and night terrors." He told her utterly gently. "And you are far to new in your hero journey to develop those."

"But you're onlyfifteenhow can you have that much trauma to cause all that?" She pressed.

He sighed and shook his head. "Many reasons, Kendo, many,manyreasons that will make you cry and question society to it's very horrific and corrupt core. And I'm not gonna be the one to ruin that for you before you've evenstartedyour hero career, so just let it go, I have adults who care about me and are helping me so don't you worry about it." He reassured her softly.

"How can you be so upbeat if you have that much going on?" She asked.

"Oh, that's simple." He said and beamed at her. "Just follow the mantra: Fake it till you make it. Couple that with: Just smile and wave." He stated.

"Izuku..." She paused and shook her head. "Honey that's nothealthy."

"Oh, no it's totallynot."He agreed sincerely with a wholehearted nod. "And I'm working on it withprofessionalhelp, but it's what's kept me A) functional and sane and B) non-homicidal since I was averyyoung kid. So, quick question... want me to stop using those motos? Then we can find out whatreallyhappens when I lose my grip on sanity."

She shook her head quickly and waved her hands in front of herself. "No, no, no, not what I meant if those mantra's keep you...functionalwhile you get the help that you need then go ahead and keep using them." She stated and gave him a strained smile.

"Okay." He chirruped happily before he looked back at the arena. "Oh! Look the next ones about to start!"

"Oh good." She breathed in utter relief and Izuku chuckled softly.

But when he saw who the next paring was he sighed and rolled his eyes and stood. "I'm heading to the bathroom."

"Wait, but you're gonna miss the round!" Kendo called after him.

"No I won't." He said and glanced down at the ring before back up at her and shrugged. "They have practically the same quirk, ones just moveable metal statue and the others a literal living rock. It'll be a test of endurance to see who comes out on top so it's gonna be a while until they both knock each other out." He stated as he climbed the stairs heading towards the tunnel that would take him to the inner hallways of the stadium. Making his way to the bathroom he handled his business and was just finishing washing his hands when the door opened behind him and he glanced up, watching as several of his old classmates from earlier in the year strode in, laughing amongst each other before they looked at him and froze.

"Great, and we're gonna do this today aren't we?" Izuku sighed under his breath as he recognized the sad*stic glee in the ringleaders' eyes and he turned towards him, resting his back on the edge of the sink. "Okay, I'mma make this clear, you don't wanna do this for a multitude of reasons. First off you start if you start something I'm ending it, and youwon'tlike how it ends. Secondly, do youreallythink starting something when there are pro-heroes almost every five feet is agood idea?" He prompted arching his brow at the teens.

"You just think you're so f*cking hot sh*t don't you,Quirkless, getting transferred to SC 1-A?" One sneered at him.

Izuku sighed and looked over at the teen. "Seeing asyouare not in SC 1-A, yes, yes I am. Or well at leastsmarterthan the lot to you that is." He stated and shrugged. "Not my fault you didn't do well on your exams. Now, are you gonna start sh*t or are you gonna stop blocking the bathroom door so people can come in and out?"

"What to chicken to leave?" Another sneered.

Izuku snorted at the stupidity of the teens in front of him. "No, I'm just not anidiotto try and leave with you lot standing in front of the door." He stated.

The ringleader opened his mouth as of to try and retort something when the door opened and Present Mic strode in.

"Hey little listeners! Better get back to your seats the next rounds gonna start in a few minutes and you don't wanna miss it!" He crowed giving them finger guns as he passed them to the urinals to take care of his business.

Izuku stood there, simply staring at the other teens, waiting to see what would happen,ifanything would happen. Which, unless they werecompletenincompoop idiots theywouldn'tbut then again... it was highly likely that theywerethat stupid andwouldattack him even in front of a teacher, after all theyhadbeen about to start something when there were pro-heroes like every five feet from them... so the fact that they were idiots was a pretty good assumption. And Izuku would love to see themtry. He'd beendyingto put his defensive skills to the testnotin a sparring match andwithoutteacher interference. It wasn't like he wanted tokillthe teens, no a simple show that while he might be quirkless didn't at all mean that he wasweakorworthless. Because if they were willing to corner him here, with pros around every damned corner, then Izuku bet his favorite stripper shoes that they were going to try and do something to himsoon. But now he just watched as they scoffed softly and turned, fleeing the bathroom and muttering just loud enough that he could make out a few words but he got the gist of what they had said and he sighed softly in irritation. They were going to try and corner him at another date, just totalk, of course that'sallthey wanted. Hell, that'sallthe bullies ever wanted was totalk.

"You okay, little listener?" Mic asked, having just finished washing his own hands and was watching Izuku with a worried look as he dried his hands using the paper towels.

"Huh? Oh, yea I'm fine." He said and shrugged as he pushed off the sink, smiling at Mic as he headed for the door. "Just lost in thought is all." Looking over when Mic rested a hand on Izuku's shoulder he arched his brows at the man.

"You'll come to one of us if something happens, yea? You're not alone in this little listener." He said softly, reassuringly.

Izuku smiled at him. "Yea, I know Mic-Sensei." He said then paused and leaned forward almost conspiratorially. "You know dad likes you back, right?"

Mic blinked at Izuku from under his sunglasses before he spluttered, face going up in vibrant red and his eyes comically wide."Wh-what?!"He squawked.

Izuku smirked,morethan a little pleased with himself. "He likes you back. But he's too dense to see that you like him, and to stubborn to admit it to your face that he likes you for fear of your rejection." He told him and glanced over as they made their way down the hallway, smirk growing wider at Mic's clear gay panic.

"And you're telling me thisnow?!"He hissed, shockingly managing to keep his voice down.

"Well...yea," Izuku said and shrugged. "I mean I don't ever get the time to speak with you one on one so nobody can overhear our conversation. So, in order to get the annoying pinning sh*t out of the way and nudge the two of you dumbass idiots into gear I figured I might as well just give you that final push."

"You really think he likes me?" Mic asked softly, reaching out and putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder to stop him.

Izuku turned to face him with an absolute serious expression, arching his brows for even more effect. "Heblushesevery time you're brought up in conversation, hides it in his scarf or with his hair, but if you can see the tips of his ears and they either are or turn red you'll know he's blushing. Who do you think keeps leaving you honey infused green tea, those special-grade voice quirked lozenges from that specialty store that's super expensive, oh and who do you think supplies the honey lavender scones that have your name written on them youadoreand rave about." He said softly stepping closer. "Dad has a crush on you a kilometer wide and is pininghardfor you but is too socially and romantically awkward as hell and stubborn to admit it to you. So do him a favor and put him out of his self-imposed misery and ask him out on a date but for the love of all gods and whatever is holy in this world beblunt as helland as obvious as obvious that my hair is green otherwise he won't realize that you're asking him out on adate,date and not just as a friend."

Mic stared at him at a complete loss, mouth parted slightly.

"Yes, I know, I'm beingso uncool." Izuku rolled his eyes but forged on. "But I'm getting tired of him giving me dating advice when the most he's got is an unrequited love, that's actually requited but he's too much of an idiot to realize that, so now I'm being anawesomewing-son and giving you pretty much the touchdown pass, yes American sport reference you're welcome, it's up toyounot to f*ck it up." He said and stepped even closer and lowered his voice to a hushed and fast spoken whisper. "Listenveryclosely cause this is gonna be blunt and fast. Helovescat cafes, like they're his absolute kryptonite, he alsolovesto find and feed strays. He's got a group of cats around UA that he takes care of, named them take them to vet appointments bi-yearly unless it's clear they need another appointment and everything. There're also three coffee shops that he frequents, I can text you the names and his orders, they know him by name and everything. He also has two restaurants that he frequentsoften, first is a little Indonesian place that he found shortly after he became a pro, and the second is a hole in the wall dumpling shop that he crashed into about a year and a half ago that is actuallyinsanelygood. Movies are a bit more compilated because he typically only goes for pre-quirk movies. He loves action movies but not the stupid ones that are like every other one, you need to find auniqueone that's a mix of action/comedy/angst/romance, they're out there but you gottahuntfor them. He also likes rom-coms but not the overly corny or romantic/corny ones, but the wholesome rom-coms. Lastly, helovesdocumentaries, specificallyanythingregarding cats, big cats, house cats, or small wild cat species. When he watches movies he likes shrimp chips, spicy garlic flavored, and jelly flavored mochi candies, and chocolate theexpensivekind, not the cheap kind that's one of the few things aside from coffee and cat food that he splurges on, light/dark/milk doesn't matter. He alsodoesn'tlike soda with a burning passion, he likes fruit juices but mango is his ultimatefavorite, and his favorite type of tea is a specialty orange jasmine type tea that Nedzu gives him as a birthday gift every year or when hereallyneeds to bribe him for something so ask him for his supplier if you want to get him anything but savethatfor when you guys start dating, if you get him a tea before that get him a green tea or any type fruit infused tea. He's not acompletehealth nut but he actually likes to eat/drink super healthy even though he mostly survives off jelly pouches while on patrol and at UA for the most part." Izuku took a breath, having spewed all of that rapidly but he knew that Mic was smart,far smarterthan people gave him credit for. "Listen, romance thesh*tout of him, but not like lovey-dovey gooey sh*t because that'll just piss him off, but doting acts of kindness, giving words of affirmation and showing him that youcare,listen to him, and pay attention to hislikesanddislikesthat will win youbigpoints. Dads ahugeromantic, atotal softieat heart, but he doesn't show it outwardly until he's absolutely comfortable with you and knows that you care about him just as much as he does with you." Izuku said and took a step back before he paused and moved back,closer, into Mic's personal space and heknewthat his eyes went predatorial as the man's eyes went comically wide behind his glasses and he leaned back away from the teen. "But let me warn you right now Hizashi Yamada, you f*ck with my dad, youhurtmy dad in any way thathurtshimeven slightlyand I'm coming for you, and no quirk is going to stop me from putting your ass in the grasspermanentlyor laid up in a hospital bed for the next six months so f*cked up they won't know if you'llsurvive."He warned dangerously.

Mic jolted backwards looking down at Izuku in shocked disbelief and horror with a splash of terror and admiration.

"Shouta Aizawa is the firstadultperson outside of my work and with the authority to help me to show me that he cares, he's the first one thathelpedme, for f*cks sake that manadopted meless than six months after meeting me even knowing all the sh*t baggage that I come with!" Izuku snorted and shook his head. "So that man, along with my gremlin friends, are so f*ckingdearto me and I willwreckanyone who hurts them. Are we clear?" He prompted.

Mic nodded, speechless.

"Good," Izuku patted his chest and smiled. "Now, you have a next round to announce so off you get."

"Wait, you did this onpurpose!"Mic squawked in growing realization/horror. "He's up there right now!Waitingfor me to come back! And now I have to go up there and pretend like this never happened!"

Izuku smirked. "Oh my, oh no! I totally forgot that he was up there with you in the announcer's booth!" He cried, but it wasso obviouslyfake.

Mic's mouth opened and closed in disbelief. "You are pureevil!"He finally squawked, man he was doing that a lot, pointing a shaking finger at Izuku as he backed away. "You areevil incarnate!"

"No, no, I am Erasurehead's adopted son." Izuku said and grinned, but he did the trademarkedAizawa Grin, which wascreepy as f*ck.

"Nope! f*ck this! Not today mini-Satan!"A voice yelled and Izuku looked over to watch the back of Vlad King disappearing around a corner his hands up as if in surrender.

"Oh, that poor man." Izuku sighed softly and shook his head feeling a bit guilty at knowing that he was sending another poor soul to Hound Dog to try and help. "He's gonna have so much PTSD from being around me."

"What iswrongwith you?" Mic demanded.

Izuku shrugged as he turned away and started back down the hallway. "So much, and yet the world keeps heaping on more. I made Hound Dog have a mental breakdown when I word vomited all of my baggage at his feet the other day, did you hear about that?" He prompted looking back at the choked sound.

"That was because ofyou?!"He squeaked.

"The one and only, not you are late for the next round Mr. Announcer, chop, chop!" Izuku cackled as he squeaked again before darting off with an admittedlysad*sticcackle.

Izuku had beenso gleefulthat he'd had a bird's eye view of the announcer box, especially with the mini binocular he'd pulled out of pocket and fitting it to his eye had watched as Hizashi had arrived back at the booth and had fumbled before he'd tripped on something and in a flailing of arms went downhard. Shouta had stared at him before Izuku had seen the man's shoulders lift and drop in his trademark heavy sigh before he'd turned back and locked eyes with Izuku before rolling his eyes and thunking his head onto the sound booth in front of him. Izuku had just cackled like a mad-man even as 1-B had just given him side-eyes and Katsuki and Shouto form the next section had given him fond looks, Shinsou just staring on in mild amusem*nt.

But now, Izuku was standing at the railing one hand gripping it and the other fisted hand raised int he air as he screamed down at the purple haired teen as he beat the holy hell out of his opponent. "That's it! Firm your stance! Don't let up! Beat his ass!"He screamed as he pumped his fist, more than aware of Monoma's hand gripping the back of his gym shirt even as he watched on with a bored yet approving face as Shinsoudominatedhis round, having already beaten out Monoma in their round. Already they were down to the last five rounds so Izuku wasmorethan excited for it because, like he'd predicted, Shouto, Katsuki, and Shinsou were in the final rounds. Monoma for all of his improvements that he'd made working with Izuku had onlyjusttaken Izuku's training regimen to heart in the last few weeks when he'd actuallyseenthe improvement in Shinsou when he'd finally shown up at the gym to train with them. So, it was understandable and expected that he would be booted before the finals. And Izuku, the coldhearted Gremlin Lord that he was, had stated as much with a blunt and deadpanned to Monoma's face after his match when Monoma had gone on a tangent about how he could have failed. The blonde had stared at him like a damned floundering fish before he'd screamed that Izuku was a "Cruel Gremlin Lord, so cold hearted that it was atravesty!"and on and on until Izuku had gently patted his arm and told him in a sugary sweet tone to shut the f*ck up.

And Kendo, for her part, having geared up to karate chop had stared in utter bewildered shock as Monoma's mouth justclickedshut mid-tirade and the teen sat sulking in his seat glaring down at the next match that was getting ready to start. Unbeknownst to Izuku all of 1-B had shared a similar though together as they all exchanged glances and had simply read: "All Hail the Gremlin Lord". And in the teacher's section, keeping a close eye on the students, Vlad King had shuddered and hugged himself, whimpering softly with Thirteen giving him reassuring back pats while Snipe, watching as well,poutedstill like the sulky toddler he was.

Pushing back from the railing Izuku fist pumped letting out a victorious roar."Yea man!"He roared as Shinsou was named victorious. Smacking away Monoma's hand he turned and headed towards the stairs. "I'mma go congratulate him!" He called over his shoulders.

"Want me to come with?!" Monoma called after him.

"No, I'm good!" Izuku called as he jogged down the stairs.

And that was where things took a rather...badturn of the day.

Because as he hurried away, he missed a group of students, a few sections away pull out their phones and rapidly text on them. Simultaneously letting a group of other students, in their second year, know that a certain support course student was leaving the stands to head towards the infirmary. Which was why, midway to the infirmary, Izuku was more than a little surprised when he was roughly grabbed andshovedinto a more out-of-the-way bathroom and an 'Under Maintenance' sign set up.

Deftly rolling and popping up to his feet Izuku watched as a group of seven second years and the ringleaders from the fist years he'd run into earlier, stepped into the bathroom after him. Understanding exactly what was going on he sighed and rolled out his shoulders to try and loosen them before whatever happened started, preparing himself,very carefullyactivating his emergency recording device that was in his pocket. "Look, before you start your sh*t, I'm inclined to warn you I'm going to wipe the floor with you all if you decide to attack me. And it's not gonna look very good if afirst yearwho isquirklessbeats the holy sh*t out of..." He paused to dramatically count the students. "Sevensecond years and two first years who areknownto be borderline bullies." He stated and shrugged again as they all just sneered at him calling out slurs and threats of what they were going to do to him. "Okay, you've been warned, let's get on with this ideocracy."

And with that utterchaosensued as all seven bullies rushed towards him in a flurry of grabbing hands and fists.

But Izuku was ready, not only had he been sparring on-on-one with his Gremlins, but on the days that his dad had been able to join them in the gym they'd all done one-on-five, so they weresort ofused to going against crowds. After all a decent hero wasn't a 'one-trick-pony' as Shouta stated. So, Izuku was deftly avoiding punches, catching kicks and hitting pressure points and painful spots. But, like any other fight, Izuku wasn't getting out of this one unscathed either because for every five punches he evaded two landed. And seeing as these students,thankfullyweren't part of the hero course theydidn'thave any official fighting training, so the punches were mediocreat best. Didn't mean they didn't hurt, but evenShinsou'spunches hurt worse than these pricks, andhehad only been working with Izuku fully for the past month.

Soon though, the teens got fed up with him avoiding and started to use quirks against him, which wasannoyingand Izuku called them out, in aconversationaltone with the bastards so that way his recording device would pick it up. Whichhopefullythe thing was as durable as Nedzu stated it would be, seeing as he'd been kicked several times already in the vicinity of the pocket it was in. Deciding to end things as quickly as possible Izuku startedtargetingthe teens one by one until they were let in groaning messes on the bathroom floor. Admittedly that meant that Izuku was getting hit more than he had been before, but it seemed like the students that were there didn't have particularlyaggressivequirks, so really it wasn'tas badas it could have been.

So, eight-ish minutes later, Izuku stood panting near one of the now busted sinks, shards of the ceramic still in his hair from where he and one of the teens had been smashed through it. Leaning against the sink and glaring at the stunned and terrified first years, huddled against the door he reached into one of his pockets with a bleeding hand and pulled out his phone. Hitting the speed dial for his father he lifted the phone to his ear and waited.

"Izuku, is something wrong?" Shouta asked after only one ring.

"Yea, you could say that, you're gonna want to come to the bathroom about midway to the infirmary, it's got an 'under maintenance' sign on it." He panted over the line with a sniffle as he wiped blood that was dripping from his nose. "Oh, and you're gonna want to bring seven stretchers, and Nedzu,definitelyNedzu."

There was a pause before rapid scrambling."Are you hurt?!"Shouta demanded a hint of his feral protectiveness seeping into his voice.

Izuku grimaced as he shifted, his ribsaching. "Not as bad as the others, but it's, uh, well it's not pretty Dad, so just be prepared." He hastily pulled his phone away as he heard the predatory Gremlin Dad Shriek, preemptively disconnecting the call so he didn't have to hear the angry psychobabble that the man was no doubt going to be spewing as he rushed towards the bathroom, he sighed. "Yea, you all are f*cked." He said and pinned the two who were trying to slip form the room with firm looks. "It'll be worse if you run, because thenHewill hunt you. I mean, if youreallywanna give it a shot now's your chance it'll give you like a five-minute head start before he starts hunting."

"Wh-who's h-he?" One of them asked.

Izuku gave him the Aizawa Grin and the two blanched, slamming themselves into the door with yelps of terror. "My dad."

With that Izuku sat back and waited, periodically wiping the blood off his upper lip and shifting to try and get comfortable. And actually, a littlelessthan five minutes later the two boys yelped as the bathroom door was unceremoniously and withoutanywarningpuntedinwards and Erasurehead, quirk fully activated with the scarf levitating around him, appeared like a thoroughly pissed offavenginggod appeared in the doorway with a rabid snarl, making several of the injured teens who had come to cower and scream in abject terror. But Izuku just smiled from where he was leaning against a sink. "Hey dad."

"You dadsErasurehead?!"The two teens screamed then shrieked in abject terror as they scuttled backwards holding each other when the man turned the red glowing eyes on them and snarled.

"Now, now, Aizawa why don't you go check on your son while myself and the other teachers attend to the assailants." Nedzu prompted.

Aizawa gave a brisk nod and strode towards Izuku, indiscriminately stepping onseveralhands and a few limbs that weren't moved out of his path, which Nedzu just chuckled at in amusem*nt form where he was perched on Endeavors shoulder. Andwhythe hell Nedzu was with Endeavor, andhowAizawahadn'tattacked the man On Sight was amazing. But then again it was most likely due to the fact that Izuku was injured, and Izuku wasnotgoing to draw attention to that, small victories and all. It helped that after he set Nedzu down on another sink Endeavor startedroughlygrabbing the inured students by their collars and lining them up along a wall, ignoring their pained whimpers and telling a few that were babbling about being attacked to cut the bullsh*t.

But Izuku was too busy tryingnotto be smothered by a clearly fretting Aizawa who was looking him over with very tender and yet insanely through hands and asking about a million questions in about a mile-a-minute voice that just had the teen staring up at him with the most bored and annoyed face. Batting away the fretting man with one hand Izuku pulled out the recorder and offered it to Nedzu. "You'll want this, it's got the recording from about thirty seconds after they shoved me in here. It's also got my verbal warning to leave me alone and their responses, and them initiating the attack. Oh, and it's also got the quirks they attempted to use on me in detail."

"They tried to use their quirks on you?!"Aizawa screeched.

Izuku sighed and looked over at the man. "Wellduh,nearly everyone who has ever attacked me has at one time or another used their quirk on me." He shrugged one shoulder. "It's not like I never expected this to happen, hence the recording device."

"Youexpectedto be attacked?!"Shota and Endeavor both squawked, then looked (glared in Shouta's case) at each other, before their gazes turned back to Izuku.

"That is highly unethical and illegal use of their quirks! I wantnamesand when they harmed you!"Endeavor yelled at him.

"I'm gonna rip them to f*ckingpiecesfor daring to hurt you!"Aizawa snarled at the same time.

Sighing in annoyance he looked at the two of them. "No, youdon'tget names, and youdon'tget to rip them to pieces." He said pointing first at Endeavor and then at Aizawa. "Theonly onethat I'd beat allwilling to give names to is Nedzu but what's with a strict agreement and contract that the two of you, andanyonewho we eventhinkwill slip you the names, will be strictly left out of whatever case is brought up." He stated and watched as the two men started to try and argue with him, but he clapped his hands, wincing slightly as it caused a dull throb on his knuckles and hastily shut up the two men who looked on in worry. "I amnotchanging my stance on this, you can be as irritated as you want, but I'mnot budging."He stated firmly and returned the looks they gave him.

"I do agree with Midoriya on this point." Nedzu stated from the sink he was perched on, having been watching closely as all the injured students had been gathered up and were being carried/escorted from the room by Ectoplasm's cyclones, the clones giving him pointedly impressed and slightly terrified glances seeing as he took out seven older teens all by himself andquirklessat that. And to Izuku it was both vindicating that he'd proved that he could take care of himself but alsoveryannoying that people were now going to be scared of him for beingableto take care of himself even though he didn't have a stupid quirk. It was whatever really, something he was used to, but stillvery f*cking annoyingto have to deal with every time he defended himself and someone saw it. "Now, the boys are going to be detained until after the festival concludes, Endeavor I apricate your aide in getting here so quickly but I think you should head back to the stands, after all your sons match is going to start in a few minutes."

"Oh f*ck!"Izuku squawked and gave a hoping step forward before hurrying towards the door and limping quickly down the hallway back towards the stands.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Aizawa demanded, rushing after him.

"Gonna watch the match." Izuku stated with a snort. "No way in hell am Imissingthat match between Shouto and Katsuki just because some f*ckers decided to try and f*ck me up."

"No, you need to go see Recovery Girl and get looked at!" Erasurehead cut in, rushing around and trying to stop Izuku.

The teen just ducked under the hero's arm. "I'll go after the match. I'mnotmissing it."

"Oh, my f*cking...why did I ever adopt you?!"Shota hissed after the teen.

"I dunno you tell meDad!"Izuku cackled back as he reached the stairs and slowed down to limp his way up them, Shota wrapping one armutterlycarefully around his hips to steady him.

And when he arrived at the mouth of the short tunnel to the stands, to say that the 1-B stands went utterly and terrifyinglysilentwhen they caught sight of a bloody and disheveled Izuku being supported by a still feral Erasurehead.Not to mention the way that Monoma scrambledoverthe seats and his fellow students like a f*cking monkey through the trees ignoring the screams and indignant squawks that followed after him, while Hitoshivaultedthe barrier between 1-B and 1-A stands to get to him, both of them racing up to him talking over themselves as to what the hell happened to him. But when Izuku merely held up a hand to quiet them, both teens' mouths snapped shut with clicks and he quickly ran through what had happened, which had then led to Monoma shoving his hands through his blonde hair murmuring about how it was all his fault and that heshouldhave gone with him.

But a soft yet firm hand on his shoulder from a now slightly calmer Aizawa had the teen looking up with guilt riddled eyes. "It's not your fault, Monoma." He reassured softly before he gave the two teens ratherferalGremlin Smiles. "Besides hef*cked them up."He cackled.

"Not doing it! Nope! Not for all the money or booze in the world! NOPE!"And that came from Vlad as the man appeared, panting behind them clearly rushing from the teachers stand to see what had happened to the green haired teen.

Izuku glanced back to see the blood hero sprinting backdownthe stairs at a breakneck speed. Sighing softly Izuku shook his head. "That man is going to need mental healthhazardpay if I'm around him anymore."

"What are you talking about, you're fine." Aizawa stated petting Izuku's hair like he was a damned cat.

All three teenagers merelystaredat the epitome of unhinged adult.

Who merely stared back with a deadpanned expression.

The fight had been utterly and gloriously brutal in a blatant display of their quirk control and skill.

Massive expulsions rent the air followed closely by thunderous cracks of frigid ice the countered the explosive heat of the explosions and the near deafeningwhooshof scorching flames. Soon though the two were battling in close, bursts of heat and cold had swirled around the arena as the two teens had fought quite viciously. By the end of it Shouto had stood victorious over Katsuki who was on one knee, trembling from evident quirk exhaustion and unable to both get back to his feet or even lift his arms to defend himself. At that admittance Shouto had been called the winner and this year's first place winner of the Sports Festival.

Izuku, for his part, while holding his side painfully, had lost his utter sh*t cheering until, that is, Hitoshi and Monoma had pretty muchliftedhim off his feet and carted him towards the infirmary. Izuku just resigned himself and sighed as he was carted away. When they rounded the last corner Izuku let out a deeper sigh when he spotted Shota waiting for them outside the infirmary, which is where the two 'escorting' him set him down and back up a few steps. From the looks on their faces it was clear that they weren't going to leave.

"Okay, is there likeany waythat we can like sneak me in without those two seeing?" Izuku prompted looking up at Shota questioningly.

"In you get, Problem Child." He grumbled and slid open the infirmary door, motioning for Izuku to make his way through it.

Izuku sighed heavily before he limped forward, giving Shota a weak glare. "Whatever happens, it'syourfault." He grumbled up at Shota.

The man just rolled his eyes and followed after his adoptive son.

It was quiet for all of about ten seconds before shouts rang out.

"What the f*ck happen to you Nerd!"Was Katsuki's roared demand as he struggled to push himself up from his bed.

"Who the hell hurt you!?"Was Shouto's bellowed demand as hesuccessfullylaunched himself off the bed and rushed over, staggering slightly as frost crawled up one side of his body and fire licked up the other.

"Well, I went to the bathroom right before your match andunfortunatelyI was jumped by upperclassmen who thought it would be a good idea to 'show me my place'." Izuku stated as he held up a hand to Shouto who gave him a confused and hurt expression as he jerked to a halt a few feet away. "You're lit up like a roman candle and liquid nitrogen incarnate, sweetie, I would prefernotto add burns and frostbite to my injuries, okay?" He prompted giving Shouto a loving and reassuring smile.

The teen blinked before looking down at himself and jerking backwards slightly with a startled."Oh."Before his cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. "My apologies."

Katsuki scoffed, havingjust managedto somehow stagger to his feet and shuffle towards them, arms hanging semi-limply at his sides. "f*ckingsap." He grumbled before looking over Izuku. "You're clearly not alright. Yo, old lady! Take care of the nerd before you treat me and Icy Hot!"

"I concur." Shouto said nodding firmly and after a moment of staring down at his hands the frost melted away and the fire licking along his body slowly dissipated until it was out. Lifting his head and giving Izuku a triumphant smile he stepped forward, hesitantly holding up his hand, to which Izuku stepped forward and slipped his own into the slightly bigger one. "Come sit, let's get your shirt off so we can see what we're working with." He murmured,gentlytugging the piece of clothing off to assess the injuries there.

Izuku glanced up when a back-room door slammed open and a frustrated looking Recovery Girl stormed through, her syringe shaped cane thunking into the ground with her. "For the love of heroics can't you young ones ever decidenotto start fights that are outside of training?! And even then, can you hold back evenslightly?!"

"Chiyo." Shota's voice cut in firmly. "Izuku isnotat fault for any of that."

The old woman stopped and stared up at Shota before she frowned. "Deary what are you talking about?" She demanded before turning and her attention finally landed on Izuku before she sighed. "Ah, now I get understand why there was suddenly half a dozen injured second years in my office whining about a Demon First Year."

"Demon First Year?"Izuku repeated with a frown before looking up and sighing at Shota's smug smirk. "Oh, would youstop it."He grumbled up at the man.

"It'sperfect." He smirked back. "Now they'll leave you alone."

"Yea for like a month and then some other group will want to show me 'my place' or some other sh*t." Izuku rolled his eyes.

"Wait are you saying that a group of second yearsattackedyou?" Shouto demanded, hand tightening around Izuku's.

"While IcyHot and I were f*cking each other up you were beating some bastard's asses?!" Katsuki snarled.

"Oh no, I handled that situationbeforeyour match evenstarted." Izuku waved his non-squeezed hand. "It was pretty easy too, they weren't hero course so they really didn't have the proper trainingto be able to do anyrealdamage. The only reason I'm as f*cked up as I am is because they cornered me in a rather small bathroom and it was like seven on one, very unfair, but ya know it's whatever. I handled it and called Shota and he brought help and Nedzu and now here I am."

"Yes, and while you're here lets get you checked out." Recovery Girl stated as she shuffled over, shooing Shouto out of the way so she could examine him without any hindrances.

And soon it was ruled that the onlyworrisomewound that he had was several cracked ribs, a rather nasty cut on the side of his head (though thankfullynoconcussion), and a ratherdeepand already horrid looking bruise that was forming on his right thigh which explained his limp, a few busted knuckles, and one fractured finger that was irritating at most. The rest of his injuries were superficial and rather generic cuts, scrapes, and bruises that came with being in an all-out brawling fist fight. But from what Recovery Girl had let slip 'accidentally', as she'd given him a soft peck on the cheek to speed along his healing, the second years he'd fought had fared far worsein the fight then he had. Coming away with hair line fractures, dislocations, concussions, anddeepbruising. She'd also let slip that due to a clause in the contract that all UA students sign, she has the right to refuse to heal anyone if it's clear that the injuries weren't from UA course approved training/sparring, work studies, or internships. And seeing as the second, not including Izuku, students had startedavery unfairfight and hand singled outa first-year student, which was veryunethical in her eyes so she'd stated that she would apply first aid but she was in no wayobligated to use her quirk to heal them.

Nedzu, the petty little overlord Rat that he was hadgleefullyagreed on her decision. And upon a certain Lie Detector's arrival, the seven who had been signing their woes, had promptly shut up until threat of legal action a la Nedzu, they had suddenly and quite eloquently spilled all the proverbial beans. She'd also 'accidentally' let slip that Nedzu had had the second years promptly expelled from UA and had all of them arrested for attempted assault. Pretty soon after that Nedzu had arrived and told them pretty much the same thing that Recovery Girl had stated, but after a look over Izuku he'd ordered that he was to head home for the day. Which he'd agreed... but only afterthe awards ceremony.

So now, here he was groaning softly as Shouto very carefully helped him settle back onto his couch in the living room, Izuku let his head rest on the back of it as his sweet and loving boyfriend helped arrange him comfortably on the couch and settled the ice pack on his thigh right over the bruise that spanned the majority of his thigh. The grumbles and slight blanking bangs form the kitchen told Izuku that Katsuki was busy cooking up whatever it was that he was making for dinner that night. Rolling his head over he sighed as he took in the slight worried crease to Shouto's eyes and the way he hoovered slightly over Izuku.

Izuku sighed softly and lifted the hand with his braced finger and wiggled the digits slightly. "C'mon, sweetie, sit down." He murmured at the anxious teen. "I'mfine, a little beat up and tired, but no more then you two are." He stated and smiled.

"We've hadtrainingfor this." Shouto stated just as softly as he sank down next to Izuku. "Andit's normally afairfight, or we at least aren't fighting amassivegroup!"

Izuku fought back the urge to roll his eyes. "Yea, but doyouspar with All Might in his buff form, or go hand to hand withErasurehead?"He pointed out.

Shouto blinked before he frowned down at his lap. "No." He murmured back.

"Well, I do." Izuku said softly but with a firm undertone. "The injuries I have right now, yea they're annoying and not particularlynice, but they'reby farnot the worse that I've gotten from training with All Might and Erasurehead,not to mentionthe injuries I've gotten from Mama's. You'veseenhow bad some of those can get." Izuku pointed out.

"I know," Shouto murmured back his voice tight with worry. "But UA was supposed to be asafe placefor you, you wereneversupposed to be injured like that, let aloneattacked."

"Yea, that's true, it wassupposedto be a safe place where Iwouldn't be attacked. But, like I predicted, Iwasattacked because of my quirk status. Hence Quirk 101 classes, by the way, anyway, moving on. I knew that I would be attacked, it was already in the cards, but I didn't knowwhenit would happen, which iswhyI've been sparing so much with dad and All Might." Izuku admitted.

"You... youexpectedto be attacked by fellow classmates?" Shouto demanded, tensing next to him.

"Well, yes andno." He said and shrugged. "I knew it would happen at some point, that I'd get attacked, but Ididthink that UA was different, that after the initial incident that first month that things would change and peoplewouldn'ttry and attack me. But clearly they didn't get the message, hence what happened today." He explained.

Shouto sighed deeply as he rubbed a hand across his face. "What the f*ck am I going to do with you?" He murmured.

"Hugs, snacks, and snuggles?" Izuku shrugged and gave Shouto a cheesy grin when the other teen gave him an exasperated look.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Katsuki is puttering around angrily.

He was making ramen, and not that cheap sh*t that the stupid f*ckingnerdloved, but the good sh*t with the homemade broth and sh*t, yea he was using store bought ramen noodles but f*ck off, it was late, he was tired, and his body still f*cking hurt form the fight with Icy Hot bastard. Not to mention making the noodles by hand was f*ckingtime consumingand something that he didn't want to f*cking do, especially since he wasn'tjustphysically tired but mentally tired too. Seeing the damned nerd come into the infirmary,limpingand bloodied had nearly put Katsuki into a blind rage, but when he couldn't even f*ckingget upto check on the f*cking nerd, a sense of hopelessness had washed over him, and he'd nearly screamed and bit a hole inside his damned cheek from holding back said scream.

Now, however, listening to that green haired mother f*cker talk about how heexpectedto be f*cking attacked, it made Katsuki's bloodboilwith rage.

Not at the nerd. No, he was not andcould notbe mad at...Izuku.

No, he was mad at the f*ckers whojumped him, he was mad at the f*ckers who spent theirentirechildhood feeding Katsuki all the f*ckingliesthat he wasbetterthan the nerd!

Because he f*ckingwasn't.

That green haired asshat was thebest, yea he didn't have a quirk, but he was the f*ckingbest. Not Katsuki, no he'dneverbeen the best.

And it only took that little sh*t knocking him out for that wake-up call to finally sink in. And it only tookone f*cking appointmentwith his damned shrink for him to finally realized justwhyhe f*cking hated the nerd.

Only... he didn'thatethe nerd.

No, Katsuki had to be sof*cked upin the head that he mistook the f*ckingfeelingforhate, instead of what it really was. All this time, all theseyearshe'd tormented the nerd, hit him, burned him, called him degrading names, and donedisgustingly horrifyingsh*t to him and it was because he... he f*cking hadfeelingsfor the little sh*t! And of course,when Katsuki finally pulls his f*cking head out of his own ass and has a 'come to kami' moment, it's too late.

It's alreadyto late.

Because Half&Half is there, making the nerd smile, making him laugh, making him realize that hecanhave a normal life, that he's more than just ass and dick to people. He's making the nerd realize that hemeanssomething and isspecialto somebody other than his weird ass bird brain of a friend and the chick with him.

But that's okay, it'sf*ckingfine.

By some f*cking grace of kami the nerd had accepted Katsuki back into his life, and they were working on their friendship again, only this time Katsuki was keeping his head out of his f*cking ass and he was damned sure going to make sure heprotectedthe nerd from all the motherf*ckers that wanted to hurt him!

Only... he'dfailed.

In the one time that Izuku had f*ckingneededsomeone...Katsuki wasn'tf*ckingthere!

But he was fine, like everything else the nerd got himself out of it like the f*ckingbossthat he was.

And IcyHot was out there now,comfortingthe nerd, doing what Katsuki so f*ckingbadlywanted to do.

But hecouldn't.

He didn't have that right.

And even as the tears that he'd been chewing at his f*cking inner cheeks to keep f*ckingback, dripped down his cheeks and onto the backs of his hands as he angrily chopped the vegetables for the broth, he swore that it was fine.

The nerd had IcyHot and it wasfine.

Katsuki wasfine.

It wasn't like he was f*ckinggut punchedevery time he watched the nerd look up at the f*cking IcyHot bastard with alovingsmile.


Katsuki wasfine.


Well, there we have it, our resident Green Bean kicking ass and inspiring a new nickname, all hail: The Demon First Year!
Anyway, the notion of Vlad King both loving/is not-so-low-key terrified of Izuku just is something I will live and die by! So, what do you all think of the little mini perspective change to our Pomeranian there at the end? Hmm? That little internal mini confession? Any way things are gonna start heating up in intensity pretty soon! Keep in mind some of the cannon events have changed in this timeline, other have been altered, and even some have been plucked from the story to make the points in my timeline work out.
On a different note, I have another story that I am writing, (currently only like two or three chapters in) and I wanted to see with whom should that resident Green Bean fall for? Options are:
Btw he won't be hero course, but he will be support, not and I repeat NOT a villain. So if you wish to leave a comment about who you think should be his love interest in that story just drop a comment below and let me know, keep in mind there is NO pressure to do so! As always thank you all for sticking around, and I'll see you in the next chapter my lovely readers! Bye-bye!

Emerald Stars in a Viridian colored Sky - Lovely_Turtles - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.