________ Conflict Is Conflict That Is Deliberately And Systematically Created, Even When No Real Differences (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

Functional conflict is conflict that is deliberately and systematically created, even when no real differences appear to exist.

What is Functional conflicts?

Functional conflict is a type of conflict that is characterized by the parties' efforts to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

It is typically characterized by parties working together to resolve the conflict in a constructive way.

What are examples of functional conflicts?

A functional conflict example would be an organization that divides its employees into teams and offers incentives to the team that can come up with the best innovative idea for a new product.

This strategy promotes friendly competition and encourages all employees to share their ideas.

Learn more about functional conflicts here:


Related Questions

Who established the four postulates to verify the germ theory and developed many of the laboratory techniques still used in microbiology labs today?


Robert Koch stablished the four postulates to verify the germ theory and developed many of the laboratory techniques still used in microbiology labs today.

Germ theory, in medicinal drug, the concept that sure diseases are because of the invasion of the frame via microorganisms, organisms too small to be visible except thru a microscope.

In the course of his experiments inside the, French chemist Louis Pasteur evolved contemporary germ concept. He proved that meals spoiled because of contamination with the aid of invisible micro organism, now not because of spontaneous technology.

Robert Koch developed four standards to show that a specific organism causes a disease: a particular microorganism is usually related to a given sickness and can be isolated from a diseased animal and cultured, and the same microbe causes ailment in healthful animals and may be remoted from newly infected animals.

Learn more about germ theory here:-https://brainly.com/question/1430392


If he doesn't think he'll pass the class, then either he'll be talking to someone, or he won't be paying attention, or both. Well, look at him. He's talking to someone. And he's not paying the least bit of attention. Clearly he doesn't think he'll pass the class.


If he doesn't think he'll pass the class, then either he'll be talking to someone, or he won't be paying attention or both. Well, look at him. He's talking to someone. And he's not paying the least bit of attention. He doesn't think he'll pass the class is Affirming the Consequent.

What is attention?The behavioral and cognitive process of selectively focusing on a specific piece of information—whether it be regarded as subjective or objective—while disregarding other information that can be perceived. According to William James (1890), "The act of paying attention is the mental act of seizing control of one out of what appear to be multiple concurrently available objects or trains of thought in clear and vivid form. Its essential components are focalization, mindfulness, and concentration." Another definition of attention is the distribution of scarce cognitive processing resources.What are mind games?Playing mind games, also known as power games or head games, involves an effort to psychologically outwit another person. Passive-aggressive tactics are sometimes used to intentionally demoralize or disempower the thinking subject, giving the aggressor the appearance of superiority. Additionally, it defines the hidden games people play while engaging in transactions they are not completely aware of, which transactional analysis views as a key component of social life worldwide.

Learn more about attention here:



Field values related to records that contain those field values may be listed in a(n) ____. group of answer choices


Field values related to records that contain those field values may be listed in a(n) index group of answer choices

The definition of an index is a guide, list, or letter or number used to measure change. An example index is a list of employee names, addresses, and phone numbers. An example of an index is a stock market index based on a standard rate at a particular point in time.

An index is a way of replicating the performance of a group of assets in a standardized way. An index typically measures the performance of a basket of securities intended to represent a particular area of ​​the market.

Learn more about index here



time to make a turn! Put these steps for turning in order. execute the turn using good technique signal and change lanes into the turn lane stay in the same lane until you've cleared the intersection signal for your turn slow down check your mirrors to see if cars are in the turn lane decide where you're going to turn ahead of time


Proper turn towards a red signal and stop for a purple traffic light earlier than the prevent line, if there may be one, or earlier than entering the intersection.

If there no signal that prohibits a proper turn on the purple light, you may turn proper. Be careful that you do no longer intrude with pedestrians, bicyclists, or automobiles moving on their green mild. be aware: that a proper switch on a pink light is against the law with the aid of law in new York city.

Lessen pace and live as far to the right as feasible. begin the turn inside the lane nearest to the proper-hand scale down and give up the turn within the lane nearest the right-hand turning.

Turning rule-

turn on the left flip signal earlier than you're making the turn and gradual down.appearance both ways and ensure that the oncoming lanes are clean.Make the flip from the designated lane use left lane.Do no longer input into the proper lane. In some states, it is illegal to enter the proper lane after the flip is completed.

Learn more about Turning rules here:- https://brainly.com/question/26513586


The type of power that someone has when others have a desire to identify and be associated with that person is known as __________ power. Group of answer choices



The type of power that someone has when others have a desire to identify and be associated with that person is known as referent power. Group of answer

Becky is careless, impulsive, and disorganized. According to the big five personality factors, becky is most likely to score low on?


According to the big five personality factors, Becky is most likely to score low on conscientiousness.

Conscientiousness is a trait this is commonly related to awareness. Generally, conscientious people are nicely organized, display self-control, and may plan their time very well. They're called fantastic crew gamers and diligent employees.

Conscientiousness is the character trait of being careful, or diligent. Conscientiousness implies a choice to do a venture nicely and to take responsibility for others severely. Conscientious human beings tend to be efficient and organized in preference to clean-going and disorderly.

The five huge character trends defined via the theory are extraversion (also frequently spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Learn more about Conscientiousness here brainly.com/question/11372064


Which attack line is the primary attack line and is used most often during base fire training?


The primary attack line 1 1/2" to 1 3/4" attack hose is used most often during base fire training.

The hearth attack subject matter is all approximately fire ground operations, from how firefighters determine and approach an operating fire to the high-degree command strategies to correctly manipulate the scene and the techniques they use to knock it down.

We've two fundamental heart attack modes: offensive and protective. assault modes can be without difficulty described where the nozzle will end up. If the hearth attack starts outside and remains outdoors, you are in a shielding attack mode. If the fireplace attack mode ends indoors, it's an offensive assault mode.

For the purpose to fight a fireplace, you must take out someone of the fire factors. The maximum not unusual technique is to apply water to position the fireplace. The water takes away heat by cooling the fire. Water also smothers the fireplace, eliminating oxygen.

Learn more about Attack here:https://brainly.com/question/7065536


The teacher who is most likely to overcome the students' tendencies to view working hard as an indicator of low ability is:


The teacher who is most likely to overcome the students' tendencies to view working hard as an indicator of low ability is motivated.

Describe Teacher.A teacher, often known as a schoolteacher or an educator, is a person who aids pupils in developing their knowledge, skills, or virtues.Informally, anyone can fill the position of instructor (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a specific task). In certain nations, homeschooling is a legitimate option for teaching children who are of school age as opposed to doing it in an official environment like a school or college. Some other jobs could require a lot of teaching (e.g. youth worker, pastor).What do you mean by student?A person who is enrolled in a school or other educational institution is referred to as a student. Pupils are those enrolled in primary and elementary schools in the United Kingdom and the majority of commonwealth countries; students are those enrolled in secondary schools and higher (such as college or universities).

Learn more about Teacher here:



If a state environmental agency were to fail to enforce laws, resulting in the pollution of public waterways, it would be an example of what type of state political crime?


If a state environmental agency were to fail to enforce laws, resulting in the pollution of public waterways, it would be an example of State-corporate crime.

State corporate crime is a criminological term that refers to crimes arising from the relationship between state policy and the policies and practices of commercial enterprises. The term was coined by Kramer and Michalowski (1990) and redefined by Aulette and Michalowski (1993).

State corporate crime is a criminological term that refers to crimes arising from the relationship between state policies and corporate policies and practices. The term was coined by Kramer and Michalowski and redefined by Aulette and Michalowski.

Learn more about State-corporate crime here: https://brainly.com/question/10331319


True or false. The information about a particular person that exists on the internet is a result of only a portion of their online activity. Some things don’t matter or are not part of a person’s digital footprint.


false The information about a particular person that exists on the internet is a result of only a portion of their online activity. Some things don’t matter or are not part of a person’s digital footprint.

What is a digital footprint?

One's unique set of traceable digital activities, actions, contributions, and communications manifested on the Internet or digital devices is referred to as one's digital footprint or digital shadow. There are two types of digital footprints: passive and active.

Influence someone's perception of you, and ruin friendships and College admissions officers can have an impact on your college admissions.

It is not the user's intention to be passive. Active: Information that a person knowingly shares with the public or contacts. Personally identifiable information: Information that can be linked to an individual's real name. Data collection is done anonymously.

To know more about digital footprint follow the link:



Supporters of the new jersey plan wanted the articles of confederation to be __________.


The answer is to raise revenue and regulate commerce and foreign affairs.

New Jersey Plan, William Paterson envisioned a unicameral government with equal state votes and an administration chosen by a national assembly. This plan retained the Articles of Confederation's system of government while adding powers to produce income and control commerce and foreign affairs.

What did New Jersey Plan proponents intend to do with the Articles of Confederation Quizlet?

Supporters of the New Jersey Plan argued that states should retain control over the federal government, whereas supporters argued that the federal government should legislate for the states and even veto legislation passed by state legislatures.In his New Jersey Plan, William Paterson proposed a unicameral (one-house) legislature with equal state votes and an executive elected by a national legislature. This plan maintained the Articles of Confederation's form of government while adding powers to raise revenue and regulate commerce and foreign affairs.

To learn more about the New Jersey Plan visit:



The method of closure that is commonly used to hide the failure of the team to reach their goals is?


Starvation is a common closure technique used to mask a team's inability to accomplish its objectives.

A significant caloric energy intake deficit below what is required to sustain an organism's life is known as starvation. It is the severest kind of undernutrition. Prolonged hunger in humans can result in death and lasting organ damage. The signs and consequences of malnutrition are referred to as inanition. Additionally, starvation can be utilized as a form of torture or death. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the greatest threat to global public health is hunger. According to the WHO, malnutrition is by far the largest cause of child mortality and affects [tex]50[/tex]% of all cases. One factor is undernutrition.

Learn more about Starvation here



Comparing biological and psychological approaches to criminality, a sociologist would argue that they both


Comparing biological and psychological approaches to criminality, a sociologist would argue that they both view crime and deviance as an individual, not societal, problem.

What is psychological ?

The scientific study of the mind and behavior is known as psychology. Psychology is the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena such as emotions and thoughts. It is a vast academic discipline that bridges the gap between the natural and social sciences.

SDT identifies three universally important psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) for psychological well-being and autonomous motivation. These universal needs can be thought of in the same way that physiological needs are (e.g. hunger, thirst, sleep).

Atypical, biopsychology, social, cognitive, developmental, personality, forensic, and industrial-organizational psychology are the eight types of psychology to consider for a career.

To know more about psychological follow the link:



The curriculum design of lower-level tertiary public administration education in China: Challenges and redevelopment


The curriculum design of lower-level tertiary public administration education in China: Challenges and redevelopment examines much under-researched area of public administration education which is the teaching of PA programs in vocational colleges.

The formation of the public management subject (the Nineteen Eighties to 1998) when China steadily started out its transition technology inside the early Eighties, public administration as a field turned into re-installed in China. A workshop on public administration was changed into prepared by the Chinese language affiliation of Political science in 1982.

The people's Republic of China has 23 provinces, five independent regions, 4 centrally administered municipalities, and 2 special administrative areas (see the subsequent desk). China's Provinces, independent regions, Centrally Administered Municipalities, and special Administrative regions.

Vital SARs are Hong Kong and Macau (also spelled Macao), a pair of fairly independent regions inside the people's Republic of China that hold separate legal, administrative, and judicial systems from the rest of us.

Learn more about Public Administration here:- https://brainly.com/question/909136


The degree to which one experiences more negative than positive emotions refers to the _____ factor of the five-factor model.


The degree to which one experiences more negative than positive emotions refers to the Neuroticism factor of the five-factor model.

Neuroticism is the tendency to enjoy terrible emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. it's far now and again referred to as emotional instability. those who score excessive in neuroticism are emotionally reactive and susceptible to strain.

The 5-component model of persona is a hierarchical company of personality traits in phrases of five fundamental dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to revel in.

Neuroticism is a trait characterized via disappointment, moodiness, and emotional instability. 1 folks that are high on this trait generally tend to revel in mood swings, tension, irritability, and sadness. the ones low in this trait have a tendency to be greater stable and emotionally resilient. high.Feb 20, 2021

Learn more about Neuroticism here:-https://brainly.com/question/19056694


1. a loss of __________ is the disruption of access to or use of information or an information system


A loss of availability is the disruption of access to or use of information or an information system.

The goal of information availability is to provide authorized access to information or resources to those who need it.

Information systems are software and hardware systems that support data-intensive applications. Information Systems magazine publishes articles on the design and implementation of information systems languages, data models, process models, algorithms, software, and hardware.

Learn more about information systems here : https://brainly.com/question/13169704


Two days after surgery to amputate the left lower leg, a client reports pain in the missing extremity. which action by the nurse is most appropriate?


If the with an amputation has a forged or elastic compression bandage that slips off, the nurse ought to wrap the residual limb right away with some other elastic compression bandage.

Amputation is the loss or removal of a frame element including a finger, toe, hand, foot, arm or leg. it may be a existence converting experience affecting your capability to transport, paintings, have interaction with others and hold your independence.

A bandage is a bit of material used either to support a scientific device such as a dressing or splint, or on its personal to provide aid to or to limit the movement of a part of the body.

Learn more about Amputation here:-



Regarding global strategy and systems configuration, franchiser strategies system configuration is predominantly ____


Regarding global strategy and structure configuration, franchiser strategies machine configuration is predominantly networked.

The global method allows corporations to enter markets in various international locations, benefiting previously unthinkable had they now not branched out from their united states of America of origin. at the same time as there are specific techniques to international strategy, they all will have an effective impact on the actual world for both businesses and consumers alike.

Four principal global techniques shape the idea of international firms' organizational structure. those are home exporter, multinational, franchiser, and transnational. each of these techniques is pursued with a specific business organizational structure.

An international method is an approach that an organization develops to extend into the global marketplace. The cause of developing a global approach is to grow income internationally. The term "global approach" consists of standardization and global and multinational techniques.

Learn more about global strategy here: https://brainly.com/question/15416312


The most common way to discharge one’s contractual duties is by breach of contract.
a) true
b) false


The most common way to discharge one’s contractual duties is by breach of contract. The statement is a false.

The most common way to discharge one's contractual duties is not by breach but by not full filled all condition. The parties' responsibilities are suspended if a condition of the contract is not met. Promises of performance are typically not stated subject to conditions or limitations in contracts. This became a significant factor in contract termination.

Performance must be thorough, accurate, and in line with the requirements of the contract. Most contracts are fulfilled in this way to satisfy their obligations. a bid or performance attempt: Tender just represents an offer to carry out the contractual duty and does not constitute actual performance.

To learn more about contract discharge here



True or false: when deciding whether a place is safe to live, proximity to geologic conditions such as steep hillsides, rivers, volcanoes, and faults needs to be considered.


It is important to take into account a location's proximity to geologic features like faults, rivers, volcanoes, and steep hillsides when determining whether it is safe to live there. This assertion is accurate.

What are the geologic circ*mstances?

Ecological-geological conditions are thought to be an environment produced by a collection of geological factors that are currently morphologically expressed and that have an impact on particular aspects of the functioning of the biota, including humans, within the context of the ecological-geological system.

Events known as geological processes take place over a period of time that can range from millions of years to thousands of kilometers. Compare this to common models from physics and engineering that are applied to laboratory scale and human life.

To learn more about geologic conditions, refer to:



Thomas believes he is uniquely invulnerable to the consequences of drinking and driving. his thinking reflects ________.


Thomas believes he is uniquely invulnerable to the consequences of drinking and driving. His thinking reflects the personal fable.

The personal fable is a notion held by way of many kids telling them that they may be special and unique, so much in order that none of lifestyles's problems or problems will affect them regardless of their behavior.

Examples of personal fable can be seen within the following typified assertions made by young people: "nobody knows me." "My parents just do not know what i'm going thru-- what do they know approximately what it is like being a teen?" "You just don't know the way it feels."

The imaginary target audience refers to teenagers' tendency to consider that others are continually watching and evaluating them; the personal fable refers back to the notion that the self is precise, invulnerable, and all-powerful.

Learn more about personal fable here: https://brainly.com/question/4445461


The client reports screaming hysterically whenever a spider comes close to her. which defense mechanism is the client using?


Displacement is an unconscious defense mechanism where the anxiety of repressing a memory, idea, or event is projected onto another object or situation—like cotton balls, spiders, or snakes.

There are many type of Freud's Psychanalytical theory like :

1. Sublimation- here the ego replaces an unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one.

2. Projection- The ego attributes personal shortcomings, problems and faults to other

3. Rejection Formation- The ego transforms an acceptable motive into it's opposite.

4. Denial- The ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety- producing realities.


Defense Mechanism is a psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety and unacceptable impulses and to maintain one's self schema.

To know more about Defense Mechanism read this https://brainly.com/question/22973129


In the United States, work becomes part of one's identity and positive values are placed on changes. This practice reflects its people's


In the United States, work becomes part of one's identity and positive values are placed on changes. This practice reflects its people's Activity orientation.

Define the United States.The United States of America (the U.S.A. or the USA), also referred to as the United States (U.S. or US) or simply as America, is a transcontinental nation with its main territory in North America. It comprises 50 states, one federal district, nine tiny offshore islands, five significant unincorporated territories, and 326 Indian reservations with restricted sovereignty. Both in terms of overall area and land area, it is the third-largest nation. The United States has maritime boundaries with the Bahamas, Cuba, and Russia among other countries, as well as land borders with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.What are the 52 American states?Since 1959, the USA has had 50 states. Rather than being a state, the District of Columbia is a federal district. DC and Puerto Rico are included in many lists, totaling 52 "states and other jurisdictions". Perhaps it is where the tale originated?

Learn more about the U.S.A. here:



The ___________________________ is a uniquely american institution comprised of ___________ from each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect the president.


The electoral college is a uniquely American institution comprised of votes from each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect the president.

Voting is a way for a group of people, such as parliament or voters, to jointly make decisions or express opinions, usually after a debate, debate, or election campaign. Democracies elect their officials by voting.

The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is a very important part of democracy. By voting, citizens participate in the democratic process. Citizens elect leaders who represent them and their ideas, and leaders support their interests.

Noncitizens, including permanent residents, may not vote in federal, state, and most local elections. Some have been convicted. Rules vary by state. Find out about your state's laws from your state's elections office.

Learn more about votes here:https://brainly.com/question/3710029


According to hobsbawm, which were the two regions of the world were almost completely divided up and annexed during the age of empire? (select two)


Africa and the Pacific were the two regions of the world that were almost completely divided up and annexed during the age of empire.

An empire is a political structure in which one state controls another state or set of states. The heart of an empire is ruled by an emperor, but historically many states without an emperor are called empires. An empire is the domination of one state over another.

An empire is a state that controls many territories and is ruled by a single authority. These figures usually have titles such as king and queen or emperor and empress. Some of the more powerful and well-known empires include the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Persian Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the Islamic Caliphate.

Learn more about empire here: https://brainly.com/question/1276486


In addition to new maritime technologies, what other innovations helped to spur european exploration in the americas?


In addition to new maritime technologies, the innovation that helped spur European exploration in America was the organization of international trade, like the joint-stock company.

The European exploration of the Americas began in the late fifteenth century, when the Spanish began to sail west in search of new lands. The Spanish were quickly followed by the Portuguese, the English, the French, and the Dutch.

They also found vast reserves of natural resources, which they exploited to fuel the industrial growth of their own countries.

The European exploration of the Americas had a profound impact on the world, and it continues to be felt today.

To learn more about European exploration, click here.



Environmental risks can be categorized by who is responsible for causing them. In general, the public is more concerned with involuntary risks because __________.


In general, the public is more concerned with involuntary risks because other people's actions are causing the impact.

Environmental risks to health consist of pollutants, radiation, noise, land use styles, work surroundings, and weather change. these dangers are driven through guidelines in sectors outside of doors in the fitness region, such as strength, industry, agriculture, transport, and land planning.

Involuntary risks are terrible influences related to an incidence that happens to us without our earlier consent or understanding. Acts of nature, which include being struck by using lightning, fires, floods, tornados, and many others., and exposure to environmental contaminants are examples of involuntary dangers.

Environmental risk analysis or sometimes called Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) is used to estimate potential environmental risks with a view to defending human health or ecosystems from contaminated land and/or water.

Learn more about Environmental risks here brainly.com/question/849692


Kalea was asked to identify whether a trait described her. according to the text, kalea would probably compare the trait with her _____.


Kalea was asked to identify whether a trait described her. according to the text, kalea would probably the trait with her self schema.

A trait is something about you that makes you "you." while your mother says which you get all your excellent trends from her, she means you've got the identical captivating smile and the equal excellent mind as she has. In science, trait refers to a function that is caused by genetics.

The time period self-schema refers back to the beliefs and thoughts human beings have about themselves in an effort to arrange information about the self. Self-schemas are generalizations approximately the self that are abstracted from beyond experiences and performing in a gift state of affairs.

A personality trait would then be something easily found, so words that describe persona developments may be “outgoing” or “sociable,” as an example. A character trait is something greater deep-seated and cultivated.

Learn more about self schema here:https://brainly.com/question/27507174


What mode of transportation would you use to get medical supplies quickly to another country?


Transport flights will be considered as the fastest mode of transportation to get medical supplies quickly to another country. Therefore, the options A holds true.

What is the significance of modes of transportation?

The modes of transportation can be referred to or considered as modes which are used extensively for transportation utility of people as well as things and objects.

When the requirement is to quickly deliver medical supplies, flights or airplanes should be the preferred mode of transportation. Waterways will be cheaper, but much slower than flights.

Therefore, the options A holds true and state regarding the significance of modes of transportation.

Learn more about modes of transportation here:



The question seems to be incomplete. The complete question has been added for better reference.

What mode of transportation would you use to get medical supplies quickly to another country?\

A. Flights

B. Trains

C. Car

D. Waterways

The Role of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy in Medicine: Addressing the Psychological and Physical Symptoms Stemming from Adverse Life Experiences Francine Shapiro, PhDAUTHORS INFO


EMDR therapy provides physicians and other clinicians with an efficient approach to address psychological and physiologic symptoms

What is psychological?

The scientific study of the mind and behavior is known as psychology. Psychology is the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena such as emotions and thoughts. It is a vast academic discipline that bridges the gap between the natural and social sciences.

SDT identifies three universally important psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) for psychological well-being and autonomous motivation. These universal needs can be thought of in the same way that physiological needs are (e.g. hunger, thirst, sleep).

To know more about psychological follow the link:



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________ Conflict Is Conflict That Is Deliberately And Systematically Created, Even When No Real Differences (2024)
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