Cloverport Breckenridge News, Apr 7, 1897, p. 3 (2024)

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Cloverport Breckenridge News, Apr 7, 1897, p. 3 (1)

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Cloverport Breckenridge News (Newspaper) - April 7, 1897, Cloverport, Kentucky6 Breckenridge news wednesday april 7 1897 six pages notice states for announcement in these Columna Are s follow to Cash in Adrance in every Case circuit judge or attorney Tox county office it s circuit 1udoh i am a candidate for re election at circuit judge of the 9th judicial District subject to the action of the democratic party i recognize the Chicago Riat Ibrom of 1896 at the True exponent of democratic principle t kmheat1i january tit 1897 commonwealths attorney Lam a candidate for re election to the office of commonwealths attorney of the 9th judicial Dis Trot of Kentucky tube act to the action of the democratic party Weed Sci if foil senator re Are authorized to announce kl1sha Ash by Craft at a candidate for the state Senate subject to the action of the democratic aty to the voters or the ninth judicial District be info urged by my friends All oter the District who believe i was fairly nominated in i8ya 1 again announce myself As a candidate for circuit judge and ask your support i cannot Juit now make n More Normal announcement As 1 wish first to get the democratic committee to strike out of the Call conditions imposed on our Gallant friends outside of the democratic part who voted for w j Plryan Jamks Montgomery dance the Dingley Tariff Mil to dont like it a Little bit ask Are now paying pensions to 328 widows of soldiers of the War of 1812 some of the girls in this town have taken to the violin they say it is their Only Chance to catch a Bow Down in Georgia the other Day a Streak of lightning passed through ten men killing the eleventh Man it was a Chain gang hitched to a tree old Mau Gladstone at eighty four rides a Sycicle chops Wood and plays base Ball All for the amusem*nt of his grand children and that the secret of his old age to keeps in touch with the children the news Lias engaged a special Cor respondent at Frankfort who will furn ish us each week a spicy letter from that Point jus now tha Center of great poli tical agitation what the manufacturers of this Conn try want is not the Dinghy Bill but an unrestricted Access to the markets of the world Uno pressed by taxes on material or processes of their Industry March has passed and now we Are marching right into april at a Lively gait soon april will have gone and then Romes the Beautiful month of May time flys and so does your subscription have you noticed your Label 1 times Are getting better Money is moving out of its hiding All articles of merchandise have an upward tendency there is a Good demand for Stock and for All farm products and for Timber it is Only the croaker and the chronic kicker who dont see that better times Are hero fifty thousand people in the flooded districts along the lower Mississippi Are said to be in danger of famine the levees have broken in several place Sand almost the whole face of the Earth Down there seems to to covered with water the president has asked Congress to take action to give the people rimmed Date Relief we dont like to Dun people but people like to Dun us and do do it which is their right and privilege if we dont pay so to get even along this Lino it is necessary for us to Send out occasion ally Bills for subscription Job work Etc this has to be done to keep the business moving and keep up our credit by the Way did you know that a Good credit is Worth More than Money to you Jim Montgomery of Elizabethtown is trying very hard to get himself into the circuit judges Raco in this District it he can get a convention that will suit him to will submit his claims before it that la to say if to could so manage it As to insure himself a Winner it would be just to his liking hut or Montgomery is far from being a favorite in the tace the nomination and election of t it Mcbeath seems to be admitted by All parties so far As we Are advised our Brandenburg correspondent As usual drops in Somo Good thoughts for the thoughtful this week Sho also re elects the sentiment of every candidate and All the Good people of Meade when she says that they were utterly disgusted with Tho proceedings of the Lato Campaign those who were engaged in it we Aro sure have fully repented Aud will never do the like again if they do it is Good Bye for the democratic party in Meade the value of this coup try Railroad property says the new York Sun is 2500000000 in Stock and 5040000000 in Bonds making together 8230000000 the magnitude of the total investment says Tho Sun will be better appreciated when it is considered that it is five times As great As the entire funded National debt and that Tho income derived from it equals the National Revenue including Post of lace receipts Railroad building in this country is Only just Beau tub politicians at Frankfort Tell us very Aarau singly that a senator will be elected this week this has been Tho cry Ever since the first caucus was called and hence there is no end to Prophesy the people however Are paying but Little attention to the Frankfort crowd Good common sense and respect for the state should move them to act definitely in some Way Henry l Martin of Woodford county has been suggested As a Compromise candidate but they Ridi ruled the idea and voted him Down Martin u Sot a free Silver Man but he he been one of Blackburn warmest Friet ids lie would Mest Likely make the most respectable representative out of Tho lot but it seems that Tho Frank tort gang no against anything that is respectable Hardinsburg l h w time table Oboiko win Psi Enker daily Arr pm hom*o hit is Tnger Dally Arr Urdl Niburg 7i0 am try or Shoops remedies mrs Rosco Eskridge is visiting in Meade county mrs Sim Mcgary is visiting in Louis Ville this week or Shoops remedies Are proving the wonder of the ago or Shoops Sarsaparilla and Iron will purify your blood strengthen and give mrs it b Pierce Cloverport was hero one Day lost week visiting mrs v Daniel or j o Bush will be in Hardinsburg april 6 0 7 and 8th Irvington april 0th and 10th John Hoben and will Hook were elected school trustees at Tho election last saturday n 8 Schafer a White Barber from Corydon ind has opened a Barber shop in the Barnes hotel if your merchants dont handle or Shoops guaranteed remedies write Tay Lor Beard Hardinsburg if you Aro sick mrs w j Piggott and her children came Down last saturday from Irving ton to visit her Mother mrs g p Jolly Rev s g Shelly and wife of Clover port were Here tuesday of last week the guests of or and mrs Robert Mcguffin James Montgomery of Elizabethtown wrote to a Friend Here last week that he would positively be a candidate for circuit judge the High water on rough Creek near tates old Mill has carried off a Good Deal of fencing the water last week was higher there than it has been for several years clerk Owen Cunningham received a letter from speaker Blandford last Satur Day in which he stated that a United states senator would be elected this week misses Winnie Sti Nelte and Lizzie Hall will Galloway James May and Robert elder visited or and mrs Sam thes news 0qovelrfort it May last saturday night and sunday the guests of miss Eva the flouring Mill of Hook Miller co which has been shut Down for More than a week is now running under full time there was a break in the boiler which was repaired by or Sago j e Monarch was Here last week and made a Survey of mrs Bettie Millers farm near town containing c21 acres the object of the Survey was to make a division of the land among the heirs the Elizabethtown District conference will meet at this place the fourth tues Day in May Bishop Wilson will pre Side tiie conference Sermon will be preached on monday night by Rev Orr in another column to present the advertisem*nt of j ii Gardner to the readers of Tho news or Gardner is one of our substantial business men is worthy of a Liberal share of the Public patronage Call on him if you want the Best fertilizers on Earth and in Earth buy s w travers cos fertilizers manufactured at Rich mond a for Sale by it s Bandy Irvington a a Richardson Garfield j Della Ven co Hardinsburg w c Moorman Glendeane John Alexander was in town one Day last week from Buras he says the democratic ticket is satisfactory to the people in that locality so far Asho has been Able to learn he hears no com plaint of Tho candidates Aud believes the ticket will get a Good vote George Nottingham died suddenly at his Home in Constantino last week of heart failure or Nottingham was a member of the court of claims for several years Aud a Man of much local Promin ence in his Section the news of his death was a great Surprise to his friends in this Community the Best results from farming Are obtained from using fertilizers we handle Tho Homestead Square Bone beef blood and Bone they Are Tho Best fertilizers made and we sell them at Rock Bottom prices the Empire Coon Drill and Veber farm Wagon for Sale also Della Ven co several years ago while Barney grab Felder was attending the medical College in Louisville he expressed his wife a Box of Lumberger cheese Here Morris Eskrid gos father and John Haswell were Tho express agents then when the Box arrived it was set in the office Tho thing got to smelling so loud they concluded to investigate the Box and see what it contained they knocked off a piece of Tho lid when Tho smell was so Strong that their investigation stopped Thoy swore that Grabfelder had boxed up a Rotten Skeleton and sent it hom*o and Tho whole thing was hastily run into the Back Yard where it remained deafness cannot be cured by local applications As they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear Thero is Only one Way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies deafness is caused by an inflamed Condi Tion of Tho mucous lining of the Eusta Chian tube when this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entire by closed deafness is the result and in less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its Normal condition hearing will to destroyed forever nine cases out of ten Are caused by Ca Tarrh which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces we will give one Hundred dollars for any Case of deafness caused by Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh cure Send for circulars free f j Cheney a co Toledo o v sold by druggists 7oo is Tel Tjauw Glendeane Milt Matheny father is quite ill p d Milner is Here from Hudson Hugh Barron Lias a Sovero Caso of Meas Les Bob Crider came up from Fordsville sunday Fred Brown came Down saturday from Harned Straw Hata and Fol Ling Aro beginning to Blossom or w Whalen asking attended the Utopia exercise s mrs Clint Westerfield is visiting her Mother at Jolly Squire Lake went to Hardinsburg tuesday morning Nolie Ashley caught a ten Pound cat fish the other night Charley Deane spent three Days in Louisville last week Uncle Gus Lewis is very feeble and is not expected to live Long w r Moorman ships a car Load of to Bacco to Cloverport to Day w o Moorman is Selling 25 lbs of Green Coffee this week for 1 or and mrs Jimmy Kincheloe re turn to Hardinsburg monday Clint Willis i hear will Start to Illi Nois about Tho Middle of this month Vic Robertson goes to Louisville this morning with four car loads of Stock Charley Robertson lost a Flo Heifer one Day last week from eating tobacco too Howard and family came up from Rock Valo saturday and stayed till Mon Day or d Haynes will be Here april 15 10 and 17 ready for All kinds of dental work miss Sallie Moorman is spending a few weeks in the country at or Tom Moor mans mrs w j Dean leaves this morning for a protracted visit to Owensboro and Louisville two Dinkey boats were floated Down to Rock lick when the Creek was up sunday morning or Lewis Ashley one of our Good to Bacco raisers Lias tobacco plants that Are ahead of the average cant to covered with a dime miss Alice Brown Lias closed a very successful term of teaching she is vis iting friends for a few Days this week Sho will then go to her new Home at Harned or will Bowman was too sick a week ago to go to Rock Vale to see his Best girl on sunday but monday morn ing found him better and on his Way to make up for lost time he told people that he was out Hunting onion Ssu and those same people Learned he forgot All about onions and the entire subject of gardening they now think some wid Owers Are even slyer than our expertly sly bachelors notwithstanding the bad weather a full House greeted the utopians Satur Day night financially it was a Success As the writer of these items was director of the affair he will refrain from praising it More than to say every body was Well pleased and commented on utopias improvement a nobler set of pupils sur rounds no teacher at the close medals were presented to or Paul e Dempster and miss Sallie Robertson their excellent work for the past five months will Bear comparing with that of any students in the county misses Mouna Hunter Alma Mattingly and master Walter Moorman were close competitors for the medals the example of w w Brewer Justice of the peace and a prominent citizen of it Jewett a is worthy of emulation he says i never leave Home without a bottle of chamberlains Colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy and always recommend it to my friends it is the Best i Oyer used and never fails to give imme Diate Relief for Sale by a r Fisher druggist Garrett g r Miles went to Brandenburg tues Day Bob Buckler went to Illinois Friday to make his Home mrs j g Roby spent Well essay Tho guest of mrs o t is Pes mrs w b Lancaster spent wednes Day Tho guest of mrs or Miles misses Eva Buckler and Dora Funk spent thursday in Garnetts Ille mrs Taylor Sipes and daughters spent tuesday Here the guest of mis Buckler misses Eva Buckler and Susie Burch attended Church at Hill Grove sunday mrs James Tindall spent part of this week with her daughter mrs Collins of Ekron mrs Lizzie Kern of Nelson county was called Here to attend her mothers funeral mis Mary Hardaway of Hardin county is visiting her aunt mrs Jake Shacklett Sam keys of Spotsville spent Satur Day and sunday with his wife at her fathers near Here Tony Williams returned Home Mon Day from Hardinsburg where lie has been teaching or and mrs Hayden Miles gave the Young folks a party saturday night which was largely attended and enjoyed by All aunt Julia Anu Richie died thursday night after several weeks la Laws and was interred in St Martins cemetery to Day saturday j o Crutcher and sister Myrtle went to Vine Grove saturday to visit their sister miss Lula who is there taking music lessons the people of this Vicinity met at the school House saturday night and Organ ised a literary Solety Ohleh will meet very saturday night ii Infa a 8tephensp0rt Mies Ada Hanks was the guest of her parents sunday Mesa myrrh Hanks is rapidly recovering from a very severe illness Smith English Cloverport was a guest of miss Kato Crawford sunday miss Emma mostly term of school at this place miss Gertie barns of Rome ind was the guest of miss Bertha Pettit last week miss Goilo elder of Chennault is Tho guest of miss Bla Clio mrs Eloy this week ask Tho clerk at Tho new Cash store to show you that new line of shoes Thov Are beauties Rev j b Hunt filled his regular a ointment at the Baptist Church Satur Day and sunday Little miss loin Belle hawking Union Star is visiting her aunt mrs l r Adkisson this week Tho Smith House was crowded with drummers last week Bustier b is Evi Dently on n Boon w c Blain who has been studying pharmacy for Tho Post six months in Louis lilo has returned Home Rob Conn has bought Tho Moseley store House on main Street and will in Gage in the grocery business give him a Call miss Georgia Hawkins is in Louisville this week buying millinery for Tho Spring Trade when in town to sure to give her a Call tas Daniel coloured died Here monday after a very Severo illness he was a highly respected Young Man and was Well liked by those who knew him after having been a resident of Louis Ville for several years mrs Bettie Bra scar is now occupying her old hom*o at this place to Welcome her and family in our midst Tho Hanks storehouse has been torn Down in the East end of town and will be removed to some place on main Street where Payne Bros will Uso the material to build a cottage for rent r a Vaughan has gone into the mercantile business in connection with m Blaine they Are hustlers and it will keep Tho other merchants of this place Busy to look after their part of the Trade Jas Poter of Louisville is re handling tobacco in the Crawford Ware House this Industry will afford employment to several which will be quite u help to this place it was rather amusing to see the boys hustling for employment that hoods Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and relieves a vast amount of suf Fering is not a theory but a Well known fact Clifton Mills Clyde English was in town saturday wheat is looking Well in this Community miss Mattie May Addision Lias a Nice Spring school Here miss Beulah Moredock is visiting her grand parents of Concordia ave Are sorry to say that miss Mollio Haynes health is not any better mrs Alt Orendoff visited her sister mrs Ruth Bandy Irvington last week miss Blanch Basham Union Star is the guest of her aunt mrs Harmon Parks Aandy Hook and son George Garfield Aro building a new residence for Jeff Mccoy mrs l m Matheny ave Star spent several Days last week with mrs y g Jordan mrs Jesse Parks and master Vallace dined with or Aud Are b a Parks saturday owing to the i clemency of the weather there was a Small crowd out to services sunday or Aud mrs Avill Pii St and Mies Lyons of Rosetta spent saturday and sunday with or and mrs Henry priest or and mrs j v St Clair and child Ren Alta and Mildred spent saturday night and sunday with or and mrs Chas Bandy mrs r d St Clair and master Gor Mon were called to the Bedardo of her sick Mother mrs Lum Black near Ephesus last week the Clifton Sabbath school will open up the second sunday in april and every one in Tho Community of every denomination will be welcomed and cordially invited to take part consider Well Aud Bear in mind that much depends upon each Ono and this work is to Prosper All interests and i Evite society of tried Friday evening March 20 18c7 mrs Ellz tenth Robbins wife of Micajah Robbins her life was one of cheerful Ness she had it Weot and kind word for All whom she met she was a High and est Mablo lady and was beloved by All who knew iter although her sufferings were great but not to to compared with Tho Crown of glory that she will receive in Tho Bright realm above she leaves a husband several children and Many friends to mourn her loss tar Fork rain mud and bad roads is Tho topic Thos ii Bate s is notary Public am Tabeling is expected Home from Kansas soon log rolling is a Dally occupation rain or Shine Here t Farmers Are looking very Blue on account of so much rain Jas Milburn returned from Bradfordsville Aud Lebanon recently mrs Thos ii Baths has just received a Nice assortment of millinery goods rom Louisville gab etaul has erected a Blaek with poor blood when a horse is poor n flesh a new harness wont give him strength if a House is cold new furniture wont warm it if your strength is easily exhausted work a Burden nerves weak digestion poor Muscles soft if you Are Pale and worn out the trouble is with the blood it is not so much impure blood As poor blood pills wont make this blood Rich nor will bitters nor Iron tonics any More than a new harness will give strength to the horse or new furniture will make a House warm for poor blood you want something that will make Rich blood Scotts emulsion of cod liver Oil with hypo hos Whites is the Best remedy in the world for enriching the blood we have prepared a Book telling you More about the subject sent free for Sale by All druggists at 50c 100 Scott Bowne Newyork shop opposite Ricos store he is doing Sabbath school was organized last sunday at Cavo Spring meet every sunday at 10 Oclock a m some disappointed countenances around Here Over the result of the Cor Bett and Fitzsimmons contest it is barbarous and should not be tolerated talk about Tho Fine nine ten and eleven Pound babies the Little big fellow who arrived at Josh Veather Fords the 27 out weighs them Allie tips the fourteen Pound notch the Many friends and acquaintances of j d Potts formerly of this neighbor Hood now of Kirk have been very anxious about his condition the past two weeks Hopes Are entertained for his recovery at last accounts for Sale a lot of Fine horses and for further information write to Chas Riedel Holt by pure mules drugs up prescription accurately compounded j a Witt Hardinsburg by Jefts we Fol ffleft8 sets Eilffn i efts sqefl8 spelt Al Zuffi a Els Jefts sly Fri of lefts so Els seed season 1897 Landreth seeds the Garden ferry Clinton All the leading seed Farmers of America seed potatoes seed Oats Northern White or Black seed Sweet potatoes All varieties onion sets come and see us on the above articles and we will save you Money besides giving you the Best goods to be procured Vest it the Pink Bem Sobelm of perfection is a fit expression to describe our Drees goods and trimming Stock the tints of the Rainbow m the fineness of silk and the durability of Fine wools Are All so blended and combined in our line As to leave Noth ing to to wished for in the selection of a dress knowing ones will look and satisfy themselves before buying Are you one of them if so come to w h Bowmer son Home first the world afterwards every Dollar spent in your Home store adds to the development of the Home Aidus tries it helps the growth of the town by helping the growth of the individual for we Are All More or less dependent upon each other the great Trade centers pay tribute to the big Stock we Are keeping careful track of your wants and constantly adding to the Stock to meet them now dont fail to give me a Call All manner of produce taken in Exchange for goods Charles Radenheimer Clifton Mills by you like to Deal at a grocery store where things look neat and clean whor* clerks Aro Polito and obliging whor* de liveries Are made on time above All where you know you Are getting Tho Best in the Market at the fairest of prices that the sort of House we keep Call and be pure of it Gregory Gibson Volovei Trout by there Are other pebbles on the Beach h t jul in thl farm Tia Iii in Nalli s the Blickens Derfer if j of cot prone use the name spell it a typewriter visible writing per Mervant alignment int a changeable be direct printing and not a by urn a real thing weight six up Soufl once few of West Virginia Supply i n i Len aft or by m4 w a so Jeffi of fleets fflcft3 for inking 11 4 c;

Cloverport Breckenridge News, Apr 7, 1897, p. 3 (2024)
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