Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (2024)

Last updated Today at 16:00by Cetonis6 comments

On this page, you will find any job changes and skill updates forBard in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (Patch 6.55).


Bard Job Changes for Dawntrail

To start out, see the job action trailer showcase for Dawntrail Bard below:

From this and the ensuing Live Letter, here is what we know about theDawntrail Bard changes:

  • Songs will not need a target anymore. To prevent long pre-pull sequences,it is likely that songs will only be usable in combat. Or, they may onlygenerate coda when in combat.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (1) Bloodletter is getting an upgrade. It is possible that allsongs get upgraded at the same time, but if not, we will prioritizeBard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (2) Mage's Ballad to run for its full duration instead ofBard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (3) Army's Paeon.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (4) Barrage will have a follow-up attack skill that the buttontransforms into. We do not know if it is a GCD or an off-GCD.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (5) Radiant Finale will also have a follow-up attack. Once again,whether it is a GCD or off-GCD is not known.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (6) Pitch Perfect will deal AoE damage. The shape / size / falloffof that AoE is not known.
  • The buffs that enable Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (7) Refulgent Arrow andBard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (8) Shadowbite will be combined into one shared buff.
  • Both Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (9) Stormbite and Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (10) Caustic Bite remain inthe kit, as of the job action trailer, and both appear to still be DoTs.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (11) Second Wind will receive a buff to its healing potency.
  • Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (12) Troubadour will become a 15% damage reduction, up from 10%.
  • A skill with the animation of Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (13) Battle Voice applied a buff thatlasted 20 seconds. As Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (14) Raging Strikes was not used in the trailer,it is possible that Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (15) Battle Voice will become an upgrade ofBard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (16) Raging Strikes, or the two skills could be otherwise combined.Or it could just be that the duration of Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (17) Battle Voice isincreasing with no related change.


Bard changes in Endwalker

Over the course of Endwalker, Bard has gotten a few modest potency buffs, aswell as some quality of life updates.


Patch 6.5 Changes

Skill NameCategoryChanges
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (18) Empyreal ArrowAbilityPotency increased from 230 to 240
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (19) SidewinderAbilityPotency increased from 300 to 320


Patch 6.4 Changes

Skill NameCategoryChanges
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (20) The Wanderer's Minuet, Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (21) Mage's Ballad, Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (22) Army's PaeonAbilityRange of passive buff increased to 50 yalms (from 30)
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (23) Troubadour, Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (24) Nature's Minne,Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (25) Battle Voice, Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (26) Radiant Finale,Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (27) PelotonAbilityRange increased to 30 yalms


Patch 6.3 Changes

Skill NameCategoryChanges
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (28) Nature's MinneAbilityReworked to affect all party members, increasing healing received by15%. Cooldown changed to 120 seconds.


Patch 6.28 Changes

Skill NameCategoryChanges
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (29) Empyreal ArrowAbilityPotency increased from 200 to 230


Patch 6.1 Changes

Skill NameCategoryChanges
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (30) Battle VoiceAbilityCan now be used without a song active
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (31) Repelling ShotAbilityCan be used from up to 15 yalms away, increased from 5
Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (32) The Wanderer's MinuetAbilitySkill button now changes to Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (33) Pitch Perfect upon activation


Bard Weaponskill Changes in Patch 6.0


Changes to Bard Weaponskills

  1. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (34) Heavy Shot potency changed from 180 to 160, and duration changedfrom 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  2. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (35) Venomous Bite potency for damage over time changed from 30 to 15,and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
  3. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (36) Quick Nock potency changed from 150 to 110, and the additionaleffect "30% chance the recast timer for Bloodletter and Rain of Death will bereset" has been changed to "35% chance of becoming Shadowbite Ready."
  4. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (37) Windbite potency for damage over time changed from 40 to 20,and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
  5. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (38) Iron Jaws's Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 secondsto 30 seconds.
  6. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (39) Caustic Bite potency for damage over time changed from 40 to 20,and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The Straight Shot Ready durationchanged from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  7. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (40) Stormbite potency for damage over time changed from 50 to 25,and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The Straight Shot Ready durationchanged from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  8. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (41) Refulgent Arrow potency changed from 340 to 280.
  9. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (42) Shadowbite changed category from ability to weaponskill. Thisaction now delivers an attack with a potency of 170 to target and all enemiesnearby it, and its recast time changed from 60 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  10. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (43) Burst Shot potency changed from 250 to 220, and its durationchanged from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  11. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (44) Apex Arrow maximum potency changed from 120-160 to 100-500.This ability now grants Blast Arrow Ready upon execution while Soul Voice Gaugeis 80 or higher with a duration of 10 seconds.


New Bard Weaponskills

  1. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (45) Ladonsbite delivers an attack with a potency of 130 to allenemies in a cone before you. It has a 35% chance of becoming Shadowbite Readywith a 30 second duration.
  2. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (46) Blast Arrow delivers an attack to all enemies in a straightline before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for allremaining enemies. This can only be executed while under the effect of BlastArrow Ready. This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Bard Ability Changes in Patch 6.0


Changes to Bard Abilities

  1. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (47) Raging Strikes potency changed from 10% to 15%, and recast timechanged from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  2. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (48) Bloodletter potency changed from 150 to 110. This ability nowhas 3 charges.
  3. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (49) Mage's Ballad's category changed from spell to ability. The additionaleffect "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt byCaustic Bite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grant Repertoire."Repertoire effect changed from "Resets the recast timer of Bloodletter and Rainof Death" to "Shortens the recast timer of Bloodletter and Rain of Death by 7.5seconds." The action's duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds and has"Additional Effect: Grants Mage's Coda." The damage increase effect now alsoapplies to the bard who casted it. The following note is no longer in effect: "Thisaction does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recasttimer cannot be affected by other actions." Its recast time changed from 80 secondsto 120 seconds.
  4. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (50) Barrage now increases the potency of Shadowbite to 270.Its Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, and recasttime changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  5. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (51) Army's Paeon's category changed from spell to ability. The additionaleffect "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by CausticBite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grant Repertoire." The action's durationchanged from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The following additional effect has been added:"Grants Army's Coda." Direct hit effect now also applies to the bard who casted it.The following note is no longer in effect: "This action does not share a recast timerwith any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions."Its recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  6. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (52) Rain of Death potency changed from 130 to 100. This ability nowhas 3 maximum charges.
  7. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (53) Battle Voice duration changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds, andrecast timer changed from 180 seconds to 120 seconds. This effect now also appliesto the Bard that casted it.
  8. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (54) The Wanderer's Minuet's category changed from spell to ability.The addition effect conditions "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage overtime is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grantRepertoire". Its duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The followingadditional effect has been added: "Grants Wanderer's Coda". Critical hit effect nowalso applies to the bard who casted it. The following note is no longer in effect:"This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore,the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions." Its recast time changed from80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  9. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (55) Pitch Perfect potency with 2 Repertoire stacks changed from250 to 220, and potency with 3 Repertoire changed from 450 to 360. Its recast timechanged from 3 seconds to 1 second.
  10. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (56) Empyreal Arrow potency changed from 230 to 200.
  11. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (57) Sidewinder now delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
  12. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (58) Troubadour's recast time changed from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.


New Bard Abilities

  1. Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (59) Radiant Finale increases damage dealt by self and nearby partymembers for 15 seconds. Its effectiveness is determined by the number of differentCoda active in the Song Gauge. 1 Coda grants a 2% increase, 2 Coda 4%, and 3 Coda 6%.This can only be executed when at least 1 coda is active.


Bard Trait Changes in Patch 6.0


Changes to Bard Traits

  1. Heavier Shot's duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  2. Enhanced Quick Nock's learning level changed from 74 to 72 and adds toQuick Nock a 35% change that the player will become Shadowbite Ready.
  3. Bite Mastery II's duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.


New Bard Traits

  1. Quick Nock Mastery upgrades Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (60) Quick Nock to Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (61) Ladonsbite.
  2. Enhanced Bloodletter allows a third charge of Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (62) Bloodletterand Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (63) Rain of Death.
  3. Enhanced Apex Arrow grants Blast Arrow Ready upon executing Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (64) Apex Arrowafter the Soul Voice Gauge has reached 80 or higher for a duration of 30 seconds.Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (65) Apex Arrow becomes Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (66) Blast Arrow while under this effect.
  4. Enhanced Troubadour reduces Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (67) Troubadour recast time to 90 seconds.
  5. Minstrel's Coda grants Mage's Coda, Army's Coda, or Wanderer's Codaupon singing Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (68) Mage's Ballad, Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (69) Army's Paeon, or theBard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (70) The Wanderer's Minuet respectively.



  • 20 May 2024: Page updated with patch history and preliminary Dawntrail information.
  • 19 Dec. 2021: Page added.

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Bard Job Changes and updates - Endwalker 6.55 (2024)


Is 6.5 the last Endwalker patch? ›

Patch 6.55 Release Date

Patch 6.5 main scenario content releases in two parts. Part 1 released in October 2023. Patch 6.55, which marks the end of the Endwalker patch lineup, is upcoming.

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Repertoire Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 4%

When was Endwalker released? ›

It was released on December 7, 2021, over two years after Shadowbringers, the previous expansion, with its production delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like its predecessors, Naoki Yoshida served as director and producer and Masayoshi Soken composed the soundtrack.

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Lastly, as per this Developer's Blog post which talks about the Japan Media Tour, you can expect to see coverage from all Media Tour attendees on Wednesday, October 13.

Are belts removed from Endwalker? ›

Belts will no longer be obtainable or equippable following the release of Patch 6.0. In light of this change, the Armoury Chest slots allotted to belts will be reallocated to primary weapons and rings. Belt slots on your characters, retainers, and mannequins will also be removed, as well as all belt crafting recipes.

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4 Hours
Main Story6549h 43m
Main + Extras52128h 1m
All PlayStyles120103h 54m

What did Endwalker add? ›

"Key Characters" has been added to "Story" in "PATCH 6.0." "Artwork" has been updated in "Media." "Island Sanctuary" has been added to "New Challenges" in "PATCH 6.0." "Data Center Travel System", "New Housing District", "New Trust Ally" and "Additional Updates" have been added to "Systems" in "PATCH 6.0."

Does Endwalker come with previous expansions? ›

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker ($39.99 USD) includes all prior expansions with the purchase, including Shadowbringers, Stormblood, and Heavensward. A Realm Reborn or the Starter Edition ($19.99 USD) must be purchased and registered separately before Endwalker can be registered.

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It was announced in February 2021, and released on December 7, 2021. The expansion takes players to Radz-at-Han, Garlemald, Old Sharlayan, and the remaining Moon of the Source, and deals with the second coming of the Final Days. The Japanese name for the expansion, 暁月の 終焉 フィナーレ (Gyōgetsu no Fināre?)

Has Endwalker ever been on sale? ›

For example, the last time it went on sale was in March 2023. Final Fantasy XIV and Endwalker are available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. The Steam Summer Sale discounts on the MMORPG and expansion are only in effect until July 13, 2023.

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The rebooted version was released in 2013 with the subtitle A Realm Reborn, and has been positively received by critics and players, reaching a registered player base of more than 22 million players by April 2021.

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Early Access to Endwalker

To be granted early access and play the new content from FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker, users need to be playing FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers and have completed certain quests.

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Ultima Thule is a location in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker and the final zone visited in the expansion story. Located at the farthest edge of the universe, it is the Metia's Ultimatum, a domain where dynamis has been made dominant over aether and so a place where emotions dictate reality.

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The Dead Ends can be unlocked at level 90 during the main scenario. It is the sixth dungeon players will encounter in Endwalker and is located in Ultima Thule. Here, at the edge of the universe, await as many stories as there are stars in its sea.

When did Endwalker 6.1 come out? ›

Last week we saw the trailer for Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker as a part of a Letter from the Producer presentation. This week we now have the preliminary patch notes for the content coming on April 12. The patch notes for 6.1 are long, as all of these documents are for significant FFXIV updates.

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